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21649369 No.21649369 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books in which a character turns his life around after the age of thirty?

>> No.21649381

You need a book to help you turn your life around instead.
Go for a walk and think about what you wanna do with your life, not what some author had a character do with his life.

>> No.21649481

The Glass Bees

>> No.21649489

Excellent film literally me

>> No.21649503

New Testament

>> No.21649517

The Bible

>> No.21649522

>Anders is a recovering drug addict in an Oslo rehab clinic. On his first opportunity to take an overnight trip from the rehab centre, he meets an old girlfriend and then attempts suicide by filling his pockets and walking into a lake.
Honestly BY FAR the most based way of killing yourself. The absolute no-fucks-given conviction needed to do this cannot do anything but inspire massive respect.

As for you, I honestly know way more people who "turned their life around"/stopped being directionless losers in their thirties than I know people who had it all figured out in their twenties.
Just stop being such a neurotic faggot.

>> No.21649526

>failing at life as a Scandinavian, the easiest difficulty
lol imagine losing the game when it’s on baby mode, at that point just commit suicide

>> No.21649533

>he doesn't realize what 6 months of zero sun does to a motherfucker

>> No.21649564

Damn, Amy Ireland's looking rough

>> No.21649687


>> No.21649715
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Scandinavia is the easiest place ever to fail bro. Since it is such a rich and upper class place, it means anything short of becoming a billionaire capitalist is seen as loserdom.

>> No.21649730

The Divine Comedy.

>> No.21649791

If it makes you feel any better, there was a published article not too long back of the top 100 most successful men in history. They rated these men on things that were truly impactful on humanity throughout history and not merely on their fortune of money. It was shown that all these great men were virtually nobody's until 40 years of age and older, having done nothing of significance before those years.

I'm approaching my 40th year this May and have been thinking a lot about my own life. It certainly is a milestone achievement to hit 40. Looking back, I can say I'm not the same person I was at 10 and neither the same at 20 and neither at 30. Life has been about transition and I find that the approaching of 40 is a very common transition phase for a lot of men where there's a final death of boyish ways. It's like a final washing of whatever immature traits that one had left and also where one starts to more firmly take root and embrace maturity as they progress in age. They don't call 40 "over the hill" for nothing. So, don't fret if you've done nothing so far that you judge to be of significance. Keep hustling and working hard. I can't stress how important it is to become disciplined in your work ethic. Just find something productive to do and do it. Keep hammering away blow by blow and that stubborn cap will break lose one day and you will reap the geyser of success. No need to read a whole book anon. Just read this post. Cheers friend!

>> No.21649797

I'll be 34 in 2 weeks and I legitimately thought I would never see 30 when I was 20.

>> No.21649816
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>> No.21649825

The New Testament, the Quran, The Pali Canon.

>> No.21649845

Scandis are very timid about their own success, to be considered a failure you have to be truly a fucked up case. It’s very hard to actually fail there because they are materially in excellent shape and the government even helps those in need.

>> No.21649848

And even when they sun it's only for a few hours a day.

>> No.21649868

>It was shown that all these great men were virtually nobody's until 40 years of age and older


>> No.21649917

Found the Jew

>> No.21650034

My diary desu

>> No.21650256

Scandi here.
I get 3000 euros of NEETbux a month since I'm unemployed and can do so for three straight years.
At that point I will have to work for a year, but then after that year of work I will qualify for three years of NEETbux again.

People say the unemployed are losers but honestly, I can think of NOTHING more loser-like than having a job. No matter what it is, it is chock-full of loserlike activities, such as interacting with customers, jumping through the hoops of HR-bitches and having to fill out their astrology personality tests, writing emails, participating in meetings, understanding and adhering to corporate legislation, unpaid commuting of up to several hours, watching powerpoint-presentations, preparing power-point presentations, having a BOSS - now that's really the worst one for me to imagine, having to be deferential to and follow the orders of some boomer retard - it is so profoundly undignified and cucked, makes me feel sick just thinking about it.

No, working is for losers, and I already won the birth lottery by being born in Scandinavia. It would be idiotic and an insult to God's creation to not take the gift I have been given by him.

>> No.21650264

Mein Kampf

>> No.21650275

my diary desu

>> No.21650304

>I get 3000 euros of NEETbux a month since I'm unemployed and can do so for three straight years.
wew lad, that's a lot of cash for me.
> it is so profoundly undignified and cucked, makes me feel sick just thinking about it.
damn right. working is total cuckoldry.

t. also neet who worked for a year as a code monkey

>> No.21650305
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this desu

>> No.21650347

Based. I've been on welfare for a decade now, feels free.

>> No.21650399

>I get 3000 euros of NEETbux a month
How? I think in Germany it's 502 euros.

>> No.21650408

This film is based on french book called Le Feu Follet (Will o' the wisp).

The writer, Pierre La Rochelle, a fascist collaborator who committed suicide, wrote story inspired on the life of the surrealist poet Jacques Rigaut, who also killed himself.

There's a movie adaptation by Louis Malle, from the 60s, that it's better than this one by Joachim Trier.

>> No.21650419

> still depends on welfare because he has too much needs
You're as much of a cuck as everyone else, I wouldn't brag about being a faggot. At least live on a property at minimal expenses or become homeless. What a pathetic piece of shit you are. We are not the same.

>> No.21650429

kek he's not a cuck. people who work and pay his welfare with their taxes are the cucks.

>> No.21650439

No you are a cuck.

>> No.21650441

how come?

>> No.21650446

you need those gibs to survive
gimme gibs state or I'll die buahh

>> No.21650460

1) I'm not that guy. Learn to read.
2) That's not at all what a cuck is. Cuck would be someone who gets the short end of the stick despite contributing more.

>> No.21650474

The Gallic Wars

>> No.21650476

No, a cuck is someone who relies on others over not being raped in the ass. He takes gibs from the state who pays him money so he does not get his ass raped. Essentially it is a contract.

>> No.21650495

>a cuck is someone who relies on others over not being raped in the ass.
Not under any definition beyond the one in your head. Cuck is literally someone with a cheating wife. No one is cheating on him. On the other hand, the people who do work get cheated on by the government because they support Neets who do nothing.
> He takes gibs from the state who pays him money so he does not get his ass raped.
I sense a homosexual undertone. Get help. No one is getting raped.

>> No.21650509

> A cuck is a weak, effeminate, unmanly, or inadequate man, who is often dominated by
How long does a weak effeminate man survive on the streets?

>> No.21650529

> A cuck is a weak, effeminate, unmanly, or inadequate man, who is often dominated by
None of that makes one a cuck necessarily. The essential element is being cheated on, taken advantage of, or being used by others. There can be physically strong cucks and physically weak non-cucks, for example.

>> No.21650551

Taking a trip to mars just for a cope huh?

>> No.21650577

I'm not sure what you mean.

>> No.21650587

just coping too hard. If he is not a cuck, he is a beggar. Is that better? Have we made justice to him?

>> No.21650592

Careful with the anger wagie, you wouldn't want your blood pressure to go to high, you have to sleep well because you're getting up at 5 am to go to work hahahahahaha

>> No.21650597

I don't work faggot but unlike pissers like you I actually spend my time in parks and libraries. I do not associate with low class neets like you. Literal plebetarian neet

>> No.21650620

So let me get this straight, you are seething with white hot rage right now because you like hanging out in libraries and parks and you believe, for some indiscernible reason, that I don't.
Damn man.

>> No.21650630

You are simply pathetic. a pathetic crybaby who still relies on consumerism and money. Whatever you are working on in your free time, it is fruitless. The people who walk the streets, who get mud splashed over their body as a car goes by, who keep walking and say: Idk where I will be tomorrow but I will make it through just this night, those are my people, not the comfy "unemployed neets" like you pretend to be. You are not welcome to our club and never will be.

>> No.21650655

>still absolutely seething, now rambling with rage about the spiritual majesty of people getting splashed on by cars
bro just breathe deep and try to relax, i don't want to be part of your angry club about going to parks and libraries and getting splashed on by cars anyway.

>> No.21650664

Hahaha wtf
Has to be bait

>> No.21650806

caesar may have wept comparing himself to alexander but he still accomplished more by age 30 than anyone in this thread will in a lifetime

>> No.21650811

>having done nothing of significance before those years.
In the limelight no, but they were building skills and ideas behind the scenes. Not posting on 4chan 8 hours a day

>> No.21650814

He was a nepo baby, not a self-made man, so who cares.

>> No.21650817

Reading the synopsis on wikipedia and this is total bullshit.
> he meets an old girlfriend
>he admits that after meeting his old girlfriend Malin, he felt nothing and never loved another former girlfriend, Iselin,
Also from what I can tell he doesn't live at home with a tiger Mom.

>> No.21650819


>> No.21650829

The only movie that comes close to capturing a 4channer's life is Oldboy, but even then the man has been married with a child and steady job before the story happened.

>> No.21650832

Plutarch’s Lives

>> No.21650836

There are no tiger moms in Scandinavia.

>> No.21650843

I would think that while they were all nobodies, they all started on the path before they were 30.

>> No.21650867

he had his inheritance and position stripped from him for standing up to sulla as a teenager before distinguishing himself as a soldier, escaping captivity from pirates, and returning to rome to win an election as tribune. by the time he was 30 he'd earned everything he had.

>> No.21650872

The 40 Year Old Virgin

>> No.21650889

I think people currently living under the age of 40 face a unique problem because they’ve been assaulted on two fronts by a much larger older generation that refuses to ride off into the sunset and by a highly automated and systematized society with very few in-born roles.

>> No.21650904


>> No.21650917
File: 22 KB, 680x538, 1625940935290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abraham Lincoln
George Washington
Ronald Reagan
U.S. Grant and Sherman,
St. Augustine
de Sade

Those guys come to mind as late bloomers.

>> No.21650924

I think we live in a society which basically expects nothing of young people and indeed gives young people basically nothing to do until they’re 35. I think about someone like Theodore Roosevelt who was shuffled off to law school as if it was the most natural thing in the world and stood for his first election in his early 20s and I realize that it was somewhat normal while for us that would be extremely rare.

>> No.21650927

Go back to his…

>> No.21650934

I don’t see how you suppose any of these people were late bloomers. Washington, Reagan, Grant, Lincoln, all of these people had success in their 20s.

>> No.21650949

goddamn this is the most bland boilerplate hodgepodge of trite truisms I've read in a while. the term gets thrown around a lot but this is quite literally a redditpost.
and no, I won't be 'growing up' just so I can become a slow, weak 'adult' who compromises at every turn and becomes just another fucking belt rod for the seething maw of the zog machine. Fuck yourself. The most successful people don't grow up. To grow up is to grow old and die. I will NEVER cuck to your society.

>> No.21650956


>> No.21650960

he's locked in his room for ten years and eats nothing but junk food.

>> No.21650970

ChatGPT: Yes, there are many books that feature characters who turn their lives around after the age of thirty. Here are a few examples:

"A Man Called Ove" by Fredrik Backman, a story about a grumpy and solitary man in his 60s who learns to open up and form new relationships later in life.

"The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls, a memoir about a woman who overcomes a difficult childhood and learns to forgive her dysfunctional family.

"The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini, a story about a man in his 30s who returns to Afghanistan to make amends for a childhood betrayal.

"The Nightingale" by Kristin Hannah, a story about two sisters in Nazi-occupied France who each make sacrifices for the other's safety and happiness.

"Educated" by Tara Westover, a memoir about a woman who escapes an abusive and restrictive upbringing to pursue a college education.

These are just a few examples, and there are many more books that feature characters turning their lives around later in life.

>> No.21650981

Ask it for historical figures that weren’t successful or remarkable before 30

>> No.21650987

Hitler biographies? He didn't come to power until 43.

>> No.21650995

Almost nobody actually lives in those areas.

>> No.21650998

Fought in a world war in his 20s, went on to lead a political party, and became chancellor

>> No.21651002

What do you mean by “turn your life around”. People are talking about Julius Caesar here, but there’s a huge difference between being Julius Caesar and being generally successful in life.

>> No.21651009


I cannot imagine being success driven in the current year. The only actual accomplishments society takes somewhat seriously is in technology and the hard sciences. And in those fields, you have to be super duper high IQ and win the academic sorting diceroll. And you would already know if you're one of those people since it's decided in highschool and college. You won't get anything good published, even if you had elite, the very best credentials and connections. Same goes for music, politics, the visual arts. Global American liberalism does not permit anything beyond everyday life, there is no audience for anything worthwhile anymore. And you will be subject to the censor of women and middle class bugmen if you ever aspire to anything

>> No.21651012

> Fought in a world war in his 20s
Not really an achievement. Plenty of others did the same.
> went on to lead a political party
Until his 30s.
> and became chancellor
Until his 40s.

>> No.21651013


...and if you aspire to a normal, moderately high paying job, a wife, and a comfortable upper middle class lifestyle then you can get that done in 5-8 years even if you're a drug addict at rock bottom right now. And it's not an unusual accomplishment. It goes without saying

>> No.21651014

>Fought in a world war in his 20s
So did a bunch of others. And they amount to anything
>went on to lead a political party
At the age of 34.

>> No.21651017

>And they

>> No.21651029

>Scandis are very timid about their own success

So what? Doesn't mean people there don't feel shame when they drop in class position.

>> No.21651030

I never quite understood this age-related reasoning. If you have anything under the age of 25 at the absolute minimum, it means it was given to you for free. Society generally uses up young people until they are 30 as low wage labor. Those who aren't exploited at a younger age are either socioeconomically privileged or exceedingly gifted in some area. The expectation that you should be at some standard at a certain age in life has been completely blown open by unprecedented economic irregularity and indeterminism.

>> No.21651036

>The only actual accomplishments society takes somewhat seriously is in technology and the hard sciences

This is a joke right?

>> No.21651038

War and political parties are obviously closely related to what he’s become known for and this a guy who has success in both of them. So to say he turned it around is not exactly true.

>> No.21651043

I think if I don’t find something to drive for success at, I won’t have any good reason to live at all…

>> No.21651047

So you don’t think people who end up very successful at some thing usually start that thing in their 20s? People have commented how old Plato was when he began to pursue philosophy and he was only 28.

>> No.21651079

He was unironically a war hero in WWI

>> No.21651081
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Old Testament

>> No.21651096
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Why don't you just rapefugee your self there then?

>> No.21651110

It's impossible to generalize with any confidence. There are exceptions to any way you . Obviously it stands to reason if you've dedicated your whole life to some goal you will be better equipped to achieve it.

However that does not mean someone who has been working towards a goal for 20 years starting at age 10 and the one who has been working towards the same goal for 10 years starting at age 20 are on the same playing field, all things being equal. There are simply too many variables at play.

Perhaps a given individual just had a shitty life and couldn't delve into their gifts until a later age. Van Gogh didn't start painting until his late 20s. Buckminster Fuller, an American polymath, lost his boring job at 32 and after his daughter died, drank heavily and contemplated suicide before reinventing himself.

Usually individuals who reinvent themselves later in life were always capable and just weren't given the right opportunities to trigger their skills or were tasked doing something mediocre because of circumstances and lack of advantages.

>> No.21651161

Speaking of failures

>> No.21651186
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>77 confirmed kills
Sounds like a win to me.

>> No.21651215

Exactly. Sign of a weak demented mind

>> No.21651230

>says the effete /lit/ard

>> No.21651287

Ebenezer Scrooge's age is not given, but he's thought to be in his 50s. (The Grinch is 53.)

>> No.21651350

>Yer only a man when you slaughter innocent children
Shoot yourself

>> No.21651365


Name 1 thing of any merit outside of science and software which many people care about. Even among elites or highly educated people

>> No.21651369

The richest and most powerful people in society have nothing to do with neither tech nor the hard sciences in general. They are simply people who own shit.

>> No.21651374


I said merit. As in innovating or contributing to something important

>> No.21651375

Sure, not my point. I haven't seen the movie, but I assume the character lived alone? He didn't live with his parents and he's had GFs. Sounds to me all he needs is a job and he'll be fine. He's lived a decent life, minus the drug use.
15 years. There had never been a character who can accurately reflect the loneliness of true NEETS/4chan uses
>Satou from NHK
Nigga literally has a girl simp for him, has a best friend, lives alone, and goes back to school at 24.
>K from Blade Runner
Is offered by a prostitute; has a job.

The closest thing we have is Billy Brown from Buffalo 66.

>> No.21651378

Nobody respects merit unless it makes money.

>> No.21651382

You can't find the archetype. Even stuff like no longer human or underground man doesn't compare. I don't think any author was able to predict the total nothingness that is the modern neet life because any other time in human history you would have done something at least out of sheer boredom

>> No.21651417

What's important about the new iPhone?

>> No.21651421
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>Name 1 thing of any merit outside of science and software which many people care about. Even among elites or highly educated people

>> No.21651440

good post, upvoted

>> No.21651443

does chatgpt give you reddit spacing or did you put that in there?

>> No.21651455

It’s just how normal people separate paragraphs. Do books have reddit spacing, too? Fuck off.

>> No.21651458

do you hit enter twice everytime you type a paragraph into ms word?

>> No.21651472

What's important about 50,000 people working for Facebook?

>> No.21651483

He used a single space.

Like this.

Not double space, like this.

>> No.21651531

>Even stuff like no longer human or underground man doesn't compare
This is true, especially NLH. Holden is too young in Catcher in the Rye to count.
>I don't think any author was able to predict the total nothingness that is the modern neet life because any other time in human history you would have done something at least out of sheer boredom

>> No.21651738

Van Gogh didn’t start painting seriously until that age but he had drawn and illustrated and painted before that. This is the sort of story you’ll find commonly in my experience. I think if you read enough biographies, you can generalize.

>> No.21651747

Welcome to the NHK captures it the best.

>> No.21651776

I don’t think some juvenilia is enough to generalize.

>> No.21651794

read up on julius ceasar

>> No.21651831

I'm 28 and fucked up my masters thesis so no PhD for me. Now I work at a supermarket for minimum wage to punish myself over my failures in life.

>> No.21651882

Keep in mind that we were robbed of 2 years because of COVID lockdowns. If you were a student that didn’t want to study online or going to look for a new job, or worse, lost your job, you got screwed.

>> No.21651923

Julius Caesar was born into the senatorial class and served in the army.

>> No.21651924

I’ve read a lot of biographies and don’t know of any where the person wasn’t on the path toward their thing fairly young. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is Oliver Cromwell.

>> No.21651965

It’s a bit later than 30 but Jesus turns his life around when he hits 33

>> No.21651970

According to some of the Apocrypha he was already debating the Sanhedrin in the temples when he was a child.

>> No.21652567

ChatGPT: Here are a few examples of historical figures who gained recognition and became notable after the age of 30:

Julius Caesar, the famous Roman general and politician, did not gain prominence until he was in his early 40s.

Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing, did not begin her career in nursing until she was in her late 20s, and did not become known for her work until she was in her mid-30s.

Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder of Facebook, did not become widely known until he was in his mid-20s, when Facebook became one of the largest social networking sites in the world.

J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series, did not achieve worldwide fame and success until she was in her early 30s.

Alan Turing, the pioneering computer scientist and mathematician, did not make his most significant contributions to the field until he was in his 30s.

These are just a few examples, and there are many others who did not become notable or reach their full potential until later in life. The important thing to remember is that success and recognition can come at any age, and that it is never too late to pursue one's passions and make a meaningful contribution to the world.

>> No.21652578

>mid twenties
Is this the AI following human norms of conceptual looseness?

>> No.21652586

The real life story of the author captures it best.

>> No.21652787

Hitler is unironically a good example, not even alt right memeing. His journey is actually pretty inspiring. He essentially bummed around Vienna until like 25 where he went to fight in WW1. 5 years of his life gone to that war which also took a toll on him physically. In his 30s he gets into politics and you know the rest of the story.

>> No.21652810
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>Honestly BY FAR the most based way of killing yourself.
If you're a masochist maybe

>> No.21652900

>Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder of Facebook, did not become widely known until he was in his mid-20s, when Facebook became one of the largest social networking sites in the world.
It's not turning your life around if you went to an Ivy League school earlier.

>> No.21652950

If White people have to pay for the sins of their fathers, then so do children of mass immigrants.

>> No.21652956
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>that pic

>> No.21652960

Caesar was born into Senatorial class and the joined the Army so not exactly what I was looking for.

>> No.21652963

It’s hard to remain hopeful once you hit 29 or so. At least it has been for me.

>> No.21652966

Holy shit this post goes hard

>> No.21652979

I agree with you even if you sound like an asshole. His post is, basically, an idiot justifying his ways through jumble of clichés. Nothing in it is even remotely objective or has any semblance to life and lived experience. Don't fall for such traps anons, don't get resigned to formulas of cope that will make you even more of a dolt.

>> No.21652980

St Augustine was somewhat successful, studied rhetoric and law at good schools he wasn't famous but those skills he built helped him become who he was.
This, a lot of people don't realise that when these people were "nobodies" they were building skills and things that would lead to that success.

>> No.21652992
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If you ever feel like you’re alone and will never accomplish anything in your life, just remember that Georges Ruggiu lived with his mother until he was 35 before moving to Rwanda as a radio broadcaster that played a key role in promoting the Rwandan Genocide.

>> No.21653001
File: 6 KB, 229x221, feelsokayman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're all gonna make it

>> No.21653009

>implying anyone else in the world would do anywhere near the things Julius fucking Caesar did if they were born in his position
honestly muh nepo baby discourse is such an unabashedly soulless, life-denying, leftist way of discrediting someone it is disgusting

>> No.21653014

I mean to be fair most people are building some form of skill over time, they're just not trying as hard as they can be. If you've legitimately been neeting for 10+ years just mindlessly scrolling all day then yes its stacked against you to become some historical great man. Buht was that ever really in the cards in the first place? Does that surprise you? Let's be real here lol
As someone above said, anyone is 5-8 years away from potentially a decent job, wife, kids, or at least just the job and self support. If that's not enough for you and you need to be the next St. Augustine then yeah pack it in
People are so delusional on here

>> No.21653056

Just responding to the comment that mentioned those people. They likely weren't neeting and sure there have been great men who did neet but they had spent some time refining their craft or were naturally good at something. For some it is, people don't realise their true potential. This is one of the reasons why I think coping can be useful in some cases. Believing "anyone can make" could be useful enough to make some one put in effort towards that goal that they might not have otherwise which lands them in a better position than before.

>anyone is 5-8 years away from potentially a decent job, wife, kids, or at least just the job and self support. If that's not enough for you and you need to be the next St. Augustine then yeah pack it in People are so delusional on here

At the end of the day it boils down to what you want from life and out of yourself. For example, here some people like to read niche books and neet and want to provide a good life for themselves. Others are writers and want to become a notable writer. Different paths only they can decide for themselves and if that'll truly make you happy.

>> No.21653071

Seems like I projected what I sensing from others in the thread onto you, sorry.
That said, my point is that when someone says "turn my life around" they usually don't mean "I've been literally straight neeting for the past decade plus" they mean "my life isn't where I want it to be for this upcoming age milestone, how do I kick into a higher gear".
Most people have probably studied a subject to some degree or built some form of skill in something even if the building of it wasn't very regimented.

>> No.21653076

How did he learn the language?

>> No.21653077

The discourse is primarily directed towards useless trust-fund babies who would never succeed without their family's influence, much like Lena Dunham or Billie Eilish - people whose success is inorganic, transparently undeserved, and most likely because of the influence of their parents who very well-connected in the media/entertainment/art industry respectively.

There is nothing soulless or life-denying about it you retarded fucking directionbrain.

>> No.21653085 [DELETED] 
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she's pure sexo tho

>> No.21653084

>People are so delusional on here
There really is a tendency to completely unhinged narcissism, and it is completely normalized here. It likely has to do with the fact that there are a great many early-mid-twenties something here, but the way that these people can actually feel bad that they're turning 25 or whatever, because Napoleon was already a brigadier general at that age - having that as your unreflected baseline just testifies to a deep-rooted quasipsychotic narcissism, like holy fucking shit how much must one suffer from main character syndrome to believe that somehow, magically, this guy who happens to be me, who likes shitposting and reading books and jerking off to anime, this guy will just suddenly for no reason at all become a world-transforming force written about in the history books for eons to come.

>> No.21653091

And I guarantee those tits have smothered the dicks of many record company executives by now, another reason for her inorganic success.

>> No.21653251

i asked again and got this:
Augustus Caesar: Augustus was a Roman statesman and military leader who became the first emperor of the Roman Empire. After a tumultuous and often violent political career, Augustus turned his life around in his 30s and became a visionary leader who transformed the Roman world.

St. Augustine of Hippo: St. Augustine was a 4th-century bishop and theologian who is one of the most important figures in the history of Christianity. After a period of personal turmoil and spiritual searching, Augustine converted to Christianity in his 30s and went on to become one of the greatest thinkers of the early church.

Benjamin Franklin: Benjamin Franklin was a statesman, scientist, and writer who was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. Despite a difficult and sometimes chaotic early life, Franklin turned his life around in his 30s and became a leader in the American Revolution and a key figure in the development of American democracy.

Mahatma Gandhi: Gandhi was a political and spiritual leader who is best known for his nonviolent resistance to British rule in India. After a period of personal and political struggle, Gandhi turned his life around in his 30s and became a champion of Indian independence and a leader in the global nonviolent resistance movement.

Nelson Mandela: Mandela was a South African anti-apartheid activist and political leader who became the country's first black president. After a period of political activism and personal sacrifice, Mandela turned his life around in his 70s and helped to lead South Africa through a peaceful transition to democracy.

>> No.21653258

These are still bad. Augustus was practically a child when he claimed Caesar’s estate.

>> No.21653263

Everyone should strive for greatness at whatever it is they would be great at.

>> No.21653268

>They rated these men on things that were truly impactful on humanity throughout history
that's the stupid atheist view. muh success is making roasties and coomers happy

>> No.21653293

as usual a bourgeois story about sex and boredom

>> No.21653364

Even in the southern parts of Scandinavia those 6 hours of sun in the winter literally aren't strong enough to make your body produce vitamin-D. And that's just the most obvious physiological defect that occurs. The amount of melatonin blasting through their bodies with that little light absolutely wreaks havoc on them on a systemic level.
It is completely fucking insane that they ever chose to settle there, but then again, drug and food abuse during the winter months is a staple of their culture.

>> No.21653417

Uuuh where did you find that pic of me??

>> No.21653491

Take vitamin D ? and melatonin. I take it in the UK

>> No.21654328

Agreed completely, they just want to be great for the sake of being great too. Like if you had a shot at being the next great X you'd think that you would enjoy doing X and naturally gravitate toward it at the bare minimum.
Not saying they shouldn't, just saying people need to not delude themselves. You're not gonna be the next St. Augustine. Best to rip that band aid off now. There's still things worth doing and achieving despite the fact that people almost certainly wouldn't be repeating your name hundreds of years from now.

>> No.21654734

romance novels

>> No.21654744

>old girlfriend
Imagine thinking he has nothing when he isn't even an incel. He doesn't even begin to understand what true suffering is.

>> No.21654746

I'm not. That's the problem

>> No.21654754

>just take chemical the reason you feel bad is because you need more correct brain chemicals just shut up and take the pill

>> No.21654838

He was still a patrician and had people supporting him. He was hardly an incel.

>> No.21654842

The very obsession with age and past failures you seem to have is precisely why you will never achieve anything.

>> No.21654862

You have no idea how hard I had it growing up. I'm just broken inside and I don't have energy to keep going anymore. I've tried, yet every time it has ended in failure for reasons external to me. I just can't start all over again. It's been too much. The only thing I have to offer to anyone anymore is pain, so I just gave up and I don't talk to anyone.

>> No.21654871

Genuinely inspiring, but they sent him to jail. Society truly hates us, doesn't it? Even when we manage to turn our lives around, still all we get is scorn.

>> No.21654877

Problem isn't lack of melatonin, it is way too much of it. As for mitigating with supplements, sure, it can help, but there is no substitute for the sun.

>> No.21654889

Bros, how do you deal with the creeping loneliness? How can you keep going after a lifetime of no one caring for you? How can you believe in yourself when even your own family has always treated you worse than a dog?

>> No.21654983

Nah, it's different. The guy (Richard iirc) would have remained a cavalry soldier for all his life. A world war came and ended and society changed, and suddenly his old life has no meaning anymore. No more horses, no more plains no more cossacks, no more war, no more statute, no more king, consuming and leisure values everywhere. The man is lost, but he wanted his previous life. He wasn't among the best but wasn't bad either. The eternal veteran or old mariner who must for some reason start anew at 35, 40 or 45.

(I'm a Navy guy and I see myself there in 10 years). Jünger is one of my favorite authors, Buzzatti is another.

>> No.21655043

I didn’t graduate until I was 24 and I spent the next 6 years in jobs I never really wanted and jobs that aren’t the sort which lend itself to something good down the road like maybe law or something. Now at 29 I have a clearer idea of what to do, but it’s hard to justify doing it at 30 when the normal age for it is more like 22-25. I guess I just have to make choices knowing the timing will never be ideal.

>> No.21655052

I graduated college at 19 a premier student and have spent the next several years doing absolutely nothing. I've been a meet since. I'm 28 now and have disappointed everyone's high hopes for me. I can't even point to any failure. I straight up don't see a place for myself in this world. Not in some nihlistic depressive way
But i genuinely don't see where I fit in exactly into these systems. And I don't have any goals of own to pursue. I don't really have any thing i want to do for myself or anyone else

>> No.21655064

>I didn’t graduate until I was 24
You mean high school or college?

>> No.21655208

Wait, what are you getting it for? Disability? I'm a swede and considering homelessness in a month over working for rent, but what you've got would obviously be preferable.

>> No.21655215


>> No.21655227

You should own it. Just be a NEET dilettante or go all in on being a studio artist or something. You’re probably competent enough to do it.

>> No.21655278

What do you want to do ? I'm in a similar position, graduate at 23, and want to apply to grad school, will be 6 years behind my peers in this field, but further behind people that did other degrees. It's tough but its what I want to do.

>> No.21655325

>Billy Brown from Buffalo 66.
I really think Rocky/Goon is the closest.

>> No.21655344

You can want to read a story that doesn't directly apply to you.

>> No.21655412

How old are you? 28? That’s a normal age to become a graduate student.

>> No.21655435

I wrote 7 books (non published nor shared with anybody) and have higher networth than people slightly older than me, Yet i feel like i've been stuck in the same position i was years ago

Maybe i'm a cuckslave to social recognition after all, It's hard to be satisfied by your own efforts without anybody else affirming it

>> No.21655437

I can't be studio artist if I'm not an artist. And being a dillettante hasn't sat well with me. Maybe I took in too much propaganda but I've thought well of a sweat of my brow salt of the earth person. But I seriously lack the faculty. >>21655278
There's no particular thing I want to do. And I don't feel that I deserve to do anything. If I were reading my own biography I'd be annoyed at the spoiled brat. Also I fundamentally disagree with institutional education. But I don't think I'm an autodidact either.

>> No.21655440

Lol only old people from ages ago

>> No.21655457

So this is what envy feels like?

>> No.21655466

Boomer the world today is fast and very competitive. You cant compare the kfc grandpa in 60s america with a random nobody in the world of today

>> No.21655473

What online doomseer convinced you of this nonsense?

There's nothing new under the sun.

>> No.21655501

The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.21655517

Except the fucking digital/electronic world that changes trends almost monthly? Good luck larping as julius caesar or whatever on the internet

>> No.21655518

Do you actually believe anything you just wrote there?

>> No.21655520

Also theres billions of chinks and indians stealing our jobs

>> No.21655523

I think you need to spend more time offline.

>> No.21655524

Yeah because i experience it being young and not wasting my youth. Your old is over grandpa

>> No.21655526

How old are you?

>> No.21655527

Lol so you gonna open a restaurant at 34? A drug store, grandpa? Ffs the good money is on the internet in the trends and you need to be fast to drink the fresh water.

>> No.21655528

>debating temple priests
>sacrificing himself for all mankind
Yeah I’m going to stick with him being lazy until 33

>> No.21655531

Why not?
>good money
What is that?

>> No.21655544

I will be educated with you since you arent one of those butthurt millenials to zoomets. Its because it doesnt pay as good as the internet and drain your life with worries and responsabilities. Good money is that which you can work the less for the most profit, and preferably make money without working at all. I say this bc i chase trends on the internet and live a comfortable life doing it. You wont have the patience to do it when you are older and making real physical bussinesses isnt worthy.

>> No.21655560

But you are literally being brought to despair over the stresses and responsibilities of your internet. That doesn't sound like good money to me. I think running a nice little business is more than enough. You should reevaluate what matters to you. How much money do you really need? You know how much I spent in 2022? $18000 total after everything. And I live independently.
It doesn't sound like you want good money. You want the most money. Why? For things? The canon for the refutation of things is insurmountable. The only dream of early retirement that I see has spread as of late? I can assure you that it an actual miserable life.

>> No.21655586

>But you are literally being brought to despair over the stresses and responsibilities of your internet.
Not exactly. After you secure your first stream of income it gets more easy because you can try infinetly until you succeed. If you fail a small bussiness you are fucked and possible bankrupt.
>How much money do you really need?
Money is liberty and power. The more you have the better

>> No.21655703

I think if you’re honest with yourself there is something you want to do and could do because all you have to do is take the initiative. That could be painting or it could be shoveling shit down at your local horse born. It doesn’t really matter what it is because either way you don’t need some complex over being a NEET in regard to it.

>> No.21655968
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>Chuck was in agony when he died
My night has improved. Thanks anon.

>> No.21655977

"Why, your own personal hero Jesus was very mature at your age. At 12, he was already busy proving the Jews wrong."


>> No.21656018

t. mahmoud al halali

>> No.21656182

Gene Wolfe and Lois Lowry didn't publish a novel until age 40. Terry Goodkind was 45.

>> No.21656188

What sins did Scandis commit, retard? Lmao kys

>> No.21656189

And when He was my age he was 11 years dead. This is where you accuse me of being lazy. This is the joke.

>> No.21656240

what qualifies you for 3000 euros? i only get like 800.

>> No.21656278

>digital/electronic world that changes trends almost monthly
are you talking about your tiktok subscriptions? good luck with that ADHD medication, zoomer faggot

>> No.21656283

They'll answer the the horrors of climate change.

>> No.21656311

I think society today more or less does whatever it can to set people on a path by the time they're twenty. You can tell where almost 90% of the population will be at 50 by looking at what they were doing when they were 20, and so much is done to keep it that way.

>> No.21656435

Not him but in Denmark we have A-kasse and I am guaranteed 2/3 of my income should I become unemployed. I would have thought A-kasser where a thing in all of Scandinavia. Did you jist graduate, never worked?

>> No.21656438

This is the worse feeling. Failing in a first world country. Makes sense we're more depressed since how could you fail?

>> No.21656475
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>There had never been a character who can accurately reflect the loneliness of true NEETS/4chan uses

>> No.21656481

>The only actual accomplishments society takes somewhat seriously is in technology and the hard sciences
The fuck? Clearly society worships sports stars, actors, popstars.

>> No.21656487

The plastic surgeons who turn arm skin into a working functioning penis. The surgeons who remove a perfectly healthy set of tits from a young girl so she can live her new life as a man.

>> No.21656490

What was the nigger doing during his teens and 20s?

>> No.21656609

>Watch trailer.
>First words out of her mouth are "Jake, my boyfriend"
>Plans on breaking up with bf because she is a cute woman who could ask out any 7/10 dude and instantly be in a relationship
His self insert in Adaption is close, I'll give you that.

>> No.21656611

Referring to Charlie Kaufman, of course.

>> No.21656615
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Actually watch the movie before talking shit.

>> No.21656630

One of the cringiest posts I've ever read

>> No.21656635

Yeah I watched a clip and read some comments. You got me.

>> No.21657217

The state gave it to you, and the state is composed of workers, and you insult the workers that help you.

Say thanks instead of saying this bad thing.

>> No.21657504

He came back to life and didn't die again.

>> No.21657515

Sorry this was meant for >>21655043
I'm 23 but want to start med school around 25, in this country its an undergrad degree. Also a few tech and some finance bros as friends, gets tough.
What would make you respect the persons biography you are reading ?

>> No.21657522

My book anon.

>> No.21657523

Reagan was literally never not successful at any point in his life

>> No.21657591

In the United States, you can’t even start medical school until about that age and I think starting out at just about anything under 25 is normal in every country.

>> No.21657654 [DELETED] 

>President of the most powerful country in the world.
Ok internet guy

>> No.21657663

My mistake I read that completely wrong

>> No.21657664

I’m not a fan, but he was pretty successful in the ‘84 election.

>> No.21657672

Damn, I did too.

>> No.21657683

As someone attempting to do so myself I must say it is not easy. Alea iacta est. The die is cast, and as the years go by it is more difficult to maneuver from a physical (less energy) , neurological (less brain flexibility), temporal (less time), behavioral (more engrained deterministic habits), and even metaphysical (less possibilities) perspective. My job, while technically well paying and with good benefits, eats up my time and is generally dismal . I don't think I've been happy in 10 years.

In my youth I was known for my protean nature, able to change naturally into a better version of myself. This all seemed to happy automatically. Now any change must be conscious, it seems. And nothing is more exhausting and arduous than consciously guiding one's own behavior.

Through it all I persist in the belief that change possible, because I understand the problem. In fact, for the most part I even know the solution. But as Goethe said, knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. Implementing a solution to the problem is its own, sub-problem, perhaps just as difficult.

To make matters worse, just as I felt I was making progress in one area of my life-earning a means, the other areas collapsed. And someone in my close family is critical ill in tragic circumstances . After 2020, the year I turned 30 and a series of misfortunes and depressing events, I have been on the back foot.

I know it's mentally healthy to count one's blessings and mark out how far one has come, but it feels like I have gotten nowhere despite my ephemeral victories. I am under assault by time and chance and my strength wanes.

As one's past solidifies . Previous decision accumulate and narrow down the future. But fuck all that. I must shift postures and go from the defensive to the offensive. If I cannot believe in myself then I might as well cease to exist. Pugno ergo sum: I fight therefore I am.
One must imagine Sisyphus happy and all that.

>> No.21657828 [DELETED] 

How old are you?

>> No.21657848

2020 robbed a lot of people because we all got stuffed into COVID lockdown limbo. We couldn’t change jobs, go to school, or even leave our homes. And the lockdowns didn’t completely lift until about 2 years later. I planned to leave my current job after 1 year, then the lockdowns happened and ruined those plans. It’s now been over 4 years. I basically lost 3 years.

>> No.21657886

Yeah things definitely took a turn for the worse for me at 2020, which makes it difficult to decouple correlation versus causation with me coincidentally turning 30 in that year.

And it's not that the lockdown fucked me over during those years, there are long term sequelae. I put on weight that has been hard to lose. It's been much harder for me to get back into my regular gym habit.

The whole lockdown was a prominent example of the collective punishing the individual. When I finally got covid it had little effect on me.

Probably the only benefit of the shutdown was that I was able to collect neetbucks and wrote the first draft of a book which I will likely never complete but it was good to write it anyway.

>> No.21657908

it's the public servants who give money and this money stems only from them taking it on the bank account of their subjects, and they take it while giving various threats of punishment which makes it extortion.

If public servants were not hypocrites, they would not issue any threat with their taxes thus making taxes voluntary and not mandatory.

>> No.21657992

Not my diary.

>> No.21658021

Made me even sadder on this day of days

>> No.21658032

He said never not successful

>> No.21658062

I boil over with seething anger whenever I think about this. Countless lives were derailed to protect the boomers from dying of the flu. I cannot fathom the arrogance and narcissism. The boomers would rather see the world burn and grind to a halt, impose house arrest on the entire globe, than risk getting a flu that would kill them a few years before their age did it. And they had the power to do so.
I teach in both a university and high-school setting, and the kids and young adults who had two entire years of critical phase socialization ripped away from them are completely fucked - especially the kids. They're dumber, more anxious, and more socially retarded than ever.
All because boomers couldn't accept that if they did not want the flu, they should be the ones to stay inside.

>> No.21658116

>main character syndrome

Stop with the arm chair psychology you fucking spanner. It's totally normal to feel like an ordinary life is unfulfilling

>> No.21658139

Well, it certainly fucked me over. I was 26 and had certain plans for when I was 27, but then the COVID lockdowns happened and I couldn’t follow through on my plans. It was 2 years later before I was able to follow through and even then not fully. So it’s been over 3 years now, I’ll be turning 30, and I still haven’t been able to do these things I had wanted to do 3 years ago.

>> No.21658149

I had wanted to go to law school but when the COVID lockdowns happened, school went online. I didn’t want to go online or even take the admissions test online so I figured I’d just wait a year before things went back to normal. They never did. 2 years later the schools were back in-person, but the admissions test is still not in-person. I got tired of waiting and took the test online, but I was really dissatisfied with how the test is done now. All this little stuff has turned into such a time loss.

>> No.21658159

I think the reality is that everyone under 35 has been resigned to doing basically nothing. The careers, jobs, things to do with your lives basically are far harder to come by than they were for previous generations if for no other reason than previous generations are still occupying them while simultaneously outsourcing and automating all the things they did when they were younger. So many people have basically nothing worthwhile to work at.

>> No.21658262

Imagine whining for graduating college at 24, fucking retard. I didn't start college until I was 25.

>> No.21658286

At one point I was like this, but I’ve since learned to to only be disappointed that I failed to accomplish things I could have possibly accomplished. I’d be satisfied being a no-name academic who managed to get a single article published, and even that’s beyond me now.

>> No.21658338

There is no such thing as an ordinary life, consciousness itself is the greatest gift and mystery of the universe, and merely being able to identify and witness beauty, which you likely are because you're on a literature forum, is a wonder of the highest order, you fucking muppet.

>> No.21658409

>consciousness itself is the greatest gift and mystery of the universe
My life has been endless suffering. The only thing that has ever brought me happiness is the hope that some day things may get better. No I've come to accept that will never happen. I'd rather to be unconscious than to keep enduring this torture. I'm killing myself soon and the only hope I have left is that if there's a God he makes me disappear as if I had never existed.

>> No.21658469

>In his 30s he gets into politics and you know the rest of the story
He was accepted into a school of arts and became a famous painter?

>> No.21658479

Nobody is whining, but you but taking 6 years to graduate with a bachelor’s degree is not even normal let alone successful.

>> No.21658492

You don't even begin to understand what true suffering is. I feel pity for you. Your life is so incomplete.

>> No.21658495

You’ve experienced true suffering because you went to college 7 years later than what is typical?

>> No.21658501

“True suffering” was also not the topic. The topic is age, successful, failure, turning your life around.

>> No.21658527

As someone who botched his education and ended up doing just that, the time it set me back and the amount of debt I incurred in doing so have more or less guaranteed that I will never be successful.

>> No.21658541

You're such an NPC lmao.

>> No.21658753

Why is 30 the age men start losing it

>> No.21658785

Their youth and the opportunities that come with it have dried up.

>> No.21658812
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>shotgun to the head
>time (min 1.7



>> No.21658902

You are onto something there

>> No.21658975

One stops growing up and starts growing old.
Capitalism leaves them with nothing these days, but they blame jews, women, political parties, w/e

>> No.21659178

Then die or wallow in self-pity. I don't know what you intended to receive by making this thread with such an attitude.

>> No.21659186

boomer time
t 31

>> No.21659212

>be 29
>at age 7 witness 9/11
>world goes into panics over terrorism
>at ages 14 and 16 witness financial crashes just before leaving school
>one of the worst financial depressions in history to follow
>massive property inflation pricing us out of the market
>working for coked up gen x'ers and shitty boomers
>covid hits mid-career lift-off fucking us all into oblivion again
idk maybe it's just something about being 30 lmao

our lives have been fucked up by everyone around us ad infinitum, a few swim and succeed, but most of us have lead on our ankles.

>> No.21659247

I unironically think Indian and other Asian guys are experiencing a golden age meanwhile. Rapidly succeeding and leveling social classes while its the total opposite for others. It began downhill for us in the 20th century with all the empires dying and a beginning of a new age for them. I wish this never happend

>> No.21659455 [DELETED] 

Can I even go to graduate school if I graduated with a 2.0 undergraduate gpa?

>> No.21659505

You’re coming off like nutcase.

>> No.21659517

wouldn't know anon, i'm just one of those kids that got told to work hard and shoot high only to get fucked by boomers relentlessly.

>> No.21659520

I don’t think that’s necessarily true. You just have to look beyond the conventional paths that someone who graduated with high grades and on time might take. If you want to make money, you do it by starting a business. If you want to leave your mark on politics, you do that by running for office. If you want to be known as an artist, you do that making art. School has basically nothing to do with any of these things. Sure, the conventional paths of investment banking, big law, medical school, and things like this are probably, not certainly but probably, closed off to you. But there are more than one way to skin a cat and considering what an absolute shit show modern colleges are, to not be successful within them is almost a badge of honor and I suspect that that graduated-within-4-years-with-a-4.0 gpa-from-Harvard crowd will be viewed with contempt more than anything within our lifetimes.

>> No.21659532

I'm a retard who went to culinary school for 4 years only to realize on my first job I hate cooking for people and it's not the same as cooking for myself.

>> No.21659535

You didn’t even mention all the automation, off-shoring, outsourcing, or the millions of worsening social indicators. It’s a tough time to be a young person. My youngest brother is 18. When he asks me for advice about what to do, whether it’s for school, career, or relationships, I find it hard to give him advice because not only do the conventional things you could do to succeed not work, the conventional paths to success are increasingly closed off entirely. If you’re young and you want to be a winner, you have to get creative.

>> No.21659544

I think you have to find a way to re-appropriate your past to find success in the future. Even NEETs can point to something they’ve done with their time and their lives to that point, which, if leveraged the right way, could create success for them in the future. That’s even if success is what they’re really after. It may not be.

>> No.21659547

yeah people are only getting it worse as they get younger. i'm a teacher and it's hard to convey to students that they should be scared of failing, not because of their parents, not because of me, but because mcdonalds have a robot that will likely replace tens of thousands of jobs. that supermarkets are culling back their work forces. that even delivery drivers are worried about drones. they don't understand that not only is there little place for the lower bands of people with no qualifications, there's increasingly little room for people in the middle too.

i'm just lucky my profession is reasonably safe. covid proved that.

>> No.21659654

Should be scared of failing? The millenial generation is full of young people who did everything right in regard to school and yet have basically nothing to show for it.

>> No.21659663

singing to the choir. if i did reasonably well academically they should be shitting themselves.

>> No.21659706

I liked your post, anon. Please ignore the spiteful fucks who couldn't keep their sphincters shut.

>> No.21659740

they fell for the meme of education. the reality is that giving an education tot he plebs was part of the propaganda of the bourgeois revolution centuries ago, in order to let the plebs thinks it will be equal to the bourgeoisie, but there is no purpose of higher education for the peasants.
Now the peasants have to get more and more diplomas to get the same shitty jobs and with globohomo, they even have to compete with asian bugs paid 5 dollars each day lol

>> No.21659769

im in uk and i just am on welfare with a high school education lol

>> No.21659771

Compared to women I presume? We really don't, especially considering our eggs are not about to reach expiration date by then.

>> No.21659787

>2/3rds of your income
holy shit that's a lot, uk benefits are like 500 a month if you're single.

>> No.21659900

Almost every day, several times a day, I have a thought in my head that says "if I were in America, if I were in America, I would have bought a gun so fast, imagine having guns so easily at the ready, I would have shot myself a million times already". I think this at least a few times a day. Whenever I walk on the bridge and look at the water below I also think I should jump. There's a metal pipe I can get onto and then jump. The water is shallow but good enough to wash me away, but I'm scared of heights. I'll do hanging this year and I hope I'll do it right.

>> No.21659901

Crises have been the norm since the 80s

>> No.21659919

thx reagan
thx thatcher

i tried to CO poison myself recently, had to lie to avoid getting sectioned as people put out a manhunt for me. went right back to teaching schools the next day. i hate my miserable ass life.

>> No.21659951

yes when a suicide attempt fails it is due to being discovered by the atheists who crave for saving people's lives (for no reason lol) and who will do anything to ''save you'', with the end result potentially being fully paralyzed making things even worse.
Atheists dont really give a shit about the end result of their rescue, they just rescue to feel good about themselves.

The first thing to do in order to commit suicide is really to get away from atheists, ie deep in the woods or desert. The second thing to do is really getting sleeping pills. However, atheist ban the potent ones. The most potent sleeping pill is nembutal. It is what the bureaucrats in Switzerland allow for euthanasia.
Currently the only way to get it is really thru asian pharmacists.

>> No.21659969

nah i pussied out, i was going to go to sleep but someone convinced me it wouldn't work, i panicked over the possibility of fire and immolating so i didn't. i was about to pass out when i pussied out. instincts kicked in.

>> No.21659971

>get away from atheists
I am an atheist lol. If I were not an atheist I would be praying really hard to God and keep living. I have tried going to church but it felt weird not being a believer. There were people who told me there are atheists who go just because it's so nice. The church was Orthodox. It really was beautiful but it wasn't for me, I don't believe. Do you think Christians would let me die?

>> No.21660432

>I suspect that that graduated-within-4-years-with-a-4.0 gpa-from-Harvard crowd will be viewed with contempt more than anything within our lifetimes.
They've done a pretty lousy job at managing society for the entirety of my lifetime. I always wanted to be one of those people. I still aspire to be a learned man, but I don't think I'll ever achieve that without a formal education, which I will be able to afford. Even if I ever did have the money, I just don't have the work ethic to really accomplish any of it.

>> No.21660673

You definitely can be a learned man without formal education. In fact, most, nearly all, people with formal education are not particularly learned.

>> No.21661093

Family 'men' are born cuckolds and the greatest enablers of planetary evil. No, you can't just tear off the band-aid, you have to think of the children. Life is so fucked that dying alone has become a viable act of rebellion.

>> No.21661104

How did you fuck it up?

>> No.21661272
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Kind of

>> No.21661797

This is true.

>> No.21661804

>I unironically think Indian and other Asian guys are experiencing a golden age meanwhile.
not me

>> No.21661817

best post on 4chan rn

>> No.21661894

this. having kids isnt going to do shit when the mongrels are doing it at 100 times the rate. all it does is ensure youre a slave to the system for the rest of your pathetic bitch life.

>> No.21662713

Hey its okay. Its a phase. Eventually youll get burnt out of being a burnout and get your shit together. Turning your life around in your late 20s and early 30s is something tons of people have done. Do you really think you are the only "lauded as a prodigy in their youth only to disappoint themselves and others" in the world? This thread is stupid because nobody needs a book on this. Just talk to people and you'll find many similar stories. What most people look for in books they can easily find in reality if they are observant. Find something that you think you have the ability to stick to, and do that. People say follow your passion, but really you should follow what you know you actually have the staying power to do.

>> No.21662715

Where are you from

>> No.21662730

publish your books. your scared nobody will give a shit about them. and they probably wont. but the reason you are stuck in the same position is because you dont have the balls to move forward. publishing your books will cure that.

>> No.21662752

The Holy Bible

But he dies in the end...

>> No.21662771

dont publish your books. keep writing them until you feel they are worthy of being published. the last thing you want to do is end up like the unreal discord trannies shilling your dead work to people who despise you.

>> No.21663076
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>> No.21663108

Stop obsessing over youth. You'll get there.

>> No.21663297

I am in the UK, did well in school right up to final year, still got offers from Russell group unis, and have a degree from a different uni in STEM. Sure with a year of experience I could be on 30-40k in my mid twenties, but I had to work a minimum wage job with people that barely spoke English not in the phd holding university professor but rather fob little to no qualifications way. I also had to consider welfare.

>> No.21663482

kill yourself. no ones ever going to buy it.
you will NEVER be a real writer.

>> No.21663954

This is a Woolston board. Keep moving, tranny.

>> No.21664227

My autobiography desu

(actually begun working towards it at 28)

>> No.21665086

Stop coping over post-youth. Be honest about life.

>> No.21665133

If it isn't good by now, it'll never good. That's the point. Better to launch now and find out it sucks than to launch 5 years from now and find out it sucks after wasting that much of your life either working on it or wondering if its any good.

>> No.21665421


>> No.21665431

dude even Ted K only went to live his dream in the forest when he was thirty something. You didn't understand the post at all, it doesn't imply conformism whatsoever, you are delusional

>> No.21665460

He had a job

>> No.21665467

I mean, that other guy is mean, but graduating at 24 is really really not that bad.

>> No.21665512

So. NEETS will eventually have to work wants their parents die. The character also a virgin.

>> No.21665729

Oedipus rex

>> No.21665827

Ted was extremely accomplished. Dude went to Harvard when he was 16.

>> No.21666165

This seems to be a common theme in autobiographies of entrepreneurs. They find some way to paint themselves a victim and then use that for sympathy to sell shit. "I'm a transnigger and I had something bad happen to me, buy my shit!" Not only would I feel slimey doing that, but I've had a decent life and upbringing and don't want to view myself as or pretend that I'm a victim in life. I honestly can't think of how I would leverage my life for business. It seems to be easy for others to do.

>> No.21666302

he didnt go to 'live his dream', you sad fuck. he was escaping midwit morons like you.

>> No.21667056

Even people on here underestimate what a loser actually is like