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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 7 KB, 200x224, joyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2165140 [Reply] [Original]

So I thought I'd give Joyce another chance.
At Barnes and Noble, pick up a Portrait of the Artist, turn to page 1

>Once upon a time and a very good time it was there was a moocow

stopped reading there

>> No.2165143

The first bit seems a little weird because it's supposed to be from the perspective of a very small child. It gets a bit more concrete a little later.

>> No.2165142

Maybe literature isn't ``for" you.

>> No.2165146

I made the same exact thread a year ago, anon.

Stick with it. It gets much better.

>> No.2165151

Maybe you should go suck a dick. I'm literate and I've read a ton more super complex sci-fi books than about moocows in 18th c. England. You just can't admit you get hardons for books nobody but your circlejerk club cares about while I'm reading culturally relevant works on the affects of science in the coming future.

>> No.2165153


Op here,
I lol'd.

>> No.2165155

>18th c.


>> No.2165156

Patrick White did the 'life story of the artist' project much better in 'The Vivisector'.

>> No.2165157

>At Barnes and Noble

stopped reading there

>> No.2165167


>Barnes and Noble is so mainstream i only get my books in underground garage sales

>> No.2165168

i could force a lol at this if i were really hard up for lols but really the whole expressing a contrarian opinion about somesthing canonical is so played out these days, you're on some 2006 shit here

change it up a little next time, a baffling opinon genearlly makes for a better trolltrhead than just a nakedly ignorant one

>> No.2165184


>Implying i was trolling
>implying canonical works are immune to ridicule
>implying stream of consciousness is anything but an attempt at masking lack of skill

>> No.2165181

I'm not even hipster and I refuse to go to Barnes & Noble, it's overpriced as fuck. And those mother fucking Kindle salesmen...

Half Price Books or Amazon is where it's at, enjoy paying $15 or more for your books.

>> No.2165186

>that one autistic kid who thinks anyone who doesn't like what he likes is a hipster.

>> No.2165200

i wish ... no, i'm not aware of any such places in my town. there were two independent book stores here, but they both bit the bullet in the last few years. very depressing, as they were well stocked but chronically vacant customer-wise, and they had a cafe area in the corner that i never once witnessed actually in service. meanwhile the local barnes & noble was and is always packed. (that's not my reason for disliking barnes & noble, though; obviously it's the fault of the retarded townsfolk for patronizing b&n and not the indy shop.)

>> No.2165206

I only buy books published by presses who will fail in the next month, and purchased from outlets set up in the attics of run-down buildings which are due for demolition, and which have signs outside advertising second-hand sporting goods, so as to dissuade all but the most determined bibliophile.

>> No.2165220

>go to Barnes & Noble
>selling Emerson, Thoreau, other transcendentalists
those poor men

>> No.2165232

And this is why I don't go to /lit/ anymore.

>> No.2165233


so why the hell are you then you crusted fucking cunt?

>> No.2165238

Really? I got rather bored half way and then the book became water damaged beyond repair and I never cared to replace it. It started out really well, but the whole relationship thing destroyed my interest. It was very similar to Of Human Bondage to me, in that regard. Good, good, boring as fuck, good again. Should I replace it?

>Just bought Portrait

>> No.2165255

I agree OP. It should have a great beginning like “The morning had dawned clear and cold, with a crispness that hinted at the end of summer.”

>> No.2165261

No no. The line in A Portrait of an Old Man is much better.

>"I had a cock in my ass and it was a very good cock it was there because i was op."

>> No.2165268

So I thought I'd give Shakespeare another chance.
At Barnes and Noble, pick up Henry V, turn to page 1

>O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend

stopped reading there

I met someone today who was still learning English and was enjoying Portrait just fine. What's with the whole "Joyce is so hard!" meme?

>> No.2165278

So i figured i'd give Jesus another try
At Barnes and Nobles, Pick up The Bible, turn to page 1

>In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

What the hell?

>> No.2165279
File: 15 KB, 430x320, americanpsycho2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2165283

>not calling it Barns & Nibbles

>> No.2165284


>Barnes and Nobles

Are you black?

>> No.2165892


>> No.2165949

i think it all stems from his book Finnegan's Wake

>> No.2166006

ITT hipsters defend shitty writing because they want to get artfag-cred

>> No.2166012



>> No.2166158

The first two pages of that book pissed me off.
Then I got to page 3 and it wasn't like reading a dense obnoxious pretentious bad poem and I liked it better.

>> No.2166683

>I'm literate
>affects of science

>> No.2166749

>implying it isn't Barnays and Noblee


>> No.2166770

OP confirmed for nonnicens little boy.

>> No.2166785
File: 21 KB, 300x300, To the Lighthouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read somewhere that Dubliners and Portrait are books that can be translated relatively easily, so that I, not being a native English speaker, could read them in my born language (Brazilian Portuguese) without loosing much of the quality of the work. Is that correct, or do you think any of Joyce is untranslatable?

PS.: Just for comparation, The Sound and The Fury, which employs Stream of Counciouness heavily throughout the book, translated beautifully into Portuguese, and is my favorite book.

Pic also related. Another book that, despite having a unique and, at times, hard to follow prose, could still be translated very well to another language.

>> No.2167409

Stately, plump OP came up from a stairhead bearing a large dick in his ass.

>> No.2167414

A well-read brazilian? In my /lit/?
anão é irmão

>> No.2167423

and ulysses, both are very dense
dubliners and portrait aren't as hardcore

>> No.2167457


*bearing in his ass a large dick.

(corrected for Joycean adverbial steez)