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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 428 KB, 1920x1280, Hogwarts_model_studio_tour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21649696 No.21649696 [Reply] [Original]

>malignant narcissists make up 80% of the faculty
>culture of bullying worse than columbine high school
>structural instability galore
>plumbing probably hasn't been updated since the 1920s
>minimal safety and security guidelines
>pest control is seldom consulted. Harry has to deal with another tyrannosaurus centaur cerberus hydra thing entering the school.
>athletic activities are extremely dangerous
>such archaic mindsets among the faculty and students that you might as well call them backwards savages

Why do bespectacled, poorly aging millennial women wish they were at this school so much? Why do they decide to ruin everyone's hour by talking about which of the street gangs of Hogwarts they align with?

"oh my god im such a hufflepuff" "NO you're totally a dumbleclaw" "meh, griffindoorpufftherin is misunderstood" or whatever the fuck

>> No.21649756


>> No.21649766

>shitty ass not well thought out fantasy world

Who would have thought? Why female can't write good world building?

>> No.21649844

You can view the whole thing as a very self-absorbed person's idea of a perfect school life. They're the center of attention. Anyone not them or in their immediate group is written of as "dull" or "evil". The teachers are basically your friends, and will routinely take part in bullying the kids you don't like (and remember you're always justified in hating these kids because they're "evil"). Anyone trying to impose rules is a villain, and gets what's coming to them sooner or later. You routinely get to save the school from catastrophe and are showered with praise, because you're just that wonderful.

>> No.21649855

And that differs from real schools *how* exactly...?

>> No.21649889

I got warts on my hog.

>> No.21649896

Harry Potter is odd because the world is simultaneously attractive and poorly thought out. It's a world where England has 20 professional Quidditch teams but one bank, two book shops, one city, one street, one neighborhood, and one school.

>> No.21649905

Nothing in the Harry Potter universe makes any sense because it was just a stupid kids book until Rowling decided it was a serious epic story

>> No.21649940

When did that happened? Which book toke that turn?

>> No.21649948

so just like the average school

>> No.21650595

it has been a long time since I read any HP, but I'd think that surely there are more magical hidden places aside from the diagon alley and that one house. It's just that the hogwarts express starts in London, so a lot of business would happen in London's local hidden wizard hub and not, say, a secret road in Bristol or Norwich.

>> No.21650617

Who cares magic is OP in Harry Potter and basically gives wizards godlike powers

>> No.21650639

Ok, but what was Voldemort's tax policy?

>> No.21650656

I genuinely don't understand why HP makes people seethe so much
It's a fun story in a cozy world? Do you have to be sweaty autists who boil every fantasy down to the mechanics of the magic system and whether the political landscape is le believable while the actual experience of the story flies over your heads?
Imagine using the words 'worldbuilding' and 'character arc' in the context of the Iliad and you will, for a brief moment, manage to perceive exactly how fucking cringe you are

>> No.21650662

based kek

>> No.21650665

England has exactly as much as the story needs.

>> No.21650674

Sounds like literally every single Bri'ish school on the entire fucking island.

>> No.21650686

>ywn be petrificus totalussed by three blonde aristocratic princesses from slytherin who then drag you into the room of requirement which is now a sex dungeon and use the imperius curse on you to make you lick their feet, buttholes and vaginas for days on end
That's what I pine for, and why I wish I could live at Hogwarts.

>> No.21650695

What's with the recent harry potter threads?

>> No.21650707

Hogwarts Legacy just came out, it has reactivated a cultural zeitgeist around HP, esp. since it's already been low-key buzzing because Rowling is a naughty girl who is out of line according to tranny ideology.

>> No.21650709

rowling nudes leaked and also >>21650707

>> No.21650727
File: 470 KB, 853x480, 1654042781714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do bespectacled, poorly aging millennial women wish they were at this school so much?
They get to fuck lolis, get free food & months of vacation.

>> No.21650830

After Prisoner of Azkaban when the books start getting really thick

>> No.21650887

Sounds cool
Imagine a school full of BASED lead piping and asbestos roofing instead of the faggot plastic installations of today

>> No.21650899
File: 15 KB, 497x617, 29134FA6-66DE-4D49-B56F-723ECD3A44C8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven’t posted the basedjak in a while and I think their time is done, but everything about this post reeks of it. Imagine taking Harry Potter seriously enough (and yes, you do take it seriously even if you try to sound ironic) to start a le joke thread about it (even if the joke is not funny and falls flat).

>> No.21650922

Do private school kids really make fun of others for buying used school books?

I went to Catholic school and everyone just bought the school books off the year above. It was even considered cucked to trade the books back to the schools 2nd hand book sale. Just skipped the middle man and sold it directly to other student for a bit cheaper and for straight cash.

>> No.21650971

What makes the faculty narcacissts?

>> No.21651106

All this shit sounds fun, OP.

>> No.21651436

Not enough to build a convincing world.

>> No.21651454
File: 474 KB, 640x640, what harry potter character do you feel like today.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Minimal Safety and Security guidelines
They have magic. Quidditch and flying brooms would be absolutely horrible in real life- even a small mistake leads to a huge injury that is impossible to heal. Wizards can mend broken bones and cure illnesses very easily.

>Pest and wild animals are extremely dangerous
Wizards are also extremely dangerous. Everything is scaled "up".

Those are just the ones we see in the story. Most Wizards are probably homeschooled or go to smaller academies that are very local. Any given streetcorner could have a Wizard shop or magic potion seller; Diagon Alley is just a special place because its so big and popular.

I would say filtered but I think you just have no imagination.

>> No.21651476
File: 1.16 MB, 1373x1693, J._K._Rowling_2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>safety rules: use your judgment.
>being bullied? bully back.
>don't like your teacher? too bad, they're not your mommy.
>plumbing is old? don't care--use the outhouse.
>literal slavery? who cares.
um, chudbuds? were we wrong about rowling?

>> No.21651498

Sometimes there's bigger things to worry about having to say hocus curemyconcussionandbrokenskull-us and they die. kek

>> No.21651518

>"Why don't you stop thinking rationally and logically and just feel?

>> No.21651623

Don't build her world for her. That's her job.

>> No.21651631
File: 722 KB, 2048x2068, tumblr_61835221b557e6e797f6ee059a2a44a5_0816856e_2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well /lit/?

>> No.21651651
File: 1.94 MB, 1280x720, tranny.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21651877

Ah yes the webcomic whose artist somehow manages to be more nauseating than chris chan

>> No.21651886

Isnt this the troon who traced an actual baby to draw babyfur shit?

>> No.21651895


>> No.21651902

too goddamn lazy to fetch the picture but the farms has a pretty good thread on him.

>> No.21652107

Anyone with genital warts or any other STD should be put to death by the state.

>> No.21652145

Mental illness: The Comic.

>> No.21652362

>rowling nudes

>> No.21652371

>you might as well call them backwards savages
it's a magic place supposed to be traditional and old fashioned no?

>> No.21652399

>Why do bespectacled, poorly aging millennial women wish they were at this school so much?
Harry and co. were never doubted as being unimportant and the books constantly presented new novel situations for the characters to work their way into and out of. Youll also notice they lacked math and English classes, which I imagine appealed to a lot of young readers.
Part of what made Harry Potter "feel real" was the fact that it didnt explain everything and let you fill in the gaps in the story yourself, which children are remarkably good at.

>> No.21652406

>it's a magic place supposed to be traditional and old fashioned no?
Makes sense
>Ok class, no more "Nigerius Lynchiosa" thats offensive and insensitive
>Yes, I know we will no longer be able to levitate objects for the rest of time, but its for the greater good

>> No.21652478

Umm why isnt Rowling telling me exactly how much mana harry potter has left, and how magic intense it is to cast the spells. Hmm, seems like she hasnt planned this out to be like the video games i play, hmm. Back to reading Sanderson it is.

>> No.21652886

I named the school after my hog
>Anyone with genital warts or any other STD should be put to death by the state.
I will rub them on your asshole

>> No.21652896

The whole Iliad is a character arc you fucking retard
Imagine comparing HP yo the foundation of all Western literature

>> No.21652937

absolutely everything about harry potter universe is what a toddler would come up with. Absolutely useless and stupid down the line. I could write a dissertation if I wanted on this shit, and how it pisses me off.

>> No.21652969

>malignant narcissists make up 80% of the faculty
Those are rookie numbers. Try a real university

>> No.21652993

>expecting female fantasy writer to create a well thought out, rational and logically built fantasy world
>not expecting women to just write whatever thing "feels right for her'

Lmao, c'mon nigga

>> No.21653167

>the entire Iliad is [recently coined term used by pseud writers to discuss their goyschlock as if it's real literature]

>> No.21653346

I wonder how many students have fallen down from the moving staircases

>> No.21653365

>buying school books
what? is this an american thing (I thought common core stopped using books altogether)? no one here buys books because the school provides all the required books for the year

>> No.21653489

Kids so go to pigcoldsores so i guess its a primary/secondary school?

>> No.21653568

>What was Aragorns tax policy?
People really want fantasy to be autistic about the most uninteresting details.

>> No.21654848

It's only "not well though out" if you're a nit-picking autist.

>> No.21655022


>> No.21655066

Building worlds yourself is half the fun of reading a story

>> No.21655147

Most fantasy stories where they focus on how the magic works feel bland and empty. The authors spend so much time explaining their magic system that the rest of the world building suffers. I've only read the first Harry Potter when I was in second grade but I think this is one of the rare cases where the author had an elaborate magic system and the world is so interesting that people can get lost in it. So I'll give JK props for accomplising that.

>> No.21655867

I like harry potter

>> No.21655875


>> No.21656001

It also doesn't count towards Harry Potter having a good world. The world being so bare that you can add things without ruining it is not good worldbuilding.

>> No.21656165

i've been on that studio tour twice. that model is pretty awesome

>> No.21656198

Am I retarded for thinking it was CGI?

>> No.21656607

Yes, yes you are.

>> No.21656745

>world building in the Iliad
Literally since Aristotle's time (at least) people have been discussing this - there's still to this day people writing essays about the Achaean Wall to figure out what it was, if it was really feasible in the amount of time described by Homer, etc.
Or read Nabokov's lessons on literature, speedreader-kun, the guy shows you how the best pieces of literature are so precise in describing things that you can re-build maps of places from description alone

>> No.21656764

you completely misunderstood what I meant but thats on me

>> No.21656785

Harry potter is aristocratic propaganda.
Its basically boarding school is le good.

>> No.21656786

Does somebody happen to have that copypasta that says that Harry Potter is a power fantasy for the whiggish upper-middle class in England?

>> No.21656789

It's first comming of Rick and morty. It's wacky random stuff that has nothing behind surfaces. It's just wacky magic wacky magic and anything is possible.

>> No.21656792

Hogsmeads is only full magic town. Basically we just hear about hogsmead, diagonally and turnaway alley.

>> No.21656842

Why don't Hufflepuff incels go on school cursings?

>> No.21656854
File: 1.37 MB, 1578x2842, 1653309808597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting about one of the dullest franchises in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King

>> No.21656863

>the Great Gatsby is in the same tier as TBK
kill yourself you illiterate amerinigger

>> No.21656879

>The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
No you didn't. Harold Bloom noticed that.

>> No.21658056

So like a real eastern euro school then

>> No.21658077

Where are my Clifford For President bros at. That was my favorite book on my 400-level English Literature curriculum

>> No.21658096

Why yes, welcome to Poland, have a pleasant stay.

>> No.21658567

Even looks a little like castle Malbork

>> No.21658706

>Why do bespectacled, poorly aging millennial women wish they were at this school so much? Why do they decide to ruin everyone's hour by talking about which of the street gangs of Hogwarts they align with?

At least they become more obvious so they can be avoided. The so-called human selection.

>> No.21659566
File: 41 KB, 1024x685, dou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>malignant narcissists make up 80% of the faculty
So like real schools
>>culture of bullying worse than columbine high school
So like real schools
>>structural instability galore
So like real schools
>>plumbing probably hasn't been updated since the 1920s
So like real schools
>>minimal safety and security guidelines
So like real schools
>>pest control is seldom consulted. Harry has to deal with another tyrannosaurus centaur cerberus hydra thing entering the school.
Would happen in real schools if possible
>>athletic activities are extremely dangerous
>>such archaic mindsets among the faculty and students that you might as well call them backwards savages
So like real schools

The reason (i suppose) of why people want to be there is for the fantasy settings and shenanigans, because is not like they know any better outside looking in. Education Institutes has declined. Also, Harry potter is shit

>> No.21660009

Point is, its more shit than the already shit schools

>> No.21660104


>> No.21660941

Think about it, a children's writer who hasn't published a successful book in the last 15 years is posting some garbage on a social network designed for retards - this is the most notorious transphobe on the planet.
Not people who actually pass laws against trans people, rape them, stone them or murder them in the street.
Those are all less important than a bitch with internet connection.

>> No.21660959

>if it was really feasible in the amount of time described by Homer
Usually it wasn't. I read about Homer's description of Ithaca, it supposedly makes no sense because he mentions three islands and there are only two, or something like that.
The descriptions of the fighting techniques are beyond odd too, everyone is riding chariots but they frequently just leave them to fight a guy one on one instead of crushing them under the wheels.
>Or read Nabokov's lessons on literature, speedreader-kun, the guy shows you how the best pieces of literature are so precise in describing things that you can re-build maps of places from description alone
He did that with Eugene Onegin and it turned out there's several mistakes. But he also said it doesn't really matter.
It really doesn't, it's autism and great writing is sometimes inconsistent even within itself (Don Quijote, Moby-Dick), not to mention with regards to the outside world's logic.

>> No.21660965

He'd tax childless men

>> No.21661833

Unironically Atlas shitted should be below kanye

>> No.21662273

go read HPMoR if you want some internal consistency

>> No.21662309

>Why do bespectacled, poorly aging millennial women wish they were at this school so much?
They like to pretend they are the bully.

>> No.21663105

Always bump~ /hpg/