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21648644 No.21648644 [Reply] [Original]

15. What is Memory - Remembrance.
16. What’s a Good Life? Is it a Life without Pain? Is it a Life filled with Meaning? Is Death Painful? Is Death even a Thing if there’s no Afterlife? Didn’t we establish that Memory causes Existance, Death can be only Painful if it is Remembered. For that to be True, You Must BE after Death. There must be a Place for you to BE. As Being is contraint by Space & Time.
17. Is Ignorance Good? Doesn’t Ignorance causes immense Suffering. How can it be Good?
18. Then can you be willingly Ignorant? You must be Insane to do that.
19. Isn’t Ignorance Ignoring what’s to come & having no knowledge what’s being Done or was Done not Good or even Bad. If it’s Death that’s coming at the end & is inherently true for every being that lives & had lived. How can Death be inherently true if we declared “To Live is Inherently True”.
20. Is Death an Action/Experience, Does Death Happens. Action needs a Object on which it occurs. If Death is an Action, the Object must be after it has been Acted upon. But Death ends the Being. Then Death doesn’t Occur.
21. Death Is. Then just any other (thing) that Is, is feeled/percieved by us. Any object that isn’t percieved by us, Is Not. Like a Ball is percievable to our Touch & Vision, Sadness is percievable to our Soul. Death must be Percievable to us. We must be after Death for Death to be Percievable. We Must Be - with Remembrance, in a Space & Time. But Death is something that makes Being Cease to Be. Thus, Death Isn’t. Not in the sense that it can affect us in any way possible.
22. Death Isn’t. Then it can’t affect us in any way possible, as it is not. Then no one experiences Death or no one Dies. Then where Existance Is, Death is not. Where Death Is, Existance is Not.
24. If Death Is. Then it must be Percieved or Affect Us in some way. Then We Must Die. We must Live for Death to occur, without Life, Death Isn’t. To Die is from something. If Life is not, there’s no Death. Just like a Ball to be in motion, it must have been in a rest. So for it being at rest, it must have been in motion. If Death is from Life. Life must be from Death. But we have no remembrance before Life. To Be is to have Remembrance. We Must have no Remembrance after Death. But if Death to be, we must have remembrance & thus Death Isn’t.
25. The Ball is at Motion with respect to Us, If we are moving at the same pace. It is not in Motion, but at Rest. Then there must be Death with respect to Living. Then we must Live to Know Death. Death can’t ever occur directly to You, you can only be a spectator to Death of someone else. You can never know Death for yourself, you can only see someone else Cease to Be.
26. Is something even real, if it can never occur to you but only to someone else.
27. The Question of Remebrance after Death?
28. If There is Remembrance after Death. Then we must have memories of Life. Then you must be Alive to even have these. Then how is it Death even.

>> No.21648658

1. Knowledge Itself by Itself is worthless.
2. Ignorance is the Actor that possesses Good Men to commit Bad.
3. Every Sane Men choses to be Good as only Suffering/Harm is to come from Bad. No Sane Men desires Harm/Suffering.
4. The Life is Full of Undirected Meaning & No Purpose & is at last, Absurd.
5. Sometimes I wish I didn’t knew myself well enough. The more I know myself, the blurry the visions of heaven get. I can’t concieve of any Heaven for Me.
6. To Live is Inherantly True. Though, there’s no Meaning to it. Fully acknowledging it can be pumped ripe with meaning.
7. Is to live just hopping from one meaningful thing to another till death, or assigning meaning to something impossible & die chasing that.
8. There’s a Afterlife or Not, no one knows, dead men tell no tales. Though, I am completely sure, there’s no heaven for me. There are tons of temporary Hells.
9. Ignorance is a Trait of Child. To be willfully Ignorant is Childish, the longer you are ignorant & feel pleasure of that ignorance, the more the Suffering is filled in the Vase that’s unavoidable in your Fate.
10. Though, You can’t Assume something which is-not, as how can something rightfully be, if it’s not.
11. Is Afterlife something that gives meaning to Life. What about Life Before, I don’t have recollections of any. Will I have Recollections of Life then? I don’t think I am, if memories are removed. I think I am my Memories. If I am, without my memories. Then what even is Existance/Being or To Be.
12. Memory is must ingredient for Thought & Conciousness.
13. There’s no Progress (if progress is of anything of value even) without Memory.

>> No.21648661

If it’s just transfer your soul to someplace another, what are it’s states:
I. Do you have the same body.
You have the same body. You have the Remembrance & the Appearance (& I assume all the perceptions that come with having that body - I suppose the same for the illness that has gripped it too is still intact). Then how is it any different from Life.
II.You Don’t have the same body.
You just have the Remembrance. You must be in some body. If not, what is to come of that Remembrance, is it just Itself by Itself. If so, there’s no passage of time. Then is it even Life. If you have some body, how & what’s different in it from your past Body & who decides what Body you get. Do you have to invent Morality & Ethics. The Good & Bad to determine if it’s superior or inferior.
29. Isn’t Afterlife the only reason there’s such a Thing as Good & Bad, or is it constraint by Life.
30. Let’s suppose you Cease to Exist & there’s something Divine as Death which acts on you & you don’t percieve it, cause you’re Dead. Then the Life of Limited Time’s all you Got.
31. What to make of it. I’ve got 90-So-Years to Live & there’s nothing that have come before it & there’s nothing to come after it.
32. To be or Not to be. Does it even have to be 90 Years, what’s the difference if it’s a Month or A Day. Does it even matter as there’s no remembrance of it after Death. You can end your Life now & it’ll cease to exist. Just like it never happened at all & you’ll have no conciousness to do anything about it.
33. Now-now, let’s say we decide not to kill ourself. We decide to live till we die of Natural Causes. Why the fuck Nature Wants us Dead anyway. It’s getting too Absurd.
34. Now let’s examine the social constructs of Good Life:

>> No.21648665

I. Be Moral - this seems pretty natural, If this is not established, someone will cause you harm by being Immoral & you definitely don’t want to suffer that pain. It’s just greed that drives this one, isn’t it. Or is it fear. If you act Immorally, someone will punish you or Act Vengence upon you. That’ll be painful. The Act of Vengence is Absurd in itself. It’s not that the Pain I felt will be somehow Un-Felt from the act of Vengence. It just seems Childish & Greedy. If the Immoral Act or Vengence causes 1. Death - Then it doesn’t matter cause you’ll be Dead to Feel anything & have no remembrance. 2. Irreplacable Damage - This will surely taint the life that you absurdly chose to live, & that wouldn’t be too good. Thus let’s all be moral & not tempt fate. & Then are the Psychopaths & Types - what did you think about them, they don’t act by the same rules as you good moral folks. Ahh! They won’t exist if we centre living to Morality - This is just Naive & Childish, As Ignorance is Childish. So do you have an answer for these folk?
II. Pleasures - No matter what the pleasure is, as the nature has made us with feeling of disdain I suppose, the similar amount of pain awaits. The Higher the Highs, the Lower the Lows Awaits. This is Self-Evident. If not from a Low, then what is a High even. If the High so High, must not if you’re that High, the normal Highs are Lower than the Current High & indeed are Lowers & not Highs anymore.

>> No.21648669

35. Remembrance & Knowledge is not the Same. I guess you’ll have plenty to Time to make something of that Knowledge & have the Remembrance that you were not a useless piece of shit & was somehow important.
37. The Socratic thought of Knowledge is Absurd, he’s going to heaven & can inquire about Truth from the creator itself (about Homer’s Poetry from Homer himself). I don’t know what you’ll make of that Truth. Else, as Knowledge Itself by Itself is worthless.

>> No.21648701

The thought about Socrates teaching the slave Math is retarded too!
If all's just recollection & we learned in previous lives, what about the First Learning then, how did that happen, you little ugly fuck.
How did you learn it for the First Time in any of the previous life.

>> No.21648709

You can't assume Death Is & Death is Not. that's contradictory to No. 10.

Take the Razor - Death Is.

>> No.21648717

Focus is on Remembrance after Death, not Death you Mid-wit

>> No.21648844

BTW I am Ryuusuke Yashiro
Just owning it, these Fragments are mine. I am not afraid to hide in Anonymity.