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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 18 KB, 400x301, modernintellectual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2164631 [Reply] [Original]

who is the dumbest "good" writer? as in, a writer who is critically acclaimed, but has said things so derpingly retarded that you wonder if he/she graduated high school

basically looking for writer faux pas here, youtube links would be great

inb4 ideological jokes

not entirely related but oh god... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2BJSV8Q1Yw

>> No.2164648

God, he's dull

>> No.2164663

This is the most awkward interview I've ever seen in my life.

Tao Lin talks like an awkward teenager.

>> No.2164732

Orson Scott Card on gays.

>> No.2164735

Céline maybe?

>> No.2164737

V.S. Naipaul is a genius but his comments on female writers are the epitome of derp

>> No.2164745

This is exactly what I thought of - incredibly talented writer, cartoonishly terrible person, giant derp

>> No.2164747
File: 41 KB, 370x253, V.S._dealwithit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if by 'derp' you mean 'bold'.

>> No.2164749

Terence McKenna

>> No.2164750

This interview. God such failure.

>> No.2164757


cool reality filter bros

>> No.2164760

all the ones who busted a huge nut for obama

not to say that i didn't make this mistake myself. or even to say that he's a really shitty president. just a regular one

>> No.2164763


he is great relative to sarah palin and the teabaggers

>> No.2164771


>> No.2164772

stupid /lit/ and stupid tao lin meme

>> No.2164773 [DELETED] 

Salman Rushdie. Nigger said The Wire was just a police show.

>> No.2164777

Tao Lin, he's so dumb, look at that interview, is he retarded or something?

>> No.2164778

Tao is way too 'self aware' to be dumb. The truly dumb can hardly comprehend or come to terms with their own stupidity. Their actions are as involuntary as casual breath. They do not iron their own clothes.

>> No.2164783

>>2164777 -cont
also, I'm embarrass just watching this

>> No.2164787

"no, I'm being normal right now"

>> No.2164793

Rushdie is a little bit of a famewhore cheeseball but he was so obviously trolling for publicity in that interview

>> No.2164798

I am seriously worried about doing interviews if I ever become famous. I would have to be a recluse who never talks on camera because I say some pretty dumb shit, and I have pretty strong opinions on a lot of things, which I understand you just can't throw around when you have a fanbase.

I consider myself intelligent, but only in my writing because I have the time to consider what I am saying. On the fly I think I come across as a pretentious idiot, evidenced by my ever-shrinking list of people that I can call friends and who call me friends. I traded my social life for literature and writing.

>> No.2164799

"metaphors and similes and stuff"

>> No.2164801

I wouldn't worry too much about fame, if I were you.

>> No.2164808

Watching Tao Lin's interviews convinces me he's just some weird guy who writes whatever he feels like, and there is no grand scheme.

I do not know if this pleases me or not.

>> No.2164809 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 236x285, hoho!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's pretty much how tao lin seems to be in OP's link. he's probably not a complete idiot, but he's just so awkward and doesn't know how to voice his opinions outside of print that he comes off as autismal as fuck

if anything, that interview should be hope for you, because if this guy can succeed then who's to say other camera shy introverts can't?

>mfw "I just bite it into small pieces, it's just faster"

>"let's make the less asocial version of the salad"

>> No.2164815

it pleases me

his writing really isn't even that bad, once you get past the whole /lit/ meme of irrationally hating him and check him out, I, at least, found him somewhat interesting. not the greatest ever, but ilikewhati'mreading.jpg

the awkwardness in interviews just makes him seem that much more genuine, he's just a shy guy who wants to write good books

of course maybe that's all part of some master plan he cooked up to get him famous, but meh

>> No.2164818 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 847x477, hugelyintelligent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do know that Tao Lin's text is "autismal as fuck" too, right?

Pic related.

>> No.2164823


>> No.2164826 [DELETED] 

shit is autismal, but that's why it's good

>that feel when you exactly understand tao lin's feel when he was writing this, because you just let your face be like it always is but people say you look sad but you're not trying to look sad, you just do, and don't know what to do about it because that's how you naturally roll

>> No.2164840


The fuck? I've never read it, so >context but Jesus, that was terrible.

>> No.2164869

Would you mind taking a screenshot of every other page, then assembling that into a folder, then compressing that folder and uploading it to mediafire?

>> No.2164893


>> No.2164906

Vonnegut. Harper Lee.

>> No.2164911

I'd like to. /lit/ talks an awful lot about Tao Lin, but I think very few have actually read just how bad it is.

I'd love to educate the masses.

>> No.2164919

Finding pirated Tao anywhere is pretty much impossible for some reason. It's a shame.

>> No.2164924

Probably because the demand is pitifully low.

>> No.2164931


What dumb stuff did Harper Lee say?

>> No.2164975

Racism. Stuff about jigaboos and chink-stink. I'm a racist and even found myself bewildered by the language.

>> No.2164983

She refuses to acknowledge that her own novel has value beyond what she intended.

>> No.2164986
File: 319 KB, 672x800, 1310894962702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2164999


>> No.2165051

That how Harper described the gooks ;_;

>> No.2165055

Nope. I don't believe it.

>> No.2165057

Tao Te Ching?


>> No.2165059 [DELETED] 


So she wrote that nigger loving book to kill a mocking bird and was still racist?

>> No.2165068

awkward ass person.

>> No.2165069

What stuff did Vonnegut say, 2 anons who said Vonnegut?

>> No.2165154 [DELETED] 


TKAM isn't a 'nigger-loving' book. In fact, it's profoundly racist. Lee portrays Tom Robinson as essentially stupid and passive. He is innocent, but he is innocent to the point of naivete. All of these were a part of the condescending master-slave attitude whites still held toward blacks at the time of writing. In my opinion, Lee, along with Capote, is an absolutely brilliant troll who conned liberals into praising a book that was liberal on the surface level and extremely conservative at its core.

>> No.2165166


That writers should listen to critics, 'because they probably know what they're talking about'.

>> No.2165174

There are a lot of ways that sentence could be stupid or not stupid. Context?

>> No.2165175

It was a pretty shitty book, can someone explain to me why it is acclaimed? It seemed like an average book an elementary student would read..

>> No.2165179


As I just pointed out, politics. Although Scout and Boo Radley have become character archetypes (sort of), so there's an explanation.

>> No.2165192

Politics ruin everything.

>> No.2165198

That, and females who try to write. Seriously, apart from Dorothy Parker every female author is shit on a stick.

>> No.2165199

Does anyone have a download link for Richard Yates.

>> No.2165207

Well I would argue that it's just because men and women think differently. For example, I cannot listen to a woman playing Chopin's Nocturnes, but that is not representational of female skill vs male skill, but rather how a man would express the work, and therefore be more accepted by a man. Everything is subjective regardless, so as the wise men say, "Fuck it".

>> No.2165234

lol, every little boy who says shit like this inevitably picks a total entry-levelinista as their one exception to the inherent inferiority of the female sex. I love Dorothy Parker but if you like her there are about ten million bevaginaed novelists - or, y'know, Twitterers - who should pass your precious smell test

>> No.2165489 [DELETED] 

flannery o'connor, nigger

>> No.2165496
File: 1.31 MB, 2300x3650, femaleauthors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I'm sure you've read a large amount of non-genre/YA female novelists to back up that opinion.

>> No.2165501


>> No.2165502


You've got the right thread.

>> No.2165514

I know Ayn Rand is a meme here but.

Her justification for atheism is crazy. "I haven't seen any proof of god so I know he doesn't exist".

>> No.2165544

Crowd-specific, but Neil Gaiman and Stephen King.

Gaiman sometimes (Stardust), King always.

>> No.2165547

So I'm guessing no one has a download link to Richard Yates by Tao Lin. I want to read it just because it is so bad.

>> No.2165549

James Ellroy.

Read something by the actual Richard Yates instead.

>> No.2165558

>Neil Gaiman
>Author of Sandman
>ISHYGGDThough I understand /lit/s complete shunning of graphic novels as a legitimate medium.

>> No.2165566

Contemporary: Jonathan Franzen.
Historical: Knut Hamsun, though T.S. Eliot and Ezra Pound compete well.

>> No.2165569

I tried to read Sandman. It was garbage. It might have impressed me if I was 12. Sadly, I'm a grown-ass man. If you want to read a graphic novel that is actually good, try 'Black Hole' by the great Charles Burns.

>> No.2165573

you're a pseudo intellectual faggot

>> No.2165575

He's right. It's trash. Neverwhere was good though.

>> No.2165576

What? But Sandman is compete crap.

>> No.2165579

Camus all the way. Most existentialists actually. Human dignity and shit...

>> No.2165735

>Dorothy Parker is the only female writer he likes
>has never heard of
>Sylvia Plath
>Virginia Woolf
>Flannery O'Connor
>Mary Shelley

>> No.2165740

>Mary Shelley
I fucking love me some Shelley

>> No.2165741

>irrelevant, antiquated bullshit
>better than DP

Please just kill yourself now.

>> No.2165750

People in this thread seem to be speaking very highly of Dorothy Parker. I've never read any of her works. What would you recommend?

>> No.2165832


Also Sarte and other people like them who, after they're confronted with the absurd/existential crisis/nihilism do not conquer this darkest night of the mind but just decide to rewind, stake a step back and become commies because it's just easier to stick to populair sentimental humanism instead of creating something better. To think those motherfuckers actually read Stirner, Nietzsche and so on and then came to this decision makes me sad. Why not just kiss a crucifix and repent while your at it?

>> No.2165836
File: 38 KB, 483x773, thongpic12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember watching that Tao Lin interview, and he was terrible. What's his problem? I thought his simple writing style and weird characters was just how he wrote, but I think he's actually like that. I'm one of the few people who here who's actually READ him.

>> No.2165838


Why blame the authors for that though? It's ultimately down to the person who reads it. If they aren't strong enough then so be it.

>> No.2165839

Astonishingly well stated. You condensed all my thoughts on those wimps.

>> No.2165845


Forget i said that. I misread your post.

>> No.2165855



>> No.2165957
File: 52 KB, 640x480, Pic46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Tao Lin is... autistic? That doesn't seem to match what he is, but I think he does have some social problems.

Also: Richard Yates is a terrible novel and a sign that Tao Lin is getting worse in whatever social disorder ails him. His divorce is also further proof.

>> No.2166061 [DELETED] 

>that banana is not your cock

>> No.2166091

Does Anybody have a link to a free download of Richard Yates? I can't find one anywhere.