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File: 38 KB, 300x368, marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21646377 No.21646377 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone who dismisses him too quickly hasn't read him. Most people that do read him don't even understand him. He filters 95% of people who touch his work.

>> No.21646402

I've fully Das Kapital with an anthropology professor and 3 other law students in the summer of 2014. AMA

>> No.21646412

What do you think of it?
Are you going to reread it?

>> No.21646415

Fabianism beat him. Sorry but he is completely irrelevant.

>> No.21646429

At the time i was more intrigued about his philosophical perspective on science than about his materialist conception of history or his sociological contribution.
With time i have learn to respect Weber and Durkheim more than Marx for purely personal reasons.
I reread it back in 2018 which was the year i started reading hegel and that made me drop philosophy entirely for better or worse.

>> No.21646446

I'm reading him now and it's full of wacked out crackpot shit. Basically everything has been falsified or would make modern commies loudly denounce it. I have no idea how someone would read him now and decide that this is what they were going to listen to.

>> No.21646463

This is a very general sentiment even among neo-marxists (marxists that don't publish).
That's in part why i disassociated with his ideas at an academic level. The only marx that was allowed to be enquired was the ecological or green and the post-colonial Marx.

>> No.21646465

>the post-colonial Marx
u wot m8

Are you talking about the like five letters he wrote to Engels while he was in Algiers?

>> No.21646470

Get a job and reread length of the working day.

>> No.21646493

>Get a job
>reread length of the working day.

>> No.21646507
File: 24 KB, 300x300, marx_and_the_earth-300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only that. It's more about the instrumentalization of nature in Marx' philosophy

>> No.21646517

Bakunin read him, translated him, understood him and then btfo of him.
I pay him enough respect, but he’s wrong about plenty

>> No.21646536

>Bakunin read him, translated him, understood him and then btfo of him.
Literally all of his criticisms of marx boiled down to anti-semitism.

>> No.21646574

So you're saying you've completely missed out on decades of post-marxist writing that has been extremely important and influential for socio-politcal sciences, such as in mapping out concepts such as hegemony and how populism functions as a dimension of the political sphere etc, etc. What stupid niche nonsense have you been wasting your time on then?

>> No.21646587

You can tell this retard never touched anything written by Marx, that's for sure. Standard braindead vague whining about nothing specific. Just you usual pretentious brainlet coping.

>> No.21646591

False. Apparently you don’t know what the objections are.

>> No.21646604

Y'know some of those concepts could be figured out without even needing a Marxist background. Your problem is thinking it's even a necessary connection.

>> No.21646636

Non historical materialist accounts of fascism as populism tend to view it as ideologically opposed to liberalism rather than as a form of liberalism. That's a key deficiency.

I mean you can reconduct the analysis out of a workplace given your cell group's time, but for some things it is simpler to force the poor cunt who just joined to summarise bourgeois academics on non-production issues.

>> No.21646660
File: 135 KB, 1200x675, p01ggpws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intelligent social scientist
>not a marxist
Pick one

>> No.21646705

He is evil. He wages war on faith and reason, separating them and filling the growing void with uncertainty and death.

>> No.21646774

>would make modern commies loudly denounce it
That's because most modern "communists" are either marxist-leninists or reformist leftists and their political frameworks/projects have really nothing to do with Marx's thought

>> No.21646783

Poking holes in Marx is the single most Marxist activity possible.

>> No.21646801

You can already create Marxist communes if you want, people already have. Nobody's stopping you.

>> No.21646836

What's a "Marxist commune"?

>> No.21646852

>What's a "Marxist commune"?
Usually a 4th international, sometimes a 5th.

>> No.21646903

Yeah, nobody stopping the Cubans or the Yugoslavians from doing Marxism…

>> No.21646978

Looked through all the math in Capital 1-3 last night. His whole complaint about worker exploitation could be solved by expanding stock options. Yawn. Lemme guess, I have to buy into his opinions on metaphysics to truly believe him?

>> No.21647003
File: 346 KB, 1043x1370, 429DCD06-4C37-4410-97F3-F345D18D0503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you come up with quotes instead of dogmatism?

The politburo and leader is classism

I love libertarian-socialism with moderate-anarchism and peaceful-Nazism

We’ve been post-scarcity the entire time.

>> No.21647008

>could be solved by expanding stock options.
Yeah, that's the chapter on the wage where the wage is politically determined. Also we have concrete evidence from coop experiements where workers as owners but not controllers of capital exploit themselves.

Nice try, but critique's of Marx's critique aren't "easy."

The best critique I've read is Mandel's predicting an absolute rate of profit crisis being 150 years after him, so sometime around 2100.

>> No.21647016

>Yeah, nobody stopping the Cubans or the Yugoslavians from doing Marxism…
Scale of productivity.

>> No.21647069

>ay yo rich boi gibs me dat

>> No.21647074
File: 119 KB, 749x451, CA59579E-C781-4372-93A6-94DC2C63B60D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Communism should be democratic-libertarian-socialism with moderate-anarchism.

The whole slavery thing is unacceptable.

I love the lazy. Everyone is best off doing what they enjoy and everyone has a unique purpose in life, including utmost abstract purpose.

The idea is to achieve heaven/true utopia.
But if there isn’t problems, farms as is already “overproduce” and naturally lower all prices unless restrained.

Something went deeply wrong in communist countries that caused so many strange problems.
I think the central issue is the dictatorship aspect of communism. That the politburo is a class.

A true utopia is one where everyone is empowered to the utmost and not forced to do anything.

Things naturally progress if things don’t go in a weird forceful direction.

For example, imagine the USA with ever improving REAL democracy, antitrust laws, socialism, and diplomacy instead of rampant militarization.
Instant utopia. Everyones truest desires are mutual. We all win together with real progress.

Everything can and should be free. There’s ever greater assets for humanity to gain. Like divinity via genetic modification


Lets also face it, it looks like most countries only have problems because of subversion and foreign exploitation.
But putting extra faith in the politburo dictatorship just because you think they’re on your team, is the opposite of a solution.
Government requires utmost accountability and transparency. As well as media/information-sources that aren’t owned by a monopoly.

>> No.21647106
File: 127 KB, 1125x1207, D0735C1C-F046-43C8-8734-A2CEB88D1A8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the way to utopia is to create ever goodder generacy of collective-consciousness. IE love and trusting that everyone has the same ultimate desires for the collective. I believe the only motive is love and everyones truest desires are mutual.
We don’t even need automation or any mass movements or conformity to anything. It’s pretty obvious countries have deeper abstract kinds of problems that are the real force that harms economies and harms all potential progress etc.

A society is a thought. A meme.
A society is the thoughts of its people.
A thought is a soul.
We have to create and invoke thoughts that are loved enough by everyone so much so that the thought/spirit alone will guide everyone to the destination.

IE such as the thought/soul/spirit of True-Heaven-For-All

The only power is love.
To transcend these problems lets create loves/thoughts/spirits/souls/dreams/wills that transcend the problems.

>> No.21647128

Workers "as owners but not controllers" exploit themselves? What, so they choose to have a lower wage? Do they give up their stock options? What do you mean by they exploit themselves?

>> No.21647324

>Communism should be democratic-libertarian-socialism with moderate-anarchism.
The commune already IS democratic libertarian-socialism anarchism