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21645827 No.21645827 [Reply] [Original]

Why hasn't the antinatalism spammer been banned, do we really need constant threads about this?
>inb4 clever janny bans me

>> No.21645833

jannies are trannies, therefore leftists, therefore antinatalists. why would they delete a thread they agree with?

>> No.21646139

Wouldn’t we suffer less if the antinatalist threads never existed?

>> No.21646240

Can't reply I've never been born

>> No.21646318

>wants more moderation
kill yourself

>> No.21646352

why not contact them instead of shitting up the catalog with your gay metathread?

>> No.21646362

It’s just a single thread in the whole catalog, why does it bother you so much? Do the arguments make you uneasy? Do you secretly suspect he is right?

>> No.21646419

Wouldn't we suffer less if antinatalists never existed?

>> No.21646549

If he was truly antinatalist, he would khs.
He's a poser.

>> No.21646563

see >>21646549
This is the philosophical kill shot what is loosed to combat antinatalism.
Maybe come with something stronger and you'll change his mind.

>> No.21646564


>> No.21646615

Have you never finished a book even though you didn't enjoy it enough to recommend it to others? Is it hypocritical to finish a book you find flawed? Should it be abandoned immediately once you come across a part you don't like?

>> No.21646625

>Have you never finished a book even though you didn't enjoy it
actually i haven't. fuck would i do that for?

>> No.21646630


>> No.21646648

>Have you never finished a book even though you didn't enjoy it enough to recommend it to others? Is it hypocritical to finish a book you find flawed? Should it be abandoned immediately once you come across a part you don't like?
Yeah but this case youd be reading a book you dont enjoy for a hundred years. Why you such a retarded nigger kys already

>> No.21646653

Do you think that everyone who opposes rape has to be celibate?

>> No.21646657

You can find something not good enough to force it upon others but not bad enough to abandon immediately.

>> No.21646690

So you're "forcing" yourself to live because it's not "bad enough to abandon immediately". If its not bad enough to where you're looking for legitimate ways out it then it is not that bad. This is like someone who claims theyre starving but when you point out that shops throw food out whether its bad or not into the dumpsters suddenly the hunger is pretty barrable. Doesnt stop him from constantly complaining about that hunger though. Good enough to keep going but bad enough that you need to bitch every step of the way

>> No.21646692

>I exist, therefore I must reproduce
This is the ideology of a bug

>> No.21646694

According to your logic, if breaking your leg is not worth killing yourself over it's okay to start breaking little kids' legs.

>> No.21647260

He couldn't make antinatalist threads if he had never been born

checkmate natalistfag