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21640751 No.21640751 [Reply] [Original]

holy shit based!

>> No.21640755

/pol/ is coming out of the woodwork as we speak

>> No.21640797

>The eternal Jew Ahasuerusa is nothing more than the personification of the whole Jewish people. Because he committed a grave sacrilege against the saviour and the redeemer, he shall never be redeemed from the earthly life and its burden and thereby wander homelessly in foreign lands. This in fact is precisely the offenceb and fate of the small Jewish people which, wondrous to relate, was driven from its domicile almost two thousand years ago, still exists and wanders about homeless. Meanwhile, so many great and glorious peoples, in whose company such a ramshackle nation should not even be mentioned – the Assyrians, Medes, Persians, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Etruscans and so on – have gone to their eternal rest and have entirely disappeared. Thus even today this people without home,c this John Landless among the peoples can be found the whole world over, nowhere at home and nowhere a stranger, all the while affirming its nationality with unprecedented stubbornness. Indeed, harking back to Abraham who lived in Canaan as a stranger but eventually became lord of the whole land as God had promised him (Genesis 17:8), it would like to get a proper foothold somewhere and put down roots, in order to obtain a country again, without which of course a people is a ball in the air. Until such time it lives parasitically on the other peoples and their soil, but is nevertheless inspired by the most robust patriotism for its own nation, which it displays by firmly sticking together, so that all stand for one and one for all.

>> No.21640804

>Thus this patriotism without fatherland has a more inspiring effect than any other. The fatherland of the Jew is composed of the rest of the Jews; this is why he fights for them as for hearth and home and no community on earth sticks together as firmly as this one. From this is seen how absurd it is to attempt to accommodate them with a share of the government or administration of any state. Their religion, from the ground up merged with and one with their state, is by no means the main issue here, but on the contrary only the bond that holds them together, the rallying point and the banner by which they recognize one another. This is also revealed by the fact that even the baptized Jew by no means heaps the hatred and loathing of the others upon himself as apostates otherwise do, but instead as a rule does not cease to be their friend and companion, with the exception of a few Orthodox Jews, and regards them as his true countrymen. For the regular and solemn prayer of the Jews, for which ten must always be together, a baptized Jew is even allowed to substitute if one is missing, though no other Christian. The same holds true for all other religious acts. The matter would emerge with even greater clarity if Christianity were to decline entirely and cease, insofar as the Jews would not then cease to exist and stick together separately as Jews, for themselves. Accordingly, it is a highly superficial and false view to regard the Jews merely as a religious sect. But if for the purpose of advancing this error Judaism is referred to as the ‘Jewish confession’, borrowing a phrase from the Christian Church, then this is a fundamentally false expression deliberately designed to mislead, and it should not be permitted.

>> No.21640824

absolutely rent free

>> No.21640844

desu, there's a distinction between "national pride", and just wanting there to be any kind of barrier on immigration, so your nation can continue to exist in a recognisable form.

>> No.21640849

I was right kek

>> No.21640855

the irony lmao, lil bioleninist hosting an entire board in his head for free

>> No.21640857

>No! I want more Somalis in my country!
That's you

>> No.21640874

have sex

>> No.21640883
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I feel bad for him
he was too smart and too stupid at the same time

>> No.21640894

See >>21640844

>> No.21640915

Oh boy, it’s the D-grade religious antisemitism that allowed jews to immerse themselves in political and financial works during the dark ages.

>> No.21640922
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What a fag. I'm proud of my achievements and abilities and of my nation and my race(s).

>> No.21640930

Damn right. Jews are the chosen ones. Fuck the goys.

>> No.21640942

>these are the /pol/tards calling you a mutt

>> No.21640981
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>> No.21641047

do you even read?

>> No.21641091

He was a white supremacist. He didnt give a fuck about nation states

>> No.21641094

>Falling for mutt baiting

>> No.21641406
File: 58 KB, 476x525, schoppi_d8rw6__please_credit[palette.fm].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chapter XLIV. The Metaphysics Of The Love Of The Sexes.
>Blondes prefer dark persons, or brunettes; but the latter seldom prefer the former. The reason is, that fair hair and blue eyes are in themselves a variation from the type, almost an abnormity, analogous to white mice, or at least to grey horses. In no part of the world, not even in the vicinity of the pole, are they indigenous, except in Europe, and are clearly of Scandinavian origin. I may here express my opinion in passing that the white colour of the skin is not natural to man, but that by nature he has a black or brown skin, like our forefathers the Hindus; that consequently a white man has never originally sprung from the womb of nature, and that thus there is no such thing as a white race, much as this is talked of, but every white man is a faded or bleached one. Forced into the strange world, where he only exists like an exotic plant, and like this requires in winter the hothouse, in the course of thousands of years man became white. The gipsies, an Indian race which immigrated only about four centuries ago, show the transition from the complexion of the Hindu to our own.38 Therefore in sexual love nature strives to return to dark hair and brown eyes as the primitive type; but the white colour of the skin has become a second nature, though not so that the brown of the Hindu repels us. Finally, each one also seeks in the particular parts of the body the corrective of his own defects and aberrations, and does so the more decidedly the more important the part is. Therefore snub-nosed individuals have an inexpressible liking for hook-noses, parrot-faces; and it is the same with regard to all other parts. Men with excessively slim, long bodies and limbs can find beauty in a body which is even beyond measure stumpy and short. The considerations with regard to temperament act in an [pg 359] analogous manner. Each will prefer the temperament opposed to his own; yet only in proportion as his one is decided. Whoever is himself in some respect very perfect does not indeed seek and love imperfection in this respect, but is yet more easily reconciled to it than others; because he himself insures the children against great imperfection of this part. For example, whoever is himself very white will not object to a yellow complexion; but whoever has the latter will find dazzling whiteness divinely beautiful. The rare case in which a man falls in love with a decidedly ugly woman occurs when, besides the exact harmony of the degree of sex explained above, the whole of her abnormities are precisely the opposite, and thus the corrective, of his. The love is then wont to reach a high degree.

>> No.21641420

For me it's still the ramblings about his noisy neighborhood

>> No.21641424

Women prefer men with dark hair

>> No.21641465

>Kant has written a treatise on The Vital Powers; but I should like to write a dirge on them, since their lavish use in the form of knocking, hammering, and tumbling things about has made the whole of my life a daily torment. Certainly there are people, nay, very many, who will smile at this, because they are not sensitive to noise; it is precisely these people, however, who are not sensitive to argument, thought, poetry or art, in short, to any kind of intellectual impression: a fact to be assigned to the coarse quality and strong texture of their brain tissues. On the other hand, in the biographies or in other records of the personal utterances of almost all great writers, I find complaints of the pain that noise has occasioned to intellectual men. For example, in the case of Kant, Goethe, Lichtenberg, Jean Paul; and indeed when no mention is made of the matter it is merely because the context did not lead up to it. I should explain the subject we are treating in this way: If a big diamond is cut up into pieces, it immediately loses its value as a whole; or if an army is scattered or divided into small bodies, it loses all its power; and in the same way a great intellect has no more power than an ordinary one as soon as it is interrupted, disturbed, distracted, or diverted; for its superiority entails that it concentrates all its strength on one point and object, just as a concave mirror concentrates all the rays of light thrown upon it. Noisy interruption prevents this concentration. This is why the most eminent intellects have always been strongly averse to any kind of disturbance, interruption and distraction, and above everything to that violent interruption which is caused by noise; other people do not take any particular notice of this sort of thing.
It's almost adorably autistic

>> No.21641754

Why be proud of something you didn't do? It seems pretty delusional to feel like you take credit for something just because you belong to the same land or have genes that were grouped together into a race?

>> No.21641850

Based indeed. Was there anything he wasn't right about?

>> No.21641969
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nothing. he has never been wrong

>> No.21642100
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>> No.21642108
File: 62 KB, 850x400, quote-the-state-is-the-absolute-reality-and-the-individual-himself-has-objective-existence-georg-wilhelm-friedrich-hegel-76-60-37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-rapes you into oblivion-

>> No.21642111

state =/= national pride

>> No.21642118

sure boyo keep telling yourself that

>> No.21642134

>For example, whoever is himself very white will not object to a yellow complexion; but whoever has the latter will find dazzling whiteness divinely beautiful

this is true, asian girls love white boys

>> No.21642147

cope, I got trips of truth. Better luck next time.

>> No.21642153

At the end he makes exactly clear what he is talking about, people who are delusional and deny any problem in their nations. He isn't really talking about the brotherhood sentiment that comes from people that live in the same culture and system, but about those whoe get completely blinded by it.

>> No.21642184
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>in my main work (vol. 2, ch. 47) I described how the state is essentially a mere institution of protection against external attacks on the whole and internal attacks on individuals against one another. From this it follows that the necessity of the state, in the final analysis, is based on the well-known injustice of the human race; without this there would be no thought of the state, since no one would have to fear infringement of his rights and a mere union against the attacks of wild animals or the elements would have only a remote similarity to a state. From this standpoint one clearly sees the narrow-mindedness and shallowness of the philosophasters who in pompous phrases depict the state as the highest purpose and the blossom of human existence, thereby delivering an apotheosis of philistinism.

>> No.21642190
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National pride is a government hoax to encourage you to become part of the slaughtered masses for their wars

>> No.21642206

How is this /pol/? If anyone is THEY are the nationalist. But speaking of which is anybody actually nationalist? I’m American and distrust and slightly detest America in general. I think 9/11 and the Iraq war put a bad taste in my mouth that I can never get out.

>> No.21642210

I meant the /pol/ comments that inevitably followed, not the OP itself.

>> No.21642214

Jung called this mentality a mental disorder in the first chapter of the undiscovered self. When the individual loses a sense of self he finds moral justification in the state, something like that at least. I don’t have a fancy jpeg of the quote with his face next to it like some sort of tumblr freak, and I don’t feel like getting out of bed to fetch my copy of the book to take a picture, so you’ll just have to read his book to see if I’m telling you the truth or not. It’s the first chapter he says it now that I think about it.

>> No.21642223

Oh right, it’s a shame really and kind of proves the point that nationality and racism are a kind of demonic mental illness. I miss the good old days when you could chain a demoniac to the tombs away from the city so no one would have to hear him hollering

>> No.21642248

/pol/ sending out its strongest soldiers today lmao. Great post OP, keep up the good work.

>> No.21642255

Le hi uhm

>> No.21642257

>reddit filename
speaks for itself, no need to comment further or to explain the mutant newfags screeching /pol/

>> No.21642339
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Other than a few minor things, no. He's correct on...just about everything.

>> No.21642367
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Not surprised to see that jung is a proponent of muh self-ownership,
while only a few people ever have read the works of Hegel

Modern individualism is a scam pandered to average people into believing they can go ubermensch through the power of will, going at it alone, and mog everyone around them (these people always end up failing and mentally challenged) while the higher end profit from their gullible, naïve and weak position in society.

The world doesnt revolve around you or your MBTI personality type. either you out-breed the rival tribe or watch yourself get cucked by people better than you, so you end up coping with it by making Jung and Alan Watts your messiahs and claim you know how the world works

>> No.21642445
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True, but racism is a fallacy. There is no superior race. Augustine was probably black as his Berber mother was. Luther had constant contact with a Coptic priest from Ethiopia. The charismatic movement is rooted in African worship. Racism was created during the enlightenment and was a way for the elite to step on any culture they felt like. Racism as a worldview is only 300+- years old. Islam is older than racism lol. It is foolish. Rooted in erroneous dogma perpetuated by Darwin. It is in its most base form an excuse for man to reveal his sinfulness. I do not know where you stand on this matter but just in case you are racist I said this much.
As for nationalism, it is not as toxic as racism, but it is just as stupid. There is no benefit in nationalism. What does the Cuban have to be proud of? What about the Chinese? What if you were born into a country that sucks? How can you be a nationalist? You can’t move to another place and be a nationalist, it’s crazy. Pure lottery. One may give glory to God for winning the lottery, because the lot is cast in His lap, but one can never reasonably take pride in one’s nation. They can only have a healthy concern and desire for its growth.

>> No.21642677

>being a bootlicker will prevent you being fucked in the ass by said boot.
What has any of that got to do with a state, or any state? The modern state would happily take in more warm bodies that would then proceed to symbiotically leech off of each other. Other than that tribalism is literally older than humanity. Packs of wild simians fight each other for territory and resources and so do many other animals. Humans just do that on a larger and sometimes more abstracted scale.

>> No.21642700

>there is no superior race
>but the chinese and cubans are objectively inferior
Not worth responding to. Laugh at this retard

>> No.21642712
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Naturally, you would just climb the social ladder if you do well in life. There is no "bootlicking" that's on you for being objectively inferior and having to resort to parasitic means to make ends meet in life.

Marxists can't even maintain an argument without slipping up and revealing their inferiority. I suggest you kill yourself before you make another embarassing post

>> No.21642713

I'm sure theres good Cuban literature that goes beyond retarded 'im latinx' shit

>> No.21642725

It’s only the modern second gen immigrants who wrote shit like that. Classic Cubans like Alejo Carpentier or José Lezama Lima were different .

>> No.21642930

I just used them as examples. Idk about the shanigans of Cuban authors I just listed them as examples of extreme juxtaposition of a western nation.

>> No.21642939
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sir have you seen the butthurt nationalistic germans have over imigration? Immigration is somehow directly opposed to a nationalistic society. Nationalism entails culture, race, and the geographic boarders, if I understand it correctly.

>> No.21642955

ngl my blond ass has been attracted to med/Jewish type girls from day 1

>> No.21644214
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>no Michleangelo has no accomplishments, he had pride in his own country and people
there's a reason Soapandshower is considered a joke and only taught as a footnote to Nietzsche

>> No.21644280

>Augustine was probably black as his Berber mother was
you gave away your bioleninist mental deficiency too soon, 4/10, try harder

>> No.21644369

But Marxists LOVE the nanny state.
State and nation are not exactly the same thing.

>> No.21644389

>just climb the social ladder without sucking up to your superiors
That doesn't really work in practice. One of the reasons Hitler failed in the end was that he became surrounded by yes-men.

>> No.21644403

Hitler was allowing for the reality of a non parasitical power relations between people to happen. In other words nobody who is too ugly, too dumb, etc. because he wanted better genetic stock for german society. It doesn't take more than 2 iq to realize that but I guess you are just retarded

>> No.21644408

I was implying more to the whole WW2 thing.

>> No.21644493

Try to think with your other brain, my snownigga.

>> No.21644518

What a midwit plebbit take on nationalism. There's a difference between pride and empty pride. A nation isn't just some piece of land with a bunch of people living in it. It's an extension of the individual and the individual a unit of it. If you are proud of your nation, then that means your and your nation's values are in tune. By expressing that pride you are affirming your own values. Individual, family, neighborhood, city, province, state, and finally the nation. When you're living in a nation, you are part of a one giant extended family with shared values, traditions, and kinship.
Being proud of your nation is appreciating your people's shared history, their achievements thus far, and being aware of what it took to reach this point. There is no individual without the nation. Your nation is your civilization. The nation allows an individual to achieve his/her full potential and find his proper place among his kin.

>> No.21644533

Name 1 (one) current nation that's like that.

>> No.21644562

Fuhrerprinzip was hitler wanting to larp as one of the greats i.e. Bismarck, Napoleon, charlemagne, but forgot that you needed good leadership skills to be a good leader, which hitler lacked. Just a consequence of liberal thinking and high on celebrity worship. Those famous figures only got their victories through their sheer power hence they were more symbiotic with the hierarchical nature of reality than hitler would like to imagine his rise to power to be (through populism and desperation rather than his skill)

>> No.21644572

>Those famous figures only got their victories through their sheer power hence they were more symbiotic with the hierarchical nature of reality than hitler would like to imagine his rise to power to be (through populism and desperation rather than his skill)
How many of your own farts have you huffed today?

>> No.21644581

Give me an example of hitlers genius then unless you are a coping brainlet like he was

>> No.21644587

Being the führer of the most prospering nation before the whole war thing should count. Or do you mean specifically as a military leader?

>> No.21644595


>> No.21644597


What did he do that compare to Napoleons Italian campaign? What did he do that compares to Bismarck's realpolitik?

He failed to outsmart Churchill and triggered british warmongers. Got trolled by polish subhumans terrorizing Danzig and consequently got blamed as the aggressor He made chamberlain freak out.

And when a full scale war was going on didn't he kept blue balling his top generals like manstein and rommel like he was Kang of the world. Guy was a genuine tard