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/lit/ - Literature

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21639122 No.21639122 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books about how great it is to have kids?

>> No.21639127


>> No.21639165

>reproducing puts you on the wrong side of history
As an anti-natalist you won't even be relevant to the future let alone what people in the future are writing about. You will be nobody's origin and so nobody will care what you said or did.

>> No.21639378

>two obviously neurotic kikes engaging in eugenics thinking they’re the ubermensch
…the irony is thick

>> No.21639383

They're high IQ high earners, their genes seem alright.

>> No.21639412

>high earners
Not a relevant attribute. High IQ is also doubtable. Smart enough to know it isn't their problem is provably as far as it goes.

It is a dark age. How far can a human be deconstructed and still operate?

>> No.21639415

>muh side of history
I'm tired of this shit.

>> No.21639419

It seems to me that there's no literature on this subject specifically, after all, writing about how great something just ends up dull. But there are novels that provide a model of life which is in essence pro natalist. I think Tolstoy and Dostoevsky strike me as best in this.

>> No.21639435

Anything that is not explicitly anti natalist is inherently pro natalism, so 99% of books fullfill your request OP

>> No.21639440

>history has "sides"
I think you're missing the bigger retardation/malice here

>> No.21639450 [DELETED] 


>(((High IQ "Earners")))

>> No.21639472

So, these two are basically doing the Wesker project from Resident Evil, only they will just create fragile nerds instead of well-balanced chad like Albert.

>> No.21639475

Jews do tend to score high in IQ tests and earn a lot of money so yeah.

>> No.21639485
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>They're high IQ high earners, their genes seem alright
Drop them in the forest 50 miles from the closest road with a map, a compass and supplies for 2 days.
99.999% chances they die within the first 4 hours.

>> No.21639736

Yeah but why tho?
100% chance we're going extinct.

>> No.21639765
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>How far can a human be deconstructed and still operate?

Hmmm, wanna find out? ;)

>> No.21639839

He’s having kids with his mom? Interesting…

>> No.21640006

You mean dysgenics.

>> No.21640008

>superior children

>> No.21640012
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Antinatalists were right.

>> No.21640037
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>Originally a neuroscientist focused on brain-computer interface, an interest in entrepreneurship drove Malcolm to Stanford University, where he got his MBA and co-founded an art commission marketplace. Malcolm subsequently became Director of Strategy at South Korea's most desired source of early-stage capital (as measured by government survey at the time), raised a search fund, and acquired a number of companies (with a focus on Travelmax). Collectively the companies he directly ran brought in over $70M in annual top line revenue and paid back over 50% of the invested capital in dividends in two years of operation before he stepped into an indirect advisory capacity.

>Malcolm is always on the lookout for new ways to optimize organizations as the global and technological landscape evolves. In his spare time, he lectures on management techniques, and writes (having published three Amazon bestselling books). Right now he is working on launching a new model of K-12 education.

For the longest time, I thought eugenics would usher in an era of Arnold Schwarzeneggers and Dolph Lundgrens, Gisele Bündchens and Kate Mosses, super-Aryans of the nazi imagination, but my God that was dumb. I mean of course not. It is going to be a world of Silicon Valley bugmen and nerds, bespectacled and weak-limbed creatures with zero secondary sexual characteristics, hyper-selected via technological means for the ability to excel at management techniques and get engagement on TED-talks about positive thinking and a growth mindset.

I was prepared for the world to be heartless and cruel; I did not realize it would also be this cringe and gay.

>> No.21640045

I dunno, I'm already a pronatalist, one of the main reasons I stopped being a NEET

>> No.21640075
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This is the most pro-natal book you will read, it explicitly states how, why and what will happen if the nation adopts such pro-natal and the most basic of eugenic practices. And that the home and land is critical to the developement of a large, strong and healthy family.

>> No.21640081

Kek, good post

>> No.21640173

These two are NOT genetically superior by any metric

>> No.21640189

This is not untrue. God help us.

>> No.21640214

Should beauty be part of an eugenics program? Beauty standards change every generation.

>> No.21640221

Only the harshest, most sadistic form of eugenics can save us now.

>> No.21640235

I think high iq earners would have a better chance then the average braindead everyman. There is a degree of dynamic decision making and critical thinking capability in the former.

>> No.21640248

Damn, they look like a lesbian couple. Kek.

>> No.21640254
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Pretty sure you're not going to read it anyways, but pic related.
>Caplan is a jew!
>Caplan is a lolbert
Retroactively eat my dick

>> No.21640255
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>> No.21640261

Beauty is intrinsic to it.

>> No.21640271

You sound like a bitter terminally online retard. Of course eugenics won't get you supermodels, you fucking imbecile. Super smart people look and act like that guy. You may not like it, but this is how it is. I would love it if we had a population of super hot super smart giga Aryans, but this a pure fantasy. There's a reason the ugly skinny nerd stereotype exists.

>> No.21640272

just because something has a degree of variance doesnt make it absolutely arbitrary.

>> No.21640283

>I expected strongmen and instead got supergeniuses
Oh no?

>> No.21640290

Most of those high iqs are neurotics that can’t even do basic everyday tasks.

>> No.21640302

how often have you been dropped in a forrest 50 miles from the closest road?

>> No.21640307

Frankly I just expected people who were able to see.

>> No.21640317

Eugenics is good but anti natalism is better. Either way I'm not fit to reproduce

>> No.21640326

>genetically superior kids
>the man is a manlet
>they both need glasses
>woman looks like she's 40
All they're going to get is extra chromosome blind midgets.

>> No.21640328 [DELETED] 
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>Beauty standards change every generation.

No, cosmetic details relared to attraction and fleeting fancy change from time to area. Beauty is its own thing and has remained unchanged since before the Ancient Greeks. There are a handful of people who can not produce beauty, blacks for instance, what they think is beauty is just the oppositie of what we, Whites, have proven to be beautiful. Since it is a reaction it is not beautiful but simply a protest against actual beauty.

>> No.21640349

>we, Whites,
capital cringe

>> No.21640352

Take off the glasses and both actually don’t look too bad

>> No.21640354 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, jew

>> No.21640366
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>Super smart people look and act like that guy.
Super smart people are severely maladjusted. These people are 150 IQ brainlets at best, and even that is pushing it.

>> No.21640375
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>> No.21640388

>organization optimization
>amazon self-help/entrepeneurship author
>MBA degree
>"""super smart people""""

>> No.21640393

That old bitch looks HAGGARD and horrible

>> No.21640399

>He thinks he'll be remembered by anyone other than his grandkids

>> No.21640409 [DELETED] 
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You can easily select for bigger, stronger and healthier people, as well as increased intelligence. It is hard to do both as most people do not have all of these traits. This is why almost all eugenics/breeding/livestock programs begin with the attempts to remove undesirable and negative issues from lines rather than select for positive ones and improve on existing ones. This is easy on a single pair, or handful of pairs, but becomed exponentially harder the more breeding pairs you introduce, since you can do everything right and still not get the desired result.

That said, you can markedly reduce the incidences of negative traits (dark skin) appearing by simple processes and vastly increase positive characteristics (blond hair) by simple exclusionary behavior.

>> No.21640412

>Drop them in the forest 50 miles from the closest road with a map, a compass and supplies for 2 days.
Very relatable scenario, as a low IQ low earner I suffer from this situation almost every other month. It is inconceivable for me how more cognitively capable people than me would survive this scenario.

>> No.21640420

Half decent until the larp bit at the end. There is indeed a certain beauty in whiteness, but its absurd to say it is the only beauty when looking at other examples, and that blacks cant do it. Also, you are a bit narrow on the object of modern reactionism, even though I agree its products are usually petty and low on merit, instead grifting on a manufactured sense of transgressiveness. They are often myopic enough to sometimes present it as anti-white, but the trend is more fundamentally contrarian than that.

I dont even disagree that much of the most compelling human heights where particularly European. But your framing is retarded.

>> No.21640424

All other things being the same, those with a higher IQ would likely survive. Assuming that you controlled for issues like body fat, musculature, sex, strength and endurance.

>> No.21640427

lol why would anyone die in four hours

>> No.21640442
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By getting brain aneurysm from reading posts like >>21639485

>> No.21640445
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You need to work on your reading comprehension, i did not make the claim that whites are beautiful in that post. I think it is true though, but i have not fully formed an argument for it.

What i claimed was what we produce is objectively beautiful, from out landscapes, architecture, sculpture, music, aesthetics. These are what we produce that is beautiful. Blacks can not produce anything in these areas that can be considered beautiful, they are either copies of what we have already produced or an inversion of what we have made. They can either crudely mimic or make something that is just the opposite of beauty. This precludes them from creating beauty by default.

>> No.21640458

Beauty is fake and a meme. Everything about life goes away when you're dead.

>> No.21640511
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Im saddened by your nihilistic outlook, anon. But it is precisely because beautiful things can not exist eternally that we must continue to find them, produce them and celebrate them. Pursue and cultivate beauty and you will find yourselr surrounded by it.

>> No.21640522

The Ancient Greeks made a lot of beautiful things and 99.9% of them are gone.

>> No.21640533

>But it is precisely because beautiful things can not exist eternally that we must continue to find them, produce them and celebrate them.

>> No.21640540

anything written by megachurch pastors/american evangelicals and shit

>> No.21640549

Why? The motivation for doing so just disappears when you will be gone and it with you.

>> No.21640551

>You will be nobody's origin and so nobody will care what you said or did.
That's why nobody knows Michaelangelo and everyone knows some random grandpappy from middle ages for having kids.

>> No.21640557

>Beauty is fake and a meme
You are so wrong it's rather beautiful in a way. Tragic beyond belief but that's where the beauty arises nonetheless.

>> No.21640561

I can not help you anon. You may as well just lie down and wait to die if that is how you view life.

>> No.21640567

NEETs have the highest reproduction rate though.

>> No.21640568

But you are here now, and can experience beauty now, and must work to create beauty now if you want to experience it, now. If you are unable to appreciate beauty in the present, frankly that's not our problem, and I recommend you continue to cope. But that's all it is, cope.

>> No.21640569

I just think this kind of "Life is about pursuing beauty!" stuff is the kind of cope romantics have told themselves for centuries, and the problem with it is that it doesn't console anyone with above a room temperature IQ.

>> No.21640582

Thanks for the minuscule ,kind stranger!

>> No.21640596

You are masking your neurotic obsession with nihilism as "high IQ" when it is precisely the opposite, and it's fascinating the kinds of cope midwit neurotics can produce. All of history's greatest thinkers were obsessed with beauty, and for any single counterexample you can find, there are dozens more who advocated for the pursuit of beauty.

>> No.21640616

Yes all of history's greatest thinkers were obsessed with beauty, and now they are all dead and in 5000 years nobody will know they even existed, let alone made anything beautiful.

>> No.21640626

I understand perfectly. I was also working on the framework of beauty and a perfect form, an absolute object in the most sublime sense. which things attempt to grasp.

You have not given a compelling fundamental reasons why blacks cant do this, and the examples you gave can be applied to any hack in general.

There is not very much particularly bantu or african american, or sub saharan stuff that I find particularly compelling on a higher level, (although a few like some west african traditions of quaranic studies thats particular to that region), and I find euro stuff generally more fruitful grounds, but thats not fundementally incapability.

>> No.21640634

And they all enjoyed the beauty they helped create during the time they were alive, because they were not neurotically spinning about nihilism in their parent's basement, and instead chose to act and enjoy the short life they were given. You have no argument besides a horrible misinterpretation of nihilism, and are parroting the same lines over and over again. You are a midwit neurotic and are beyond help.

>> No.21640649
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>it doesn't console anyone with above a room temperature IQ.
Only intelligent people can understand or produce beauty. Only those who are incapable of appreciating it despise it. It is the story of Caine and Abel. What Caine could not have or embody himself he destroyed. That is you, anon.

Europe is littered with places of beauty, from the carefully preserved landscapes to what we ourselves have produced. As said you are unable to see it or appreciate it because you are a fucking idiot. Even the low IQ person is impressed by beauty, they instinctively trust beautiful people for example. But not you, you are peak midwit.

You must be middle-class, the destroyer of beauty.

>> No.21640656

Please show some examples of beauty produced by native Africans, that exists before Europeans instructed them.

>> No.21640659

>And they all enjoyed the beauty they helped create during the time they were alive

I'm sure the beauty they made consoled them a lot on their deathbeds.

>> No.21640673

This headline is a weird mixture of child/youth worship and rescue by superhero

>> No.21640677

I'm sure it did, and that they passed away in good conscience, unlike midwits such as yourself, who will be consumed by neurosis until the day you die, likely by your own hand.

You argue like a child, because you never matured into adulthood. Or you are actually a child, in which case I feel obligated to inform you that you must be at least 18 years old to post here.

This was fun, keep coping.

>> No.21640689

The fact that you become so impossibly mad at someone poking the tiniest holes at your romanticist fantasy is pretty solid evidence that you're the one doing all the coping, friend.

>> No.21640692

Hamites and Ethiopians

>> No.21640726

>I'm sure the beauty they made consoled them a lot on their deathbeds

Im sure it enriched their lives, anon. Especially those that created lasting beauty, it no doubt brought them i credible joy.

>> No.21640730
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>> No.21640737

Press X to doubt.

>> No.21640740

What specifically have they produced that is beautiful?

>> No.21640743

Pressed the soft spot on your infant skull, your parents did.

>> No.21640759

>we, Whites
>posts a drawing of some swarty wops

>> No.21640766
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Lets make it 110.

>> No.21640775

Based and cyanide pilled

>> No.21640786

The thing is, these two are extreme outliers. The majority of people reproducing aren't them.

>> No.21640787

I guess semites are white too as they have some % of european ancestry.

>> No.21640790

I wish I never posted that post about beauty + eugenics.

>> No.21640822

Great selection. I would recommend Francis Galton's Hereditary Genius.

>> No.21640837

>Jews have high iq
We can play along in this game if you want. Inbreeding had also left the Jewish population almost two standard deviations more likely to suffer from mental illnesses like schizophrenia. But after all wasn’t it these very same schemers claiming it’s racism to tout off iq scores? Seems there’s a double standard on rules when it comes to a certain tribe

>> No.21640899
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Normally i would agree, but their entire history of undermining Europe and its people, much like Russia precludes their inclusion and so must be considered blood enemies.

Im not familiar with this name, can you share more?

Only jews that mixed with native Germans have high IQ, the Ashekenazi, the rest of the jewish population are your regular fore-skin sucking, ugly, cowardly creatures.

>> No.21640967

It's only racism when you make retarded claims about racial iq without an ounce of evidence. Ashkenazi jews are overrepresented in the 145+ range; it's well documented.
>inb4 blak peepoo dum!

>> No.21640986

In my opinion, if you're past a certain IQ threshold, or are deemed particularly healthy in various ways, the government should be giving you money to reproduce.
Much friendlier way of doing eugenics than sterilising people.

>> No.21641009
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You are so close to understanding, anon.

>> No.21641016

What? "Open le gas chambers"?
Nah, I'm past that level of cringe.

>> No.21641029

Ok, this is better than I expected:

>Along with his 3-year-old brother, Octavian, and his newborn sister, Titan Invictus, Torsten has unwittingly joined an audacious experiment. According to his parents' calculations, as long as each of their descendants can commit to having at least eight children for just 11 generations, the Collins bloodline will eventually outnumber the current human population.

>> No.21641032
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>Im not familiar with this name, can you share more?
He's the cousin of Darwin. He actually helped to inspire some of Darwin's ideas. He is a pretty important person in the field of eugenics. Another person worth noting is Albert Wiggam, I have
>The New Decalogue of Science
>The Fruit of the Family Tree
>The Marks of an Educated Man
>The Next Age of Man
Good physical copies are hard to find, but they are very interesting from a historical, and scientific, perspective on eugenics.
Don't let other people fool you into viewing these books from a presentivist lens. Understanding that these books, and more importantly their authors, were in a very new, budding field of bettering mankind. This was deemed unacceptable so it was strawmanned and deemed unethical by liberalism, and in some parts Christianity (See: G. K. Chesterton for more information on that front.) Also, please note I am using the actual meaning of the term "liberal" rather than the modern bullshit buzzword version.
pic related for some of my other books that I'd recommed on the subject. Ignore the colors.
>It's only racism when you make retarded claims about racial iq without an ounce of evidence
>Makes a retarded claim about racial iq that relies on him to do his own research
lol, anyways as someone who actually does have an absurdly high, tested IQ that would seem dubious to be posted here (160+), I've read enough of these self-involved publishings of "Woe is me, I am high IQ"-- There are articles and studies that claim that those over 140+ tend to have a hard time functioning in society. In fact, it's so bad that they tend to just be depressed, even suicidal. When we discuss "high IQ in Ashkenazi jews", which I might add are under debate of their semitic origins even in the Jewish communities (No, I am not making the claim myself. Keep up, kiddo!), we tend to be discussing their "verbal IQ", not any other forms of IQ, that is to say, their pattern matching is terrible. You likely are aware of the several different forms of IQ, based on your posts, so let's not play the "pilpul" game and be honest.
Frankly, it does not matter if "The JEWS ARE ACTUALLY BETTER" -- The idea behind eugenics is to make one's own race better. It has nothing to do with superiority and this retarded myth about it this "master race", or at least the clear misunderstandings about it, are just as dumb as those who changed the discussion between the "now solved" "nature vs nuture" arguement. The "nuture" side of things genuinely believed that you become part of the group when you move around them. No, let me restate that in a possibly less confusing way: The "nuture" side, of the Nature VS Nuture discussion, believed that an African would become Swedish if he only moved to Sweden. They goal posted moved a lot, and redefined their opposition's argument until it seemed nonsensical. My point is this: It has nothing to do with kikes and everything to do with one's own race, exclusively.

>> No.21641037
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Anti-natalism-natalism is the solution for the world.
You have children, but the goal of it is to eliminate suffering forever, unlike antinatalism that doesn't work and suffering can increase rather than decrease. And the natalism that is basically animal irrationalism.

>> No.21641067

I very much enjoy wallowing in my misanthropy.

>> No.21641073

I wonder if they took into calculation that some of those descendants could end up sterile, unfit to reproduce due to some illness, or that anyone descendant from a daughter is generally taken to be of the son-in-law's bloodline?

>> No.21641080

I'm so misanthropic that I hate misanthropes more. You pathetic worms, huffing your own farts "look at how terrible humanity is". Fuck you, loser. At least the life affirming make the attempt.

>> No.21641101

>At least the life affirming make the attempt.
Attempt at what? Because your attempt at being "edgy" is pathetic. Misanthropy isn’t about making edgy statements to garner attention, or make a statement, its a sincere feeling of disgust and contempt.

>> No.21641106

What is with the level of daft on this entire website...? I do not believe that you genuinely feel this way.

>> No.21641109

The 4chan definition of a NEET is a virging basement dweller.

>> No.21641128

If you believe in "a right side of history" then you are not a real antinatalist. If you have three children, you'll number 80,000 descendants after 10 generations. The goal as a real antinatalist should be to have as many children as possible and have them have as many as possible. It will be tens of millions of descendants then. They are all better off not being born but there is a solid upbringing with Benatar (pbuh) and they and their posterity will need to adhere or they get terminated. The should have the single objective of extinction of all life on earth as the greatest singular aim of their existence.

What Benatar (pbuh) fails to understand is his view of the world is limited by his deontological kantian framework. As all the people debated with you proves, this simply won't work. The world is a zero sum game. There are too many low IQ people with positivity biases coping and they outnumber the 170 IQ antinatalists. Antinatalists limited to this thinking will just go the way of the Christian Aryans or Manicheans, and the ideas with them. All it takes is ONE (1) of the millions of offspring to be elected leader of a nuclear power, get the launch codes, and end this mess once.

But I do not agree with this as it involves too much pain. Instead, I will have 5 wives and will produce over 10 kids with each of them. If all of them follow suit (5 wives, 50 kids each) even nuclear holocaust could be averted because that's 15 billion kids after 6 generations, enough to enact Benatarian policies as he intended, through universal abortion laws.
The only way antinatist Chads get the check mate is by padoxically procreating.

>> No.21641154

Extremely based post

>> No.21641164

Hatred is foolish, love is wise.

>> No.21641169

Love to hate

>> No.21641212

When you mess up with peoples genes you dont know what could happen. Example: maybe its the cancer gene that is keeping us going and messing up with it might destroy the human race some way.

>> No.21641218

Ah, eugenics, nice to see you again.

>> No.21641224

Humans are already domesticated anyway.

>> No.21641226

The entire point is to populate the earth with moral, intelligent, productive, people. Change both genome and culture of humanity for the better. Pointless to make more low IQ low agency welfare queens

>> No.21641260
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Jungle survival skills are useless in the modern world, that's why you never see buff CEOs. They are all fragile nerds.

You may not like it, but this is what the ideal male body looks like in 2022.

>> No.21641287
File: 3.91 MB, 3900x2119, glennharvey_2022_05_18_bigthink_header_final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not thinking far enough ahead. When the days of transhumanism arrive, the bugmen are going to upload their minds into robots with Arnold Schwarzenegger strength.

Humans who were bred for muscle alone wouldn't have the brainpower to design such robots. Brainlets are slave to their meat.

>> No.21641292

Without hatred for that which threatens what you love, you are not a human being but a crude automaton. A slave.

I don't prepose any alteration of genes or medical therapies to improve stock. Only concious habits to improve ability over time, to increase traits that are desirable.

>> No.21641613

damn i'd tap the left one hard

>> No.21641710

This guy runs some kind of education school alternative
>At the end of each day, students structure and write down what they learned. These notes are then transformed into "textbooks." Students are allowed open access to these textbooks during many of the exam
>"unlearning" as a education philosophy
>seems to be computer-centric
>doesn't even mention the curriculum
>zero discussion of optimal nutrition and integrated physical fitness programs, which would actually have an influence on student scores
This guy's a marketer shill using buzzwords and that's it. I seriously doubt he's past the big boy /midwit scale of 115ish and is probably bluepilled as fuck. No doubt his cohort will do better than typical education because typical education sucks but this is just snake oil
>claims to be bestselling author
>actually wrote just a couple of redditor tier books with only 4 reviews apiece

>> No.21641727

selecting for certain traits will bring linked characteristics as well. There's apparently an overlap between lower testosterone levels and intelligence. His job also probably selected for higher than average levels of conformity (education, business background etc). Additionally his wife is probably pozzed as fuck and a product of feminist selection.

Ubermensch selection is breeding fits and smart women. This is globohomo selection for bugmen

>> No.21641768

Extraneous to my point, and I already did.

Think you are functioning on a level of myopic abstraction (like the certain sort of modern people you are calling reactionary). Its usually about degrees and kinds when talking about groups instead of hard-fast binaries, although the effective notabilities/commonalities can be taken as such for practical, but not quite analytical, use. (eg kraut- one who is associated with saurkraut, more evocative for a south Carolina Boy than the nebulous idea of "german")

>> No.21641795

Wow you seem really smart and well adjusted. Good job.

>> No.21641823

wtf is that image even supposed to convey

>> No.21641859 [DELETED] 

Name one (1) fit supergenius. Everyone with an IQ over 140 is a hairy sexless little bugman, that's just how it is.

>> No.21641934

This is /lit/, the heaviest thing anyone here has lifted is Infinite Jest.

>> No.21641976

>Along with his 3-year-old brother, Octavian, and his newborn sister, Titan Invictus, Torsten has unwittingly joined an audacious experiment.
>According to his parents' calculations, as long as each of their descendants can commit to having at least eight children for just 11 generations, the Collins bloodline will eventually outnumber the current human population.
>"We are the Underground Railroad of 'Gattaca' babies and people who want to do genetic stuff with their kids," Malcolm told me.
>Upon arrival, I was greeted at the gate by The Professor, a brown corgi with a slightly manic air, followed by Malcolm, cheerful and clean-cut in a black polo.
>Inside, Simone, statuesque even one month shy of her delivery date, wore her pregnancy uniform of a crisp white oxford shirt, a long black skirt, Doc Martens, and red lipstick (ignoring, she would later tell me, her mother-in-law's plea not to "dress like a fucking pilgrim" in front of the press).
>Their wardrobes, Simone told me later, are meticulously curated to project the kind of gravitas their work requires. Beneath their thick, black-rimmed glasses — hers round, his rectangular — the couple look, as they would put it, "biologically young."
>The payoff won't be immediate, Simone said, but she believes if that small circle puts the right plans into place, their successors will "become the new dominant leading classes in the world."
They clearly have autism and are therefore based. I hope they succeed in outbreeding the normies until humans become something like the Vulcans of Star Trek.

>> No.21641991
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Speak for yourselt manlet, some of us are /fitlit/.

Beauty is a binary concept, either it embodies beauty or it does not. The opposite state is not ugly, it is simply not of beauty. It may be pretty, attractive or any number of other things. Your bloviated response is little more than beauty is subjective and in the eye of the beholder, but couched in terms and concepts to make it appear otherwise.

There is also nothing nebulous about the idea of German either, you subversive mohel.

>> No.21641994

He already said he's high IQ tested.

>> No.21642006
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>Along with his 3-year-old brother, Octavian, and his newborn sister, Titan Invictus, Torsten has unwittingly joined an audacious experiment.

>> No.21642011

I pull 3x my bodyweight.

>> No.21642019

Shakespeare's sonnets

>> No.21642114

Manlets are the ones that compensate by lifting and its not like they have to lift things very high anyway.

>> No.21642120
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>kikes an other genetic dead-ends having a meltdown itt

>> No.21642126

>wahhh manlets have it easier than my pathetic shitskinned ass
this is one of the most pathetic posts i've ever seen

>> No.21642133

>Skinnyfat weak and nearshighted kike trying to save humanity by breeding with his frail, pasty and equally nearsighted kike "SO".
Dios mio... Imagine the offspring.

>> No.21642149 [DELETED] 
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>genetically superior

>> No.21642158
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I feel kinda sorry for the kids.

>> No.21642166

>the hair colors

>> No.21642167
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Yeah they sound incredibly gay in interviews too, but they still managed to breed above replacement rate unlike most people in the developed world. Society used to pressure successful people to breed, even if they were massive flaming faggots, preserving the high IQ genes.

>> No.21642176

What about it?

>> No.21642178

White kids are blonde and their hair colour changes later, nigger.

>> No.21642185

chemicals in the food and water...propaganda on the screens....

>> No.21642188
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pic related

>> No.21642198

No they don't you fucking idiot. Ashkenazi jews have IQs slightly above "whites" (whites is a very broad category). Sephardic jews are below the white mean of 100. The average IQ of israel is 98. Learn what you're talking about before posting, halfwit.

>> No.21642385

>Ashkenazi jews have IQs slightly above "whites"
"Slightly" is underselling it quite a bit. It's a 15 point difference. It's literally the difference between blacks and whites, and I'm doubt you are willing to call your average black "slightly" below average.
>Sephardic jews are below the white mean of 100
Yet Ashkenazis are almost always what any /pol/tard means when they say "Jew." Also:
>(whites is a very broad category)
Does that not apply to Jews if the intelligence between their ethnicity vary by that much?
>The average IQ of israel is 98
It's also only a third Ashkenazi and full of Arabs.

>> No.21642387

*American black

>> No.21642573

Physical fitness raises your IQ, although the point of diminishing returns probably hits before you reach the effort necessary to get ripped.

>> No.21642583
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>I was prepared for the world to be heartless and cruel; I did not realize it would also be this cringe and gay.

>> No.21642593

>"genetically superior"
>both wear glasses
>man is skinny fat and looks like a lesbian
Libtard hubris knows no bound.

>> No.21642608

I don't think these two are libs, they're of the "technocratic eugenicist AI dictatorship is the ideal government" sort. A different kind of Silicon Valley creature.

>> No.21642620

Only the woman is a Jew, as far as I know. The man is a pure Aryan genius.

Logically speaking, marrying a Jewess may be a good mating strategy. The kids will be considered Jews and get free access to Israel and Jewish social networks if they wish.

>> No.21642623

Jacked Bezos begs to differ

>> No.21642628

No, this is incorrect. Physical fitness helps maintain what intelligence, g factor, you have.

>> No.21642764


>> No.21642799

We need virtue, honour, bravery etc

>> No.21642819

Did you read my story idea? This is what I described and I hope someone better than me writes about it. A cult of antinatalist-natalist breeding children to be a light to the world awaking the animals from their stupor and delusion generously or forcibly if they refuse.

>> No.21643160

Horseshoe theory. Far left and Far right both want Eugenics

Hitler was the same. His whole staff were mutants.

>> No.21643244

I could kill everyone in this picture with my bare hands in less than 5 minutes and that is why my bloodline will ultimately survive and theirs won't

>> No.21643248

So, are there only two actual answers to the OP question in this thread...
Anyone know some novels particularly that have family values, and portray a joyous perspective of raising children or marriage?

>> No.21643731

[Spoiler]How much of yourself could you hide from an algorithmic representation of yourself?[/spoiler] eugenics is dead. Articles like this only work to fellate the ego of the media itself, and the shallow greed of the middle class.

We will never know if we are participating in the future because we will only be able to define ourselves less. The intersection of AI and outlier theory is only going to go so far as to render the individual extinct. There will be no balance between self and society, there will only be people determined by society

>> No.21643752

The father was probably blonde too at birth and it became brown later. It happens a lot to southern europeans

>> No.21643757

Yeah, fair enough
>t. Will probably get operated to not be as blind as a mole

>> No.21643775

Twice every month for 18 months. Mining surveys.

>> No.21643783

Have you seen current-day Musk?

>> No.21643806

Monogamous species show low sexual dimorphism. Monogamy is the only reproductive strategy that is eugenic. Smart Chads and Stacies are going extinct because they're contracepting coomers. Only the dumb apes remain. This is a speciation event.

>> No.21643813

>strivers in the rat race
I pray for nuclear hell fire.

>> No.21643816

Transhumanism is one of the worst beliefs to have ever been thought of. You fundamentally cannot "change mediums" without experiencing a total and sudden death, and even if you were somehow able to do it you would have gained absolutely nothing being that your life has effectively ended.

>> No.21643819

I'm not an anti-natalist, but it seems like you're less interested in the truth, and more interested in agreeing with people.

I'm sure pronatalism is only a thing because antinatalism is, and I'm pretty sure the right attitude towards this kind of stuff is accepting it as a biological and social reality, rather than trying to judge it as either "good" or "bad".

>> No.21643822

I'm gonna basically repeat myself because I think it's worth emphasizing: It's really beside the point, it feels even a bit like you're trying to discuss something that exists outside what's materially real. Like arguing about whether it's a good thing that the universe exists or not, just made subjective.

>> No.21643834

Why do their kids look scared in every photo?

>> No.21643895

I was going to say I dont know how many kids theyre gonna have since she looks 10 years older than him, but good luck to them.
>THESE WHITE people are repopulating the earth using this ONE simple trick, and basically, you are fucking stupid

>> No.21643906
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I wish I had a nerdy breeder wife. A man can dream, I guess.

>> No.21643971


wrong https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stLCurXu0fc

>> No.21644210

Imagine, if they can uphold it in 60 generations, which is a measly 1200 years, their descendants will outmass the entire observable universe

>> No.21644500

>buying into racial bias or inheritance in any way

I hope you cunts doing this have bought your war bonds, looks like they're still going to comfortably pay dividends while you milk your prostate to AI generations of you school crush

>> No.21644704
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>> No.21644723


>> No.21644765

Albert Einstein had 3 kids you know.

>> No.21644768

>southern europeans
>looks like a quintessential angloid nerd like Billy Gayts

>> No.21644775

Me too, every single day.

>> No.21644788

Einstein was a pseud

>> No.21644884

You're right. Calling these people liberals is like calling a dragon a lizard. They've morphed into a different beast entirely.

>> No.21644945

I was just researching him and found some the books he has written, and this might honestly give rise to some fairly interesting tensions and paradoxes.

He has written "The Pragmatist’s Guide to Crafting Religion: A playbook for sculpting cultures that overcome demographic collapse & facilitate long-term human flourishing"
In the blurb, it says the following:
>Humanity consists of coevolving software (our religion and culture), firmware (our hardcoded proclivities, such as language acquisition), and hardware (our brains). Ripping out a third of the equation has led to innumerous unintended—and typically negative—consequences. This book offers a guide to rebuilding or fortifying this increasingly neglected aspect of the human condition.
>Specifically, The Pragmatist’s Guide to Crafting Religion serves as a playbook for those looking to strengthen traditional cultures in the face of collapsing birth rates or craft entirely new cultures designed to impart strategic advantages to adherents.
>Should You Read This Book?
>If you were raised in the absence of a cohesive culture—or don’t like your given culture—but see the value of cultural and religious traditions, this book is for you.
>If you worry your culture or religion will go extinct and would like to see it endure across generations, this book is for you.
>If you have ever thought about inventing a religion or starting a cult, this book is for you.
>This book will neither be pleasant nor useful to those who don’t want large families as it defines a successful culture as one that sustainably spreads over the long term—which, outside of a few niche exceptions, requires high birth rates.

This is rather remarkable, because it seems to me that it is using peak bugman globohomo methodology to achieve a goal that pretty much coincides with the goals of those who find bugman globohomoism to be the most repulsive thing imaginable. If you fall in that camp, of finding globohomo disgusting but agreeing with the goal presented here, what do you think of this tension?

>> No.21644953

Keep this effective altruism trash off this board please

>> No.21645157

Silicon valley bugmen don't create value and produce helpful material for the rest of the world to benefit from. They make Juiceros and are annoying. Unironically, this is step 1 toward Schwarzeneggers and Dolphs as people understand the benefits of great bodies in terms of longevity and overall life satisfaction. Do you think these people aren't happy and at least fit? They're fucking thin! What, did you think a person that looked like Arnold would make it happen? Or worse, did you think a person that looked like you would invent this?
Become the kind of person that geneticists look at and say, "I want their traits in my future." Blackpillers don't deserve to continue in the new age. Crabs begone!
>positive thinking and growth mindset bad
kill yourself

>> No.21645226

You've profoundly misunderstood the point.
>positive thinking and growth mindset bad
Yes. They are meme terms and reveal whoever utters them to be an MBA-type grifter who makes money doing management consultancy, which is the fakest of all fake jobs. It reveals an entire gestalt of a Linkedin lifestyle that encapsulates these >>21640388 traits. These are the quintessential TED talk demographic, the ones who subscribe to Blinkist to get 15-minute recaps of the most important aspects of self-help books on entrepeneurship, marketing, business management and corporate culture. Everything about them screams corporate-type midwit, the most repulsive type of midwit, and if you think "growth mindset" is a valuable term, something that needs to be expounded on to adults, and not something that people should realize at 14 and consider absolutely beyond banal in adulthood, then I'm sorry, you're lower than the midwits you impotently try to protect.

>> No.21645286
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There are countless incorrect approaches in your post. I will try to outline them in a digestible format.
>if you think 'growth mindset is a valuable term, something that needs to be expounded, you're no better than midwits
The world has devolved to the point where 'growth' is no longer a lesson that people learn, simply because society is that sick. Unfortunately, it literally has to be spelled out and provided as novel knowledge, otherwise the masses just go without. If you actually interacted with people on a daily basis, you'd realize just how intellectually bankrupt most are. Yes, it should be a given. No, it's not a given for most. Would you rather growth mindset weren't brought up as a virtue?
>MBA type grifters
Exist, but that isn't to say the batch of ideas lack value. Replace MBA type grifter with Religious Figure Grifter and understand what I mean.
>Marketing le bad useless idea
You have no idea how necessary an understanding of how to bring a product to market is in order for a business carrying novel ideas to succeed. You are the type to believe that a company can succeed on the mere virtue of their product alone, and if you were to start a company you would find yourself bankrupt based on your naive understanding. Do you think the refrigerator wasn't marketed? Do you really fucking think it didn't become ubiquitous because of sales and marketing? Eliminate marketing and you'd find about three refrigerators out there.
Midwit I may be, but an ignoant pseud you are.
Enjoy societal impotence.

>> No.21645291

"growth mindset" is simply the fusion of ambition with humility. Its valuable in any context, you are the midwit for conflating it with bugmen endeavors

>> No.21645628

>writes an entire essay on the importance of marketing
This is the most pathetic thing I have ever seen on /lit/ and I genuinely pity you if you work in advertising, and I genuinely pity you even greater if you don't but still feel the need to celebrate it. That is so gay. That is so profoundly fucking gay on a literary forum. My God.

Enjoy societal potence, whatever the fuck that is, as well as the last word, should you seethe so hard that you must take it.

Nah, I think you're profoundly misguided as to the gestalt of the bugman as the torch-carrier of hyper-rationalized means-ends reasoning and utilitarianism completely devoid of reflection on what ends are chosen. I think you probably just think of the bugman as a placeholder for personality types you don't like and that that is the source of disagreement, basically just you being a retard.

>> No.21645641 [DELETED] 
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I think im not too far gone enough, because i didn't get a shit about what this post tried to said

>> No.21645708

>"high iq"
>cut off their own sons penises

>> No.21645731

>"Everything about them screams corporate-type midwit, the most repulsive type of midwit"
= bugmen
I don't even give a fuck about them right now I was just trying to explain that the growth mindset is just a name given by bugmen to a particular set of values that has been common in lifelong high achievers for as long as humanity as been around.

>> No.21645861
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>How much of yourself could you hide from an algorithmic representation of yourself?

Otherwise than habits? That's the thing with the algos ... understand little about the essential. Statistics are a blind idiot idol.

>Articles like this only work to fellate the ego of the media itself

Yeah, one giant peaceful fellatiocracy. What's their idea here even, Lebensborn for inner city hipsters? :D

>We will never know if we are participating in the future

Gotta disagree here. Can't argue with continuity. But yes, for most others this does apply.

>> No.21646727
File: 688 KB, 1563x1555, E84E1291-EE72-4EAA-BE55-30F50C30724B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pronatalist literature? Love.
Every writing of love and goodness.
And all fun.

Porn too.

>> No.21646904

another episode of 4chuds shitting on some dude who was able to settle down, have a great comfy job and pop out a bunch of kids whilst having multiple tabs of underage anime girl pussy

>> No.21647656

I can’t tell if this entire greentext monologue was satire or Jewish scheming

>> No.21647711

Okay the anti-natalists have a point after all. KYS right fucking now though, I don't want to do it myself.

>> No.21647720

>skinny effeminate weakling
>jewish butter faced whore
So this is the face of eugenics, huh?

>> No.21647727

they look like redditors but they cant be all bad if they're breeding

>> No.21647732

Wrong. Eugenics is wholly leftist.

>> No.21647831
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You're an absolute fucking idiot. The left/right distinction is only relevant on how a system is organized and by what goal it aims to achieve.

>> No.21647860

Same here. I probably disagree with 90% of this board here on this topic

>> No.21647892

>You're an absolute fucking idiot.
Pot, meet kettle.

>> No.21647899

>They're high IQ
Prove it. Probably braindead tech fags that program in JavaScript.

>> No.21647912

>Beauty standards change every generation.
Fat cope. Female beauty standards have been basically the same for over a thousand years. The only real outlier now is the product of black culture which should obviously be ignored.