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/lit/ - Literature

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21639393 No.21639393 [Reply] [Original]

Write What’s On Your Mind -amp edition


>> No.21639397


>> No.21639399

we got an amp addition because i posted that sweet album, admit it.

>> No.21639400
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>> No.21639417

Would you guys post on a humanities-centered altchan? Topics like literature, philosophy, language learning, history, the classics, politics.
It seems /lit/ is too chaotic for slower effort-posting now, so we need a place for long-form stuff.

>> No.21639423

Sure. I need places to go when I am banned from here.

>> No.21639438

I'm so fucking tired of being my own main source of entertainment. Seriously, i want to just sit back and be entertained by a book or tv-show or just fucking something, but everything bores me to sleep and all i can do is keep coming back to my own shit. It's fucking exhausting. Why can't others make stuff i like? I mean yeah, there's plenty of stuff i've loved in the past, but anything new just seems dull and trite. Alright, blog out.

>> No.21639441

>wake up every 2 hours when sleeping at night
great, I LOVE IT

>> No.21639442

I do that too because of the nightmares.

>> No.21639443

we dont have the same kind of pedigree as the oldfags that are involved in this and other boards, some of their antics are legendary and also very illegal, if we forked /lit/ we’d just fracture the user base further while forming a mediocre reactionary thing, is the imageboard format even applicable to long form stuff ? It’s a tough ship here but it still has remnants of ‘the magic’, /pol/ is the problem imo, it’ll consume all of 4chan eventually.

>> No.21639452

there should be a government agency that just gives you work. walk in, they say "pave this road" or "paint this bridge" or something and pay you the minimum wage. i'd be there every day, i'd rather that than have to spend one more fucking second on indeed, or dealing with corporate work culture insanity. i know there's work that needs doing that i'm willing and able to do, so the fact i don't have a fucking job is ridiculous. the government will give me food stamps and medicaid for being unemployed so why not a JOB?

>> No.21639471

What are your nightmares like? I usually dont remember dreams but they're not nightmares. Like tonight I dreamed about seeing a portal to another world but it was on my room wall. I decided to close my eyes and when I opened there was no portal.

>> No.21639595

kill yourself bot

>> No.21639597

Violent sexual stuff mostly.

>> No.21639602


>> No.21639604

care to share one nightmare? I personally never encounter sexual dreams ever.

>> No.21639621
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I have felt the feeling of realizing I was smarter than my professor. It was not a fun feeling.

I'm in graduate school, too, so it was double not-fun. It's not that he was an absolute moron, but when we would talk at length, especially in his office, I would think to myself, "I can articulate these things better and faster than he can; I am having to slow down and take my time a bit, in a way I don't with other professors."

It's so interesting, that moment when the people who are supposed to be your betters are your equals, or less than that, your inferiors. I guess that's part of growing up.

>> No.21639636

You goofballs, it doesn't matter how big or vast the sensible world is since all existent objects are subject to intelligibility, must be intelligible to exist, and thus we as beings composed of sensible matter yet capable of intellection are the masters and high priests of the world, small we may be, and we grasp both the forms and movements of the sensible and material as well as the luminous spheres and divine shapes of the intelligible. A hypostatic union are we as a race and species, a union unique among all races, and this is what grants us our royal position in the universe.

>> No.21639638

I saw a homosexual man rape a guy in a bathroom stall and then I had to bring the guy to the doctor and the doctor was Will Ferrell and he lived underneath a murphy bed we had to pull out.

>> No.21639649

I'm simply incapable of making decisions, my mind turns to a blank every time and I panic

>> No.21639720

---- Solaria ----

The softness of the orange cat
Usually seen when I burst outdoors

Like a slight bear with owl eyes and a voice
Always a little suave, the sleepy elegance of treelines

From a car window that has a view of her window, tremendous lawn
And the sound of heavy trains faraway, fine cultivars

Or scenery so peaceful it would make most men
Weep with relief to see it so completely,

Only as one can can in person or in conversation with someone always glad to see you
No matter your mood or motive as long as you're willing to talk

At length sufficient for fantasy, instrumental music,
About nature from its natural heights,

Able to see the fool's gold of toad irises, relax completely to views
Of river valleys that seem to go on forever.

>> No.21639726

That is interesting and amusing.

>> No.21639730

A series of circumstances and events beyond my control worked to isolate me repeatedly over the course of ten years, beginning in my early adolescence. Through that time I have had many psychological difficulties. Now I'm finally at a point where I'm around people consistently and am actually starting to feel good and normal for once. That said, I still have all those years alone which have warped me internally. I can blend in with the normies, but once the initial layers get peeled back the psychological scarring becomes apparent. I'm really upset by all this. I could have been normal and happy. I had a lot of potential. I'm naturally intelligent and athletic and have a latent charisma. But being beaten down so many times had left me feeling like a husk. I can only be an imposter. My hope now is to find people like me. Broken people who have been rehabilitated into normies and normies who are understanding of my condition.

>> No.21639731

Go to your local hardware store in the morning. Stand where the Mexicans are standing. Wait for a man with a truck to come by. Be brought to job site. Work. Get paid. You can even find work on weekends this way. Furthermore, you could start your own business mowing lawns and shit.

>> No.21639732

>must be intelligible to exist
I'm still unconvinced by this

>> No.21639733

It's called Cal-Trans. Those retards are getting 30 dollars an hour, plus healthcare benefits, plus a pension plan to hold a fucking stop sign and lay out traffic cones

>> No.21639751

I feel unreal, detached from myself. I am watching a person roam through their listless, uneventful life wearing masks to keep up a facade. I experience intense loneliness and grief, regret and frustration, but I dont know what its directed at. I feel like im looking at myself through a fractured mirror. An imposter stares back, a thousand eyes and a racing mind but I cannot focus on anything that makes me feel like myself. I have this notion of an early childhood trauma that I have imposed onto myself, entirely self-inflicted that has completely ruined me. An indescribable feeling of emptiness that nothing can fix, and my family and friends dont see, its all in my head and im going insane but everything is fine and I have to carry on like this forever

>> No.21639752

Don't overthink things. Imperial hegemony and automation responsive to the will's slightest move is more or less an effect of the same cause: The hatred of work, the love of play.

>> No.21639760

Felt that in a particle physics class. Professor just didn't get most questions and when he did he thought about it for minutes. I can't shake the feeling that if I had his experience I could give a much better lecture

>> No.21639762

HEY, what's the deal with uh- i dont wanna be CANCELLED

>> No.21639763

you just wanted to play poke online with your friends on your wii isnt it lad

>> No.21639764

I never had a chance to be normal.

>> No.21639770

Common sign of depression
>everything in the world is necessarily intelligible by human beings
uhhhh anon
work your trauma with therapy and you'll make it Believe it and it's possible
psychiatrist, now

>> No.21639773

neil armstrong should have taken a shit on the moon

>> No.21639774

You write well, better than I ever could in the mood or circumstance, but need professional help. Grief short of death in the family is almost always diagnostic. Take a tip from this silly prick, and refuse to live that way. Be a selfish bastard long enough to get well.

>> No.21639775

How about a joke lads?

>> No.21639777

/lit/ looks like a bunch of traumatized and lonely people tired of life. But I think you anons can make it

the astronauts did shit in their capsules and leave the bags of shit on the moon to avoid carrying dead weight

>> No.21639781

checked also how did they shit
how do astronauts shit

>> No.21639789
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>> No.21639793

He probably did while there. The two guys, both of them lovable, on the last landing, bitched about their disgust with a certain orange flavored drink designed to replenish their potassium levels. Under such weird and dangerous circumstances, that's admirable as can be.

>> No.21639794

what if someone died on the space toilet because they were retarded

>> No.21639798

orange is such a downright disturbing color and term

>> No.21639799

idk anon google it

>> No.21639802
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>> No.21639805

3 lads are in a train.
One from Italy, one from Germany and one from France. They don't have tickets and see the ticket inspector coming. They start to panic and run to the baggage wagon to hide. The Italian jumps into a cabinet, the French into a big box and the German into a huge bag. The inspector following them but they already hid. So he hits against the cabinet to check it - the Italian responds with 'woof' - okay just a dog the inspector thoughts and continues. He then slaps the big box - the French responds with 'meow' - alright a cat inside. Angry about not finding the 3 lads the inspector kicks the bag - the German responds with 'potato'

>> No.21639809

ok lemme call my space toilet expert buddy

>> No.21639813

it must suck being german

>> No.21639819

>In our review of literature pertaining to the raining of the mentally retarded child, we were unable to find in one place sufficient suggestions that we felt could be of universal help. It occurred to us that assembling this information together with our own experience would be useful to those concerned with the care and development of these children. We trust this material will be of assistance in formulating what can be expected of a child in the continuing stages of growth and development according to his mental age and using this in the application of proper training
techniques for his stage of development.

>> No.21639821

what's funny about this

>> No.21639826

Where does the general keep his armies? Up his sleeves
I ordered an egg and some chicken off Amazon, I'll let you know

>> No.21639829

It's fair to say it's rare in nature, compared to, say, magenta. I've nothing against oranges or the trees that produce them, and used to grow miniatures indoors. Blue Front Amazon parrots have tangerine irises. How weird is that?

>> No.21639838

i need a bird who wears tangerine contacts

>> No.21639843

Once upon a time there was a chick. Still featherless and almost a newborn, the chick didn't have an asshole. One day it wanted to fart and blew up

>> No.21639860

Potatoes can be stored in huge bags, but they don't speak, Hans.

>> No.21639862

>everything in the world is necessarily intelligible by human beings
Who said anything about that? Everything in the sensible world may not be intelligible to us (though I think we can give almost everything a run for its money), but as we are the -only- beings in existence capable of intellection we occupy a unique and powerful position.

>> No.21639865

Roe V. Wade? How about Loving v. Virginia? What's the deal?

>> No.21639867

I'm satisfied with birds, and such, exactly as they are. From my bed I often hear crows in the field my bedroom window is an aperture to. All of them are too wild, to rural to coax near enough to photograph without a very long lens, but I'm always glad to know they're around. Mourning doves and the Great Horned owl also make great sounds, if more occasionally.

>> No.21639874

are you still satisfied if they don't have assholes though

>> No.21639881

how do these niggas be placing birds in arboretum

>> No.21639884

I'm writing a short story about a guy who simps hard for a girl who's way out of his league. The girl gets date raped by a jock at a party but blames the simp. Even though the simp can prove its the jock who did it, he decides to take the rap because it's the right thing to do for the girl. The story ends with him in prison exchanging sex for fentanyl.

>> No.21639886

or an aviary rather

>> No.21639904

Obviously they have those, but aren't that in the sense of metaphor. Bridge trolls are another thing. Flies likewise are fascinating creatures, at least under conditions comfortable enough for science.

>> No.21639917

Thoughts on graduate school as an older student (30+)

>> No.21639922

By living in one.

>> No.21639929

>Mourning doves

>> No.21639940

checked but how do ppl catch birds

>> No.21639950

Amazing how faraway they sound when near. A pair of them made a nest just outside the window I usually sit in front of screens. Locating one by sight is almost a game.

>> No.21639954

Oldfag here, we don't leave. /his/ didn't work the way people who advocated it wanted it to because of that. Visits get less frequent as we get normified or die, but everyone who proposes a fork imagines that it's only external circumstances that stops them from being an /a/utist level oldfag full of good posts. None of the people who will samefag their chosen slice of books into board culture need a fork because, if they want to, they can have all of you down a Siamese rabbit hole eating obscure futurist recipes for marmalade by next week and hiking specific titles' price on the second hand market for years to come until NYRB steals the idea from them.
It's the basic problem of 4chan: you are responsible for your experience and if it's dumb and gay that was news to nobody you retarded faggot who reads for plot and moralfagging and not aptly crafted prose.

>> No.21639971

about to take a nap
aww yiis

>> No.21639974
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i bow

>> No.21639978

Mostly by recording technology, though there are exceptions. Parrots are expensive pets, and need a whole room to themselves, one that at best is attached to a large family. As a boy I gathered and grew cecropia caterpillars to maturity, feeding them with tons of maple leaves broken off local trees. The species is probably critically endangered now.

>> No.21640054
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I just remembered this one time at my old job. I was working and my boss, who I liked because he was a really nice guy, he walks in and he says "What's up anon" and I didn't say anything because I couldn't think of the right thing to say. I thought about saying "How's it going" but I thought no, I say that one way too much, and so I tried to think of something else but I couldn't think of anything, and by that time too much time had passed in silence and so I said nothing and continued working.
Looking back on it, it must have seemed like I was being a jerk because I just ignored someone who was saying hi to me. I didn't mean to be rude. That wasn't my intention.
Have you ever done something like this? Is this normal?

>> No.21640055

Seems like a recipe for disaster already

>> No.21640063

disgusting fucking janny take

>> No.21640088


>> No.21640229

Never. If there's one thing I'm never at a loss for it's words especially in the moment, no matter how good or bad the bastard is. Even when it comes to attitude, few can mistake my meaning. You're alright, really sweet if not particularly articulate,

>> No.21640245

Yes, but then I explain myself. I think most strife comes from misunderstandings, so I try to avoid them. I probably would have eventually said something like "Sorry, I'm in a weird mood today" or "I want to say 'how's it going', but I say that so often, lol!"

>> No.21640247

Yep, I went to an occult shop in Las Vegas a few weeks ago. I was completely ragged, I'd just returned from the desert and hadn't showered in days, I was on 3 hours of sleep in a car. As I entered, a guy in the shop looked at me and said something, but I wasn't sure what. I couldn't tell if he worked there, he had no nametag, and wasn't behind a counter, and I couldn't hear what he said because of the loud bells on the door, so I just ignored him. As I turned to the right I could hear him say "Okay..." all put out and I felt bad, but the damage was done.

>> No.21640253

My fall-back plan is just smile and nod. Don't have to say anything, and the other person is satisfied with the interaction.

>> No.21640257

I think I’m still at a loss regarding what to do with my life at this juncture, partly because I don’t see any great way to re-appropriate what I’ve been doing such that it all makes sense and works out in the end. Sometimes I wish there’d be a draft or something just so I’d have no more questions.

>> No.21640265

Is what you should do

> sorry, I was thinking of what to say but it’s complicated
> sorry, I didn’t hear you

Lucky. It took me a long time to learn not to be socially awkward.

>> No.21640269

You know Joey Bagodonuts, too? Good guy.

>> No.21640310

I was rather socially awkward until about 25. It's not a learning process, but a natural course. Time is rather kind to everyone till at least 40, at least in the first world.

>> No.21640358

>I was on 3 hours of sleep in a car.
Even a drive that long makes me feel like death. Two of my siblings endure 90 minute commutes every work day, and are consequently a little insane. 10 minutes is my absolute limit. I know what I'm doing.

>> No.21640555
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This beat goes very hard.

>> No.21640687
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Ive been browsing 4chan and some other imageboards since 2006-7. Literally half of my life.
Is it time to leave?

>> No.21640722

You're here forever.

>> No.21640736

Same. I managed to leave for a period of 3 years from 2018-2021, it was pretty nice, then I got sucked in again.

>> No.21640770

I agree that the employment system is frustrating. Why not consider an even more extreme position? Instead of the government handing you work, wouldn’t it be better to live on your own land, which presents necessary work every day? Till soil, plant seeds, pull weeds, and so on?

>> No.21640841

What do you want to school for? Plenty of students in my program are in their 30s

>> No.21641033

i can't believe the jannies just 404'd that costanza thread

>> No.21641121

Jannies have never done anything useful. The motivation for doing this for free is purely destructive. Not one janny has any interest in making anything better.

>> No.21641207
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Giga-degenerate coomer-diaries, entry #9872
I have recently been watching facefart videos, where the man is in bondage, and the woman sits on his face, clothed or naked, and farts into his mouth and nose. It is of very variable quality - the professional facefarting pornography is all dreadfully low quality, but the amateur stuff is of very high quality.
The best in the game is Amirha, a woman with IBS and terrifyingly sharty farts - they are real and loud. She has a boyfriend who always plays the role of the bound, forced and unwilling receptacle of her feminine gasses. The very best part of her videos is towards the end, when she has farted quite abundantly, but is still pressing - the danger, the titillation arises, that her vigorous pressing might give birth to a more substantial gift than the rectal perfume she has so generously showered her man with. In those videos where it happen, where she does take a shit in her boyfriends mouth, I coom hard, very hard.
However, I recently stumbled over a compilation video that has cut and pasted together short clips of everytime it happens - this is a mistake and a misunderstanding. It is not the act itself that gives rise to the strongest of cooms, it is the danger of it happening, the uncertainty of what her pulsating asshole will produce, gas or mud - it is the indeterminacy that arouses the interest, as Kant rightly said of the artwork.
Creating a compilation of every time she shits in her boyfriends mouth is, in a manner of speaking, symptomatic of the problems of modernity - it is exactly such a thing that Adorno criticizes with his analysis of the Culture Industry, where art is rendered impotent by being subjected to means-end optimization. This is a profound tragedy, as art, and the aesthetic mode of thought it engenders, with it's indeterminacy - in Amirha's case, whether her sphincters contractions will produce a nugget or not - is the antidote to the means-end reasoning that has become all-pervasive in modernity.

>> No.21641227

You should expand this into a blog. Play it straight, I bet you could develope a following.

>> No.21641245
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>> No.21641331

Would a therapist really help?

>> No.21641338

>how do astronauts shit
With their pooper

>> No.21641351

>taking lowercase posters seriously
They're mentally ill bro.

>> No.21641393

Therapy can help you understand better what went on in your life, heal, and build up strength to overcome stuff. It's a long process if you don't let yourself open up though. I'm talking about saying everything, even the deepest darkest stuff through your mind. I managed to talk about my sexual misadventures to my therapist and we worked out their relation to growing up in an Adventist family. It all now looks obvious and clear, whereas before I was very confused and unfortunate. Help yourself and work on your issues bro

>> No.21641405

I'm pretty self aware of all my problems though. I know exactly what went wrong and how it affected me.

>> No.21641433

I’ve read the dao de jing so many times that original poems like these just pop into my head at random times

I follow the enduring way
I stay in ordinary things
My passion always fluctates
I still the mind behind its rage
I use the rage and then let go.

>> No.21641455

>I know exactly what went wrong and how it affected me.
cant you fix it then?

>> No.21641456

start with the greeks

>> No.21641489

Why are you banned?

>> No.21641635

The only way to fix it is to keep moving forward in life and trying to establish healthy relationships. Could a therapist help me make friends?

>> No.21641653

I guess he could point out your troubles.

>> No.21641683

Was quitting porn supposed to make me feel better?
Not that I'm considering a return, but I'm equally as depressed as before.

>> No.21641719

>Was quitting porn supposed to make me feel better?
I think that original idea is that you get more energy to ask girls out irl.

>> No.21641724

What do you do instead with the time freed up by quitting porn?

>> No.21641756

does this work if i'm not mexican?
that would be preferable but i need capital for land and farm supplies and i need work to get capital

>> No.21641854

stupid hr lied to me

>> No.21641896

I'm tired of living but too tired to end it..

>> No.21641917
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Quitting porn only feels good if you do something "good" with your time.
And by good, I mean something that you feel is better than fapping. Masturbation + porn feels great and there's literally no reason to stop doing other than having to work to survive and buy more coomer equipment... or maybe something gnawing at the back of your mind, some "higher" calling.

I have EXTREME urges to see porn, It feels good, like eating candy with my eyeballs. Now, getting high, watching porn with my hand firmly grasping and pumping my dick? I don't know a greater pleasure! It's even better than sex!
I have constant intrusive thoughts all the time, sometimes I can't even sleep and my dick tingles becuase I wanna cum to some degen shit... and boy I would be doing it RIGHT NOW like in the good old days (I would go for 7 hours of non-stop fun sometimes) but there was something wrong with me.

The only way in which I manage to not only overcome this extreme feeling of unease but also feel amazingly powerful is by metaphorically grabbing onto my ballsack with all my might and investing my energy and time on drawing, coding, writing, exercising... all the shit that I wanted to do.

Ironically, every action is towards seeking more pleasure
>code to make porn games
>draw to make porn
>write to make smut
>exercise to get some real pussy (ha ha)
>get a job so I can buy a super computer that will handle all the AI shit
I enjoy harnessing my energy. I enjoy producing something other than semen. I enjoy stuggling against my inner child.

>Not that I'm considering a return
You never left.

>> No.21641954


>> No.21641982

Porn has always been my greatest addiction. I can go for months or even a year without using it, but it never leaves my brain. Any time I have a little bit too much time on my hands, I inevitably feel like using it. And yeah if I'm high alone forget about it, I'll do it for hours at a time. Crazy thing is I even have an irl girlfriend I live with, so theoretically unlimited access to real pussy, but the instant pleasure with zero effort that comes with porn is still very tempting. I do think that refraining from cooming makes me more assertive and alert throughout the day so I stick with it (most of the time)... but yeah it never goes away. Maybe just dulls slightly over time.

>> No.21641988
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c-coomer-sama... i kneel

>> No.21642002

I've gone ~3 months without jerking off a couple of times since 2021. Honestly, I find that my mood is better and I'm more social if I'm jerking off. I have more time and energy if I'm not, but I'm angry and confrontational all the time. If you really need to focus on working through something in your life, it's a worthwhile change to make, but there are a lot of things that it's not good for.

>> No.21642025

personally I find that masturbating once or twice every week provides a good balance for me. Not too much monkey brain gratification, but enough to get that jolt of endorfin every now and then

>> No.21642026

What keeps racists going in an age of technological replacement of cognitive labour, transhumanism and genetic engineering?

>> No.21642033

Tribalism as a coping mechanism for the fear of death.

>> No.21642037
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How many murders does the average murderer commit? I need to know this, but there's very little data on it. I'd hopefully want major outliers removed from the dataset, such as highly successful serial killers and mass killers.

>> No.21642045

exposure to niggers

>> No.21642051
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The simple fact that all of these still have not lifted minorities to such a level as equals. They still steal, kill, rape and destroy everything around them. They are a cancer that just consumes and grows yet we are all expected to pretend it does not happen. When the rare one meets the lowest of standards, we are expected to clap and celebrate them as if this was an achievement.

It is exhausting.

>> No.21642059

Does anyone here live in Chicago? What’s it like? Is it worth moving there?

>> No.21642060

Thanks anon, your post is very motivating to me. I have actually started trying to write seriously recently. I started a medium, and recently wrote an article analyzing the game TTT (https://medium.com/@I.Dit/the-enemy-within-and-without-cee32b2704c6))
I had fun writing it, and thought I did a good job but recently went back and re-read my essay, and was a bit disappointed. I had an interesting concept I wanted to explore--our enduring fascination with the archetype of the impostor--but the essay meanders a bit too much, and sometimes the sentences don't flow well or feel clunky.

>> No.21642090

A friend of mine gave me an ounce of weed that belonged to their father who passed away a few months ago. I am smoking the weed of a dead man. Billy F.
With each inhale I can feel his soul passing through my lungs. He is coursing through my veins and into my heart. His corpse is rotting in permafrost but his soul is inside of me now.

I can feel Billy F inside of me.

>> No.21642123

I'm an unabashed racist yet most of the coolest people I've met have been black. For that reason I don't believe blacks are necessarily bad. Still, I'd have to be retarded or incredibly naïve to say that their race possesses the same average qualities as other races (they are most assuredly inferior when it comes to certain averages).
It's such shit, because it's obvious that the increase in black population and representation is leading to an increase in crime and suffering in this world, yet policies that curb this unfairly punish good, honest, caring blacks that are, on an individual level, just as good if not better than most whites.

>> No.21642129

I don't hate niggers but I hate you. You are everything wrong in the world.

>> No.21642345

Depressive rumination.
Trying to convince myself that I'm not worthless.

>> No.21642349

Why has Facebook been shilling vegan propaganda to me lately?
>inb4 get off fb
Yeah, I know.

>> No.21642362

Onions shrinks your nuts and reduces your economic burden on the system. Just wait 'til they start shilling insectivoria.

>> No.21642366
File: 197 KB, 1636x853, 1647589679474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>newfags are the /pol/whiners
Kek enjoy the ride cucky

>> No.21642480

What age should you be done with school?

>> No.21642484


>> No.21642501

saying stupid and indefensible things on the internet is my main hobby and what i dedicate most of my free time to. where did it all go wrong?

>> No.21642503

My mom just called me to inform me that my granma died suddenly. It's sad but I'm not feeling particularly burdened, which is weird considering how devastated I was about two years prior when my other granma passed away. Maybe it just hasn't hit me yet idk. Granpa and mom must be heartbroken so I'll probably go see them tomorrow.

>> No.21642519

The most frustrating part about using imageboards is remembering some post out of the blue and being unable to find it on the archives. I read a very touching post where the writer lamented the cruelty of sending animals into space during the cold war and I can’t even recall in which board I read it, much less find it again.

>> No.21642632

Life is about creating your own delusions to cope with being an inferior product, and then forcing those delusions onto other beings to become superior

>> No.21642644

Just realized I had a pot with leftover rice and water right next to me the whole week. Biofilm developed on the bottom of the pot and I don't know what kind of shit was growing there but it certainly didn't smell good. I wasn't aware of its existence until now because I don't eat at home for most of the week. Without a doubt I must've inhaled a good amount of this shit. I just poured water and bleach on it and let it rest.

>> No.21642645

I’m so fucking sorry. All I want is to go back and undo all of it. But there’s nothing I can do to make things right. I’ve ruined everything.

>> No.21642662

That's right. No one can go back. We've all got to live with our mistakes. I've ruined a 5-year romantic relationship over petty shit myself so I know how that feels. You can try, but there truly is nothing you can do to make up for your actions except do some good around you.

>> No.21642707
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see, anon, people who read a lot, either fiction or non-fiction, are bound to come in contact with knowledge about:
1. the problems of the world
2. the problems of lfie
3. how different life and the world could be
and so they both:
>know how bad things really are
>know how different things could be
now imagine carrying this knowledge everywhere. Imagine knowing that each fucked-up part of the world could be better. Imagine knowing that certain things were better in the past, that certain things could be good in the future but aren't because whatever reason for whatever thing.
Imagine waging eight hours a day, five days a week, knowing that you could work much less. Imagine knowing WHY you and most people you know wage.
Imagine every person you meet being shallow and vapid, knowing that their brains are being intentionally rotten by third parties serving their own interests. Imagine knowing that it didn't have to be like this, but that it is, and that there's neither turning back nor moving towards something better.
Each book that describes and explains our world and each book that describes another, better world - either a certain moment in a certain place in a certain time or a fictional place and time - is a Pandora's Box.
Each book that describes an uninteresting, sad life is a mirror, no matter the reasons why the life in question is sad.
Each book that describes an interesting, happy life is an image of something that was possible, that is possible, but that won't happen.

>> No.21642716

Good post.

>> No.21642789
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>> No.21642816

You will always be the same and you will be happy

>> No.21642834
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I have been addicted to porn for 11 years. It's time to stop. Today was the last day.

>> No.21642866
File: 951 KB, 1059x1053, 3454364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever been ghosted or blocked by a female? Did they unblock you or contact you after weeks/months? Please share your stories

>> No.21642910

I have to write about what "one thing" I would want to see in someone to consider them for a life partner for my fucking religion class. I have no fucking clue how to answer this question, I've never been in a relationship. I fucking hate this class. I don't want to talk about my personal life outside of anonymous forums.

>> No.21642922

>I don't have values yet
Get some before you get in a relationship, kid.

>> No.21642938

I don't even know if I want to be in a relationship, and I certainly couldn't boil down the things I would look for into one thing, unless I want to use some sort of vague platitude like "virtue".

>> No.21642958

If you could answer the question for what one thing you would want in a business partner or any other kind of partner and why you'd hold yourself to that, then you can answer this one. The ancillary benefit is you get to know yourself and nobody on /lit/ will make fun of you for not knowing that Delphic quote.

>> No.21642978

I would want an honest business partner. But it's not that simple, "yeah this plan will fuck a lot of people over but it will make us a lot of money" no good, they could also but a cunt to me and still be honest, that's no good either. I could say someone that has enough good will to make sure both parities get what they want out of the relationship, but that sounds overly transactional. This i a multi faceted question that can't be boiled down to one thing. What's your one thing?

>> No.21642991

>What's your one thing?
A Machiavellian level understanding of acceptable losses. It's probably not going to work for you. I don't know you though, so maybe it will, who knows?

>> No.21643023

Once a woman blocks you she will not unblock you. But look at it positively. She has shown her true side. Better now that 5 years into a marriage don't you think, fren?

>> No.21643033

>But look at it positively. She has shown her true side. Better now that 5 years into a marriage don't you think, fren?
I agree 100% with you, that being said you would be surprised how many stories I have heard of friends or people I know where their ex gf or someone they were dating suddenly blocks them just to appear months later in their life sending them texts or whatever...Females dont operate on the same logic and reasoning ways that males do.

>> No.21643115

>where their ex gf
If that's immediately after a break up that's pretty normal. Sometimes they get back in contact because they're over the break up enough to be friends. The rest of the time it's crazy combined with loneliness, like guys who text the girl who blocked him 17,938 times, like that won't look like crazy if they ever see it. Crazy doesn't pick a gender.

>> No.21643124
File: 22 KB, 661x278, 4B4B379C-3591-4291-AEF8-6052CC1B1311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dated a woman for 2 years, we had met online in a game with zero intention of dating anyone online. As luck would have it, however, we both lived in the same state, and after spending a lot of time talking we decided to try out a relationship. We’d both lost our virginity to each other and for a while I was on top of the world, she was a real looker, Anon. I won’t bore you with all the details, but after 2 years she broke it off with me. I was pretty broken, for a long time too. I couldn’t maintain a job, and I basically went full NEET for a couple years. She had stuck around for the first couple months of that depressed period, mainly to torment me. She wanted me for herself, she wanted to see other men while I was stuck being her cuckold plaything. She had sent nude pictures to my friends, showed me pictures of her sucking face with other men. Then one day it all stopped, and she disappeared for a time.
Until she decided to reappear. It’d been years since we’d spoke last, and although I’m ashamed to admit it, I had never quite gotten over her in those years. Some wounds just run too deep I guess. So I was anxious but I still loved her. She came back, we had sex a couple times, and then almost as quickly as she’d reappeared, she’d gone back into to ether. I’d gone outside to smoke and check my phone, and I was blocked on everything. Never to be unblocked again. I didn’t fall back into the arms of depression though, I was sad for a time, sure, but I knew things would never go back to those blissful yesteryears of our initial relationship. That was 3 years ago. Last I’d heard, she’s got a kid and is engaged. I’ve found love too though, and I’m happier now than I was with her.

>> No.21643129

What are you doing that has religion classes?

>> No.21643134

Found out Burt Bacharach died

>> No.21643143

Less than 3, I'm sure.

>> No.21643150

i find all of his songs so mediocre. he's like the timbaland of oldies.

>> No.21643159


>> No.21643180

It's like over decades of influence he became near ubiquitous to the point you couldn't imagine this being weird. Weird.

>> No.21643433

she sounds like a fucking headcase, poor kid

>> No.21643499
File: 110 KB, 1120x672, 6WrU3y2sjwvaCPLRBvK0--50--1M1KH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does it feel to exist in a dECAYING Empire. FRAYING at the seams/. without aim/ beyond the preseveration of itselfa. HJOW DOE ST IJ FEEL TO ESPEXIJTASIO ION WOR><LD JOIRWEHRE THE REH RIS N LYH JAMWERIOEJRI TASTIJAJKL JGAUB MATERIAL GAIN
with the knowledge that your aims are aimless, your golas confied within the aims allowed to you, in a sphree that is disapeariing.

>> No.21643566

not great

>> No.21643616

Try having that experience with your dad. It's just depressing.

>> No.21643627
File: 275 KB, 564x705, 1670694969498746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never had a chance to be normal or have essential human experiences like friendships and relationships. I should have accepted my place as an outcast rather than entertain the idea that me emulating a normal person will get me accepted by normal people.

>> No.21643629

Me too.

>> No.21643671


>> No.21643680

If you like what you see you're the person you should be.


>> No.21643695

How old were you when you realised 4chan was filled with emotionally retarded and stunted 20+ year olds who haven't gotten over social phobias enough to express their "edgy based" views in pubic?

>> No.21643704

>4chan was filled with emotionally retarded and stunted 20+ year olds who haven't gotten over social phobias enough to express their "edgy based" views in pubic?
Luckily I'm one of the ones that does talk about his based views in public and for some reason, only blacks and asians agree. Fuck wypio desu

>> No.21643707
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>> No.21643715

>emotionally retarded and stunted 20+ year olds who haven't gotten over social phobias
Yes that's me. As for edgy based views, I have none

>> No.21643716

the truth is that you cant broach any subject with an assertion in public, people dont know how to parse the information so they just haphazardly deny your ability to make an assertion and then ‘talk’ about something else. Dialectic, or discussion, is le dead, the point of communication is now to make like busy noises or something idk, not that I even hold any particularly controversial or edgy views.

>> No.21643718
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Why would I do that when it's much more effective to keep spreading them anonymously?

>> No.21643720

I was watching this really good Netflix show and out of nowhere they interjected a nigger seducing a white girl. Why the fuck do they do this? Its a good show otherwise, but they force this gross shit into it and ruin it?

>> No.21643726

People think it's a conspiracy theory but it's really just that normies have been conditioned to thinking they're defeating Voldemort every time they have some minor opportunity to depict a married couple and they opt for a nog

It's the same reason all white male dad type characters are fags in everything, it's only conscious at the highest levels of NWO tavistock style social engineering, at most levels on the pyramid of retard it's just normies who are willing members of the antiwhite/antimale/antinormal cult. They think they're winning points for being moral or self aware or something when they have that small moment of influence over something like the character of a dad in a commercial and they write him like a bumbling retarded faggot and depict his wife as smart and capable. They think they're smiting the evil anti-gay agenda from the 1950s or something, normies basically just love opportunities to show what good slaves and members of the tribe they are

>> No.21643732

>Why would I do that when it's much more effective to keep spreading them anonymously?
>this guy actually thinks that /pol/ is a danger to established globohomo
>this guy believes it is not a neutering-chamber where any call to action is immediately called a glow-op
>this guy unironically believes that three-letter agencies will allow an actually dangerous forum exist on the clearweb because they care deeply about free speech
Kiwi forums is more radical than your incel club as proven by the fact it actually got taken down, and all they did was bully retards.
Bullying a couple of retards has more impact on the real world than what you are doing, as proven by the consequences imposed by the authorities.
I will never stop finding it funny that /pol/niggers consider it extremely based, radical and politically effective that they spend their strongest years in their youth participating in an anonymous and atomized circlejerk LARP, while ensuring that they maintain a strong hatred of women so they will never have families and become solid parts of any community.
As an artwork it is 10/10.

>> No.21643743

What is this, 2015?

>> No.21643750

On /pol/, it might as well be, as the complete lack of real world implication makes it a timeless place, much like Peter Pan's Neverland.

>> No.21643756

intelligence agencies pay people to foment hate and misinformation on the internet, meanwhile i've been doing it for free like a fucking chump

>> No.21643782

I need to stop myself from critiquing simplistic philosophy of this song and remind myself that it's a song.

>> No.21643786

Who uses /pol/? It's just stormboomers and bots. Right wing culture is already normalized among enough of the young male demographic that "/pol/" is a runaway phenomenon. Just look at /lit/, it was a gay leftist shithole where you got banned for joking that women are dumb in 2013.

>> No.21643795

The woman was diagnosed with Tuberculosis or something and was acting emo cause she had only so long to live but the clean air of Shangrila cured her and now she is happy and optimistic. The guy wants to con the Tibetans into digging for gold but she wants him to help them build an irrigation system.


I saw this movie so long ago. I think that is the basic plot.

>> No.21643820

Can any /lit/ bro here tell me what does " i' " mean i this sentence: "To the fire i’ the blood" I asume it means "and", but I want to be sure. Reading Shakerspeare for the first time in english has been kinda hard, but quite fun.

>> No.21643845
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>> No.21643899

>Right wing culture is already normalized among enough of the young male demographic that "/pol/" is a runaway phenomenon. Just look at /lit/, it was a gay leftist shithole where you got banned for joking that women are dumb in 2013.
I want you to take just 2 minutes to think about this passage and realize why it is retarded. I'll help you a bit: it consists of a claim and supporting evidence. These are in tension.

>> No.21643912

these are not one person

>> No.21643930

I have discovered that the girl I’ve been thinking about approaching for a while has a TikTok and she has dozens of random men in her comments begging for her attention every day. She usually likes their comments and replies. It’s utterly over.

>> No.21643943

im only joking anon

>> No.21643948

life is such a beautiful game if you wanna play anon we can play everday

>> No.21644079

I was punished for not being racist.

I made a doctors appointment and didn't hang up or ask to speak with someone else when I was given a black lady. I made the appointment three weeks ago and now that it's this week I check online through their site and don't have an upcoming appointment. I remember purposely scheduling it on an available Tuesday and not only did she tell me February 15th would be a Tuesday (false) the stupid nigress scheduled it for LAST YEAR on Feb 15 2022 so now I don't even have an appointment and have to reschedule.
When I messaged my primary care doctor through their site if she new anything about the appointment her nigress assistant responded back and told me in nigger english "You was scheduled for 2/15/22 and was not seen"

>> No.21644167
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>Y-you don't still believe in Heaven and Hell, r-right goy?
Introductions are hilarious. Enjoy eternal hell academicuck.

>> No.21644231

It's amazing that I still keep visiting this site. Only until today have I realized this whole site might have been plagued by bots for such a longer time than I could be aware of. Any remnant good thing you guys got from this site lately?

>> No.21644237

Yes, I get to discuss literature with others, which I enjoy and there's no alternative.
>inb4 reddit, "book clubs", discord
No thanks

>> No.21644256


>> No.21644263

My house just got attacked by a ghost. I had to go out into the storm to fight him off. I couldn't leave the body outside so now I have a dead ghost in my house and no idea what I should do with it.

>> No.21644264

What literature? I haven't seen many books being discussed on this board these recent years maybe except for some few well-known authors or books that have been discussed to death. And in these threads people also just shitpost without posting anything substantial or derail to off-topic /pol/ stuff >>21644237

>> No.21644267

You're a retard and you will not be missed.

>> No.21644269

See >>21639622

>> No.21644270

eat it

>> No.21644271
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I thought my life would be different.

Looking back I can't even begin to image what I based those beliefs on.

>> No.21644313

See you tomorrow, bro!

>> No.21644397

I understood why there are so many /pol/ whiners. Lefties hate themselves and they need something to blame for everything that they don't like. /pol/ is basically their "salvation": because everything for them is inversed, their salvation is that which they can be a scapegoat for everything. They need the boogeyman to alleviate their endless pain and self-hatred.

>> No.21644494

I dont get it. That post wasnt doubles

>> No.21644502
File: 77 KB, 1306x354, pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you're likely a <22 year old election tourist who stuck around (like 98% of /pol/niggers), but you have to understand that the reason why everyone loathes /pol/niggers is not necessarily that they disagree profoundly with their politics (who gives a fuck about a bunch of incels being impotently angry on the internet?), but that polniggers just cannot help constantly trying to turn every discussion into something about their monotone interests - which are all transparently the result of an external locus of control in a shitty, wretched existence (the jews are responsible for everything bad in my life!) and severe porn addiction (oh no, the blacks are banging white women and I'm a virgin incel! The horror!) - this is, no meme, clinical autism - to monomaniacally colonize every discussion in that manner and turn it into their own interests - I have worked in a clinical setting with actual autists, and that is what they do, and why they are exhausting and annoying beyond compare.
As for the relevance of your newfag status, fifteen years ago, there was a similar dynamic, but between regular anons and furries, who would turn every thread into yiff (pic related) - hence the unrelenting hatred against furfags, which, at the time, was not a rejection of degeneracy as such (the people who used to come here were much more fun and equally degenerate in different ways, rather than what we have today, with hordes of neurotic, pearl-clutching and moralfagging pseudonazis who read self-help books and spend all their time shitposting on /pol/ while pretending that this is somehow the iron path to a virtuous life) - rather, back then, it was a rejection of turning everything into furfaggotry.

So you see, the rejection of annoying and unfunny autism is the essence, not the rejection of your politics - despite your narcissism compelling you to believe that it is because your politics are dangerous and risque that they meet derision, so much so that government agencies conspire to prevent you, in particular, from changing the course of history by posting on a basket-weaving forum - making polniggers functionally equivalent to furfags, except for the fact that historically, the polniggers won and the furfags didn't, rendering the entire site nearly unusable to anyone not sharing their particular autism, indeed, to anyone who still pines for the joyous autism and irreverence of years long gone.

Which is actually a good thing, as this site completely ruins lives, and it being nearly uninhabitable for non-polniggers and a hugbox for polniggers, ensures that the people who deserve it the most will have their already shitty lives ruined the most by their addiction to it.

>> No.21644520

meds, now

>> No.21644539

did the same thing with my uncle’s edibles

>> No.21644552

Someone forgot to dilate today

>> No.21644551

My meds is going for a walk and taking a break from this hellhole, and yeah, good idea.
See you the day after tomorrow!

>> No.21644563

It's just the new /b/. This site has always had a central hub board that acts as a 'sitegeist'.

>> No.21644575

None of this happens. People call others /pol/ if they disagree with anything. If you don't read modern books, you're /pol/, if you don't read women, you're /pol/, if you read conservative writers, you're /pol/, etc. This is just /pol/whining from trannies, nothing of substance, just something to be laughed at and mocked.

>> No.21644578

I liked the chaotic spirit of /b/ better, it was more fun, as are the boards where that spirit is still somewhat prominent, like /tv/ and /sp/. The /pol/-dominated boards are creatively dead since the 2016 election. The memes there were phenomenal, absolutely terrific, but after the election, it has been 6 straight trite years of Wojak and Pepes.

>> No.21644579

Years ago, a guy I know had a crush on his boss. She was some crazy bpd woman perpetually stuck on her teenage years despite being thirty something. She was also dating another man. Still, she kept leading this guy on, constantly going out with him and promising she would break up with her boyfriend soon. He even met the boyfriend and went out with them multiple times - said they had become friends. I pointed out how fucked up it was to call a guy he was trying to cuck and constantly talked shit about his friend, but he just changed subjects. Now, at a latter point I tried to tactfully tell him that his boss was leading him on and he shouldn’t get so invested when they hadn’t even gone on a date yet, but this guy was a kissless virgin and couldn’t contain his desperation. Anyway, her pussy dried up, she lost interest and moved on.
A few months back I met this guy and the - by now - ex-boyfriend to see a ball game at a bar. He was pretty chill and the two of them had become close friends through the years. I’m pretty sure that he has no idea about what his friend tried to do. In fact, his friend even denies the whole thing happened. One day I said something like “remember that time you had a crush on your boss?” and the guy got embarrassed, tensed up and said that’s not what happened.
They’re all still friends, the three of them: the thot, the cuck and the incel - plus some twitter pronouns people. A bunch of fucked up friends.

>> No.21644583

Not really, no - you see, you're the first person in the conversation to bring up trannies, and that's what's /pol/.
No one here was thinking about men with infected axe-wounds in their crotches until you absolutely and autistically had to remind us all that they exist, and that is the essence of /pol/.

>> No.21644602

It sucks identifying careers you want to go for but being too old to go to school for them.

>> No.21644604

>bring up trannies, and that's what's /pol/.
Thanks for proving my point

>> No.21644742

Iktf. Which carreers, anon? Lately I’ve been thinking about how if I would go for something completely different if I could go back in time, probably something related to agriculture, forestry or geography.

>> No.21644789
File: 471 KB, 265x198, throwup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I fall into this emotional pit where I'm just bloody anxious for days. I sleep bad, have no appetite, feel nauseous and asocial and depressed as hell.
The thing I fear is the anxiety itself, I just dread being so fucked up without a reason.
Usually, it's connected to some stressful event in the near future, like having to perform in front of people in a week, but the fear is totally disproportionate to the event, the horrible week prior to it is what I fear. Needless to say, the stressful event is N times more stressful when I go into it with sleep deprivation and nauseous.
I was a shy kid, and my parents always mocked me for being shy. Maybe that has to do with me feeling worthless when I'm being eaten up by anxiety.

>> No.21644808

When I was in high school and I had baby's first existential crisis (realizing there's no afterlife and no God) I told my friends about it and they freaked the fuck out too. I will never forget their faces once they understood what I was proposing
Tempted to try this again with coworkers, do you think it is as easy to inflict existential dread on late 20's adults as it was to inflict it on high schoolers?

>> No.21644898

I fucking love women. I've never had a single bad experience with one and it feels so good to just look at them.
Then again, I rarely approach women (or anyone at all) so maybe that's why I don't share the general animosity towards the fair gender you people seem to feel.
It's a shame I can't just talk to a cute girl without feeling I have to compete with 100 other fuckers, but it sure feels nice hearing their voices, watching them go, seeing them getting buttfucked.
I fucking love women.

>> No.21644905

>I fucking love women. I've never had a single bad experience with one and it feels so good to just look at them.
literally the opposite of me.

>> No.21644914
File: 7 KB, 165x180, 72D73992-BB38-4767-A536-E8214E3E3024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you think it is as easy to inflict existential dread on late 20's adults as it was to inflict it on high schoolers?

>> No.21644926

Well anon, is it?

>> No.21644940

What was the worst experience you had with a girl?

>> No.21644944

I had a very horrible relationship with mom and grandma.

>> No.21644948

Tell me about it anon.
Also, what about girls that aren't from your family?

>> No.21644950

honestly, probably even easier desu

>> No.21644975

Is it normal to feel like you're not absorbing everything in a book you're reading? I'll read fiction and often gloss over things like character names, details about geography, history and organizations etc. I don't really process the things automatically, but only if they interest me

>> No.21644997
File: 147 KB, 1280x502, forrest-gump-running.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive taken to running. Two years ago I wore size 44 pants and smoked. Now I'm size 32 and no longer smoke but also eat well. Cold/raw foods: fresh produce, milk, cheese, yogurt, bakery bread.
So now when I run it legitimately feels like I'm flying, as my feet rebound from the pavement it's unlike anything else. But I still haven't developed endurance. My last 5km was under 40 minutes but I can run a few blocks then walk half and rinse and repeat.
I feel terribly self conscious. Do I just slow my pace to always be jogging? Is it normal to run and walk? Oddly enough I don't care about my form as when I'm in motion I don't have a car in the world but eventually I do have to slow it down. Mostly out of caution that I will push too hard and require more down time and will not be able to run again in a couple days.
I hate being so self conscious.

>> No.21645007

you should try trail running if you havent

>> No.21645010

and yes you have to slow your pace and shorten your steps

>> No.21645031

I want to run outside, but there's never enough time and everywhere around is awful, just fucking awful.
There's dog shit and piss everywhere, irregular ugly streets, no green areas, dangerous people. An all around ugly neighborhood.

>> No.21645046
File: 667 KB, 1079x1549, Screenshot_20230211-101533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and yes you have to slow your pace and shorten your steps
But then I don't feel like I'm flying
I'm an avid hiker but I lack transport as of late. I moved close to downtown and work and have kept putting off buying a new car. It's actually quite freeing not having to worry about an auto but now of course I can't get out to the desert or forest. I've noticed used car prices plummeting lately so I won't be stuck for long at least.

Thanks for your response btw

>> No.21645054

Just saw a really cute girl with jiggly tits and ass, a really upbeat personality too. Wearing sporty clothing that really hugged her butt everytime she took a step.
Immense frustration cause I can't talk to her. I can't and honestly I don't want to spend time, energy, money on someone I just want to fuck. I'm afraid of all the things that can go wrong because I am a monkey with a permanent hard-on.
My mind conjures up images of this girl naked, spreading her holes for me. That's all I want from her and every other woman I see.
I wish I weren't like this, but that's just how it is.

>> No.21645064

Maybe if you get it you can move past the obsession and focus on the things you'd rather be concerned with

>> No.21645066
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My wrist sprain is finally healing

>> No.21645068

Death in solitude. No funeral. Gravestone with name rubbed off. Possessions sent to thrift store and then Dumpstered. Vague obituary with misspelled name. Coworkers don't notice.

>> No.21645098
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I'm sorry anon. I've been in your position. I kind of just fell into a little city that is perfect in the moment. Caldwell, Idaho. All the signs of it's fading are here, just like Nampa a town one over. I used to be able to walk 10 minutes and I was among farmland. Over 10 years the subdivisions began their long march. So I moved one town over, it was a shithole when I first moved to the state but the redid the downtown and cleaned it up. I'm again 10 minutes from farmland but the subdivisions never slow.
My goal is to move to Owyhee County Idaho. 2nd largest county in the state, mostly wilderness, maybe 15000 people total but I fear I will live to see the subdivisions cross the snake river and begin their march into the desert for I fear there is no stopping the sprawl. Not in this country, not without sacrificing something even worse than the subdivisions.

>> No.21645100

If I had the mental fortitude and disregard for life needed to go after what I want, I would never stop
Think Charles Manson, think cult leader with 50 wives.

>> No.21645113
File: 1.92 MB, 1024x1024, DALL·E 2022-09-27 21.55.29 - Film photography, vibrant, Kodak porta, Leica. Down an alley way covered in copious amounts of vibrant graffiti in Boise Idaho, a petite woman with da.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was younger, high school ish I used to wish I had no sex drive so I could interact with girls normally.
Then I got older and fell in love with femininity as embodied by women. That love started from my physical desires but with my libido slowing I see the beauty beyond the carnal. I wouldn't want it any other way even for all the trouble it causes.

>> No.21645116

>think cult leader with 50 wives
Perhaps you should start with one and go from there

>> No.21645120

>the thot, the cuck and the incel - plus some twitter pronouns people
your average group of millennials in their 30s

>> No.21645124

it's just that they treated me bad as in abandoning and rejecting. I had a couple of interactions with girls at school and uni but they were as neutral as possible. I never had a single positive interaction.
i guess its obvious that I ended up as a wizard

>> No.21645213

> seeing them getting buttfucked.
Ah that makes sense. The simps are all cucks. The ones defending women are literal cuckolds. These are the ones left. The less than human "men".

>> No.21645220


>> No.21645228

Without context I just assume it's a contracted "in"

>> No.21645247

I just don't hate them. Simple as.
Why do you hate them anon?

>> No.21645253

How much do you guys get irritated by random sounds?
My brain goes insane when my roommate moves stuff around

>> No.21645256

I love women so much its unreal, but not watching them get buttfucked, just having sex with my gf desu.

>> No.21645261

I don't, they're fine. But I'm not worshipping them like you do

>> No.21645266

Are you heavily caffeinated? That'll do it to me. So will general stress. When I'm in a good mood generally or when I reframe my mind when approaching complex information I don't have that problem. But if I'm 5 coffees deep or short on time.km the same way.

>> No.21645277

>When I was in high school and I had baby's first existential crisis (realizing there's no afterlife and no God)
I didn't know redditors were on /lit/. Guess it's time to bail out.

>> No.21645282

You fucks say this every day but you never leave.

>> No.21645304

Ahh what the fuck should I read? Anyone has some recommendation about shit like CIA and NSA and their covert operations. Don't recommend too much of conspiracy theories

>> No.21645310

Why does it piss you off that I do?
It's not like I'm tipping e-girls or have an onlyfans account. I just heckin' love womerinas and I think they improve everything they feature in.

>> No.21645317
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>> No.21645320

I don't like cucks and I don't like simps. Cope and seethe fag.

>> No.21645325

I don't simp.
You can't cuck a single man.
You sound like a jealous tranny that needs to dilate

>> No.21645332

Whether you simp or get cucked doesn't matter, you're spiritually both regardless whether the potential is actualized or not. You have the Form of Simpness and Cuckness which I dislike.

>> No.21645337
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>> No.21645344

Thanks frens. I just hope these aren't too high end of the conspiracy train

>> No.21645348

You sound like a homosexual, spiritually and physically.

>> No.21645355

Kuznick's book is rather grounded. Some left-leaning bias may stand out to the politically commited reader but it's not excessive.

>> No.21645358


>> No.21645424

It’s like in Brazil where Ida Lowry and Mrs Terrain are all eating goyslop that looks nothing like the food in the pictures. That’s how all my lunches are.

>> No.21645444

>Excessive swearing
>Shouting everything they say
>Their conversation consists of talking shit about other people and other inane social shit like partying and who fucks who
>The one girl in the group is a slut and proud of it
Normalfags are fucking based.

>> No.21645477

I hate simps so much it's unreal.

>> No.21645480

All women are queens.

>> No.21645536
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>while you were philosophising i was sharpening my blade

>> No.21645541

Being drunk feels fucking awesomeeeee.
I feel like the kind of person I wish I could be all the time.
I can do anything, ANYTHING.

>> No.21645567
File: 78 KB, 1170x994, IMG_20230123_205153_933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are people who talk about books online like this

>> No.21645583

The Culinary Institute of America controls nearly 60% of the world's cooking establishments. Nearly all high-end restaurants are run by those trained by them and their ilk- even Le Cordon Bleu seems to have been infiltrated by the CIA. What makes this so scary? Almost all of our world leaders are fed by chefs trained at the CIA or LCB(Le Cordon Bleu, which has been co-opted by the CIA). They have the power to poison and kill anyone on Earth, Emperor Titus Mede II style, and nobody realizes this.


>> No.21645623
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>> No.21645651

Hangman, headsman, magistrate,
Rest ye now and let your work abate;
What ye would mete may yet wait
For death judges all men soon or late.

>> No.21645660

I once saw a chinese man with his family blow his nose into his hands - straight up into his hands, like you would a tissue paper - at the breakfast buffet of the hotel I was staying at. He then casually picked up a few croissants and put them back until he found one he liked.
They're fucking animals, absolutely. I also had a chinese woman as a roommate once, and it permanently cured me of all "imagine the smell" type coomerdom. Chinese women smell so fucking bad.

>> No.21645671

That reminds me I need to get mine fixed

>> No.21645676
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jesus christ... that is straight up sickening

>> No.21645721

Describe the smells with your best prose

>> No.21645733

Please apply for a lobotomy.

>> No.21645737

100% spot-on.

>> No.21645740

You can't write.
Eat shit.

>> No.21645754

lol use the chatgpt

>> No.21645758

I really like short stories, especially the older ones.
My favorites so far have been Poe, Kipling, Hawthorne and Stephen Crane.
Any other writers who wrote great short stories? Preferably written in english as I can't be arsed to research for the best translations

>> No.21645760

try roald dahl

>> No.21645766

I want to hear it from anon.
ChatGPT can only pretend, he supposedly experienced it

>> No.21645772

The smell was a combination of body odor, sweat, and a faint, lingering smell of garlic.

>> No.21645779

Your prose is shit.
You can't write.

>> No.21645780

I love the theory posited by Conspiracy Theory, the movie, that Oliver Stone must be a government plant because he couldn't know that much and remain alive if he wasn't.

>> No.21645782

I look at the mess simmering
Ground chicken and mushroom
Olive oil for taste, i think
But I'm a stupid tool

It burned, I'm not hungry anymore
I write a poem as I cook
The water is no more
My head, I shook

>> No.21645783

It was ChatGPT bro, you have been got. Mad online?

>> No.21645787

>a dank, heavy, sour smell of boiling soi and expired chicken
>notes of ginger and garlic waft in between
>tiger balm
>musky body oder and bad breath tha t projects ten yards every breath
>unwashed pussy, reeking like anchovies and eel
The air is actually thick and heavy.

>> No.21645795

Faggot who can't write

>> No.21645803

somebody talk to me

>> No.21645822

"Greetings, pilot!" a voice called out from above. "You've been chosen to take a flight with the American spy balloon. Are you ready to take off?"

"Yes, I am," I replied.

"Very well then, let's get started." The voice replied. "We'll need to check the conditions of the balloon to make sure everything is in order. After that, we'll need to take a few safety precautions before we can take off."

>> No.21645823

Amuse me

>> No.21645858

I made it work, somehow.
I inspect, with a raised brow.

The chicken is not so bad.
For tomorrow, I'll get the bread.

I'll smear the oily mess,
With cheese I'll dress
The "buttons", the meat.

I'll eat as only a king can,
Or as pig which I truly Am

>> No.21645927

Stop consuming goyslop.
It will hijack your imagination, poison your dreams and define your existence within a strangers parameters.

>> No.21645946

You literally think in memes

>> No.21645947

What media do you consume?

>> No.21645970

Mega based

>> No.21645986

Absolutely fucking hate them. Mindless subhuman subrace that evolved to maximize spreading like a bacterial plague but can't do anything else. They have the habits of monkeys, they have no respect for others, they have no empathy, they are a plague.

>> No.21646000


>> No.21646006

Give me the last five books you read.

>> No.21646017

pic rel

>> No.21646023

To Kill a Mockingbird
The Fault in our Stars
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
The Hate U Give
Ender's Game

>> No.21646028

give me the head of John the Baptist on a silver platter first.

>> No.21646051

>roald dahl
Fucking read "Royal Road". Am I having a seizure or something?

>> No.21646070

Feel real bad for John the Baptist desu. Jesus just kinda left him hanging

>> No.21646086

Should legislators have to go to law school?

>> No.21646114

the irony of a man who ate locusts and wild honey being served up as a fine entrée is palpable, great writing.
but yes, Jesus did not save in that instance.

>> No.21646175

Well, He didn't save John's head at least, but I'm sure his body will be ressurected in the End.

>> No.21646180

aww that would be nice for him, he'd like that.

>> No.21646217
File: 30 KB, 625x352, CJ-7vJmWsAAsf7t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

attn. good looking basically autistic people

how do you handle compliments (esp. from girls)?
too much of a weirdo to go 'ah god thanks'

>> No.21646252

>"y-you too, h-haha..."

>> No.21646266

give them a wink and a smile, move the convo along.

>> No.21646291

i'll go as far as a smile

whoa i don't want to wake up pregnant

>> No.21646379

Come in, grab a seat.

>> No.21646403

I give alittle smile and say, "oh thanks" and then I daydream for a few weeks about marrying the girl

>> No.21646482

yeah looking at their insta every now and then for a month