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21634737 No.21634737 [Reply] [Original]

based quran, laughing at people in hell

>Indeed, the wicked used to laugh at the believers, wink to one another whenever they passed by,and muse ˹over these exploits˺ upon returning to their own people. And when they saw the faithful, they would say, “These ˹people˺ are truly astray,” even though they were not sent as keepers over the believers But on that Day the believers will be laughing at the disbelievers,as they sit on ˹canopied˺ couches, looking on.

>> No.21634741

Incel religion tbqh

>> No.21635763
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Picrel. And btw, the Quran gives authority to the Bible.

>> No.21635846
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It's a piece of shit.

>> No.21635853
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>> No.21635866

How many thousands of times will you post this inane shit? It's been years man, fuck, go outside

>> No.21635869

Seething sandnigger muslim

>> No.21635882
File: 2.88 MB, 1293x9789, Islam3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thousands more.

>> No.21635897

>Buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords
Seek allah (and sunlight)

>> No.21635903

You need to leave the basement someday Dmitri. Your mother needs financial support. With your shitty ex-soviet economy down the shitter, she can't keep supporting your free-riding ways forever. I know it was hard growing up without a father. But you know, maybe if he was a Muslim he wouldn't have drunk himself to death

>> No.21635904
File: 2.51 MB, 1312x8870, Islam4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got plenty of sunlight. Allah doesn't exist though, Muhammad made it up.

>> No.21635910

These are basically gish gallop. No well-adjusted person has the time to go through all of these and debunk it all (and from skimming through, they're rife with inaccuracies)

>> No.21635918

They're 100% accurate and that's why nobody debunked them. A muslim tried once to make a counterargument and he just ended confirming everything that was said.

>> No.21635926

So does Christianity

>For the unhappy damned there is no compassion, there is no one to intercede with God to deliver them from the eternal death of hell. On the contrary, all rejoice at the just punishment which they suffer for having wilfully lost God and paradise for the sake of a transitory pleasure.

>Article 3. Whether the blessed rejoice in the punishment of the wicked?

>On the contrary, It is written (Psalm 57:11): "The just shall rejoice when he shall see the revenge."
>Further, it is written (Isaiah 56:24): "They shall satiate [Douay: 'They shall be a loathsome sight to all flesh.'] the sight of all flesh." Now satiety denotes refreshment of the mind. Therefore the blessed will rejoice in the punishment of the wicked.

>> No.21635943

This attitude is pretty much an inevitable part of theism. Once you believe you have a duty to a god, cruelty towards the opponents of your god becomes good.
It’s why Virgil calls Dante a bitch every time the latter faints from seeing the suffering in hell.

>> No.21635964

He's still very proud of the time he le epically won an internet argument back in 2017 man, let him have his moment

>> No.21635970

I'm not Prof Kaffir, though he should be proud of him for the total obliteration of islam he operated in so few words.

>> No.21635999

Monkey tier

>> No.21637098

Problem being when you make it monotheistc and you have to rationalize everything in the world that goes contrary to your belief about God.

>> No.21637501

>Say to them, ‘As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! Why will you die, people of Israel?’ (Ezekiel 33:11)

>> No.21637873

Does anyone know of a bilingual publisher of the Seerah / Life of Muhammed? I'm learning Arabic and about Islam. Would appreciate a lead. Thanks.

>> No.21637896

Also I believe it was Aquinas who claimed viewing the torments of the damned will be among the greatest pleasures in Heaven.

>> No.21637905
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>> No.21638339

it's not a book, but Yasir Qadhi on YouTube has the most detailed English language lecture series on the seerah. it's around 100 lectures long I think. it may be a bit much for a first pass study, but it's worth a look at least