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File: 227 KB, 1500x1534, psychiatrist-carl-gustav-jung-515387410-5ae8ca67a9d4f90037a2524a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21632692 No.21632692 [Reply] [Original]

>beware of unearned wisdom
how do I earn wisdom, and what is unearned wisdom? what does this even mean?

>> No.21632721
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Getting it wrong is the only way to ensure one has it right. Without effort in pursuit of an answer you have no framework with which to judge anything.

>> No.21632801

>how do I earn wisdom
Live and experience life, and learn from your mistakes.
>and what is unearned wisdom?
Do drugs and find out.

>> No.21632885

Beware, young fool. You’re just a pawn

>> No.21633087
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Nationalism is the only means by which the family can survive. Without it you fall prey to globo-homo (Left) and globo-business (Right) until they eventually combine. Nationalism is the solution that can, if applied well, rebirth culture, blood, soil and life.

There will be conflict, there will be war, but i would rather that then a continuation of the American style melting pot wherein all culture dies and the native people of Europe are replaced by lesser and more easily controlled animals.

>> No.21633092

>Nationalism is the only means by which the family can
…continue along the same path you see it going now. Have you never read Kaczynski? Or maybe you had and your young dumb mind glossed over or contorted it’s message.

>> No.21633094

You will go extinct, goy. Cry all you want, the die is cast.
t. Jewish.

>> No.21633102
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Yes. I have. His idea of freedom omits much of the human condition. I recommend you read Darré and leave ad-hominen alone.

>> No.21633122

Peterson is snake-oil salesman

>> No.21633124


>> No.21633126


>> No.21633130

>noooo lsd will put me out of business! quick think of something
>"beware of unearned wisdom"

>> No.21633133

Jews, wealthy jews profit from statism/nationalism. You raz him for nothing because you’re on the same side.

Glossed over. I see. Just a deluded foot soldier who believes the propaganda with his whole heart.

>> No.21633169
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I'll bite. People operate in vertical heiarchies. Without them they become slovenly, look for surrogate activies and eventually bored. Duty and toil, represented in care for the blood and soil of the nation, must be imposed on above. This is the cause of most problems in an industrial society, not lack of participation in the power process. You absolute dribbler.

>> No.21633197

fascism and anti-tech are diametrically opposed and reading the terms vertical heriarchies followed by vertical hierarchies is absurdly comical. at least consider reading isaif before killing yourself

>> No.21633205

vertical hierarchies followed by surrogate activites*

>> No.21633281
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*snorts cocaine*
*starts writing everything that comes to mind*

There you go, everything Jung ever wrote. Nothing more. Oh yeah, and throw in the occasional acid trip in his last few years

>> No.21633737

You will never have an ethnostate

>> No.21633750
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You will never be a woman, but an ethni-state is possible.

>> No.21633765

>the only means by which the family can survive
Have you tried having sex?

>> No.21633778

Why don't (You) tell us what you think it means?

>> No.21633832

Never has there been such a thing, and what you mistake as historical "ethno-states" can't happen in the future, you scared little weasel

>> No.21633843

I always took it to mean gnosis gained via taking drugs in comparison to working to achieve it through meditation/visualization/etc

>> No.21633895

Despite the amount of sex increasing, fertility rates are down and have been so every single generation since the 1800s. Only one system was able to reverse that.

Even if that were true, why would it preclude it from happening? No doubt you think it is about purity and we are all mutts?

>> No.21633896

Stop posting this gay ass image. Europe is incredibly controlled. As an American visiting Europe, I was amazed by two things: how white the cities are, and how barely anyone broke even minor rules. People in Germany don't jaywalk. Europeans are okay with all their awful gun laws, they even think it's a good thing. Stop pretending the European man is some Nietzschean blond beast, that type was a rarity even 200 years ago, hence Nietzsche's writings. You've been living in a highly repressed, "civilized" society for ten or more generations now. And everyone just accepts it.

>> No.21633915

This is notably not true of english people

>> No.21633918

>Only one system was able to reverse that.
Winning ww2 and buying a house in the suburbs?

>> No.21633937

In time you will learn anarcho-primitivism is the only way.

>> No.21633960
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As a European living in America I can honestly say you have no society, no culture, no community, nothing. It is all for sale, you have destroyed everything in the name if profit or progress yet achieved neither. You are poor and backwards in every aspect of life.

Your are the anti-culture, you are the death of everything that you touch. You are the cancer that has festered in the West, the AIDs that has infected it. You are the downfall of everything that Europe built in the world, everything that was good and noble and just you sold to the highest bidder yet are even poorer for doing so. Now you surround yourself with worthless garbage because you have been convinced that is what culture is, even the guns you proudly wave like howling retards are nothing more than a commodity, never fired in anger or with intent. Even when the apes you had as slaves riot and burn through every state capital, you stood by and muttered empty threats in to your goyslop. The food you eat, the clothes you wear, your music, your aesthetics, you very lifestyle is utterly repugnant to all the rest of the world.

I count the days I return to Europe and never set foot in this forsaken cesspit again. I will leave having carved out my pound of flesh from its rotting husk and never look back.

>> No.21633997


"You think you understand Nietzsche? Prove it, jaywalk across this street right fucking now"

>> No.21634003

>oh heavens, is that a swiss army knife? Officer Mohamed, arrest this man!

>> No.21634056

Get a trip

>> No.21634104

Nationalism is nothing without a deep spiritual driver behind it. “For muh race and country” is not enough and never will be. Read Evola.

>> No.21634118
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i'm sure you've been all over america, where are our states are bigger than your countries, to make this statement

>> No.21634135

>beware of earned wisdom
t. zen master

>> No.21634138

American morals and virtues are represented solely by the products you consume and the corporation you work for.

>> No.21634149

Jung is a sophist. This is sophistry. It's a lesson in false humility, which is the most important false virtue.

>> No.21634153

>you very lifestyle is utterly repugnant to all the rest of the world
Feel free to leave. And while you're on the way out spread the word through those camps of the saints in all our cities about how bad it is to live here and how much better it is where you are from so they can follow you out

>> No.21634154

dont read jung, you'll end up like jordan pederson

>> No.21634848


>> No.21634982

>what is unearned wisdom?
Wisdom of others clumsily put in words. Gain wisdom in pursuit of it instead of being a pseud. That's a simple passage.

>> No.21635014

>Only one system was able to reverse that.
Having uneducated women?

>> No.21635028

RC Waldun is the incarnation of unearned wisdom.

>> No.21635047

the problem with nationalism is that is another unorganic creation by atheists to replace monarchies with nations. nations existed before atheists took power, but nations as a basis for a political system is a leftist invention only to subvert the previous system. Like anything made up by leftists, it turned to shit quickly and leftists killed each other over this lol. Nationalism is so devoid of any substance that you had right wing atheists defending nationalism, just like you have leftwing atheists defending it lol.

Don't forget it's the french leftists who created nationalism. And the only way they did it is by killing anybody who shitted on their views.

>> No.21635049

>As a European living in America I can honestly say you have no society, no culture, no community, nothing. It is all for sale, you have destroyed everything in the name if profit or progress yet achieved neither. You are poor and backwards in every aspect of life.
Culture in Europe was killed with the revolutions.

no monarchy = no culture

>> No.21635976

>no monarchy = no culture
>he didn't start with the Greeks

>> No.21636024

Nationalism is a matter of value, not wisdom. There is good and bad nationalism, just as there is good and bad art. Though it should be evident that art in of itself is a good thing. Nationalism is the same.
Based, if not for the Nazi wheel

>> No.21636027
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Closs. No aristocracy, that is a martial leader class, no culture. No rural land-owning peasant class that works and toils, no culture. It is from them that culture springs and nowhere else. The Middle-Class is the death of culture. The monarch is just a mounting that can depict culture it is not the cause or the focal point.

>> No.21636034

Big = good
Amerilards cant stop coping with their nigger- oriented "culture"

>> No.21636052

nice reading comprehension retard

>> No.21636521

There is no value in slavery and hoisting up the undeserved to godhood. It is an unnatural perversion. There is only hard and light nationalism and they’re both bad. There no comparison to art, as one may choose to not look at a piece for whatever reason. Nationalism is captivity and slavery and a debasement to properly grown men.
Square grown watermelon are of more worth than statist grown humans

>> No.21636576
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>There is no value in slavery and hoisting up the undeserved to godhood. It is an unnatural perversion
The family is the most natural thing in the world, nationalism is the logical extention of the family. Many families make a community, many communities a nation. Family, comnunity, nation. All built on the same foundations, all of shared heritage, ancestry, culture and values. The only people who are against this are those who are destroyers of this, who make fictitious claims that it is slavery. It is no more a slavery than fatherhood is you wretched kike. Fatherhood is a duty, a passion and the only thing worth pursuing. Nationalism expands on that.

Libertarians, minarchists, ancaps, all these are for children, babies first political expression. They preserve nothing, they obtain nothing in terms of culture. They are all strictly means of economic extraction. Culture does not belong to you to throw away because you don't like it. It is to be protected and saved from those like you and passed down whole to the next generation.

God i hate libertarians. You are utterly blind to how the world works.

>> No.21636607

Nationalism is believing in made up fiction. Grown men don't believe in fairytales, all they see is reality.

>> No.21636617

Whatever helps you seethe at night, my bruh.

>> No.21636631
File: 59 KB, 700x904, Carl-Schmitt-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does that even mean? What is it you are trying to say? There is no argument here.

>> No.21636658

Are you really this dumb? Read Stirner.

>The family is the most natural thing in the world
Off topic. No, nationalism is not the extension of family. A “nation” as a family would, from a small university sized campus, produce free people and set them onto the world. But as anyone can see, the nationstate is a work camp, an inescapable prison where you work for life to promote the few. The few that I suppose you cast as parents. Sick parents.
I have considered your ideology thoroughly enough, but you come off as a blind scared and stupid 14 year old who knows nothing else but control and the made quest for purity.

>> No.21636660

>made quest
Mad quest

>> No.21636821

Nationalists need to work on their aesthetic. You will never appeal to people posting those juvenile vulgarities

>> No.21636852

>Are you really this dumb? Read Stirner.


>> No.21636853

typical pencilpushing insipid hylic gatekeeping knowledge as it is the one thing his dyel ass has going for him. all nerds are like this; jealously hoarding petty secrets to compensate for their weak bodies and undisciplined minds

>> No.21636924
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The aesthetic is great and accurately conveys what it i want.

>> No.21636982
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>read about anarchism and the self-destruction of a cultural traditon that spans cenutires and took millenia to cultivate

Hard pass from me, mohel. Stirner is the greatest spook and most destructive of all.

>> No.21637111

>Is really this dumb
Die in darkness. Friends all fled, enemies surrounding you.

No, he’s just pointing out what the facts are. It’s destructive in the hands of the few as it is, so I understand why you’re afraid. You are a pack of cowards.

>> No.21637137

your picrel is retarded and reeks of bucketcrab mentality. "you want to engage with politics and be someone, do something with your life brah? wtf dude, why cant you be a powerless loser like me?" pure peasant sour grapes seethe and cope. there is this bizarre compulsion in the western man to have irrational, unfounded hatred for "politics" and the political process, and to bear unfounded hatred/jealousy towards politicians and the political/administrative class. it's pure anti-intellectual grunting nigger bullshit, hatred of one's leaders and slanderous sedition towards one's superiors that smacks of "i hate the teacher beecuz he tells me what to doo and shieeeeettttt". i especially notice this with the english, the eternal angloid

>> No.21637142

most people are vulgar and juvenile so they'll have plenty of appeal lol

>> No.21637181
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I don't think OP can even understand words yet.

>> No.21637191
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>Are you really this dumb? Read Stirner.
top kek

>> No.21637203
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Found a nigger. Complaining about whiteness of population, concerned about jaywalking and worried about not being able to flash his blinky.

Or outnigrified hick, only difference is one has no future, the other decides to doom his future using his own will.

>> No.21637219
File: 64 KB, 1011x711, 1670182246942765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And guess who killed that monarchy=culture and impersonated democracy=noculture....

It's Amuhrica.

>> No.21637256

>Proud non-reading is suggested a book he knows nothing about
>Believes in his heart this makes me dumb and not him
The power of the internet

>> No.21637411

faggot opinion

>> No.21637521

Nationalism doesn't do this and has more to do with the goals of globalism (i.e. homogenization, destroying diversity of language, subsuming the locals underneath the banner of a monolithic state etc.) than actually upholding the family structure.

>> No.21637563

>ted trannies shitting the thread up with their meme guru and just mindlessly regurgitating his arguments rather than engaging the argument itself

>> No.21637566

None of the things you mention are needed in a nationalist state. Why would a German state have any other language but German, why would it allow any other but Germans to live and grow there? Why would Denmark allow anything but their own to prosper and grow there?

Nationalism is the polar-opposite of globalism. Look at Poland, arguably the strongest nationalist state in Europe, it has problems, but none of them involve the plague that is multiculturalism.

>> No.21637578
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>> No.21637581

>It's nothing like you said it's just [describes it exactly like how I said]
lmfao. Pure imposition, as I've implicitly stated.

>> No.21637590

The only way a nationalist state can exist is with one group of people. I encourage you to read Schmitt.

>> No.21637596

>The only way a nationalist state can exist is with one group of people.
I'm arguing this is done through imposition (similarly to globalism) and that it's a bad thing, yes. The only meaningful difference is the scale that this sort imposition happens upon.

>> No.21637601
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so all the druggies were influenced by him
how ironic

>> No.21637698

Everything is an imposition, we are social aninals that need a tribe. The tribe imposes duties and responsibilities. This is what the left/libertarians fundementally do not understand.

>> No.21638468

keep kvetching jude. there is nothing more pathetic and disgusting when non-whites lust for white women. jude

>> No.21639135

You have no idea what either of these things really are. Culture is not synonymous with the good, it can be something stagnant and stultifying, and then it needs to be let go off or killed and reborn. Most "cultures," by the time they are recognised as cultures are just the decadent corpse of a once-living culture. Nation is not an extension of the family, that's pure jingoist nonsense. Even in the context of blood and soil your definitions of culture and nation don't hold up.

>> No.21639144

Black Sun reminds me of the Galactic Empire.

>> No.21639577


>> No.21639608
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Jung was a quack, and an argument can be made that he was even a bigger charlatan and degenerate than Freud.

>> No.21639617

It means we reached the same conclusions, but I came by my conclusions through the navigation of experience (strong/true), while your beliefs are hypothetically reached (weak, subject to whim and change).

>> No.21639620

He was a modern alchemist.
Now, retreat.

>> No.21639635

>serial adulterer and sexpest who routinely preyed on his female patients and colleagues
>fast tracked Edith Rockefeller to be a psychotherapist in exchange for a mansion and a million dollars
>was on Allen Dulles' speed dial
wow much alchemy

>> No.21639650
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>>serial adulterer and sexpest who routinely preyed on his female patients and colleagues
>>fast tracked Edith Rockefeller to be a psychotherapist in exchange for a mansion and a million dollars
>>was on Allen Dulles' speed dial

So he was a high-test, big dick nigga (wit tha bread) and you're convinced these are somehow FLAWS that discredit him!? What a sad little pile of mess you must be, my friend. Yikes.

>> No.21639659

>what is unearned wisdom?
truthiness. Things that sound intuitive but are falsehoods. Highly regarded bullshit

>> No.21639661

>haha I know this looks really bad and is completely at odds with Jungs' cultivated image and reputation but what if I sort of try to turn it around and lean into it in an ironic cumtown way
extremely homosexual cringe

>> No.21639664

The ideals and actions of great men don't (and shouldn't) fall within the understandings of faux intellectual, weak-wristed nobodies like yourself.

You do understand, right? If you became a stronger person, and fulfilled your psychical and emotional potential, you would identify with him more.

What is "cumtown"?

>> No.21639671

Unearned wisdom is like doing drugs and psychedelics to get spiritual experiences. So, DMT and shit. And you earn wisdom by prayer and ritual and properly preparing yourself and growing up to wisdom.

>> No.21639672

>thread full of kvetching
>no one ever mentions that Jung frogposted in the Red Book

>> No.21639680

Now this is a perfect example of what we should label "non-wisdom." It is meant appear as wisdom, but it is just the opposite.

>> No.21639691

>objectively bad and degenerate things become good somehow if a I guy I like is doing them
wow just another schmittholed coping /pol/ homo without any actual convictions and principles, how original

>> No.21639698

>objectively bad and degenerate things
You're upset that he is a...man. I don't know what you expect of him...to be a Gen-Z metrosexual faggot? You are a weak person, physically and mentally, and cannot understand the working mind of the divine masculine.

>> No.21639702

>adultery and corruption are "the divine masculine"
more degenerate copes

>> No.21639717

If all great men were held to your pearl clutching moral standard, there would be no notable men through history, and society would've stagnated sometime around the signing of the Magna Carta. Be idealistic, but don't let it get in the way.

>> No.21641387

I’m white, tard. Difference is that I read books and think critically.

>> No.21641394

You’re the one who can’t deal with the argument presented. He’s not a guru for me. He’s just hit on the truth and you’re afraid to address it. Because you’re a coward.

>> No.21641745
File: 43 KB, 720x499, 1675707316481411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jung is laughing at us from beyond the grave

>> No.21641920

What can I read to learn about Jung's thoughts on synchronicities?
I am interested in the topic. Thanks

>> No.21641940

>he made a wrong-image, therefore nothing he says can be listened to.

>> No.21642508

Psychedelics are what come to mind. And I think the danger is because you are not able to put it into perspective or moderate it but risk being overcome by an enormous amount of information you don't know what to do with. Which is why so many people start wearing tie dye robes and move to India or whatever after an acid trip. It's too much for them to reasonably integrate.

>> No.21642528

you´re the first idiot of the establishment

>> No.21642539

>>beware of unearned wisdom
Someone brought that quote up in a podcast recently, didn't they?

>> No.21642552
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nazi nationalism was pure and blatant mass democracy movement, same as communism and fascism and all other -isms of the 20th century, you just didn´t fell for the rabbit hole just yet, you´re for a big surprise

>> No.21642563
File: 136 KB, 1366x730, great political movements of the 20th century2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also nigel chudsbad made an article in how nazi germans supported feminism, taking the word feminazi to a whole new different meaning


>> No.21642567


>> No.21642599

>post someone who wanted to revive the mongol empire
>japanese pipo are white now
>ataturk looking nigga
>junger who despised hitler

that´s the problem with e-nationalists today, they´re no different from the establishment, the fact that they have to compensate adding minorities too makes you more of a retard, weak and a stupid person at the same time, the end result is that you´re more susceptible to the manipulation of the establishment than anything else

>> No.21642618

By getting in the field that you want to understand and doing the work you can to understand. For example, those wise in the ways of mathematics are those that can intuitively understand formuli at a glance, which also means they can tell when a new formula is at least logically sound. They earn this wisdom by drilling problems, memorizing the graphs to the orders of corresponding formula, attempt to form their own formula that represent phenomena, practicing all the while formal logic and working out proofs, testing themselves all the way. Probably getting it wrong a lot, and maybe making a fool of themselves (in the pursuit of originality inevitably making a fool of themselves). Basically reading and memorizing wise words is not the same as being wise.

>> No.21643082

i think it means that if you arrogantly believe in wisdom that you haven't learned through experience, or haven't compared to other wisdoms that you have learned, then you may have a tendency to fail to see its exceptions, or the nuance to that wisdom, or you may fail to represent it and endorse it to other people, and live it out to its fullest potential, do to your zeal and aggression with said wisdom.

its like people who take the wisdom of not making excuses for ones self so far that they encourage them selves and others to become bullies to ones self, where they take "be hard on your self to the point of constantly self flagellating and debilitating ones self over ever perceived failure.

all wisdom has nuance and exception.

>> No.21643090

not that anon but please explain to me why having sexual relationships and making money make someone's writings on psychology not good?

>> No.21643319

Modernists are dishonest, and fallacy driven.
They despise strength and men. Don't read into it.

>> No.21643484

Sophistry. He was a self-serving degenerate, just like Freud.

>> No.21644674
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I'm British/Australian mix, about as white as it's possible to be. My wife is Native American.

How do you justify the fact that the whites who came to America are now throwing a hissy fit that the Jews who came to America are replacing you, when you've replaced those who were originally here?

>> No.21645606

By the time the Colonists reached North America, the Natives already genocided eachother almost to extinction.

>> No.21646108

Pretty poor argument, my man. Also, historically incorrect.

>Look, by the time us jews took over the continent the whites birthrate were already belong replacement rate. So who cares?

>> No.21646118

You acquire wisdom with meditation. But I am talking about true wisdom.

>> No.21646435

Yeah where do they get off not wanting to be genocided what a bunch of hypocrites.