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File: 915 KB, 1273x1500, WilliamShakespeare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21627713 No.21627713 [Reply] [Original]

Greetings, my intellectual superiors.
I humbly request your wisdom.

What are the predominate hypotheses on the true identity of "William Shakespeare"? Based on what evidence?

Thank you, my lords.

>> No.21627721

Best video on the competing evidence. It's 1h but it's worth it.


>> No.21627738

Thank you, my lord.

>> No.21627821
File: 3.24 MB, 1473x2088, 20161012102255!Elizabeth_I_Rainbow_Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elizabethan England was such a magical place. There are two portraits of the queen with occult symbolism. One (picrel) has a serpent with something red in the mouth (like the serpent that gafe Eve the apple to give man the knowledge of good and evil) and gems with the colors of spiritual alchemy, the other has another serpent in her hands but is hidden under painted flowers. The latter is a new discovery.
Rudolfine Prague at the same time also had an occult culture. The late renaissance was dominated by occult ideas and non Christian spirituality.

>> No.21627931


>> No.21627952

Shakespeare Wuz Shakespeare. Nobody takes the doubters seriously.

>> No.21627977

After reading about John Dee, I always wondered if having bascially a court magician was common elsewhere during that period, I can't really find anything about other rulers in the early modern period openly employing occultists or magicians at their courts

>> No.21627982

pretty sure court jesters were common everywhere in medieval western europe

>> No.21628010

Shakespeare was a glovers son from near Birmingham.
The elitist toffs who seethe at the fact the greatest writer in English history was middle class like to invent all kinds of bullshit to obfuscate how extremely plausible, even likely, it was for someone like Shakespeare to become a successful writer.
He was literate, he would’ve gone to grammar school because his father was an alderman. His knowledge of mainland Europe expressed in the plays is in no way good enough to justify a belief that the person writing them must have been their, in fact some of his narratives in Italy make it quite unlikely that the person who wrote them had been there

>> No.21628016

Riddle me this, anti-Stratfordians: If it's so obvious that Hamlet wasn't written by Shakespeare, why are there a gorillion different theories about who wrote it?

>> No.21628155

T. Cringe normie redditor cuck
You have to go back 4chan is a place for based conspiracy theorists.

>> No.21628162

Thank you, my champion.

>> No.21628174


>> No.21628224
File: 17 KB, 280x400, Andrew-Tate-Car.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doubting Shakespeare's existence is
A very cheap way to
I guess make yourself look intelligent
I wouldn't call it intelligence
Because my brain
Is far too
I'm too smart
(to doubt Shakespeare's authorship)
I know you sit there like
"Smart people know that Bacon was the one who wrote all Shakespeare's works"
I need theatre
I need constant poetry
In my life
To feel contempt (sic)
I need to be
Performing Hamlet in tights
And fucking reciting the sonnets in public
Lyrically questioning whether I should continue to live or not
And practising homosexuality
All safe in the knowledge that a commoner BTFO all the noblemen
I can't just sit there
"Oh, and John Dee wrote this cipher that proves it was De Vere all along"
It's for people with slow brains

>> No.21628225

>late renaissance was dominated by occult ideas and non Christian spirituality
Wasn't it the whole renaissance?

>> No.21628267


>> No.21628370


>> No.21628378

Finally another good pasta

>> No.21628462

As far as I know not on the level of the late Renaissance. For example Rudolf II loved occultism and I know of no other ruler that comes close.

>> No.21628468

Your momma licks mine angus, guvnah

>> No.21628477

Good gentlemen, I do implore, that this fine assembly of honorable men of society may lend their fine lavish ladies to slob on me monstrous knob

>> No.21629704

The problem Shakespeare truthers face is that none of their proposed alternatives are remotely as good as Shakespeare. De Vere for example has plenty of poems published under his own name and they all suck lol: https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Author:Edward_de_Vere

>> No.21629723


It should be a rule that nobody can comment in these bullshit threads unless they have actually read Shakespeare...as in almost everything he wrote. Otherwise you're just talking out of your ass.

>> No.21629754

Anyone who looks into it with a sane and capable mind will quickly come away totally convinced that he was Bacon. It will be especially clear to people with an ear for literature, who read Bacon's Essays. He has precisely the same talent for poetic catchphrase and even expresses similar and at times identical thoughts to Shakespeare. It's been awhile since I looked into it but I remember there was even a mistake Bacon made in one of his essays citing some obscure Classical metaphor and Shakespeare, expressing the same idea in one of his plays, makes the same mistake. Also apparently at one point one of Shakespeare's plays came under the Queen's ire and she ordered the arrest of the playwright--somehow Shakespeare (as in the biological Shakespeare, the actor) was tipped off, and fled the country. Who did the Queen trust with his arrest? Francis Bacon... Somehow Francis never did find out who wrote the play, and Shakespeare eventually slipped back into the country. Things like that pile up in evidence if you look into it.
By the way, Francis Bacon was a highranking Freemason wrote plays which were privately performed in their meetings (not publicly available to us)... You know who idolized him, and also attended those meetings? Ben Jonson.

>> No.21629761

Sure but this is s cringe one.

>> No.21629773

Forgot to add: playwriting was seen as lower class and even vulgar. Bacon had a clear motivation not to put his name on his plays, since his primary ambition in life was political.

>> No.21629789

>playwriting was seen as lower class and even vulgar
So it’s more likely someone from a lower class than Bacon wrote them. Occam’s razor.

>> No.21629801

If the plays themselves were merely lower class frivolities sure. But he elevated the genre to the highest highs literature has ever seen, showing vast erudition and worldliness in the process

>> No.21629831

Shakespeare only seems impossible because Anglos have pedestalized him to infinity. He became a playwright because there was no money in poetry. The plays show both vulgarity, humor and violence for the audience and the soul of a poet still trying to create beauty in his work. Not sure what you mean by “worldiness”, his Italian plays have basic geographic mistakes that a well-travelled aristocrat would’t make, for example. Playwrights from the period came from similar lower backgrounds than an aristocrat. Shakespeare was the son of a glover, Marlowe was the son of a cobbler, and Ben Jonson was the son of a bricklayer. Playwrights were kind of like that, they came from a lower background since being one was considered lowly or whatever, like you mentioned.

>> No.21630101

The biggest knock on the "someone else wrote Shakespeare's plays" is the fact that when he kicked the bucket, the plays stopped. What was Sir Francis Bacon doing the ten years after Shakespeare left this mortal coil? He wasn't writing any great plays, that's for sure.

>> No.21630113 [DELETED] 

Is that really Shakespeare? He looks more like Bacon.

>> No.21630158
File: 1.00 MB, 839x1199, 1410087300661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21630160

>when he kicked the bucket
*when the pseudonym was retired

>> No.21630167

All you just said is bullshit. No one should take you serious

>> No.21630265

>By the way, Francis Bacon was a highranking Freemason wrote plays which were privately performed in their meetings (not publicly available to us)..
Where can I read more of this?
Btw you're right. There's also the fact that Bacon wrote a history of Henry VII which is a history Shakespeare skipped. And all the clues found in the first folio. Like the time a character says the word Francis 33 times which through ciphers brings to Bacon. Many of these clues are found in places where the writing feels forced suggesting that there was a different reason for writing it.
If you are opposed to these theories and refuse to even take in consideration the possibly that the mainstream view is wrong, you're either a corrupt scholar or a dumb normie.

>> No.21630291

He's the guy who wrote the King James Bible

>> No.21630302

He was actually a trans black woman by the name name of Maya Angelou, however the White Anglos took out all the ebonics, rewrote it in iambic pentameter, and changed the storylines to be about European royalty. Shame on them.

>> No.21630322


>> No.21630442

This is enlightening.

>> No.21630453

*dies after spreading misinformation*

>> No.21630463

You also missed the floating left hand next to her head, which you can't really get wrong in regards to interpretation.

>> No.21630540

no they dont :( I like them

>> No.21631313

>You know who idolized him, and also attended those meetings? Ben Jonson.
The Rock?

>> No.21631315

>Italian plays have basic geographic mistakes that a well-travelled aristocrat would’t make, for example.
Plz cite example.

>> No.21631323

This is a place for anti-elite conspiracy theories about jews and degenerate rich people. Not a place for the propagation of richfag conspiracy theories designed to hide the fact that a good country lad like Willy Shaker more soul than them

>> No.21631360
File: 10 KB, 450x450, 1F848660-0A2B-47BF-A44A-A50FEDD00ED2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA and there are others but I know exactly what he’s talking about
>the two gentleman of Verona talk about possibility of travel from there to Milan by ship
Unlike most famous Italian cities, both are far enough from the coast and close enough to each other that sailing would be ridiculously circuitous
To use a Shakespeare related analogy, it would be like him trying to get from Stratford to London by first going to Bristol, then getting on a boat, then the boat sailing all the way around Wales, Scotland, and the English east coast before travelling up the Thames to London, instead of just taking the road like he and any other sensible person would have

>> No.21631367
File: 168 KB, 1200x691, 56syvbt9r8f21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Precocious high IQ people are a thing.

>> No.21632187

Perhaps that was a joke?
Wouldn't such a thing be obvious? Especially since he specifically mentions the mode of travel?

I use to shitpost that I'm sick of illegal immigrants coming from overseas countries like Mexico.

or the anon who said he wished he had a second lung so he could smoke twice as much weed.


>> No.21632420

Alexander Waugh claims Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford, with compelling evidence.
His youtube channel is an esoteric goldmine of hermeticism and sacred geometry.
I timestamped the video for you, and here are a few articles :)




>> No.21632426

So he’s just an /x/ tier schizo.

>> No.21632445
File: 47 KB, 620x388, hahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rude, and silly.

>> No.21632493

Pretty much, yeah.

>> No.21632697


>> No.21632895

Thank you, good sir.

>> No.21633077

Check this out:

>> No.21633185

checked, m'lord.

>> No.21633237

>Perhaps that was a joke?
The point is that Shakespeare conspiratards like to say “he must’ve been a well travelled nobleman, how else could he have known so much about Europe” when it’s evident from his work that he didn’t know Europe very well, he very easily could’ve learned most of what he speaks of from travellers he met in taverns etc.
Declaring that mistakes like this must be a joke seems a cop out for conspiracy theorists to reverse their previous “evidence”, pure sophistry
He also has Delphi as an island and Bohemia with a coastline, again, he knew roughly were these places were but not that much detail.

>> No.21633244

>person who believes schizo nonsense also believes other schizo nonsense
At least Francis bacon didn’t fucking die years before Shakespeare stopped writing plays, the Oxford idea is completely ridiculous