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/lit/ - Literature

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21622392 No.21622392 [Reply] [Original]

I am in STEM so I rarely meet girls. I like books but there is no bookclub in my city. Should I make my own and then recruit members?

>> No.21622421

You should make a book club so you have people to discuss books with, not just to meet women

>> No.21622426

If women happen to be there then whatever

>> No.21622427

Why go through all that trouble? Just meet girls at the book store or library. Also be there to read or check out books otherwise you're gonna give off creep energy.

>> No.21622458


>> No.21622755

>create book club
>women get in
>they talk about Twilight and The Fault in our Stars for 3 hours in a row

>> No.21622796
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>> No.21622815


>> No.21622835

breasts with this

>> No.21622839

If you, as the founder of the book club, start hitting on the women who show up, they're gonna think you only started the club to pick up chicks, and they'll be right.

>> No.21622845

I hate women

>> No.21622875


People are subjective and pluralistic. Fuck off retarded rightoid.

>> No.21622925

>book club
Two nerds are gonna sign up and you're going to spend your free time talking about some obscure passage that can be interpreted 100 ways
If you want to get girls go to a bar or a club
"Book girls" are mostly art hoes who're in it for the aesthetic

>> No.21622937

Book clubs are great ways to meet pleasant and intelligent 65 year olds

>> No.21622941

Sounds like a gilf goldmine

>> No.21623152

>"Book girls" are mostly art hoes who're in it for the aesthetic
I bet OP also want to bi in them for the aesthetic tho

>> No.21623165

Not wanting to hear people talking about romance YA for 3 hours in a row now makes me a retarded rightoid? ok

>> No.21623169

Sure but it won't be girls like in your pic.

>> No.21623179

Why not, she looks average.

>> No.21623180

If you got stroked by everyone around you whenever you were in public then it's understandable if you prefer to stay out of your room. Being that hot is like being a celebrity.

>> No.21623226

that's a man

>> No.21623354

Start a French or Spanish language club and watch movies or go out to bars. The only reason girls even go to those things is to scour for hot ethnic men.

>> No.21623672
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>> No.21623690
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depends on the book, anon

>> No.21623703
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I tried countless times to create a book club irl. But as it seems nobody reads - even the ones that say they do. Shocking, I know.

>> No.21623713

Yeah, right. I wish girls in burgerland were that average

>> No.21623718


>> No.21623843

making anything an excuse to flirt is very very cringe. Quit being a horny teenager and behave like an adult

>> No.21623951

let's hear how you meat women, mr "grown-up"

>> No.21623956

Most girls I know who read read YA shit, romance and feminist lit, so if that's what you want to spend your time reading then go ahead

>> No.21624330 [DELETED] 

Evidence that stem fucks you for life.

>> No.21624334

Evidence that stem fucks you for life.

>> No.21624348

You pay a corporation for the privilege, be it a bar, tinder plus, or university.

Thinking you can just have romantic liaisons for free is really cringe and, honestly, kinda sexist.

>> No.21624438

Salsa or Swing dance classes are way better

>> No.21624555 [DELETED] 
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Seek help or ngmi

>> No.21624563

Must. Impregnate.

>> No.21625692

You should kill yourself. Try that.

>> No.21626038

The only book club I could find in my area that wasn't Romance/YA centered ended up just being a bunch of literal Boomers. It was alright but they spent most the time bitching about their kids/families instead of the book we read. I normally advocate for trying to do things IRL but finding people to talk about a book/genre you like is astronomically easier to do on the internet.

>> No.21626351
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I think if you replace "book club" with "dungeons & dragons", it'd be really easy for you to understand what a retarded thought this is

>> No.21626818

I was part of a great book club for a few years. Closest thing that happened was an older woman tried to pressure her daughter into dumping her dropkick BF and dating me (she didn't).

>> No.21627261

Book clubs should be all male otherwise you'll end up reading poorly disguised smut/pop sci/other inane rubbish.

Sure, there are some women with a bit of taste, who like to read Camus to deal with their ever growing ennui with being denied their right to being a happy wife and mother, but you'll also find they just plainly miss the point.

The same can also be said for shitlib males.

>> No.21627310

Good idea. But first get a guy there to actually have some conversation, maybe he'll have friends and some women will eventually be there. Look good, speak good and you'll be able to try your luck with girls who may get interested in you.
>waah waah how can you think about women it scares me, a hypocrite
Book clubs encourage conversations. It's kind of weird to bother people who are on their own and aren't seeking any interaction.
Women are women. Are you surprised?
He should work smarter.
>bar or a club
Ah yes, fucking some brown skinned whore in a motel is the best romantic experience.
Nothing you can't fix with a bit of social intelligence to be honest. There are good books for all sizes of the brain.

>> No.21627315

Not girls that look like the one in your pic

>> No.21627316

Just a reminder that you will never have a gf that looks like that nor experience young love.

>> No.21627317

Are you women?

>> No.21627334

>Nothing you can't fix with a bit of social intelligence to be honest. There are good books for all sizes of the brain.

I agree wrt the young women reading Camus, but that isn't the purpose of a book club. A book club is ideally comprised of your intellectual equals, all with their own strengths, coming together to analyse the text.

A token women might be acceptable. The ancient Germanics would keep female sages around to ask for their opinion from time to time, but finding such a woman is a titanic task in this day and age.

>> No.21627348


>> No.21627372

You're mistaken in your outlook on that. Women don't always need to be exceptionally smart to interact with men. They just need to pretend to be, like they do. And it is not that easy to find a group of reading men who are somewhat intelligent either. I personally only knew one who would fit into /lit/, a philosophy graduate. If you can find a /lit/ anon you can probably find women who are enthusiastic about fiction and don't just consume YA slops.

>> No.21627389
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>denied their right to being a happy wife and mother
People don't deserve to be happy or have a right to it.
They only deserve pain and suffering.

>> No.21627391

People do, normies don't

>> No.21627393

It's always weird seeing guys on here pretend to have an understanding of women as a whole. They seem to get off to convincing or "helping" anons to get women for some reason.

>> No.21627398

>People do, normies don't
Meaningless distinction. The term "normie" is dead anyway. It used to be solely used by r9k types to describe people who had friends, gfs, and some prospects in the future until said normies started picking up the terms. In fact, it's funny how many terms who have their origins in forums like this are now relatively mainstream.

>> No.21627401

>until said normies started picking up the terms.
I'll add that they use it for people who are not in their immediate circle of friend or who they consider to be too mainstream or those who they claim simply do not understand their retarded opinions.

>> No.21627435

People have a right not to be completely atomised by modernity, and a right to try and reach self-actualisation through whatever means are appropriate to their sex. This is what we have always had up to about 50 years ago, and it cannot and should not be stripped away from us.

>> No.21627460

I agree that women don't need to be exceptionally smart. I guess it depends on the type of book club you want. If you just want to sit around and chat to people about things that aren't that serious, sure.

However that doesn't really interest me. I'd rather try to get to grips with all of the themes in the text, as well as any historical/social context, not pick up women. I want to explore the most beautiful sections of prose, experience what profoundly effected those who came before me. I guess I'm just lucky to have some friends who read.

Good luck though anon, you seem like a nice chap.

>> No.21627470

Well I can try to make them at least feel okay with talking to women. I wouldn't call myself a master charmer of ladies, but I think I at least can give an advice on how to have some social skills.

>> No.21627477

this is how i actually met my wife i started a book club and she came in nice little shorts and sat on my lap and we talked about books

>> No.21627479

>she came in nice little shorts and sat on my lap
Was she twelve, anon?

>> No.21627483


In all fairness to OP, starting a book club to meet women would actually be a good idea, provided you don't mind reading/listening to drivel. You're selecting for women with similar interests to you, and who actually go out and do stuff as opposed to being e-thots.

The issue comes with how you play your hand. If you start hitting on all the women there, they'll talk to one another and label you a creep who's only there for women (unless you're insanely attractive). My advice would be to focus on providing the best analysis of the book and see which women like/engage with that, then going for the prettiest one.

>> No.21627487

He was santa

>> No.21627489

But normies don't, right? Even though most of them are already relatively happy compared to "people"
People don't actually deserve anything. What you see today is largely a result of consequences that humanity brought upon itself via its inherent inferiority as a species; it's deserved. Its desire for "self-determination" and nebulous happiness while being oblivious to the hedonic treadmill they are walking on makes it so that they are never fully satisfied. Like when barbarian women come to rome in the hopes of being elevated in status only to realize that just because they now have these rights doesn't mean they get to enjoy them and own property. Anisogamy begets sexes, and through that an instinctual desire for the other sex mixed with resentment (caused by the inability to have it, incels aren't the only ones who experience this) that creates a volatile mix that is ultimately suffering as much as it is joy (or pleasure really, humans are mindless animals, what more can you expect from a species whose mind's main occupation is just like that of all the others; reproduction. Sorry Aristotle.) The vast majority of all art features this resentment in some way.

Humans, or any rational specie when they are faced with suffering and god tells them "thusly is my world." Would be better off answering: "so it is."

>> No.21627491

>but I think I at least can give an advice on how to have some social skills.
They have actual courses for that now. PEERS is a famous example

>> No.21627504

Anything institutional and statistical only works on normies. I assume it's something like anxiety coping courses. Stupid. You can only learn how to talk, how to be percieved nice and make other people interested in a conversation with trained verbal skills.

>> No.21627515

How about just reading about it instead of assuming? Also, I'd argue that anything that's just simple advice from some rando on the internet only works on normies. Because randos on the internet generally have no understanding of the depth of social retardation nor are they capable of understanding those expetiences in an effective way. Usually, they just become angry and hostile when the autist isn't taking their advice or asking too many questions.
Also, PEERS utilizes excercises and practice.

>> No.21627538

How old are you? Over fourty? Why are you assuming that we're talking about autists? Not everyone is autistic because they have problems with social environment today.

>> No.21627544
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>I am in STEM
You've already ruined your chances with both women and /lit/. It's over.