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21612465 No.21612465 [Reply] [Original]

Write whats on your heart
previous >>21608189

>> No.21612472

WASPs are the best writers in the 20th century.

>> No.21612483

wait, wasps can't write

>> No.21612484

The poor are brutalized by poverty. The rich are intentionally brutalized so they can command without second guesses.

Only the middle class gets to be human.

>> No.21612487

i shouldnt look at 4chan when im super sad, it always makes me feel worse

>> No.21612489

And middle class is the most disgusting.

>> No.21612491

why are you sad, anon?

>> No.21612492

I prefer BEEs

>> No.21612501

i havent slept in a long time. im addicted to meth and i'm killing myself in slow motion. my BMI is considered "life-threateningly low" by whatever website it was i used.
it's mostly just a lot of shame that's got me down i guess

>> No.21612502

I understand what you're saying but the middle class turn themselves into subhumans by watching TV, going to amusement parks and keeping up with the Joneses. IMO the most human people today are rural.

>> No.21612507
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Can't decide if Machiavelli is worth reading.
What is your opinion?

>> No.21612517

What happens after getting ignored by a woman? I feel as if my manhood got punctured, despite not having properly spoken to a woman of my age bracket in a year or so. Maybe it's because I was dreading that possible result beforehand.

>> No.21612519

I’m really regretting how I spent the last few years and I can’t help but feel as if it will put far reaching limitations on my future.

>> No.21612521

He is.

>> No.21612528

To tie this up with another question: Which one of these is worse, rescinding a message after it got ignored ; or keeping it up regardless of the result?

>> No.21612529

you feel really bad for a while, then one day it just stops. when it finally does stop, you will laugh at how silly you were, and how there are some things you really just can't learn from a book or someones advice. you just go through it and then you always know

>> No.21612538

What is your favorite movie?

>> No.21612541

for me it's rango

>> No.21612556

just move on. it's possible that she didn't even mean to ignore you - read your message and didn't know what to say, looked away and forgot about it. the women in my life do that kind of thing all the time without meaning to.
it sucks but you've gotta move on and forget about it. you can't force her to respond to you, and if she doesn't want to talk to you, why would you want to talk to her?
i give women 3 days and 1 follow-up message before i move on if they're not responding.
it doesn't really matter. if it makes you feel better to delete the message, you can do it, but i'd personally keep it up so that it's clear you tried reaching out to her and she didn't respond
there are lots of nice women out there for you, anon, don't lose hope

>> No.21612558
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>> No.21612563
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I don't know how, if you're a man living in the western world, can say the state is doing good by you, no matter which end of the political spectrum you're. A state that has done nothing for the past decades but diminish your freedom while slowly stripping away your responsibilities and duties,replacing them with a cold, faceless version of them that is supposed to suit the mass need of women. They have taken away all previous meaning from you and replaced with pointless drudgery, the most useful form you can confine yourself to as a man, in the eyes of both the state and women, is that of an obsequious, desexed dung bettle who's only purpose is to pay taxes and impregnate a woman once or twice. If you wish to protect your land you're labeled a terorist, if you wish to protect your family and wife you're branded maladjusted and pushed aside so the state can issue a bunch of people who have no real stakes in your life or that of your family to 'take care of things'. I don't even understand how wemon can see men is anything more than just a sperm bank for when they want a kid and someone who gets handle her financial needs, whether he's actually in her life or not. What are you even supposed to do? Women and your family have no real need for you as they're more than willing to gamble with which ever group powers the state currently, and you're not even allowed to break away from society as paying taxes is still the number one thing the state looks for. You just go and die in foreign war or something, i dont understand??

>> No.21612565

>addicted to meth
are there treatment centers for that? like alcoholics or opiate addicts can get replacement drugs to help quit.

>> No.21612568
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>> No.21612573

drug rehab centers

>> No.21612575
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>> No.21612591

She was workin' in a topless place
And I stopped in for a beer,
I just kept looking' at the side of her face
In the spotlight so clear.
And later on, as the crowd thinned out
I's about to do the same,
She was standing there in back of my chair
Said to me, "What's your name?"
I muttered somethin' underneath my breath,
She studied the lines on my face.
I must admit I felt a little uneasy
When she bent down to tie the laces of my shoe,
Tangled up in blue.

>> No.21612604

>Be me on christmas
>Cousin's 25 year old son talking about his gf and how she might "be the one"
>Everyone happy for him
>I am too but also say, "no one is going to say this to you but don't marry her if she has a mental illness or is on meds for it"
>Tell him it might be good now but later down the track if it's not something more simple/situational that can be resolved like depression that its a big burden to carry especially when kids are involved
>Everyone is mortified

Lol was I in the wrong? I haven't even met her or know what she looks like so I think I was able to say it objectively without coming off as just haivng some person issue with her.

It's just I've seen this happen to a lot of ppl and even my own brother. Heck my uncle (his grandpa) wife is supposedly a low-key a nutcase who chases him with a knife and is on meds for bipolar iirc. I even had to pick him up once when he had to run out the house. I never understood why she was often excluded from family events growing up but I think this is what he was dealing with their whole marriage.

>> No.21612614

you posted this a few months ago and received some pretty good responses. what's the issue that's making you repost it now?

>> No.21612623

nah, the only medically endorsed route to recovery with meth is cognitive behavioral therapy (i think, at least. i've never reached out to anyone irl). i've tried using adderall instead to ween myself off, but that's just dancing way too close to the fire. if you take a shitload of adderall, it feels EXACTLY the same, but only for a few hours.
i don't know how people overcome addiction. i want to be graduating college and getting real jobs like how my younger siblings are. i'm too ashamed to talk to them, it's so petty but, fuck im ranting

>> No.21612635
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Saw this earlier today and posted in the other thread. had me thinking about it again. Maybe i should post it in the family group chat and remind them about what I said on christmas

>>Clancy was prescribed a dozen medications: Zolpidem which is sold under the brand name Ambien, clonazepam, which is sold under the brand name of Klonopin, diazepam which is sold under the brand name Valium, fluoxetine which is sold under the brand name Prozac, lamotrigine, which is sold under the brand name Lamictil, lorazepam, which is sold under the brand name Ativan, mirtazapine, which is sold under the brand name Remeron, quetiapine fumarate, which is sold under the brand name Seroquel, and trazodone.

>> No.21612639

I gave up

>> No.21612640

Rolling Thunder

>> No.21612657

on what?

>> No.21612661

Which kino is this?

>> No.21612668

Posted in the last thread but it was basically dead.

is it normal for parents to kiss their children's genitals? I was visiting my sister who has 2 children (2 and 4 years old) and my parents (who were also there) and sister argued about this for some time after my father tried to kiss the 4 year old's genitals while helping to bathe them. This happened to us when we were children and I never gave it much thought. I tend to agree with my sister that there's something inappropriate about it. I also noticed they have a weird fixation on the children's genitals whenever they're naked and sitting on the couch.

>> No.21612673

plein soleil

>> No.21612680

Are you Italian?

>> No.21612681

This man was literally 10/10. I have never seen a man or even a woman more beautiful than him.

>> No.21612685

>Zolpidem which is sold under the brand name Ambien, clonazepam, which is sold under the brand name of Klonopin, diazepam which is sold under the brand name Valium, fluoxetine which is sold under the brand name Prozac, lamotrigine, which is sold under the brand name Lamictil, lorazepam, which is sold under the brand name Ativan, mirtazapine, which is sold under the brand name Remeron, quetiapine fumarate, which is sold under the brand name Seroquel, and trazodone.

Ok. What illness is this? And why tf so much? How common is it to be on so many tablets? I always thought at most people would be on like 1 or 2

Is a girl being on any form of mental health medication a complete red flag and do not marry type?

>> No.21612688

No, but my mother has some Southern European/Med background.

>> No.21612693

all his fans are fags

>> No.21612699

my life
I'll just lay down and let fate take me now, I don't care anymore

>> No.21612703
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I was a kissless hugless handholdless virgin contemplating suicide, up until almost 30. I browsed incel forums and despaired all day.

Then I suddenly got a girlfriend. Pretty, intelligent, quirky and completely untouched when she met me. A normie I know, who had girlfriends long before I did, told me to my face he is envious and would kill to date such a girl. Yet she somehow chose me.

I have known both sides of the coin. True despair. Pure bliss. I am a veteran of feelings. I think I have the potential to become a genuinely good writer who describes both of those feelings in his books.

>> No.21612708

im in so much mental pain right now. coping by thinking it will bring change. in between those moments of agony I remind my self about how nice Agamben really is. such a profound gentleman. semi-retarded near-brilliant thoughts gallop in the back of my mind but I'm not yet ready to share them. in due time. im in so much fuck pain. it feels as if my unconscious is bubbling sea of fire. coping by thinking it will bring change. deactivation of conversations. precursor to ''''mexican fascism'''''. and those dreams where you are winning. love will only flow where the common has been made inactive. its power profaned. I told my self not to post shit in 2023 but that's an exception. i've been at the gym doing hard deadlifts thinking maybe I should write about my gym experience: everything other than lifting.

>> No.21612713

The girl I have a crush on and that I will likely pursue in the future is swole as fuck and has more muscles than me. This is my sign to start going to the gym

>> No.21612717

>I think I have the potential to become a genuinely good writer who describes both of those feelings in his books.
good for you anon. ever posted your work here? genuinely interested in reading it.

>> No.21612722

No, I haven’t written for years. I wrote as a teenager, Pokémon fanfiction, embarrassing but it was fairly popular. Maybe now it’s time to pick up the pen for something serious.

>> No.21612735

All of your problem and bliss came from sexuality which almost every human go through. There is nothing special about it. There is no more to life than pussy.

But write and don't just say that you "can" that's a cope yourself and ironically it also keeps you in agony. Just write.

>> No.21612743

>There is no more to life than pussy.
Yes, there is also more to life than shelter or physical security (similar basic needs), but try going without them for years and it is a profound experience. Not in a good way, at all.

>> No.21612745



>> No.21612755

did something very important go wrong?

>> No.21612759

It's probably standard middle class malaise. She's on so many because she's a rare form of trusted patient. She's in the medical profession so they gave her zolpidem, clonazepam, diazapam, and lorazepam, when if you're a street junkie who is addicted to these things and will seize up and die if you don't get the next dose, doctors will find it hard to justify giving anyone of those. Essentially she's over medicated in a way you only get when the patient is middle class, gainfully employed, and would never smoke weed or question the medical profession.
The problem for those patients is most drugs don't work on middle class malaise so they keep coming back for more. And because they're trusted patients they aren't seen as overdose risks or being spiteful when they say the drugs haven't quite fixed anything, whereas someone who is younger, who has the wrong accent, who doesn't pass a drug test or has trouble holding down a job will get prescribed fewer individual drugs, but higher doses, especially of the antipsychotics in that list and other drugs which aren't known addictive substances. They won't get instant effect drugs with high addictive and overdose potential like she had, and won't be considered reliable self reporters like she would.
The red flag is that after the second time she was sold any drugs that didn't work, she kept taking them and did no medical research despite being trained to do so. That kind of system failure where neither she nor her doctors saw the obvious medical problem with two or more addictive drugs is the kind of system blindness that usually only happens with religious groups who believe in faith healing. Ironically, faith healing has better success rates than medical science with some psychiatric illnesses, which is pretty bad for the whole system, especially as reform of the practical aspects would probably involve admitting how embarrassingly and dangerously low that bar is and how science is currently failing to pass it.

>> No.21612783

Yes, definitely.

>> No.21612796


>> No.21612798

what is wrong with going to an amusement park?

>> No.21612803

They're chock-full of trannified media.

>> No.21612808

you end up writing songs such as breadcrumb trail

>> No.21612810
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Hard to pick a favorite but this one doesn't seem to ever get old for me

>> No.21612820

>I tend to agree with my sister that there's something inappropriate about it.
YOU THINK? What the fuck is wrong with your parents

>> No.21612827

maybe in muttland
Oh the horror!

>> No.21612841

It's ok bro. I care about you, your family cares about you, and I think you care, too. I've been in the mental health system, and they had substance abuse programs as well. I'd seriously recommend getting into a program to help you quit.

>> No.21612866

Yes, you were in the wrong. People with psychiatric diagnoses can be functional and have healthy relationships if properly treated.

That's the most outrageous med cocktail I've ever heard, with multiple medications that are supposed to do basically the same thing being taken together for no reason.

>> No.21612870

thanks for the good words, anon. i know i'm being whiney and everything, but i feel like i dont have any control over my decisions at all. im just watching the movie (the movie is lame as fuck).
i know that's really deluded and transparent, but part of the irony is that i still believe it even though i'm brutally aware of the cope.
i guess the future is too scary to think about, i'd rather just straight up deny that i am a conscious being with agency. or maybe i'm forced to look at it that way, haha. i havent slept in 35 hours so i cant tell if i'm saying things that make sense.

anyway thanks again for caring. feels good since you're anonymous and would have no reason to lie

>> No.21612886

That's what I was worried about. I was more concerned that those behaviors essentially fucked me in the head since I was a child. We also all slept in the same bed until I was like 12.

>> No.21612910

But there are no good generals on /lit/

>> No.21613041


>> No.21613044

I’ve quit dating apps about a week ago and didn’t follow up with any of the women I was texting about going out and having sex with this weekend. I don’t regret my decision since using these apps was destroying my spirit, but letting things go is hard when I remember all the effort I went through and know I could be cooming inside someone just a few hours from now as long as I send out a couple of texts.

>> No.21613076

I might be moving to Quebec pretty soon, and I'll likely be located a few hundred miles north of Montreal. Any quebecbros here? What should I be on the lookout for?

>> No.21613093


>> No.21613107
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Hunting wolves with dogs has the same energy as your cousin's new girlfriend sweet-talking him into beating you up

>> No.21613124


>> No.21613219

I’m feeling like shit because I’m finally at 29 identifying things I want to do but should’ve done at 25. Now I’m the geezer.

>> No.21613237
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I need a single weird short story idea. Just one.

>> No.21613335

such as?

>> No.21613343

we gave you like six last thread

>> No.21613397

Everyone hates me, I feel like no one understands me, aside from a handful of those who've been through the same.

Mishima speaks to my soul.

>> No.21613406

Suicide bomber calls a hotline and begs for mercy

>> No.21613407

A 29 year old man finally figures out what he wants to do with his life. He makes youtube videos about hunting wolves with dogs with his cousin and the cousin's new girlfriend. While fighting his cousin they get attacked by Arabs which unites them. They end up moving to Quebec pretty soon and quitting dating apps.

>> No.21613427

Italians and Jews are the same shit.
For example, Islamic fanaticism was just created by the Pallavicini family, a line of Black Nobility. What's intriguing is they also created the more liberal strands too...
There's truth to conspiracies that Islam was just created by the Vatican.

The Germanic peoples need to wake the hell up and stop worshiping Rome. They were enemies of humanity.

>> No.21613432

The Aldobrandini family is fishy too.

>> No.21613442

The major italian crime families were Jewish. kek

>> No.21613447
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Criminally underrated. Sunshine deserves so much more than it got.

>> No.21613486
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No. It's literally just Jews. It was Jewish banking families that ruined Italy. The same we they are ruining America, Europe and the rest. It is only this and has only ever been this. The expulsion of jews coincides almost exactly with a small, sometimes grand, cultural renaissance in every nation they are driven out from.

>> No.21613499

I envy Dusty Rhodes' spirit. I wish I could be as genuinely naturally cheerful as he was.

>> No.21613525

> It was Jewish banking families that ruined Italy.

Which are those? Genuine question, I thought the Florentines were a case in point that although the eternal jew is real there are also gentile collaborators doing their dirty work.

>> No.21613551

There are shabbos goyim everywhere.

>> No.21613599

maybe he's acting

>> No.21613625

The town I grew up is evil everyone looks deformed and retarded and the air smells of rot and decay. In fact this country is slowly rotting and smells of mould. I'm a bong btw, kek.

>> No.21613669

Marty (1955)

>> No.21613725
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Your apprehension for talking is very similar to mine. I've never set up an appointment for counselling because I have always known beforehand that I don't really like talking about myself-- except "anonymously." Many times throughout my life I've had this desperate feeling that I want to ask for help, but there's nowhere to go because I don't actually want to be helped. What your counselor said, "that he didn’t think talk therapy would even work for me because I didn’t seem to want to talk, and asked me if I wanted to leave" is actually accurate for me. Therapy wouldn't work because I don't want to talk. I don't really know how to explain it.
I had one counselor a while back that I sort of liked talking to. But I never really wanted to say anything "real" and I eventually decided to lie and say I was getting better anyway because I just wanted to kill myself and get it over with.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I know how you feel bro. I hope you don't make the same mistakes I did.

>> No.21613931


>> No.21613937

Tell me more about middle class malaise

>> No.21613944

Either bait, pedo fanfiction, or a deeply psychologically broken individual

>> No.21613963

Sci-fi/western about an android who has a show down with the local quick shooter, modelled after John Henry vs the train

>> No.21613970

In the western world it is extremely inappropriate.

>> No.21614021
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Google "Italian Jewish surname". Have you ever noticed the number of "Italians" in Hollywood? Isn't it odd the Coppola family has been in Hollywood since the beginning? Isn't it strange Tarantino was never cancelled? Why are Italians and Jews always together? How is it these low IQ goyim are able to get along?

>> No.21614033

really really bad hangover shakes

>> No.21614043

Why are you such a mess

>> No.21614052

Forgot a link

>> No.21614088

Stick to weed bro, you're not the xi jinping of getting drunk

>> No.21614105

i work 40 hours a week and pay my taxes, is going out on a friday night really that messy?
the truth is that ive used my "weed addiction" to ignore and enable my functional alcoholism

>> No.21614116

You're always complaining about how unhappy you are, how much you drink, how you drunk drive etc. You sound like a mess.

>> No.21614123

>the truth is that ive used my "weed addiction" to ignore and enable my functional alcoholism
Relatable, though these days I only smoke occasionally and drink a lot more

>> No.21614139
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I need just one more.

>> No.21614145

What happened to my wacky tree person adventure, anon? Huh? I'm gonna need evidence that I'm not wasting my precious thoughts on you.

>> No.21614165
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you don't know what this is like

>> No.21614176

Sounds miserable. I'm from Southern California. It was 45 degrees last night. I was wearing two heavy flannel shirts. I was shivering. It was miserable. I hate cold weather

>> No.21614177

hellish, probably.

>> No.21614190

Yes I do, but I don't have to feel it right now :)

>> No.21614225

He was a most peculiar man
That's what Mrs. Riordian says
And she should know
She lived upstairs from him
She said he was a most peculair man

He was a most peculiar man
He lived all alone
Within a house
Within a room
Within himself
A most peculiar man

He had no friends
He seldom spoke
And no one in turn ever spoke to him
'Cuz he wasn't friendly and he didn't care
And he wasn't like them, oh no
He was a most peculiar man

He died last Saturday
He turned on the gas
And he went to sleep
With the windows closed
So he'd never wake up
To his silent world and his tiny toom
And Mrs. Riordian says he has a brother somewhere
Who should be notified soon...

And all the people said
"Oh what a shame that he's dead,
But wasn't he a most peculiar man?"

>> No.21614264

I once left my window open when it was -51C and slept through it. When I woke up my entire inside house was practically covered in a layer of frozen white crystal. It was like waking up in an ice castle.

>> No.21614266

this is good, did you write it?

>> No.21614369

Wherefore a broken soul so beautiful?

>> No.21614375


>> No.21614381

I want to talk to someone

>> No.21614391

Hello, this is Mark from the FBI (Frenly Bureau of Investigation), what do you want to talk about?

>> No.21614400
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The snake tempted us to break perfection in order to perceive beauty.

>> No.21614404

>broken soul
what that?

>> No.21614445

i kind of wanted to do sth productive today but i just don't feel like it

>> No.21614453

I don't know. I'm just kind of lonely right now.

>> No.21614463

Had a sort of existential crisis about my place in existence and felt very out of place with the inability to put how I felt into words. Then I read the Last Messiah and it felt as though my thoughts had been perfectly transcribed to a page. Still feel like shit but the maddening confusion and frustration have passed and I feel a bit more grounded.

>> No.21614487

It doesn't adhere to its form. A broken shell from the pot can contain water but it's not a pot. The idea of the perfect pot on the other hand allows us no room to explore and experience beauty and meaning. The real ideal perfect pot descended from the third realm and broke in a public display.

>> No.21614491

Well, tell me about yourself.

>> No.21614524

I'm a NEET (mental illness) that turned 32 in November. I'm kind of bummed about that, but I don't think about it, if I can help it. I feel pretty useless, but no one seems to mind as much as I do, so at least that's kind of nice. I spend as much time as I can occupying myself with crafts and art, which keeps me somewhat happy, but I never really feel like I've produced anything. I'm just kind of morose.

How are you doing?

>> No.21614546

I think it's great that you're keeping yourself occupied with something creative.
I'm doing great, just browsing 4chan and reading. How about you? What have you been working on recently?

>> No.21614563

What's a man to do when he feels that he's worthless, and he thinks that his feeling is justified by nature? What do you do during those periods, anon?

>> No.21614607

Hug my pillow and then go to sleep.

>> No.21614617

It's a Simon and Garfunkel sonf

>> No.21614628
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Thank you, I'm glad that you're doing so well! What books are you reading?

I really think keeping yourself occupied is a third of happiness, so I try hard to do that. I've recently gotten really obsessed with little miniature diy sets, I just can't get enough of the little bastards. My grandmother was really impressed, so I'm making one for her birthday (picrel), but I also try to mix it up a little, so I have a felting kit and a stitching set, but I'm not good with the felt yet. I'm going to make sea slugs.

>> No.21614638

You're lucky to get older. You're fulfilling what you are

>> No.21614641

I've neglected to care for my teeth over the years and now one of my molars is chipping. I'm not sure what the fuck to do, I just have so much regret and I know dental care costs a fortune

>> No.21614658

same with me, except I ha bulimia. All of my teeth were mostly okay, and now all at once, enamel is chipping off of all of them. I'm pretty mortified about it, and I feel bad. I'll probably cry when I finally do go to the dentist.

>> No.21614661

The people I know and see regularly care about me less than they care about what they ate for lunch yesterday.

>> No.21614667

I'm sorry, that sounds terrible.

>> No.21614676

I've been reading the Greeks. The plays of Sophocles are pretty good.
I've seen your posts about DIY kits before. That's pretty cool anon. It's really adorable that you're going to give your grandmother something for her birthday. You seem like a pretty good guy. Maybe you can post some pictures of your work sometime.

>> No.21614692

i've never really had a habit of brushing my teeth and somehow escaped toothaches for the entirety of my 21 years of existence. i am dreading the day where it will begin to fall apart. i'm positive that the damage is irreversible now, even if the dentist didn't signal the presence of any serious issues during my last trip to his office, which was over two years ago for a cleaning.

>> No.21614704

I visited a dentist a year and a half ago and he told me to begin wearing braces ASAP or get surgery. I can't afford either one right now. Not sure if it's too late for me or not but I can visibly see my teeth decaying because I'm a loser

>> No.21614714

Discovered recently that the ending theme to Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence had a version with lyrics called Forbidden Colours, which immediately made me think of Yukio Mishima.

I had tried to read the Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea a long time ago barely knowing shit about Mishima but stopped after the chapter where the boys skin a cat alive, which wasn't very far into the book I suppose. Didn't know where that shit was going and it felt like a lot was flying over my head at the time. Picked up my copy of the book today and read the first chapter out of curiosity. Feels like I had never started reading it to begin with with how little details I can trace back to my first time with it. I just remembered a japanese teenager with a mother complex creepily spying on his mother. First chapter is a bit more nuanced than that, I guess.
I'm pretty confused about how the mind of this young boy is described and I don't know if it's because the translation is weird at times (could be a thing with the japanese language not translating well generally) or if I'm that much of a poor reader.
For example, a passage talks about how he thinks "reproduction is a construct of the human mind, and therefore so is society" or something along those lines. It's the use of "reproduction" in my translation that I'm not sure I'm getting. Sexual reproduction wouldn't seem like a construct at all, but the novel then seems to almost immediately point out that he thinks fathers (and "masters") are inherently sinners so I don't know what to make of that, unless it's about reproduction as a perceived positive concept among the population when he himself is a typical antinatalist teenager at that point, which would make more sense maybe but I still think it's worded weirdly.
It's not an English translation so I wonder what word is used there in the first chapter, or in the Japanese original.

At any rate it's just the beginning so I guess I'll push through and see whether shit gets clearer along the way.

>> No.21614726

how are your wisdom teeth doing? you might have to start saving money for a probable treatment if they've been stuck inbetween your gums for too long

>> No.21614732

I started lifting weights again after maybe 6 months or more going without, and I feel astoundingly better - my body doesn't hurt, feels strong and healthy, I feel happy and positive.

>> No.21614745

My whole mouth is fucked. Really my only hope is to save up and get surgery in another country

>> No.21614768
File: 1.61 MB, 4000x2992, 1644481532394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, the Greeks. I've always had the intention of reading them, but in the end I just prefer other books. I did like Caligula from Graves and the Mary Renault books very much though.

Thank you very much! I like to think that I try to make my very tiny corner of the world a little better. And I'm just glad that she told me what she wanted- she's usually so hard to shop for. I've posted some stuff before, but I don't know if there's a point in posting my little theatres since if all goes well, they'll look exactly like the pictures in the product description (they don't, but still).

This is a crocodile I made from soapstone. I also made a little griphon.

>> No.21614842

Based croc

>> No.21614861

you can have this for free, make it into a movie or something >>21614772

>> No.21614878


That's hilarious. Westerners truly deserves what they've got.

>> No.21614892

german should be the official language of /lit/ desu. Like this


>> No.21614900

no, because I've been living in germany for more than half of my life and I still write like a kindergartner. It would be way too stressful for me, and I'd be way too embarrassed every time I made a mistake.

>> No.21614905

I just wrote a post on Reddit justifying rape as rational.

>> No.21614912

fucking krauts

>> No.21614914

Any ADD anons here? How do you make creative progress when you are fascinated by the whole world, but only care about one part at a time, for a few days at a time?

>> No.21614916

hey you've already posted this crocodile before. its great. but id like to see other soapstone sculptures you've made. post the griphon please

>> No.21614917

I’m 34 years old and my girlfriend is less than half my age. Her parents are fine with it and like me. Sometimes life is great

>> No.21614918

You know, dental treatment really isn't bad in the so-called third world. I know a fair number of french folks who fly down to north africa just for the sake of taking care of their teeth for half the price, if not less.

>> No.21614925

okay, but give me a minute.

>> No.21614929

ah get over it m8, at least three of my fellow brits saw fit to shout abuse at a group of street preachers this afternoon. The old spirit is still alive.

>> No.21614937

"jesus isn't real, jesus isn't fucking real, you nonce" it made me smile

imma quote this next time i find a nonce (some say christcuck) on /lit/

>> No.21614971

I fucking hate midwits. I hate them with all my soul. I was on youtube when I saw some short video of a feminist bitch talking about some basedence bullshit discoveries. Another attempt at coverting anthropology. I hate this shit. I want to burn universities, I want to make them into ruins and cover the soil with salt. There is nothing worse than the hypocrisy of the modern academia. The midwit will always lie, the midwit will always submit to lies. The midwit is not a human with a soul. The midwit is lower than an animal, this creature doesn't deserve to live. Their existence and association with high culture of science, engineering, philosophy and arts is abhorent. It's a mockery. It must die. Holy shit I want those people, their books, their buildings, their words, their footprint in the world's history, all of it reduced to ashes and forgotten.

>> No.21614976

Studying epistemology increased my faith in God.

>> No.21614978

you are the midwit, you pseudo-elitist posie.

>> No.21614985

I don't know about that, but hating on academia is based. Academics are worse than feds.

>> No.21614992

I was in the same boat. Spent 20k to get them fixed. Very worth it and confidence went through the roof. I’m a good looking guy but I always had to hide my teeth. It’s crazy how far being willing to smile can get you

>> No.21614994

That's not a story idea, that's a setting idea
A story needs a character who experiences change through events and conflict(s)

>> No.21614997

Yeah I'm starting to dread my teeth situation since I'm always smiling when I talk to other people and they look like shit, I'm becoming very insecure about it. Rest of my face is fine

>> No.21615015


>> No.21615019

>A story needs a character who experiences change through events and conflict(s)
that's why so many stories are dull and predictable, it's a fad. the characters mean nothing by contrast to the setting.

I prefer to come up with an extreme setting and the characters are more like ... hrmm .. "how would thee people react", like the stock characters in roman theatre which followed this formula.

>> No.21615022
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>> No.21615029

Sure, you have a different method, but at the end of the day the result you arrive to is still a character who is in some conflict, otherwise it's not a story.
But more importantly, the idea I'm currently looking for, is required for a work in which I am limited by specific rules. I cannot make a setting, cannot build a world, I am required to make just a short story with a handful of characters, and make it quick-like, so this doesn't work for me.

>> No.21615030

why don't you just dry them off with a dry flannel and paint them whatever colour you like?

>> No.21615039

very cool. how did you get into this? is it an expensive hobby?

>> No.21615055

>the idea I'm currently looking for, is required for a work in which I am limited by specific rules. I cannot make a setting, cannot build a world, I am required to make just a short story with a handful of characters, and make it quick-like, so this doesn't work for me.
hrm well, you could give a subtle "fuck you" to (your teacher presumably) by making it about spacemen drifting in a void, since there can be no 'setting' but their external attire and no action but their floating bodies. disembodies from setting. pronto.

>> No.21615067

Actually, I made those in art therapy, lol. But no, it really shouldn't be. All you really need is the stone and a set of files, and both are pretty cheap. I'd have to look it up how much exactly, but I can't imagine it costing more than $30 bucks at most to start out- a set of files and a few good chunks of stone (and sandpaper to finish it off). All hobbies get more expensive the more involved you get with them, but working with soapstone is probably one of the cheaper hobbies to pick up.

>> No.21615075

>you could give a subtle "fuck you" to (your teacher presumably)
Nah nah. It's more of a competition. And I don't even want to score high, I just want to make something that is finished and reasonable in the short time that I have, because I have historically had problems with scope creep.
My last project grew from a small one to a huge universe-sized piece of shit

>> No.21615077

dental colleges will do your teeth for cheap

>> No.21615111

I don't have the energy to go on a date every other week. I just want to find someone.

>> No.21615230

Antiracist leftists make me more racist and racist rightists make me less racist.

>> No.21615252

>when the current internet circle you lurk in has lost its luster but you don't know where to find a new one so you sit there feeling empty

>> No.21615262

I'm thinking of changing my name. I'm at University and I feel like a name like "Darren" is just shit and doesn't lend itself to academic or intellectual identities. Not sure what I would change it to though

>> No.21615265

use a pen name ya twit

>> No.21615267

If you're a giga-chad change it to a mononym, it's legal in the USA

>> No.21615275

do you ever have days where it randomly feels like all of your passions an interests and everything just disappear and you just feel numb?

>> No.21615292

that day was today, as i felt like a complete shitstain compared to all the people that i respect, and concluded that I have nothing to offer to the world. then I listened to david guetta for a laugh, which ended up restoring some life back into my body. maybe that's the secret to good living: having a good laff.

>> No.21615299

More like years

>> No.21615300

Change your whole name to Darren

>> No.21615327

The Mission

>> No.21615391

>buy books to fill up a shelf
>want to read them,
>think im going to read them the entire time
>one day look up
>realize i fell for something
>give away all my books
>Few months later
>also repeat with every single hobby under the sun

it all just feels stupid. most classic literature are just Fun Things that people want to spread and put deeper meaning onto, like being on gamefaqs discussing the deeper themes of zelda.

i buy books thinking they'll change me. i cant change myself. and nothing else can either

>> No.21615401
File: 418 KB, 960x1440, 1 uxE0LF25_F05Nlg_o_yK9g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THE NET with Sandra Bullock

>> No.21615442

as ugly and depressing anti-natalism is, i honestly can't find a real counter for Zapffe and the like

deeply and thoroughly upsetting but oh well.

>> No.21615445

Why should I consider better alternatives when I can just delude myself into thinking the current way is the best?

>> No.21615506

Black people don't belong in Africa.

>> No.21615549

i fucking figured it out

>> No.21615567

Look up coastline paradox

>> No.21615588

Free will requires determinism.

>> No.21615597

yes, but determinism requires free will.

>> No.21615602

if knowledge is a fractal then it may be true that you can never find the bottom, but it is also true that whatever you have found is isomorphic to the bottom. thus knowledge never ends, yet every piece of knowledge is complete.

>> No.21615604


>> No.21615608

what happens if you feed a fractal into a fast-fourier transform?

>> No.21615628

it should be extremely obvious that free will just means that it was determined by the self and that it doesn't matter if the self is determined as long as the action is determined by the self. However to be honest after discovering these arguments for myself I have concluded that neither free will or determinism exist at all, as far as I am concerned that is the same thing as saying that they are the same.

>> No.21615735

but was it a nice castle?

>> No.21615791
File: 777 KB, 687x432, 20200607_005912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know speculative fiction is talked down upon here (/sffg/ is its own general for a reason) but has any author or director ever used the idea of "smart zombies", ones that have about the same mental capacity as the uninfected instead of lacking agency and relying on instinct? Zombies that actually use strategy and trickery to catch their prey?

>> No.21615827
File: 31 KB, 450x509, Brautigan-small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are some good words that describe my ideal balance between technology and utopia? kinda like pic rel but unironic

>> No.21615833


>> No.21615871

Novelists and novel readers are size queens. Especially those who read big, thick, maximalist doorstoppers.

>> No.21615872

----- Solaria ----

No matter that the bounce
Of squirrel tails in the shade of such oaks

Convey nothing to eachother like sweet dance as they do to me,
Comedy beyond romance and yet too erotic in

Intentionality to be sad or angry at nature doing what it does
Like color so capable of sheer intensity that no matter the dark of circumstance

It prevails upon the slightest provocation,
Seems to laugh forever, like a child of sublime intelligence

Makes baubles of Jupiter and sprawling parks
Giddy with the best of men,

Flowers beyond reason, life combined with the sense for it.


>> No.21615943

/sffg/ is absolute dogshit, any other sites where I can discuss books?

>> No.21615964

If I became rich overnight, I don't know what I'd do. Probably not much. I'd buy a living place, a $10'000 car, clean clothes, clean shoes and a nicer computer. That'd be it. I don't want yachts, I don't want to go public, I don't want crazy vacations or whatever. I'd probably just give half of it to my kids when they become adults and another half to humanitarian associations.
I don't really understand the point of having so much money you could rivalize a country GDP. Big money is nice to look at but meh. I just want enough money to sustain a family that's it.

>> No.21615971

Death is scary. Getting old sucks. Sometimes I wish I could just blow my brains out before that happens but fear of death and the terror it would inflict on my loved ones firmly halts me in those tracks. I'm just destined to decay and wither.

>> No.21615984

that's why you're an NPC

pussy bitch, death is the sweet sweet release

>> No.21615999

>"that's why you're an NPC"
>thinks buying hookers, doing drugs and not having a smudge of spirituality will propel him to the highest level of human accomplishment all the while unironically thinking he's not an NPC for dreaming about material shit

>> No.21616017

I always get an unsettling feeling whenever I see a memorial on the side of the road for another killed in an accident

>> No.21616038
File: 1.68 MB, 1604x3046, acre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to grow your own food

Don't have a life's purpose? Make it to learn how to do this and then simplify and systematize so that anybody can do it, you could singlehandedly change human history

>> No.21616121

I'm going to sleep. I'm tired and there is a bad day to start tomorrow
Good night to you all, friends

>> No.21616125

I wish it was bait or fanfiction. I wish I was raised by any other pair of people on the planet.

>> No.21616138

The problem is none of us own any land

>> No.21616141

I live in mid northern Illinois, a region where the standard of quiet decorum is high as as can be, and agriculture is automated on so vast a scale that Ive driven past hundreds of square miles where I've never seen a human figure out in the open. I see nothing wrong with automation as such, but wish there were more parks between, more treelines, more lowland parks. I drive a big comfy and very dependable sedan through it in all seasons, no matter what the weather, and find it all too spooky in some moods. I miss the suburbs, sometimes, like you wouldn't believe, the social life of a certain world alpha city.

>> No.21616150

You can tell a thinker is worth reading when he insults tons of authors or even entire schools of thought in the canon, but not all of them

>> No.21616236

>thinks buying hookers, doing drugs and not having a smudge of spirituality will propel him to the highest level of human accomplishment all the while unironically thinking he's not an NPC for dreaming about material shit
i'm not a materialist, i just understand that greater wealth lets you express greater ambitions and pursue your interest with minimal barriers. Main characters like me value that kind of stuff, NPCs like you have minimal ambitions and just stay out of the way, stick to the script etc.

>> No.21616239

You dont' have to, ever heard of leasing? Average price per acre in the US is $200/year.

>> No.21616269

----- Solaria ----

Sunny boulevards, light sensational,
Nothing lame as mere suave, the spectacle of Fat Cecropia caterpillars or

Where Maples race cumulus for supremacy,
Demure mantises, the richest possible halo of almost ultrasound

Fortunate boys alone perceive.


>> No.21616278

>be me
>travel anywhere in the universe
>be you
>trapped in the finite
why are you still living in the sensible universe?

>> No.21616277

Once upon a time, there was a person named Jack who lived in a surveillance state. The government monitored every aspect of citizens' lives, including their purchases and movements. Despite the restrictions, Jack was determined to live a normal life and still enjoyed small pleasures like going to the store to buy a granola bar.

One day, Jack went to the local convenience store to buy his favorite snack. As he approached the store, he noticed the numerous cameras mounted on the walls and the drones flying overhead. Jack felt a pang of anxiety, but he reminded himself that he had done nothing wrong and he had nothing to hide.

As Jack walked into the store, he saw a line of people waiting to buy their groceries. He took his place in line and tried to calm his nerves. When it was finally his turn, he approached the cashier and handed her a small slip of paper with the item he wanted to purchase written on it. This was how purchases were made in the surveillance state, to avoid speaking and to limit the amount of personal information that was shared.

The cashier scanned the slip of paper and then handed Jack his granola bar. Jack thanked her and turned to leave the store, but as he walked through the exit, he was stopped by a group of officers. They demanded to see his identification and the receipt for his purchase. Jack showed them the ID card and the receipt, and the officers scanned them with a device.

After a few moments, the device beeped and the officers stepped aside. They apologized for the inconvenience and told Jack that he was free to go. Jack breathed a sigh of relief and walked out of the store. As he walked down the street, he glanced up at the drones and felt grateful that he was able to buy his granola bar without incident.

Despite the constant surveillance, Jack was determined to live life to the fullest and to enjoy the small pleasures that brought him joy. He knew that he would always be watched, but he refused to let the government control his life. He continued to live in the surveillance state, but he never forgot the importance of personal freedom and the small moments of happiness that made life worth living.

>> No.21616325

how get gurlfrend

>> No.21616352

I saw my coworkers shelf and I’m pretty sure she’s a lit poster. What do?

>> No.21616360

Ask if she's read Aberration in the Heartland of the Real

>> No.21616370


>> No.21616393

I've never had a friend, not even an online one.

>> No.21616415

>he finally finds out what the appellation "crypto-X" means

>> No.21616418

She has Growth of the Soil, Guenon, Kaczynski, Ellul, Linkola etc. I am 99% sure. I will ask her this tomorrow.

>> No.21616427

there's probably some podcast for chicks that rips off culture from /lit/. i saw this dude at work browsing what looked like a bunch of /mu/core shit and i was like oh what's this now? turns out it some facebook meme page that never credited /mu/. that said, most of the old /mu/core was just stuff from pitchfork anyways, so whatever.

>> No.21616434

damn anon's about to score a based nazi gf

>> No.21616461

I don’t think so because I asked her if she listens to audiobooks before and she said no she “doesn’t like listening to talking”. I suspected she was a 4chan type person before based on things she’s said but seeing the shelf I’m pretty much positive now.

She will cuck me with a guy who has only read 48 Laws of Power since high school.

>> No.21616518

anon's future gf, if you're reading this say something only a woman would say

>> No.21616521


>> No.21616530

oh shit princeton press winter sale is on. not a huge selection t b h, but it's 75% might be some good shit in there somewhere.

>> No.21616577

How did Europe go from Walzing to twerkin in such a short amount of time? What happened?

>> No.21616583
File: 295 KB, 650x1041, Memoirs-of-My-Nervous-Illness_2048x2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I want to meet new people when I agonize over reaching out to the few friends I've got? And having my phone go off sends me in to a panic, usually taking hours or days to respond to a text or a call.

I often think about going out to interesting places in my city and maybe meeting someone that shares my interests but I'm never comfortable when out in public, or around people, even friends, so why this desire?

>> No.21616599

Nothing happened, get with the times.

>> No.21616616

as someone who has been poor my whole life, at least poor enough that I live in a trailer with a caved in floor and partly caved in and leaking roof and will probably have to for a long time, this comes off as super LARPy. Even in poverty people can still come together in love and fellowship and live an extremely meaningful and utterly human life. throwing in some money and extravagance doesn't make anything more human

>> No.21616631

the discomfort is a sickness, and past that sickness, you are still a human being who wants to reach out to other people and love and be loved

>> No.21616639
File: 112 KB, 500x592, 1444310014405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all in this thread for a reason. Whose reason? MY reason.

>> No.21616642

-- Solaria ----

My room looks like a sea of ideal grey, clean
And remote beyond belief, quiet to die for if you were not me,

Forever calm when entertaining any spectacle.


>> No.21616643

It's just way too impossible to break into this

>> No.21616683

I wish I wasn't so insecure. I saw a friend of mine earlier in the week. We've been friends for over 15 years, since we were just kids. He was quiet and went relatively home early in the evening. I became suspicious that he finds me unpleasant to be around . In reality, he's a new father and almost certainly has parental responsibilities and sleep deprivation on his mind. He's always been somewhat quiet anyway.

This same friend took me into his and his gf's home last year after I had something of a mental breakdown when I discovered I had been badly lead on by a girl who I thought genuinely liked me, while I simultaneously failed an important university milestone. I was also living in a terrible sharehousing situation which no doubt added to the stress. They let me live with them for 4 months (they offered to let me stay rent free but I insisted on paying my share). He once introduced me to his coworkers as "one of my best friends" and my first instinct was that he was lying to be polite to me (obviously I view him as one of my best friends but the inverse felt so alien to me). I was one of the first people outside of his family who he announced the news to that his girlfriend was pregnant. His gf is a nervous wreck with all sorts of trauma and both he and she would later tell me how good it was to have me live with them for her sake, as she felt safe for once while he was out at work and she was home alone. Of all of my friends' partners, she's the only one I consider my friend as well in our own right.

In spite of it all, I still feel like a parasite or piece of refuse that somehow got attached to a decent man and he only does these things out of politeness or because he doesn't want me to kill myself on his account. Has never done anything wrong by me but I just can't accept it for it what probably is. I'm not ungrateful and I always make the effort to be a good friend, although I don't think I can ever repay him for what he's done for me.

>> No.21616701

if you know what you want in life and start towards that goal right away, preferably in your teen years, its extremely doable goal to work towards through your 20s!

unfortunately youth is wasted on the young and thats not usually how things play out

>> No.21616725
File: 184 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20210812_17_54_33_Pro (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

---Solaria ---

One gets used to imperial hegemony, vast archives--

The charisma of man and colossal infrastructure--

The inconceivable beauty of reason.

>> No.21616784

At any time, however, an element of pure chance survives and will remain until the world becomes an absolutely perfect, rational, and symmetrical system, in which mind is at last crystallized in the infinitely distant future.

>> No.21616821
File: 76 KB, 800x800, godnight apu pride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O, true love, have you brought me gold
And come t' set me free
Or have you come, to see me hang
All under th hangmun tree

O, true love, have you brought me gold
And come t' set me free
Or have you come, to see me hang
All under th hangmun tree

O yes, I've brought you gold
And come to set you free
How could I stand, to see you hang
All under th hangmun tree

>> No.21616823
File: 938 KB, 1170x772, 4DECA37D-89C0-46CB-9CF0-3960EB692E29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy weather

>> No.21616835
File: 90 KB, 546x896, 68A9AC99-BFCA-4944-838B-F6F02415AF6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many girls like me. Literally fawning over me. And i’m such a boring, miserable misanthrope that I let all of these opportunities pass me by. It stings because if I had a different attitude about life, I would be so happy right now.

>> No.21616849

>sent from my iPhone

>> No.21616853

>if i were a different person i would be happy
many such cases

>> No.21616863

That was me in high school, but also my dick didn't work.

>> No.21616865

---Solaria ---
(North Loop)

i can't imagine a ride so suave, nor a friend more considerate-

Beautiful strong saint, the best of all worlds,
Hilarious Craig talking to me

Under the planet's most calmly soaring spectacles,.

>> No.21617013

Have to write a cover letter for a job at a park, but I don't know what to write.
Went to the library to try and write it out, but my mind has gone blank.
I have no accomplishments, no past work experience that would qualify me for the job, and I'm having trouble even coming up with some bullshit.
Idk what I'm doing with my life anymore. Maybe I should just join the military. I'm kind of a nerdy guy though, and am pretty stubbornly independent/reclusive, so it's hard to imagine me fitting in well in that culture. I'm also afraid that China may invade Taiwan in the next couple years & I'll get sent to die fighting over some rock. I don't want to die in Vietnam 2.0.
I wish I had some actually employable skill. I'm good at reading a lot and synthesizing new ideas, know spanish pretty well, but neither of these skills can get me any real job.
Real problem is I know no one & have no network. I don't know what to do with my life, life has been so hard sometimes I just want to go out into the desert with a stack of books and become a hermit. All the options in front of me look like shit.

>> No.21617045

Literally me

>> No.21617050

When it comes to happiness the poor are richer than the wealthy

>> No.21617079

>Academics are worse than feds.
How so?

>> No.21617086

Feds are the shit, but academics are the asshole.

>> No.21617087

The economical limitations of knowing.

>> No.21617093

/sffg/ is a terrible place to discuss books.

>> No.21617094

The economical limitations of having relationships.

>> No.21617151

Most egregious missed chance is going over to a girls place to watch X-Files and getting annoyed and leaving because she was acting weird and not paying enough attention to what was happening on the show.
I later figured out that her 'weird behaviour' was her attempting to seduce me.
I just wanted to show her The Post-Modern Prometheus cause I thought it was cool and she would like it.

>> No.21617226

based acoustic anon

>> No.21617232

As much as I dislike feds, they aren't all bad. The individual feds are likely just clueless pencil pushers and grunts, unfortunately, they happen to work for some of the most evil institutions in the world. Take the FBI for example. They don't have any of the benefits of local law enforcement (connection to the community, direct community oversight, distance from political interests) and a whole slew of drawbacks. Even the problems they were ostensibly created to solve pale in comparison to how strongly they obstruct local law enforcement. There were multiple cases where massive sex trafficking operations, jihad camps, and other bullshit were known by local law enforcement but FBI wanted to "keep tabs" on them (groom terrorists, protect their corrupt buddies, etc) so they told locals to back off their projects. I'm sure individual feds probably thought it was for a good reason ("oh I guess we can let children get abused for another few years... We're just monitoring them to build a list of suspects..." or whatever lies they were told) but it still doesn't redeem the FBI as a whole.
Even worse, during the nationwide riots there were plenty of videos showing rioters torturing, raping, and murdering bystanders. Holy shit that was enraging. I remember getting together with some anons and doing reports during the Michael Brown riots. We put together video evidence of murders, names of individual rioters captured on video committing murder and grievous harm, and even facebook profiles. None of the niggers even got a visit. Instead the FBI was busy literally swatting gamers for some bullshit with GamerGate. Absolutely fucking unreal. That was when I started fucking hating the federal system. Children are being trafficked, women are being raped, gang niggers are killing in the streets, and the FBI is pursuing some retards that said bad words on the internet. It got even worse during the 2020 riots. Live videos of rape at the riots, the CHAZ debacle, and again, FBI with their thumbs up their asses chasing after literally non-existent domestic terrorists for political clout. All of that shit made me want to so vigilante justice and multiple times in my life I made plans to go out with a bang, because I just can't stand hearing about horrors occuring with no justice anywhere to be seen.

Anyway, I've seen better stories of individual agents. They can be good people, but the agency itself is purely a force of evil. FBI agents should just quit their jobs and do something worthwhile. Good guys won't get promoted anyway.

>> No.21617240

Do you feel the same about academics?

>> No.21617253

Yeah. I'd say even more academics are genuinely good people, but they're so out of touch with day to day reality that their attempts to "help" are just destructive. Privileged, altruistic, middle class academics trying to help the poor are some of the most subversive and dangerous people on the planet. I can't bring myself to hate them or feds in anything but the most abstract sense because they're only evil by accident.

>> No.21617266
File: 16 KB, 180x273, 180px-Starved_girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm so happy!

>> No.21617314

Just don't be poor.

>> No.21617332

Darren is such a moron name. You wouldn't read an author named "Darren" lol

>> No.21617398

---Solaria ---
(Grave Electronica)

Early as it was possible to do so
My father flew west in luxury jests fast
As the sun sets, and told me everything about

It to me, gradually, soon I could comprehend it via conversation as he
Could do to no other while we became one another's masterpiece,,
Superlative gossips relaxed in cars, enormous institutions.


>> No.21617435

some folks genuinely wish for and try to spread goodness in the world. please cherish your friend.

>> No.21617457
File: 89 KB, 914x1091, bee yourself.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried beeing yourself?

>> No.21617474
File: 79 KB, 885x885, photo_2022-06-29_12-47-51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute guy from my friend group acts really flirty with me
>I'm hesitant because he just got out of a relationship, and he acts flirty with other girls as well
>we have decently much in common
>but he doesn't seem to get shy around me
>figured I'm just going to get to know him slowly, evade his advances a few times
>we go out with friends, he makes out with another girl from the group in front of me
>gives me a provocative look while hugging her

I wasn't expecting much, but am still disappointed. I like to imagine there was something I could have done differently, but he probably just wasn't that into me to begin with.

>> No.21617479

Trying my best not to give into to the booze. I'm teetering on the edge, but writing this out helps keep me accountable. Even though you're all strangers. I will not drink tonight. I don't have to.

>> No.21617488

I don't know how someone like him ends up in the proximity of something like me.

>> No.21617496


>> No.21617522

I would listen to Darren's music though

>> No.21617541

just get some food instead

>> No.21617554

Do you reckon it was bad to be raised on Eminem and South Park? It's pretty funny that I'm an adult now.

>> No.21617559

It's OK I've had dinner and in bed listening to music, gonna sleep soon. I made the right decision.

>> No.21617573

So long as you didn't turn into a 36y yr old bearded lyrical rapper rapping about cancel culture your fine.

>> No.21617577

>be hesitant towards his advances
>evade his advances
>why does he advance towards others instead of me???
The passive wallflower shtick only works consistently if you're really, really hot.

>> No.21617614
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I am a philosophical pessimist but I feel child like euphoria most of the time. Like I am on drugs and happy for no reason. Sometimes I feel guilty for my happiness when the world is such a dark place.

What the fuck bros? I don't get it. What is this state? Almost mystical/ecstatic.

>> No.21617702

Just read a thread on plebbit about a man who had been married to his wife for 15 years, and was sad that they had stopped having sex, while she was banging herself with a dildo every other night.

Comments were full of 4/10 women insisting that it was his fault for not taking out the trash enough or cooking and cleaning enough or whatever, and hordes of whiteknights agreeing with m'redditladies, that he should shut the fuck up and stop thinking that just because you are in a committed relationship you are entitled to sex. He hadn't expressed any entitlement, just sadness.

I just find it hilarious that all the Good Fucking Persons™ have an unapologetically transactional view of sex, as a reward to the stupid brute of a man if he acts somewhat civilized with house-chores. Like he is a dog that needs to be potty-trained. It is such a profoundly insulting way to shit on a man who is earnestly and vulnerably expressing a need and the feelings associated with it.

>> No.21617712

He she order a doll and start banging her in front of his whore wife.

>> No.21617720

I'm fighting an internal war of a kind. On one side is the urge to abandon all structures and all intelligibility in favor of dissolving into hedonism, to become an animal. On the other side is the urge to tear away from all earthly delights, to strain, to rend myself bloody in an effort to understand all that is intelligible, to find the truth at all costs. One side will kill the other in the end, but which?

>> No.21617731

r/deadbedrooms is fascinatingly morbid, r/menslib is another good one for gawking at Good Fucking Persons™, as you call them, who are completely miserable.

>> No.21617763

I am an incorrigible liar. Every day for at least 7 years I have lied through my teeth; the first lie set the foundation for all the rest. First I told them I was happy. Second I lied even to myself about being straight. Third I determined to lie about my rapidly degrading mental state.

In short, I went to college a liar; unsurprisingly I lied with a smile on my face to everyone I met. In fact, I was a total loser before college - but I lied so much, and learned to do it well enough that I faked my way through everything. Lied to friends; lied to girls about having experience with sex and to boys about embracing being gay. I lied to professors about why assignments were late and I doubled down to give myself more time to party. And through this I lied to my parents that I was succeeding.

And then it all came crashing down, and I lied about attending college. I lied about having a job and working hard. I lied to my roommate about being ok and I lied to myself when I slit my own wrists. And then I lied to my parents about the very scars!

And when they brought me home I wasted a second chance. I lied about attending my online classes in covid; I lief about registering. The only truth I told was that I wanted to work, because working was a lie by omission. I lied to my grandparents so they wouldn't feel ashamed of me. And then I enrolled in college again, lied again, blew it all up, tried to die again, lied about it, didnt receive help, got a job, lie to my boss, and im waiting to die. I want to die. The only truth I have actively embraced since I was a teenager is that I want to die, and every time I try I fail. I cant succeed at anything, because I will lie and cheat my way out compulsively. Its a curse. If God is real, then he created me to suffer and create suffering. All I do now is stay sway from my family so I dont hurt them more. I even lie about my name to friends and lovers. I lie about everything. It kills me

>> No.21617769

I feel alone and hurt.

>> No.21617797

sorry to hear it.
did someone leave you?

>> No.21617805

Not so much leave as rejected. I knew she felt that way, but hearing it felt so much more painful. We are still friends and are going to spend time together, but it still does sting and I feel quite alone.

>> No.21617807

>We are still friends and are going to spend time together
but wont it cause even more pain?

>> No.21617815

i had a dream i was in the midst of a huge skate session and some cars moved to open up space to try this huge gap, but there was a mess on the run up to it with like empty french fry things and food wrappers, and i started cleaning it up and getting all messy and shit and this sappy ass bruce springsteen song that goes "we had angel's wings made of mayonaaaaaise". i woke up like man bruce springsteen sucks.

>> No.21617817

>but wont it cause even more pain?
It does yes, but this part of also moving on and moving forward. I can't let any hurdle hold me back. Most I can do is move on and not expecting anything to happen between us. We both agreed to support each other whenever we need it. Sadly, she might be moving soon too.

>> No.21618017

Kamagasaki has been a place name since 1922. An accurate count of occupants has never been produced, even in the national census, due to the large population of day laborers who lack permanent addresses. Daily life in Kamagasaki in the 1950s was photographed by Seiryū Inoue, who won the 1961 Newcomer's Prize awarded by the Japan Photography Critics' Society for "One Hundred Faces of Kamagasaki". It has the largest day laborer concentration in the country. 30,000 people are estimated to live in every 2,000 meter radius in this area, part of which has been in slum-like conditions until as recently as 2012, containing run-down housing structures and untidy streets.

The area surrounding Kamagasaki is upscale, clean and attracts tourists with popular sightseeing spots including the Tsutenkaku, Shinsekai, and Nipponbashi. However, in Kamagasaki, homeless people can often be seen sleeping in the streets throughout the day, and doya (ドヤ) hotels (cheap temporary rooms intended for day laborers) abound in the area. These hotels have recently become popular amongst backpackers from outside Japan due to their cheap price and proximity to rail transportation.[1]

Non-profit and religious organizations frequently give out food rations, creating long lines of people in public parks. Property values in Kamagasaki are noticeably lower than those of surrounding areas.

The city government of Osaka does not allow the name "Kamagasaki" to appear on official maps and discourages the use of the name in the media. A film set in the neighborhood by director Shingo Ōta (太田信吾) which was partially financed by the city, called "Fragile", was pulled from the 2013-2014 Osaka Asian Film Festival after Ota refused to cut scenes from the film that identified the location of the community and referenced certain aspects of its culture.[2]

>> No.21618122

Now that I've touched it once, I'm bpund to touch it again. I just have to get better at latching on once I've brushed it. The eye method works well. I want to try flying again next time.

>> No.21618141

Can i go to a concert by myself? I rly want to see roger waters live, pf is maybe my fav band and this is probably his last tour but i dont have many friends and none who are very into rock at all

>> No.21618253

i went to a concert by myself once but it was a free outdoor concert, so i just sort of wandered in. didn't feel weird. going to a payed concert with seats and shit might be kinda cringe. some relatives took me to a who concert and i saw at least two people who were alone. one was a really drunk trashy white guy who might have had an unironic mullet, and there was some fat guy with a fedora sitting by himself a few rows away. even if i think those dudes were kinda cringe, they seemed to be having fun, so i guess so and certainly don't give a shit what i think. that said, i don't have anyone to go to concerts with either. i'm not going to talk someone into seeing some shit they don't care about know what i mean.

>> No.21618368

>this is probably his last tour
I've been hearing this for a decade

>> No.21618386
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it's because ideas don't matter for your happiness. Happiness is a phenomenon of the flesh, as much as religiousfags would like to tell you otherwise. Even nigger rappers understand this basic principle, just "chase that bag" as they say. Just remember to have self control, because as they also say, "mo' money, mo' problems".

>> No.21618429

>Happiness is a phenomenon of the flesh, as much as religiousfags would like to tell you otherwise.
We do? Christians don't care about "happiness" which is mosty a psychological concept for hedonists who think life on this earth is about happiness. Life is about sacrifice for Christ, the "happiness" we seek is not on this earth but beyond.

>> No.21618504

LMAO what a cope

>> No.21618510

Biology, the study of the flesh like every other related field says this whole post is delusional nigger shit for retards. The worst possible advice for anyone looking to be "happy".

>> No.21618551

saw him live about 15 years ago was agood show. You should definately go

>> No.21618577

another day another cope

>> No.21618581

Everything is cope for materialists because cope is the psychological mechanism developed to account for a world without heaven.

>> No.21618583

But his ex looked so fucking sad, you don't understand. He could have at least waited a month or so

>> No.21618596

I'm open to other possibilities but there's a century of empirical data saying you're a retard. You have no answer to the actual data, no reasoning for why you're right except some tiktok rap memes or something.
This is literally you, she got that bag.

>> No.21618607

she got lost in the sauce, remember when I pointed out you need to have self control?

>> No.21618632

>make female friend
>friend starts flirting with me
>don’t feel the same way and she grows distant after some time
>start flirting back and she grows distant after some time
Lost count of how many times this shit has happened. Also, they flirt like a pajeet. The same women who go around bitching about respect, boundaries and toxic behavior grope you, try to cheat on their bfs with you and act hostile towards any other woman you happen to interact with. The average woman’s mentality when it comes to attracting someone is a mix between the seethiest incel and the horniest pajeet, with the main difference being they have no accountability and will lie and try to flip the situation of their favor at the drop of a hat.

>> No.21618637

You hid it at the end of a rant about how rap culture has the answers as opposed to actual traditions thinking about the subject for thousands of years.
If you had said discipline is the key to happiness you would be closer to the truth but then your point about ideas not mattering falls completely apart.
Pessimistic framing means almost everything is a positive surprise. If the baseline is dark enough a random flower can be a miracle that leaves you crying from the intense beauty.

>> No.21618641

you just got no game

>> No.21618653


migr8 >>21618646


>> No.21618721

Definitely. I was too afraid to be direct and escalate things sexually. Talking with a gazillion tinder sluts and going on dates helped me get over it. The stories I told are a couple years old because I’ve made no female friends since 2020.

>> No.21619574
