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21618228 No.21618228 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that focus on the phenomenon of atheism being such a huge midwit trap?

>> No.21618243
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>> No.21618249

>Dude just trust me bro

>> No.21618262
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>> No.21618275

>internet about 7 years ago
>evangelists and other religious fanatics aren't aware of how complex life is outside of their fairy tale head canon
>internet now
>atheists and agnostics aren't aware of how complex life is outside of their materialist head canon

>> No.21618283

Most of the midwits I see today are religious larpers who just repeat basic bitch apologetics

>> No.21618311

>life would not be possible if the laws of physics were different
So what? What is so special about life that it's existence needs to be justified? It's like picking up a rock and rattling off the multiple geological events that had to be just right to get the rock to the shape and composition it has. So what? If the geology had been different the rock would be different. What is so special about that particular rock?

>> No.21618322

Midwit christtards need to feel special or something, to distract themselves from the fact that they're secretly gay

>> No.21618331

atheists are just counter-initiation agents everyone knows the occult is real

>> No.21618676

an ordinary rock is nothing special, but if you found a rock that just so happened to be carved into the exact shape of the head of Michelangelo's David, you probably wouldn't assume it was just an accident.

>> No.21618784

>an ordinary rock is nothing special, but if you found a rock that just so happened to be carved into the exact shape of the head of Michelangelo's David, you probably wouldn't assume it was just an accident.
You're missing the point. Michelangelo's David existed as a target before you found the rock. You don't find the rock and then apply it backwards as the target. It's like having someone pick a random number between zero and a billion and then inferring some type of intelligent intervention since the odds of them picking that specific number are one in a billion. You have to pick the target number BEFORE you make the random choice not afterwards based on the random choice. Every configuration of physical laws is extremely unlikely not just the one leading to life so what is so special about life that needs to be justified?

>> No.21618793

>claims to be superior IQ by using a cosmological fine-tuning argument that 100% relies on you being incapable of counterfactual reasoning
lol, lmao even.

>> No.21618800

I would consider it an accident if there were 100000000^10000000 rocks that one of them just so managed to look like that.

>> No.21618814

>life would not be possible if the laws of physics were 0.0001% different.

>The water marvels at how perfectly the glass is shaped to contain it.

>> No.21619019

Is this a creationist argument or are you suggesting glassware naturally evolved to hold water?

>> No.21619049

I'm atheist, homosexual, right wing and nazi

>> No.21619099

kek. based.

Watched an African documentary, the only fat person in the village was the preacher

>> No.21619123

But humans AREN'T so different that such a comparison is logically founded. We're not David amongst a bunch of smooth/bumpy stones in a riverbed. The only distinct feature humans have amongst the rest of nature is an overdeveloped frontal cortex which curses us with self-awareness and heightened perception.

>> No.21619152

you dont need a reason to not believe in god, either to believe in god.

you have your own thoughts and you create your own reality.

what defines "you" is no one but you.

never define yourself as worthless, you deserve praise.

we love you anon, never forget that.

>> No.21619202
