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/lit/ - Literature

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21612617 No.21612617 [Reply] [Original]

Attack at Byron Ridge Edition

Previous Thread:>>21608322

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>> No.21612649

I Heckin Loooove Brandon Sanderson

>> No.21612651

Bakker is da King

>> No.21612655
File: 1.25 MB, 2700x1500, lord of the mysteries 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your pupils will dilate, your scalp will go numb, and you can't help but lampoon internally if you read Lord of the Mysteries!

>> No.21612753


It's not up to you

>> No.21612794
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Have you ready any novels based on existing properties recently?

>> No.21612802

Some RPG books , DnD and Vampire mostly.

The Vampire ones were good. Not bloated and had nice mix of flow and fanservice.

>> No.21613357
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You need to spend $400 to unlock all LOTM chapters in the official webnovel.com website and you are forced to use their shitty phone app to read it. You cannot even buy an ebook to read on e-readers.

>> No.21613378
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Are any of you familiar with the darkover/clingfire series? A girl i meet in class recommended them to me. Are they any good?

>> No.21613429

then go get it for free, and stop worrying about money

>> No.21613528

Darkover is an actuall good read, covering a lot of it´s own settings history. Can´t say anything for Clingfire. Read just one of the two during my youth. Just be wary of some stigma surrounding Bradley now, due to scandals involving her and her hubby. The books should be enjoyed apart from that if anything.

>> No.21613581

I read all 40 something Darkover books in my teens as a library worm. They are actually good from what I remember, it covers the history of a planet over several centuries, where the ruling class have psychic powers (don't remember exactly what they can do because the powers change a lot between novels. I think telekinesis, far sight, energy bursts something like that). The worldbuilding is rather simple it's mostly medieval to early modern Europe but in space and with magic.

>> No.21613615

growing up is realizing mormons are right about women

>> No.21613622
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Any post-technological post-apocaliptic fantasy recommendations? Like "The Lord of the Ice Garden" or anything else that doesn't just use it as a cliche plot twist?

>> No.21613677

The Dying Earth
Book of the New Sun

>> No.21613693

Pale Lights

>> No.21613784

dragonriders of pern takes place on a planet colonized by space-faring humans, with engineered dragons (and I believe the people are too) but none of that really concerns the actual plot itself

>> No.21613809
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Read The Wandering Inn, Read Mother of Learning, Read I Shall Seal the Heavens.

Also read The Prince of Nothing, Neuromancer, Cradle, A Song of Ice and Fire, Hyperion, Between Two Fires, The Poppy War.

>> No.21613811

>give up on a series
>years later decide that I want to finish it after all
>already forgot what I read so the only option is to read from scratch

Whats her name, /lit/?


>> No.21613819
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Libgen dot is, download this one

i had the same prob but im now reading on my kindle

>> No.21613825


>> No.21613888 [DELETED] 
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>it's a prax chapter

>> No.21613912

Today is the last day to provide books for the second poll. If there aren't any I will start the more popular books poll tomorrow by itself.

>> No.21613927


>> No.21613988

Prax chapters are awesome, fuck you.

>> No.21614023

For me Vampire: the Masquerade novels were less "author clearly translating mechanics into prose" than for D&D. Then again, former is more narrative focused.

>> No.21614029
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Not really. It's not like there are some crazy book-spanning narratives going on there. That would be like waiting for series to be finished before you start reading them lest you forget what happened while you wait for the author to cram out next installment. You guys don't do this... right?

>> No.21614036

is the group still dead? everyone went to discord, apparently.

>> No.21614046

No, they were bad.

>> No.21614053

It was never meant for discussion.

>> No.21614078 [DELETED] 
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Shut up.

>> No.21614085

I know, who would start anything before it's finished? I don't read anything before its finished. I don't play games until every one is released. The same for movies. If it isn't finished, I'm not doing anything. That's also why I have no interest in dating and go straight to marriage proposals. What if I spend all that time dating and it turns out I don't like the woman after all? Terrible. Also, this is for finished women only. I have to know they've turned out first. Always check the ending to be sure you aren't wasting your time.

>> No.21614091

Nobody who "went to discord" belonged here anyhow.

>> No.21614093

What do you like about Prax?

>> No.21614148

>Book of the New Sun
Thanks. This one feels really good so far.

>> No.21614154

Space botany is cool and you get world building normally not focused on in the novels regarding Ganymede and Inaros stuff in Babylons Ashes.

>> No.21614188
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I don't remember this scene. Can anyone enlighten me?

>> No.21614204

The Glorious Pupil, Titirga, Grandmaster of the Sohonc, shines the famed Day Lantern on Shaeönanra, Grandmaster of the Mangaecca and dread leader of the Unholy Consult.

>> No.21614306

Thanks, anon. I expected it would be Kellhus confronting Akka (with incorrect Decapitant placement and Ketyai skintone) along The Occlusion. Obviously that's not how things played out.

>> No.21614760
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>> No.21614765

Did that with Malazan. I started reading Malazan about 15 years ago, and kept up with it until book 9 was out, and then I just couldn't make it through book 9. It was too bleak, even compared to earlier books. At the time also I had no idea how long this series was going to be, it could have any number of books left and if they were all going to be that bleak I just couldn't bother with it. So I dropped book 9 about halfway into it, and didn't touch Malazan for years.

Then I found out the series actually ended with book 10, and had I stuck with it, I could've finished. So I started over from scratch. Book 8 and 9 were hard to get through, but book 10 made up for it.

>> No.21614770

Should've just looked at summaries. You write this like it's heroic or a show of sheer determination, but it's just a waste of time to me.

>> No.21614775
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>anti-hero protag
>literally just a villain
what does anti-hero even mean?
it goes from a normal guy who has average morals to literal murder who kills innocent people

>> No.21614812

anti-hero would do everything and anything to finish the job, if it means killing 100 innocent people to save 100k, they would do it

>> No.21614821

yeah but not when they kill innocent people for no reason like a lot of 'antiheroes' do

>> No.21614865

these days it often just means “the protagonist is a bad person”

>> No.21614880
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Why is it so hard to find a fantasy novel where a farmboy or other equivalent becomes a hero and goes on an adventure with his cute love interest?

>> No.21614906
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>> No.21615020

Honestly it's not really a clear-cut thing. The general rule is that anti-heroes are ultimately doing good stuff, I think, but they're overly pragmatic/amoral going about it. Or it should be, some 'anti-heroes' are just selfish assholes who don't technically qualify as villains because they don't really antagonise anybody directly life just keeps throwing people in their way.

>> No.21615080 [DELETED] 

>It's generic so it's boring so its bad so I hate it so I'll never make it so no one will make it so it's actually rare

>> No.21615183

Any Japanese/Chinese dark isekai or cultivation novels?

>> No.21615186

Reverend Insanity

>> No.21615194

>"most powerful magician in history"
>dies by...falling down
Bakker are you ok?

>> No.21615198

Mark of the Fool or the other gazillion novels you can choose from

>> No.21615200

Didn't Kellhus also die like a bitch?

>> No.21615207

To be fair, out of these four, only BOTN actually addresses the dying state of the planet in a meaningful way. In Night Land it's ogre, and in Ashton Smith and Vance dying Sun is just a fun backdrop for short stories

>> No.21615218
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>> No.21615303

Ostensibly an "anti-hero" is any good character who doesn't fit the standard, stereotypical archetype of "heroic." Luke Skywalker is a hero, Han Solo is an anti-hero; Viktor Laszlo is a hero, Rick Blaine is an anti-hero; Spiderman is a hero, The Punisher is an anti-hero, et cetera. It's someone who, over the course of his Heroes' Journey, does bad and unheroic things, but eventually abandons his self-serving foibles for the sake of the ultimate good of the narrative.
A lot of people (i.e. pseudointellectuals with the mentality of edgy teenagers) misinterpret this and believe that they can have their cake and eat it too by making their protagonists shamelessly amoral misanthropic sociopaths and then have them considered "the good guy" because they chopped the designated villain in half with their 18 foot long katana. These are the sort of people who cry about Star Wars being unfair for not letting your character use force lightning to electrocute randos without falling to the dark side. These are "heroes" from their own perspective in the same way Joseph Stalin is a hero from his own perspective, but most of the rest of the planet would have something different to say about that.

The final litmus test of whether a character is an anti-hero or an edgy mary sue donut steel OC is whether the character is willing to sacrifice something meaningful to themselves for the sake of others or completing their goal. It's not heroic if the level 100 godslayer animu protagonist with a demon father and cyborg mother who slices and dices his way across chinese-cartoon land effortlessly obliterates everything in his path to attain his status as god-emperor of the universe. It is heroic when Darth Vader, after spending the past 30 years of his life being a genocidal robotic toady, allows himself to suffer an excruciating death for the sake of his son's well-being.

>> No.21615315

Taran from The Chronicles of Prydain is arguably a femboy except he spends most of the novels away from his love interest (honestly he only really gets to hook up with her on the last 3 pages of the series)
Belgarion from the Belgariad is possibly a femboy, or at least a twink (or twunk) and he spends a lot of time with his shortstack redhead waifu who is unfortunately a grating useless bitch

>> No.21615373

>OC is whether the character is willing to sacrifice something meaningful to themselves for the sake of others or completing their goal.
This is the issue with western literature. It is brainwashing. Before reading chinese I did not know any better, I thought an ideal man (is also a hero) is great man who must suffer a loss (like it's almost his duty to sacrifice something of his or himself) in order for others to benefit, after reading chinese I have realized I really don't care about others and their welfare, I am noy sacrificing anything for anyone else, all I care is my own welfare. The heroes are idiots and authors who write them are jews or good goys who brainwash kids into thinking they are some kind of ideal people.

>> No.21615399 [DELETED] 
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>after reading the literature of soulless bugmen I began to think like a soulless bugman
many such cases!

>> No.21615422 [DELETED] 

lmao, even

>> No.21615425

based but cringe
cringe but based

>> No.21615455

That's because in Chinese fantasy Ming Ling can stay awake 24 hours huffing his magic cocaine and use his divine jujitsu to obliterate his enemies, then harvest their blood gems to refine his chi.

In western literature and irl you'd wake up with your throat cut and your shit stolen because you tried to be a selfish cunt and everyone hates you. Society and civilization by design is communal for this very reason.

>> No.21615462

you are a brainwashed goy, you cannot even comprehend a simple concept of caring about yourself first and looking after your own interests. You are calling me a bugman when you, yourself a drone worker with 0 sense of selfworth is ready to sacrifice your life the moment your hive master tells you to do so.

>> No.21615475
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>They hated him because he told the truth.

>> No.21615492

This general sucks

>> No.21615511

Tons of people irl are selfish and looking after their own interests and they are doing just fine, in fact they are doing much better than those who believe in western hero/great western man ideal.

>> No.21615516 [DELETED] 

>implying Kellhus isn't the other decapitant

>> No.21615527 [DELETED] 

>ching chong ping pong
translated from the chinese this says "MOM WHERE ARE MY FUCKING CHICKEN NUGGETS"

>> No.21615640

Lu Bu, one of the most fearsome warriors in Chinese history was betrayed by his own men while he was sleeping. They wrapped him in ropes then presented him to the enemy leader who executed him.

>> No.21615698
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it's good, nice scifi/fantasy crossover, some weaker books, and some books you can tell are cashgrabs but overall it's a fun space fantasy world (some books remind me of star ocean or phantasy star).
Also MZB was a pedo and you can tell because of the amount of age-gap relationships there are in her books.

>> No.21615707 [DELETED] 

>female author
>female protagonist
>female on the cover
No, thanks.

>> No.21615715
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your loss, more pagan bitches for me

>> No.21615755 [DELETED] 
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>having to think about or look at women causes him undue emotional distress
damn incels are gay as hell
captcha: psKKK

>> No.21615796
File: 105 KB, 576x823, Belgariad2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are really easy to find
A Man of His Word series and A Handful of Men Series by Dave Duncan
Chronicles of Prydain
Riddle-Master of Hed by Patricia McKillip
Memory, Sorrow and Thorn
The Winter of the World by Michael Scott Rohan
The World of the Alfar
Lords of the Isles

>> No.21615821

Memory Sorrow Thorn doesn't count because
A. Simon grows a thick beard before he's 16yo, and
B. he spends less than a hundred pages (out of 3000) with Miriamele, and she only becomes becomes friendly towards him in the last 5 fucking pages of the series after cucking him with jerks

>> No.21615829 [DELETED] 

>after cucking him with jerks
kinda hot

>> No.21615844
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I finished Mother of Learning the other day. I couldn't stop reading even though the writing was just mediocre.

>> No.21615876
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Dios mio... El shitposter....

>> No.21615882

great, now you can go and read actual literature

>> No.21615887
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>Will Wight's next book isn't Cradle #12 but an entirely new scifantasy series
cradlebros.... we lost...

>> No.21615895 [DELETED] 

>Anti-Male Anti-British Anti-Christian book turns out to be written by a pedophile rapist
wow who could've seen that coming

>> No.21615899

Yeah I should go read some isekai

>> No.21615900

This guy gets it. I read it almost a year ago and I've still got MoL withdrawl.

>> No.21615902

Isn't Belgariad like, the most 'default fantasy story' ever?

>> No.21615908
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Kingdom management Japanese isekai, perfect for lowering your latent IQ.

>> No.21615911 [DELETED] 

>>having to think about or look at women causes him undue emotional distress
No distress, it's just incredibly tiring

>> No.21615918

mol is garbage, you have a garbage withdrawal symptoms?

>> No.21615931
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Yes, and?

>> No.21615932

Eh, I figure it'll probably be good, at any rate. He's not my favourite author, and I have my issues with Traveler's Gate and Elder Empire (and minor nitpicks with Cradle) but he's consistently enjoyable and makes fun characters, if nothing else.

>> No.21615935

Just checking to make sure I was thinking of the right thing.

>> No.21616069
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Any fantasy/crime books following a professional thief similar to Richard Stark's Parker?

>> No.21616097

Vlad Taltos

>> No.21616123

Publication order or chronological?

>> No.21616128

Any books about the Cold War which has the Soviets capture occult powers/advanced technology from the Germans during WW2

>> No.21616130


>> No.21616223
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>Pale Lights
I read the first chapter. Does it get better?

The protagonist is an unlikable thief and murderer with a deus ex machina superpower. The bad writing makes it even more boring.
>Were he a gambling man, and he was, he would wager that
The world is interesting but the story isn't. After the first chapter there is still no reason why I should care about anything.

>> No.21616246

It's deliberately written as a pastiche (not a parody) of every single archetype, trope, cliche, and literary device within the corpus of medieval fantasy literature or heroic tradition all crammed together in such a way as to be the ultimate in entertainment. In a sense it's very much the Star Wars of fantasy literature, because it's basically written using Joseph Campbell's "The Hero With a Thousand Faces" as an outline. This leads to the paradox of a series literally designed to be as universally derivative as possible somehow being uniquely entertaining among fantasy literature, in the same way that Disney animated movies are infinitely more memorable and iconic than the original popular fairy tales they're based off of. Whether or not you enjoy that sort of thing is a matter of personal taste.

>> No.21616295
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Currently reading this, 10% in. Enjoying it so far, I haven't read a female author in several years although it's from the 60's and I think she may have been a genius so it's OK plus it's a rare book.

Anyone else read Jane Gaskell?

>> No.21616318
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I'm sad, I think I've read all the actual good books and I'm at a loss what to read now
I've basically read everything good by
>Jack Vance
>Gene Wolfe
>Poul Anderson
>Philip k dick
>Glen cook
And I've read all the good one off books from the mega
I need something but everything I pick up ends up gay

>> No.21616375
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>> No.21616376

Are the Glen Cook Garrett P.I. books any good? I find the premise interesting

>> No.21616378

I haven’t read all those authors but I will always recommend David Gemmell. One thing it’s not is gay. Start with Legend.

>> No.21616389

Lafferty? Chesterton?

>> No.21616423

Le Guin, Peake

>> No.21616439
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Is MZB's work at all worth reading, even if she is a disgusting person?

>> No.21616501

They're a lot of fun. First three are pretty formulaic, and it improved quite a bit once he broke away from it. I think my favorite thing about it as a whole was how he developed plots for each of the books out of small details and background worldbuilding that had been set up in previous volumes. It's a great way of making the series build on itself.

>> No.21616503

trust your instincts

>> No.21616513
File: 67 KB, 1280x844, Jane Gaskell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gaskell scifi is femcel-tier, gets crazier as it goes on. she was really one of a kind.

>> No.21616547

Yeah I get a femcel vibe which makes no sense because she was fucking hot for a 60's girl

>> No.21616556

also I don't think you will, but if you have a digital copy of A Sweet Sweet Summer you should hit me up because it's a nightmare to track down

>> No.21616563
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more 60's gaskell because why not

>> No.21616568

>Anti-Male Anti-British Anti-Christian book turns out to be written by a pedophile rapist
This is slander against normal child rapists like Roman Polanski.

>> No.21616578

Any good fantasy cuck stories? Asking for another anon.

>> No.21616592

Is Redemption Ark's first third as dry as Revelation Space's was?

>> No.21616672
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reminded me of pic related

>> No.21616693

Yes. It's mostly exposition of that girl and her life on that planet, and that nigga with Dry Eyes.

>> No.21616706

So the Nonmen are alien too, right?
>The Fathoming constitutes a symbolic re-enactment of Imimorûl's flight from the Heavens (or Starving) into the depths beneath what became Siol, the House Primordial, the idea being that souls so deep can slip the notice of the Gods and find oblivion.
This strikes me as a direct parallel to the Inchoroi.
Though in TWP Akka describes that it was the Inchies who explained to the Nonmen that stars were other suns and all else was void between.

>> No.21616726

Any books about girls coming of age/beating adversity? I enjoyed Tamora Pierce and Anne McAffrey.

>> No.21616741
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I liked this. I read it in 6th grade though.

>> No.21616782
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I am really enjoying this, despite the fact that the main characters are white males...

>> No.21616792

How far into the future is Book of the New Sun supposed to be?
What did humanity do to warrant the sun being dimmed?

>> No.21616803

Alastair Reynolds
Kim Stanley Robinson
Dan Simmons

>> No.21616811

Geologically significant time.
That's the next book.

>> No.21616817

You probably have already but The Expanse by James S.A Corey.

>> No.21616819

Heralds of Valdemar

>> No.21616830

I just imagined them as Mestizos

>> No.21616946

>Alright, here’s what you’re going to do
>You’re going to read the Commonwealth Saga by Peter Hamilton
>Then, once you’re done and have had hour fill, you’re going to read the Void Trilogy by the same author
>You are not, under any circumstances, going to read Misspent Youth. Trust me, you’ll regret it

>> No.21616964

I'll reading and writing about a book from each of these polls this month.

The 4 popular books are:
Snow Crash
Red Rising
The Black Company
Promise of Blood

The 4 chosen books are:
The Garment of Caean by Barrington Bayley
Lords of the Starship by Mark Geston
A Plague of Demons by Keith Laumer
A Strange Manuscript found in a Copper Cylinder by James De Mille

>> No.21616972
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>Lovecraft wrote 500+ poems
>Lovecraft only wrote about 70 prose pieces (mainly short stories)
Why do people only talk about the prose? It's a bit sad considering he loved reading poetry much more, particularly since he adored Clark Ashton Smith and Lord Dunsany.

>> No.21616983

Because a vanishingly tiny propotion of people give half a fuck about poetry.

>> No.21616987

Then I am one of them. Tar me. Feather me. Hound me. But I am a son of Milton and a member of the Homeridae. Alas, I am sailing upon a wine-dark sea, blind and crying for Charybdis to swallow me from this self-substantial cruelty, this world that no longer rhapsodes, that no longer has its odes on a Grecian urn.

>> No.21616993
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Because it's not very good? Most artists are remembered only for a fraction of their artistic output, and for good reason.

>> No.21616995

Psychopompos is good. Fungi from Yuggoth is a classic too. Nyarlathotep is a great prose poem.

>> No.21616997

You might just be a faggot.

>> No.21617006

Tolkien was a poet before he was a novelist; they just won't release his verse rendition of the Beowulf because the Tolkien estate is evil and wants to keep mankind oppressed and, in the darkness, bound.

>> No.21617057
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Im going to read it guys...wish me luck

>> No.21617060
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>amazon reviewer

>> No.21617062
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fuckin' uzi jesus

>> No.21617064 [DELETED] 

No way! Is that THE jexta_ from the famous reviewing website Amazon.com?! Holy shit!!

>> No.21617067
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I was not expecting this.

>> No.21617071
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should've gotten brandosando

>> No.21617073
File: 270 KB, 800x533, r scott bakker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sample chapters he posted were from The Darkness That Comes Before—the book ACM reviles without having read more than its first five pages (as she admits right off the bat, in her post, and contradicts somewhere in the comments). I read the chapters, and then much of the initial draft, and then the entire final product, when it was published.

I cringed more than once, as I read; the myriad, relentless abuses of power and people in the book are pretty hard to bear. But I never felt that Scott’s depiction of these abuses was gratuitous or self-indulgent. Partly because I know him, yes—but also because I’m pretty clear that authors don’t have to be nasty people to write about nasty things.

Authors use imagination and intellect to make things up—things they might be drawn to on aesthetic or thematic levels, but which might horrify them on an emotional one. He made up a dark, dire, grim patriarchal world in which women, men, beasts—hell, any and all life forms—are degraded. I understand readers who say, “Wow—this book isn’t my thing at all—I’m going to put it down forever.” But it’s a gargantuan leap from “I really don’t like this book” to “I really don’t like the man who wrote this book.” It’s a leap ACM makes effortlessly—because she was never actually reacting to his fiction. No: she’s made her claims about his novels, and him, based only on things he’s said in online forums and interviews and on his blog; based on the “impressions” of shadowy second-hand sources.

But why? She attacks his books without having read them. She attacks his character without having met him. There’s no reason here, and no reasons—just an inexplicably personal kind of rancour.

>> No.21617089

A Plague of Demons is cool

>> No.21617145
File: 108 KB, 700x1050, 24611565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started reading picrel, I'm onto the 4th book of 6. Anyone else read this? The setting is pretty nice, but the story is so convoluted. Perspective changes constantly, non of the characters are at all interesting, and there are about 100 of them so it's impossible to keep track of whos who.

Maybe I'm a brainlet but I think I'm starting to realise I prefer single POV books with focused stories.

>> No.21617194 [DELETED] 

Why the post about Caliban's War was deleted?

>> No.21617205

People either delete their own posts or get their posts deleted if they are banned for another post somewhere else.

>> No.21617214 [DELETED] 

>shaeonanra, kelhus, aurang, aurax and the other fucks in the consult all died like bitches
lmao r scott

>> No.21617219

How do you read that stuff? It's like he's trying to cram as much contrived language in one sentence. None of it reads naturally.

>> No.21617234 [DELETED] 

What's the point in the latter?

>> No.21617235

yes, nonmen were scout seeds sent by the Ark/living ship/whatever housed the inchoroi far before it crashed into earwa
the incheroi were the ark's defence system, along with the dragons, and weren't supposed to escape the ark. The nonmen were the intelligence seeders who destroyed most of the dumb incheroi except two and then the ark grafted intelligence/machina onto aurang/aurax to make them smart
the nonmen encountered the emwama who were stupid and easy to conquer but didn't count on the intelligent humans coming over from Eanna

>> No.21617243

I was only there for the philosophy, the concept of an alien race committing genocide just to escape eternal hell and thus being the good guys seemed cool at the time
will never read it again

>> No.21617245 [DELETED] 

I'm not a mod nor janny, but I think it's a form of despamming as well as possibly punishing them. It's weird when their other posts taken down are not shitposts.

>> No.21617257

I wouldn't read that because I'd have thought it would have at least 12 characters and fuck that, let alone 100

>> No.21617271

"Beyond the Wall of Sleep" is now my favourite Lovecraft tale... It seems really well thought out and the form is more interesting than his other oneiric stories.

>> No.21617284


>> No.21617304

recommend me a good sci fi horror, I'm dying

>> No.21617310

ah guys, why did no one tell me wheel of time has no lovemaking scenes?
12 books in

>> No.21617318

At the Mountains of Madness (spooky Antarctica sci fi)
Whisperer in the Darkness (classic for the trope it invents)
Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus (THE original sci fi horror)
It isn't good, but my dairy desu (https://pastebin.com/KtAKbrwE))

>> No.21617373

Tristan is one of two protagonists (you'll see the second one , Tredegar , on the next chapter)
The premise so far is that they try to escape their troubles by taking part in the annual Watch trials. It's all on the site's home page

I'm not going to defend Tristan's gray morality but is is a man with a cause. His powr is low level , beleive it or not. Tredegar is more mary sue and genuenly "good' but honoround to the point of stupidity and idolizes noble culture to a fault.

>> No.21617378

Lol this general (and especially /lit/ ) are plagued by r*dditors. I bet there is some real seething (followed by cope) when all those self deleted posts still appear in the archives

>> No.21617393

oh , the not-so-secret cover.

Donut taking Yu-Gi-Oh fighting stance is awesome.

>> No.21617400

I apparently can't type properly without coffee in the morning , sorry

>> No.21617565
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Hey guys. I'm writing report for school on the subject of the science fiction genre, mainly the categorizations of the genre, and the differentiations between the subgenres.
I unironically want your redpilled take on the topic, if you have one.

>> No.21617632


>> No.21617638
File: 819 KB, 896x640, 00623-2880526268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C'mon motherfuckers! Is Space Opera a subgenre or something completely different? Does it just imply an element (like magic in "fantasy"), or do the elements have to be the focus of the story? Is the foreign perspectives of different beings important, or not even part of the equations? How about the difference in focus between the hard/soft sciences?

>> No.21617642

nigga you got lost on a way to google? Ask ChatGPT
Space opera is just sci-fi focused on human relationships over grand concepts or science

>> No.21617646

Check the archives, the topic has been discussed countless times, no one is going to repost all that again

>> No.21617653

I'm on such a long thread with GPT, right now. I also know what Wikipedia says. One thing GPT is bad at is coming up with is original reasoning and accurately report where it's coming from. And I wanted to see if anyone had something you don't hear everywhere else.
I guess I will. thx.

>> No.21617706
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>> No.21617726

Also, it was written by a man who kept children caged in his basement.

>> No.21617735

Picked the fuck up

>> No.21617739
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Why are so many classic SFF authors despicable

>> No.21617749
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Sounds based

>> No.21617757

Thanks for the info. I wouldn't call becoming unkillable low level. Luck is the most cancerous superpower there is. It's a lazy justification to let the author do whatever the fuck he wants.
>Tredegar is more mary sue
>honoround to the point of stupidity and idolizes noble culture to a fault
Doesn't sound much better.

>> No.21617780

I've not read anything by Bakker. Is this really what the characters look like? Kinda makes me want to read his stuff.

>> No.21617806 [DELETED] 
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Most characters look like this (imagine the phallus hard and curved)

>> No.21617820

I still don't know where they get the human heads
No I won't read the books

>> No.21617831

souce: I'm a schizo

>> No.21617853
File: 109 KB, 1200x660, Cu%3Fjara-Cinmoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those illustrations are a good representation of what the books are about and how they feel. There aren't any excessive visual descriptions of the magic. Many will shit on Bakker but his works are a pinnacle of modern fantasy with the best play on fantasy race dynamics. I wish there were more reinterpretations of the genre like this rather than typical Tolkien's elves, dwarves and orcs.

>> No.21617877

I’ve been reading Cherryh (mostly SF but also very strong fantasy works). Any Cherryh readers?

>> No.21617908

>Many will shit on Bakker but his works are a pinnacle of modern fantasy with the best play on fantasy race dynamics

It's literally just "what if the fantasy races are ayylmaos, ayy lmao"

>> No.21617944

is this worth getting on sale?

>> No.21617998

Arthur C Clarke, Asimov, Harlan Ellison. Any other hard sci fi I need?

>> No.21618003

He said farmboy, you retarded coomer

>> No.21618018


>> No.21618106


>> No.21618150

Well you seem to have good taste so far, try some of these:
R. A. Lafferty, Peake's Gormenghast, Le Guin, Alfred Bester, Arthur Clarke, Vinge's Zones of Thought, Simmons' Hyperion, Miller's Canticle for Liebowitz, K. J Parker, Greg Bear and M. John Harrison.

>> No.21618397

You can find faults on qnything you start to read if you try hard enough.

Yes , Tristan is a Rat. Tredegar a spoiled YA protagonist. Maybe their interactions will be interesting? Maybe the Watch trials will change them? What about the setting? How the hell does a treasure island adventure merge with a cthulu post-apocalyptic setting? I didn't know , just like I didn't know why the hell we spent so much time in the Shire in LotR and why we had a time-skip after only a few pages in Foundation.

I really don't know what other reading suggestions I can give. I've never found a book that gripped me from the start and I've read a ton of things , inside and outside of scff. So let's try this the other way.

Do YOU have something that will grip me from the start and that will stay good throughout?

>> No.21618428

>actually le parshendi are le good guys
I am not liking where oathbringer appears to be going.

>> No.21618466

Bakker is a fucking midwit pseud with a fixation on gay sex and half-baked nihilism, he is a retard that tried and failed to achieve CHIM but instead of becoming Dagoth Ur he became a dogfucking Canadian

>> No.21618511

read the first of the avatar kyoshi books.
was nice, if a bit inconsequential.
I read it to get some more of the avatar world and see bending being used as a proper weapon of war, both of which I got.
what did you think?

>> No.21618573

Hey does Shallans ghostblood shit actually go anywhere or is she just doomed to always be disconnected from the main cast?

>> No.21618622 [DELETED] 

>clearly didnt read Bakker
>his fantasy knowledge is videogames

>> No.21618723

I'm so glad I dropped this series.

>> No.21618743

>Greg Bear
Been meaning to try him when I heard about his death. What's a good book of his to start with? Blood Music?

>> No.21618761

I just read the first book in the series and liking it.

>> No.21618776

why? Did uzi-jezus hurt your christian feelings?

>> No.21618789

Both uzi-jesus and the retarded cat in general have the same issue

it's 2012 lolsorandumb """humor"""

>> No.21618827

The cover tells me it's still shit.
The only people I see enjoying this shit are the rebbitors that are gassing the author to write a bunch of shit.

>> No.21618967

lol , are you seriously mad about making fun of US conservatives? Holy shit!

Not really , it was the most popular litRPG even before reddit found out about it.

>> No.21619006

His books are shit and people shit on the for a reason. Bakker posters are shit tier trolls.

>> No.21619020 [DELETED] 
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>lol , are you seriously mad about making fun of US conservatives? Holy shit!

>> No.21619041

Anon, if you feel that rebbit doesn't lurk in royal road, and thus only after something becomes popular rebbit learns of it, you are highly mistaken.
There are rebbitors in royal road RIGHT NOW. and they are shilling books other places.
Rebbitors are usually the ones who are paypiggies, and will be on authors patreon telling them how they aren't inclusive enough.
Dungeon Shit Carl is a rebbitor farmed novel, from page one to now.

>> No.21619050
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Has there been a bigger disconnect between how an audience perceives a character's appearance and the author's intent?

>> No.21619059 [DELETED] 

>censoring reddit
holy newfag

>> No.21619073

ah , so it's a cabal of secret redditors , right

>> No.21619096 [DELETED] 

>calling it rebbit for 10+ years on 4chins
>suddenly get called out for it in 2023 and labelled as a newfag
Anon, I think you are the newfriend who is trying to fit in.

>> No.21619124 [DELETED] 

I can tell there is a big bunch of reddit crossposting scum here

>> No.21619128 [DELETED] 

every time
iirc it was wordfiltered around 2013/2014 for a brief time because people spammed the word so much, so they censored as a workaround
of course you came here when that was the norm so you wouldn't know
tldr lurk moar

>> No.21619141

>he perceives the content differently based on what he knows about the author
Umm sweetie, you're not actually reading books.

>> No.21619190

To the gemposter who recommended Fodder to me, I want to say you almost gave me a heart atack from the near NTR happening twice, with the first one still being a pending threat(an incubus summoned in the form of MC's lover that hangs around all the time).
Overall not a bad story, but it feels flat due to author writting when he feels like it, with some ideas of what he wants to happen and cruising along to reach there. It's less a story about our MC, a former criminal leader stuck in a goblin's body, more of a telling of a fantasy world he has in his head, presented through certain scenes that jump ahead rather than flow to the next one, not to mention the jarring multiple POVs, all in all hard to get attached.

>> No.21619204

>an incubus summoned in the form of MC's lover that hangs around all the time
The incubus is summoned in the form of a perfect partner of our MC's lover, who is a mother of his goblins, and he isn't indifferent to her.

>> No.21619244

You did see me say 10 plus years, right? I just used 10 as a base. I was here since 2005, faggot. Sometimes I wish snacks was still here to wipe you faggets out. This place is just falling further and further each year into the trashcan of the internet.

>> No.21619281

iain banks

>> No.21619305
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Is there any /sffg/ world where gods regularly interact with humans/inferior beings?

>> No.21619308

dystopias need concepts that make your skin crawl like the concept for the last of us with the whole fungi zombies thing.

dystopias (cities) shouldn't be le heckin comfy neon lit shit, they need some political abstract concept or fucking something which makes you vomit thinking about it.

>> No.21619314

If that trope of "le heckin comfy neon" isn't vomit inducing to you I genuinely pity whatever life you must be leading. That shit is miserable.

>> No.21619328

>overcrowded, polluted city
>glamorous neon facade but plagued by rampant crime and extreme social injustice
>life as cheap as it comes
There's nothing "comfy" about this kind of setting

>> No.21619335

>they need some political abstract concept or fucking something which makes you vomit thinking about it.
Worst fucking opinion. You don't understand dystopia. Go read Hunger Games.

>> No.21619340

its nowhere near visceral enough. the concept alone should be intriguingly grim to the point you'd think about it irrespective of the fictional world.

its easy to do with something like bugs and nasty ass disgusting shit but its still the goal if you want to attempt something like a dystopia.

its gotten to the point that its basically just benign and even slightly enticing to live in a fictional dystopia.
neon light look is cool but it has to be tied with something gross.

kind of like how a wasteland is somewhat appealing in a weird visual way with all the greenery, a kind of true to form brutalism.

>> No.21619360

You are both adorable. I hope you have the patience to complete the 12ish(?) book series because it’s highly satisfying

>> No.21619361

hardly visceral enough, it needs to feel like its in your back yard.
again i feel nothing when i think about. need a stronger concept.

>> No.21619384

Percy Jackson

>> No.21619410

You must be a person who reads all those light novels that have rape in every volume

>> No.21619415

Every time I try to participate in this gen, I get ignored. I am sad about it.

>> No.21619421

lame and too intimate, a dystopia is societal level. not your stupid (effects the whole nation/world) little rape fetish.

>> No.21619430

>Finding diversity in books has come a long way compared to only a few years ago. As a reader growing up, finding LGBTQA+ characters in books was hard enough, especially if you were looking for a main character. With the recent increase of diversity in publishing, there are so much more titles to enjoy for people of color and members of the LGBTQA+ community especially. Science fiction and fantasy have really stepped up their game to feature more transgender characters than any other genre, so if you’re looking for recommendations for the best trans fantasy and science fiction stories, we’ve got you covered!

>> No.21619432

Literally who

>> No.21619439

which post?

>> No.21619443

Well, none in this one so far.

>> No.21619451

I'm just generally morose about it when I see the thread.

>> No.21619459

I for one am not in every one of these threads. I basically stick my head in about once a month or so but I’m not in here every day. So, just because no one responded in one thread doesn’t mean they won’t in the next one.

>> No.21619463

It could be worse, you could be in the cyberpunk hellscape where the planet resembles a large mall --- oh wait, that's happening! Oh no!

>> No.21619469


>> No.21619486

Comfy. I'll get Starship Troopers from the library today now.

>> No.21619487

Is it good tho?

>> No.21619494

Ah yes, the comfort dystopias.

>> No.21619513

Didn't Heinlein think we needed more DISCIPLINE and to stop moral decline through some forms of authoritarianism? Or does he think without that, we end up with fascism?

>> No.21619514

nta, but if you fit in, then dystopias are pretty comfy. It's when you're not an NPC is when it becomes a problem.

>> No.21619541

The expanse is the peak of space opera and sci fi as a whole.

>> No.21619546
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>> No.21619567

Kellhus planned his own death

>> No.21619572
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SF and fantasy with a heavy Egyptian influence?

>> No.21619577


>> No.21619578

Lovecraft and Robert E Howard to a degree.

>> No.21619598

>learn that a sci-fi anime i watched as a kid had three novels released in english a couple of years ago
>they are all about side characters i don't give a shit about
for what purpose?

>> No.21619607

Where do you want the fantasy genre to go next?

>> No.21619611

fantasy alabama

>> No.21619614


>> No.21619619

He treated politics as a topic to write science fiction about. Really good stuff but it's still not on the level of someone immersed in the specific theory. Starship Troopers just ended up being his most popular book.

>> No.21619623

purest of copiums, Kellhus got No-Godded.com

>> No.21619636


>> No.21619641

Someone should get inspired by fromsoft games and start a new subgenre.

>> No.21619663
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Yes, I'm afraid and enraged by brutalism and artificial lighting

>> No.21619668
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>> No.21619683

Not unless every book he wrote after Starship Troopers was an elaborate troll.

>> No.21619688

themes or technology?

For themes I don't know. More larger-than-life heroes maybe? Too much modern problems in my fantasy these days.

For tech , AI is the future. Not for the writing itself but the enjoyment of it. I want in a few years for us to be able to have audible versions of our books baed on parameters we put on the neural network engine. I want a comic book or a graphic novel to be generated with a fantasy novel as promt. Hell , in ten years I want an AI to autogenerate for me a VR experience base on books and misc parameters I give it as input.

>> No.21619697

Why did someone turn chad into a chink?

>> No.21619713


>> No.21619721
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>> No.21619744

But souls games are boring

>> No.21619757


>> No.21619759
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The truth hurts /sffg/.

>> No.21619768
File: 54 KB, 294x475, anubis gates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not heavy, but you might like it

>> No.21619776

he's edgy ... just like me!

>> No.21619775

Like modern fantasy isn't. Dark gripping conceprs about some weird magicians, lovecraftian gods, cursed protagonists are going to fit right in with twisted not!elves, medieval squabbles and torchurers.

>> No.21619787

man is deaf to the concept of context

>> No.21619797

I can't care about someone's opinion when they have no soul.

>> No.21619819

If you are 12 or read it at 12 yeah its excellent. As an adult I would only recommend it if you really, REALLY like urban fantasy and Greek myths.

>> No.21619888

snacks? the faggot who wanted reduced moderation because he was too lazy to do his job?
lurk a lot moar
take your "ugh but thing I don't like is SHIT and I'm an oldfagggggg because I said I wuz" logic back to >>>/v/ already

>> No.21619906 [DELETED] 

shoop da whoop and go brushie linetraps' boipussy

>> No.21619959

Has anyone burned bridges faster than Mieville?

>> No.21619983

looks like he let his sales go to his head

>> No.21619986

Seeing nip pong Tao Wong immolate his career was amusing.

>> No.21619995

He went full Red, sadly. Last work of fiction were two novellas in 2016. On the other hand...

>October: The Story of the Russian Revolution (2017).
>A Spectre, Haunting: On the Communist Manifesto (2022)

>> No.21620000

Are people still supporting him?
He really shoot himself in both feet, then went and did it again.

>> No.21620046

>Tao Wong immolate his career
what happen?

>> No.21620066

>made an April Fool's blogpost about how he wouldn't copyright the term "System Apocalypse"
>copyrights the term "System Apocalypse" later that same year (this was 2 or 3 years ago I want to say)
>got some books/series with "System Apocalypse" removed off Amazon
>wasn't even the most popular nor the first entry into the genre but acted like it was all him
poor human relations above all else I'd say

>> No.21620087

Are people still leaving negative reviews telling people not to buy his books?

>> No.21620097

As far as I know, his upcoming unreleased books have negative reviews yes.

>> No.21620108

Lets see how long they keep it up for.

>> No.21620120

Quidditch is fucking stupid.

>> No.21620125

1900s man wrote 1900s fiction, omg.

>> No.21620150

the golden snitch is a mary sue ball

>> No.21620186

He Who Fights With Monsters

>> No.21620234

>read some books by author
>they're alright
>look up the author
>hated as being "extreme right wing lunatic"
wow ok based I didnt even know it going in

>> No.21620263

>edgy gay franco-mutt communist has the name "China, My City"
what a parody of a human being

>> No.21620296
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Give me your comfiest books

>> No.21620297

Does /sffg/ actually read books?

>> No.21620323

oh that sucks i thought the series was already done. i guess that gives me an excuse to go back and read all the sci-fi shit which i started skipping by book 3 or 4 because of how boring it was. boy was i surprised when it took him until book 9 to make any of that shit actually matter.

>> No.21620348
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I read everything here

>> No.21620371
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>I've always visualised her as a world-weary Judi Dench
Me too, that's why i want to fuck her

>> No.21620378
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Forgotten Realms
Book of Swords by Fred Sabergahen
Most of Moorcock's fantasy work

>> No.21620395

The Belgariad
Sewer, Gas and Electric

>> No.21620432

>The Belgariad
is there a reading order?

>> No.21620457

she cute

>> No.21620501

I pictured her in her late 30s early 40s biologically but that might be because I'm a milf connoisseur

>> No.21620504


>> No.21620524

Anything translated into English from another language is not worth reading, especially if it's translated from a bugtongue like Chinese. Please stop recommending translated fiction.

>> No.21620532

yeah it's called the order they were released, Eddings wrote them in the order they were meant to be read, just get the omnibuses from Barnes and Noble or something, the 10 books are split into 4 easy trade paperback volumes

>> No.21620560
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x720, vtmb ambience.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for some reccies
>fantasy but with a female protag that isn't contemporary girlboss shit? obviously fantasy as a genre will involve a hero and whatnot, the protagonist is or will be more competent and accomplished than her peers eventually, but there's a huge difference between that and like Princess Peach in the Mario movie who just exists to girlboss and has no character development beyond that
>urban fantasy that's more like low-fantasy urban fantasy? more esoteric/occult shit, rich dudes and mobsters dealing with magic and forces beyond their comprehension. i dislike how this genre seems to always involve fairies and/or vampires and/or vampire fairies because it's always "courts" and the same thing i've seen in other urban fantasy novels. Dresden Files got way too hung up on this and i lost interest in it. i don't dislike vampires necessarily, it's just an over usage in this genre that i'm tired of.
>nice gritty 80s/90s feeling cyberpunk? have read Neuromancer, Androids Dream of Electric Sheep - huge fan of Blade Runner. also really like the SNES Shadowrun game, was thinking of trying to find some stuff in that setting, cyberpunk and fantasy go really well together IMO

>> No.21620579
File: 53 KB, 306x500, 51Qp3NOAGhL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try grrm's 1000 worlds, similar to vance in setting, but maudlin

>> No.21620592
File: 68 KB, 405x540, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is Vance's fantasy series Lyonesse?

>> No.21620605

Now tell me which ones have the best harems and sex scenes

>> No.21620608

i'm planning on reading Stackpole's Battletech Warrior trilogy.

>> No.21620638

I don't read for harems. I skim that shit. I just read for the story being told.

>> No.21620645

the inchoroi do not want oblivion, that is a thought process unique only to the cunoroi; what they want is no damnation, the halaroi want salvation.

as for extraterrestrial nature of the nonmen, i think immimorul taught them magic to better damn them and thus serve as a feast to the starving outside, the nonmen in turn taught magic to humans and they were damned as well, seems like an elaborate plot by the outside

>> No.21620664

Read mushoku tensei

>> No.21620674

>nice gritty 80s/90s feeling cyberpunk? have read Neuromancer, Androids Dream of Electric Sheep - huge fan of Blade Runner. also really like the SNES Shadowrun game, was thinking of trying to find some stuff in that setting, cyberpunk and fantasy go really well together IMO
The Eclipse Trilogy/A Song Called Youth (1985-1990) by John Shirley, the whole plotline of the Assault on Arasaka Tower from Cyberpunk 2077 it's inspired from this, the main chracter is very similar to Johnny Silverhand too.

>> No.21620675
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>world where god(((s))) regularly interact

>> No.21620696

library of mount char
man i wonder what happened to library at mount char anon, predating fucking bakspam

>> No.21620702

thematically, its not wrong, humans are native to yolen, they branched out to every other planet from it, barring sel, where the makers created humans based on their memory of yolen; for the rosharan system, ashyn was the human homeplanet before it got destroyed

>> No.21620704

I always asked when people recommended his work if his IRL seething communism seeps into his work and I never get an answer but now I know I don't care to read him.
Who the fuck names their kid "China"? Bloodline must be cursed.

>> No.21620709

well even book 4 could not answer this question, book 5 maybe

>> No.21620717

>they branched out to every other planet from it, barring sel, where the makers created humans based on their memory of yolen
same for scadrial
scadrial itself didn't exist until ruin and preservation created it

>> No.21620724

mask of the sorcerer

>> No.21620725

actually you probably meant scadrial instead of sel to begin with*

>> No.21620731
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very cool, thanks

is this some kind of schizo magnet

>> No.21620742

Nah but it is exactly
>urban fantasy that's more like low-fantasy urban fantasy? more esoteric/occult shit

>> No.21620744

new thread WHEN?

>> No.21620759

Which author?

>> No.21620791

Neal Asher.

>> No.21620796

yeah, you are right, mean scadrial, i suppose sel is the oldest after yolen or is that nalthis?

regardless, the movement of humans throughout the cosmere is an interesting concept for me and one of the major draws for the series; also do we know how humans have reached places like first of the sun, therenody or lumar?

>> No.21620872

>sel is the oldest after yolen or is that nalthis?
No idea, and coppermind doesn't exactly provide any definitive answer.

No idea about First of the Sun. coppermind says that they're not new to the system but they're also not native.
>The origin of the human population is unknown, but it predates Ambition's arrival
No idea about Lumar.

>> No.21620881

>do my homework for me
bitch where do you think we are, /sci/?

>> No.21620884

Reynolds is just a shit character writer.

>> No.21620901

Yeah, I specifically meant the escape from the Endless Starving, not so much the end goals. Was Imimorûl really a god as Men believe? I interpreted him as being a progenitor figure.

>> No.21620917

Night's Master, if you consider not-Satan to be a god

>> No.21620958

well the nonmen founding story of immimorul cutting his fingers and placing them in the womb of lions and giving rise to them is clear, but it must always be considered that the more you distort the world around you using gods voice, ie magic, the more thoroughly you damn yourself, making you that much more palatable to the multitudes of ciphrang; immimorul, a being from the outside must have known this, yet he created a granary race for his brethren on the outside and taught them magic as well, i believe the nonmen to be the original granary race and immimorul taught them about the depths as a coping mechanism, with that factory closed due to the inoculation, the ciphrang engendered humans to learn magic from the nonmen though that ran counter to the mission of the inchoroi that added in exterminating nonmen due to their falseness

>> No.21620961

In that case, Arthur C Clark and others are already doing my it for me, as I'm including their ideas. Bretty cool

>> No.21620979

He's actually from an upper crust family so it's ironic he's a pseudoleftist Shachmanite.
>He grew up with his sister Jemima and mother Claudia. His mother was a translator, writer and teacher, and the daughter of Leo Claude Vaux Miéville, whose wife Youla (née Harrison) was granddaughter of Edward Littleton, 4th Baron Hatherton

>> No.21621013

If it has a scantily clad woman on the cover it's probably harem. I dunno if any of them are GOOD, the only harem one in that list I've read is Paladin of the Sword which is just... Fine? The series occasionally has some good jokes, I guess, but actual writing overall is just 'fine'.

>> No.21621158

g*mmies are all rich

>> No.21621180
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Any good grimdark stuff released in the past few years?

>> No.21621191

grimderp is a shit genre. learn some taste

>> No.21621254

>The Wandering Inn
I'm looking for something pulpy, easy to read, D&D-esque and that has enough content for me to develop an unhealthy relation to. Would this fit the bill?

>> No.21621257

Who is your favorite side character? Donut doesn't count.

>> No.21621262

Read it and find out. It’s literally free to read.

>> No.21621281

I mean, i can try, i just wanted to know beforehand what I'm getting myself into and if it's what I'm looking for before I invest time into it
> It’s literally free to read.
as is every other book

>> No.21621285

Just read a chapter or two and see if you will like it.

>> No.21621291

Are Light Novels also up for discussion here? Cause I'm absolutely pissed at how A Certain Magical Index was able to take a really interesting setting and concept, and intead of doing anything interesting with it the series follows the most generic and uninteresting plotlines possible.
> Inb4 don't read light novels
Yeah, I'm starting to realize it

>> No.21621300

>Are Light Novels also up for discussion here?
No, since they have their own board for that called >>>/a/

>> No.21621304

I read OT and the first two volumes of NT and it was just a waste of time.
>you will never find out what the fuck is up with Imagine Breaker

>> No.21621314

Why don’t you go to >>>/a/ a board that was made specifically for you instead of trying to shoehorn this shit on here?

>> No.21621327

Yes don't listen to these retards. At least someone is talking about books.

>> No.21621333

Eh, fair enough.

>> No.21621335

I'm not shoehorning shit, faggot. And we're past bump limit, not much matters now. Do you start shit with anyone who agrees with you?

>> No.21621341

Damn, that sucks. I really like both fantasy and sci Fi, so the setting mixing elements of of both was really intriguing to me, but it always seems like the author is trying to maximize how boring each of the stories are.
> I read OT and the first two volumes of NT
I heard the British Halloween and WW3 arcs were decent, is that even the case? If not then it's really just a dead end

>> No.21621347

Technically /a/ is for manga and anime, while light novels as strictly text based would fit /lit/.
So what I'm trying to say is: cope retard

>> No.21621351
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The Bible as an Isekai Light Novel

>> No.21621352

Too many side characters; glacial overarching plot progression/reveals.
Touma is like Tavi from Codex Alera: his last name is Alwaysright.

>> No.21621353

>Are Light Novels also up for discussion here?
Nah, that's /a/'s deal. Pretty sure they even have threads about it. So you will have a better chance asking there.

>> No.21621362

Reincarnated in Another World as the Son of God, Destined to die for the People's sins?

>> No.21621365
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Tavi is cute. Cute!

>> No.21621381

there has never been a good grimdark novel, and I say this as someone who wasted his entire middle and high school free time reading Warhammer 40k books, which, by comparison to the rest of the "grimdark" genre, are respectable literature

>> No.21621382

I want to start the red rising series but how to get when ɓ-OK is down?

>> No.21621383


>> No.21621391

From Amazon.

>> No.21621392

>urban fantasy without fae or vampires
Vurt by Jeff Noon
>fantasy with girl
Pollen by Jeff Noon, this is the sequel to Vurt. also Nymphomation, the sequel to Pollen
>gritty cyberpunk
I agree with the recommendation for the Eclipse series by John Shirley. also, Vurt by Jeff Noon

>> No.21621403

Not helpful at all.... then recommend me something on Amazon unlimited

>> No.21621413

Read whatever you like.

>> No.21621458

Two retards of the very first rate. Grimdark and hard sci-fi are the only two honest genres.

>> No.21621478

>gay elder scrolls shit

>> No.21621484

fuck greg bear died? city at the end of time was pretty good, albeit a bit of a slog

>> No.21621493

>things are le GRIM and there shall be GONGFARMERS fed into a world-size ship's ENGINE

>> No.21621532

>he writes as the dilator shrinks and travels through time due to strong gyrations in the stinkditch orbit
>in another multiverse i am a real woman, he smirks agpishly

>> No.21621539


>> No.21621544

Time dilation is just the universe (AMAB female-identifying spirit) expanding its axe wound.

>> No.21621559

VERY euphoric fedora tipping at incredible hihg speed

>> No.21621586

>always upping the edginess and shock value until it parodies itself

>> No.21621646

The only people who talk about how something is a "parody" of itself are the people to scared to be honest.

>> No.21621670

that's some pretty fly deflection and projection, maybe you can teach it to me sometime dawg

>> No.21621760

Rendezvous with Rama is dry

>> No.21621824

maybe try it with some curry

>> No.21621958
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>Grimdark and hard sci-fi are the only two honest genres
what, pray tell, is this "honesty?"

>> No.21621982

It's very good

>> No.21621990

Robin Hobb

>> No.21622021
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>TUC was six years ago

>> No.21622085

Seconding this one. One of my favorite books, but I hardly ever see it mentioned or recommended.

Also notable for the original publication having some of the worst cover art I've ever seen from a professional publisher.

>> No.21622160

This retard has very clearly not read anything by Tolkien and if he did he didn't understand anything
>boy's own adventure glorying in war
Also what's Bulgakov doing in there? "The Master and Margarita" was an extremely on the nose satire of Soviet society. It hardly qualifies as a "fantasy" book.

>> No.21622213

New thread

>> No.21622452

Hi Jeff