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21614772 No.21614772 [Reply] [Original]

Few in history paid mind to the real objective of Nazi Germany and its eradication of the Eastern European Jews, though the signs were always there for anybody to discern the matter for themselves: the gas ovens, the ivory, the disappearance of so many in so short a period of time. Perhaps, as Butler mused, it was that the reality was just 'too dark', for: it was not that the Aryans found the Jews repugnant and wished away from society, but that they found them highly delicious and wished to dine upon their flesh.

The reality was that the policy of Nazi Germany toward a significant portion of the Jews was that of expatriation in disguise only, whilst from the onset of the election of Mr. Hitler and his Cabinet the true policy was that of gourmand. As the Germans at the time were indeed starving through economic profligacy and external imposition they possessed little land to produce crops, not near enough to fatten cattle or pig as the wealthier amongst them had been accustomed; Jew and German alike, and so it was the Jews themselves who filled the gap in the market. A Jew was seized, questioned, sentenced to deportation and then sent to one of the many human farms where they would be fattened, gassed to death, roasted, minced and then packaged as tinned meats with the residues being turned into flavored pastes. Many in these farms went mad upon learning the truth and began to hone their palette to ever more sophisticated depths until an Officer was not an Officer if he did not gnaw upon the subtle marrow and lean meat of the bones of those caged Jews who had been thinned upon a diet of acorns.

Even the Jews themselves, save only sporadic hints in the accounts of some, would not talk about what had gone on. This was because many of them, in the final days, had broken free from their cages and found that there was no food to be found but those who had been fattened in their pens and hung from the ceilings bound in rubber thongs with their bellies and tender areas exposed to the gnarled claws and hungering eyes of the multitudes who chanced upon them.