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/lit/ - Literature

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21610668 No.21610668 [Reply] [Original]

What the hell is this /lit/ bros

>> No.21610688

>discord thread

>> No.21610707

>looks around room
No trannies here bro

>> No.21610732

What kind of money do you guys think he's made off his books so far?

>> No.21610737
File: 19 KB, 400x400, media_FWjAbX6WYAEMnxq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta respect the hustle and his availability
also he's a nice dude
and the book isn't the worst thing in the world
not a shill i swear

>> No.21610739


>> No.21610745

>the book isn't the worst thing in the world
It was pretty fucking terrible to the point of it being entertaining. It gave me the same feeling I got from watching The Room.

>> No.21610965

Has anyone called the number?

>> No.21611074

Stop shilling your garbage and crawl back under the rock where you were hiding, pseud.

>> No.21611085

How is Gardner a pseud? He's a master of absurdity and delivers a satirical take on horror when the true horror lies in real life

>> No.21611140
File: 368 KB, 1536x1024, f-gardner-living-room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another angle of the living room where you made all your stupid videos.
But that house was sold on December 12.
Your mom and dad have new addresses, several miles away, across the street from each other, in a nice-looking rural area.
But your address doesn't appear to have changed.
Are you homeless? Couch surfing? Institutionalized?
We'll find out eventually.
Oh, and tell your mom happy birthday from me.
Some time in the last 2 months, am I right?

>> No.21611142

I'm exactly like you guys. At first, CotC looked like pure cringe. But I gave it a try, and F. Gardner has turned out to be one of the most charming, captivating, and thrilling authors of our generation. It's basically The Stand crossed with Don Quixote. I laughed, I cried, at one point I even tried to strangle myself. Once in a century author, read him ASAP

>> No.21611177

No one posts about your crappy books but YOU.
When you're not around, no one even mentions your name.
Then you post one of your shiil-spam messages, and only then do people supposedly come out of the woodwork to praise you.
You're literally too stupid to realize what an obvious phony you are.
And your unedited brain-droppings are solid cringe.

>> No.21611186


>> No.21611195

I'm actually a fellow /lit/ author, big fan of Gardner

>> No.21611204

You have to view life as a sick game, much like the twisted world of Gardner.

Absurdity is the name of the game in 2023

>> No.21611211

That may not actually be him anon. I occasionally pretend to be him and shill his books just to trick you. And it always works :)

>> No.21611215

The hell you're not him.
Literally no one talks about him but him.
And he never shuts up about himself.

>> No.21611231
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Lmao bitch

City of Singles 2nd Edition 10 year annivarsary is coming this Valentine's day

Get fucked you piece of shit

>> No.21611238
File: 135 KB, 1080x365, shitkickers-jason-bryan-status.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got bored making porno, did you?

>> No.21611245
File: 242 KB, 840x541, chinkballoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China balloon has pushed me into a creative burst

F. Gardner is truly an asset to this board and should be seen as inspirational for everyone to publish their own work, especially through these strange times.

>> No.21611256

Have you seen the price of eggs?

>> No.21611259

Except that he's a petty, small-minded, mean-spirited little jerk.
He's literally the seething schizo pseud that's been shitting up /wg/ for who knows how long.
He's not an asset...he's just an asshole.

>> No.21611261


>> No.21611268

Gardner is mean? He's actually a nice guy from what I can tell, makes me want to behave better than the piece of shit I am, full of rage about all this fucking COVID vaccine bullshit

>> No.21611271
File: 1009 KB, 1144x892, furrydash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe they fucked the price of old Chryslers so hard


>> No.21611285

What does that have to do with anything?
Are you suggesting your book is going to make more than pr0n?

>> No.21611400

My parents had a Horizon, like a go-cart with an engine. Remember sitting on my dad's lap when I was like 6 or so, he worked the pedals and shift with a camel in one hand and a beer (generic) in the other while I steered. This was a completely normal thing back than, everyone did it. Once while doing this we got pulled over, the cop played it up that I was the driver and acted like my dad was not even there, chatted a bit, informed me that I had a tail light out then sent me on my way.

>> No.21611414

>the book isn't the worst thing in the world
I suppose that's technically true, but it is a rather poorly written book. Low quality writing with mistakes all over the place. He wrote a book and shilled it hard enough to be relevant on a small internet forum though, so I'll give him props for effort

>> No.21611608

>low quality writing with mistakes all over the place.
It is written from the perspective of a child

>> No.21611883

Gardner please...

>> No.21612027
File: 2.55 MB, 1800x1800, Cdsdsdpture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21612039


>> No.21612193

the legend. hopefully he'll start making videos again

>> No.21612199

There are a lot of unfair criticisms about Gardner's works on this board showing that they don't really "GET" this book. They say:
>His writing style is infantile
>The plot makes no sense
etc. etc.

They are missing the point. They don't understand that Frank Gardner is using a writing style inherited from Dante to encrypt the text with further context and superior knowledge leading to revelations a la ancient gnosis.

I've personally found myself transformed reading this work, find it in your heart to read this so that you may experience a change you'd only have a chance to experience otherwise through 50 years of advanced spiritual praxis.

A personal experience of mine after reading this book:
>be me
>walking around town after finishing this book
>people around me kept looking at me
>they didn't just look at me because I was handsome, tall, dark, rich, ripped (huge muscles) etc
>they looked at me in a different way >a way that betrayed fear, bewilderment and sometimes love.
>they all asked me; what are you? Are you a God? Are you some sort of avatar? Are you a spirit? Surely you are not of this world?
>i knew what had happened then!
>i told them...
>friends, thanks to Gardner, what I am, is merely awake.
>As Gardner would say, as the BURNING BUSH screamed!

I implore you, for the sake of not only yourself but all humanity, read this book.

>> No.21612409
File: 24 KB, 412x412, 1613420131057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the actual /lit/ /ourguy/ is still making videos


>> No.21612433

Card, when are we getting that 'books of /lit/' video?

>> No.21612454
File: 20 KB, 592x420, cardposting plan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's on the list, but if there was more interest in the videos that are coming out, there would be more incentive to make them come out faster

>> No.21612545

cool. thanks for the update

>> No.21613049

you're pathetic, and from the sound of it you're jerking your dick over this 'discovery'. gardner literally videos himself in that house himself. you haven't owned anyone

>> No.21613066

if you had actually spent $10 to make a passable cover I might have considered reading
that complete dogshit cover just tells me you dont give a fuck about quality and so i wont be reading.
your original shill posts were of equal lack in quality.
also, why is it that shills almost always use reddit spacing? those braindead faggots from the unreal tranny server do this too

>> No.21613088

>the seething schizo pseud that's been shitting up /wg/ for who knows how long.
more on this?
I know that I do that myself so I'm interested in how you think he is doing it

>> No.21613126

My first thought its a suicide hotline number

>> No.21613155

More like the perspective of a developmentally-disabled alcoholic.

>> No.21613167

Are you claiming he meant to reveal his home address?

>> No.21613175

why are you putting words in my mouth you doss cunt? save the "so what youre saying is" act for someone of your leftist fruitbat friends, chum. this isn't the place for your dialectic. your little doxing maneuver didn't prove shite other than that you're a pathetic waste

>> No.21613185

This is such an awesome story anon. Heartwarming in a strange way and makes me a bit nostalgic.

>> No.21613188

He stupidly doxxed himself in a previous shill-spam thread.

>> No.21613195

who gives a two penny fuck? you're doing this out of jealousy because you're incapable of writing anything yourself and you resent him, let's face it. get your head together you waster

>> No.21613197

The cover could simply be a stylistic choice. You're literally judging s book by its cover anon

>> No.21613200

>save the "so what youre saying is" act for someone of your leftist fruitbat friends, chum. this isn't the place for your dialectic
anon screamed "i'm not owned, i'm not owned" as he rapidly shrunk down to the size and shape of a corncob

>> No.21613202

it's messy especially the title font. you can achieve the same style and still not have it look like you scribbled it down in two seconds. smacks of laziness and informs me that the content of the book will be equally unpolished. my judgment is fair.

>> No.21613211

Pick what you're seething about and stick with it.
You're all over the place.
And I'm doing this because he's a petty, small-minded, mean-spirited, schizo samefagging spamming asshole who releases unedited gibberish.

>> No.21613212

Total non-sequitur, as to be expected from you dishonest bumboys. You're walking about with a big Kick Me sign on your back, pointing the finger at others.

>> No.21613218

>small-minded, mean-spirited, schizo
You've yet to prove this other than make wild claims. What did he do in /wg/ that upset you so much, babydick? Did he shit on your cringe lifeless prose? There's so much to pick from your behavior you can't really blame me for an unfocused criticism.

>> No.21613227

If you're not aware of his raging schizo nonsense, then you haven't been paying attention.
Just stick around and you'll inevitably see it.

>> No.21613229

he doesnt even use a tripcode, how am I meant to see it?
is F. Gardner in the room with you right now?

>> No.21613249

Are you having reading comprehension issues?
The truth of what I speak is littered throughout the history of /lit/.
If you want to see that proof, do your own work.
Stop jumping to conclusions to support your preferred narrative. Your bias is obvious.

>> No.21613259

yet you are here presupposing a consensus on something even though half or more of the board routinely remark on how FG is a patient and good natured individual. the onus of proof is on you, and the only reason you have problems with that concept is because as a leftist youre used to being backed by the power of the state to spread whatever garbage calumny you like without being called on it. well you're in for a wake up call. provide at least one real example or shut your stinking lefty mouth.

>> No.21613288

I'm not even vaguely a leftist.
Just more of your unsupported jumping to conclusions.
Stick around /lit/ and I'm sure you'll see fresh examples of his schizo seething.
Because if you're genuinely not aware of past examples, then you simply haven't been paying attention.
I'm not going to reward your willful ignorance.

>> No.21613297

>I'm sure you'll see
no, not good enough
>Because if you're genuinely not aware of past examples
blablabla. I gave you four (FOUR) chances to mention even one anecdotally and you failed. you say you wont waste your time (the usual childish tactic people use to get out of providing proof) yet you'll reply endlessly with guff and lame excuses.
you're so full of shit you probably sweat diarrhea. you're just a liar

>> No.21613303

>no videos in 2months
Gardnersisters is he alright?

>> No.21613314

I'm confident future events will bear out the truth of my conclusions.

>> No.21613330

not good enough. five (FIVE) replies now and not a single even anecdotal shred of proof.
beyond pathetic dude.
if all of these things happened you could have mentioned even off hand, or even if you had one speck of imagination inside that cum drenched skull of yours. but no, you'll just type and type a big bloated nothing to feed your own bloated blowhard ego fed on lies and cum. you're a disappointment of the highest order

>> No.21613339

Seethe more.
I actually look forward to being proven wrong by future events.
I just want him to act like a decent human being.

>> No.21613384

Gardner is cleverly pretending to be a retard in an interesting way.
This guy is an uninteresting retard pretending to be clever.

>> No.21613415 [DELETED] 

>a decent human being.
so you are a leftist, just as I thought. You act as ignorant as a wet chunk of driftwood but somewhere in the back of that stunted unformed brain of yours you know that no one will ever buy your dumb shit. Face it, your own ineptitude carries you through the day like a nigger noose around your neck and that's why you're so charged over Gardner getting a few people to read his work. Depressing as hell and I'm so glad I'm not you.

>> No.21613470

Says the anon who is similarly incapable of acting like a decent human being, and lacks the self-awareness to realize it.

>> No.21613480

get a new routine, this is stale. fuckin flatline

>> No.21613544

You're vigorously defending him, using the same style he uses when he posts, including the bizarre lack of self-awareness.
What a coincidence.
So come clean already...we know the house you lived in got sold. Where are you now?
Homeless? Couch surfing? Institutionalized?

>> No.21613568

Present one (ONE) example of this supposed 'meanness' on /wg/ and maybe I'll throw you a bone if I feel like sharing. Otherwise, get lost loser.

>> No.21613587

There are plenty of examples of your meanness in this thread alone.
And now I have a permanent URL to share if the subject comes up again.
>maybe I'll throw you a bone if I feel like sharing
Nice self-own.
Your lack of strategic thought is simply epic.
And why do you pretend not to be you, anyway?
Is being you really that awful?

>> No.21613624

>And now I have
so you had nothing before. thanks for admitting.
not even one (ONE) example could you produce this entire thread. pathetic.
I'm not F Gardner either, no matter how much you whine and bitch.

>> No.21613637

>tv that high up
>literally no seating facing it

>> No.21613652

Of course you're not him.
Although you sound exactly like him, and demonstrate the same lack of self-awareness, and incapacity for strategic thought.
So here...have the example you crave so much.

>> No.21613663

this example is nothing but a bunch of anons seething. where is the example of Gardner being 'mean'?

>> No.21614612

You need Jesus.

>> No.21614623

LOL, it's a boomer decorative TV I guess

>> No.21614734

Area code 206 is Seattle.
Gardner lives somewhere in the Chicago area.
His area code would be something like 464...or 708.

>> No.21614808

well, duh, the croc wouldn't have to call, if he were around the corner. dummy

>> No.21614895

If it were decorative he'd have better cable management, the fucking slob.

>> No.21615800


>> No.21616353

That's really the hill you wish to die on?
Why do you fight so hard to avoid living with the truth?

>> No.21616654

>What the hell is this /lit/ bros
It's a retarded shill thread.

>> No.21616668

F gardner if you’re itt please make more videos they are so good.

>> No.21616866

They're there. You just can't see 'em coz they're up your ass.

>> No.21617090


>> No.21617368

anyone have the epub of this?

>> No.21617657

>the hill you die on
fuck off with your cockass cliches that have nothing to do with anything
i asked for ONE (one) [1] 'mean statement' Gardner has ever made and you couldnt do that, after an entire fucking 36 hours of BITCHING like the little Baby Born you are