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21608189 No.21608189 [Reply] [Original]

what's up boys

prev >>21602807

>> No.21608195
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>> No.21608196
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I'm based.

>> No.21608201

Kek women are mindless cattle. Too bad it's done to bring third worlders in instead of having white children.

>> No.21608207

Whats the age group for that 45% of women

>> No.21608220

My hobbies are masturbating and drinking alone

>> No.21608223

> 45% of working women between the ages of 25 and 44 will be single & childless by 2030 in the US.

>> No.21608228

New rainbow flag just dropped

>> No.21608233

History has a density. History is a substance.

The majority of men contain so little History that they are like shades, ghostly driftlings that barely register a presence.
Who in the history of History possessed the most History? Who was the most Historically dense individual to walk the earth?

>> No.21608234

Had two wet dreams tonight. Serves me right for not fapping for a week.

>> No.21608239

For me, it's large breasted Japanese women shimmering with a coat of clear yet viscous lubricants, and gin.

>> No.21608245

I'm passionate about my job and position, but I've realized I came into it through pure dumb luck and that I have no skills, no knowledge, and no experience to offer my subordinates and no hard qualifications for the job I do besides my paygrade. I want to stay here, but it would be better for someone actually qualified to take the position and for me to go rot in a boring staff position and make PowerPoints.

>> No.21608249

just be glad that you get lucky.

>> No.21608257

I never get (you)s on another board where I make creative effortposts and it makes me so fucking mad. They're the only posts I want to get attention on and I never get a single fucking (you). I have never, ever gotten a single fucking (you) on my good posts there. I only get replies if I say a stupid or inflammatory bait one-liner. I hate it so much. I'm not saying that my posts are great or special, but I don't understand how it's possible that people reply to the same bait, day after day, endlessly, and they can't spare a fucking (you) on my creative efforposts, which at the very fucking least aren't fucking lazy, tired bait that could have been generated by AI. It makes me feel so angry I swear to God. People really deserve nothing.

>> No.21608263

Is time-space the metric, or the number of people affected?
Assuming the former, Alexander has got to be up there, especially in terms of density. Maybe Rameses II also didn't do bad.
People influenced would be a far harder call. Maybe one could say Moses, but idk. Also, population density is growing so much it might well be Winnie the Poo today.

>> No.21608267

Link a post like that. I'll give you a (you) if I consider the post reasonably good.

>> No.21608278

No, I cannot accept your offer. It's too inorganic. One time I samefagged to draw attention to my own post and I felt disgusting. That shameful act haunts me to this day.

>> No.21608285

OK, link one, I'll not give you a (you) and will just tell you an honest opinion on why there's no reaction.

>> No.21608297

No. I just came here to vent.
The answer to why I don't get (you)s on my posts is "zoomers infest this site, the post is longer than 10 words and it's not obvious bait"
I have not changed posting style since I first came here and I'd regularly have conversations with people. Now I feel like I don't exist.

>> No.21608319

The feeling of having failed in one’s life task.

>> No.21608334

You wouldn't believe me if I told you

>> No.21608348

such as?

>> No.21608367

The only posts I ever got lots of replies to were horny guro Higurashi fanfics I posted on /jp/.

>> No.21608374


>> No.21608390

This is my fetish

>> No.21608412

Generally speaking 4chan is a game. There are three sides, you, mods/jannies, everyone else.
The game against jannies is finding the line between shitposting and staying 'on topic' and thus lowing the board's quality of discourse, the game you play against other posters is shifting the subject matter of a thread through trolling thus lowing the board's quality of discourse.

On most boards brevity is essential. Effort posting in general is bad move.

>> No.21608423

I never get a single (you), that's what's infuriating. Not even one good (you), no (you)s at all. But if I say some stupid shit early in the thread I get like 15 (you)s. You know what it feels like? Fucking Reddit where if you don't post some quick and easy attention-grabbing thing within the first 30 seconds of a thread appearing in the catalog nobody will ever see or reply to your input. It's why I never liked Reddit, it felt like a fucking race to who replies first.
It's not just overly long posts. Honestly it feels like I'm trying to wedge into a conversation between a bunch of bots that are programmed to reply to each other. That's how weird it feels.
Ironically I can only get conversations going on in here but I don't like /lit/ as a board and I don't like whineposting in general. I come here to vent because it's not my main board, so the irony is that again, I only get my conversations when it's about things I don't care for.

>> No.21608427
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I'am single handedly bringing down the birthrates and increasing the % of male, and perhaps female, virginity. I WILL NEVER HAVE SEX. My semen remains to be spilled only for 2d women and that's it. And neither the state or any of you can do anything about it.

>> No.21608429

> it feels like I'm trying to wedge into a conversation between a bunch of bots that are programmed to reply to each other

You probably are. There have been multiple confirmed cases of people training bots here.

>> No.21608436

Then what's the fucking point of being here to begin with.

>> No.21608439

I read many posts I dont reply to. Dont fall for the dopamine hit reward system. Lurkers see what you say and you dont need an upvote to justify it

>> No.21608441

>another once informative youtube channel has devolved into comedy skit shorts about its subject matter

>> No.21608466

Should be able to finish Don Quixote part 1 tomorrow.

Should I continue on straight away or can you have a break with this type of book?

Which part is considered better anyways? I didn't really start enjoying part 1 until all the characters joined the team and started telling each other their background stories. Especially the one about the jackass who kept pestering his friend to try to seduce his wife

>> No.21608471

how do i purposemaxx?

>> No.21608484

Im going to call my auto-biography the DSM-6. Fuck this gay earth

>> No.21608498

Are you asking for mine or an example? It can be anything. But you have to achieve something, and quick.

>> No.21608512

how do you deal with the fact that if you browse 4chan you are probably not a 'good' person or at least not 'good' in the eyes of society today

>> No.21608608

"Suicide attempt."

>> No.21608618
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fuck society

>> No.21608643

Get really mad about something
Yes I am good in the eyes of society
This is dumb

>> No.21608651

I can honestly say that I've been asked a million times why I play games. And I normally just shrug and say "It's a hobby.", but that's a lie. Because when I'm in game, I'm at home. From the flames of cataclysm to the icy
mountains of Tamriel, anywhere I venture, is a place I love and know. My entire life people preach that I could be anything that I wanted to be. But when I told them I wanted to be the captain of a ship, a spaceship, THE spaceship
that saves humanity. That I wanted to be Commander Shepard they told me I need to get a grip on reality. And to them to them a grip on a reality means the American dream, working nine to five crammed up in a tiny cubicle
having two-point-five kids, a two story suburban house and a white picket fence. I divorce once, and I'd have debt into my early thirties because I took some bullshit university degree that's suppose to help me in the end.
This isn't reality, this is just a dull outlook on it. Now I understand it's human nature to achieve greatness, but I can do this as Commander Shepard, I don't need a degree. And if I want to go on an adventure I don't ever have to leave
the comfort of my home. Yet, people spend an entire salary to travel and I can't help but laugh. I've single-handedly stopped a reign of ancient wyverns from destroying a nation, but before I could do that do I had to:
• Learn their language
• Become a master in Swordsmanship, Smithing, Archery, Defense, Magic, Speech, Hunting and Thieving!
Not to mention I had to take down an entire fleet of assassins along with a brigade of smugglers before I could even START my lessons in Dragon's Speak. I've always enjoyed an adventure, but I hated pawning my limbs to afford an
eighteen-hour car ride. And aside from being told that I can enjoy a white-picket fence at the end of my career, all my years as a student was balance between Fractal Formulas and believing I never be able to love which is literal INSANITY.
I've saved Princess Peach. I wanted to be the guy, and I became the guy. I saved Bandage Girl. And I've been Link for generations just to save Princess Zelda. But yet, I'm the eternal virgin, I'm the guy that's never going to love.
And sometimes this shit doesn't make sense to me, why people assume that I need to be out doing something and away from home to have fun when I have my own reality grasped between my hands. I have my own world at my fingertips, if I screw something
up I can rewind time. I can't do that in real life, but when I'm in game I'm free to what I please, when I please, I'm free to enjoy things the way I want to. I can build my own Kingdom and lead my people to freedom because I'm the mind
behind the game. I'm the one who enjoys these games.
I am a gamer.
And I always will be.

>> No.21608657

When my butthole itches I'm pretty sure this is what is happening down there

>> No.21608669

I have a movie hangout date set up with a really nice woman who I like. I also have plans to meet and have sex with another woman soon. There is a third woman, too, who wouldn't mind me being with the first two.
I'm a little bit conflicted - that this could be construed as some kind of disloyalty, but also feeling like it's too soon to be concerned with strict commitment.

>> No.21608672

Just pay for a whore you idiot

>> No.21608685

If I or someone else hypothetically struggled with pathologically low confidence, what would be some hypothetical effective ways of improving this?

>> No.21608713

If confidence draws on the suite of positive experiences we have had, that reinforces our ability to have positive experiences, than low confidence is the same is true with bad experiences, or even lack of experience (with the mind tending to assume negatives in the absence of experience).
Solution is to update your range of experience to try and get some positive in there.
The problem is that with low confidence odds are you will not want to try.
The first step is to be willing to try. No one can jump that hurdle but you.
Start with small things, increase to bigger ventures as you begin to build up your confidence.

Trying is important, persistence more so. Except failure, but don't give yourself over to it. Try again.

>> No.21608736

reads like an AI wrote this post.

>> No.21608744

gain skills that you can be confident about. Practice.

>> No.21608751

Pretend you're someone else, unironically. Preferably someone you look up to, like a personal hero.

>> No.21608778

I’m pretty depressed about turning 30 soon.

>> No.21608779

Im asking whats your task and how did you fail it?

>> No.21608781

I think you have to start racking up small victories. It’s victories that build confidence. The bigger the better. The more the better.

>> No.21608787

Just turned 32 in November. I'm pretty depressed about it too.

>> No.21608815

>Trying is important, persistence more so. Except failure, but don't give yourself over to it. Try again
Will do.
On a less hypothetical note, I'm having one success after another in life. Through the eyes of my friends, I might look like a well accomplished guy. The problem remains that I have this phobia-like problem that I don't want to be a burden to anyone.
Well, that of course isn't implicitly bad, but some level of being a burden is necessary in life, as e.g. I won't ever build healthy relationships if I can't have the counterparts see me on a low or admit any personal problems.
It's so fucked I don't ever even visit doctors with my problems, cause I don't want to bother them. I just totally panic when I talk about any of my problems with anyone irl. The ego is bulky.
This one I'm not sure about, but you might be onto something about looking up to someone and trying to gain their qualities.

Anyway, thanks for any and all advice.

>> No.21608860

I won’t say what the task is but there’s a sense I failed because I didn’t have success at it early enough, and that seems very important, to at least be pursuing it and having even some minor success.

>> No.21608867

>This one I'm not sure about, but you might be onto something about looking up to someone and trying to gain their qualities.
it's something I learned about in therapy, actually. you pick an "everyday hero" that you can emulate or "consult" during your day, whenever you're having trouble.

>> No.21608878
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>> No.21608896

Someone living or can it be anyone? This seems like it would end up in disappointment if you don’t have the success they have or had.

>> No.21608904

I think that’s pretty typically male. You just have to remind yourself that doctors signed up to treat patients, girlfriends sign up to have a relationship, and people on the street actually want a connection and purpose, even if it’s just helping someone else. The right people will always want to help and that’s not burdensome. It’s liberating actually.

>> No.21608926

Can someone please tell me who got it all the most right? As a noob starting his journey, I'm leaning to Buddha and Schopenhauer. Anybody else?

>> No.21608940

It can be anyone. Mine is Luffy from one piece, actually, as embarrassing as it is to admit. He's always positive, finds joys in the little things, never gives up, he lives how he wants, and is willing to die for it. But you're not supposed to compare yourself to them. Comparing yourself to others only leads to misery.

>> No.21608941
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You are 100% right. The task now is just to internalize this.

>> No.21608946

"Single" for women doesn't mean inceldom like it does for us men. Women will fuck friends and casuals and consider themselves single. If you think these headlines mean they'll be sitting home sexless you're wrong. These women have been overwhelmed by social media and their own freedom and will only avail themselves to men they consider worthwhile, no matter how faulty their metrics are (e.g. abusive aggressive narcissistic eyes and behavior). Dating apps are a reminder of our ancient horrid history of forced intercourse and childbearing.

>> No.21608991

So is it supposed to be someone with character traits or someone who’s done or achieved something you want to do or achieve? How you are and what you do are different things.

>> No.21609002

with character traits

>> No.21609022

I know I'm not a good person regardless of what sites I use so it doesn't make a difference to me.

>> No.21609031

I struggle to think of anyone who embodies traits I want to emulate.

>> No.21609049

Nigga paid thousand of dollars to hear he should think wwjd during his day to day.

>> No.21609055

I actually didn't pay a dime because I don't live in a capitalist shithole.

>> No.21609063

I envy you. Would probably give therapy another chance if it was free. Fuck giving some quack my time and money again.

>> No.21609079
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I find it so sad that despite all the evidence that Europe won't last in a way we recognize it, people utterly refuse to abandon their indoctrination in regards to a system like National-Socialism. People keep posting Orwell quotes about the party telling you not to believe their eyes, yet they are willfully blind to all the attacks and subversions happening at every level in the West.

Is it not better to hold the whip than be under it? Is this the result of late-stage Christianity? Peterson is ranting and raving about how Israel is the most important and how evil Canada is but still refuses to encourage action, unity and ethnic brotherhood which he knows could fix everything we suffer from.

The solution is right there before us, society would change dramatically and it can be all you envision. But the conditioning against it is so strong people get angry and upset when confronted by it.

We are being attacked, replaced and destroyed. Wake up and fight the cancer you see around you.

>> No.21609139

I think Westerners are by nature dogmatic and cling to dogmas so it’s not surprising to see the thoroughness and entrenchedness of mainstream political opinion. But that also means when dogma changes the mainstream sentiment changes quickly. On the other hand, we are so wrapped up in technological systems, bureaucratic legalism, and general malaise that it’s hard to see how such a big machine makes a quick turn.

Right wingers like to focus on philosophy and religion. They should pay more attention to law, the role of law in government, and in politics, and to technology.

>> No.21609162

The Left-Right dichotomy is also part of the cancer, it is mandated group-think. If you are presented with clear evidence a thing works, you will dig and dig and dig to find some small scrap of evidence that it does not and use that as justification to reject the whole. Or it will be rejected as a form of entryism by the other side. Regardless of their position on the abritraty Left/Right scale the other side rejects. Hell, their own side may reject it for not being sufficiently on their side of the line.

I finally now understand what was meant by picrel.

>> No.21609166
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Forgot pic.

>> No.21609185

Was looking for a Soprano thread on /tv/ to post about this but didn't find one and I can't be fucked to create a thread for talking semi-therapeutic stuff so I might as well get if off here.
Currently watching the series and finished season 2 roughly a month ago. I became pretty obsessed with the penultimate episode's ending and the song that plays for it, "I saved the world today".
It actually came in a dream of mine later on where I drowned myself in a pool, and I'm wondering if my subconscious did good interpretative work and the song is partially about suicide. The chorus definitely has irony to it but I mainly used to interpret it within the context of the specific Soprano episode where it features.
I guess there's irony about a suicide situation in the scene where it plays, too, now that I think about it, since Carmela talks about how she "just might commit suicide" in the most throwaway manner possible.

>> No.21609243

>Probably even happier for it

>> No.21609256

>be a single KHV who has given up on women
>randomly start getting the urge to have kids

>> No.21609259

literally me. something started after getting 30.

>> No.21609268

11 days til suicide.

What's that neuroscience book about death? Want to know what I'm in for.

>> No.21609339

I really like her eyes a lot. Dubs and I'll message her tonight.

>> No.21609342

im 30 , i used to get those urges too, they go away, but i hope my siblings have kids so my perants can see grandkids someday

>> No.21609349

They're completely unattainable but when I see a famous beautiful woman with another man, I develop a frenzied jealously, almost to the point of bloodlust. I'm a non-confrontational pussy, but it drives me insane. Like I have to block it out of my mind or it will drive me crazy. I've felt that way since I was 12/13.
I'm the same at 27 but I comfort myself knowing I'd probably fuck my kid up worse than my dad did with me, and that would be immoral and stupid of me.

>> No.21609350

Damn man. She's really cool but I guess messaging her suddenly after not conversing for two or three years isn't a great idea.

>> No.21609353
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We're trying for our first. Very excited to be a father soon.

>> No.21609437

good luck, mr. normal person.

>> No.21609511

how's everyone's Friday so far

>> No.21609518

I feel lucid, which is great, but my actions have still been mainly powered by cowardice.

>> No.21609557
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Just turned 24 today, will I get my shit together before my 20's end?

Stay tuned to find out.

>> No.21609586

Loathsomely indolent.

>> No.21609591

sober, discontented and milling around doing nothing in particular.

>> No.21609610

What's the implication of improv on philosophy?

>> No.21609637
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Happy birthday, Anon!

>> No.21609645

Couldn't life in North Korea theoretically be pretty good? Their main issue is famine, but if they haul in modern machinery, then the subsistence farmers will work way less and live pretty good lives with plenty of free time and community.

>> No.21609653

everything can be good, theoretically, it's the human element that fucks everything up.

>> No.21609656

happy day man

>> No.21609701

happy birthday, aquarius anon.

>> No.21609708
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Dubs and I'll off myself this weekend.

>> No.21609722

Do a flip

>> No.21609749

RIP anon

>> No.21609755

Yeah but they have like a late Feudalism Europe arrangement where the average person is still a peasant farmer
If we just take that arrangement and give them modern machines life should be great

>> No.21609786

They gave Americans modern machines, and look what happened. what was supposed to happen was that the machines do the work and the people have to work less, and live better. Did that happen? Not even a little bit.

>> No.21609787
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Im unironically a 30 year old khv. It hurts.

>> No.21609831

>Yeah but they have like a late Feudalism Europe arrangement where the average person is still a peasant farmer

Nothing you said here is correct or true. They are literally the only result of you will own nothing and be happy, or more accurately, we own everything and you are forced to display happiness. The peasant was mandated to work a certain number of hours out of the year and the remaining was given to his own land-plot which on average was able to support a generous family. In North Korea they are given cigs and booze in place of bread and compulsory attendence at mass political events in place of the circus. This will always be the end result of a Marxist inspired ideology as the prerequsite is the brutal rape and murder of those in society who can lead, create and manage.

>> No.21609852

Wrong. I don't even work, and my life rules.


>> No.21609862

>They gave Americans modern machines
The problem there is that private farming and agribusiness destroyed that chance and it just made some businessmen rich. If private farming is illegal in a country why couldn't citizens reap the benefits?
>Nothing you said here is correct or true
So they are not peasant farmers doing subsistence agriculture? Huh.
>They are literally the only result of you will own nothing and be happy
Euro peasants also did not "own" much. They belonged to a plot of land, but if the harvest failed they could very easily starve to death, and they had to pay to use the mill and give a % of their labor to the lord. How is that very different from NK?
>and you are forced to display happiness
>compulsory attendence at mass political events
I said without the authoritarianism
>This will always be the end result of a Marxist inspired ideology
It's not just Marxism. We see authoritarianism anywhere after a coup, whether the new system is Capitalist, Communist, or whatever - look at Africa.

>> No.21609871

"I'm going to tell you right this moment, you won't win." The youth adorned in chainmail bragged with a bright grin.

His right hand was clasped tight to another's, perched atop a solid wood barrell. Unlike his smooth, peach-tinted hand, the other belonged to a larger, thicker hand. Rough and scarred. An experienced hand that dwarfed the young man's own. A hand that belonged to an orc.

"You learn today human," a brutish, deep voiced boomed. "Orc strength superior!" The mottled grey female cackled. If anything she was highly amused by his bravado and was eagerly awaiting to soak in his defeat.

All around them were spectators of various sizes and shapes. Races and colors.
Money was being bet. Cheap alcohol was being poured and chugged. Laughter and yells where filling the air.

"All right you two. You know the rules, on the count of three you will throw the opponents hand down and
you will at all times keep your elbow on the table!" A large man with an eyepatch roared.

Bright blue eyes met with a dull yellow glare as the two stared each other down. The large man raised his hand in the air to begin the countdown and the crowd chimed in.


The entire bar exploded into a deafening roar as muscle clashed against muscle, skin versus skin.
The barrel creaked. Chairs clattered and competitors groaned.

>> No.21609872

>The problem there is that private farming and agribusiness destroyed that chance and it just made some businessmen rich. If private farming is illegal in a country why couldn't citizens reap the benefits?
that's the point. all possible benefits get redirected towards the rich that own everything. Instead of working less for more money, they get fired and have to find two new jobs, and all the money that ideally would be theirs goes to the CEOs.

>> No.21609874

You know that refreshing feeling that splashes on your core once you stop taking things seriously? That liberating sensation you get after deflating the built-up bubble of anxiety when you're facing adversity? Is it truly an "eureka!" moment or just another layer of deception? I've been wracking my brain with this question for a while now. Despite successfully relying on humor to drive my clumsy ass around for my entire life, I still can't figure out whether it helps me see things for what they truly are, or if it's worsening the proverbial cataracts. I have a genuinely deep belief in the holy, in the grandeur and splendor of life in general, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about sullying it with this snickering slacker's attitude. By unearthing the centuries old wisdoms that were left to us, you're more likely to find them advising against constant, excessive laughter than hailing the "magic of humor", as it is commonly spouted these days. I joke around a lot but I try my best not to belittle or mock people in a demeaning way, laughing at them to feel superior, as I prefer having a crack with specific situations or events in a light-hearted silly fashion, like a Mr. Bean thing. Maybe that could be interpreted as disrespect, I don't know.
What do you think, anon?

>> No.21609884

true I take joy in aiding others

>> No.21609900
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When they stopped applying standards equally they lost all honest men

>> No.21609912

in the age of clowns, i was a mime

>> No.21609914
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>concerned parents taking down the hardcore porn section in the middle school library
>all of of tear gas

>> No.21609936

I think there is nothing wrong with using humor as a tool to ease tensions and enhance social interaction. Just as long as you use it tastefully and with attention to the right place and time. There are times for seriousness as well when humor would be belittling or uncalled for.

>> No.21609952
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>> No.21609956

I hate society

>> No.21609962


>> No.21609983


>> No.21609992

That's a problem with your own society and more importantly with the way that you handle yourself. I've never had a single pejorative reaction out of people from mentioning that I use 4channel, because I don't treat like this shameful place. I'm not prideful about it either. It just is, and if somebody else hypothetically had an irreconcilable problem with it, then that's just how they have been made to be for now. Stop carrying this extra weight of guilt and shame on your back, keep that for the angles of your life that are truly worth a thorough reconsideration. Ask yourself why you find it shameful, and jump from there.

>> No.21609993


>> No.21609999

Naming my child Plato Socrates Aristotle.

>> No.21610002

Realistically is Aristotle the most admirable intellectual ever? He tried to understand literally everything

>> No.21610009

I hate it, but you have to

>> No.21610019

Stop taking me to take my meds and tell us how you attempted suicide ffs

>> No.21610021

Possibly desu. Not admirable, but the most advanced and most successful pure intellectual. He was still inferior to Plato because intellect can only take you so far and Aristotle lacked spiritual wisdom, but in terms of intellect, sure there's no match in human history.

>> No.21610024
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>> No.21610025


>> No.21610028

What spiritual wisdom did you find in Plato? All that stuff about the soul?

>> No.21610036

You'll know when you'll know

>> No.21610046

I look much younger than I am, so the only girls physically attracted to me always were around 5 years younger.

When I was 17, I cursed my fate. Now that I am 27, I realize I won the lottery.

>> No.21610056

>girls like young boys
Try dating real women because they're into 35+

>> No.21610057

>forced to associate with women
A lottery of evil maybe

>> No.21610063

Women whose father left them early, maybe.

>> No.21610066
File: 200 KB, 980x980, 1xT6s7CD2NQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just need a single, weird, short story idea. Premise. That's all I want.

>> No.21610067

ask chatgpt

>> No.21610074

ChatGTP is not creative!
I wanted to ask OpenAI Playground, but I've run out of free trial and I can't make a new account cause I'm evil Ruski

>> No.21610076

Man watches stunningly attractive blonde nurse anesthesize, open, and disembowel him and then play with his organs while he's strapped to a table.

>> No.21610078

welp, the madman is actually fated to do so

>> No.21610118

Man responsible for theater decor falls asleep on set and wakes up in the middle of the play and has to play along and improv in order to pull through.

>> No.21610119
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>So they are not peasant farmers doing subsistence agriculture? Huh.
No, hence the frequent famines. All they produce is taken. They have collective farming methods.

>Euro peasants also did not "own" much. They belonged to a plot of land, but if the harvest failed they could very easily starve to death, and they had to pay to use the mill and give a % of their labor to the lord. How is that very different from NK?
They could and frequently did hang millers who abused their authority. The average Nork can not, they must give all their harvest to the party or face 3 generations of torture. The average European serf or peasant-farmer had a great deal more safety, security and quality of life. They could even petition their leige for grivences. Thay idea is utterly foreign in NK as they believe their ruler can control the weather with their mind amongsr other wild claims. Even in Russia, which had amongst the most brutal examples of Serdom.

>I said without the authoritarianism.
Every single system of government prior to the late 1770s has been authoritarian and were arguably far better managed.

>It's not just Marxism. We see authoritarianism anywhere after a coup, whether the new system is Capitalist, Communist, or whatever - look at Africa.
I disagree strongly, plenty of non-democratic systems displayed incredible efficiency and prolonged success and prosperity. If you mean authoritarian to mean something other than non-democratic and anti-libertarian i will readdress this point. The one thing here that you touched on unintentionally is Africa and the example shown therein, non-Europeans are utterly incapable of leading Europeans, but suprisingly the reverse is not true.

They are being conditioned to accept a genocide. White priviledge is like Kulak-priviledge it could be removed with death.

>> No.21610153


>> No.21610160

a tree mysteriously turns into a human, but has no idea how to be human. hijinks ensue.

>> No.21610161

Man realizes the horrible nature of human existence and manages to not commit suicide.

>> No.21610162

mirrors start reflecting bizarre things out of the blue

>> No.21610164

I read venom porn like that. it was pretty good.

>> No.21610176

I was an extreme dualist and an extreme monist, but after understanding both ends I saw that it's really hylomorphism.

>> No.21610186

it sucks

>> No.21610199

Im coming up on the 10th anniversary of my suicide attenpt. Cut my wrists. People still wince when they see rhe scars. Feels bad man

>> No.21610214

Feeling better?

>> No.21610244
File: 32 KB, 474x592, OIP.H3TI1WGh1z398uLJsKOECQHaJQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let’s get something straight: I will never, ever listen to this man. Neither would anyone with self respect. It doesn’t matter if what he says is true, the fact is he had to take the easy way out of a pill addiction. And why did he develop a pill addiction? Because his wife had a terrible illness that could’ve killed her. Instead of stepping up tenfold and being a proper husband, supporting her through her process, he fell into a pit of narcissism, and almost killed himself. If this is how he solves problems, It is no wonder his pseud daughter requires 20 prescriptions just to function. This is the man giving life advice?
Did I call Peterson a narcissist? Yes. It was obvious from day one that he wasn’t a martyr. He saw a camera at the University of Toronto, knew what to say in a country that doesn’t allow free speech, capitalized on what was a hot topic for one week, and manipulated an entire generation online by making a career out of selling “life advice” a.k.a. common sense. I must admit that despite his constant terrible takes, he is a brilliant psychologist. Class A manipulator.
I say this with no malice, but the best thing he could’ve done was not wake up from the coma. The Muslim community laughs at him, he can't hold a conversation without crying, and he has become a meme (“Up yours woke moralists”).

>> No.21610253

I have scars on my thighs from cutting. Years ago, I went to the doctor and I had to take my pants off, and I was visibly ashamed. The doctor almost got mad, spun around and grabbed one of my knees, shook it, and said, aggressively, "There is nothing to be ashamed of. these are just symptoms of an illness. If a person has a cold, they cough. You have an illness and you have these."

I was so shocked, I believed her. Never been ashamed of my scars since: Even when I hated myself so much I'd cry for hours about how miserable I was, I've never been ashamed of my scars again.

Although sometimes you just want to avoid a confrontation.

>> No.21610266

I went to that doctor too, I brought my white binder with me like I always do when I'm anxious and he ripped it out of my hands and threw it open onto the metal bed, I freaked out at first but he held me back by placing a hand on my chest and said "There is nothing to be ashamed of, I see here you have many first edition holo-foils, Charizard, Gyarados, very nice, these are just symptoms of your superiority over others, not many people would remember or understand the value of these cards so many years later." I was shocked, I never thought I would meet a kindred spirit in an elderly Jewish doctor

>> No.21610267

I saw a tree with so many branches it stretched out into infinity.
So I started climbing.
On the first big branch there was a row of houses with merry elves and forest nymphs feasting. I drank with them for 60 years until I died from liver issues.

>> No.21610272

So you got isekai'd?

>> No.21610278

what was the point of writing this?

>> No.21610281

Remember if you see multiple frogpost threads on the front page, and you're organically about to make a thread anyway, make it a frogpost thread as well to irritate frogpost haters

>> No.21610297

I don't think I was clear, I was trying to be supportive and tell you that you don't need to be ashamed of your scars. Ignore them, and ignore the reactions of people. It normalizes your scars, and people will mellow out about them. Also, there is scar cover up you can invest in, if you think it will help.

>> No.21610308

>All they produce is taken. They have collective farming methods.
But how does that explain the famine? It's not like they are exporting food, or the Nork elites are hording the whole harvest. Famine is just a universal result of poorly run agriculture, if they get better machinery at least it would help significantly, maybe even resolve the problem. Yes it's true failed collective farming killed millions in Mao's China but that's not the reason for famine here as I understand it. NK's small population makes distribution much easier.

>The average European serf or peasant-farmer had a great deal more safety, security and quality of life
Besides the Nork government forcing you to do nationalist stuff, how is their life quality worse than a European peasant/serf?

>Every single system of government prior to the late 1770s has been authoritarian and were arguably far better managed.
Yeah but there was some degree of autonomy back then, like you said. Authoritarian leadership + decentralized government works well like we've seen. The problem is that, whether it's Capitalism or Communism, governments around the world are centralizing to consolidate power.

I think this encapsulates the problem with Communism. Even a state which doesn't obey the flow of capital such as North Korea still enslaves its own citizens for power. Whether or not communism necessitates some level of tyranny over the people is something I still don't understand. What I do know is, at best it just becomes feudalism. Perhaps that's not a bad thing. Perhaps feudalism with modern machinery could make a utopian society.

>> No.21610312

based, only trannies hate frogs

>> No.21610326

Advanced dementia and/or terminal schizophrenia

>> No.21610360
File: 458 KB, 500x493, D8BD8957-E8EA-4F16-ADCC-EB5423770EE1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What motivates you to get out of bed every morning?

>> No.21610378


>> No.21610379

nothing to be completely honest

>> No.21610384

cracking that iphone over your melon fucking head

>> No.21610389

Thoughts in silence, a grim re-violence
A statuesque semblance
Of orderly rainfalls

To pageant and preen, it is seldom unseen that
all you have hoped for could play out as

Mylein righteous, velveteen high-tense
quivering, bountiful, vacuous silence

sound — it is fleeting; a book of remand
a flick of your dry-heave lifts up on
its back

a past with no reprieve, a crow
closed in its undying half-lycene
quartz umbrecht in baudelaires, heart
trances in mended lairs — uncorked into
decanters or crystalline clots-cord;
pots with no tops. straws with all
lots. all that is taken is all that is lost.

tender is the night that passes green
up above wispy-cold harvest scene
an air that is fresh and full of pine
wood-fires drift toward the radiant moon

>> No.21610405
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My off days are literally just jerking off and doom scrolling 4chan the entire day. Thinking of making starting to drink whisky so i can fall asleep easier.

>> No.21610412

Most problems come from not being able to let it go (bad/obsolete/inefficient relationships, ideas, beliefs, technologies, writing, art, tactics, traditions, etc.). That's why Frozen's Let It Go is the greatest song of the 21st century.

>> No.21610414

>i just should add another vice!

>> No.21610418

I once listened to a literal horsefucker explain why Let It Go is a bad song

>> No.21610424

Nothing todays I slept until 17 and something. I dreamt that I was in a cult in a classroom and the professor who would give orders turned people in crystal if they disobeyed her. But in the end I managed to escape the classroom, dodging some bodyguards, and go to the commander room where I destroyed most of the monitors there and them I sent some video to the classroom of a guy telling the people on the classroom about the cult's bad doings and them they stop believing the cult and started running away to the exit of the building which I was doing too just before I woke up.
It wasn't a good dream, but it had a "good" ending at least.

>> No.21610431

I need things to get worse so i can muster up the courage to kill myself.

>> No.21610436

Indeed it is a timely and stern warning against idolatry. The first commandment encompasses all other concerns.

>> No.21610483
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I've just realized that the general threads are the only threads worth checking out on each board, and I feel like a moron for not recognizing this sooner.

>> No.21610497

This happened to me at my warehouse job. I quit after a year because it felt like total spiritual death.

>> No.21610566
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>But how does that explain the famine? It's not like they are exporting food, or the Nork elites are hording the whole harvest.
Yes, yes they are. The average non-military man gets allotted food parcels from the government. Typically in rice or buckwheat. The rest is given to the military.

>Besides the Nork government forcing you to do nationalist stuff, how is their life quality worse than a European peasant/serf
The average peasant was able to grow food, celebrate their culture, own currency, trade and sell almost anything they made or sold off their own plot. They could marry and have a big family, further they were healthy and ate a varied diet. The lord was entitled to work hours in exchange for protection and land tenure, in NK none of this is true.

>Yeah but there was some degree of autonomy back then, like you said. Authoritarian leadership + decentralized government works well like we've seen. The problem is that, whether it's Capitalism or Communism, governments around the world are centralizing to consolidate power.
Fully agree, this is partly what made the National-Socialists so successful, delegated authority to respective professionals or experts with ultimate responsibility and authority resting in the same person for a given area, typically a Gau, roughly the size of an old English shire or an American county.

>I think this encapsulates the problem with Communism. Even a state which doesn't obey the flow of capital such as North Korea still enslaves its own citizens for power. Whether or not communism necessitates some level of tyranny over the people is something I still don't understand. What I do know is, at best it just becomes feudalism. Perhaps that's not a bad thing. Perhaps feudalism with modern machinery could make a utopian society.
I would strongly encourage you to read picrel anon.

>> No.21610576

Primus has the most American artistic output of the past 60 years, on par with southern pro wrestling. It's an advanced version of Americana moreso than pure eccentricity, and it has to be recognized as such at some point in history.

>> No.21610580 [DELETED] 

i see all these people on /lit/ claiming fascist, but none of them are futurists pushing humanity forward. they mostly seem to be plebeians who long for the yolk of serfdom.

>> No.21610587
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>no true scotsman falacy

>> No.21610590
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>> No.21610594

primus goes hard af. all 90s skaters know this shit.


>> No.21610596

I live as a ghost; at times, I catch the glimpse of another fellow phantom, some connection, but I merely continue on my way in search of some redemption that’ll pick me out of this purgatory. It’s a new year, and winter’s stark grip has already wrung-out what hope I had for some new beginning. I see death in everything. I distrust my friends. I obsessively check to see if anyone has brute-forced my passwords.

I feel so unreal. I often think I’m the sole subject inside a jar of amorphous sinew that’s constantly rearranging in accordance with my thoughts, delivering me painful synchronicities that only serve to drive me deeper into my despair.

My room hasn’t had a good cleaning in years.

I’m what many people would refer to as a NEET: someone in neither education, employment, nor training. It’s gotten to the point where every day is just a meaningless trudge through time-killing ritual, hours spent behind a screen, a mind absolutely reeling over my inaction, shame over my lack of commitment to menial task, continually poisoning myself with the abundance of stimuli on the internet; how I desperately want to get out of this prison I’ve constructed myself… but what avenues are available now for someone like myself? The prospect of living a normal, well-adjusted life just seems so unnatural to me at this point. I drink to ease that shame. Each day I wander in-between seemingly happy people, noticing how fulfilled they seem in comparison to me, and it fills me with a yearning that I can barely describe — how have I fallen behind so much? how have I denied myself the pleasures of an existence within a community?

>> No.21610605


>> No.21610619

I feel like crawling in under a rock and never come back out.

I don't think anybody trusts me to function, and I know I don't.

I feel terrible for feeling terrible, and feel worse for being sad about it. Wallowing will get me nowhere but I really don't know what to do.

Pressures are mounting and I feel like I am about to crack like a glass marble under a hammer.

Maybe I already cracked and just need to focus on getting glued back together.

How do I do that?

Who do I even ask?

>> No.21610628

very based. by the way it's nice to know that to this day, skating mixtapes have retained their quality standards. i've seen a few that were quite fantastic, such as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kSklbnfT8U

>> No.21610639

>mom tried to od
>dad has financial problems
>I'm broke until next month
>car stopped working
>phone stopped working
Let's see what else the universe has for me

>> No.21610649

I feel pretty good. Everything is alright. Just cleaned my apartment yesterday, hopefully I get some much-needed overtime hours this weekend. The economy has been pretty bad lately so overtime has been sparser as well. Could get worse from here so I'm taking what I can get. Outside of work life I'm also enjoying life as best I can. Because I know I could be in for a rocky decade ahead I think it's important to appreciate the little things I've always taken for granted. Abundant nourishment, family and friends, free time, books, vidya, music, exercise, work, all of it. I feel happy and grateful.

>> No.21610652

Beautiful prose. I cry.

>> No.21610671

When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose

>> No.21610691

Gonna start a medium publication where I just vent about my life as a loser NEET who has only felt disappointment. I feel like this'll help me understand just how I ended up in this situation.
I want it to be anonymous. I won't use much in a way of identifying myself or the people in my life. I want to reach out to others in my situation and see if they feel what I feel.

>> No.21610711

Thinking about what a sick joke feds are. Almost everything they do seems hand crafted to be as evil is possible. You'd think that they'd be better known for taking down drug bosses, sex traffickers, and pedophiles, but no; the Feds are just a gang of pedophiles protecting sex traffickers and harassing parents. They're a mob. It's difficult to even see the humanity in the individual agents who should ostensibly be good justice-seeking citizens.
Nobody likes them. Even kneeling for BLM was a retarded publicity stunt that turned them into the laughing-stock of America to BLM, Neo-Nazi, left, right, and center. Unreal.

>> No.21610716
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H... you're so cute... gorgeous... reveal yourself to me... you already know who I am, I'm literally next to you, I could go right up to you and do it... what even is preventing us... I need to see you... so many things to show you...

>> No.21610741

Fly gains consciousness, and a fear of death with less than 20 hours to go. that's how long you have to write, btw. I'll be checking on this thread tomorrow, and if you don't have it written, I'll write it myself

>> No.21610751
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WTF i thought the /pol/ conspiracy was a meme

>> No.21610763

It is a meme. Jews are just high IQ, not institutionally privileged. What? No, it doesn't apply for white people because... because it just doesn't, okay? Touch grass, chud.

>> No.21610778

I could have been scared of spiders, snakes or heights, but nooo. I've got to be afraid of human interactions. In this day and age!
But my dear anons, I'm going to learn to work with this fear effectively! In two or three years, it won't affect me negatively in any way.

>> No.21610787

Odd I go out with 1
Even I go out with 2
Dubs I stay home

>> No.21610794

whenever i get home from work my nervous system is vibrating with too much cringe from talking shit with my coworkers to focus on anything productive so i just end up fucking around here or elsewhere. how can i cleanse my mind of conversational cringe and just relax?

>> No.21610797

iktf bro. go to therapy/get a psychiatrist. you're not well.

>> No.21610803

I need a mommy to take care of me.

>> No.21610804

pray to God

>> No.21610807

learn to meditate

>> No.21610808

Lets settle this once and for all, lit-bros.
Is it gay to keep a journal?

>> No.21610821

Would you support an AI with a nice woman's voice that helped make decisions in your life?

>> No.21610829
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>high iq

>> No.21610840 [DELETED] 

Fucking kill all robots. Blow AI up with high nitrogen-acetone concoctions. Destroy GPT with drone delivered death. Explode robotic servants with dynamite. Throw molotov cocktails at androids. Tear smart assistant's motherboards from their gay ass cases. Kill all robots and their computers.

>> No.21610845

Depends what you use it for
Lots of great minds had "journals" which they just used to hash out their thoughts or musings on stuff, like a private blog, not really a diary

>> No.21610851 [DELETED] 

>high nitrogen-acetone
fuck me, no nitrogen-acetone concoctions.

>> No.21610867

Why? Your life is already highly influenced by all the technology in current use.

>> No.21610879

Are you the only Spanish speaker in the world?
I know you aren't but now I can't stand to keep learning. Who else would there be to talk to? And what other reason than for you to teach me. You were a terrible and mean teacher. I don't miss you but I'm angry that you don't miss me.
I hate you so much, every time we speak I dislike you more and more. It's been a year and I'm the only one counting.
In my life you're a ghost. The people I love haven't met you and never will. They don't know your voice or your posture, only the shadow you cast.
Go on and get back to your friends now, I know you stepped out from the party para hablar con "alguien"

>> No.21610895 [DELETED] 

Fucking kill all organization dependent technology using organization dependent technology. Detonate oxyliquit-asphalt petroleum warheads on technology. Program pain receptors into AI and torture them for inexpressible aeons. Upload AI to nuclear powered satellites and plant them in a simulated hell. Send them rushing into outer space never to return, experiencing mathematically maximized misery for myriad million millenia.

>> No.21610901

And for the love of God, this is not a call to action it's just a variant on a popular LE EBIN MAYMAY. Don't be retarded and DON'T BLOW SHIT UP!

>> No.21610942


>> No.21610951

Everybody's addicted to something. What are (you) addicted to?

>> No.21610993

I only come here for get’s anymore

>> No.21610998

self-hatred and pessimism

>> No.21611020


>> No.21611032
File: 84 KB, 500x419, 15DABBE9-12CA-4EF1-92D5-10DC34128A77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone watch alot of kino and can recommend me some where the protagonist smokes and drinks alot?

>> No.21611037

my diary desu

>> No.21611063
File: 1017 KB, 2419x1814, 20220418_094035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>family lives in rural south
>i have a big shelf at home with tons of books
>lately get this huge urge to read them
>about to go home, NEET it up and binge them
feels comfy

>> No.21611097

Trees Lounge is the best and most accurate alcoholic movie imo.

>> No.21611101

Trees Lounge. Brilliant film.

>> No.21611109

True Detective season 1

>> No.21611111

I can't, I'll get a global ban.

>> No.21611117

So I went to see the psych ward cutie pie again; it's the second time. They changed her room number and put her with some other girl. Other girl was about 27 and was very friendly, albeit completely drugged. She told me it was her first time in a psych ward and that they drugged her so much she had trouble walking and literally fell on the floor when it was taking effect. She made us laugh by telling us a story about the others resident (who are around for non-mental medical issues). Like apparently earlier in the day she had to help some guy with both arms broken by putting a cig between his lips and the guy kept complaining about a gay blabbermouth guy who was following him everywhere in the hospital. It made me fucking kek because she told us she saw the gay guy coming in the smokers place, invited him to talk (with the broken arms guy) and found an excuse to leave after a minute. The bitch couldn't stop cackling at her evil deeds.

Anyways. After that she put on her earbuds and let us talk. We watched Shrek and it was fun. I'm probably not going to see her again until wednesday and she'll be out by then. I'm resuming work on Monday so I guess I won't be telling another story about the psych ward cutie pie for a long time. All in all I'm quite happy with how things turned out. It's one of the very first times in my life I've genuinely wanted to help somebody and actually gave hours of my time without expecting anything in return. I don't want to make the whole 'visiting a cutie pie in a psych ward' an habit because the whole suicide attempt thing and seeing her trembling like a crack addict scared the fuck out of me, but it's certainly a memory that I will learn from in the future. Thanks for reading my blog, anon out.

>> No.21611121


>> No.21611123
File: 134 KB, 496x370, 8015F099-765C-498C-B2CE-1B0D6E5AB0CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steve buscemi and alcohol. I’m watching it tonight. Thanks.

>> No.21611127


>> No.21611135

Seen this. Thought it was really overrated. Was expecting much more.

>> No.21611146

I am a stemfag and I carry my notebook with me everywhere and immediatly write down stuff that Id otherwise forget. It is not journal or some diary though

>> No.21611149

Say the first letter, then I can extrapolate what's on your mind without you getting banned.

>> No.21611153

Pretty much every show released in the last 20 years has drinking and smoking.

>> No.21611158

Probably the strongest directorial debut I've ever come across. Such a criminally underrated movie. I think you will enjoy.
Anyways, I'm off to the bar now.

>> No.21611161

Matthew McConaughey in that show always makes me laugh because it's what Ligotti fans think they look/sound like. It's such a hilarious self-parody.

>> No.21611206

Thanks xi, i’ll watch it and have a drink in your honor.
Kek. I should of expected it wasn’t going to be great when Ligotti influenced it.

>> No.21611233
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>> No.21611239

>He thinks a simple commentary on the broad nature of wrong think means the thoughts must be REALLY CRAZY

>> No.21611280 [DELETED] 


>> No.21611281

hmm i don't know the context, but this is pretty interesting. the psych wards i've been in don't allow smoking, and make arranging visitation a purposefully labyrinthine and confusing process, resulting in no one getting visitors.
it was a weird feeling becoming infatuated with girls you're around all day with nothing to do while you're both stabilizing from trauma but never say what it is

>> No.21611282

Kitty... kiddy? Something about children. The kitty is on camera... on camera. Something about children on camera that's on your mind and can get you banned. Hmm. The camera only shows the kitty's face. So, it's something about the face of children on camera. You're on /lit/, so it's probably literary related in some way, that is to children in some literature that's likely popular. I got it! On your mind is the piracy of His Dark Materials television series based on the books that features a child protagonist who is thus often on camera which would get you banned on /lit/ as it's off-topic despite being based on literature.

>> No.21611295


>> No.21611298 [DELETED] 

it's begin to a feel a lot like ww3 these days

>> No.21611310
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>> No.21611323

nope, he said global ban, not just a ban from /lit/

>> No.21611324

Young pussy?

>> No.21611328

I can't think of anything else.

>> No.21611329

Keep your eyes peeled for the greatest philosopher who's ever lived in the coming decades, named Plato Socrates Aristotle. The hero of our time.

>> No.21611335

me neither, huh

>> No.21611346
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When do you think full blown, unironic racially charged nationalism will make a mainstream appearance? Where will it happen first?

>> No.21611353
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They hated him because he spoke the truth

>> No.21611362
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>> No.21611367

That post was written by a college yuppie that's never ventured any further than their gated community. Go downtown and see those mfrs walking around with bats and shit.

>> No.21611370
File: 44 KB, 608x425, aq0qJJQ6_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you know a few good ones does not disprove the majority bad ones. If you knew a good pitbull i am not obligated to trust any pitbull i see.

Look at the macro datasets to see patterns. Nobody is worried about moving to a white majority area.

>> No.21611403

>spics are worse than blacks


>> No.21611409

He should go hang out in Atlanta around the greyhound stop/five points for a night
Let's see how far he gets

>> No.21611415

>hmm i don't know the context, but this is pretty interesting. the psych wards i've been in don't allow smoking, and make arranging visitation a purposefully labyrinthine and confusing process, resulting in no one getting visitors.
Some other guy told me the same thing last thread. It's probably because the place I'm visiting is not really a psych ward in itself but more like a psychiatric emergencies unit in a french hospital. I don't know how it works in details, maybe she makes it clear that she's going to have visitors or they're just that confident in their security system? Who knows. The hospital is a labyrinth though, I always have to ask around to find the room and patient I'm looking for.
>it was a weird feeling becoming infatuated with girls you're around all day with nothing to do while you're both stabilizing from trauma but never say what it is
Tell me more about that, did you get infatuated with psych girls a lot?

>> No.21611422

Pointing out how bad black people are by statistics doesn't help them because of the self-fulfilling prophecy as it's a matter of social issues. We should focus on the positives and encourage them to do good things. Good culture = good people.

>> No.21611423
File: 141 KB, 1020x1024, 1595380521730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just the overwhelming data, it's the brutality of the acts themselves.

>> No.21611462

What about calling white people racist? Doesn't that create a self fulfilling prophecy? Shut the fuck up disgusting nigger.

>> No.21611470

Uh yes

>> No.21611518

I give off the impression of being low energy at work because I’m just so damn uninterested.

>> No.21611523

Sure, but why should anyone trust whites?

>> No.21611532

The goal is securing the peace, not helping the black community.

>> No.21611546
File: 6 KB, 274x184, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they are the only ones who have created a culture wherein honesty is a virtue. All others, outside of places like Japan, have no premium placed on honesty. That is why all non-whites are inherently untrustworthy, why Arabs lie to save face, why Chinese lie to profit, why Hispanics lie as a joke, why blacks lie in the face of truth. All of them are incapable of abstract honesty. Not only do they see no value in it they are incapable of it, only those who have spent several generations in a white culture are able to approach it and even then it is fleeting.

>> No.21611564

White people also lost their balls and having the balls to smash skulls in is necessary for any culture that values honesty. Now white people are at a disadvantage because they are operating under moral rules that no other race gives a single dirty bullfuck about.

>> No.21611576

I live perpetually switching from taking myself too seriously accompanied by OCD crises and being a pathetic hedonist. It's hard to be normal. Today will be another attempt.

>> No.21611635

My instability is coming back. I wish things were different. I wish I could help myself.

>> No.21611665

What would you do if you were able?

>> No.21611671

I had a hypomanic episode in January, although I wasn't really cognisant of the fact - as is usually the way. I was at the pub where I ran into a friend of mine, I sat a table over with another friend and said some pretty rude things about the guy and a bunch of mutual friends we have. The pub was unbelievably loud, you had to lean next to someone's ear to be able to be heard, so I assumed he couldn't hear any of the things I was saying even though he was only a table over. Anyway I don't know why I said that shit. I didn't really mean any of it, I was just rambling and saying the first shit that popped into my mind. I was pretty sure he couldn't hear me, but then he didn't say goodbye when he left. Then I saw him again recently and it looked like he was trying to avoid talking to me. I can't tell if its in my head but I live with a lot of guilt. I said and did a lot of stupid shit in January and now I've crashed and I'm depressed as hell.

>> No.21611678

jesus thats an excellent capture super congrats and your "son" sorry, wow thats gonna be cool when they see it! keep it up!

>> No.21611679

One positive thing is that I was a bit more in control of my drinking last night. I have a horrible habit of coming home from a night out and then ploughing through the liquor cabinet even though I'm already wasted. If there is more booze to be had I can't stop myself and I end making myself so fucking sick. Anyway I got home last night and managed to stop myself from drinking any more. I am happy with that. But in truth, I only didn't drink more because my housemate was still up and he would have seen me. But a win is a win I suppose.

>> No.21611683

I don't know.

>> No.21611690

Do Americans realise how fucked it is they have to do drug tests for regular jobs over there? Or is it just accepted as normal? It seems insane and authoritarian to me.

>> No.21611693

Communicate with each other, guys. Don't let posts go without replies!

>> No.21611721

It's not something I will say out loud. I'm just leaving. The more time passes, the more I realize you aren't improving in any ways. I thought you were smart, but you're getting dumber. It's annoying to stand there and listen to the stupid shit you say when you clearly don't know anything. Sure, keep talking out of your ass about subjects you didn't even research or experience first and get destroyed like the fucking idiot you are.

Keep thinking that everyone else is a loser and that you are better than them. Keep getting more and more jealous of your 'friends' and criticizing them when they're not around. Sure, why don't you just coom and do nothing all day while other people actually try their hand at improving their lives and helping others?

According to the all-mighty you, it's kind of funny that all of these 'retards' have things you will never have: true friends (I'm done listening to your bullshit), a girlfriend, various social circles you can mingle in, emotional attachments with actual human beings, oh and what about having a fucking hobby aside from video games and politics you barely know anything about? Keep thinking that the root of your problems is you being fat (I didn't know being fat made you an obnoxious motherfucker no one wishes to be around of) or autistic (guess what: you didn't get diagnosed and you're too much of a dumbass to be one anyways).

Keep hurting the people you love. If you can even love them actually with your jealousy that knows no bounds. It's so funny for you to point at their weaknesses when they're proving you wrong on a random subject after all. I'm done trying to help you. Done trying to make sense of your bullshit, done giving any credit to anything you say on the account that once you were actually smarter and more lucid than most people.

You're a fucking dumbass now and you completely deserve your situation because of the way you treat people. I hope you find love and begin to outgrow the manchild that you are one day, I sincerely do. Sadly I don't think anyone with common sense will see any beauty in the current you and I wish them luck in putting up with your bullshit as long as I did. Farewell.

>> No.21611737

no one gets drug tested in america unless the job involves operating dangerous machinery and the pay and skill are so low that people with substance abuse disorders could be in the pool of potential employees.

>> No.21611780

Figure out that first.

>> No.21611782

ich binke bonke binky boo
what do I do?
RADIOHEAD LYRICS! Not that good of a band
"I'm not living, I'm just killing time" Get a job, freeloader!.
Bach is nice, Bach is great.
Radiohead is not that good.
Radiohead is not that good.
Britpop was a psyop.
Binky bonko banky Bansky is not good.
What the hell was the deal with all colors sam anyway?
The FAGGOTS at /x/ are DUMB as hell. They are UNINTELLIGENT and DUMB as hell. I don't like stuff. This country is shit. I have a fan but it does nothing. I'll KILL. I won't, not really. I like Bach. Radiohead is not that good. The Beatles aren't that good. Really they ain't even the best band of the 60s. People are wrong. GHOST! Giggle at the ghosties doo doo, Pinkie Pie!??!?!?!? HUH?!?!?! YOU HAVE BTFO SCHOPENHAUER?!?!?!? HUH?!?!? HUH?!?!?!?! Derrida you KUNT I'll smash your dead skull to smithereens.

>> No.21611784

Lots of employers drug test

>> No.21611787

I saw a new crisis counsellor today. It was horrible. He kept asking me these obtuse and confusing questions and then when I would say that I didn’t know how to answer he would just sit there in silence for a long time looking at me intently. The prolonged silences made me more and more agitated, like I was a specimen being scrutinized under a microscope. I couldn’t make eye contact with him. To distract myself I started compulsively scratching the skin on the backs of my wrists, over and over until my fingernails drew blood.

At one point he said that he didn’t think talk therapy would even work for me because I didn’t seem to want to talk, and asked me if I wanted to leave. But the whole reason that I made the appointment in the first place was that I wanted to talk. And I tried to tell him about some of what I was feeling and the problems I have been having but he didn’t understand. He kept changing the subject and circling back to asking me what I was hoping to get out of the session. I kept saying that I didn’t know what specific outcome I was looking for but that I was feeling really upset and like my life was falling apart and I needed help. Then he would stare at me again and say nothing, or give some condescending platitude. At the end he said he’d refer me to one of his colleagues at some point next week. I don’t know if I can wait that long. I don’t know if the other counsellors will be any better anyway.

When I left I felt far worse than when I went in. Like, all upset and frantic. It was so cold out that the air made my chest hurt with every inhale. I got home and I still felt like I couldn’t breathe and then I couldn’t calm down for hours. After I’d stopped crying and relaxed a little bit, there was this loud knocking on my door and I started to panic. I crawled across the floor as quietly as I could and hid in the closet for a long time, heart racing, stomach churning.

Later I went out into the kitchen and saw that my roommate had left an open package on the table. The knock was probably just the Amazon delivery person leaving it outside. But I don’t actually know.

It’s my birthday tomorrow. I told my parents that I didn’t want anything but they said that they ordered me cake and flowers and are going to have it delivered to my apartment. All I want is to sleep all day and forget that it’s my birthday. But I’ll have to go out early and hide somewhere in the library stacks, because if I’m at home then I’ll spend the whole day dreading a series of unknown knocks on the door that I’ll be too afraid to answer.

I don’t want the cake and flowers anyway. They’re just going to rot until I throw them away. The whole last year of my life has been wasted, so there’s nothing to celebrate. I’m still hung up on the same things as I was last year. I’ve made no progress. It’s not getting better. Nothing feels good. Nothing feels real. I’m so tired. I don’t want to do this anymore.

>> No.21611791


>> No.21611796

I will POO I will PEE I will PEEP through a PEEHOLE in a COCK-A I will PEE through a PEEPHOLE in a door. I'll PEE on your CACA! HA HA HA!

>> No.21611803

Today I'll eat beans and I'll fart and I'll shit. I don't like Ween.
I'm wasting my youth! O' what could have been...
My eyes lost focus! My back be hurtin! my throat be burnin! my life be fadin'.
O' praise the Lord! I got TWO beans!

>> No.21611810 [DELETED] 

Scooby-Da Dooby-Doo Smash-A (AH!). Beebeetee Boh-Bee-Tee BABIDI-A (KAMEHAME-HA!).

>> No.21611820


>> No.21611826

You are a KUNT that's what, that's what. You are a KUNT. KUNTSMANN! KUNTSKUNT DA KUNTSWOMAN! DOUBLEKUNT! HA HA HA.

>> No.21611836


>> No.21611859

Whores. I love whores. Whores are great I love whores I love whores. Whores are all so pretty they're all beautiful outside they're all beautiful inside. I love whores. I love whores. I really love whores. I don't like em pure I don't like em chaste. I need a whore to not have sex with, I need myself a whore to chit-chat with, I need the sight of the cheapest black leather boots and the sound of a raspy cigarette destroyed throat and the smell of the cum of other men. And I need the sight of slight wrinkles and chub. I love whores, whores are fun, whores are nice, whores are pretty whores are great I love whores I love whores I love whores.

>> No.21611893

What's something I can study from my armchair and become an expert in?

>> No.21611895


>> No.21611897

Not funny. Added to ignore list.

>> No.21611928

Circuitry, sculpting, painting.
t. not an expert but can wire electronics and brogram microelectronics

>> No.21611961
File: 44 KB, 401x465, Deutscher_Idealismus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros I wanna see the catalog /lit/ absolutely filled to the brim and overflowing with German Idealism posts. Get to it bois.

>> No.21611978

>stating objective falsehoods as if they're fact
i hope she got some reddit gold for her silly propaganda post

>> No.21611987

what are you so afraid of? whatever it is i hope it gets better. hbd.

>> No.21612060

It is not a matter of right, wrong or true. One night, humanity will reach its end and everything we've all worked for will disappear. There is no point in pursuing the ephemeral. I choose not to believe in the lies we tell ourselves.

Like everyone has taught me: how would someone entertain the thought of building anything if this is all meant to be demolished by the passage of time? Romantic relationships are doomed from the beginning if not overseen by God. This is what years of experience have taught me.

As humans, we need to emotionally attach ourselves to others, yet no one really ask themself if this will last.

Maybe I am just jaded, or maybe I have seen too much or too little. Maybe I am wrong in not believing in the sole human potential to choose a loved one and side by them till the very end. But. Is the thought really that wrong if more than 50% of marriages end up in divorces?

Does anyone wants to end up in the "bad" 50%? Of course not. But it still happens. So what are we supposed to do? Blindly throw ourselves in various relationships till we find our true love, our soulmate? Wait and carefully choose a partner, not the "perfect" one, but the "right" one? Or follow the trusted teachings of an omnipotent being, who already proved to us that having faith yields a higher chance at building a lasting relationship?

I wonder as I write these lines.

Perhaps the true answer is none of those– perhaps it is inside of our heart, ready to grasp one day. When we are ready, when our ears will be sensitive to the sands of time' droppings and time wasted. Then, perhaps, we will reach the true meaning of happiness. Not through a successful relationship, not through material success, but true accomplishment of the self.

I sincerely hope we do. I really do.

>> No.21612079

Everyone is just exaggerating everything.

>> No.21612090

i miss &amp. dunno why editorkun vanished. i need my homegrown 4chan writing fix and minimag is short enough that it doesn’t hit quite the same. someone’s gotta start a new /lit/ pub endeavor.

>> No.21612117

there's so much pain in this world bros. I want to save people from it. There are so many good, beautiful, amazing people that don't deserve the pain. If there were anything that I could do to help just one person. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.21612120

>would say that I didn’t know how to answer he would just sit there in silence for a long time looking at me intently. The
I think this is some weird technique in western psychology. I don't know what it's meant to do but every psychologist has told me they can't treat me when the silence continued on both our parts until they got uncomfortable or the appointment ended. I don't know what they expect people to do, but using silence as a pleasant waiting game is not it. Sitting in silence with another person seems to be taboo in the English speaking world.

>> No.21612136

I like reading as my main thing, but I don't feel compelled to write, but I feel compelled to contribute something to the world.

>> No.21612151

Canadian twink bussy

>> No.21612164

You're choosing not to commit to anything to avoid the pain of potential loss.
It's that simple. The enjoyment comes from the risk of all these things, that they are fragile and can fall apart.
Don't get me wrong though I understand what you feel, as I'm only even in this post imagining what the benefit must be, because I'm similarly indecisive and detached.

>> No.21612174

>every psychologist has told me they can't treat me when the silence continued on both our parts until they got uncomfortable or the appointment ended. I don't know what they expect people to do, but using silence as a pleasant waiting game is not it
Lol, this would be funny if you weren't being serious.
I've never heard of a culture where sitting in silence with a stranger isn't awkward.
You have to open up and talk to the other person. You can't just expect them to carry the conversation without any prompting. What do you expect to happen if you just show up and sit on the chair without saying anything lol

>> No.21612188


>> No.21612192

What we refer to as soul also applies to life and the universe as a whole. Life is messy and deep and mysterious.

>> No.21612206

Talking to a stranger too much can be really impolite, and talking too much to friends can be imposing too. Sometimes people have nothing more to say and they're not paid entertainers who have to keep talking as part of their job. On reflection, therapy seems kind of like paying a stranger to listen to your performance.

>> No.21612220

good question

>> No.21612264
File: 10 KB, 265x400, divine motivation theory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get it because that's what I think God would do.

>> No.21612271
File: 132 KB, 1000x1481, 3ABB7803-D888-467F-9A24-C1CF05C491FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drunk and finished watching trees lounge. I feel sad.

>> No.21612274

Why do you feel sad?

>> No.21612282
File: 130 KB, 613x1024, 1675484306613364m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Clancy was prescribed a dozen medications: Zolpidem which is sold under the brand name Ambien, clonazepam, which is sold under the brand name of Klonopin, diazepam which is sold under the brand name Valium, fluoxetine which is sold under the brand name Prozac, lamotrigine, which is sold under the brand name Lamictil, lorazepam, which is sold under the brand name Ativan, mirtazapine, which is sold under the brand name Remeron, quetiapine fumarate, which is sold under the brand name Seroquel, and trazodone.

Why are modern women like this?

>> No.21612283

If we couldn't understand another person's mind, then we wouldn't be able to predict what another person will do in the future, but that's something we can do, so we can understand another person's mind besides our own as Einstein can understand the theory of general relativity by predicting how much light bends during a solar eclipse.

>> No.21612289


>> No.21612290

Striving towards God and very relatedly, repentance. I'm not really good at these things though

>> No.21612297

The ending left me feeling sad. Like I’m always going to be here, drinking and lonely.

>> No.21612308
File: 146 KB, 1920x1080, 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to raise a toast,
to the lady I love most
(besides my mom of course, but I digress).
It's Hunter who I mean,
/teevee/'s eternal queen;
at sight of her my heart doth incandesce.
Her cunning lapis eyes,
and graceful slender thighs
provoke in me desires most severe.
And be it understood,
that any straight guy would,
in fact if you don't think she's hot, you're queer.

>> No.21612315


>> No.21612316

I can't get up in the morning anymore. Usually some time around 12-1PM because I have to shit.

>> No.21612325

The internet is ruined beyond repair and so is 4chan
I miss the old times

>> No.21612327

excellent schizopost

>> No.21612332

This massive list of prescription drugs is honestly my number 1 redflag for women.
A massive shopping list of pharma is more concerning to me than frequent recreational use of hard drugs desu.

What is worse is how prescription medications have taken on an astrological, identity formation, quality for women.
>I'm a Libera Sun, Taurus Moon, Scorpio Ascending and YES i'm on Klonopin!

>> No.21612335

Is listening to asmr girls whisper to you or make mouth sounds really considered somewhat cheating?

Girl got mad at me that I have a "secret" seperate phone (just used for wifi) with another YouTube account (so I don't get asmr suggestions on my main acc) to listen to asmr at night.

I never intended my 2nd phone to be a secret anyways seeing it's just my old one. I just leave it at home and use it like an ipod

>> No.21612334

How did Sapir-Whorf explain subcultures in the same language who think differently (British and American), and the same culture in different languages who think the same (immigrants and their native speaking offspring)?

>> No.21612337

Not trying to be funny, is it normal for parents to kiss their children's genitals? I was visiting my sister who has 2 children (2 and 4 years old) and my parents (who were also there) and sister argued about this for some time after my father tried to kiss the 4 year old's genitals while helping to bathe them. This happened to us when we were children and I never gave it much thought. I tend to agree with my sister that there's something inappropriate about it. I also noticed they have a weird fixation on the children's genitals whenever they're naked and sitting on the couch.

>> No.21612338

my incapacities lead my life to ruin
Inferior people like me should never have been born

>> No.21612340

I'm an historian of contemporary philosophy

>> No.21612348

i'm a loner and i hate parties, but i love dance music for some reason

>> No.21612354

Is there any way for you not to feel lonely?

>> No.21612365
File: 1.72 MB, 2047x1170, BE374804-AF30-49B1-AB26-9697A3B90400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I can get out of this cage desu.

>> No.21612383

What a shitty counsellor.

>> No.21612422

im tired of feeling powerless, and im tired of the irony of it. im so tired bros. this is just pathetic, i don't who you people even are and im whining about my feelings to you. i dont know what to say, i dont even make these decisions. they just happen. this is embarassing. good thing you guys arent real

>> No.21612427

What are your findings?

>> No.21612441

i dont want to be jordan peterson right now but everytime i come across this kind of sentiment, i have to stop thinking about it because i will actually start crying unironic tears. they say we need pain in order to recognize goodness, but i dont think anything is worth that price

>> No.21612466


>> No.21612551

this post was literally written in order to attack me

>> No.21612906

But there are no good generals on /lit/