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/lit/ - Literature

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21605521 No.21605521 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck it, how about a stack thread

>> No.21605530
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>The decline of the west
>Abridged version

>> No.21605539

If I like it I’ll get the 2 volume edition

>> No.21605543

If the premise of the book is true, there's no time to read the full version. If not, who cares?

>> No.21605607
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>> No.21606405
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>> No.21606772


>> No.21606930

>spengler's decline of the west
frankly embarrassing. the rest is kino especially thoreau's journals

>> No.21606956

>stacking books horizontally

>> No.21606985

Figured I’d give him a whirl. I’m not the typical neo Nazi, I just want to see what the fuss is about. Henry Miller raced about him in the end of his Rosy Crucifixion trilogy and he’s been a link to a lot of books I’ve liked

>> No.21607043

Okay. It's been years since I've been here. I'm reading the Sot weed factor. What a hilarious adventure.

>> No.21607051
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Wow I'm still retarded.

>> No.21607053

>physical books
become an e-reader chad today and have the entire catalogue of human knowledge at your fingertips

>> No.21607086

Nice. Glad to see another Brief History of Seven Killings enjoyer.

>> No.21607091

I don't believe it. post timestamp

>> No.21607128

>t. basic normie /lilt/babby automaton

>> No.21607135

You can buy it on Amazon for 30 bucks, ya dingus

>> No.21607138

post timestamp of book wall

>> No.21607148

Why do you want a timestamp of my 200 books?

>> No.21607165
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What do you mean lol.

>> No.21607169

Not an argument.

>> No.21607176
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>e-reader chad
>have the entire catalogue of human knowledge
You have to actually read them first, anon

>> No.21607177

Not an argument

>> No.21607202

>two copies of Kafka on the Shore


>> No.21607230
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>> No.21607345

He said he had a catalogue, but he didn't say anything about possessing any breadth of knowledge.

>> No.21608127

I will buy the first editions of books I have in paperback. That is just my paperback stack.

>> No.21608152

I hope to god a fire never breaks out. I would be broken by my collection being burnt. I'm not a rich fag who can rebuy all my shit again.

>> No.21608295

become an ereader chad today and get all your books on your tablet or computer

>> No.21608335

>how about a stack thread
Why? It's just vanity photos in the end.

>> No.21608353


>> No.21609430

>there's no time to read the full version

>> No.21609579
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What does /lit/ think of drake's stack?

>> No.21609593

>e-reader chad
Also called poor people.

>> No.21609672

You can't make communism a science. A soft social science at most.
At any rate, works of Graeber, Clastres, Kaczynski are more important than Marx or early 20th century tankies, or any tankie ever.

>> No.21609791

How about you fuck off faggot

>> No.21610591

How’s the Montesquieu if you read any yet?

>> No.21610702
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I have read the Moorcock book and am nearly done with the intro to buddhism

>> No.21610710

Seems good for a newcomer to lit

>> No.21611229
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collection complete.

>> No.21611266
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The library of america is the first volume of henry james’ short stories. there are five total and i saved this one for last expecting disappoint relative to the rest of his output.

>> No.21611292

Have you read any Unamuna before? I’ve debated trying him for a bit

>> No.21611302

It's quite good. It's an epistolary romance, as the name suggests. Some of the letters are hilarious, such as one of the friends of the protagonist Usbek sending him a letter from Russia, telling him how Russian women love to be beaten and how they feel unloved when their husbands don't beat them. Another letter is a reflection on the nature of different peoples: Frenchmen and Persians are quite different from each other, but Jews in France and Persia are absolutely the same.
It's an easy read. I believe the French youth read it for their university entrance exams.

>> No.21611325

I’ve read a couple of his works and have a couple more on backlog. Tragic Sense of Life is probably his most famous but I just started so don’t have much to say.

His Life of Don Quixote is amazing as part philosophy, part essay on spanish identity - but the whole disguised as chapter by chapter commentary on don quixote as a story dealing with a real person.

For his fiction, Fog / Niebla is the place to start. It’s early meta-fiction that feels like Pirandello or O’Brien but with a more serious philosophical undergirding.

>> No.21611330

Nice. I’ll have to move him up my long list of writers to read. I always love seeing O’Brien’s name being mentioned here as well

>> No.21611379
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>> No.21611390

Enjoy. Hate how I rejected Austen in my youth to be a contrarian but now that I turn 30, her wit and writing are remarkable.

>> No.21611519

She's dull. In the modern era she'd write for netflix

>> No.21611526


>> No.21611555

Can't you reply with something of substance here? I'm trying to have a dialogue

>> No.21611557


>> No.21611565

>In the modern era she'd write for netflix
Yeah, you’re a /tv/ tard who has never had a single thought of substance in your entire life, hence you collapsed into “muh netflixerinoo” propositions that onlt midwits who think they’re clever say.

>> No.21612585

I might read jane austin when I'm like 50. It's just not for me while I have high test.

>> No.21612625

You should read it sooner.

>> No.21612740

Nah there are far more important things to read and learn before you get all the way down to married women squabbling.

>> No.21612876

A friend mailed me that book a few years ago. She said she didn't like it but that I would probably. I never even read because at the time I had a reading slump. Can you sell me on the book? I know nothing about it. Why is it worth reading?

>> No.21613331

Kinda bussin, can't lie

>> No.21614016

the kind of person to buy GEB and never read more than a page

>> No.21614024

oddly thick edition of naked lunch

>> No.21614026
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You guys know of any good naturalist writers? I'm currently reading Arctic Dreams about the arctic.

>> No.21614945
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>> No.21615006

The mandatory infinite jest meme always gets me.


>> No.21615028

>only english
cringe anglos

>> No.21615054
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Tired of all these pseuds shitting up /lit/, decided to make myself an intellectual juggernaut

>> No.21615063
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You are like babby.

>> No.21615139

Why did he shove a fucking shoe on top of his stack?

>> No.21615161

that's a rather dramatic cover for a chess opening

>> No.21615175

>all of these french books when all it really takes is one natural language book
i hope you didn't spend money on those

>> No.21615189

he's half white, half black, so there's books but also overpriced sneakers in the image, hope that helps

>> No.21615214

The books are for show, as the shoe also is. Niggers can't read.

>> No.21615261

I read my first Giono a couple months ago, A King Alone. The first half was amazing. The atmosphere created was top notch with a noir and surreal vibe. I wasn’t a fan of the second half. Unsure if I should read more of him

>> No.21616172

American website

>> No.21616332
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>> No.21616341

Your memes are mid, zoom zoom

>> No.21616400

Have a bump for Carlos Alberto Nunes.

>> No.21616453
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>> No.21616466

I just want to add that in Thoreau’s journal he has some unexpected funny parts, particularly with animals. I’m not sure if I believe him. I’m going to see if I can find one

>> No.21616474
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current stack that i'm half-way through

>> No.21616489

That's not even everything desu senpai. It's missing my mass market paperback shelf and my first edition shelf lol.

>> No.21616536

Are you really or are you lying?

>> No.21616543

not lying, read surplus enjoyment, the third unconscious, infocracy, going to finish and then tonight. not pictured is the philosophy of zen buddhism by byung chul-han, loaned it to my neighbour but that was part of the stack too. planning to read otherwise than being next

>> No.21616546
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Thoreau and the woodchuck

>> No.21616572

oh no

>> No.21616584

I enjoyed that collection of Kenji Miyazawa stories a lot. My favorite one is probably 'Gorsh the Cellist'.

>> No.21616630


>> No.21616917

Fool spending money on individual paperback copies of McCarthy when he could have bought all 3 books of the trilogy together in the Everychad's Library hardcover

>> No.21617103

is last exit to brooklyn good?

>> No.21617297

Can't blame him, it's a damn good read

>> No.21617315

chess is pure kino

>> No.21617344

You play it?

>> No.21617499


>> No.21617510

You're so based anon. Is this what you wanted to hear?

>> No.21617531
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Current reading/to read stack.

>> No.21617547
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Still too new to literature and not fluent enough in english so I lack the courage to pick up anything longer than novella-length.
I'll be picking up Thomas Hardy's complete short fiction once I'm done with conrad/poe.

>> No.21618412
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Bunch of filthy casuals itt.

>> No.21618440

Girl detected. The throw pillows are a dead give away

>> No.21618465

I like to make walks to the library. Gives you time to think and is a healthy exercise if you take a bunch of heavy books.

>> No.21619134

what is your native tongue bb?

>> No.21619209
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>> No.21619344

Sorry boys that's my ex's mark on my apartment.
I still keep them around because they make for comfy back-cushioning while lay down to read and I occasionally sniff them
>what is your native tongue bb
it's in the picture sir

>> No.21620911

naturalist as in literary movement/style or naturalist as in writes about the environment? I think you mean the second; John McPhee's work, especially Coming Into The Country (about alaska), Encounters with the Archdruid (about three men with strongly held and differing views on building a dam in the West), and Annals Of The Former World (about the geologic history of the continental US) are amazing. def recommend those

>> No.21621196
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My man

>> No.21621199
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>> No.21621288

OP here and I think we have very similar taste. Emerson is a writer I hold close to my heart

>> No.21621303

have yall read Emerson: The Mind On Fire? I have a copy of it but I've never gotten around to it. also while we're on Emerson, what's the best edition of his journals?

>> No.21621368
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I haven’t read The Mind on Fire, sorry. But I have read pic related from Library of America. Even the ~1700 pages I’ve read are a fraction of his total journals. It took me forever because I read a little at a time, which I think is the best way to do it or you’ll get burnt out. Some of his most memorable passages from his essays were lifted straight from his journal, so it was always cool coming upon them. I would only recommend it to a dedicated fan, and not reading large chunks at a time, because it can become tedious

>> No.21621855

I used to own that "Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television"

>> No.21621889

drake's stacks continute to dazzle me

>> No.21622444
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>> No.21622446

cisgender white male/10 yaaawn

>> No.21622618

What? Is that a new buzzword for "heterosexual"?

>> No.21622647

ótima escolha, mano

>> No.21622756

Thanks for the answer. I meant the naturalist as in writing about nature. I have John McPhee on my list of writers to read. That one book about oranges sounds interesting.

>> No.21624311

kill yourself
why would you put a fucking flower pot on top of these

>> No.21624323

Nice trips, good ryunosuke. Peak comfy.

>> No.21624406
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snagged this lot last night off fb marketplace. Had to drive an hour to get it but I was able to haggle the price down $150 less than what they were asking. Will end up selling some of them and keeping the rest

>> No.21624850

>author, titles and publisher imprint don't line up on the spine
>titles are different font sizes
>collect the whole set for an author you love and it looks like shit

why are they all so fucking retarded like this?

>> No.21625337

And let me guess, not a single one has ever been read by anyone.

>> No.21625344

Glad to see my books on the far right are still being spammed by this seething faggot

>> No.21625528


apparently they sat on someones bookshelf since around the late 70s. Maybe one or two of them had been opened but the vast majority I can tell never were. When it comes to these types of books (Easton Press, Franklin Library, etc) with the gilded page ends the pages tend to "stick" together if they aren't opened/flipped through occasionally. So I gave each one a nice 'airing out'.

Unfortunately one was heavily molded & had to be thrown away (Vanity Fair). A few have bits of discoloration/foxing so I'm debating on tossing them away or keeping them and hoping it doesn't spread.

>> No.21625541


>> No.21625652

What? Is that a new buzzword for "normal"?

>> No.21625756

>A few have bits of discoloration/foxing so I'm debating on tossing them away or keeping them and hoping it doesn't spread.
Just clean the covers and keep them in a low humidity environment and you're fine.

>> No.21625797

may I ask what is the proper way to clean/maintain leather covers and or pages?

>> No.21625826

How do I make my own leather or hard canvas dust cover for books

>> No.21625881

Easton Press editions are a nightmare if you live in a relatively humid place. I bought a bunch of them, brand new, back in 2019, and in less than a year they were showing signs of moulding. I live in Tokyo and this fucking city is a tropical jungle during spring and summer.

>> No.21625921

You are the least funny poster on /lit/

>> No.21625922
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I forgot to add this to OP. It is such a great book that I’m trying to shill more often

>> No.21626031


>> No.21626122
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It's not pictured but I'm also reading Crime and Punishment
Read Giono's "A King Alone" a few years back. I don't think I got as much out of it then as I would now. I should return to his stuff one day
how have those Houellebecq essays aged?
I read The Sound of Waves over the summer. wonderful book

>> No.21626137

A King Alone went downhill fast in the second half I thought

>> No.21626153

Enjoy the Akutagawa, anon. He's like the Poe of Japan but with his own style of storytelling.
>inb4 Edogawa Rampo
He's not as good as Akutagawa, unfortunately.

>> No.21626156

I felt the same way but I just assumed I was getting filtered since I had only recently started reading a lot

>> No.21626244

Surprised there is not more talk about the Miller book. Air Conditioned Nightmare is great. Nice taste OP.

>> No.21626312

Miller is my favorite author but he’s not a great writer for discussion. He is all about what you take in and absorb

>> No.21627397

Whoever made this photo should move their hand with that toy and show the bookshelf instead

>> No.21627541
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>> No.21627592

how is confessions of a yakuza?

>> No.21628258


>> No.21628270
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>> No.21628312

I don't know, I bought two days ago.

>> No.21628332

Existem brasileiros que leem além de mim e do meu pai? Estou maravilhado

>> No.21628412
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I'm too retarded for Ulysses but too retardedly stubborn to give up.
Very nice
Just started Emerson. Favorite essays?

>> No.21628443


>> No.21629088
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Working my way through Putin's biography and then I want to read a bit about Ukraine's history. Feeling stuck in my area right now cuz I want to go camping, but not during the winter, so I have that Discovering Eden book to travel a little through a person's writings.

>> No.21629392

That Angela Nagle book probably aged terribly.

>> No.21629482
