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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2160338 [Reply] [Original]

>That feel when you do a peer review for your class and both of them are terrible and will take hours to go over properly.

I'm about to shoot myself in the head. It's almost as if they do not speak English as their primary language.

I could just half ass it. As in not comment on any of the grammatical issues in the essay and just write the required comments, but I honestly want to help them. But it's almost as if they haven't been to any of the optional writing seminars despite them really needing them. If you want I can quote from their essays, and you can tell me if I'm overreacting or if they are in fact poorly written.

Anyone else had issues with peer reviews?

>> No.2160340

One of them doesn't even have a thesis. It's just rewriting the essay question, introducing the texts, and explaining their techniques. There's nothing to go off here.

It must really suck to be an English professor. I couldn't imagine doing this for a living.

>> No.2160341

Not as bad as your experience, but every peer review I've done has a lot of grammatical errors; at least 2-3 per paragraph.
Considering they were written by native English speakers, it's pretty sad.

>> No.2160344

God help you sir.

>> No.2160351
File: 66 KB, 700x233, essay intro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, this one has worse than that. At least every sentence has issues with it.

I mean I've personally written some fairly poor essays (last minute jobs), but I at least take the effort to proof read them. All you have to do is read it out loud, and see if it makes sense.

Here's the first paragraph in the not-so-bad one, even though it's still fairly bad.

>> No.2160353

Oh dear. Is it their final piece, or just a draft?

God help them if it's their final work.

>> No.2160357

Just a draft, and not worth much at all.

But they are really going to have to edit the living hell out of this to make it to C range or higher.

>> No.2160359

I know that feel. I would probably just do the beginning properly and point out structural issues. Argumentative errors etc. could be important later on of course, but if there are certain kinds of mistake that are all over the paper, just show the first few and note that you stopped after those.

>> No.2160360
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I...I don't even...God help you, OP. Is this a college level class? How did they possibly read both books and learn nothing about how to form a coherent sentence?

>> No.2160362

This is ridiculous. English is not my mother tongue, but even I would never in my life write - let alone hand in - something like that. Seriously, things like this make me lose all hope for society. Why should I worry about the theoretical issues with different political systems if it is so painfully obvious that the large majority of people are just fucking retarded?

>> No.2160366
File: 30 KB, 700x106, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

University level critical studies.

But seriously, if you guys think this is bad, I don't want to show you the other one.

I just read ahead towards the end. Look at this.

>> No.2160368

post the worst one op. post the whole thing. i get off reading things like this.

>> No.2160371

And even more so, what does it have to do with his thesis on multiple narration?

This isn't some divey University of Phoenix-esque school either. It's one of the top universities in the country. In the top 10 at least.

>> No.2160373

Do it. God have mercy on us all.

>> No.2160374

these are by freshmen, right? cause if so that's pretty par for the course

>> No.2160376

Sorry, I can't bring myself to do that.

Mostly freshman, yeah. Don't they still teach this stuff in high school though?

>> No.2160377

carm aaaarrrnnnnnnn

>> No.2160378

One good snippet is all we ask, op. Post some fail.

>> No.2160379
File: 221 KB, 254x135, 1318398595878.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now in my creative writing class:
>peer edits due online for poetry
>i'm shit at writing a coherent, 'class-acceptable' poem in the first place, and still expected to give other people critiques (who are generally worse than me)
>end up coming off like an asshole; everything I write is brief and not helpful and inadvertently sarcastic
>everyone in the class ignores me when I say hi and treats me like an asshole
i'm actually a really nice guy, I just read too much Tao Lin and write 'comments' like 'this' without even thinking about it

>> No.2160380

Wait, these are COLLEGE freshmen? Jesus christ, I thought you were a high school kid. I'm going to go walk off a bridge now.

>> No.2160384
File: 61 KB, 739x289, essay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, here. One paragraph. Note that 'Preconceived' sentence is straight from one of the lecture slides.

That's a dick move by the professor to not make the peer edits anonymous.

>> No.2160386
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>Alex and Grandafather use he is American or he is Jew as if it explains everything that Jonathan is doing.

>> No.2160389

>Go on /lit/
>see people making fun of my essay
Fuck you guys.

>> No.2160394

i fucking lol'd. so hard.

>> No.2160395

Yeah, and I thought my essay was bad considering I haven't read the books nor been to any lectures, and did it the night before. At least it keeps its coherency throughout the piece.

Mate, if you want help in your writing skills, I can give you free one-on-one lessons. You make your point well at times, but in others you are all over the place. I'm free Wednesday afternoon. You should also go to the seminars if you don't already. The reading and learning faculty also holds free critical writing classes.

>> No.2160396

>implying that's really him

>> No.2160398

Probably not, but it's possible.

Forgot to attach my intro into the last post, but now I'm glad I didn't. /lit/ would shit all over it and make me feel bad.

>> No.2160399


Even though I know you're joking, I'm fairly certain that anyone who would ever click /lit/ would write better than that even if they started an hour before it was due.

>> No.2160401

i demand more english class fail. hook it to my veins.

>> No.2160402

POST IT. We'll laugh with you.

>> No.2160406

OP here. Grabbing another bad introduction now.

>> No.2160421 [SPOILER] 
File: 51 KB, 640x430, tubgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2160424

thnak god for the blurred out cooch

>> No.2160425
