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/lit/ - Literature

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21602807 No.21602807 [Reply] [Original]

frens edition

prev >>21599511

>> No.21602813


>> No.21602833

I hate women
I hate men who surpass me in qualities that attract the praise of women
Whoever disagrees with these statements is no man, for men are territorial at heart

>> No.21602846

What's the point of competition and dominance? Why can't we just live on equal standing?

>> No.21602861
File: 951 KB, 1059x1053, 1674699588526760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are all art hoes/ alt girls the same? Its literally a copy paste personality from other internet whores or characters from the movies. They all wear Dr Marten boots, wear the same stupid haircut, have the same style and same indie interests. The "I'm not like the other girls meme" is so accurate that it should be studied by anthropologists and sociologists ....

>> No.21602884

If it's too on-point it's labeled pseudoscience. Progress requires a bit of "leeway"...

>> No.21602893

>all men hate women
>this is your mind on inceldom

>> No.21602900

How do they keep warm if it's snowing outside and they're in a tent with no radiator?

>> No.21602915
File: 7 KB, 240x240, 54e7dbafcd506_corneliu_zelea_codreanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a pillow fort, those things are impregnable.

>> No.21602919

If you hate women you wouldnt feel envious of their praise

>> No.21602920


>> No.21602929

>why does this sub culture have people who share interests

>> No.21602930
File: 115 KB, 640x672, -8IIOEBhaY95WFz_x1UBaA71V8B9HxP6E-Zwn5jMCzE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend me some good movies

>> No.21602933

Stop posting trannies.

>> No.21602942

Ginger Snaps

>> No.21602943

Freeway 2

>> No.21602961


>> No.21602976
File: 6 KB, 274x184, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A father and son's relationship is not a relationship of equals, nor one of romantic love. The relationship between a father and son is a very complicated affair that has no overlap with the relationship between a man and a woman. Your deliberate conflating of the two is below both of us.

At the beginning of their relationship the father is by far the senior and authoritative position but as the son ages and gains experience he will, or at least should, eclipse the father in terms of experience and ability. Thus it starts and ends as unequal relationship. First in favoring the father and as time progresses the needle shifts in favor of the son. So yes, a son should naturally submit to the authority of his father but constantly rebel within the framework of a growing up and finding the boundaries and a father should enforce gradually expanding boundaries. The father should then step back and allow his son the rightful position as the head of the family when the time comes.

Failure to do this results in >>21602833

>> No.21602979

I will once again attempt to diminish my internet/technology use down to the bare minimum. We (humans) can't even experience things anymore. A lonely lunch? No, you will have fake company through a YT video; a silent walk? No, you will listen to music while you do it; working out? You need music to pump you up for that too; washing the dishes? Need some background noise; free time to reflect, read, bask on sunlight or see the stars? No, go to 4chan or seek some online novelty elsewhere. In this era you can't even experience true loneliness anymore, yet we're more isolated than ever. People can be addicted to sex without even having it.
Last night I decided to not engage with technology before going to sleep—looked at the starts for some time. Less than 2 hours doing that and I saw a shooting star, it was awesome.

>> No.21602981

I see so many terrible, horrible things happen to people and it genuinely unnerves me to the core. People drowning in underwater caves, having their bodies horrifically mutilated, etc.

My friends an EMT and he told me about how a mother and her 3 kids all melted together when their car crashed into a ditch and exploded. Shit like that happening genuinely makes me wish I was a psychopath and couldn't feel remorse or empathy.

>> No.21602988

You know, the blue plates are nice but the brown ones seem to last longer

>> No.21602989

at least on a visual level reality feels more "stylized" than "realistic" games - its colors more colorful, its darks darker, its people more expressive

>> No.21602991

>saw a shooting star
Are you sure it's not the comet?

>> No.21603023

>read it as pilates
Do /lit/ chuds do pilates? What about yoga?

>> No.21603024

Anon, you probably already are and just don't realize it. After all, how often do you attempt to combat global warming?

>> No.21603031

Every now and then I am struck by a feeling of intense sadness and melancholy, but in recent times it has increased in frequency and severity. My chest tightens up and I begin hyperventilating, my own body and the world around me feels utterly alien.

>> No.21603032

I mean, isn't "shooting star" just a way to call it? It's never actually a star. But to describe it: brief, fast and yellow trail.

>> No.21603059

Art is more effective when it seeks to capture our experiences than our reality.
A picture of your childhood home is just a picture. A game that makes you feel like a kid again is without question a masterpiece.

>> No.21603066

lmaooooooo I sense the makings of a pasta

>> No.21603074

Eat Drink Man Woman
Ang Lee's best

>> No.21603084

As long as there are elements beyond our control, strength will be necessary to protect that which we can't afford to lose.
Competition is the greatest path to strength.
Dominance is necessary to defend the things you love.

>> No.21603160

wonder if im atypical in how desperately i value free time no matter how little i do with it

whats that? a discord call lasting 30 minutes longer than arbitrarily expected, after a hearty day of walking around and staring into space? guess ill get so mad i could crush stone

>> No.21603183

Doing nothing is doing something. Empty is something. The void is something. Be happy. Life's too short to be mad enough to crush stone.

>> No.21603186

What body type is that?

>> No.21603199

The scariest thought is that after I die it could be like I was never even here.

>> No.21603205

Why is that your scariest thought?

>> No.21603231

Hurting Insect

>> No.21603271

Family getting older. Parents laid off, bad savings. Poor health, I am expected to step up but I'm a manchild with zero skills other than mediocre coding gigs I've gotten. I make 60k USD a year and have the weight of my entire family on my shoulders. My mom probably has cancer and refuses to see a doctor.

Everyone is extremely miserable and every time I try to be positive and delusionally optimistic the reality of everyones personal circumstance is breaking my back and it drags me back into the mud. I am so extremely close to killing myself but I just know it would destroy my family's lives forever. If there is a higher power and I'm being punished for some past transgression, I must have been John Wayne Gacy or some shit.

>> No.21603314

gen z is a disease
don't fear, it will correct itself in due course

>> No.21603323

From what you're telling me, sounds like their lives are already destroyed. Not your problem desu. Live or die, they're fucked.

>> No.21603330

Hello it's me! The anon with the psych ward cutiepie. I'm planning to go visit her again tomorrow and this time I'm going to bring my computer so we can watch Shrek together. I'm also bringing a painting canva with aquarelle tools. Hopefully they'll let that in.
I've never attended to somebody in a psych ward before so I'm just trying stuff I hope will make her feel better. The last time I went I just brought a book from her place, and my first impression was that this was bizarre that they would put someone under mental risks in some white and green room with nothing inside. There's no TV, not even fucking plug in there so she has to ask the personnel to charge her phone. There's also the way that they've been treating her that's bugging me. Like they believe she's underage or something although it's clearly written that she's above 18 on her armband. So she can't go outside alone to smoke, she has to wait till someone can accompany her, and she can't even wear her own clothes. She has to stay in her hospital gown. How can anyone get better under these conditions? They've been drugging the hell out of her, too, and she has no clue as to when she will be able to go home. They know better, I guess, but shit.

>> No.21603354

They're all I got. Not good at making connections with others and I can't handle my moms death anyway.

The simple fact I can't really accept is that it's gonna end sooner rather than later and as much as I know it's ultimately my fault, I really do feel like I got very unlucky with a lot of stuff recently, though I suppose many also have it much worse, as disturbing a thought as that might be.
I don't know the context of your previous posts but it's cool that you're visiting someone in a deep psych ward. Those places are horrifying.

>> No.21603399

Shooting stars are like meteorites and space debris burning up in the atmosphere, but there's also a comet at the moment which is green. You saw a shooting star, but you can still see the comet for another few weeks if you're further south. Tonight is one of the closest nights for its orbit in the northern hemisphere.

>> No.21603403

You better learn and you'd better get the fuck out of there. 60k is more than enough to live on, start your own life. Why be resigned to their misery?

>> No.21603436

I was reading the Three Body Problem and it's been introducing me to some chinese philosophy. I was most interested to discover Mozi and Mohism. Does anyone know some good intro books to the major chinese philosophies?

>> No.21603441

Thats weird, I didnt know psych wards permitted conjugal visits. I suspect you larp.

>> No.21603492

>I don't know the context of your previous posts but it's cool that you're visiting someone in a deep psych ward.
It's not much. I've been designed to bring the stuff of some girl I barely know who tried to kill herself. She has no one else in town. Thanks. Yeah the place is pretty shitty but I haven't seen much. She said she was put in some room with another girl who was drunk at first but when I came she was in her own room. At least she's alone and not with crazy whackjobs.
Psych ward is the closest designation for where she is at in my country. It's more like a psych emergencies unit in a general hospital. And it's not a conjugal visit, they didn't even ask for my name.

>> No.21603503

>they didn't even ask for my name
Even weirder. What country are you in? My brother has been in and out of psych wards for years and getting visits is basically impossible

>> No.21603512

If there really is a global food shortage, obese Americans will be the largest proportion of survivors

>> No.21603567

>fuck up my four years of perfect GPA at the last semester
Ultimately it's petty and pointless, but I still feel like dying.

>> No.21603587

Sometimes I feel like becoming a writer, but then I remember my native language and the desire goes away.

>> No.21603593

/wg/ doesn't like my story...

>> No.21603598

Which one?

>> No.21603608

I prefer reading 4chan than most books. It may be convenience and something about attention span, but this overstimulation of opinions really gets into me. It's like an infinite novel. I may read 5 books per year, but I write a lot tho

>> No.21603611

Six hours.
I'd been left in the dark, cold room for six hours.
At least I think it was six.
I'm not entirely sure. The other 'thing' in the room kept repeating it so maybe I was being made to believe it had been six hours.
That said, the 'thing' sat across from me in the corner.
I stared at it, and it at me.
I could only see it eyes. Little yellow dots void of pupils or any other familiar details.
"How much time has passed?" I asked.
"Six hours." It repeated.
I lightly chuckled, knowing I wasn't going to get any other response.

There was no door to the room. The muddied red wallpaper covered everything besides the ceiling and floor.
There was a single light hanging down from a solitary wire, but what little power kept it on didn't provide much for either of us.
"Six hours." It spoke again.
I looked down at my hands. Withered and worn like I'd been working at some labourous job for over-
"Six hours." It continued.

>> No.21603619


>> No.21603624

Nobody is forcing you to look at your phone at lunch or listen to music while you walk

>> No.21603649

Spooky. Reminds me of the Yellow wallpaper.

>> No.21603663

I need a gf (female)

>> No.21603667 [DELETED] 

Download the app called AppBlock, it works.

>> No.21603843

I wanna stop being so horny in the morning. Its so fucking annoying holy shit.

>> No.21603987

midnight at the drive thru.
there's three cars ahead of you
but nothing behind.
you could back out now,
drive home to sleep for
what your thoughts will allow
if they weren't begging your mouth
for uhhhhh

caniac combo
no slaw sub texas toast
well done fry
and an unsweetened iced tea

don't they fry in canola oil?
didn't you hear
canola reduces libido?

there's one beer left in the fridge
beside the clean picked bones
of a kroger rotisserie chicken
which you'll drink tonight anyway;
skip the chicken!

too late
a silverado just pulled in
spotlighting your car with his high beams
blinding you through the mirrors
you knew you shouldn't trust

it's not like you're having sex anyway.

you thank the cashier
whom you'll later remember as cute
regretting the pungent bag of grease
you paid her to give you
as you nervously drive off.

the exhausts of cars
idling in the dark parking lot
rise lacking balance
on the cold night air,
vanishing within the moon
as every part of you
wishes it could do
when you scour the bag
and only find cane's sauce x 2.

>> No.21604113

It feels much safer to only ever connect through an impersonal medium. On a screen or reading a book there's no real risk, whereas in real life people can be unpredictable, strange, and full of random passing moods that they may take out on you.
Whether it's a screen or a book, there's that distance which makes me feel powerful and in control in a way I will never be in real life.
This realization drains all the joy I take out of reading. When I realize it's just basically a cope for my inhibited, restrained, and passive lifestyle.
In real life I will never interact with people with the ease of a fictional character. In real life I'm cripplingly shy. I shut down become uncommunicative, extremely rude, or adopt a pose of contempt/indifference to salvage my self-respect.
Or sometimes I purposely act as foolish as possible knowing I can't ever relate to someone at a deep level, so might as well make a scene or beautiful mess. Insult people, break social rules just for the fun of seeing what happens.
No matter what around people my age I feel like an outsider. Like everyone has had their brains stewing in a social media soup that I never got to participate in, not that I ever wanted to, but sometimes people catch on that I have basically zero clue, no understanding about popular culture anymore.
Like recently this hit me hard when I was talking to my brother on vacation. We were discussing movies to watch. I suggested we watch Coco, "that new Pixar movie that came out recently".
He says,
"Anon .... that came out 5 years ago"

>> No.21604125

Well yeah, but the internet has become extremely addictive, and a lot of social media sights are expressly designed to be as addictive as possible.
We all have the agency to try and reduce our usage, and enjoy life, but it's super easy to fall into the habit of filling every available second with the internet.

>> No.21604168

What is the point of having a job mang. The girls I graduated with send maybe 3 emails a day at their "flexible hours" daycare job and get a six figure salary. They produce nothing and receive far more than the underclasses. I find it quite hard to think of an occupation that I would be proud to perform, because no one and nothing is worth serving.

>> No.21604176

>My friends an EMT and he told me about how a mother and her 3 kids all melted together when their car crashed into a ditch and exploded.
Yeah, EMTs see some crazy shit. EMT guy on a server I frequented described finding a guy dead. He was completely naked, crushed Viagra pills on the counter, with porn blaring. His heart had burst from snorting too much viagra.
Crazy shit. Can't imagine the stuff they have to see on a weekly basis and still get paid jack shit.
>Shit like that happening genuinely makes me wish I was a psychopath and couldn't feel remorse or empathy.
Brutal realities of life like that are so horrible you want to disconnect from your emotions. It's only natural. Just don't think about it too much, you'll be fine.

>> No.21604180

>What is the point of having a job mang.
To sabotage the economy from the ground up and get paid while doing it.

>> No.21604188

Has anyone here ever dropped a comfy wage slave life in the suburbs to live as some paycheck to paycheck bohemian and mingle with other smelly hip "artists" in the city? Kinda wanna try it out of boredom.

>> No.21604195

Quite simply we all have our individual interests, and no one would ever be willing to subordinate their interest in any real tangible sense to collective good. People talk lots of rhteoric of equality, but how much of a drop in your own living standards would you be willing to accept for everyone's collective good?
My opinion is that both individual competition and equality exist in something of a dialectical relationship: between individual ambitions, and the social equilibrium/stability demanded for the collective interest. If one interest becomes too domineering, too powerful over and against other powers, the others check it in some way in order to ensure some degree of balance and equanimity. You might then think of individual ambition/competition as not necessarily opposed to equality, but as in fact the very means of ensuring equality. This can for instance be seen in chimpanzees as Franz de Waal observes that when any new male chimp becomes the leader, the other two less powerful chimps will band together against the leader.

>> No.21604224

We got a
Number one victory royale
Yeah Fortnite we bout to get down
(get down)
Ten kills on the board right now, just wiped out Tomato Town
My friend just got downed
I revived him a'now we're heading South bound
Now were in the Pleasant Parks streets
Look at the map, go to the marked sheet
Take me to your Xbox to play Fortnite today,
We can go to Moisty Mires,
But not Loot Lake
I'd really love to,
Chug-Jug with you,
and we can be pro-Fortnite gamers..
Pro Fortnite gamers..

Entirely from memory folks. I sing this song to myself whenever I do anything devious or mischievous online, usually when Im feeling horrible about the state of thing around me. I like it because it has a soothing melody and the kids voice sounds so innocent.
Thats it I guess.

>> No.21604229

Thread Theme


>> No.21604268

I've never played Fortnite in my life nor I have interest in do so, but this song has something in it that makes it very addictive. That kid could have discovered something that not even pop music producers know about how to make a song catchy.

>> No.21604286

Drank to much alcohol and am now feeling that ache in my liver and legs. Wasn't even that much just 3 beers...

>> No.21604289

I fear I'm getting filtered by Bukowski, or is he just a meme? Based on how people talk about him he should be right up my alley

>> No.21604311

What does soulfulness look like in a person?
It's only visible when both our state of minds align for them to bare their soul to me and for me to be looking into the window of their soul.
For me to feel and experience shooting stars in the night sky, the stars must be falling and I must also be looking at the sky, searching for it.

>> No.21604319

5 years is pretty recent to be fair. There’s only so many movies a year so 5 years isn’t really that much of a stretch.

>> No.21604335

>That kid could have discovered something that not even pop music producers know about how to make a song catchy.

>> No.21604372
File: 66 KB, 697x829, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How reliant on this shit are people going to be? The answers it gives will be taken by fact by some people. The implications are going to be weird

>> No.21604375

>The society of the spectacle
Who knew ai could be this based

>> No.21604403

Nearly half of the list isn't even fucking English

>> No.21604424

Do you still enjoy literature?

>> No.21604438

Just coming to terms with the fact that I spent most of January in a hypomanic episode.

>> No.21604444

Sometimes yes.

>> No.21604445

> The Great Gatsby
> Harry Potter
> Das Kapital
I wouldn't take anything this thing says as fact.

It is sorta useful for technical questions when stackoverflow isn't of any help though. I think that they would do way better if the devs weren't secular moralistic pussies and just stopped filtering non-establishment approved data from their training datasets.

>> No.21604450

If I can relate to main character then yes.

>> No.21604454

>the fault in our stars above camus

>> No.21604456

that only reaffirms my existentialism

>> No.21604520

having a job interview tomorrow. feeling very anxious

>> No.21604567

Last time I went for one the minimal acceptable length was 6 inches, hear they have bumped it up to 8 these days.

>> No.21604586

>tfw 5.5 x 5.5

>> No.21604599

>it's the square cock anon

>> No.21604608

>a silent walk? No, you will listen to music while you do it
I always leave everything home when I go jogging. Except my keys of course. (And clothes, before any of you smartasses tries to take that low hanging fruit)

>> No.21604624

i love this vocaroo posted in the previous thread https://vocaroo.com/11O41RX0jrhv

the only jordan peterson recording i ever enjoyed

>> No.21604628

>t. 0 reading comprehension

>> No.21604640

There are good JBP vocaroos

>> No.21604661

Rapid AI advances making me a little nervous. ChatGPT is making essentially everyone redundant. There is no reason to hire pajeet coders, technical writers now. Current linguistic models also have novel application to robotics. Only those on cutting edge research and development will be spared

>> No.21604673

It's over for audio book readers. Why have some random read the book when I can have Emma Watson or Attenborough do it for me? Radio hosts? Done with. Voice evidence? Worthless

Here's Emma Watson reading Mein Kampf https://vocaroo.com/17RdfEecyZ41

>> No.21604698

What's stopping me from exclusively eating with my hands? Nothing.

>> No.21604705


>> No.21604732 [DELETED] 

i had a roommate who instead of reading would listen to a sports podcast while taking a shit

>> No.21604904
File: 102 KB, 1200x630, Cancer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to listen to a long podcast about Beckett after listening to the In Our Time episode about 5/6 times.
>Find an episode by pic related
>"Quirky" yank that spends the first 20 minutes talking about his life
>Finally gets to Beckett and calles Godot "Guhdoh"
>Says Beckett wrote the way he did because Joyce said words could anything but WW2 proved they couldn't so he formed his style from that
>turn episode off.
I swear to fuck trying to find good podcasts on literature is painful. It's gotten to the point where if I hear an American accent I just turn it off because there's a 95% chance it's by some idiot. Does anyone have any good literature podcasts that have the same standards of In Our Time?

>> No.21604907

I want to move when I graduate but I don’t know where. I’ll be working night shift and I’d like to get out more, so preferably a city with a good night life. Also, somewhere relatively affordable. Does anyone have any recommendations?

>> No.21604917

Anyone else getting killed with sketchy pop ups on this board or is it just me?

>> No.21604918

i haven't read more than seven pages in months. i think i'm addicted to dating apps. i spend all day on 4chan and tell myself i'll change things tomorrow.

>> No.21604926

>BBC's radio 4 programme is now a podcast to zoomers
>they'll never have book at bedtime read them to sleep on a radio
>they'll never get excite about the radio 3 documentary

>> No.21604943

Where are you from? What are you studying? Which languages do you speak? There's too many unknowns, anon.

>> No.21604945

I’m from suburban MA and I’m in nursing school. I only speak English, but I’d be willing to learn others.

>> No.21604959

What kind of idiot doesn't use adblockers

>> No.21604976

>What country are you in?
I don't know, I'm not some kind of psych wards specialist. They checked what I wanted her to have and they let me in last time. I'm visiting her again in an hour. I don't see the point of larping about something like that, I'm just venting.

>> No.21605010

Just you, and probably your adware-ridden browser

>> No.21605075

I am going to read Moby Dick for the first time.

>> No.21605091

I have about $26k in cash and I'm going to use it to quit my job and work on some personal projects for a few months.

>> No.21605094

I am in suspense about becoming a father. I hope my first child is intelligent.

>> No.21605135

raise him well.

>> No.21605156

I hate everyone equally.

>> No.21605177

I'm weighing going to law school vs. quitting my job to write full-time.

>> No.21605178

It’s definitely happening. Not just this board either. It’s been on my mind lately because browser has been whacky for the past month too and I don’t even think it’s a site specific problem.

>> No.21605203

It’s been on podcast form for years retard

>> No.21605211
File: 323 KB, 960x1201, Ensor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

James Ensor was painting such things in the 1890s. WWI didn't create the modern world, only the already scarred and debased modern world could create WWI.

>> No.21605282

I think the oldfag is telling the zoomer that the same production company does a lot of other shows, and he might find those shows easier through their website.

>> No.21605332

i miss when we didn't have to stress about all this day-in, day-out adjustment to... discontent. could actually crack a joke and not feel like I was embarrassing myself.. I liked it when you all laughed... I like that I could make you laugh... these days it feels like all laughter has this hostility to it.

>> No.21605352

Strange because I’ve never had issues here before and don’t on other sites. I basically get a pop up saying I won $1000 every time I come here for the last day. Maybe I should just reclaim the money

>> No.21605357

Do you feel like your adulthood has been a failure? I did things thinking I was being adventurous or willing, but in reality, they are just embarrassing and lame.

>> No.21605362
File: 180 KB, 1020x712, 9gTRYIyHnPbI15YSc4aEDhmldvUTd884jO5w4Ck6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You take that back or Goya's going to paint your dreams

>> No.21605372

I really lucked out in adulthood but I think society probably hates me for being proof positive the less you work the more you get.

>> No.21605415

Sometimes. I'm precariously working with what I love (teaching philosophy) at universities and high-schools, but I'd really like something more stable than 6 month contracts which is all I am getting.
Could have chosen so many other roads that would have ensured me complete stability and a solid upper middle class life if that was what I wanted, but I chose the more difficult route.

I think I might feel the same about some of the things in my past as you do - but for me, the light in which these things present themselves is ever-changing. I'll consider my memory a cringe compilation one day and a treasure bank the next.

What things is it that you feel like that about?

>> No.21605416

Discovering /lit/erature and all that there is has been incredibly adventurous. So many more books than I'll ever be able to consume. In many ways, it's a disaster that I didn't read more sooner so I could've got through more. You can't beat them all though. It is what it is.

>> No.21605503

12 days til I take a nap in a tent with a barbecue burning charcoal at embers. Going to take a bunch of gaba, maybe take a few shots of whiskey or something. Then just, go to sleep. I'm thinking about what music I want to listen to.

>> No.21605524

It's really just a deep madness in the Western mind, first clearly apparent in the conscious historical revisionism of 15th c. Italy. China's Tang paintings are indistinguishable from 19th c. Qing, they did not have the disease until we exported it to them.

>> No.21605531

Meant to reply to you

>> No.21605536

>successful career and education
>healthy, enough money, good romantic life, good family relations
>practicing christian
Yeah I did alright. Thank God.
Oh and
>redpilled on jews
So I don't have to waste time reading mouth breathing leftoids and listen to their retarded ideology. I can immediately tell when someone is bluepilled so I just smile and nod.

May God protect me and have mercy on me, a sinner. And may I continue to grow.

>> No.21605549
File: 47 KB, 500x431, 8126271de692eeedcc4361f509fb5c93--the-necks-love-couple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to kiss her neck when we were in a cafe. Not in public, Anonname! she said with an embarrassed smile, glancing at the waiters.

She is weird, you see. She is okay with me pecking her on the lips in public, but neck is somehow too lewd and makes her embarassed. I proudly took note how she said "not in public", but she never said I should not do it period.

When we left the cafe, I immediately grabbed her by the shoulders, lifted her head a bit and finished what I was trying to do beforehand.

You are so persistent, she said. She tried to sound annoyed, but her voice gave away her excitement.

>> No.21605552

Can anyone edit the Mein Kampf cover in the OP? Comfy image ruined

>> No.21605556
File: 13 KB, 225x225, 1602455775531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can anyone edit the Mein Kampf cover in the OP? Comfy image ruined

>> No.21605595
File: 28 KB, 400x600, Storyteller,_China,_unearthed_at_Songjialin,_Pixian,_Sichuan,_Eastern_Han_dynasty,_25-220_AD,_ceramic_-_Sichuan_Provincial_Museum_-_Chengdu,_China_-_DSC04763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the Han dynasty clowning on you for trying to make your results fit your prejudices

>> No.21605620

I'm ugly. It sucks.

>> No.21605644

there's only been popups when i'm on my phone, not desktop

>> No.21605710

Can you tell us your story from the beginning? I’m fascinated by it.

>> No.21605725

Just realized the Rockwell poster is a woman

>> No.21605735

I feel bad for people who havent been to the Southwest. You will never know how great in-n-out is

>> No.21605740

Canes is really good. My local one skimps on the chicken tho

>> No.21605743

Why dont you just get a daycare job

>> No.21605752

>There is no reason to hire pajeet coders, technical writers now.
Good. Now we can stop issuing so many work visas and close the border.

>> No.21605767

This looks very cool. It’s the kind of thing I would collect if I was rich. Who needs a lambo or designer shoes when you can buy strange chinese sculptures from millennia ago.

>> No.21605770

China will break into your house to repatriate it.

>> No.21605793

Pretty sure I got a bit closer to complete derealization today. I was dozing off during a long car ride and figured out how to step into a hypnagogic image while remaining aware of my bodily sensations. Right as I figured it out I experienced a feeling of total unreality from both the hypnagogic image I was projecting (for lack of a better term) and from actual reality as well, which hasn't left me since.
I would like it if whatever process is occuring would finish already. Either let me collapse back into a whole person fully in tune with reality or let my identity/mind/whatever detach completely and go wherever it's trying to go. This halfway state does no one any good.

>> No.21605798

The people who collect this kind of thing usually keep it on the down low. A rich professor of mine once told me all kinds of tales about other rich guys he knew owning things like elephant tusks, fossils and ancient artifacts.

>> No.21605806

Sounds cool. Can you teach me how to do it? Details about how you started down this path are also welcome.

>> No.21605808

I am forcing him to look at this phone

>> No.21605825

I just need one idea for a short story. Just one. That's all I need. I am so starved I can't even come up with anything.

>> No.21605832

The common republican and democrat and independent want the same thing, but instead we're divided by our leaders on which way we prefer being screwed.

>> No.21605849

No they don't

>> No.21605877
File: 188 KB, 631x849, 49v5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am literally perfect and it's still not good enough
Why God?

>> No.21605886

>Sounds cool. Can you teach me how to do it?
>Details about how you started down this path are also welcome.
I can't teach you how and I wouldn't if I could. There's nothing cool about it. One day when I was 15 I just woke up and it was like I was seeing the world through a window instead of through my eyes, only the window covers all five senses. I started noticing my body talking, eating, or going to work on "autopilot" while I passively observed. My pain tolerance went up, but in return I stopped being able to enjoy most things, lost my understanding of social interaction, stopped being able to think clearly or remember things well, and my IQ probably dropped. It's like my mind wants to separate and go somewhere else while my body keeps moving on its own, and I'm continuously aware of the separation between my base consciousness, identity, thoughts and emotions, and senses, and have to consciously route information from one level to the next.

>> No.21605888

Maybe codemonkeyfags will actually have to become good at their jobs now. Seems good to me.

>> No.21605905
File: 174 KB, 345x336, 1591902632240-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dubs and I'll end up getting back with my ex

>> No.21605922

Dubs and I end up with anon's ex

>> No.21605925

Dubs and I cuck you with anons ex

>> No.21605926

singles and I die alone

>> No.21605927

They found out I cut off all my hair to lose a half pound on the scale and now they want me either back to a psychologist or in-patient because of the suicidal risks because last time I stopped eating until the scale was at the proper number. Well, it wouldn't be happening if they weren't monitoring me and forcing me to eat three times a day which will only make me fat. I'm allowed to leave, but they flew in to a panic when I came back without any hair, wondering how I knew the GPS was on my car, the GPS that they put in the fucking glove box as if that's a hiding spot.

>> No.21605930

You do know that they opened up else where right

>> No.21605936
File: 72 KB, 960x886, 1652919869909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good insight.

>> No.21605940

Just got done with Conspiracy against the human race. Fun read. Bit over the top at times, but Ligotti is pretty good with the horror and misery element of his work. Sad some people take this book so seriously though.

>> No.21605942

Singles and I die from auto erotic asphyxiation

>> No.21605944

Outside the southwest?

>> No.21605958

the southwest what you obtuse motherfuckers

>> No.21605965

Lovecraft goes to the fish market.

>> No.21605988

In-patient is the worst. Would rather be physically tortured for a few hours than that. It's also designed to psychologically break people.

>> No.21605989

godspeed coomer-kun

>> No.21606008

THE Southwest

>> No.21606011

What the fuck. How old are you? Dont you have rights? What country do you live in? How do these people have the time, money, and resources to put such a dedication into you? Ive seen people in far worse psychological condition than you get thrown in the gutter

>> No.21606022

America you gay little European bitch

>> No.21606031

What's the number anon?

>> No.21606033

Why don't you just say "the southwest america" then, fuckers?

>> No.21606036

Because for me, there's only one Southwest. THE Southwest

>> No.21606045
File: 1.58 MB, 498x490, 1591831454425.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since that's already decided, I'll roll another one.
Dubs and mom dies this year

>> No.21606069
File: 11 KB, 480x360, 1670276013662687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna glide off of this and attentionfag with a blogpost.
In-patient facilities are designed to break people. When I was at one, they would let me stay in my room for a while, but afterwards they decided that I needed to "socialize" and would lock me out. This was always a source of major psychological distress for me. It would usually result in me doing something "psychotic", "dangerous", or "impulsive", with the intention that they would let me back into my room. This would usually work for a time, but they (MHPs) believe that the best thing for "mental health" is socialization so I would inevitably be forced back to mingling with the "population."
Unfortunately I have a problem with "personas." Whenever I'm in an unavoidable social situation I will sort of "grow" a personality out of an interaction and act highly sociable, friendly, and usually humorous. It causes intense fucking distress, and at every moment I'm making stupid jokes and laughing I am filled with exhaustion and desire to withdraw. The worst thing is that this sort of effect is unknown to psychiatrists and they assume that socialization is "working really well." This makes things worse when I want to really tell a psychiatrist or psychologist something about myself, because they will look at my "happy", "sociable" behavior outside of my room and assume when I'm saying things like "I really want to die" that I'm looking for attention. How can this be! How can someone act happy but really want to die!
Not to mention that my "personae" problem begins infecting interactions with therapists and psychiatrists. It makes things far worse when they believe I am acting different depending on who I'm talking to, when I really can't fucking control it.
I've actually wanted to call a hotline or talk to someone off and on for a long time, but I know the result would probably be actual prison or in-patient for a long fucking time, pic related literally. Considering I would rather die than go to inpatient or prison, I'm just going to coast along.

TL;DR: In-patient fucking sucks.

>> No.21606093

You're beautiful, anonette

>> No.21606099

I've never held a job so I'm stuck with them. When I stumbled in to some crypto money I spent it all on drugs and alcohol and kept it going under their nose for two years until that started to fall apart, the drugs didn't do it anymore and drinking took over and I couldn't keep that secret when I was blacking out for days at a time, and that's when the controlling of my diet and location began. I got fat from the alcohol so when I quit I crash dieted to lose the forty pounds I had put on. Now I must be 121 when I weigh myself in the morning or I am disgusted. They make me eat three times a day but I'm not active enough to keep from gaining weight with what I have to eat.

>> No.21606111

Who is "them"? Is this your family? Anyway, sounds like you do have real problems you need to work on. Starving, 2 years of drug and alcohol abuse, chronic unemployed, sounds like you really are messed up.

>> No.21606117

Ruminating again. In the process of transferring back into a university. I'm 24 now and feel like I'm way too overgrown, like those guys who take extra time to graduate hhigh school. I was in university when I was 18. I was so isolated and alienated that it fucked with my mind really hard. Now I'm going back into university, everythinf seems geared to entertain older teenagers. I have this deep regret and resentment that I didnt get to play all those years and now that I'm too old for that kind of thing I have to be placed back into it. It's like a constant reminder of the life I missed.

>> No.21606119

Nah, it's just a rat race, someday you will see it.

>> No.21606138 [SPOILER] 
File: 558 KB, 1080x1336, Screenshot_20230202_160325_Gallery-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got drunk and shoved a bell from.my dad's living room up my ass and shit all over it

>> No.21606162

Do you really hate your dad that much?

>> No.21606166

For what purpose

>> No.21606167

god, you remind me of my (ex) girlfriend

>> No.21606173

What types of things would she put in her ass

>> No.21606177

nah I was just very drunk. when I sobered up I threw that fucker over the hill. he hasn't asked where it is yet

>> No.21606179

Why did you take a picture of it

>> No.21606184

wouldn't you?

>> No.21606188

If a madman thinks he is Napoleon, then he really is Napoleon - that is: in his own world he is Napoleon. In my world he is a madman. But just because he is a madman in my world, there is no reason why he should cease to be Napoleon in his world.

If someone asked me "Where does Napoleon live?" in my world I would point my finger at the ground and say "He's buried down there," but with the same finger I would point at the madman's world and say "If you go into the world of that fellow, he's Napoleon."

If someone asks me if there are ghosts, I will say, "They don't exist in my world, but they do exist in the worlds of those who belive in them."

Even more, the people who believe in ghosts are part of my world. I can point my finger at them and say, "In there, in those people, are other worlds, and those worlds are teeming with ghosts." My world includes the worlds of the believers and it includes the things they believe in.

>> No.21606229

I never would have put it in my ass in the first place

How tall are you? Even for a man of less than average height that seems like a dangerously low weight

>> No.21606232

No, I would deeply repress that memory out of horrific shame

>> No.21606255

Your post made me think of ghosts which reminded me of that daydream I have from time to time where I become a priest and take the course on exorcism offered by the Vatican. Since nowadays exorcists are pretty rare I would probably be sent to almost every case of suspected possession in my country - perhaps even to neighboring countries too. Maybe I would see some real /x/ shit or just offer schizos a placebo cure for their delusions.

>> No.21606265

there are four corners of the world and every one is

>> No.21606282

/sffg/ is dead in terms of discussing books. Don't know why that's still up.

>> No.21606307


>> No.21606319

Poetic. I like it.

>> No.21606324

I just had a qt congratulate me on getting a 90 on a test where half the class failed. How do i stop myself from creating fantasies in my head where she asks me for help studying?

>> No.21606340
File: 204 KB, 1024x691, 1656214620385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By asking her if she to study with you. The only solution to fantasy is to pursue action that either negates their possibility or brings them to fruition.

Text her now, ask her now and ask her to study with you anon. Wear cologne and anti-perspirant.

Good luck, anon. We shall await pleased results.

>> No.21606347

I messaged her and she left me on seen.

>> No.21606353

You tried.

>> No.21606358

>Wear cologne
How do you know what cologne to wear if you've never worn it before? And do you wear cologne if you're just dressing in jeans and a tee?

>> No.21606359

Valid points. Next class ill make my move. If it all works out ill come back and write some erotica for you guys.

fuck off nigger im the one getting flirted with by a 5'2 19 year old with a fat ass.

>> No.21606384
File: 970 KB, 1204x1065, 1655146959017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They all smell good, you can't go wrong with any well known brand. Ask a sister or any female you feel comfortable to pick a scent it does not matter what. Yes, any time you have the potential to be around women, slap a little on. Don't go wild, it is made to attract women, so you get what you pay for in this department.

Do not do that, write an encouraging greentext instead.

>> No.21606387

What's her ethnicity?

>> No.21606390

Is suicide really unethical?

>> No.21606395


>> No.21606398

Yes. Wasting something unethical. If you don't want your life, give it away.

>> No.21606400

Italian, so she close enough to white for me to pursue.

Why shouldn't I write about the end goal of all this encouragement? Anons need to know that it is in fact possible to have sex. Ill admit im above 6 foot so its easier for me but im still autistic as fuck. My erotica will end with a call to arms for all my anons on here that you can and will get pussy.

>> No.21606411

Ask a woman how it smells before buying, and apply it to the back of your hand too when testing since they smell a little different on your skin than on the testing paper.
>And do you wear cologne if you're just dressing in jeans and a tee?
I wear cologne almost every day. I don't use goydorants like Axe (barf) at all. It's not that expensive since a bottle of cologne lasts for a long time

>> No.21606423
File: 248 KB, 500x498, tumblr_paxd12m3wA1vpokwio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can do what you please, but it will cheapen the experience you had. A treasured and tender moment is no longer such when it is shared with a throng of angry dick-beaters. Why would you wish to share it with anybody? Either you pursue a meaningful relationship or you are only after fleeting, base pleasure.

>> No.21606425

Is asking a saleswoman working the section ok? Will they tell you it smells good just so you buy it?

>> No.21606443

What on Earth are you talking about?

>> No.21606448

Dubs and your mom dies this year

>> No.21606449

No, there's been a huge crime wave with private and public collections stolen and China does nothing besides suddenly find lost treasures and display them in their airports. China is a honey badger, gives no fucks whatsoever.

>> No.21606454
File: 10 KB, 287x176, trumpvonlohengram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading books from countries that lost the world wars

>> No.21606461

You'd do well to ask some other woman, but the salespeople are good for finding certain types of fragrances. For example you might ask one about fresh smelling ones, or one with certain aromas like vanilla. But in the total absence of any other woman, I suppose you could ask what the saleswoman thinks. There are lots of bottles on sale after all, I think she can be honest about which ones she prefers.

>> No.21606473
File: 638 KB, 386x870, Screenshot from 2023-02-02 16-42-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I youtube searched "Reading journal" because I wanted to deepen my study and this is all there is.
They really don't read...

>> No.21606492

You can't keep people warm by immolating yourself.

>> No.21606494

the more historically literate I become the more I understand europeans and the way they talk about germans

>> No.21606522

Literature and History is great. Each episode is 2-3 hours long, with some works having multiple episodes where he gives an overview of the work, discusses its historical context, and talks about it in the wider context of the history of literature. He keeps his own opinions to an absolute minimum and then ends the episode with an autistic song.

>> No.21606559

Bad advice. In today's culture the man cannot make the first move without being creepy. The women has to ask first. If the man asks the result will always be rejection because it spooks women.

>> No.21606569

Weird that you're a woman. I always thought you were just an autistic guy

>> No.21606590

The thing I hate about language learning is the all the jargon.
I can't remember what all the different terms mean like pluperfect, future passive indicative subjunctive, etc etc.
Like why not just say exactly what it means instead of using the term. I can't keep the meaning of all these different terms in my head.
It gets to a point where in lessons they'll say shit and it will just be a string of these terms which mean nothing to me: "remember its always important to conjugate the passive deponent of the past perfect indicator in accordance with its indirect object"
Why write it like that, it's needlessly confusing. Or maybe I'm just a retard I don't know.

>> No.21606608

Please elaborate. How do Europeans talk about Germans?

>> No.21606640

spoken like a true virgin

>> No.21606641

Unironically? You don't want to. If someone needs to ask for help studying, it probably means they're a dumb ass.

>> No.21606646

It is confusing, but that's what happens when you become a linguist. You get a bunch of words and have to made do with describing all the possible kinds of terms language has developed without labels.

>> No.21606650

wow you're literally retarded

>> No.21606690

I get the purpose behind having the labels, but for me it becomes confusing because I'll see a sentence like:
"remember its always important to conjugate the passive deponent of the past perfect indicator in accordance with its indirect object"
And every time have to look up almost every single word & then translate it so it directly says something meaningful to me.
For me I'd rather they actually say it in the most literal way possible.
So instead of saying "here is the pluperfect form"
Just say here is the Past Continuing Verb.

>> No.21606698

>non sequitor
>ad hominem
>no elaboration
Okay chuds

>> No.21606729


Also ad hominem doesn't mean insult, it means invalidating the argument by reference to the man putting it forth. It's more "You say smoking is healthy, yet you're a smoker, so of course you would!" than "You're a fag!"

You can insult someone while formally refuting them, and not be committing an ad hominem fallacy. For example "That's petitio principii, retard!"

>> No.21606787

You are being an obnoxious pedant. How's that for ad hominem faggot

>> No.21606806

>um ackshually

>> No.21606840

Why the fuck can't I kill myself? I've got everything figured out but I can bring myself to do it. That's not life. I'm a zombie

>> No.21606855

Not him but your insult actually validates his argument, so you're still making an ad hominem, but for some reason in support of your opponent.

>> No.21606864
File: 39 KB, 720x960, 1650651744460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The exorcist part 1 is probably one of the best movies I've ever seen.
The ninth configuration was a flatline the entire way through except for the surrealist images of the space landing.
The exorcist part 3 was decent but the theatrical cut was much better than william blattys more direct legion adaption.
Overall, the exorcist part 1 has earned the rite to sit next to robocop 1 as my favourite movie of all time.
That is all.

>> No.21606866

Because you don't want to die. Trust me, I was the same way. I only thought I wanted to die at the time.
If you can still turn your life around, quit playing around because you'll get fucked bad, and then you really won't be able to turn things around.

>> No.21606868

i learned all the fnaf lore so i can talk about it with my younger sister. she was really happy and we talked about it for like an hour just now. i wish i had a super cool older sibling when i was her age. lol

>> No.21606869

I think part 1 is objectively the better made film, but I find 3 to be altogether more interesting and it is the one I think about most often.

>> No.21606872

That's really adorable anon. You're doing great.

>> No.21606876

My early 20s are lost years :(

>> No.21606877

Ad hominem is only a fallacious argument which instead of refuting its substance only attacks yhe character of the person.

>A: "Transgender people are mentally ill people suffering from gender dysphoria who should be treated by psychiatrists rather than surgeons."
>B: "Transphobe!"

>> No.21606879

It's a joke Senor Sperg

>> No.21606883

Well, they are always in the last place you look.

>> No.21606885


Someone posted this on /tv/ and it made me think, it's fun in a way that women aren't, because it's assertive and masculine. No woman would say this, they would say something passive and emotional about how that's not very nice, or some limp sarcasm like 'umm... wow, ok', then retreat backward into some social dynamic that can shame you for her so she doesn't have to do anything. Women are so boring, my unconscious picked up right away on how a woman would never say this so it was weird hearing a female voice saying it. But what if a real woman said such things? What if women actually existed who didn't just say passive, derivative, limp things and then melt away into a vague social field? What would that be like, maybe I could fall in love with such a woman and ruin her life with my bad attitude

>> No.21606888

I think part 3 tackles the wider implications of evil and succeeds at building a creepier atmosphere than part 1, however i felt that father karras' struggle with guilt and faith in part 1 were a much more compelling and driving force for the main character to have.
If you haven't seen the extended cut of part 3 you might enjoy it, but on rewatching i feel the theatrical cut flows better and has a more satisfying ending (even if the exorcism is hap hazardly thrown in).
I tried showing it to my flatmate but he got bored and started browsing on his phone, though i understand a lot of people just want dumb horror and not movies of philosophical substance.
I wish peter blatty had attempted more directing before he died.

>> No.21606895
File: 54 KB, 640x428, CtnRt1QWEAAMF6U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this some sort of retarded ad-hominen or are you truly incapable of any sort of reasonable conversation?

>> No.21606902

>I was joking not retarded

>> No.21606923

>sir, sir I MUST fact check your joke.

>> No.21606929

Source? SOURCE!!

>> No.21606936

Uranus apparently smells like farts. Is existence a fucking joke?


>> No.21606968
File: 79 KB, 590x562, 1667511935853146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 28 and I feel 'in love' with a woman for the first time. We met not long ago and I'm hesitant to text so that I don't seem desperate or clingy but I want to reach out so badly. I can't think of anything else.

>> No.21606977

No, I'm genuinely surprised that you're a woman

>> No.21606983

I give up, I don't care anymore, it is over, lay down and wait fate to come and reap my soul
I give up

>> No.21607059

Fucked bad by what?

>> No.21607063

"Suicide attempt" that results in not dying, only permanent damage.
t. permanently damaged due to "suicide attempt"

>> No.21607101

People are now putting porn vids through AI filters to smooth out all imperfections and make the women look almost CGI

I feel bad for women

>> No.21607143

What did you do? The one time I had one I was sleeping only 3 hours a night and spent a week sorting through all my trading cards with the intent to sell them, only to realize afterward the vast majority were worthless because their condition was so poor.

>> No.21607170

I hate innocuous and benign folksy anecdotes and tidbits about celebrities interacting with normal people. I don't care how much a movie star tipped their waiter, or how a musician helped their neighbour after their house flooded, or the temperature of the meal Matt Leblanc bought with his first FRIENDS paycheck.

>> No.21607178

You don't want it, it's annoying. One of the more annoying experiences in my life was during my Thermochemistry class where people somehow found out I was getting 100 on every exam and kept bothering me for explanations and to see my tests.

>> No.21607182 [DELETED] 


>> No.21607193
File: 43 KB, 735x572, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom has a very good spirit and is inclined to see the light in things and help those around her before herself but as paradoxical as life is she is simulatenously of a family of horrifically abusive and neglectful people. It's in those crystal clear moments of malaise to addiction to anger to terror that I see these demons inside of her. A very pretty face behind a sad window; sky-blue eyes, once owned by a little girl, look to the world surrounded by the marks of drug addiction, psychotic amounts of money spent on makeup, tenuous drug elixirs, a patina colored blanketing on her arms of many designs, tattoos of Egyptian symbols, and a Mother Mary in her likeness holding her son. and the stare of a woman who has seen too much and felt it deeper, every step the repression turns the light ahead into a cornering shadow, the fear moves in, and consumes; her spirit in the maw.

In this juxtaposition of her life and the tattoo of her with her child bare, she thinks that life is only half-real; the real life is at some point ahead, in the future, pray tomorrow: If I become a solemn mother, I have proved that I can be purified of the horror and continue where I left off before I saw the ugly maw of abuse: when I was a little girl. There is nothing more pure than a mother. I must love a child of my own to become the child that I wanted to be. I must go far, far away to the light, to the sinless future and for now I will abate the memory of this horrible place by anesthetizing my life in continuous drugs, inviting the people that such a life accrues, but I will reach the light and forgot about all these people.

I forgive my mom for abusing me. I understand it now. If I can live my life without letting the pain she transfigured onto me cause self-destruction I'll be the sort of spirit that lived in the little blue eyes of my mom when she was a child.

>> No.21607199

Fucking gay niggas

>> No.21607209

Give it a few years and everybody will be jacking it to hentai

>> No.21607231

Anticipating the 'AI GAVE MY DAUGHTER AN EATING DISORDER' news pieces.

>> No.21607299

I should’ve been more politically involved at a younger age.

>> No.21607303

lame. perfect is boring

>> No.21607329


>> No.21607371

God this sciatica pain is hell. I don’t know what to do to ease the pain. Drinking stopped working.

>> No.21607376

I'm fine with balding but I took a great selfie 4 years ago but now I need a new one for a dating profile and I couldn't get a decent one today.
Mostly my smile is off, that og pic was too good.
I'll try again tomorrow

>> No.21607382

I’m not happy with how things have gone.

>> No.21607403

Who even likes that shit?
The super make-up caked only fans girls look super unattractive to me.

>> No.21607427

I need to get /out/ more. Almost all my poetry is love laments, regrets or about lonliness (or thinly veiled as such). I have some fellow students I occasionally hang with, but in general people's eyes feel like daggers. Over the past few years, when I speak to people, I feel like my words are out of order when they come out.

>> No.21607449

>never really into politics
>start looking up reactionary stuff online
>surprised how insightful some of their points are, clearly smart people
>go into their books & sources
>tons of overt pro-fascism and jew hatred everywhere
This confuses me. It seems like the whole scene is structured around jew hatred, when ironically you don't even need that to get the message out. Instead of telling people, "jews are destroying the world", just say "usury is destroying the world" - it contains the same meaning, but normal people won't immediately stop reading or call you a racist. Oddly, some right-wingers realize this, but they decide to go "Let's quit saying the J-word so normalfags won't be repelled, but we'll still think the word and use it in our blogs".

Even if true, Jews are only powerful because of their financial schemes. When you take away the schemes, they're powerless. So ignore the jews, and simply focus on the schemes. That way, you may even win over the normies. Isn't this obvious?

>> No.21607484

then do it
be yourself
only through that can you learn
just be generous and gracious the entire time

>> No.21607583

I was accepted to a college with a semi-rare department I wanted to study in, but right now I can't tell if I am excited or insanely nervous though it feels much like the latter. When I look back over my life I realize I have never gone through with anything. Didn't finish high school, didn't go to work after passing the interview, and I was a neet applying and withdrawing from community college for 2 years before I decided to actually start. I never feel like I am good enough for what I want to do, but if I truly am not, I'll just have to make a fool out of myself yet again I guess.
But I'm so young, and to think of all the years ahead of just failure is crippling.

>> No.21607620

Someone told me to read conspiracy against the human race and told me it'd fuck me up. i don't really get it though, it just reads like a fun cross between existentialist pessimism and cosmic horror.

>> No.21607635

Women like it. Most philosophy comes wholly short because its missing half the picture of human nature: Women.

Women want men to compete, and then they fuck the winner. They actively foster strife in order to weed out weaker males. Men dont understand this because they dont have the same impulse with women.
A mans fantasy is to have 10 women. A womans fantasy is for 10 men to kill eachother.

Humans are a tournament mating species.

>> No.21607644

Uncle touch your peepee?

>> No.21607653

>Instead of telling people, "jews are destroying the world", just say "usury is destroying the world" - it contains the same meaning
no it doesn't, and usury is the least of concerns to anti-semites. any anti-semite will tell you that the tribe possesses a certain tribal character. you dont even have to be an anti-semite -- just spend a long enough time around jews, or god forbid work for one -- and youll start to notice things in common

>So ignore the jews, and simply focus on the schemes
yes, ignore the fire-starter and focus on the fires. you think the reactionaries havent heard that one before? theyre sick of it. never underestimate the delight they have in saying what theyve been told not to say.

you also assume that internet reactionaries really give a shit about what normies think. the idea of "winning over the public" is an old media concept. the politeness and the charisma of television are null concepts on the anonymous, faceless internet. the internet smashed "the public" to pieces.

>> No.21607655

Our economic system is "winner takes all" and the remainder fight for scraps, that's why
If your "philosophy" has to factor in women it's a joke

>> No.21607666

Humans need a benevolent tyrant. A benevolent tyrant degenerates into a malicious tyrant. When the society is fallen and reborn it acquires happiness together with the rule of a tyrant.

>> No.21607679

This is archaic. You indiscriminately hate men and women because your way of thinking is below the natural instinct for the creation of a mannerbund and imposition of power on the world and women. Stop thinking like an ape and be a man, or your enemies will win.

>> No.21607684

Thinking that sexual appeal has a value in today's world was a mistake anyways. Women should just give up already.

>> No.21607701

>the tribe possesses a certain tribal character
But don't reactionaries believe tribalism and racism are natural? Without some kind of tribalism, Europeans would not have expelled the jews to begin with. Rather, your problem is how they go to foreign countries and covertly try to gain power.

>the idea of "winning over the public" is an old media concept. the politeness and the charisma of television are null concepts on the anonymous, faceless internet. the internet smashed "the public" to pieces.
I would agree, but the internet is becoming increasingly authoritarian. When they decide to start cracking down on anti-semitic websites, what are you going to do? Where will you go? You don't have the network to communicate on your own terms, as soon as they decide it's time, all these sites are a goner.

Truth is, reactionaries need to stop talking about Jews. You have nothing to gain from it. Jews are already in power, they control the world, if they want they can destroy you in an instant. So stop making it easy for them, stop playing into their hand. Every time you do something openly anti-semitic, it becomes a spade and they will use it against you.

It feels like the online reactionary community is mostly full of retards because they can't understand something so simple
>Well we don't want the normalfags anyways
Okay, so you are content watching the world burn? Your numbers are too small to do anything, you need more people. Face the facts, you have to change strategies, reorganize.

>> No.21607721

What program are people using for this?

>> No.21607722
File: 986 KB, 500x644, 1675329472363419.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the best disco dancer,
From my vids people get cancer.
So think a hundred times,
Get cancer or play games!


>> No.21607817

As long as you have rich parents you can fall back on to, I would say go for it

>> No.21607827

Lads, how do I regain my sense of ambition, my drive? I used to have a clear picture of what I wanted to do, perhaps it might change a little but it was there. Now there's nothing. I'm not depressed as such, otherwise I feel fine and not anhedonic. I just don't want to do anything. Feels fucking mad gay.

>> No.21607912

Do things first. Interest, ambition, vision comes from investment of effort and time.

This is the only thing I have found to work.
I too used to have a clear picture of what I wanted, but then fell off the side of the world and couldn't find a replacement.
All I can say is you don't find what you want through contemplation, you need to get need immediate experience. Thinking about stuff just put me on an endless loop where I would contemplate something, mostly out of pure novelty, then drop it when that wore off and use that drop off as a reinforcement for my belief that I was empty and devoid of any ability to grasp life...until the next thing popped up to toy around with mentally.

I think satisfaction is often derived from activities that in some way or another feel worthy. They may or not be fun or interesting, but they feel worth doing all the same. Fun is good, but without that meaningfulness it quickly dissolves, and you can't discover that sense of worthiness merely through idle pondering, you have to do it and see.

>> No.21607950
File: 3.68 MB, 640x360, 1675375344744480.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just need an idea

>> No.21608008

I had like a 5 different dreams this night. It's so exhausting and it could explain my night drinking.

>> No.21608010
File: 123 KB, 1242x1514, 7d16d8183dbd625fef24f09005020e6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imageboards have become boring. No more interesting people, just the political, degenerated, and paranoid. You can't just expose and fight corruption anymore. Now you also have to support national socialism and white supremacy. Using the word nigger is treated as some virtuous act. You can't enjoy creating interesting software and discussing hacking. Now you deal with the paranoid schizophrenics who call you a faggot for using anything other than antiquated hardware with unnecessarily complex user environments and bash your creations because they weren't made in their specific language of choice. No more fun without people going on about how shit their lives are and perpetuating a culture of defeatism and hopelessness, drowning themselves in porn and distractions to detract from how they truly feel. When good communities have prospered they have died at the hands of malicious and incompetence. Hotwheels, Josh, and Jim acting in their own self-interests and in the process hurting tens of thousands of individuals. Moot dating a harmful individual and sacrificing the freedom of his board in return. Imageboards are suffering from a plague, and it is these people. Unfunny and lacking creativity. Certainly, the world, at least the perception of it has become darker and more pessimistic, but that does not mean it has to come onto the internet, a place detached from real life.

>> No.21608052

What type of damage

>> No.21608072

My lows are getting lower and more frequent

>> No.21608082

>my computer clock absolutely refuses to sync
>Anki refuses to work if computer clock is out of sync
So much for studying, time to use the old fashioned method of reading from paper, at least that one doesn't give me shit cause my work computer is old and stupid.

>> No.21608091

I shouldn't have moved in with my gf bro. I want to read evola and watch Death Note at 2am

>> No.21608097

Sure. But the whole internet has become small and safe, and consequentially insane, panicked, and paranoid, like convicts crammed together in some shitty prison.

There are more people online than ever before, yet cyberpsace feels smaller than ever. This isn't a 4chan problem, it is an overall lack of frontier space. Its all been settled.

>> No.21608107

Thanks anon. I know what you mean about finding reward in doing rather than planning, contemplating. Guess it's hard to shape that experience into something meaningful without an idea as to what it's "supposed" to mean. Nothing harder than having faith, I think.

>> No.21608128

Cardiovascular and cognitive, possibly hepatic.

>> No.21608131

A tranny is not a woman, newfag

>> No.21608137
File: 63 KB, 414x414, FB_IMG_16751238227400218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been reflecting on my time in college. It's strange to me this combination of submissiveness and entitlement among some in college. Like very inconsequential, everyday infringements are treated with an exaggerated seriousness and concern.
Scrolling through my uni's subreddit I'll occasionally see deranged posts like:
>my professor is not accommodating my ADHD!!!! Can I report him to the University Police? What's the best path forward here?
>omg!!! The bus driver was slightly rude to me, which school official can I report this to??
>A drunken man on the street approached me and said I look nice. I'm actually shaking right now. We really need to change campus culture. Who can I report this to?
These are not representative of the average, but it's enough that I see posts like this with some frequency, and usually all the comments are supportive. Where exactly does all this come from? Is it simply others encouraging or reinforcing these people's delusional belief that they are of such importance that nothing slightly unsettling should ever happen to them?
An insectile need to exactly tick every check box as to what is expected, that every opinion needs to be validated. Most importantly, any no-no needs to be reported right away, and your own feelings validated by some kind of certified Expert, who will give you a Big Boy sticker and certification certifying that you are a real Big Boy.
People just want the "college-experience", as it's sold to them in all the images, to have an experience like something out of all the brochures--nice, tightly edited images with no relation to reality.
Underneath the facade of all this fake niceness and support it's incredibly dog eat dog. I was a very sheltered kid in high school, and the harsher realities of life have only come to me now later. Of course I felt the weight of the pressure from my parents trying to get into a good college, but I didn't really fully understand the urgency and still had the mentality of a child

>> No.21608144

>There are more people online than ever before, yet cyberpsace feels smaller than ever
It's become more commercialized and consolidated into a handful of sites everyone uses. Even back in early 2010s I remember the internet feeling new and being introduced to all kinds of new wacky websites.

>> No.21608150

Whatd you do

>> No.21608153

you sound like a retarded person who thinks they aren't a retarded person.

>> No.21608154

And that's why I barely, if ever, use the internet anymore, because all of what I said about imageboards applies just as much to the rest of the internet, overall. Personally, I've been on the Internet and on my phone much less than I've ever been. Psychologically I've been in a much better mood as a result, though I'll probably expound on that in another thread.

>> No.21608167

Isn't it obvious? Women have "just world fallacy," they have the mental and emotional maturity of a child, and they have instinctive entitlement because the whole world throws itself at their feet as long as they're young. They also control and spend most wealth, not just because they tend to control household spending in families but because young women spend all their disposable income and go into debt to live in trendy apartments they can't afford, go to restaurants and events every other night, buy $15 of coffee and treats every day, and buy endless makeup and clothing. Men are silent workhorses, basically slaves or serfs who work in the background to support all this. So the system adjusts to target women and "curate" their experience. All universities become HR departments and daycare centers for women to have tea parties in. Everything becomes an "experience" or an "adventure" in the childish woman sense of the term.

It's all because of women. Women turn any environment they colonize into a tea party with bonus drama and gossip aspects. They're children. They have no broader cultural, historical, or even geographical knowledge. They are content not even knowing the cardinal directions or having a mental map of the city transit they use to go between tea parties every day. They literally know nothing other than socializing and dressing up. Every element of modern civilization has adapted to them because they control the money and men defer to them. They are the default voter the politician sees and targets, the default student, the default consumer. The whole world has been reverse engineered to basically service the whims of little kids.

>> No.21608171

>Women have "just world fallacy," they have the mental and emotional maturity of a child
>They literally know nothing other than socializing and dressing up. Every element of modern civilization has adapted to them because they control the money and men defer to them. They are the default voter the politician sees and targets, the default student, the default consumer. The whole world has been reverse engineered to basically service the whims of little kids.
The projection is unreal. Will you millennials ever get over yourselves?

>> No.21608176

My hobbies including masturbating and drinking alone

>> No.21608177

He's right though

>> No.21608179

>singular they
You're the retard

>> No.21608181
File: 44 KB, 632x296, women's existence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21608192

novel bread >>21608189

>> No.21608197

The way Twitter people talk, with the "ya'll" and "folks" and all that, it's like they're trying to create a posh register of AAVE, which all races shall adopt in their show of wokeness. Very bizarre.

>> No.21608214

You're supposed to eat AND exercise, faggot.
The food doesn't make you fit if it goes to make muscle tissue and organ tissue. Fucking loser.

>> No.21608529

The feeling of powerlessness and inferiority and stress is apparently so overwhelming that they feel the need to lash out at any minor threat to their comfort. That, and college culture has been pozzed a long time ago to encourage this type of behavior at the expense of freedom of expression. In addition, colleges are slowly doing away with merit-based tests and grading to aid "minorities" (retards; ethnicities that get systematically lower scores) and this culture of rewarding students that do not perform as would previously have been demanded results in entitlement. Fragility of ego also results because they known they do not deserve to be graded preferentially.

>> No.21609858

>you don't
Why is it then that the biggest try hards I remember in school were girls?
My A.P classes in high school were full of girls.
I agree with this image that women don't experience the full harshness and competitiveness that we face, but I've never seen evidence for this idea that women are less intelligent no matter how many memes I see pushing it on here.
Women are different, and they do receive more support, but I find it hard to believe that they are simultaneously less intelligent and more successful than men.