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/lit/ - Literature

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21600839 No.21600839 [Reply] [Original]

>join a book club
>90% women
>trying to choose a book for this month
>suggestions are made
>everyone pulls their phones out
>"it's not on audible"
>"is there an audiobook version?"
>"umm this book is 19 hours long can we go for a shorter one?"
>someone suggests 300 page limit
>"what's that in hours?"

literally a book club but nobody reads

>> No.21600841

>Literally a book club but nobody reads
Mhh, I wonder where I have seen that before...

>> No.21600843

clearly you aren't as intellectual as those women

>> No.21600845

>co-found a book club
>no girls allowed
>it's great
>friendships for life form immediately

>> No.21600847

I saw in an online book club someone suggested listening to an abridged version of Don Quixote (2 hours instead of the 34 hours one). So basically reading = listening to someone tell you a summary of the book while you're driving to work.

>> No.21600851

lmao gottem

>> No.21600864

Everyone wants to have read. Few want to read.

>> No.21600914

Everybody wants to be a reader, but don't nobody want to read no long-ass books.

>> No.21600929

I’ll do it though

>> No.21600945
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>> No.21600946

Thats why if you are starting one pick a difficult or esoteric subject. In uni we did a Dante reading club that (a) assumed pre knowledge of the original text (Italian not required) (b) only read adjunct, supplementary martial ( tho we did later read a few translations)

we started with 3 people and were later permanently joined by 2 professors , but we also had about a dozen wannabes who stuck around for 2 meetings and then blissfully fucked off.

>> No.21600949
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>> No.21600966

Friendships for life are only formed in early life. You cannot trust some random dipshit you meet in a book club hence he cannot ever truly be counted as a friend. Just because you hang out and slam some IPAs together does not make you friends. If one of you needed serious money or was in legal hotwater, I'm sure he or vice versa you, would be so offended to the point you'd never speak again. No trust. No loyalty. No friend.

>> No.21600970

Not true

>> No.21600976

What about them makes you say this?

>> No.21600978


>> No.21601026

It is true which is why you failed to refute it.

>> No.21601039

I made a friend in the military who risked his life to save mine. I'd lend him any amount of money if he asked, I trust my friend and I'm confident he'd do the same.

>> No.21601052

If you told him you supported Russia and China over the United States would he still be your friend?

>> No.21601068

You're mostly correct, but friendship doesn't mean unconditionally accepting everything someone does or say. There are limits. Even a childhood friend would stop talking to you after a point.

>> No.21601098

Of course. The most I'd get from such a statement is probably a "so what?". Your question is sort of funny because nothing makes a sober and reasonably intelligent person more anti-American than serving in the military.

>> No.21601101

Who cares? If I told him I diddle kids, would he still be my friend? I don't support America's geopolitical rivals and I don't diddle kids. If I wanted a friend that could relate to these hypothetical issues, I would look for one.
Are sure you don't just want a mommy that would love you no matter what?

>> No.21601111
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>> No.21601129


nope. he's not correct neither are you.

i served this country. you and your coward bitch friend are traitors. disgruntled trump vaccine bad shit heads that never cared for our great nation in the first place.

>> No.21601166
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fuck, man, at least they talk books

>> No.21601201

>Blinkist is a book-summarizing subscription service based in Berlin, Germany. It was founded in 2012 by Holger Seim, Niklas Jansen, Sebastian Klein, and Tobias Balling and has eighteen million users as of 2021.
>eighteen million users
isn't this like the thing RC Waldun was advertising?

>> No.21601214

>stories are passed down orally for millenia of human history
>printing press invented in 15th century leads to widespread literacy for first time
>people read analog books for brief 500 year period
>microchip is invented, audiobooks become more prevalent
>a group of women want a not-too-long book for their book club
>no men in the book club except one virgin mad at audiobooks
>he anonymously berates them on a chinese cartoon forum to other angry virgins
>the women probably pick a miriam toewe book or something and have a pleasant coversation about it
>OP gets burnt out on brandon sanderson books and never finishes his manuscript
>the founder of blinkist collects a fat paycheck from venture capitalists before the company folds and the app shuts down
life is a beautiful and precious experience

>> No.21601222

Oh no, I'm not using this app! This means I'm not an intellectual!

>> No.21601230

thats not true; there are other avenues. e.g. people that travel together and work together closely can bond; Military being a famous example. It also holds for touring bands, and some other industries etc.

>> No.21601232

bros... I wasted my chance.. I dated a hot vietnamese chick that used to read a lot of interesting stuff and she would bitch about woke shit in all of the book clubs that she was a part of... what was i thinking

>> No.21601241

the women are still in the wrong and not a single one of them will grasp the book on the same level as even a cursory reading by the male. no matter how passive aggressively bitchy you get about it, that won't change.

>> No.21601265

this study found no significant difference in retention and comprehension between audiobook or print reading, or between males and females

>> No.21601273

the study is horseshit. anyone who's trying speaking to a woman with a clear mind unclouded by sex knows first hand how incapable they are of grasping concepts.
keep deluding yourself with this chicanery, it really doesn't bother me. I'm never going to believe women are intellectual equal to us, they just aren't.

>> No.21601281
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Yeah dude and I'm sure if the study proved without a shadow of a doubt that women are dumb it would totally get published and not be buried along with permanently blackballing its author.

>> No.21601300

>believes men are intellectually superior but distrusts a peer-reviewed scientific study because it doesn't confirm his biases
>believes his mind to be unclouded by sex but is obsessed with it
this is why climate change is happening

>> No.21601304

neither of you get any pussy

>> No.21601307

There is no more pathetic an attempt at rebuttal than "sex"

>> No.21601331

hits a nerve, huh

>> No.21601340

cry and shriek and roll around on the floor slapping your fists against the floor for all I care, everyone knows women don't have the capability to be intellectual. any time they try they end up becoming turbo leftist feminazis programmed to regurgitate the latest nonsense.
you know this to be true.

>> No.21601347

Does it hurt you?

>> No.21601357

I used to think Blinkist was profoundly gay and the pathognomonic of bugman modernity, but I since found out that they only do 15-minute summaries of non-fiction books in the genres of self-help, entrepeneurship, marketing, leadership, corporate culture and shit like that, and with that, I realized they're not a symptom of disease, they are masterful trolls outgrifting a bunch of grifters.

As for you OP, just make your own book club and advertise it. If people show up and wanna read your shit you win, if they don't, you also win. I created an excellent book club this way and made a lot of very interesting acquaintances when I last moved citites. You can't expect retards, which comprise at least 90% of the population, to prefilter themselves, you have to do it yourself.

>> No.21601362

i'm starting a new book club for real sigma mindset chads like us fellows. let's all read bell hook's the will to change and discuss it. i'll start a thread in exactly one week from now and we'll show those dumb sluts how to really be intellectual! let's go guys!

>> No.21601363

Good this blackpill fatalism is so mindnumbingly gay and wrong.
I've made plenty of friends in my late teens and early twenties that still go strong.
>but that's not for life yet!
Who the fuck cares you fucking nerd

>> No.21601369

>in the genres of self-help, entrepeneurship, marketing, leadership, corporate culture and shit like that

Those kinds of books are all padding anyway. 1% single line rules of thumb, 99% fabricated anecdotes illustrating the rules.

>> No.21601373

I'm so happy for /fitlit/

>> No.21601381

have you ever wondered why literature is in such a dismal state? why every “award-winning” book is the same shallow leftist tripe, all the modern authors banal and derivative, all the literary communities smiling and awful in their corporate political correctness? many have speculated: oh it’s the jews, the internet, the liberal elite… but gentlemen, I have the actual answer for you today: It’s women.

Have you noticed that 99% of contemporary authors are women, or gay? Have you noticed how all the editors, the agents, the powers that be, are women? It was women all along gentlemen, and no one else.

So why the infiltration of leftist ideology, you might ask? Well, obviously because women are natural sheep for the ruling ideology of the day. Being more submissive creatures, their supple minds are easily molded into whatever gets them the most instagram likes. For indeed, that is the natural instinct of the woman. And with women ruling literature, the writing of the day will follow this vaginal logic. No longer will great risks, bold leaps, or original thinking be rewarded. Instead, the conformist, the motherly, the smooth and uncontroversial will be lauded. Oh don’t get me wrong, experimentalism will be accepted, but only of a certain type: the clever, the gimmicky, the ideologically acceptable experiment, in a word, the mere aesthetic of avant garde. But nothing truly new will come forth.

Literature will die with a wimper, or rather, a queef. It will survive, for perhaps a few more decades, the same variations of awful stories circling through culture like used tampons in a toilet bowl. And then like all pursuits, the women will give it up, not having the discipline nor the fortitude, but not before ruining it for us all.

>> No.21601382

read something decent not written by a woman/minority and I may consider your proposal.

>> No.21601389

yeah I came to the same conclusion; albeit much more succinctly:
women ruined books like they did everything

>> No.21601395

Audiofrauds are NOT natty

>> No.21601398

not him, but in my experience that's EVERY non-fiction book other than textbooks. I recently ordered a bunch of malcolm gladwell's stuff off of a few recommendations and it's literally all just anecdotes... and he's meant to be an amazing non-fiction author

>> No.21601405

Comprehension is badly defined in that study. Being able to recall things from a book is not the same as being able to answer a difficult question on the same book. When you listen to an audiobook, you don't pause to think.

>> No.21601411

all women do is regurgitate.
no one who defends this sort of thing are honest and in fact deep down they're either scared of the truth or simply have no means to discern between acceptable opinion and truth

>> No.21601429

A large proportion of men are also using services like Blinkist to get a 30 second summary of classics to pretend they have read them

>> No.21601439

whataboutism doesn't really interest me and again you're just lending my theory about you dishonest types more credence
some of B does not negate all A, my logically ignorant friend.

>> No.21601446
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>Literature will die with a wimper, or rather, a queef

>> No.21601449

literally no one does this shit.

>> No.21601450

>Trusting anything less than a meta analysis
>Thinking about climate change
Wew, lad.

Should I even bother to look up this book, I suspect it's crap.

Who cares if the publishing industry collapses! It's something stopping you from writing a book and someone else from reading it? Did Plato not get enough royalties? Just write the book. Just read the book. Quit whining.

>> No.21601455

>Should I even bother to look up this book
one word: negress..

>> No.21601463

I started laughing like a maniac in front of my family, thanks anon here's a (you)

>> No.21601466

>logically ignorant
It seems like you're the one struggling with logic. My statement never implied negation, but rather, the union of A and B.

>> No.21601472


>> No.21601475

The only kind of union you're privy to involves the family hound and a jar of Jif, size extra large.

>> No.21601484

Hey at least you tried to get yourself out of that with a funny comment instead of a retarded image or tired meme. Nice!

>> No.21601499

I'd say military service is an exception. Real friendships are only formed through extreme hardship or during early life discovery phases. Even though you were never in the slightest bit of danger, and were primarily fighting unarmed innocents from distances at which they couldn't even see you, your collective delusion probably formed an environment comparable to hardship.

>> No.21601502

>waaah! waaah! i can't get pussy! i'm a big baby and i dislike the world! waaah! waaah!
Tiresome beyond belief.

>> No.21601535

thanks for the compliment but there was nothing to get myself out of there. the joke was a bonus. anyone knows that a direct reply to an argument constitutes a rebuttal, you don't come up with a counterargument just to 'add context'. breaking that down to logic speak since I know you have difficulty with the subject, by default a reply on 4chan is a logical negation, never a union. honesty will set you free, eh?

>> No.21601553
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>I'd say military service is an exception. Real friendships are only formed through extreme hardship or during early life discovery phases. Even though you were never in the slightest bit of danger, and were primarily fighting unarmed innocents from distances at which they couldn't even see you, your collective delusion probably formed an environment comparable to hardship.

>> No.21601597

>your collective delusion probably formed an environment comparable to hardship.
god bless our troops. salute the soldiers bringing gaysex and civilization-destroying feminism to those barbarians in the middle east

>> No.21601607

brb recording the wiki plot summaries of books and selling them

>> No.21601617

Yes, actually, I did respond just to add context, and further to implicitly highlight that your comment (women don't read blah blah blah) is misleading because the same applies to men. It's not "whataboutism" but simply pointing out that there is nothing special about women in this regard.
>breaking that down to logic speak since I know you have difficulty with the subject
You brought in logic by talking about how A doesn't negate B. A normal person wouldn't have assumed that I was initiating an argument. That kind of assumption is made by people who spend way too long with other angry incels on 4chan..
>by default a reply on 4chan is a logical negation
...which is what you've just shown here.

In conclusion you are almost certainly autistic, not very bright (since you contradicted yourself), and likely an incel due to the rhetoric in your posts.

>> No.21601624

>touring bands
Don't they all start to hate each other at some point?

>> No.21601626

we're on 4chan, having an argument. it's not bizarre for me to speak of things in those terms.
your reply doesn't elevate you above that argument, only shows, once more, that you people are dishonest. my original point once again is strengthened.

>> No.21601635

>but not before ruining it for us all.

>> No.21601676

Semper Fi!

>> No.21601681

>and likely an incel
after taking the moral high ground and spinning your paperthin sophistry, when backed into a corner you will always resort to this.
take the L, sucker.

>> No.21601698


>> No.21601714

This. Recollection is not comprehension. Comprehension requires depth of thought and the development of longterm schemas, which would be difficult to measure even theoretically, and impossible to measure in actually given that the researchers are doubtlessly as braindead as the subjects.

>> No.21601722

pinche maricon

>> No.21601735
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This is where you start molding the club to your own desires.

>> No.21601738

kek based

>> No.21601802

>stories get passed down by millenia by oral tradition
Oh yeah Im sire those kind of stories and what women want to read/listen to in a bookclub are the same. Thats not a disingenuous comparison at all
Homer famously wrote romcoms about women getting with millionaire werewolves
>as I typed this, I realized Oddisey is the opposite: its about the alpha hero getting rid of a witch hoe to get with his faithful wife

>> No.21601812

I don’t listen to RC Waldun for anything let alone what he advertises

>> No.21601829

A sincere recommendation for you: join or start a philosophy book club. These book clubs, while oftentimes filled with annoying nerds, are usually majority men, and usually a higher caliber of people, given that philosophy is harder to get into than fiction. Women generally speaking are less interested in ideas and tend to be easily filtered out.

>> No.21601852

>Literature will die with a wimper, or rather, a queef.
If there was 4chan gold I could give, I would.

>> No.21601860

He did it for (You).

>> No.21601867

How would you start a book group that only attracted women?
I'm wondering if using it as something that works as a trap crop might be effective.

>> No.21601942

Just start a book club with typical chick lit recommendations. Murakami, donna tartt, etc.

>> No.21601949

You're making some big assumptions.

>> No.21601956

>trying speaking
Would a woman make this mistake?

>> No.21602060

Made me kek, so yeah.

>> No.21602107

a woman is a mistake. anything deriving from her twisted black womb is a poison. nature regrets its mistake in inventing her.

>> No.21602171

I'll go with "Things that didn't actually happen" for 500, Alex

>captcha j8MAD8j

>> No.21602195


>> No.21602202
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>nothing makes a sober and reasonably intelligent person more anti-American than serving in the military
>a sober and reasonably intelligent person

>nope. he's not correct neither are you. i served this country. you and your coward bitch friend are traitors. disgruntled trump vaccine bad shit heads that never cared for our great nation in the first place.

>> No.21602218

>Oh yeah Im sire those kind of stories and what women want to read/listen to in a bookclub are the same
I mean... yes? For every Odyssey, there were like 50 comedic poems about farts and dicks. Not every ancient Greek poet was a Homer - only one (or a couple if Homer was a collective author) of them was. The rest were definitely not Homer, and most of them were in fact either known for producing lowest-grade entertainment for the masses, or not known at all.

>> No.21602237

>/lit/ is mostly populated by males
>/lit/ has flat 0 (zero) capacity to answer a difficult question on of pretty much any book that is talked about
What did he mean by this?

>> No.21602265


>> No.21602271

false on the second account and still isn't a valid logical statement even if true.

>> No.21603047

delet this

>> No.21603527

I'm a woman, hello, is your Mother proud of you?

>> No.21603572


>> No.21603606

Why, are you about to break the rules on a blue board?

>> No.21603642

"Book reading" women are retarded and books they listen to are atrocious, just degeneracy poured into an uncohesive narrative. But what's wrong with not reading? Shit, man, I don't have time to jerk off most of the days, how am I going to read a physical book? I own a few, by the way, never could finish a chapter in one sitting. You know some people are like that? That's a difference between reading a book for two months and forgetting the start when you get to the finish or listening to a book for a day and drawing your own conclusions or just thinking about the story if it's fiction.

>> No.21603786

me but I read

>> No.21603831

Are the ladies toothsome at least?

>> No.21603846

I need to start using this deeeesu

>> No.21604083

This got me good.

>> No.21604087

>It's another episode of angry incel lies to get support from his echo chamber

>> No.21604095
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>>>21600839 (OP)
>>It's another episode of angry incel lies to get support from his echo chamber

>> No.21604164
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>"whose sole knowledge, as I say, of Hamlet was a one-page digest in a book that claimed: now at last you can read all the classics; keep up with your neighbors. Do you see? Out of the nursery into the college and back to the nursery; there’s your intellectual pattern for the past five centuries or more."
He's rolling in his fucking grave right now

>> No.21604192
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you're a total pseud op. people don't read to practice moving their eyes from left to right over abstract symbols imprinted on dead trees by industrial machines. we read to absorb ideas and enjoy aesthetics. it matters not whether we do so thru our eyes or ears. in addition to being a pseud, u sound insufferable as well. stay away from me

>> No.21604208

I am so jealous
I try to tell myself that these negative feelings just come from jealousy but my jealousy is so overwhelming it just never helps

>> No.21604220

It's almost like you are coping about your social life by making up shit

>> No.21604238

Sounds like you're in denial.

>> No.21604259


>> No.21604264

>expecting women to behave like sentient beings

>> No.21604340

Quick skim BBabBy

>> No.21604410
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>> No.21604418

Ain't nutting but a pamphlet

>> No.21604428

this is the problem and nothing is going to change until people stop this shit. they've been given free reign for what? ten years now? and the world, certainly the intellectual world, is poised on the brink of total destruction.
you can blame technology all you want but that's a cop out. you know for a fact everything has become womanized. and if you're honest with yourself for ten seconds in your miserable sex-obsessed life you'll come to the conclusion that as long as the pussy worship continues, things are only going to get worse and worse and worse.

>> No.21604432

What's wrong with audiobooks? It's the same content. Would you also suggest blind people can't appreciate literature?

>> No.21604446

>I don't have to try and make friends because its too late anyway

>> No.21604451

i dont get it

>> No.21604452

not the same retention
fuckin mongols man
atilla the hun, ghengis khan are in here monging it up. we've all been subjugated by MONGOLS.
reading isnt the same. if you listen in a dark room sure maybe its 90% the same, but its also not. you dont control the rate of speed. its PASSIVE. its what mcluhan would call a hot medium, non interactive. a book you scan for the words and can go back on something, you can pause and think before going on. audiobooks is pouring shit in one ear for it to go out the other.
the only reason you MONGOLS make this argument is cuz a) you dont read or b) you only read YA

>> No.21604462

I pause audiobooks all the time. They have rewind functions. Go back 15 seconds. You would know that if you weren't sperging out calling people mongols (sic. mongoloids?)

>> No.21604465

99/100 people dont listen to them that way, you disingenuous little toad. they do it while 'doing other things' like their faggy chores or scrolling their phone. I squish you underfoot and green juice spurts out. Toad.

>> No.21604470

Have sex, incel.

>> No.21604481

>Anon can tell you 1000 reasons why "real" books are better than audio books but can't explain why it matters.

One recalls Brendan Behan's quote:

>Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how it's done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves.

Have a great day.

>> No.21604489

>but can't explain why it matters.
retention. it was the first word i said.
Funny isn't it, how you didn't retain a simple thing I said then go on to bluster in full reddit spaced type about how intelligent you are.

>> No.21604517

>Retention is lower
Can you cite any research to support that? Maybe that's the case when one is listening while doing chores, like you wrongly assume is the case 99% of the time. But let's suppose that you're right about there being a retention drop-off. Here's my point about it not mattering. Suppose reading text provides a retention of 80% of the ideas, plot points, etc of a particular book, and that audiobooks provide 70%. Oh no... oh no, le bros, i've le forgetted it bros... it's less stuff i can... ACKK

I’m not against real books, despite frequent sneers from Sneeds assuming that I’m some “zoomer” dismissing the past. I think that the oral — and therefore auditory — medium (a very old one, by the way) is how we can read high Quality books most conveniently. In fact, that’s exactly how I do it.

>> No.21604530
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>gets btfo in real time on a Botswanian diamond mining forum

>> No.21604537

I remember you from /lit/ one year ago.

>> No.21604542

Speak for yourselves. I finished a book two days ago. I've already written a Goodreads review, and I'll be starting a new one today.
At least you can meet women, OP. If they like books, and you read, you'll be attractive to them in that regard. One point in your favor, at least.

>> No.21604547

Mad? It's not his fault they're stupid.

>> No.21604549

You should listen more and talk less.

>> No.21604550

And no rebuttal to the salient part of my post where I assumed your claim and argued it doesn't matter anyway.

Imagine having that image saved... Okay, I’ll pretend this wasn’t a rather strange troll, and answer the uh, ”question.” I'll try to use vernacular, so it's clear: Dilate tranny.

Yes ... No ... Maybe ... Tell ya what ... lemme get back to you on that. I gotta ask my wife...

>> No.21604553

If ever a book cover reeked of incellious angst, that one is it.

>> No.21604564

I remember in my early teens, aged 11 to 14. Boys my age were dating girls, trying to get their phone numbers or social media. Some went on dates together.

My parents told me, no girlfriend till after I graduate from college. So I always look at these boys are losers. They are dumb. They have nothing going on in their life, that's why all they do is talk about girls and hanging out with them at the mall during the weekends. Prrf losers.

And there was me. Studying non-stop. Scoring almost perfect marks on all my subjects. Playing Playstation after school and on the weekends. Go to sports practice and trying out for leagues. Damn, I was winning at life at the age of 14. Lol

Those boys that I looked down on now married to their childhood sweethearts and building a family and having a successful business.

And then there's me, FA. No social interactions, working a regular 9-5, no girlfriend, no friends, having suicidal thoughts on a daily basis, getting rejection left and right.

>> No.21604566 [DELETED] 

You aren't entirely wrong. Yet the fundamental problem is the West's turning away from God, and in that regard, as many men have been hammering away - creating cracks in the foundations of society - many even before we gave women power or voice.

>> No.21604568

Homer was a lot more than a couple people. The Homeric tradition was formed by countless bards in competition and for fun. Because of the competition, the Athenians made an official version that bards would be judged by because they began to prioritize accuracy over creativity. The Athenians weren't the only ones to come up with a version of the Iliad and Odyssey. The Alexandrian version is the best preserved version. Then, there are tons of fragments found in Egypt (favorable climate) of the Iliad and Odyssey that show different spins people put on them. Even the official Alexandrian and Athenian versions are a creative process because they choose what is canonical and what isn't, harmonize the text, and straight up "improve" it. Even if Homer was a blind guy who composed the Iliad and Odyssey (and maybe the Hymns too), the fact remains that people have undoubtedly altered his work due to significant variations in the manuscripts.
Apologies if I come across as combative. I just want to provide my perspective.

>> No.21604569

The fundamental problem is the West's turning away from God, and in that regard, as many men have been hammering away - creating cracks in the foundations of society - many even before we gave women power or voice.

>> No.21604570

please stop with the retention canard

it's not about retention. you have the causality backwards. an intelligent person could listen to an audiobook and get something out of it, but they don't. they read. likewise a dumb person could make an effort and actually sit down and read a book, but they'd prefer to listen.

it's not that audiobooks are stupid, but that a stupid person is drawn to them because they lack certain cognitive capacities that draw you towards reading.

when i see someone listening to an audiobook it doesn't matter how much they've retained, i still look at them as drooling retards who can't sit down and read a fucking book.

>> No.21604574

>I realized they're not a symptom of disease, they are masterful trolls outgrifting a bunch of grifters.
That's amazing. Thanks for the info.
>malcolm gladwell's stuff off of a few recommendations and it's literally all just anecdotes... and he's meant to be an amazing non-fiction author
He's a massive hack. There's a lot better stuff to read in non-fiction other than him.

>> No.21604581

All women are stupid. He's at fault for expecting them to be his equal. He's supposed to manipulate them into sleeping with him.

>> No.21604600

So would you agree that if one possesses the self awareness to consider both options — to overpower their urge to drool at the audiobook or conversely to cavort with the anointed tome — that it doesn't make a difference? That for you it's a matter of keeping up appearances. Ironic that Sneed and Chud would act according to something so frivolous while speaking the way they do about women.

>> No.21604604

>about keeping up appearances
An interesting leap there. That's not what he implied.

>> No.21604619

>At least you can meet women, OP
jesus will you braindead coomers just fuck off and die?
everything with you has to be about women women women
theyre the ones who fucking destroyed literature and you still cant think about anything but sex
kill yourself not in minecraft but in real life

>> No.21604622

>My parents told me, no girlfriend till after I graduate from college. So I always look at these boys are losers. They are dumb. They have nothing going on in their life, that's why all they do is talk about girls and hanging out with them at the mall during the weekends
thats actually true though. women are a waste of time and coomers are losers. your problem wasnt that you werent a coomer then, it's that you are a coomer now.

>> No.21604626

listen to this fag trying to sound smart. writing is stilted as all hell. that's what you get for 'listening' to books.

>> No.21604629

Jokes on you. I'm celibate and don't watch porn or masturbate. I don't play games and I read more than you. Men like women, faggot. Cope and seethe.

>> No.21604639

Take out conversely and it's fine.
But you don't write (or read), do you?
Brendan Behan's quote:
>Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how it's done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves.
Have a great day.

>> No.21604646

Literally met some dude at church one week and we've been best friends since.

>> No.21604650

I'm a pro writer and make my living off it. Your writing is unnatural, clunky, and has zero rhythm.
Brendan Bumhole

>> No.21604657
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>I'm a pro writer and make my living off it. Your writing is unnatural, clunky, and has zero rhythm.

>> No.21604681

at least Sneed can Read

>> No.21604686
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>> No.21604690

why are all you retards responding to this? its the most obvious joke imaginable

>> No.21604692

>Sneed B Collard III
It's actually a very subtle joke. He's Sneed the Third, implying there have been three Sneeds in his family. It's a reference to Finnegan's Wake ("Three Sneeds for Feed and Seed").
>The Governor's Dog is le Missing
My god, he's read Chamber Music. Joyce would blush.

>> No.21604697

>Friendships for life are only formed in early life.
Bullshit. It's possible to know someone for two weeks and have a stronger bond with them than your own parents/siblings.

>> No.21604702

i've been in a book club hosted in a provincial town library where a good 60% were women in their late 50s to early 70s (boomers) and they read a lot of books

>> No.21604712

woah, but they're le women, they can't think... ugh, I dont feel so good chuds, chu—— ACKKK

>> No.21604730

>they read
a monkey can be trained to turn the pages of a book and scan its eyes over them. doesn't mean it understands anything after completing the mechanical operation of "reading".
let's all carry on the charade though because it makes us feel better.

>> No.21604764

here's a sentence
here's another
>heh, at least i'm not reddit spacing, old habits die har—ACK

>> No.21604786

what on earth are you spluttering about, you maggot-infested baboon's anus?

>> No.21604850

It's good you're self-aware.

>> No.21605067

You write like a redditor.

>> No.21605071
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my nigga

>> No.21605072

Baudrillard moment

>> No.21605095

don't get too worked up there bud, you might dislodge a clot. Thanks for your service!

>> No.21605110
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>> No.21605115

If you are going to be in a bookclub with women, you have to go for the 50+ groups.

>> No.21605117

It's a samefag. It's a reddit joke

>> No.21605122

You will never be a beautiful woman that people are attracted to, you'll always be a bitter femcel

>> No.21605124

>othering enables elitist to look down upon others
Many such cases.

>> No.21605130
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>> No.21605161

>It's possible to know someone for two weeks and have a stronger bond with them than your own parents/siblings.
Only the case with you Westoids.

>> No.21605230

No, not even that. I'm a handsome man who actually gets women.

>> No.21605262

can you get them to fuck off ruining literature

>> No.21605281

I said I get them, that doesn't make me the pied piper.

>> No.21605453

>If one of you needed serious money
I would drop that friend so fast desu. I ain't a bank.

>> No.21605470
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we sure will figure it out one day

>> No.21605691

i actually have the impression that most people read on /lit/ and i have a lot of you guys as goodreads friends. but yea meme funny

>> No.21605696


>> No.21605731

im not on that pozzed site. i considered signing up this weak, finally cracking under peer pressure; then i go to the site and it's a fucking 'black history month' banner, as if they didnt promote niggers enough.
I'll pass on that shit