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21600755 No.21600755 [Reply] [Original]

Explain why I need more

>> No.21600840

do you live in ancient Greece?
if no, than you need a lot more

>> No.21600863
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>the translations in the Plato Complete Works
There are better ones.

>> No.21601136

Burn them with timestamp hypocrite.

>> No.21601142
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>> No.21601144
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These. Burn them with fire.

>> No.21601289

How could someone edit the whole Platonic dialogues in one volume? They are like 2800 pages without introductions. And the Aristotelic texts the double of that.

>> No.21601427

There are a lot of editions of the complete dialogues in one volume.

>> No.21601433

But how? Diminute letters?

>> No.21601457

pages are thin like bible

>> No.21601474

I have these 3 as well OP
Feels like I strongly disagree with Plato on most topics, and the only super interesting one so far was Republic

>> No.21601485

>I strongly disagree with Plato on most topics
Do you want to comment your disagreements?

>> No.21601541

It's mostly his method that I feel is the problem. Dialectic is a genius tool for finding truth in the material world, but as soon as you touch on abstracts like faith or piety or justice you really lose the plot. That's why Plato's quest of induction feels doomed. The Socratic approach all too easily leads into ethical dilemmas like, "Is it okay to kill and eat one's crewmate in a shipwreck scenario if it means the other sailors might survive?". I haven't read Kant, but he seems to answer this via the categorical imperative.

Plato and his advocates never seem to make progress with his approach. I'm not denying the concept of metaphyics btw, or the existence of forms. I just doubt that using dialectic to know the forms is really possible

>> No.21601549

Where do I get Plato's Complete Works for cheap? I got Aristotle's both books for $50

>> No.21601585

What do you recommend?

>> No.21601909

Euclid Elements

>> No.21601986

>my books from Aristotle and Plato are almost a whole shelf and they're not even all of them

>> No.21602095


>> No.21602104

Does not accurately reflect the lived experiences of BIPOC minorities in the ancient world. Do better, bro.

>> No.21602129

>>the translations in the Plato Complete Works
>There are better ones.

What do you think are better translations?

>> No.21602153

>be extremely depressed, nihilistic, out of place with the universe
>read aristotle and plato
>life finally starts to make sense and I find the path to at least something resembling inner peace

thank you greeks

>> No.21602161


>> No.21602168

You're now ready for Christianity. Good luck bro. You could start with Berkeley if the Bible is too difficult and then Chuch Fathers along with the Bible.

>> No.21602238

Greeks are BIPOC...

>> No.21602241

Check out Neo Platonism instead

>> No.21602249

The original greek text version of them?

>> No.21602363


1, Christ was born.

2. As important & central as it is, there is more to life than philosophy.

>> No.21602403
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>Check out Neo Platonism instead

>> No.21602410

1, Richard Dawkins was born.

2. As important & central as it is, there is more to life than Christianity

>> No.21602425

Bloom's Republic
Benardete's Symposium
Any Plato translation in the Focus Philosophical Library, which I believe is published by Hackett.

>> No.21602436

Why are they better?

>> No.21602460

That guy is not really Christian if he thinks philosophy is central to life lol he's a pagan

>> No.21602557

The neoplatonics answer all of this

>> No.21602592

you need descartes, kant, hegel and heidegger. then you're set

>> No.21602663


>> No.21602674

Post hidden. Trip filtered.

>> No.21602704

They failed to extract themselves from their pre-parmenidean mindset, hence their metaphysics are broken and their works are like so much straw. Return to the pre-socratics/eleatics and develop a coherent understanding of reality.

>> No.21602729


>DUDE smallest particles
>DUDE triangular numbers
>DUDE it's all water
>no DUDE it's all fire
>DUDE according to X this one time Y was at Z and did a thing

And yes, I have so read the pre-socratics and the eleatics, and no, I didn't miss anything important, as far as the extant bits can be taken.

>> No.21602735

Because there is no Emerson in there

>> No.21602756


>> No.21602767

Because they're more faithful to the Greek.

>> No.21602834

>Richard Dawkins in 2023
Reddit is that way, sir.

>> No.21602926

The only written thing you really need to read is the word
read it as a command or however you like but read it often
everything else is just a flourish upon that one verb.

>> No.21602985

> no, I didn't miss anything important, as far as the extant bits can be taken.
If that were true, you wouldn't be fixated on Plato and Aristotle.

>> No.21603019

kys mouthbreather

>> No.21603146
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>Split in two volumes

>> No.21603482
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>> No.21603566

>Tubingen/Milan Schools
The Neoplatonics explicate the occult doctrines withheld for oral transmission. More of it anyway.

>> No.21604342

Look at it this way, OP. Reading other philosophers is like going into a /lit/ thread about philosophy, except the posts are actually intelligent and every poster has actually read the books the thread is about. Maybe not every post is worth reading, but every now and again someone posts something very useful and interesting. Converse with the greats about the greats. The only way you can is by reading them.

>> No.21604357

50$ is cheap. I've tried to find complete set of Plato in my language for years, and if I find it, its being sold its 150-200€. And is bought in minutes.

>> No.21604364

Addendum: its 150-200$ for used copies, varying in condition. There's no new prints, except of the Republic.

>> No.21604378
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OP realistically only needs two more books

>> No.21604396

Actually you don't need Plato or Aristotle if you read those books, since judging by the titles, they together contain the sum total of human knowledge

>> No.21604397

classic /lit/

>> No.21604425

Business pragmatists are among the driest of soils.

>> No.21604792

this culminates in aquinas

>> No.21604893
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You dont need more, you need less

>> No.21605430
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You actually need less

>> No.21605446

Both of them defeated and refuted people who were correct. You need more as rhetoric and dialectics is meaningless to the pursuit of truth.

>> No.21605467

Dualism is necessarily a false dichotomy, as is the material vs. ideal split. Unironically, if you're reading anything written before the 20th century, you're detached from reality and playing around in people's fanfic about how the world works.

>Both of them defeated and refuted people who were correct
>people who were correct
You're the dumbest motherfucker in this whole thread. You're dumber than me, which almost feels like it shouldn't be possible.

>> No.21605894

This. Physics absolutely neutered almost all philosofags.

>> No.21606050

t. sciencelets
Physics' use of mathematics is basically the theory of forms. Science is platonist.

>> No.21606076

Have you actually ever read Hegel?

>> No.21606077

This was me a few years ago. Though i also did a good amount of psychedelics and turned to upanishads/vedanta
Aristotle's surviving works are like a third of what he wrote, at most. And if they were alive they'd keep learning and writing. Just what do you think "philosophy" means?

>> No.21606128

Opinion discarded

>> No.21606142

Try Goodwill online or other such stores. There’s usually some old editions of books like that if you dig enough.
Just check the shipping estimates first, it can be a real bitch.

>> No.21606369

I've read some of his later lectures

>> No.21606433

you have to go back tranny

>> No.21606446

You only need Aristotle there. Plato was a fraud.

>> No.21606489

Massive changes in logic since Aristotle.

Also, >>21601142, Hegel is the sublation of the Platonic by the Aristotlean, resulting in a complete system.

>> No.21606520

I was referring to both aristotle and plato, you fucking tranny obsessed retard

>> No.21606642

Plato was influential, not right.

>> No.21606656
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>> No.21606679

This reminds me of an interesting post made here once where someone explained that Plato is essentially attached to the physical and the world in his thinking and what he's doing is extending his understanding of that to the metaphysical and the abstract, but it isn't his native realm, so to speak. Sometimes it does feel like Plato is just groping around in the dark like you said.

>> No.21606741


>> No.21607531

A non-entity

>> No.21608057

I mean, if you don't want to continue reading, that's on you, other people want to read more books.

>> No.21608956

I can't believe there is someone here stupid enough to write this.

>> No.21608963

If "le simple life" was all one needed why are you here? Don't you have some soil you should be tilling? Pots to tend? A greenhouse? Children? Toys to whittle? Anything? You don't practice what you preach. The ancient Greeks all had le simple trad life, they added on to it. The simple life doesn't satisfy the overwhelming majority of human beings and it never has.

>> No.21608968
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