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21598711 No.21598711 [Reply] [Original]

Vibes? Cringe, squee, or ick?

>> No.21599959
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>> No.21600009

stop posting this retard, he doesn't know what he's talking about.
also he's a grifter pretending to be a rebel while tacitly accepting every mainstream premise.
piss off shill.
Also he capitalizes Left-wing. He's a plant.

>> No.21600030

>Everyone hungers for Victorianism
More on this please

>> No.21600987

I've read Conversations with Friends and Beautiful World, Where Are You. Conversations had redeemable qualities and was generally well written. Beautiful World was awful.

>> No.21601024
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>redeemable qualities
as there were...?

>> No.21601158

Cut ties with any woman who relates to the protagonist.

>> No.21601170
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any last words, anon?

>> No.21602421

Are you a female, perchance?

>> No.21602497

Why didn't he answer?

>> No.21602543
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>> No.21602550
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>Conversations had redeemable qualities and was generally well written.

>> No.21602621
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>Conversations had redeemable qualities and was generally well written.

>> No.21602662
File: 180 KB, 1337x1304, rooney-cringe5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Conversations had redeemable qualities and was generally well written.

>> No.21602710
File: 48 KB, 993x448, rooney-cringe3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Conversations had redeemable qualities and was generally well written.

>> No.21602736

Of course, Rooney's characters are all rich white women. Is she lampooning herself?

>> No.21602749

She doesn't have the humility and the self-awareness to lampoon herself. Her characters are 100% serious. She really thinks their bullshit "theories" are brilliant. She confirmed it in several interviews.

>> No.21602760

Is this retarded book just about imagining winning arguments against 'conservatives'?

>> No.21602785

very impressive
not only is it poorly written but the content is vapid, unintelligent drivel
i'd considered reading her books ironically but i think i'll pass

>> No.21602786


>> No.21602792

Roonie "fellating" herself. Many such cases.

>> No.21602845

I read actual Marxist literature and I nod my head. I read this thread and I cringe at Marxists like Rooney. Such is the life.

>> No.21604315

no way anyone over the age of 15 wrote this.
Women think this is good?
What in the actual fuck

>> No.21604325

its mid but i love it because i relate to greta gerwig movies and cry and was abused

>> No.21604328

>implying women have any mental development past the age of 15

>> No.21604329

and in all honesty the TV adaptation was pretty decent imo. i honestly thinked it worked better as video media than as a novel.

>> No.21604423

I actually think that the Irish may have been the most destructive group to ever disgrace the American continent. African criminality or Jewish moneylending cannot compete with the snickering helot rage that burns within the heart of every horrid little Mick.

>> No.21604480

sally rooney isnt american shes like from ireland..

>> No.21604516

holy shit i can't even read 2 sentences of these without my eyes glazing over, even besides the random political shit thrown in
how can anyone care about this utter trash

>> No.21604758

cause Greta Gerwig is actually talented and a really good director

>> No.21604761


>> No.21604772

>listening to bobbi theorise in this way was exciting. She spoke in clear, brilliant sentences, like she was making shapes in the air out of glass or water
what the fuck does this even mean? lmao
also her example of a brilliant sentence 'like shapes in the air' is literally
>non-monogamy could be based on an alternative model completely, something more like spontaneous consent

Good God fucking shoot me

>> No.21605016

if they're important, they all immigrate to america sooner (or rooner, if you will) or later.

>> No.21605025

I hate women

>> No.21605119

>She confirmed it in several interviews.
Please post proof of this, it would make me hate women a little more and I'm always looking for ways to improve

>> No.21605175

How do people think this is good?

>> No.21605220

They're not elitist incels?

>> No.21605222

They're braindead whores

>> No.21605292

Nah, it has nothing to do with being an incel, it's just not very good.

>> No.21605502

It is good by non-incel standards soooooo....

>> No.21605516

Seething incels ITT : how are those sour grapes, broskis? It's not like y'all post similarly sophomoric philosophical musings as Rooney just from the opposite side of the fence here on this board, right? That would be embarassing...

>> No.21605520

mmmmmmmmmmm idk if its like Good but its definitely fine. the people itt are just hating because they hate women. but also it was a little too romance novel for me which i know sounds stupid considering what the book is about but i had hoped it would focus more on like. im actually just not sure. it read a little sjm-y at points (pejoratively)

>> No.21605601

Look when she's lauded as a generational talent and her book is middling at best I think it's fair to criticise

>> No.21605612

When compared to Atlas Shrugged, it's the same type of crap, now why isn't Atlas Shrugged lauded as a great work... does it perhaps have something to do with the politics?

Also I hereby name the genre Politits and I define it as a romance novel that is drenched in Politics.

>> No.21605829

Lmfao she won't ever see this

>> No.21606132

The only people who know are the nonpolitical

>> No.21606247


written by trotzkyite chatbot

>> No.21606298

Should I know who that twitter use is?

>> No.21606339

Francis's slide into mental illness/self-harm was handled subtley in the text and for me that was the highlight. I read Bobbi's character as an annoyingly pretentious undergrad and CWF gives you the space to allow for that interpretation. Bobbi's spergs didn't have to be read with a "YAS SLAY QUEEN!" mentality. It was far more about Francis's insecurities in relation to Bobbi and having to deal with a person like that, being young enough to idolize that bloviating aspect of Bobbi's personality, honestly just gave me more sympathy for her character. The biggest flaw in the book was Rooney's handling of Nick; his own mental illness was cliched and honestly just came off as a means to illicit and appeal to Florence Nightingale syndrome in female readers. Also, themes relating to class issues were fairly muted and you weren't being hit over the head with shallow ideas about such (just Bobbi's jargon and, as I said before, there's enough space to interpret her character negatively).

With BW all of the above is out the widow. Lot's of writers recycle their character dynamics with only slight variations on characterization so I can't fault Rooney for writing the same basic novel again--but everything that was good in CWF is gone. We basically have watered down versions of Rooney's self-inserts in the sense they're no longer interesting. Also, excerpts like that you posted from CWF are now contained in emails (which alternate between chapters) and basically equate to preaching at the reader. So yeah, BW is far fucking worse than CWF in regard to what you've highlighted. There's no distance anymore; it's like Rooney is appealing to a brand instead of just writing a novel she wants to write.

As for her depiction of mental illness, which was great in CWF, it's just something in the background of one of the main characters (the self-insert writer character). It never really interacts with the plot in any significant way and we don't see change in characterization; there isn't space to read the same type of empathy into the character. The male characers are just as flat as CWF and the depiction of class is ridiculously heavy-handed (unlike what we had with Francis). The love interest for the "mentally ill" self-insert is a cliche of crassness (but...but...he's also a bisexual manlet, doesn't that make him interesting? kek). The love interest for the Francis-type character is just another distant man akin to Nick; Rooney makes him a practising Christian but it's a fetishization of what that says about him to the reader and we don't see it in his character at all.

I enjoyed CWF and found redeemable qualities in it. BW is the trash that best exemplifies the stereotypes you project about Rooney. (Also, I like this passage >>21602710. The imagry is cliched but it's used effectively and bleeds into the tone and reflects Francis's outlook).

>> No.21606519

Because I had to wait for the seethe to build up before giving an honest opinion. I don't think Rooney lives up to the marketing hype (obviously) but CWF was a decent novel. It was also written before she was an international celebrity author and I think there's a valid argument to be made, given BW, that this status elevated her sales at the expense of her literary potential. BW is more confident than CWF but in a bad way--her writing became more superficial in relation to her perceived celebrity (e.g. there are literally multiple scenes where people look up her self-insert's Wikipedia and talk about her celebrity status) with less self-awareness and honest reflection in relation to her characters.

I only read BW because I bought it for someone who didn't show up to family Christmas (I gave that cousin a Virginia Woolf novel the year before and she complained about it afterward...so I gave her something more accessible). CWF was good enough that I didn't mind reading something by her again but wasn't something that lead me to intentionally seek out her books. I don't know if I'll ever read Normal People, her novels are quick and easy so maybe, but I'd probably have to find it in a little free library or something.

>> No.21606811

poplit trash

>> No.21607241

I found a pdf and read some. How the fuck is this so popular

>> No.21607297
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>How the fuck is this so popular
Roasties. Lots of 20 year olds who identify with Rooney but also roasties.

>> No.21607845

Lmao the excerpts they consider to be profound are so obnoxiously banal. Wow, people interact and are interdependent.

Its just a rephrasing of the memey "we live in a society" phrase.

>> No.21607904

who cares?

no girl ever pressed me as hard for an opinion on this book (which they actually deeply cared about) as you losers do.