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21594030 No.21594030 [Reply] [Original]

so i can reflect on my miserable life and go out in a peaceful way

>> No.21594036

Fuck you

>> No.21594046

Industrial Society and its Future.

>> No.21594051
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fucking me will not make me happy. anon...
lready read that one

>> No.21594054
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>> No.21594068

do you really want nikocado to outlive you?

>> No.21594069 [DELETED] 

a philosophical dissertation upon death by radicati is the best thing on suicide i've read

>> No.21594079

Go see a therapist

>> No.21594080

Google exit bag

A shotgun through your skull is quicker and less chance of pussying out though

If you put the barrel flat against the top of your mouth you should be able to remove your entire brain and skull like a watermelon

Instantaneous and it would probably look pretty cool

Bummer for whoever finds you though

>> No.21594085

Tractatus Logico-Suicidalis by Hermann Burger

>> No.21594149
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I truly fear a botched suicide. Living as one of those subhuman cripples will make me want to sewerslide even more. I hear different things about gun suicides, different placements, recommendations for guns etc... makes me hesitant but this may be what i go with. It's fast. I want it to either be fast or completely painless.
cant find it (on zlib) maybe ill order it
i am i love her but therapy doesnt work its a psuedoscience for people who cant deal with breakups and need someone to pamper them

>> No.21594150

Edouard Levé - Suicide

>> No.21594151

Why did the mods pin this post?

>> No.21594154

google has a good scan of it

>> No.21594195

>We know likewise, that a Clown, who has long habituated his Ear to the dismal, discording Tone of the caterwauling Bag-pipe, will always prefer the rude Noise of that vile Instrument to the perfect Harmony of the finest Opera.
for a book about suicide there's some funny shit in it

>> No.21594200

The author was arrested for his lol

>> No.21594308

>I suppose the only thing that bothers me about death is that I will be unable to do anything about my circumstances but sleep; the same way it was in life.

Only one way you'll ever achieve happiness anon. Ride it out and do what you can to change your circumstances.

>> No.21594412
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I also remember Wikipedia having a pretty good writup of suicide methods.

>> No.21594534
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>> No.21594621

i also need to know a good way for a non-american because i dont have access to firearms
all the poisons seem like they would burn your insides and veins like you are eating hot coals, that's fucking retarded, might as well set yourself on fire from the outside
hanging and jumping from heights/in front of trains all seem extremely painful and like they could fail miserably
i dont even have access to cars
man, a grenade or a handgun would make everything so quick and simple but i dont have access

i would also need my kit to be cheap, available and portable through an airport without upsets because i dont plan to do it in my country, my plan requires travelling somewhere first

it sucks but it looks like i will just have to suck it up for up to 30 minutes hanging from a tree, at least i have a tree and shoe laces if it comes to getting it done if my plan fails
or buying a knife and bleeding to death from the wrist, not the fastest or the most comfortable but at least it feels less unpleasant than choking i dont know, i might just have to wrestle a cop for the gun, i am still figuring this shit out

>> No.21594650
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> i might just have to wrestle a cop for the gun
Hey I'd just suicide by police, probably go for broke and try to rob a place and book it. If it worked then you get out with the goods but if not, big dead. Or just go be not sad.

>> No.21594655
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If you wanted to die you could just die you don’t need to travel anywhere. Stop being a faggot and preoccupy yourself with something better than delusions of suicide

>> No.21594663

well my plan would make me go to an euro country where cops dont shoot people up for parking tickets or welfare checks
i would have to approach a cop from behind and knock him out, i guess, i dont know, i dont want to hurt anyone else.. but i dont know where else could i get a gun

i dont want to die for the sake of dying, i want to die if i fail selection at the french foreign legion and by the looks of my preparations it looks like i most probably will, i would simply have nowhere else to go and i would probably be completely broke and unable to even afford a ticket back to my country if i fail
i dont see the point of living as a homeless bum in a foreign country where i cant even speak the language or get a job etc

>> No.21594732
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Why not join the military in the US or whatever country you’re in. If you want to travel why not work and save up to? If working is a waste of time it doesn’t really matter because you would kys anyway and have no time. If your hellbent on joining the military go to a recruiting station if you want to travel suck it up and be a wagie for a bit. Do you even have a job? If not your probably living with your parents so the money you make you won’t have to pay rent. You’re posting on lit. This is a faggy cry for help. Lit is not /b/ youre posting off topic and pretending it’s on topic by asking for “lit” on suicide get help anon. Unless your fucking 50 you have time to change the direction of your life.

>> No.21594774

mate im nearly 30, broke, and couldnt find a job in this shithole for months
and when i do, i get paid ~400$/month while my rent is 300$/month
im not op
im running out of my savings
usa is on another continent and you need residence permit to join its military, my country isnt recruiting because it cant pay and feed the soldiers it already has
even when i get a job, its just pointless manual labor that is physically painful and just prolongs my suffering while sucking up 80 hours out of my week while i am getting older
i dont fucking care about travelling

ive been counting calories, eating protein, running and lifting for 3 months and while i quadrupled what i can run and noticed significant gains in muscle and reduction in fat, i still cant do pull ups

living this life is completely pointless and when my money runs out, it wont even be sustainable any longer
when i blow the cash for that plane ticket, and if i get rejected, i NEED a quick fucking way to kill myself so i dont have to die from.. dehydration in the middle of fucking nowhere on the street

>> No.21594791

>Why not join the military in the US or whatever country you’re in
Because he's clearly not interested in kicking the can any further down the road. Death, he knows, must meet him. A large self-improvement routine will be rewarded exactly equal to taking his own life right now. He'll just sort of buy more time, set the train back a few miles, but it always gets there. Most of us just want that extra track out of cowardice. If he has no more cowardice, we cannot change this.

Its like those predator stings. Chips Handsome will come out, talk to the predator guy, let him know he's cooked, and he more than likely expects to be detained the moment he tries to leave. Sometimes they sit there. They sit at that mock suburban table and admire the juice, or the cookies, eat from them, those mocking symbolic tokens of the act he was there to commit.

That's what we're doing. We have to get up from the table and walk outside sometime. It doesn't really matter what we do in the interim because we all must step towards the door, no matter how many fearful moments we unceremoniously tack on to the present.

>> No.21594817

The best way is noble gas suffocation. It’s painless because there’s no CO2 buildup as you breathe normally. You get hypoxic, giddy, confused, then pass out and die.
Helium is available in party balloon canisters everywhere. Remember you need a decently big can.
Tape a bag over your head and have the hose running into the bag. Be seated in a position where you won’t slump forward and puncture the bag.

Congratulations you are dead

>> No.21594822

you only get 1 life op. never stop fighting

>> No.21594824

doesn't sound very noble desu

>> No.21594826

>wrestle a cop for a gun
Suddenly I realize why people actually manage to fail killing themselves. It’s just pure retardation.

>> No.21594849

call 988

>> No.21594860

peacefulpill handbook

>> No.21594930

Le fake pin

>> No.21594935
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op. i been gettin help. i dont think thats my fate. im not gonna be a hero who turns it all back around. some things will never change.
there is a legitimate desire in me to find a peaceful way to die. i dont wanna burden anyone with my life, and i dont wanna burden anyone with my death.
u have it worse than I, anon.
good information thank you for your contributions, gentlemen

>> No.21595115

>another off-topic thread about another self-pitying sad-sack who can't deal with his problems and can't think straight
>all these unironic replies telling you to an hero
It's all about mindset. Quit being a pussy and live out your life naturally. Aren't you in the least bit curious about where your life will go? You're not even that old. Trajectory can still be made, even if you're dirt poor, despicable, low IQ, and/or socially awkward, you never know. I can't give you any life changing advice and I know fuck all about your life circumstances, but live. Somebody probably gives a shit about you. If not, put a fleshlight in your anime body pillow and call it your wife, idk.

There's nothing respectable about suicide, no matter the circumstance, no matter the method. You're not saving face, you're not fixing any problem. You're not even really evading your problems.

>> No.21595119

>you're not fixing any problem. You're not even really evading your problems.
Godfag pls.

>> No.21595189

That's why you need to double up the methods to ensure your chances of success.
Don't just jump off a cliff.
Eat a fuckload of a pills, drink a load of a gasoline, and then jump off the cliff while setting yourself on fire. Ideally there should be a high voltage power station at the bottom of the cliff as well for you to land on. No fucking chance of survival

>> No.21595209


I have two pieces of advice for you OP, the first is to search for "suicide bag" (which they already told you), and the second is to try to improve your shitty life. You really don't want to kill yourself, nor look for books you won't read on how to do it. What you really want is to call attention, say "look at me, I want to commit suicide because my situation is very bad, look at me please". It doesn't take me 3 minutes to find the best method, nor the best book to do it.

Stop being a fucking fagot and live like a man until you inevitably die like 100% of all of us.

>> No.21595214

Funniest shit I have read in a while

>> No.21595311

Just fucking do it or don't do it stop attention whoring talk about a cool book you've read

>> No.21595336
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>Suicide and Attempted Suicide: Methods and Consequences - Geo Stone
Pic related. Probably the most complete book on suicide there is, the guy does a thorough study of not only the various methods used for self-termination, but of all the history of how the act was seen in various ages, societal aspects, and psychological aspects, and all of this through a non-judgemental lens of someone who respects a human's right to have a decision over his own life. It's a recommended read for anyone with even a mild interest on the subject, not only the suicidal.
You can skip to part 2 where he skips straight to talking about the methods if you want, and he does go into a lot of detail in what concerns their execution too. It's practically a manual. Sadly, due to the book being released in 1999, it doesn't cover some of the modern easily-available methods we have today (such as sodium nitrite).

>The Peaceful Pill eHandbook - Dr. Phillip Nitschke
This is another great one but it has the downside of only ever talking about methods revolving around drugs and gas (due to the book's philosophy of "a peaceful death"). On the methods he talks about though, he goes into A LOT of detail in all of the more recommended ones, with the added bonus that the guy who wrote it is an actual doctor. This ebook also has the benefit of being updated every year, so the information is always fresh and never outdated.

>Final Exit - Derek Humphry
Terrible. The author is a huge radicalized liberal and goes out of his way to virtue-signal at every corner in a book about fucking suicide. I am talking about the 2020 edition of course; naturally you could download the 1991 edition, but at that point there's not even reason to bother since both Geo Stone's book and the updated PPeH will be more informative than it anyway.

>The Complete Manual of Suicide - Wataru Tsurumi
Uncertain. There is only a single translation from Japanese to English in the entire internet and it's unreadably, undecipherably fucking terrible since whoever made it just threw the book on google translate and called it a day.

All of these books, including the japanese one, can be very easily found on libgen.
If you want my personal advice on "which one to get straight to the point", carefully read the chapter on sodium nitrite from The Peaceful Pill Handbook. Out of the methods which are available to the general public (no fucking way anyone here can get their hands on Nembutal), this is the better one of them. You should as well read some of the essays from part 1 of SAAS:MC, which will help you make up your mind on if you actually want to go through with it or not. Ultimately, it's your life and your decision; and you have a complete right over these two things no matter what governments, propaganda and other people might say. Best of luck, friend

>> No.21595451

My method was going to be to take a some sort of coal burning apparatus into some deep woods, light it near my tent and take a nap. People accidentally die like this all the time.
That said, I would always question whether it is necessary.

I thought I was "chemically depressed" from as early as I remember to the age of about 25. I resolved to kill myself, but I told myself that I at least owed it to myself to see how I feel at 30.
In that time I simply resolved to make life more comfortable for myself (I may have hated life, but I had the utmost compassion for myself).

I aggressively increased my salary, increased my savings, moved out of my childhood home and found the "chemical depression" disappeared immediately.
Turns out that my "chemical depression" was actually just living in close proximity to my extremely toxic single mother for the majority of my life.

My point is that you will think that whatever is normal to you is what you will see as normal and oftentimes the issue IS your normal. I have also had therapy and it was sort of shocking how averse they are to providing concrete, practical advice. You can't CBT (not cock and ball torture) and "breathing exercise" your way out of a shit life. I think this is also why the whole "life coaching" industry has taken off.

>> No.21595502

It's simple: if you tell/ask about suicide, youre just seeking attention. therefore kys faggot.