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/lit/ - Literature

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21589912 No.21589912 [Reply] [Original]

Well, what’s your excuse??

>> No.21589933

I've only read a little oscar wilde. I would read the complete works though

>> No.21589938

>Stealing Kierkegaards title
Looking like her other novel The Idiot also stole the title
Wtf, how is this allowed?

>> No.21589949

The only book worth reading in that entire photo is the collected works of Oscar Wilde. However, I very much doubt she even opened it.

>> No.21589954

most of them have that globohomo aesthetic that I find gross

>> No.21589972
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Lmao gross. n+1 stopped being good in 2013.

>> No.21590045

This is what girls read when they say they read “good books.”

>> No.21590047


>> No.21590048

This. I can tell it is goypulp at a glance.

>> No.21590061

She’s Turkish and brags about her grad school subject being Uzbek like that’s sooo exotic and unique but it’s literally a Turkic language lmfao

>> No.21590063

She’s more American than she is roach

>> No.21590233

DeSantis won't let me.

>> No.21590504


new /lit/ maymay just dropped

>> No.21590632

Why are women like this?

>> No.21590977

I stopped reading a while ago.

>> No.21590986
File: 52 KB, 1242x965, 1667679273868868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are children. When you look at a woman just remember she's a child. Imagine her looking back out at you, and at the world, and remind yourself she has the same experience you had when you were 12. Everything is more colorful, more lit up, more fun, but also more shallow and decontextualized. You can't teach a 12 year old why his ideas about politics from playing Call of Duty are retarded. All you can do is listen and laugh, and envy him for being able to take a video game so seriously. Women can literally look at a dog or a baby for an entire day and giggle and feel completely at home in the world. Women can probably smell colors. Women are high 24/7 on being a woman, which is like MDMA but better. You can't talk to a person that high. All you can do is pat them on the back and give them a soft colorful scarf to play with.

>> No.21591098

That I don't read

>> No.21591620

My cousin gifted me 'watching women & girls' for my birthday
She's a feminist and I'm sure she has good intentions but idk what to do with it

>> No.21591626

... anon, for how long have you been thinking this?

>> No.21591690

Of these I recognize
>The virgin suicides
>Oscar Wilde collected works
That’s it I think. Can’t read a few of the titles. I’d be surprised if this stack contains anything worthwhile. This is like the woman version of a guy with nothing but 40k books.

>> No.21591715


has a book called 'either/or', but isnt fucking kierkegaard , hoooooly

>> No.21591723

>uncracked spines
>front covers not hovering away from the text block
these books are unread

>> No.21591740

I read Wilde's corpus.

>> No.21591801

Same. I've read vigin suicides, middlesex, and dorian gray. the rest looks like "now on netflix" girl trash.

>> No.21591820

this. "Reading" shouldn't be an aesthetic. Please anons, actually read the books you own.

>> No.21591941

Every fucking thread you ogre handed fucks complain books aren’t torn to shreds from being read. Like you think it’s normal. I lent a book to my dad and it returned cracked to shit and he DIDN’T EVEN READ IT. Not only am I never lending him another book, I’ll never take you retards seriously again.

>> No.21592030

I don't get it either. It's about respecting your property. I like having nice editions of books with the covers I like. I like it to look nice on the shelves I built. I'd like to build a little library so that my children have nice books to read when they're old enough. Not ripped, bent, and stained books with cracked spines.
I started a thread a few weeks ago asking about good online stores that ship books properly and you wouldn't believe the amount of people telling me that books are supposed to be read and to just accept the damage despite paying for brand new books. I'm convinced that most people on here really don't read.

>> No.21592039

Yeah it’s simple to keep a book in perfect condition. Don’t open more than 90 degrees and rotate depending on what side you are on, don’t throw it, put it somewhere safe when done. You almost have to try and beat it up

>> No.21592076

I have read six of these. Considering how many came out last year. it's not surprising that anons don't know them, but the amount of defensive, intellectually insecure "it must be shit then" on this thread is embarassing.

Rachel Cusk is a good writer.

>> No.21592118

I liked this piece she wrote on why MFA fiction is bad.

>> No.21592186

Mediocre essayist as well as a mediocre writer.

>> No.21592228

It's fine, but a shame that her eye for people's prose quirks just leads her to write veiled memoir in straight realist mode

>> No.21592414

both are in free domain now; copyright doesn’t apply to the titles anymor

>> No.21592448

I'm not sure titles can be copyrighted anyway. Both her previous two books had Dostoevsky titles, the earlier one was called the Possessed. She's not a bad writer, seems reasonably intelligent

>> No.21592461

I don't give a shit about my "property," and I don't care what those paper objects that hold my books look like.

>> No.21592659

>pages don't ooze out ketchup
>no skid marks on the back
does she even read?

>> No.21592666
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>Watching Women and Girls
I don't read about my hobbies.

>> No.21592669

Fuck, was meant for the OP

>> No.21592672

>womans name
>womans name
>womans name
>womans name
>womans name
fucking die, get out of my plane of existence

>> No.21592683

maddeningly accurate

>> No.21592695

Titles can't be copyrighted in the first place.

>> No.21592891

Post wrist.

>> No.21592894

>femoid is a good writer
>reddit spacing
every time

>> No.21592949

Yeah, no shit, retard. You’re wither retarded for missing the point or deliberately being obtuse. Using titles from superior novels for your schlock is untalented, uncreative, and pathetic

>> No.21592961
File: 277 KB, 949x718, 1631435809379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i hear a woman speak or read a woman's thoughts or opinions

>> No.21592963

the dangers of smoking in bed was pretty cool

>> No.21592983
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>> No.21592995
File: 24 KB, 450x362, chud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my sister is running her mouth in a policed zone and i have to wait until we are back in private to beat her

>> No.21593003
File: 580 KB, 1280x720, 08765786653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I sense female energy in the abstract abyss of material existence

>> No.21593015

>I don't give a shit about my "property,"
So you're fine with someone stealing your property? Or do you mean that you grew up in a lower class environment with absent parents who never taught you to value your property because they never had anything nice as a result of spending all their money on scratch offs and cigarettes because it was their only means of escape from their retarded son?

>> No.21593029

It's paperback schlock worth less than $20 a pop. Personally I read my books in the sauna and allow sweat to get all over them and the heat to warp and ruin them. They're disposable.

>> No.21593125

>all goyslop

>> No.21594240

low effort bait post so low effort response

deez nutz (reason why)

>> No.21594298
File: 145 KB, 1200x960, nbrn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it with basic bitches and Oscar Wilde? Anyway, she looks like Nina.

>> No.21594300

Less than a handful of redeemable selections.