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21588106 No.21588106 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21588120

I dont know who the fuck is colleen hoover and what the fuck is It ends with us, but i'm sure both involve jews and/or niggers

>> No.21588136

Considering she pays for a ghost writer, so possibly.

>> No.21588146
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its just inane bullshit

>> No.21588150

I don't know who Colleen hoover is but it sounds like a woman
she should "hoover" my dick

>> No.21588152

>lily bloom wants to start a flower shop

I shan’t be reading any further.

>> No.21588153

The same people will be eating her alive in two years.

>> No.21588176

This bitch has been topping charts for the last 5 years.
Only last year 5 of the top 10 most sold copies were her's.

>> No.21588181

>woman could write a story about regretting the consequences of your actions
(x) Doubt

>> No.21588182

My mouth is agape, this is slop.

>> No.21588185

>Chad fucks, beta bux
Damn that’s deep

>> No.21588187

Do women know how to write anything that isn’t just narcissistic self-depreciation or romance fantasies about wealthy chads abusing them

>> No.21588189
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I hate women

>> No.21588194

Only Alice Munro comes to mind

>> No.21588197

Zoomer here, can someone redpill me on Dostoevsky?

>> No.21588198
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>Lily Bloom
>Atlas Corrigan
>Ryle Kincaid

>> No.21588200

Isn't half of her shit about cheating with Chads?

>> No.21588208

Not that I can think of, and certainly never in an applauding way

>> No.21588218
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Her only crime is loving food

>> No.21588219

Memoirs of Hadrian is one of the greatest books ever

>> No.21588221

I'll take your word for it

>> No.21588226
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Unironically howling at this lads, what the fuck lmao do women really?

>> No.21588263

well, at least the second part is correct

>> No.21588288

Read Sor Juana.

>> No.21588292

>romance fantasies about wealthy chads abusing them

>> No.21588294

Anybody can write a book that’s already been written, it’s called transcribing.
Why are women so fucking stupid

>> No.21588312
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this is colleen hoover btw

>> No.21588315

Fleur Jaeggy and Flannery O'Connor don't and didn't. Same Wittkop

Not at all

>> No.21588329
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this is supposed to be a happy ending too

new york times bestseller

>> No.21588330

why do YA authors do this shit?

>> No.21588335

You have no clue what you are talking about

>> No.21588343

Female literacy and its consequences have been a disaster for the human culture

>> No.21588351
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Dios mio...

>> No.21588377

They are writing for theyfab tiktokers.

>> No.21588393

Colleen, easy on the chocolates…

>> No.21588465
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>Lily Bloom moves to Boston with hopes of opening her own floral shop

>> No.21588482

This Hoover shilling is so forced and it makes me want be apathetic to her even more. I don’t even hate her, she is just boring. It doesn’t even piss me off that people enjoy her writing (like with some other writers). I literally don’t care. Am I the only person who just doesn’t care about her?

>> No.21588496
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Teach women to read, they said. It'll be okay, they said.

>> No.21588539

Are womens' lives just one contiguous woman moment?

>> No.21588547

He writes very intense characters and the books are entertaining.

>> No.21588563

This is why all the women in my romance stories are anthro dogs

>> No.21588568

Idk the plot description doesn't sound bad, but
>florist Lily Bloom
>neurosurgeon Ryle Kincaid
>Atlas Corrigan
and the fact that the message hits you over the head like a sledgehammer even just from reading the plot description tells me that the writing in this is absolute shit. The closest she could get to Dostoevsky's writing is by writing the novelization of the movie adaptation of Crime and Punishment.

>> No.21588593
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Over for dostobros

>> No.21588621

isn't she the one who wrote that story about girls who pay their way through college by reading poems in the nude to some rich creep?

>> No.21588635

>the plot description doesn't sound bad
what the fuck do you read usually, Sonic porn fiction on AO3?

>> No.21588653

Can someone explain to an ESL anon sth? Is Ryle Kincaid for the doctor equally retarded as lilly bloom for the florist? I dont get it.

>> No.21588663

also ESL and I don't know but they sound like Final Fantasy characters which is silly enough. Nobody's called fucking Atlas, let alone Atlas Corrigan. They're like superhero names.

>> No.21588666

Ryle and Atlas are not names any man is named. Kyle is a name, Ryle isn’t. And Atlas is no longer used as a given name in English anymore than Publius

>> No.21588715

You have been fortunate enough to never encounter Mormons I see

>> No.21588731

I write short stories and there's barely any women in them

>> No.21588759

Nah, it's not as retarded as that, it's just the fact that he's a neurosurgeon AND he's called fucking Ryle Kincaid. Imagine the chances. Ryle Kincaid sounds like a stupid made up "literary" name that tries too hard to sound cool, but ends up sounding like a Star Wars name just like Atlas Corrigan. Oh, but not only is he a hot bad boy alpha with a cool name, he's also a neurosurgeon, and yeah, a neurosurgeon would totally go for a florist. The idea that highly educated people 99,9% of the time end up with other highly educated people, usually within the same line of work, or at least with people they've known for years prior, is completely foreign to people who never went to college.
What exactly is so bad about the general plot description except for the things I mentioned? A novel about generational trauma, not repeating your parents mistakes, and breaking a cycle of abusive/toxic relationships sounds like it could be interesting in the hands of a good writer, and the plot seems perfectly serviceable for those themes. There's not much to poke at in the synopsis except for the cringey names and the florist/neurosurgeon setup in my opinion.

>> No.21588760

I am so glad we stopped publishing chuds like you, stay mad.

>> No.21588785
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Self expression is the name of the game

>> No.21588797

It's cliche and bad

>> No.21588806

She's half right, Dostoevsky could not have written this in a million years.

>> No.21588862 [DELETED] 
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anyone ever read ellen hopkins books?

>> No.21588891


>> No.21588930

Literature's dead isn't it?

>> No.21588939

Has been since the 70s

>> No.21589012

I guess we know why she's called Hoover. Keep your M&Ms locked up, that's all I'm gonna say.

>> No.21589022 [DELETED] 

I'm curious what PKD thought of Pynchon

>> No.21589045

why would anyone read this? what do they expect to get out of it?

>> No.21589051

>what do they expect to get out of it?
the brief vacuous sensation of pleasure, aka a woman's raison d'etre.

>> No.21589054

She writes about affairs a lot, but it's not from the perspective of "cheating with chads" lol

>> No.21589059
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I dont think so. You guys should check her out she's amazing.

>> No.21589068

Moist vagina (abusive chad) and emotional assurance (devoted simp). Women are capable of reading identical stories forever, no matter how infantile the prose is, as long as these two sensations are provided.

>> No.21589129

quit shilling this dullard you pseud. you already got BTFO in the other thread.

>> No.21589164

My nigga why are you posting MtF children

>> No.21589197

literally what is so good about dostoevsky i dont get it. nabokov and conrad both completely destroy dostoevskys most acclaimed work analytically and creatively.

>> No.21589206

It's so difficult for me to accept that this is true and women really are like this. In the end people much wiser than me have warned me about women for at least 2500 years and yet, I still want to believe that it isn't like that, at least not for all of them, even if women have literally ruined my life and crushed my dreams time and time again. Why is it so difficult? I don't even look for relationships anymore but I still want to believe that somewhere, someone, still exists even if it's obvious that even on my own terms it's impossible to feel love. I despise many other groups even when it's clear that there are cool black people, or homosexuals who aren't degenerate pederasts, and at least one good Jew has been proven to exist historically, and yet I still cannot accept that women are all vapid children driven by hedonism and a primal search for free food. Even today after many years avoiding any romantic contact with women, deep down I still want to save them. Why the fuck is it so hard bros, it can't be that pussy is this powerful

>> No.21589233
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>> No.21589242

Hes a depressed virgin. Why should i take advice from a virgin who went insane?

>> No.21589253

>Why should i take advice from a virgin who went insane?
Anon, do you know where you are? lmao

>> No.21589269

Well as I said there are several people who've repeated the same idea for about 2500 years. The Buddha, the Greeks... I was casually reading some old viking text and there was something along the lines of "DO NOT TRUST WOMEN THEY ARE TRAITORS" it's literally everywhere.

>> No.21589273

you dont get it, its actually very clever. her name is lily, which is a flower, and bloom, something flowers do, and she wants to open a FLOWER shop

>> No.21589289
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I don't think he was a virgin, he knew women well. Schopenhauer had dozens of women ranging from maids to rich socialite sluts and you're probably aware of the conclusions he came to. Picrel is one in a million woman with sufficient self-awareness (and selflessenss) to expose her sex as generally vapid, malicious and narcissistic - as did Esther Vilar or Camille Paglia.

>> No.21589307

Yes anon, you're the only one.

>> No.21589311

Women mirror.

>> No.21589401

No. Females operate on a two strategy system. On one hand they want an “alpha” to destroy their disgusting bitch holes and flood their womb with chadseed. On the other hand they want a sub human jewish accountant to provide financial assistance to them and their chadspring. The jew is the ultimate cuck and thus the self-hating destroyer of worlds. Jesus was the supreme cuck. His disgusting whorish jewhole mother fucked a massively hung Roman chad who physically, mentally and spiritually obliterated her tight inbred jewhole. Mary then easily convinced Joseph the Talmudic jew, the almighty king cuck of cucks, to raise her half Aryan chadson. Joseph being a sub human shekel groveling jew accepted only anal access in exchange for raising some other superior man’s son. This was the local minimum of all humanity. The Jews have been butthurt about this humiliating embarrassment ever since. But it gets worse when Roman empower Hadrian and Titus genetically genocide the ancient Hebrews out of existence. All that was left was the most butthurt, must humiliated, most embarrassed sub human parasite that has ever existed, an entire sub race in entirely female form that want to be destroyed and eliminated from the face of the earth.

>> No.21589444

It makes you uneasy because you know that you have that same aspect within you. Women aren't just some "other group," everything women embody men have inside them to a lesser degree (and this is not really true the other way round.) Aristotle literally thought males are a more developed version of females.

>> No.21589467


>> No.21589469

To add: I believe that what I was describing in that post is the most bestial part of the soul. And it's also why we're instinctually revulsed by fags, especially those who are camp/feminine acting.

>> No.21589522

>the most bestial part of the soul
wait a second, you mean with this post? >>21589444
If so, I'm on the verge of a realization

>> No.21589640

audibly kek'd

>> No.21589660


>> No.21589663

flowers are also a metaphor for VAGINA

>> No.21589682
File: 1.14 MB, 816x810, 7EBD325F30864A608CEDB47BBCB16CF9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your average foid reader:
>4500 read books
I dare you to check the profile picture

>> No.21589704

oh boy...

>> No.21589725

She says she has autism on one of her pictures, which you can tell from her face anyway.

>> No.21589738

This is by no means average. This is an actual autist. Probably high IQ (Scandinavian genetics) and some savant-like reading speed, and just genuinely loves reading frivolous fantasy/romance novels and reads a few hours a day. This is really no different from male autists binging anime or let's plays.

I had an ex who read 4-5 times faster than me and I read really fast. I didn't believe her at first, and she didn't even really know she read that fast until I pointed it out and we ran some tests and comparisons. If I hadn't known her, I would think anybody claiming to read even half as fast as she does is full of shit and trying to seem unique and quirky. This girl probably has something similar in addition to autism. The profile picture makes her look sweet and sincere and her profile reinforces my belief that this woman has zero conception of what it means to be a thot. This is a true autist. I am in love with her.

>> No.21589743

holy simp fuck off
she has 0 retention of any of this goyslop and you know it

>> No.21589762
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The thing is, my gf's normie ass sister has already read 30 "books" this month. It's basically porn but for women, it destroys and twists your view on how things work in real life. No way she's going to have a functioning relationship ever when she expects nothing less than that crap she consoooms every day through these foid-porn YA novels. Another thing I've noticed is the insanely high average rating women has on thier goodreads accounts. Its like every single book they read is regarded as a five star masterpiece. Peak female delusion...

>> No.21589790
File: 115 KB, 750x634, signal-2022-02-18-18-25-25-404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading speed is largely determined by what you are actual reading. Those goyslop sex-fantasy foid novels require all but zero actual effort and mental focus to actually read. Believe it or not I actually read one of those Coleen Hoover novels recommended by my gf's sister. You can plow through that shit at hyperspeed because of how basic the text is, it's also the only book I can think of that is written in present form or whatever its called (ESL fag dont judge). Pretty disgusting knowing that this 40 year something Colleen Hoover is writing high school sex novels living out her fetish filled deranged fantasies.

>> No.21589799

lmao wtf

>> No.21589807

You people make fun of this but this dialogue is near perfect. This is literally exactly 1:1 how women talk. If the male in the conversation was a female this would be completely true to life.

>> No.21589812
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>> No.21589817

precisely why i dont have women in my books, or if i do theyre just sexdolls with no speaking role

>> No.21589828

>she has 0 retention of any of this goyslop
if it's goyslop, there's nothing to retain

>> No.21589843

I can't imagine why you would ever include a major female character in a story that isn't fantastical, like H. Rider Haggard's "She." Short of utter fantasy, what can a woman do? They are purely reactive. They can't be a protagonist. The most they can figure as is rewards for your male characters, but then only gay, weak men would care about such a reward and only gay, weak men would want to read about men who want such rewards.

>> No.21589854

I was about to say The Fountainhead but then I remembered Rand's self-insert gets raped by her Uberchad like 1/3 of the way through, and she enjoys it

>> No.21589857

>colleen hoover
a coworker of mine (that I want to fuck) read a lot of her books. maybe I should pretent to like this fucking nonsense to get some coochie

>> No.21589868
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>> No.21589903
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wtf this shit is literally just porn, straight up erotica to shlick to, why are women okay with being so brazen about this shit? as deranged and immoral as regular porn is, at least dudes have the common decency to hide it

>> No.21590013
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now I'm hungry lads

>> No.21590022

It's just a 20 year old Swedish male

>> No.21590049

I could only accepts it (for a time) when I let go of all and devoted myself to God. When you learn of the evil and infantile nature of women you become cautious and cannot take them seriously. You learn that they bring certain dangers with them but they are nothing but children. I want to believe women, even just one, can be good but they have no unconditional love like a brother or good friend has. They want you only accordingly to what you offer them, which is the same for men, but men on some level have an intricate sense for honor, if they abide by it or not.

>> No.21590103

>Atlas Corrrigan
>Ryle Kincaid
Yeah, I'm tapping out as well.

>> No.21590109

>The Mount Trilogy
oh no no no

>> No.21590124

>Another thing I've noticed is the insanely high average rating women has on thier goodreads accounts. Its like every single book they read is regarded as a five star masterpiece.
Did it occur to you that women don’t judge books by their prose, or literary merit, or anything meaningful and instead judge them entirely off how the book made them FEEL? Remember that with women the most childish answer is usually correct

>> No.21590149

>chatGPT, generate a supermarket romance paperback plot

>> No.21590159

>Did it occur to you that women don’t judge books by their prose, or literary merit, or anything meaningful and instead judge them entirely off how the book made them FEEL?
you are the definition of a pseud, particularly in how you imply that good literature doesn't make you feel anything, which means you're only pretending to appreciate it.

>> No.21590174

>you are the definition of a pseud
by who's definition, your own?
>particularly in how you imply that good literature doesn't make you feel anything
I said nothing of the sort
>which means you're only pretending to appreciate it.
who on earth would spend time reading things they don't enjoy?

>> No.21590229
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bros... are genre sci-fi books that same sort of slop? oh god...

>> No.21590367

I'm #teamryle

>> No.21590503

Some fat white women end up looking almost exactly like pigs. Ms. Piggy.

>> No.21590556

Unreal I’m dying