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21586866 No.21586866 [Reply] [Original]

Why do women write like this?

>> No.21586881
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why do men write like this?

>> No.21586884

women having sex is probably the most cringe phenomenon we have on this earth. it's mindboggling and disgusting at the same time. imagine your daughter open her legs to another man, let him penetrate her insides. i cannot imagine a more disgusting thing. fuck women (figuratively)

>> No.21586903

lotta words for 'im a fag'

>> No.21586920

Giles Coren must be the most universally hated man. Some people like Piers Morgan. Surely there is not a single person anywhere who likes Coren, apart from, seemingly, his (((editors)))

>> No.21587030

It may sound like she doesn't get fucked hard enough, but in reality she is just a cold, limp fish.

>> No.21587059

There is a certain kind of woman who projects her own apathy onto men and then luxuriates in the sexual immiseration it brings.
They are maudlin, self-centered, but most of all incredibly boring.

>> No.21587095

Most women are hedonistic, they seek pleasure in everything they do, that's why most of them like to dance, drink, have sex, always eating flavourful trash, of course if you train them young you are going to have a well behave monkey that's why some of them know how to write stuff or make music, but women can't escape their hedonist nature, that's why they always endup doing some cringe shit like this

>> No.21587212

at least it's dynamic and something's going on. the moid in the OP is just revolting lackluster and banal

>> No.21587233


>> No.21587653

this is good. a window into a roastie's soul.

>> No.21588048
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>my vagina

Why do they do this every time

>> No.21588210

Replace the word "pussy" with "asshole" and all the reactionaries on /lit/ will praise it for its basedness

>> No.21588225
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>> No.21588233
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>> No.21588244

It is a good thought provoking poem. Instead of being a bullshit contrarian who appeals against the masses, you should develop some taste.

>> No.21588249


>> No.21588256

>t. writes in Final Fantasy VI speech bubbles

>> No.21588260

Were you just joking

>> No.21588277

It's only thought-provoking to people who have never read poetry. A half-baked platitude with entirely arbitrary line breaks is not a poem. This image-obsessed cult of the Noble Amateur really needs to die.

>> No.21588337

Well damn bitch maybe you should have had a personality

>> No.21588501


>> No.21588502

>It's a good poem

>> No.21588633

who wrote this poem? degenerate as it is...... "hot and hot and doesn't bloom" is a good line and nobody here has written a better

>> No.21590221

Yeah bro, the line where she mentions that ‘yr come drips down my asshole’ also really resonated with me. I found myself unable to merely ‘pretence’ to sleep.

>> No.21590252

Perhaps she should have saved the every inch of her body part for after he discovered her soul.

>> No.21590259
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>> No.21590263

Soul is worth more than the body. Would you sell your soul before your body?

>> No.21590281

>his dick ... hit him straight in the eye

>> No.21590430

umm actually she can do whatever she wants you incel chud. it's 2023 you cant patronize women anymore. yikes

>> No.21590444

>i got pumped and dumped again :,(

>> No.21590458
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It’s a stomach churning line. This poem is the crushed fetus of a poem

>> No.21590488

depends on what he means by this
if he means being 2-dimensional, singular in emotion and sickeningly on-the-nose
>a sad poem
>a happy poem
etc. then we're in agreement. I don't care much for poetry or art that lacks any sort of nuanced complexity of feeling, however art without feeling is dry and lifeless.
I would contest that it's only natural to have inner turmoil and conflicting emotion that is inaccessible to others, and even to ourselves. to be natural is to be opaque; as by default our inner world of thought and feeling is in a language of its own; the translation of which - if done in its entirety - will inevitably be obscured in a haze, much like a dream.

>> No.21591024

>ask classmates what they're researching
>male classmates are all researching fascinating, unique, or at least ambitious things
>woman: "Misogyny in Rome"
>woman: "Misogyny and Hamlet"
>woman: "The intersection of misogyny and periods in Hamlet"
>woman: "Women"
>woman: "Opinions about women having sex in Weimar newspapers"
>woman: "Women in the work of Robert Musil"
>woman: "Vagina"
>woman: "I have a vagina"
>woman: "I'm a woman btw. Vagina here"
>woman: "Sex and periods in gender"
>woman: "Woman perceptions of woman, ,vagina, cooters breasts woman period I'm on my period clitorises in the work of the band Oingo Boingo and Hamlet's Perception of Clitoris Vagina Gender Studies"
>woman: "Queering Gender in Medieval Manuscripts: Your period or MY period?"
>woman: "Misogyny, Periods, and You: Ernst Cassirer on Substance, Function, and My Gay Love Affair with Gender Studies"
>woman: "Women in 'Woman's Work': Gendering Gender in the Social Sciences"
>woman: "Prostitution and Gender in Antebellum Calcutta"
>woman: "Gender"
>woman: "Sex and gender studies"
>woman: "Tampons, pads, and ironclads: Stonewall Jackson and Freebleeding"
>woman: "Einstein contra Bergson: Who rapes me more by having existed?"

>> No.21591040

Same goes for "most men".

>> No.21591051

He means it's too direct and obvious. Poems that say "I love you" or "You fucked me" or something like that are cringe.

>> No.21591058
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john lennon was right about women but not in the way he intended.

>> No.21591126

this would be a perfectly decent aphorism/maxim without the line breaks
i just can't believe anyone thinks it's poetry

>> No.21591198

we know that about men. its not revolutionary or intelligent to say that. its like saying teenagers are cruel. you're not pointing out anything that isnt already known and you look like a cunt when everytime someone says something about women you have to instinctively react with "uh uh uh men too!!!"

>> No.21591314

That’s terrible

>> No.21591329

Nah. Most men, unlike women, like to compete, so when it comes to writing they TRY to do something unique and more abstract than something that reflects simple sexual impulses

>> No.21591338

This is not even satire. This is literally what women write about. They're usually writing about their own vaginas. Why is that?

>> No.21591384
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Women are thoroughly and inseparably submerged in the slime of their sexuality. There's nothing else on their minds, just fucking and everything adjacent to fucking.

>> No.21591399

I wonder how often women pretend to be frigid, as yet another shit test.

>> No.21591539

I think you're right.

There are some exceptions but they are highly unusual women - like Emily Dickinson for instance. or Marianne Moore. Or Flannery O'Connor.

But I haven't met a single English, German, literary studies major who wasn't writing paper related to feminism, gender studies, queer studies, sexuality etc.

>> No.21591545
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It's also 90% of their "comedy."

>> No.21591604

And they make me think about sex all the time as well. There was a woman who told me over having coffee that a guy she knows told her she looked French. She was explaining to me that this guy was saying this because he was probably having lewd thoughts about her and because French women are said to be very licentious. She felt sexually harassed by that remark. I don't know whether this guy was actually having lewd thoughts - maybe her intuition was right - but one starts thinking about everything in a sexual way when having these conversations.

>> No.21591728

> fuck women (figuratively)
Great conclusion

>> No.21591732

Maybe she just looked French

>> No.21591922

Crazy how this means entirely different things to different generations

>> No.21592043

I think if a woman told me that anecdote I'd be thinking about making her scream in French while I drill her from behind

>> No.21592371

my sides

>> No.21592377


>> No.21592964

I would read this on literotica.

>> No.21592984
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The italics makes it cringe. A homosexual man who died of aids and who was raped by over seven men wrote a less embarassing sex poem because of this.

>> No.21592996

My mom subscribed me to Poetry magazine and it's full of shit like this.

>> No.21593002

my pussy is pink
my life is blue
chad come back
i miss you

>> No.21593018

Try reading contemporary short fiction. Somehow Roxanne Gaye is the editor of every short fiction compilation. And every single story is black vagina racist cheating, cheating, cheating sex, job sex, black negro latino gay daddy issue sex

>> No.21593034

Teenagers aren't cruel, though. If you believe they are, that just means your immediate circle was. And as they say, you are the company you keep. If you're surrounded by trash, you are trash and you'll think everyone else is trash as well.

Most teenagers are reasonable, but predictably immature for their age, and otherwise completely normal people. The same goes for most men and women.

>> No.21593188
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>> No.21594572
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>I watch the news while you cluck from behind. I never did feed my buddy enough at the best of times. The grains of a seed flood the spaces between the canister and the cement floor, and trickles down. You peck at it the way you like more than I do, and the barn's a mess.

>Your beak, so fine it should be like swan lake. Instead you peck and the pussy meows and meows, and the cows moo. Hand pressed flat down against her fur. I chuckle and she climbs down the felt castle.

>We settle and still, I write too-easy-poetry in the mess of the indoor farm, the jews fear me and call it pretense and sleep. I count sheep.

>> No.21594690

hahaha, hilarious

>> No.21594703 [DELETED] 

lmao, all the female thesis' on my masters course were "misogyny in Caesar", "was Herodotus misogynist?", "daily lives of women in Athens"

>> No.21594721

You didn’t go to college but nice pasta repost, bub

>> No.21594734
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women write like this

>> No.21594839 [DELETED] 

I always thought this wasn't real but then I heard a history major say she wanted to do "women and gender in the holocaust" for her thesis but it was too popular a topic among her classmates to choose it. Have to settle for "women and gender in X" or "Y in the holocaust" instead

>> No.21594996

>that's why most of them like to dance, drink, have sex, always eating
literally me

>> No.21595116 [DELETED] 

not him
but he clearly means that to boomers this was a statement on female oppression but to zoomers (and some millennials) onwards it means women are niggers

>> No.21595239 [DELETED] 


>> No.21595298

I fucking hate women.

>> No.21595302
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>"women and gender in X" or "Y in the holocaust"

>> No.21595333

>Perhaps she should have saved the every inch of her body part for after he discovered her soul.


>> No.21595354 [DELETED] 
File: 1.12 MB, 979x741, Assanti_Renaissance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're usually writing about their own vaginas. Why is that?

It's the way the brain is wired. There's a hiccup between the penis and a man's conscious mind. A man can recognize that his reproductive drive is active and influencing his conscious thoughts. Not so with the woman.

The uterus has a red telephone to the woman's conscious mind. No, even that's too generous. When the uterus says something, the woman interprets it as her own soul speaking God's truth, no matter how monstrous. To a female, the womb is Goddess. Whatever is says--goes, even if it means drowning your children in a bathtub and hanging yourself afterward. Chaos.

And why wouldn't you write poetry about God?

>> No.21595393 [DELETED] 

> A man can recognize that his reproductive drive is active and influencing his conscious thoughts
Only occasionally tho.