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File: 26 KB, 450x512, OttoWeininger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21584555 No.21584555 [Reply] [Original]

>Every form of fecundity is loathsome, and no one who is honest with himself feels bound to provide for the continuity of the human race. And what we do not realise to be a duty, is not a duty. On the contrary, it is immoral to procreate a human being for any secondary reason, to bring a being into the limitations of humanity, the conditions made for him by his parentage; the fundamental question why the possible freedom and spontaneity of a human being is limited is that he was begotten in such a limited fashion. That the human race should persist is of no interest whatsoever to reason; he who would perpetuate humanity would perpetuate the problem and the guilt; the only problem and the only guilt.
>Otto Weininger, Sex & Character

>> No.21584562
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>> No.21584569

recognized that image because i unpacked a used copy of Geschlecht und Charakter today i found for a few euros
i am looking forward to reading it someday
i also didn't read OP post, fuck him

>> No.21584643
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>And who is and should be a pessimist? He who is mature for death and is in no condition to love life, just as the optimist cannot turn away from it. If he does not realize that he will survive in his children, his procreation loses its horrible character; but if he realizes it, he will recoil in horror from it, just like Humboldt when he noticed that the torments that another being must endure for perhaps eighty years are too high a price to pay for a few minutes of pleasure, and will consider the procreation of children as a crime and justly so.

>> No.21584792


>> No.21584943
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>The whole earth, believe me, Philo, is cursed and polluted. A perpetual war is kindled amongst all living creatures. Necessity, hunger, want, stimulate the strong and courageous: Fear, anxiety, terror, agitate the weak and infirm. The first entrance into life gives anguish to the new-born infant and to its wretched parent: weakness, impotence, distress, attend each stage of that life: and 'tis at last finished in agony and horror.
>David Hume, Dialogues concerning natural religion, 1779
Life is that bad?

>> No.21585027

Christcucks and moralfags fear the antinatalists, even Marxoids do if only for the sole reason of not having enough warm bodies that are actually productive enough to keep their scheme going. The only valid criticism against antinatalism is that nothing was ever achieved voluntarily.
opinion discarded

>> No.21585030
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le shitpost

>> No.21585158

I'm not an antinatalist and am quite religious and even I find some insight in Weininger's writings. Things aren't as cut and dry as you might think.

>> No.21585963


>> No.21586130
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Life is a gi-ACK

>> No.21586136

yes, life is suffering.
Samsara and all that x

>> No.21586759

I forget who said it but he carried a pistol on him at all times for the sole purpose of offering it to anti-natalists and nihilists that he encountered and he said not one had ever taken him up on the offer.

>> No.21586771

>save the planet
Pessimists say just blow up the fucking planet. What an appalling roastie.

>> No.21586839

>just like Humboldt when he noticed that the torments that another being must endure for perhaps eighty years are too high a price to pay for a few minutes of pleasure, and will consider the procreation of children as a crime and justly so.
Source? Which one: the gay of the scientist?

>> No.21587291

Maybe it was shitty caliber. I choose to die, not to remain in a vegetable state.

>> No.21587470

He’s saying you can’t use reasoning to find a purpose for procreation that doesn’t defer, he’s trying to make a point that reasoning is contrary to horizontal, terrestrial deferation to man’s state or his environment, reason is always what goes beyond environment. Reason is man’s soul, he’s saying the soul has no purpose to make another body
Weininger was not an antinatalist, he was annoyed that people weren’t satisfied with the hope that love between parents was enough to create a loving world for the child
Weininger was an enthusiastic Christian. His whole mission is arguing for Christianity with better skill, more depravity, less fear of the abyss, more natural authority than any talented middle finger fox (zodiac vitae’s metaphor on the five ways of man representing figures on a hand). Weininger was arguing for Christianity with the strongest education a pessimistic atheist could ever hope to have, a more powerful skill set than any clever scoffer
Weininger went to the abyss, to absolute degradation, and showed more keenness, more soundness of mind and clarity than anyone. His will now always be the voice of clarity.
He was literally just trying to make Dostoyevsky real

>> No.21587862

The religious really like the overcomplicate things. Especially abrahamic religions are a legalistic hellscape.
That's a man. The whole movement is more or less the equivalent of a shitpost.

>> No.21589386

Weininger was likely smart enough to see the flaw inherent in that logic. That sounds more like image board moron that equates birth with death.

>> No.21589596

>Wheynigger gives you a gun
>shoot him
>then a) shoot yourself b) go to jail
Decisions, decisions.

>> No.21589609


>> No.21589777

Not him but kys, you trying to pose as if you're superior and write off a thoughtful post with "nah" only shows that you're a total retard. Gonna have to read up the post chain and find what your position was so I can make sure to disregard it as the position of a total fucking moron. I'd appreciate if you get the fuck off my board, but unfortunately idiots like you roaming around is just the state of things on this shit site nowadays.

>> No.21589848


>> No.21589874

>my board
Delusions of grandeur right there.
Fuck off back to your hugbox.

>> No.21591244


>> No.21591673

Leopold and Adelheid were good parents, they raised Otto with a moral education that laid the base to his world eclipsing platform, where he raised the highest flag for Christ out of the deepest abyss, degrading every sacred pleasantry allowed to exist under the moon. He put himself through that, separating all the good that was mired to corruption, and the effort cost him his heart, but his flag will last longer and stand higher than any rocket could take him, he went to the moon with his own reasoning, and he’s there now worshiping Menarchus with the pleasant moon men, standing on the image of purity and being welcomed by it.
This was all thanks to Leopold and Adelheid, few there are of such parents in history that can be worthy of the name
> Back in Vienna he spent his last five days with his parents. On 10/3, he took a room at Schwarzspanierstraße 15 where Ludwig van Beethoven died. He told the landlady that he wasn't to be disturbed before morning since he planned to work late. That night he wrote two letters, one to his father, the other to his brother Richard, telling them he was going to shoot himself. On 10/4, he was found mortally wounded, having shot himself thru the heart. He died in Wiener Allgemeines Krankenhaus at 10:30AM. He was buried in Matzleinsdorf Protestant Cemetery in Vienna. An epitaph by his father translates: "This stone closes the resting place of a young man whose mind never really found peace on earth. & after imparting revelations of his mind & soul he could not bear any longer to be among the living. He searched for the death realm of one of the greatest minds that dwelled in the house in Schwarzspanierstrasse & put an end to his bodily existence."
> At the time of his funeral a partial eclipse of the moon took place that was visible from Vienna, and ended exactly at that moment when his body was lowered into the earth. As is well-known, Schopenhauer told how on the day of Immanuel Kant’s death a white cloud rose up into the sky, whereupon the sky shone clearer and purer than ever before.

>> No.21592760
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Have you read Richard Weininger's (Otto's younger brother) EXCITING YEARS? He writes quite a bit about Leopold, who seems to have been a man of stong moral character.

"As I grew older, our relationship moved into new dimensions. Once, when I came home one evening, success with a young lady must somehow have been written on my face. I was home long before my curfew hour of 10:00 P.M. and I was in time, even, for dinner. Yet my father called me into his study after our meal and before our nightly family walk. He told me, "I am not interested in what you just went through. But I do want to tell you that the biggest successes with women are hairdressers and riding masters." That was his way of belittling my self-importance, and also of belittling the importance of the act."

>> No.21592873

how in the FUCK did you even find this?

>> No.21592945
File: 327 KB, 1266x1946, 1666836598424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kevin Solway had it in a cd of Weininger-related writings he was selling on his website. I'll see if maybe I can upload it somewhere.

>> No.21592969


>> No.21594592


>> No.21594979

"I found in my study of French not only the beginning of a lifelong pleasure in languages, but also another common ground with my father. He was especially interested in the French language, and he corresponded once a month with a distant relative in Paris about words. Were certain words now accepted by the Academie Française or not, my father would ask. He told me, "French is not a language, it is a work of art, an objet d'art." He explained that French could only be spoken and intoned correctly by families who had lived in France for three or four generations."
- Richard Weininger

>> No.21595912

>guy who killed himself at 23 doesn't think you should have kids
color me surprised

>> No.21597470

So do I. My only regret is not suiciding earlier, instead of wasting my time on this existence.

>> No.21598165

This is probably the best post i've read

>> No.21598759
File: 172 KB, 1280x1966, content[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, didn't know about this. Is it good?

>> No.21598762


>> No.21598970

Seems doubtful. Alan Janik is an academic who contributed an essay to WITTGENSTEN READS WEININGER, about which Kevin Solway had the following to say:

"Allan Janik took twenty-six pages of dense text to say, essentially, that Wittgenstein saw things in a different way to some other people, and may have been inspired, in part, by Weininger’s seeing things in a different way.
"Janik’s long essay does not bear further mention than this."*

That said, it's possible he's turned up some previously unknown information about Weininger.

>> No.21599444

>the 'fecundity' of a Kardashian is the antipode of an actual beauty (neotony, attenuation of mere 'production' and advertisement of fitness for it)
Yes, good breeding requires effort and it can be squandered by individuals, families, clans and entire countries, which renders it hardly worth anything at all after it has been lost.

>reborn as KingCobraJFS as punishment

>"I'd be Hitler's top sexual guy."

>> No.21599653

OP Humiliated, blown the fuck out. Crushed decisively and one-sidedly. Neck status: Knelt on as hard as Fentanyl Floyd.

>> No.21599664

Anti-Natalism is an idea I would try to infect people I hate with to destroy them.

As a rule if you're saying something that sounds like a psychological warfare tool to me, I'm just going to reject whatever you have to say out of hand. I'm not even going to really hear it or its "proofs" or any arguments for it, because I must now either assume that you hate me and want to destroy me, or that you're so gullible and stupid that you fell for the trick already.

>> No.21600016
File: 52 KB, 220x321, Philipp_Batz_Mainländer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is the ideal state? It will be the historical form that encompasses all mankind. However, we will not define this form in more detail, because it is quite a minor matter: the main thing is the citizen of the ideal state. He will be what individuals have been since the beginning of history: a thoroughly free man. He has completely outgrown the taskmaster of historical laws and forms and stands above the law, free from all political, economic and spiritual fetters. All external forms are fragmented: man is completely emancipated.
>All driving forces have gradually disappeared from the life of mankind: Power, property, fame, marriage; all emotional ties have gradually been torn: man is weary. His spirit now judges life correctly and his will is kindled by this judgment. Now the heart is filled with only one longing: to be blotted out forever from the great book of life. And the will reaches its goal: absolute death.
>Philipp Mainländer, Philosophie der Erlösung
Fucking based

>> No.21600735

I haven’t read it but its mostly been used to push the theory that Weininger’s essay on Peer Gynt is what pushed Diedrich Eckart and Hitler into full mania and led to them trying to create an apocalyptic scenario instead of a reasonable anti banking state. Old guard Weininger cult didn’t take his sexual conclusions seriously

>> No.21600745


>> No.21600767

Go back to your butt bungalow with the rest of the Jung boys

>> No.21600922

"Weininger was in no way an outsider. To be a member of Vienna’s Philosophical Society was to be as much of an insider as was humanly possible. It was a society that met once a week to listen to a talk, though the audience didn’t discuss that same evening what the speaker had said; that was left till later, to afford time for reflection and serious debate. When Nietzsche died in 1900, many such lectures were held (some were attended by Houston Stewart Chamberlain), lectures at which the effects on philosophy of the theory of evolution were discussed. Otto Weininger was at the centre of these events. One gains a different impression of Weininger when one learns that Stefan Zweig said that he once saw him at a café but did not dare go over and engage him in conversation; and Zweig was neither overly reticent nor cowardly. That says something of Weininger’s standing in his day: central, but totally misunderstood."
- Allan Janik


>> No.21600928

Triggered kike

>> No.21600957

"Many of those who dismiss Weininger as a serious thinker because of his alleged hatred of Jews, forget that he identified Judaism with neither a race nor a people nor a faith, but, on the contrary, with a spiritual movement or state of mind that is typical of modernism and which represents a possibility for any human being. It is nothing else than conformity and satisfaction with mediocrity. In defining Judaism thus, Weininger contrasts a higher Judaism that represents a moral ideal with a lower Judaism that represents a more non-binding aestheticism. Weininger abhorred the aesthetics of the Viennese Art Secessionists because they were totally detached from ethics and science. He makes direct reference to Houston Stewart Chamberlain, and Jewishness becomes a kind of psycho-cultural classification that is latent in contemporary Christian culture. Nietzsche’s attacks on Judaism have been labelled anti-anti-Semitism. The same term may well be used to describe Weininger’s position. It is not without its dangers but it is certainly not fanaticism."

>> No.21601112
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How does one access this? It's an electronic critical edition of all of Weininger's works.


>> No.21601233

I want to die.

>> No.21601540

Oh wow I’m looking through the article now and this is surprising I didn’t realize Janik was so broad. I always thought he was writing from the perspective of the war to people that would only be interested in that aspect

>> No.21602745
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>> No.21602759

>OH N-

>> No.21602777

stop posting AI shit faggot

>> No.21603120

It would be weird if you didn't

>> No.21604006

This is a great thread

>> No.21604021

When our cavemen ancestors, who lost 90% of their litter to the horrors of murderous animals and humans, didn't stop making babies, it's never gonna happen. At least not until a sizeable portion of the population uses their head more than their genitals.

"Procreation is the only act more masturbatory than masturbation itself." -Sherlock Holmes, Elementary tv show

>> No.21604027

i believe some of the kardasians bred with size/athletic prowess which isn't a complete throwaway, the average person probably does worse

>> No.21604676


>> No.21604880


>> No.21606406

>life is full of suffering
95% of suffering is self-inflicted. The fact that happy people exist at all should be enough evidence for this.

>> No.21606517

Quot bellua morsu Exanimat? mulusve malus, vel non equus aequus, Dum furit atque ferit ferratis calcibus?
How many beasts kill with a bite? Does the evil mule or the friendly horse when it rages and strikes with its ironshod feet?
Si tibi sit pellex, tibi erit non tuta supellex.
If you take a whore, your mattress will not be safe
Namque a turbando nomen sibi turba recepit.
For from its turbulence the mob takes its name.
Insani fugiunt mundum, immundumque sequuntur.
Madmen flee purity and follow impurity.
Hinc uxor pulchrum et generosum saepe maritum Odit, et immundi penem calonis adorat , Aut aliquem externum, quem vix bene noverit, ardet.
Hence the wife often hates her handsome and generous husband and adores the penis of a filthy slave or burns for some stranger whom she scarcely knows
Vera etenim virtus fortunae cedere nescit.
True virtue does not know how to yield to fortune.
Felix in terris sapiens, et in aethere felix.
The wise man is blessed on earth and will be blessed in heaven.
Poor soul, the centre of my sinful earth, [Control] these rebel powers that thee array!
Why dost thou pine within and suffer dearth, Painting thy outward walls so costly gay?
Why so large cost, having so short a lease, Dost thou upon thy fading mansion spend? Shall worms, inheritors of this excess,
Eat up thy charge? Is this thy body's end? Then, soul, live thou upon thy servant's loss, And let that pine to aggravate thy store;
Buy terms divine in selling hours of dross; Within be fed, without be rich no more.
So shalt thou feed on Death that feeds on men, And Death once dead, there's no more dying then.

>> No.21606545

>95% of suffering is self-inflicted.
I don't see how one could think this and like, function.
Like can you drive a car?

>> No.21606643

Anti-natalism should result in the following changes:

population reduction
doing away with the view that life is a gift
illegal for certain people to have children (career criminals, pedos, dysgenic people, blacks etc)
radical acknowledgement of suffering
higher quality of life with a criteria that must be fulfilled in order to have procreate.

>but procreation is a human right you can't regulate it you demon!
go sail to uninhabited island you fucking animal