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21581207 No.21581207 [Reply] [Original]

Books that deal with this?

>> No.21581211

SOREL, Georges. Les illusions du progrès, 5e éd., Paris, Marcel Rivière, collection Études sur le Devenir Social, 1947 [1908].

>> No.21581213

Because we live in our era in which there are only two things that are sacred: Our will or desires, and our potential to fulfill them

>> No.21581237


>> No.21581269


>> No.21581285

As the song says, anything goes. You can make anything sacred.

I swear. People have a problem with the fact there's no conformity. Flux is fact, control is unnatural

>> No.21581309

>You can make anything sacred
Jesus, can't you see it? If anything can be sacred, than nothing can.
Liberation from divine law has turned us all into slaves of ourselves and other men. It becomes clearer everyday that true freedom lies in pious discipline, self-negation, and adherence to eternal, absolute and transcendental values that literally are the closest we can get to the REAL, the BEING, in this world of BECOMING.

>> No.21581319

I'm going to force you to rape your father at knife point while disembowling him. The profane/sacred distinction is readily recreatable with monstrosity.

Are you new here? Have you even murdered your mother yet?

>> No.21581327
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>> No.21581328


>Why can't anything be sacred anymore?


>> No.21581333


>> No.21581336

>The profane/sacred distinction is readily recreatable with monstrosity.

What did he mean by this?

>> No.21581358



>> No.21581375

Okay, This is Epic

>> No.21581383




>> No.21581410

I wish I could be there to witness it - the moment you realize your own insignificance, pedo-Slytherin.

>> No.21581412

Unironically, the Bible.

>> No.21581417
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The problem is, the wrong things are considered sacred.

>> No.21581418
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I haven't actually read the book though

>> No.21581445

I don't think that's accurate though.
I sincerely doubth the people who idealized and put that billboard up actually, genuinely believe what is written. They likely just wanted to express that because they think that it is fashionable.
It's like nothing can, fundamentally, be sacred anymore. Not in this world in which we live.

>> No.21581450
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>> No.21581469

Conformist nonsense. You are at odds with the natural world. If your god doesn't fit the natural world, you should know he's a sham by now

>> No.21581996

The Sacred and the Profane by Eliade

>> No.21582036

Revolt Against the Modern World

>> No.21582048

My room is sacred
My imagination is sacred
My thoughts are sacred
My dreams are sacred
My hobbies are sacred


>> No.21582090


>> No.21582134


>> No.21583413

You are using the secular meaning of sacred, none of those things are sacred because they can't be.

>> No.21583419

you are seething

>> No.21583502
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Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.21583517

I haven't published any art or writing in years because I don't want some internet rapist to appropriate my content to make porn. I know it's schizophrenic but the idea that someone can do what he wants with my work and I can't cave his skull in or do anything is insufferable and I'd rather not publish anything.

>> No.21583527

you are coping

>> No.21583540

You've never written anything in your life.

>> No.21583552

I've published a ton of stuff actually but being in close contact with coomers and people making weird comments has scared me off. I've always made other excuses but I really hate internet people, they're all perverted, and all the "artists" are basically prostitutes, quite literally prostitutes except they jerk people off indirectly. They also inevitably troon out or get caught with CP and other shit like that because they're all completely immoral. I hate being submerged in a filthy environment full of filthy people and all the creative arts are filled with these parasites

>> No.21583587

Nothing is more true than your own feelings. Accuse him of narcissism for all the “my”, but there is no real difference between a secular sacredness and a cult’s sacredness, save the latter imposes an outside, and arguably false, sanctity
>they can’t be

>> No.21583622

Grow up

>> No.21583870

lol you need to read more, the sacred has a specific meaning and function. You can change the meaning of the words all you want, and they may be true in your own little mind, but that doesn't mean you're not a retard. It's obvious your mind is poisoned by secularism.

>> No.21583914

>lol you need to read our rule books more,
No, I do not, cuck.
>you can change the meaning of the words all you want
And so we do. Such is the nature of words

>> No.21583922

>Nothing is more true than your own feelings.
That's irrelevant to the discussion.
>Accuse him of narcissism for all the “my”
Narcissism has nothing to do with it.
>but there is no real difference between a secular sacredness and a cult’s sacredness
There literally is, as per the meaning of the word.
>save the latter imposes an outside, and arguably false, sanctity
False in what sense? If anything is nonsense it's this.
Again, as per the meaning of the word, those things can't be sacred. Something isn't sacred just because you arbitrarily and randomly decide it is or because you like it, that's not how the sacred works. Read Eliade, R. Steiner, Guenon, or even better, the Bible, there you will see what the sacred actually is.


>> No.21583927

Are you 13? No wonder you have such an infantile view of the world.

>> No.21583933

The book of incel…HALLELUJA

>> No.21583934

Step into the same river twice, child.

>> No.21583969

What are you talking about? Black people are sacred

>> No.21583975

>That's irrelevant
No, the old time divinity is irrelevant. That's what we're discussing.
>Narcissism has nothing to do with
All he says that he holds sacred state with "my", so I mentioned it in passing. Why bring it up again?
>There literally is
>False in what sense?
YOUR ideal of sacred comes from an old book, retranslated a million times, declaring some dead man's will on the living. This is unnatural. If it's "holy" it is a word of the most un-sacred compared to the natural sacred of an individual's own heart. A church does not matter, a book does not matter. An individual does.
You don't understand the nature of the world and/or you hate it. All christians do this and it's frankly sad. You live in a casket. You wish for the doom of all.

>> No.21584135
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>> No.21584187

I've never met a single one of these people in real life. I think they only exist as twitter personas.

>> No.21584227

i'm creating a new religion based on this

>> No.21584230
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can you buy this in book form anywhere or is pdf the only way?

>> No.21584234
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Jews waging a war against God and all godly things

>> No.21584248
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Coming toward the end of the cycle, end of the kali yuga, if you prefer, the age of dissolution and decay until something brighter and more beautiful can arise from the ashes. Read The Lightning And The Sun. Read Plato, Plotinus, and pic related.

>> No.21584250

Not really. He just makes fun of bourgeois intellectuals.

>> No.21584309

Because of science, no really, unironically.

>> No.21584359

I've been one of those people, but I stopped being one. Mainly because I met others like that and they were all retarded, and started to actually read real theology.

>> No.21584375

Jews worship your god, ya dumbass. They just don't follow the contradictory fanfic of the NT

>> No.21584379

Jews are basically all atheists.

>> No.21584411

Good answer

>> No.21584418

Theyre largely atheists and they're also a cursed race. And their religion is evil when they're not atheists.

>> No.21584597

I read some papers which commented on this as a natural process that occurred in the early modern era when religion became less important and science was beginning to explain natural phenomena
It was concerning the Shakuhachi which was a flute that had been used in music for a very long time in Japan, from folk music to court music
During the late Edo and imperial era it began to be associated with a false history which turned what had been a normal instrument into an sacred instrument that played sacred music associated with the meditation practice of a mysterious Buddhist sect
Today it is played by Westerners who all see it as having a sacred importance in it's role as a meditation tool associated with an ancient school of Japanese Buddhism
I feel that I do this with a lot of things, from literature and music, I feel that I just naturally impart these things with something magical but I can't really express what I mean well

>> No.21584753

>I feel that I do this with a lot of things, from literature and music, I feel that I just naturally impart these things with something magical but I can't really express what I mean well

Interesting. I feel like i get that somewhat.
I once heard from a philosophy teacher, talking about some buddhist sect, something along the lines of "Nothing we do is detail".
I do feel like there is a deeper aesthetic, a meaning, that we subconsciously impart on all or almost all our activities.

>> No.21584987

Because, for faggots, there is nothing sacred.

>> No.21585013

That's the conclusion I came to just via observation. One abstract, imaginary connecting factor is being replaced with another.

>> No.21585033

A horse walks into a bar.

The bartender says: "Why the long face?"

Horse says: "I'm a solipsist."

The bartender doesn't understand because he is a horse.

>> No.21585430
File: 18 KB, 324x500, Hegel Early Theological Writings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Hegel's early essays on Christianity. The problem is Christianity only works when it is a small group of highly dedicated followers, it can't work as society wide organising principle. If you want to experience the Christian sacred, quit the world and join a monestary.

>> No.21585700

Check out Rick Roderick

>> No.21585949

>it was NOT the jews!!

>> No.21586469

Sounds like it touched a nerve