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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2155520 [Reply] [Original]

Where does /lit/ go to college/university?

>> No.2155525

University of South Florida

I got into better schools, but I chose debt-less education over good education. I'm not sure it was the right choice, but there ya go.

>> No.2155526

University of Reading

>> No.2155527

I attend the university of LIFE my nigga i.e. my basement

>> No.2155530

i was forced by bureaucracy to take a two-year sabbatical. so, the university of /lit/.

>> No.2155538

Durham University

>> No.2155543

I just dropped out cause I'm a fucking dumbass. Now I'm living in the undergrad library/at a creepy acquaintance's apartment until I grow a pair and tell my parents.

>> No.2155546

Los Angeles Valley College

>> No.2155574

University of Toronto.
Hurray for 7k of tuition a year!

>> No.2155587

I'll see your 7k and raise you a 3.5ishk at Durham, a fine institution (pic related). Though it's 9k for people entering next year...

>> No.2155595
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>> No.2155596

Queen's University (Kingston, Ontario)

>> No.2155610
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I'll see your 3.5K and raise you The University Of Copenhagen.
Mon visage when there no tuition and I get paid to attend.

>> No.2155611



>> No.2155616

Come to Scandinavia, it's free.

>> No.2155620

Shitty mexican university.

>> No.2155621


>> No.2155625

Los poetas mexicanos (supongo que los poetas en general) detestan que se les recuerde su ignorancia.

>> No.2155630

University of Amsterdam.

>> No.2155650

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

>> No.2155656

I want to drop out to, but I don't want to shame my parents. It's fucking stupid, I'm a free person and all, but damn.

I think it's because I'm the first in my family to go to uni.

>> No.2155658

If it were a very highly-ranked university you'd have something to brag about

>> No.2155661 [DELETED] 
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>Go to St. Andrews
>Free tutition
>Get SaaS

>> No.2155686

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Post-9/11 GI Bill is saving my ass, thanks again dad.

>> No.2155704

Hahaha, you win. What are you reading there?

>> No.2155717

University of Antwerp

>> No.2155720

I'm not doing a lit course, so technically I'm not reading anything.

>> No.2155727

Um, it's a term used in the UK just to mean studying a subject. You can read Biology or Architecture or indeed English, it's not about physically reading specific books

>> No.2155729

Not highly ranked... What?!

Well I guess it comes down to the different faculties in any case.
LAW bitches.

What do I win?

>> No.2155732

Concordia University, Montreal. Anglo. What?

>> No.2155736

It's like 7th highest ranked University in Europe.
He can brag.

>> No.2155743

I've never heard that term in my life, and I'm from Scotland.

Psychology is my study of choice.

>> No.2155756

Watch this. When they introduce themselves they say 'Hi, I'm X and I'm from Y and I'm reading Z'.

>> No.2155758


I'm from Glasgow and now read History at the University of Exeter- I know the term reading, you must just be stupid

>> No.2155760

hurp durp forgot to link it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bZa7jG_BNI

>> No.2155762

THE Pennsylvania State University

>> No.2155765

Georgia Institute of Technology

>> No.2155770

Are you magic?

>> No.2155781

A Scot going to an English university? How bold.

>> No.2155792
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>Or it's some westcoast bullshit, ye soap dodgin' bam.

>> No.2155795


No, you're just a fucking retard. Reading is the usual term in the UK.

>> No.2155797
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>> No.2155798

Kent State University.

>> No.2155804

University of Florida

Anthro major and business minor, so I can find a job after. Potentially go for MBA if I don't travel the country doing work for cultural resource management.

>> No.2155821
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I always assumed there were lots of us on here.

>> No.2155834
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Pic related.

One of the colleges that isn't really all that recogniseable...

>> No.2155840

I'm in the process of applying to UCL and Edinburgh right now. Any UCL/Edinburghfags around?

Inb4 underageb&. I did an extra year.

>> No.2155843

>Inb4 underageb&. I did an extra year.

So just thick then?

>> No.2155845

Paris-Sud 11 University.

(Why 11? Well, in 1970, the University of Paris broke up into thirteen different universities, romantically named Paris-I, Paris-II ... Paris-XIII, largely based on the existing faculies: Economics became Paris-I, Law became Paris-II, History and Humanities became Paris-IV, Sciences became Paris-VI and Paris-XI ... In this decade, though, our higher education institutions are grouping up because French universities don't really make sense on the international stage, so Paris-XI will merge into http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UniverSud_Paris )

>> No.2155848

I have 2 As at A level and an A and a C at AS. You be the judge, my belligerent anon.

>> No.2155849


If you give them long enough, anyone can get A's.

>> No.2155850
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University of Amsterdam

>> No.2155851

You only did 2 full A-Levels?

Um. Right. And that C isn't looking too hot either.

>> No.2155859

I'm applying for Economics at:


>> No.2155860

In my AS levels I got AACC. The C in Art wasn't that bad in light of the 60% U grades in my year, so I think the fault largely isn't mine. I resat Art at a different school and got an A. I'm now finishing it off in my extra year.

I spoke to the admissions guy at UCL at an open day, and he seemed to be confident my grades would be good enough (the requirements are ABB-AAB).

Extra years aren't only for stupid people you know. The cleverest guy I know applied for medicine at Cambridge, but got rejected. He's doing an extra to have another shot at it. It's all about fulfilling potential.

>> No.2155862

Tufts University

>> No.2155864


Me too.

>> No.2155867

Edinburgh good, but filled with nancyfags who are bitter they couldn't get into St. Andrews or oxbridge.

>> No.2155871

(I'm a different poster) Well, it depends on what you're applying for. Getting into English or Medicine or Economics at UCL is considerably harder than getting in for something obscure like Geology.

I'm applying for English myself this year - Cambridge, Durham, St Andrews, Nottingham (who have given me an offer already!) and RHUL. (Before someone accuses me of being underage it was my birthday last week...) AAAA and A*A*A predictions but I think I'll be very lucky to get any A*s.

>> No.2155875
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Do you want to be best friends with me or....?

>> No.2155877

I'm at RHUL doing English, ask me shit. And out of interest why'd you choose it?

>> No.2155886

Are you really? Cool! What year are you in?

I picked it for a number of reasons. Its offer is AAB so it appeases my school's insistence that you have some sort of insurance choice; it seems to be a quiet-ish, nice, vaguely bookish place. Also the Founder's Building is beautiful. I also quite like the idea of being able to go to London semi-regularly for events and exhibitions and meeting my friends who live in London.

>> No.2155892

what faculty? what year? what major
gael reporting in.

>> No.2155894


Bristol is overrated. Both academically and (most famously) for student lifestyle/satisfaction. Facilities are not the greatest either.

Durham has a good reputation, I've not visited myself nor do I know anybody who went there (in recent years). However be aware they have a higher ratio of public school kids than either Oxford or Cambridge.

Newcastle is underrated, a good friend went and had a wonderful 3 years. Academically respected also.

Leeds has a reputation as the party Uni of the Yorkshire bunch. It also has a solid academic reputation in a variety of subjects, but keep in mind that is is probably the most sought-after of all the ones on your list.

Southampton (note the one 'h') is very well thought of for Sciences, economics not so much. Also the worst city/fun of your options.

Also - why haven't you applied for/considered any of the University of London colleges? Are you a Londoner who wants to fly the nest or just scared of the big bad city?

>> No.2155903
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University of British Columbia.

>> No.2155905

Thanks for the advice. The course I'm applying for is German and Norwegian (yes, it's a bizarre choice). Modern Languages are very much ignored by young British people. The good side of this is that the uni courses are now easier to get into. It also means that there's quite a lot of demand for linguists.

>> No.2155906


I'm from Newcastle. Southampton (cheers boss) is my last choice because quite frankly I have no idea where else to apply.

I'm predicted AAA so I can't apply for UCL or LSE, where else could I apply? I'd have no problem with being in London.

>> No.2155908

Degrees acquired in Denmark tend to have lesser academic value than in countries where you actually pay for tuition -- or am I wrong about this?

Anyway, I'm studying Classical philology at the University of Latvia. Which is basically reading a bunch of text in ancient languages and studying mythology and Greek/Roman culture.

And I kind of like it.

>> No.2155911

Do remember that (unless you want to be a purist translator or academic) you'll need some skills to go with those languages. Not the usual 'transferrable skills' claptrap that people claim comes with every arts degree - I mean actual, tangible skills that will get you that decent money.

>> No.2155919

>that is is probably the most sought-after of all the ones on your list
Durham and Bristol are both considerably more difficult to get into than Leeds. Especially Durham - though that does depend on subject obviously

>> No.2155923

Perhaps look at QMUL or Royal Holloway (although that is in Egham, not London at all). Both part of the University of London and well respected. Both Glasgow and Edinburgh should be on your list, unless you have a phobia of the Scottish. Failing that perhaps consider Cardiff, Bath, Exeter or Nottingham instead of Bristol and Southampton.

>> No.2155933

That may be the case, however hard to define, althought with 'sought-after' I was hinting at popularity/amount of applicants.

>> No.2155934


Well Bristol/Durham/Newcastle are definite options that I'm not changing. I guess I could stick Royal Holloway and Glasgow in.

I don't see why you're disregarding Bristol. Seems like an awesome place and it gets ranked pretty high on lists.

>> No.2155940

Hmm, do you have any suggestions?

I'm planning on going to Norway and then... I'm not sure. Perhaps languages teacher? While at UCL you can get a TEFL (teaching English as a foreign language) certificate. These certificates aren't especially prestigious or difficult to get, but if you have a native standard in 3 languages, it should be quite easy to become a languages teacher in Norway.

I'd also like to get an MA in something at some point, perhaps translation. I'd like a shot at academia. I can honestly imagine finding working kids/teenagers very depressing.

If I could do absolutely anything I would be a poet/professor. That's not a wise thing to rely on though.

>> No.2155943

Well, Leeds does probably have less favourable applicant per place statistics, but Durham and Bristol both attract a higher quality of applicant. Oxford and Cambridge tend to be about 4 or 5 applicants per place - way, way better than most of the big civic unis - but are obviously the hardest in the country to get into. I was just saying that if you were trying to imply that Leeds would be the hardest one to get into, then it was actually probably Durham/Bristol :)

>> No.2155944

Bristol certainly used to be excellent, however in recent years has rested on its laurels, and let standards slip. Not very well respected in the academic community, but probably enough Bristol alums in mid/senior management now to still attract industry.

Either way, good luck buddy!

>> No.2155951

vrije university of amsterdam..

>> No.2155956
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UBA (Where is one of the copies of the Necronomicon)

>> No.2155958
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Chemistry at university of Plymouth...its ok.

>> No.2155970


Well see how you feel after 3 years of study, but if academia doesn't seem realistic/possible - then perhaps an MA in something like Finance/Accountancy, Industrial relations/Human resources, Marketing/Advertising, and of course, Law.

Use those suggestions as practical backup, work hard as fuck towards getting a first/funding for post-grad and follow that dream dude.

>> No.2155978

Cheap nights out, easy girls, lots of internationals.
Don't be disheartened, I know a science grad from Plymouth who ended up doing very well for himself in.....commerical banking in the city.

>> No.2155991
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Kinda very fucking wrong mate.

>> No.2156005
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>Degrees acquired in Denmark tend to have lesser academic value than in countries where you actually pay for tuition

Not sure if trolling..you know it's paid for right
Just through taxes?

Its a good deal in that it's a sure way for the state to increase revenue because people who have a better education generally earn more. And it's great for the students because they get their shit paid for, which means they can work less and study more (great academically) and also because you can't ever buy your way into a university. You only get accepted through grading, meaning the most academically deserving get the available spots. My parents are both immigrants, without this system I would probably just be working somewhere being comfortably middle-class or working-class. But I'm studying law instead and you can bet your ass I'm staying in this neat little country. Good deal for the state, good deal for me.

>> No.2156013

Anybody here getting degrees in arts or fine arts?

>> No.2156014

Southampton here

>engineers, engineers everywhere

>> No.2156015


Oh well, maybe I'm wrong. Is the overall learning quality alright there?

If so, maybe it's just that the teachers don't want us to leave here :-D (There be ogres in foreign Denmark.)

>> No.2156018

What's /lit/'s opinion on combined honours courses?

I'm finding it hard to choose between theology (which I'm passionate about) and English (which I excel at).

So I'm wondering if it's worth applying for combined courses at decent unis, or whether a combined degree would be the academic equivalent to monopoly money?

>> No.2156021

HAHA! Faggots, I do Photography at University.


Oh God, just kill me now.

>> No.2156022


Generally joint honours degrees are worth as much or, in some cases, more than a single honours degree.

>> No.2156023
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DK master race reportin' in!

>> No.2156029

>Is the overall learning quality alright there?

Well I have nothing to compare to personally, but we have one of the highest percentages of students who study like a year overseas (Mainly in The US, UK, France, Germany and Japan) and the ones I know who did that (Law, Microbiology, Bio-Technology) are not impressed. So I would say we do well.

So yeah, I would say you are wrong..but "thar" definitely "be dragons". We pay a lot of taxes.. But our income is ridiculous so it's alright, as long as it stabilizes or starts to drop though. We may be nearing critical territory in a decade or so. But all that is political.

>> No.2156030

University of Kentucky

English and Japanese

>> No.2156037
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HAPS! Hvad læser du?

>> No.2156041


Hmm, well if I'm right in thinking combined degrees are 75% of one subject and 25% of another then you can draw your own conclusions there. A joint honours is a straight 50% split between two subjects, equal depth is gone into on each just less range.

I'm going for History and International Relations joint next year, and where I want to go has one of the best language learning facilities in the country. Fuck endless drinking, for 9k a year I want to be as fluent as possible in Farsi, Arabic or something by the time I get out.

>> No.2156045
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Happy news indeed!
A good chunk of my family view them with suspicion at best and contempt at worst.

However, I do find it a little disconcerting that some unis have lower entry criteria for joint honours than they do for their single honours programs. Anyone else find this? Should I be concerned?

>> No.2156047
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University of Illinois at Chicago

Finance major. Might change to economics.

>> No.2156060

I believe most of the courses I'm looking at are joint honors. So the modules taken in both subjects work out pretty even.

I'm also looking for the universities which offer the best facilities and are fairly well respected in the fields I want to study. Though I'd be lying if I said the social aspect didn't factor in at all.

>> No.2156062

I go to UIC too :o
Jazz studies major

>> No.2156070

UIC is a shitty University, or at least from my experience the students aren't the most inspiring.

That said I am extremely jealous of your shiny new facilities.

>> No.2156076


Political Science and Philosophy

>> No.2156077

what majors were the people you met from UIC?

>> No.2156081

oh shit, i went to LAVC too! i'm shocked anyone from there would know about 4chan.

>> No.2156084

Lay off UIC - I went to high school with way too many smart immigrant kids whose cheap-ass parents told them it was either MIT, Harvard, or UIC to ever look down on it. Ain't no shame in being the University of Indians and Chinese.

>> No.2156089


i reckon i'm the only irish person on here

>> No.2156094

It's great for networking in the music scene

>> No.2156109

I'm polish/irish?


>> No.2156126


have you lived here?

>> No.2156147

university of virginia

>> No.2156171


What do you c/lit/s think of your north-side neighbors?

>not northwestern sadly

>> No.2156174

DePaul? Loyola? NEIU? Truman?

>> No.2156196

Johns Hopkins

>> No.2156242

Temple U. It's another one of those debt-free>prestige decisions, though it's not as bad as I thought it might be. Still a little ambivalent though. It is (supposedly) the only other accredited school on the east coast for journalism.

The other being:

How's the alcoholism coming along?

I'm surprised no one's trolled with ASU yet.

>> No.2156247

Jacobs University in Germany

>> No.2156248

lucky bastard. what major?

>> No.2156249


Off-topic perhaps but it annoys the fuck out of me that universities do this. I went to SUNY Albany for my master's, but the formal name of the college is "The University at Albany, State University of New York," comma and everything. It pisses me off every time I have to write that on a resume instead of just "SUNY Albany."

>> No.2156257

ctrl + f "University of Michigan"
Zero responses, soniamdisappoint.jpeh

At least there are some Big 10 bros here

>> No.2156266


>> No.2156270


>> No.2156274

rice is the better owl school, fyi

>> No.2156275

The Temple Owls would shit all over your shitty C-USA school.

>> No.2156277

are you guys even d-1?

>> No.2156280

doing painting

>> No.2156284

>implying we didn't use to be a big east school
>implying we aren't going to win the MAC this year
>implying our basketball program isn't going to win the A-10 this year

>> No.2156285

International Relations wooo

>> No.2156287

Heh, have fun getting smacked by Xavier this year in conference play.

>> No.2156297

Grinnell College.

Or as I like to call it, Hippy School.

>> No.2156321

CalArts representin

>> No.2156322

I'm working on my MFA at the University of Virginia.

>> No.2156323

Enjoying your stay in Buttfuck, Iowa?

Why anyone would go to Grinnell is beyond me. I guess real colleges in real towns can be intimidating.

>> No.2156324


>> No.2156330

I come from Buttfuck, Ohio, so it's comfortable for me. I'm not really fond of cities.

>> No.2156387
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East Quad history-polisci major here.

>> No.2156479


Not fine art. But OCAD, Graphic Design.

>> No.2156494
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I'm just up the road.


>> No.2156520
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I'm a 2L at Harvard Law School

come at me bros

>> No.2156746

Ahh most beautiful city I've ever seen.
I'm at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta (pic). Undeclared major.
I'm starting to hate it. Everyone just complains about school when they're not busy being unbelievably pretentious and self righteous. Oh well, that's university i guess.
What's the point of even going to school? Why don't we all just kill ourselves?

>> No.2156748

what's your student debt looking like?

>> No.2156755

Gent college (Hogeschool Gent)

>> No.2156974
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I'm with the esteemed Miskatonic University at Arkham Massachusetts.

A place steeped in avid reading tradition and home to a copy of the controversial Necronomicon, by Alhazarad the Mad Arab. Though I do believe it's a German translation.

>> No.2156983
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Theologian here, minoring in comparative literature.

>> No.2156984

Arizona State. Yeah, not very prestigious. Better experience socially than academically. Average student hotness is 8 or 9 in the humanities, so that's nice.

>> No.2156989

Melbourne University!

>> No.2157007


haha, it's looking pretty terrible

It'll be at about 200k when I graduate

>> No.2157008


>> No.2157019

Oh America, you so craaaaazy.

>> No.2157033


bro let's be friends I like to chain smoke in nickels

>> No.2157041

University of Groningen

Goedenmiddag Nederbroeder

>> No.2157082

Why can't you apply for LSE? I'm doing Economic History on AAB, did they bump it up to A*AA for entry this year? I'm sure it was AAB last year.

>> No.2157133


Yep. It's A*AA and I didn't do further maths which is a huge disadvantage.

I'm predicted AAA in Maths, Physics and Economics.

>> No.2157178

applied last week to uea, sheffield, york, cambridge and bristol for philosophy.

technically classed as a 'mature student' since i'll be 21 at the start of uni.

>> No.2157194

I'm one of those old farts at a community college, hoping to one day get into a real school. Irvine Valley College, studying chemistry

>> No.2157198


you are talking bullshit. please stop. you know nothing.

>> No.2157202

guilford college

>> No.2157203
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Uni of Birmingham

UK, not Alabama


>> No.2157206


If you are going to study Philosophy, do yourself a favour and get a First, or don't bother.

Seriously, if you aren't getting Firsts by the end of first year, transfer to engineering or drop out. The new fees are way too high to justify a bad humanities degree.

I'm your friend. i want you to succeed. plese, god, list.

>> No.2157212

University of Groningen, the Netherlands

>> No.2157215

English Lit. at QMUL. Wasn't my first choice (Oxbridge reject ;_;) but I'm actually quite pleased with the way things have turned out. Really good English dept. and a pretty active student journalism scene that means I can attend all kinds of cool events. I'll probably go on to apply to do an MA at Oxbridge though, just for shits and giggles.

>> No.2157219

Central Saint Martins ; )

>> No.2157252

Quick question.

Applying for Economics (not the guy above though)

Should I mention that I like reading? Reading is like my main interest, especially modernism.

>> No.2157256

Rice. Best school in the country.

>> No.2157262

uni of cincinnati.

its a pretty cool school imo, nice campus and i enjoy the city.

>> No.2157265

I see. How are you liking UofK? Some of my friends go there, but I stayed in Louisville.

Univerity of Louisville
Undecided, but thinking about going into accounting.

>> No.2157287 [DELETED] 
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architecture at cornell university.

first day on lit. mfw i'm here because I need help writing a caribbean history paper.

>> No.2157297

I'm doing a part time masters at City University London. Not where I would have chosen to go, but my employer is paying for it all and paying me to go so I can't really complain.

I'm not a big fan of it. It's horribly multicultural (full of people in burkas)compare to my last white middle class campus uni.

>> No.2157330
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Wanna hang out sometime? (no homo)

>> No.2157333


So that's like what, one year's salary at any of the big firms which tend to take any Harvard kid outside of the bottom 20%?


You might be surprised to know that Texas isn't a separate country.

>> No.2157341
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University of Manchester

>> No.2157673

Arts/Sci, 1st, Honours in Linguistics. Gaels!

>> No.2157678

Is 7k bad in Canada? At least you're not in Rotman/business which is 10k.

>> No.2157731
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>> No.2157787
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Augusta State University
Hater's gonna hate.

>> No.2157791

Dartmouth College, mofucka.

....wasting my parents money

>> No.2157793
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Front Range Community College

>> No.2157812


Huck Farvard. Yale reporting in!

>> No.2157813


did my undergrad at csu..

>> No.2157815


Which college?

>> No.2157819 [DELETED] 
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florida state university

i transferred here from University of Tirana just so i could have an excuse to see the US

mfw i've been arrested three times ranging from criminal mischief to burglary
mfw i'm getting all As
mfw i think i'm getting deported unless the state attorney agrees to a second diversion program
mfw it doesnt matter since im dropping out next semester anyway
mfw i'm only here to waste time until my father's estate transfers in my name

>> No.2157827

Kansas State

>> No.2157840

do you like anyone on this site.

>> No.2157939

University of Chicago undergrad, Columbia grad.

>> No.2157953
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fellow UofT fellows: anyone else at scarborough?

>> No.2157988

Sure if you're not incredibly sketch. What college?

No I go to real school.

>> No.2157999


How important is your college affiliation re your studies? I know certain colleges are more geared towards certain things but to what severity is that affiliation imposed?

Planning to go to Oxbridge (or St Andrew's) for graduate school in a few years, though I'll take some time off first to work etc.

>> No.2158001

No shit, UCD here too ... I realise you're probably gone by now, but it's so rare to see Irish people on /lit/

>> No.2158003


i'm not these guys, i'm in branford.

>> No.2158013

Yo I'm in dport let's chill

>> No.2158025


>> No.2158035


>> No.2158054

Senior here. Looking at Kenyon, Reed, Macalester, Grinnell, U of Puget Sound, Whitman College, University of Washington. Or anywhere else? Where the fuck should I go guys ;__; im so stressed. I can't get in everywhere too

>> No.2158066


my girlfriend goes to macalester. she likes it. if you say one goddamned thing about hooking up with her i'll fucking kill you

>> No.2158073

Where do you go? I won't touch your girlfriend. Macalester looks wonderful, I'm trying to stay with my girlfriend and see how things work out. We both like the same kind of colleges but don't know where we're gonna get into and stuff.

>> No.2158078


umich i fucking love it you should apply

>> No.2158079

i'm applying there in january. how were your sats/grades?
i probably won't end up going because i'm applying early to haverford, but i really liked swat

>> No.2158085

Studying Latin at the University of Georgia. Dr. LaFleur, why did you leave?

>> No.2158089


I never left. The single pair of footprints are the times when I carried you.

>> No.2158090

has erasmo continued destroying department's stability?
also fuck norman and her personalized formatting standards.

>> No.2158092

I will, looks sweet.
Swarthmore would be perfect for me, follow in Franzen's footsteps (im from st. louis)

>> No.2158094


Holy shit, I thought Michigan was a semi-decent state school. It's 14 on the US News ranking just after PRINCETON? wtf

>> No.2158099

and BEFORE Cornell? wat

>> No.2158101
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UC Santa Cruz.

>> No.2158115

you didn't know u of m was a good school? it's been up there forever, man. probably the best public school in the country besides berkeley or ucla

>> No.2158116

well that completely failed to answer my questions about the school

>> No.2158121

well im not the one who goes there! Im not in college yet I was saying I would like to go as well.

>> No.2158122
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Michigan is a great school. You did name a "semi-decent public school" in ur post though!!!

>> No.2158124

"state school" I mean

fff i can't even get my shitty xoxohth outlet mall posts right

>> No.2158128

Berkeley, UCLA, UVA, then UMich.
(at least that's how it should be)
I have heard good things about UCSB and Penn State (especially for pre-med) but wouldn't know enough to be sure.

Out of those, Washington and Macalester are good, the rest are a waste of time and money.

>> No.2158136

what a dumb thing to say. what makes macalester better than any of those other liberal arts colleges

>> No.2158139

all of the uc's are good schools, but berkeley, la, sd, and sb are the best of the bunch.

>> No.2158142


>Berkeley, UCLA

maybe 5 years ago. California has no money

>> No.2158143

a california community college :D

>> No.2158147

they're still topnotch schools. it's just harder to get in, especially for in-state applicants

>> No.2158150

Nebraska Omaha. Lived in Omaha my entire life. So not much has changed since high school.

>> No.2158156

Tell me about Omaha. What's it like, as a place to live?

>> No.2158162

University of Ottawa here.

>> No.2159047


surprised there's another person who said that

>> No.2159061
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California State University, Long Beach

No one knows about us. When I tell people where I go, they think I just made it up.

>> No.2159065

University of Florida. It's pretty terrible for the most part. Not stimulating in the slightest. I expected people here to be intelligent, but it's just the same try-hard idiots that I dealt with in high school.

>> No.2159074

word up! My parents live right across the canal from your campus.

>> No.2159075
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Orc U

>> No.2159081
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>> No.2159094

>not realizing all people are like this
>mfw you are just too cool for the world
>enjoy your loneliness

>> No.2159098

I see you there, my colleagues!

Fellow Hoo here, so I guess that makes three of us. I'll go as far as to say I'm impressed.

(University of Virginia -- putting that in the post in case anyone tries to count a tally overall)

>> No.2159114
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>says mfw
>doesn't post a face

>mfw you're a fucking retard

>> No.2159115

Any UCSDers out there?

>> No.2159132

Southern Illinois University

>> No.2159182
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Not the best school, but I'm happy about it, being taught things I care for.(thing is: I'll probably never end up as an academic anyway - too much of a pissing contest).

>> No.2159198

Stonybrook, here.

>> No.2159203

What's a fucking Sea Wolf? I'm a mother fucking Sea Wolf.

>> No.2159209

NUIM Maynooth

Blessed to have some of the greatest lecturers I've ever met.
Too bad literary criticism is making me shit Wordsworth at this point.

>> No.2159211

Umich represent

>> No.2159212

University of Arkansas in Fayetteville.

>> No.2159223

Admit it, that's not a thing. Stop making things up 4chan.

>> No.2159226

Wageningen University, in the Netherlands

>> No.2159255

Wow, you couldn't even get into UCD? I mean we can't all get into TCD (I did) but at least invest in clown college or something a bit more respectable.

>> No.2159271

Anybody applied to York uni?

>> No.2159286

Oh, that shitty place? Why not UCA? Like a champ.

>> No.2159290

I want to go to school in Scandanavia because I'm poor and become a nurse but I have no idea how to go about doing it.

>> No.2159305


Is Carbondale as gruesomely depressing as it looks on Google Maps? There's a tenure-track job in my field open at SIU, but fortunately I'm already settled somewhere else. If I can help it I never want to live in a town that's named after its major industrial byproduct.

>> No.2159309


Graduated oldfag here, but I was in JE

>> No.2159315

Graduated from Sheffield Hallam. Nowhere near a top university but was fun.

>> No.2159338

Planning on going there for its film program

>> No.2159867

fucking yale represent on lit

>> No.2159880

Did you know:
Yale is the only Ivy league school that had 2 homosexual founding fathers?

You are actually the gayest Ivy University.

>> No.2159893

that's because nobody wants to remember the csu system exists
sick burn

>> No.2159894


uhhh yeah, yale is commonly referred to as 'the gay ivy', everyone knows that

>> No.2159897

Fun fact:
If it's not in the top ten on at least one of these lists-
then your school is a shit hole.

>> No.2159899

If you google "the gay ivy" the first result is a yale magazine article on why yale is called the gay ivy. i think it's safe to say that ur a faget

>> No.2159904

Oh cool. UIUC here

>> No.2159908

Holy shit, you aren't kidding. I was just making shit up but that is fucking hilarious.

>> No.2159912

UIUC is absolute hell. Nothing to do but drink, nowhere to go but corn, everyone is either a dumbass or in engineering. Just awful. After two years I am finally transferring out of this shit-hole.

>> No.2160181

#4 - oh good my education has been validated by the internet.