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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2157289 [Reply] [Original]

Is A Game of Thrones good book? If not, could you suggest something better? I am looking for good fiction/sci-fi series that I could listen on audiobook.

>> No.2157296

>Game of thrones
>good fiction
>sci-fi series
>sci-fi series
>Game of thrones

either your English isn't proficient or you're an idiot.

>> No.2157295

Cool series, cool characters - though some really ARE annoying. Read it before someone shows up and tells you that Jon dies in book 5

>> No.2157303

I meant fantasy or sci-fi

>> No.2157306

Yeah, it's pretty good. The last two books slow down a bit but the first 3 are great so it's worth reading.

>> No.2157309

thanks, I will read it then. It was one of the first normal audiobook in piratebey top list, but their taste is horrible, so I thought to check here fist. sorry for bad englsh

>> No.2157358


you, sir, have been trolled.

>> No.2157361

Mixed bag, but sort of a perfect read.

The main issue is to come, but more minorly, the prose style is pretty wretched, especially in the first two books. There are a few too many 'crown weighing heavily on his head' level non-metaphors early on. Also expect much reciting of food dishes and names. There's a massive cast, but many characters could be out of a phone book.

But, you know, also expect the dramatic irony to be multilayered and delicious. Yes, the characters are often stock stand ins, acting as objects in a massive plot machine, but aren't those mechanical movements just the finest?

The structure and irony is complex excellence if you can keep it straight. I like to imagine it's being told by my creepy old uncle pouring out some wine and spinning the goddamn best fantasy yarn I'd heard but also pretty clearly including sexy loli time because he's into that but won't admit it, just laughing it off and other times angrily telling me it's the story's fault that shit got in, I (choose to) depict some raw shit right here. But he's so passively creepy that it's just laughable, so I can swig another glass and demand
another chapter. Fascinating study of being an author.

>> No.2157377

>but aren't those mechanical movements just the finest?
No, for fuck's sake. That's what we call shitty writing.

>> No.2157407


typical victim of arbitrary yet forcefully binding "standards". a camouflaged form of obsessive disorder, possibly brought on by childhood rectal trauma involving daddy and an empty Guiness bottle.

>> No.2157411

>typical victim of arbitrary yet forcefully binding "standards".
There's absolutely nothing binding about standards except if you're the sort of person who is unable to meet them. In confucian tradition, for example, it is strict necessary conformity to ritual and convention under which the greatest artistic and individual freedom is made possible. This is of course, nothing more than a recognition of the necessity for rules and regulations in aesthetic practice, along with all other areas of life, (cf. Freud on the pleasure principle, etc etc).

Also, shut the fuck up satan.

>> No.2157420

Okay guys, I think some people are new here and haven't been introduced yet to this "Deep&Edgy" guy. Most will find him utterly pretentious, vain, arrogant or whatever. The rule of thumb when dealing with him is: Do not reply to that guy! His use of a tripcode is clearly a sign of his desperate need for attention. Do not grant him this favor, he doesn't deserve it. And whatever argument you may come up with, someone's already thought of it before. There has been thousands of useless debates with that guy, just don't bother trying. Ignore him and enjoy a good ASOIAF thread.

>> No.2157439

OP here. I know that guy from /v/, he is trolling stalker threads. Atleast I got my answers before this thread turned to shit

>> No.2157457

>There's absolutely nothing binding about standards except if you're the sort of person who is unable to meet them

question begging is expected at this point

>in the confucian traditon


>the necessity for rules and regulations in aesthetic practice

those who lack basic mental freedom and creativity will necessarily resort to retrospective examination and adherence to previously set methodology and "standards".

>> No.2157463

The only real bad thing about the series is that it is not complete. For some people this might be a down side since when you catch up you are at the mercy of the writer. Who knows if he will ever finish it, since it is football season and old George love's his football.

>> No.2157466

>those who lack basic mental freedom and creativity will necessarily resort to retrospective examination and adherence to previously set methodology and "standards".
I'd say you were question begging at this point but I don't need to because I know what I'm talking about. In making that assertion you've already adhered to previously set methodology and standards. That is because you do not understand the manner in which it becomes possible or meaningful to demarcate mental freedom and creativity. yawn

>> No.2157470
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we sophistry now

>> No.2157471

Do you sage all your posts because you are a coward?

>> No.2157475

We've been over this, D&E... just admit you need help, and then seek it.

I promise you you'll feel a lot better.

>> No.2157476


he heard somebody call it a pigskin and thought they were talking about pork rinds

>> No.2157478
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