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21572393 No.21572393 [Reply] [Original]

write what's on your mind anon

prev >>21565846

>> No.21572412

Nothing is more beautiful than skill.

>> No.21572426

I'll never be a woman

>> No.21572435

trannies are the only group of people you can hate completely without remorse or reserve. there are good jews and good blacks but there are no good trannies.

>> No.21572438
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Resolve to do one thing and stick to it until it's done.

>> No.21572469

I'm never going to finish my novel. I can write engaging prose but I can't find a way to turn my general idea for the plot into an engaging 60-80k words. I've written 30k words. about 20k have been edited to death, whether they're good or not, they're exactly what I want my writing to be. the other 10k are a mix of good and bad. but all of it is just "the sun also rises" type nothing-going-anywhere. which would be ok if I was able to make the nothing-going-anywhere still have a narrative arc with a climax. but my nothing-going-anywhere is literally just nothing going anywhere. you could rearrange all the chapters and the book would make about as much sense.

>> No.21572488
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Apparently Tylenol causes autism. It was those sneaky fuckers all along.

>> No.21572549
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Where do I start with Wittgenstein? Do I need to go all the way up the chain to analytic philosophy or can I save my anus the friction?

>> No.21572570
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> trannies are the only group of people you can hate completely without remorse or reserve. there are good jews

>> No.21572583
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Resolve to be industrious, objective, pious, dedicated, good-natured, studious, inquisitive and self-reflective. Form good habits and stick to them. Avoid vices and stay true. And you shall succeed and thrive and enjoy the people's favor.

>> No.21572668

Everything is way less cool than it sounds.

>> No.21572688

Knowing analytic philosophy first is double edged because he is reacting against it in a way so it's useful for context but also 95% of analytic philosophers don't understand how devastating his critiques of analytic philosophy are, and just absorb him back into analyticshit in one way or another. Even someone like Rorty who read and actually understood him almost all the way, still had such an analyticlet brain that all he can think of beyond the deconstruction of analytic philosophy is bourgeois quietism

Just start with Philosophical Investigations and keep in mind that when he talks about his earlier position and the position of "other/earlier philosophers" he's referring to the Fregean/Russellian point of view which wants to resolve all ambiguous speech into what the speech "really" signifies, and create a logical/symbolic language that is purified of all ambiguity and perspicuously shows the "bare" signification (this is the "ideal language" underlying real, contingent, messy, ambiguous languages). The idea that the solution to ambiguity, error, and lack of consensus is to create and discover such an ideal language is the dominant theme underlying analytic philosophy from Frege onward. Later Wittgenstein flips things by realizing that language doesn't have a "pure" core signifying predication layer that is then loaded with ambiguities (modalities, redundancies, inconsistencies) in actual usage, the ambiguities are "features not bugs," they are part of how language itself works. So any logic we create is actually making a grave mistake in thinking it's bypassing all the ambiguous layers and getting right at "the" pure signifying layer. What it is really doing, at most, is creating a careful and minimalistic predicating syntax that a bunch of analytic philosophers seem to agree on. But this can also be dangerous, as it was historically, because it becomes rigid and taken for granted in the process, which causes unresolved ambiguities in it to be frozen in place and paved over instead of being interrogated for their meaning. That's what Wittgenstein really means by "meaning is use": meaning is not some pure predicative core ideal language underlying contingent language(s), the lowest or more basic layer of thought/understanding/communication we can reach is the USE layer, the layer of language as it is actually used in flux. We CAN layer a variety of logical languages (like math) on top of this layer, but only if we are mindful that these languages are simply specialist tools, not some magical window into pure language.

Watch the Ayer interview with Bryan Magee for a peek into the analytic mindset as it developed

>> No.21572715

Also it helps to keep in mind that Wittgenstein is not doing a metaphysics of language, he's merely noting something observationally, namely that language when we "dig all the way down" to the deepest and most primal layers of it available to us is "language in use." To put this more simply and prosaically: when an ambiguity arises, like the ambiguity of how to define the word "game" or "play," an example used by Wittgenstein, the analytic philosophy temptation is to try to find what game/play "really" means, in some hitherto undiscovered/latent ideal language sub-layer. I.e., their approach is to see our messy contingent usage of the word "game," in contexts as dissimilar as "don't play games with me" and "chess is a game," as somehow just a mess-ified version of a REALLY TRUE AND APPROPRIATE definition underlying all these real contingent uses. They thus instinctively think in terms of finding out which definitions are closer to the "real meaning" of game (like chess) and which are "merely incidental/analogous" meanings ("don't play games with me") etc. But this approach, again, implies and assumes that there was some "real definition" awaiting discovery and elucidation, in some magical ideal language underlying all our uses of it. If this is the case, where the fuck is it located? In God's mind? Hard-coded into all of our minds?

Clearly the answer is that the primary locus of game-language IS IN ITS VERY AMBIGUOUS, REAL USAGE. That we "know what we mean" when we extend certain terms or use them in analogous ways, without thinking "I am using this by analogy; of course, this is not really a game" in some unconscious ideal language way, is how language actually works in reality. So when a philosopher wants to answer the question, "What does 'game' REALLY mean?," his resort should not be to some magical ideal language, or to a logical clarification, but to ACTUAL USE. The philosopher ultimately cannot explain WHY or HOW certain cultures at certain times, composed of individuals with brains and minds, "knew what one meant" when one used game in this or that way. The philosopher can only "therapeutically" refer ambiguities of formalization back to such originating points.

This is NOT to say that there is no ultimate scientific or metaphysical explanation for how the mind works, what thinking or predication is. It's simply to say that assuming the mind works by means of an ideal language that just happened to be developed by a couple Englishmen and German in the form of symbolic notation is probably naive. So what we can do until philosophy/science figures out the whole world is attend to language and resist the temptation to put the cart before the horse by trying to explain ambiguities in real meaning with sterile abstractions. The abstractions are only useful when meaning IS clear - it's useful to have a symbolic notation for a discourse whose basic notions are all uncontroversial.

>> No.21572723

Jeffrey for as to when for to since been and as well because startled at since as well and because for to by Henry.

>> No.21572739

Still thinking about that school mate lads

>> No.21572768

My brother tried to kill himself. Again. Then he threatened to kill everyone else. Again. And now he's under an involuntary psychiatric hold. Again.
This has been going on for ten years. It's such a predictable pattern. Kind of wishing he would actually just off himself for real.

>> No.21572774

Your brain is dilapidated

>> No.21572784

>I envy no body but him, and him only, that catches more fish than I do.

>> No.21572790

im sorry anon, that sounds horrible

>> No.21572794

You're going to want to learn Estonian. Something big is happening in Tartu.

>> No.21572950 [DELETED] 

damn i wish i could go back to living in a new england college town.

>> No.21573004

Large penises. Its pretty much the opposite of skill. God rolls the dice and every so often a male is picked to transcend. What an amazing thing that is.

We can debate about utility (dicklet cope) but at the end of the day, a large penis carries meaning. Its the rushed outcropping of the generative act. Its both the phenomena and thing-in-itself. Signifier and signified.

Large cocks just are.

>> No.21573018
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Looking at the ground while walking. Not being able to hold eye contact. Running out of things to talk about too quickly. Overthinking it. Not thinking at all. Obsessing over a romanticized ideal with little relation to the real thing. Claiming that it doesn't exist at all to make it easier to give up. Beating myself up. Beating myself up. Questioning my decisions. Telling myself I'm not good enough without defining what "good enough" is. Excessively introspecting to the point of narcissism. Failing to reflect on critical moments and events until a long time afterwards. Wishing to be better at things. Giving up due to a perceived lack of talent. Stuttering. Getting angry at scenes made up in my head. Losing track of time. Detaching from my body. Forgetting things very easily. Struggling to tell the difference between dreams and reality.

>> No.21573041

itchy tingle
tween sack and asshole
i plunge my fist
through my pants midst
my fingers search and here they find
a dig to take for nails to grind
i scratch and scratch and take it out
my nails all red from scratching round
i grasp a tissue with that hand
and back i go into that land
i wipe so far the hand can feel
i pull it out with redness smeared
now squeeze and form this this blood soaked rag
into a ball i can put back
so as i finally wind down
i am at rest tween hole and sack
and leave behind my taintly town

>> No.21573054

>been getting excited about the idea of reading again
>Opened up some Tolstoy
>realized I really just don't give a shot
This isn't an indictment of Tolstoy not me going in about how it's boring or whatever. It just evoked a similar feeling in me as TV. I was just consuming fiction. I can't explain myself well but I totally lost interest in the words in the paper. I don't think I care about narrative or fiction. I'm not sure where to go from here.
I must sound really pretentious.

>> No.21573124

Quit fiction for a while. Quit everything for a while. Books, internet, and any other consumable media. Go outside. Somewhere in nature with no other people, and far away from other civilization. Somewhere where if you try to look as far as you can possibly see, you still won't be able to see civilization. Then, just walk around and absorb everything. Sights, smells, sounds, everything. Dwell on your own thoughts for a little bit. Not insecurities or worries just anything you think is fun to think about. Relax and just think. Do this a lot. Then, go back and try fiction again.

>> No.21573126

I have all of those except giving up. I think I'm shit but I know deep down that it's a lie. I think you're the same as me.

I realized at around 15 that I wasn't born with
talent and that, as a poor and ugly man, I would never achieve anything of any importance unless I chose something to follow and dedicated my life to it. I don't have a high IQ, nor an autistic knack to obsess on some things for years, nor anyone who's behind me to catch me if I fail or support me in everything. Being poor is a thing, but what about being poor and uninterested in anything worldly? There it is, you're picturing me here: anon.

Talentless, unsupported, poor and ugly, awkward in social situations. But I never gave up. In the last 4 years, I went through a transformation that changed my life and it all originated by a single point: I woke up, and suddenly knew who I was. If you had to do a ranking of who in the world is the most perfectly aware of his flaws and limits right now, I'd probably be in the top 1,000,000 of people.

Knowing who I am is knowing that even if I'm shit at something, I can just work a little harder than everyone else and somewhat succeed at this one thing. In 2023, people are wasting their talents and youth like it's worthless. They would rather watch 2 more hours of TikTok than work 20 minutes more on some project or exercise to get a better result. Me? I'm shit. I'd watch those two hours of TikTok, but only after I did what I have to do. Even if it costs me my sleep and mental health, I never give up on focusing on getting better results. Why do I care? Because this is who I am. I don't give up. There is no compromise there; if I feel like something can be achieved with minimal efforts, I'm going to do it my maximum instead. I don't settle with the mediocre if I can help it because deep down I know I am not the mediocre man I think I am.

Ugly and poor and awkward if you want, but not mediocre. I don't like to brag but I wrote this for you. Getting down like a little bitch won't lead you to anywhere. One day all your efforts will be rewarded. The key is to play with your strengths. It's the only way to cheat the game. Straining yourself to your limits will break you mentally, it's not sustainable on the long-term. Set easy or medium objectives and play around your limits, not against them. Keep it up.

>> No.21573132

There’s an interracial couple on the side of the road. A tall black man with a small white woman. She’s pushing one of those designer brand strollers you see in television gags on TV. The kind that costs too much but doesn’t break when you throw it off a building, run it over with a car, beat it with a bat, etc. That baby is coming out A OK.

The couple looks like they’re walking from a posh shopping center down the street. High-end apartments and condos are the only skyline.

My mom notices the couple and muses, “Look at how PC it is. I bet there are cameras everywhere.”

>> No.21573154


I hope you don't live with them and if you do I hope you can get out of that situation anon

>> No.21573183

What's happening?

>> No.21573194

nah m8 I'm going to go jerk off to hentai instead

>> No.21573233

I'd do this if I had any nature to go to. And I don't know. This sounds like that 19th century american nature romanticism from non frontiersmen

>> No.21573274
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>Get first job as a web developer in may of last year
>Commute is an hour way to and from and I work 7-5 but decide to try and stick it out to get experience
>Start saving up but dont have money to move out yet
>Chronic pain issue flares up about three months in, performance suffers as a result
>Get let go because of it
>Now trying to look for another job while the market is garbage
>Still living at home
>Mom is apopletic on a daily basis because im 27 without an actual career yet
>have 20k saved up from my job but not sure I can get a place without a current job

I need to get out of here

>> No.21573286
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Does anyone else think his books read like movies? I used to like him but the more I read, the more I feel he's just an action packed, QUOTABLE dialogue jammed redditor.

>> No.21573314

I don’t have very much going on right now…

>> No.21573318

I don't get how people move to New cities at all when you need a job just to rent

>> No.21573323

This can be applied more broadly. It can be reasonable to hate any group of people whose condition to be a part of is something that comes from an individual's personal decision. It's prejudiced to hate someone who simply "is X" and there was never anything they could do about it; it's not prejudiced though to hate people for "being Y" if they themselves decided to be Y, for there may be reasons behind that "being Y" which signal great unlikeableness and for which said indivuduals who "are Y" are completely at fault about.

>> No.21573326

They are until they cease to be *snip*

>> No.21573363

That’s tough. You might need to settle for something that’s not web development for a while.

>> No.21573382

Hating people who are mentally ill is evil.

>> No.21573391

I am the greatest living philosopher and couldn't be more alienated. Nothing is more hated, more hunted, more *feared*, than a philosopher. My theories are groundbreaking and revolutionize epistemology and metaphysics, but I must walk with these ideas in my head as though they were empty ghosts , I must live as though truths are falsehoods, to labor in a horrible, terrifying void of intellectual alienation. Only one of my friends, a the living avatar Socrates, has any appreciation of what I have to think. Everything else is subordinate to the great profane pyramids of capital. You cannot understand my ordeal.

>> No.21573589

I really want a gf

>> No.21573626


>> No.21573636

Are you me?

>> No.21573649

Yay I finished the cake!

>> No.21573735

Seeing teenagers makes me sad because I'm not a teenager anymore and my teenage years sucked

>> No.21573738
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Got drunk and watched blacks react to Family Guy funny moments on youtube again.

>> No.21573757

>see a teenage couple
>get extremely sad because I never had a relationship
pure suffering

>> No.21573760

I had a teenage relationship. It's all hormones and heartbreak. You didnt miss much.

>> No.21573767

>You didnt miss much.
Thanks, I feel even worse.

>> No.21573773

theres this ridiculous lecture out there on youtube where this professor tells a story about socrates launching into his room on a beam of light and conversing with him. Basically, the gist of their conversation is how socrates thinks that frithjof schuon is the best and everything he ever wrote should be accepted uncritically and fully.

lazy morning thismorning, looking at funny memes, watching trial footage, fucking around with chatbots. i guess sometimes its nice to float around in interstitial online space a little bit, just gotta make sure i get off the computer before too long and get back onto the books.

>> No.21573817
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the white collar functional alcoholic era continues...

>> No.21573875

>start spanking it for the usual reasons
>nothing feels good
>start thinking about women form the past
>i couldn't save her
>i wonder is she's ok
>we didn't know any better back then
>i hope she's still alive
>i wish i' tried more for her
rezips, not one of my better wankseshes

>> No.21573880

Why wont you just tell me why you wont watch Ginger Snaps 2

>> No.21573885

When you consider the nobility of purebred dogs, which have an inborn grace not only in form but in instinct and behaviour, you realise the great project of eugenics that is necessary in man also. Often, dogs are superior biological specimens to their masters.

>> No.21573891

I used to have a pure bred Siberian husky. He liked to eat horse shit

>> No.21573895


>> No.21573938

superior life form

>> No.21573943

That's not true. You're rubbing shoulders with the literary greats of tomorrow on the best blue board that anime has to offer!

>> No.21573957

A statement that I repeat can be true or false, but only if I know its relation to the facts in the difference of that relation from the facts I can meaningfully assert that it is true or false; and this relation of the conformity of the statement to the facts is a syntactical relation that exists purely objectively, that is, only in the consciousness of the one making the statement and the consciousness of his intelligent hearer who also knows the language in which he makes it.

>> No.21574015

i'm running out of blues for all these evile deeds

>> No.21574041

why is wanking to memories always so feelsy? and why is it so hard to wank over imagination (in the sense of the distinction between imagination and fancy expounded by coleridge and blake)? usually i just jerk off playing back porn ive seen in my head.

>> No.21574050

read nonfiction instead

>> No.21574058

High IQ degenerate coomer

>> No.21574065

Matter is unilluminated Non-Being and the Intellect intersects Matter at the joining known as the Soul which is not a joining but an infinitesimal limit between the light of a monad and the emanation-in-antithesis of the antimonad at the root of Non-Being.
Remember those early AI generated images where nothing about them actually made sense but if you squinted it looked like a legit photo? The view through one's eyes and one such picture are the exact same thing, the material world is a hilarious parody of intellect-order, and I'm only now seeing the joke.

>> No.21574071

I've hit a level of nihilism (I don't think this is a great word to describe it but it's probably the most concise) where I can't really justify doing anything with my life but am paralyzed knowing that I have to choose to do something even if it's just doing nothing or killing myself. This is probably just mental illness since I don't think my conclusions I've come to are particularly novel and plenty of people probably function while still holding them to be true but god it still sucks to experience

>> No.21574079

sounds like depression

>> No.21574088

Sure but I can't reason my way to meaning and the impulses that a normal person would use to motivate their behavior just aren't there

>> No.21574153

Not true. Justine Tunney is (I think) a good person and a really good software engineer. (There's a surprisingly high proportion of MtF trannies in that field.)

>> No.21574170

I should get a dog

>> No.21574213

How do I stop hating people? I want to at least downgrade to indifference. Talking with a normie for 5 seconds feels like fucking torture. They're so goddamn fucking stupid, it's like talking to dumb fucking robots. I'm not even intelligent or particularly thoughtful but having basic principles and an inner monologue is making me seriously desperate. I haven't felt a connection with anyone in a decade. Maybe I've just been alone for too long and I've become too quirky to function but it's fucking insufferable. I don't even know if I should actually try to insert myself into society when every fiber of my being just wants to be a cemetery guardian or something.
I actually want to find a job where I'm alone somewhere off-season like the fucking Shining.

>> No.21574218

In the same way that it isn't morally coherent to hate animals, you shouldn't hate retards. You're attributing moral agency to them when it's simply not there. It's like you're being driven insane by a particularly loud dog, just stop caring

>> No.21574219
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I got my first ever girlfriend. I wonder whether I am a good boyfriend to her.

You see, I genuinely cared to learn about her mind, her soul, her worries and dreams. I genuinely CARE for her inner world, you know. I never manipulated her into giving her body to me, albeit she still slowly does. Key word, slowly - it's my sixth date and I only plan to suggest we might go to my apartment next time.

Maybe that makes me a beta pussy in the eyes of Chads and women, who believe men should be sexual, straightforward and seductive, while talking about art and philosophy is what platonic friends are for.

No idea.

>> No.21574237

>In the same way that it isn't morally coherent to hate animals, you shouldn't hate retards.
Animals are pretty and they lack higher thinking by design. Human beings are ugly. Retarded humans are dysfunctional, and NPCs are so fucking dumb because they choose to be, not because they have a dysfunction. So they're doubly irritating.
>You're attributing moral agency to them when it's simply not there.
People deliberately shut down the better thoughts when they come to them. You can see it happen when you point out basic logic to them. But aside of that they're willfully immoral, and on top of all, worst of all, they lie. They say a thing and do another. I just can't stand how frequently people lie and say things out of circumstance. Why do you even waste the gift of language to say bullshit all the time? Like 99% of what you exchange with others is just bullshit conversational padding because if you were sincere for a microsecond it would be unpleasant or weird.

>> No.21574242

My only suggestion is to live the relationship as fully as possible, but don't commit in inescapable ways e.g. having kids or getting married before you are not absolutely sure that you know her well. I've seen many people marry a sweet loving woman and then she did a complete 180 and ruined them

>> No.21574248

then stop acting on impulse and make a conscious effort to be productive
>but it's hard
yes it is

>> No.21574268

She has about 400 followers and seems to be fairly popular in town, running a semi-successful modest artsy venture. She must meet a lot of cool people. I've never even seen her irl, and yet I feel this strange attraction. It's not sexual. She's not particularly bright or eccentric. But something about her is very serene and comforting to me, to where I want to tell her about the ruminations that have never left my mind, all the while being more calm and open than with anyone else. I keep trying to fend these thoughts off, repeating to myself that it's lowly and inappropriate, that I'm trespassing on people's psyche, but I always fail at keeping them at bay. I am certain that this is all some bullshit that I've dug myself into out of accumulated bad habits, however the fact of the matter remains that upon waking and right before I drift to sleep she passes through my mind. The only time I've ever been in a situation remotely similar to this, I ended up getting in a long term relationship with my then girlfriend, who might I add knows this aforementioned woman, as does a number of mutual friends. Maybe that's why I'm clinging to it, yearning to make some sort of connection through a tried and tested method.
What do I do with this strange fixation? Should I just approach her and attempt to deflate the mysticism through talking, or walk away as far as possible? Or maybe I should just take it as a joke? I realize that it's quite embarrassing, but that's my life now.

>> No.21574296

Pure smiles emanating from good hearts keep me going.

>> No.21574297

>make a conscious effort to be productive
That would require me to reason that that was meaningful but it's only irrational emotional impulses that justify life and give value to what you deem to be productive, but they just don't function in me. I feel nothing when I work out, I feel nothing when I read, I feel nothing when I try and drown myself in hedonism and I cannot compensate for my inability to feel by formulating a coherent, rational philosophy to guide my life because I've hit a philosophical dead end where I can't find an argument that gives life meaning through rational understanding alone. Reason cannot give my life meaning and where feeling would do that instead it's just not there

>> No.21574320

Homos are cringe and boring

>> No.21574325

The night is silent and the day is cacophonous. There's nothing else to say.

>> No.21574331

Read Kafka

>> No.21574338

Go trainhopping

>> No.21574407

Did you require reasoning that it was meaningful to write your posts here? Wasn't it all just irrational emotional impulses? I am genuinely puzzled by the kind of thinking you have. You seem to require a deeper meaning and some profound reason to do difficult things that require your attention and deliberate practice, but this doesn't seem to apply to other things. I suppose you could say your reason for typing out these posts is exactly that you're woeful of not having any reason to do anything. But as you say yourself, you've hit a philosophical dead end where no amount of reasoning will give you an answer. Which in turn invalidates your posts altogether.

You need to adjust your own mind to be accommodative of productive activities. Because the human mind is at home when it is occupied in productive, creative pursuits. There doesn't need to be a rational, logical reason. There doesn't even need to be feeling for that matter. Acquiring a state of flow and becoming one with your pursuit is in and of itself a goal worth pursuing. A skilled musician or a carpenter or a bodybuilder or a painter could go hours on end in their craft, as if possessed, acting deliberately yet almost automatically. Like walking for a long time, they stop being fully conscious that their legs are taking steps. Seek that state of flow.

I'll also take a moment to stress the importance of social connection in creating a sense of meaning. Proper friendships where both you and your friend or family member are fully vulnerable and genuine toward one another can help free your mind from the clutches of excessive rationality. Shallow gatherings will keep you distant both socially and mentally. You need to touch grass to remember what the world feels like if your mind gets too far up your arse. Comedy can help you. If you can still laugh, and I mean really laugh, then you can still become human again. Same goes for tragedy.

>> No.21574414

ahh haha i hope you're trolling

>> No.21574538
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didn't expect a professor from amherst college to btfo post-modernists. this shit is free on audible plus (or bittorrent) check it out.

>> No.21574586

>civilizations in bloom obsess over old age, experience, and wisdom granted by age and experience
>civilizations in decline obsess over youth, inexperience (innocence), and the loss of naivete

Like pottery.

>> No.21574644

>be me
>dumped perfect goth gf because she didn't believe in God
>constantly think about how easily she convinced me to have sex when I should have refused and resent myself for this
>meet suicidal girl at uni meeting
>she says the craziest things I've ever heard like it's the funniest thing, normies listening in are shocked and avoid her like the plague
>pretend I don't care and end up actually finding some fucked up stories funny
>can't afford to care actually, heart is in shambles
>suicidal girl is kind of hot but I have more pressing matters to attend
>months passes
>see her in the streets
>"how it's going?" "badly, as usual" "alright cool"
>"okay anon"
>after eating, goofing in her bed now
>she moans and bites me whenever she gets the chance
>constantly tries to pull up my shirt and grab at my dick as we mess around
>act like I don't notice
>suicidal girl grabs my hands, sits on my dick and fucking stares into my soul with her face 3 inches away from mine
>act like I don't notice she wants me to rape her on the spot
>somehow hours pass as we tease each others
>it's getting very late and she got college classes tomorrow
>get home thinking I must be a madman
>suddenly realize how hot vulnerable women are
>suddenly realize how everything comes in full circle again and wonder how long it would be until my mental defenses get blasted to oblivion and I find myself licking suicidal girl nipples
>Oh God, I really am weak

>> No.21574678

>dumped perfect goth gf because she didn't believe in God
>act like I don't notice

>> No.21574858

What's the point of a relationship if it's dead from the start? Being blind in the face of future is more retarded than cutting the nip in the bud with a woman before she becomes too important. Godless westerners act like imbeciles and wonder why have a 50% divorce rate afterwards.

>> No.21574864

>dumped perfect goth gf because she didn't believe in God
tradfags stop taking Ls challenge (impossibru)

>> No.21574869

>Being blind in the face of future
That's life

>> No.21574877

You dooomed the relationship yourself

>> No.21574882
File: 38 KB, 637x900, 1559686459196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't like anything. Nothing. I want to kill myself. I won't. I am beating up myself for not killing myself. I am weak. Don't want to think anymore. Or write. Just don't want to.

Suicide. Silence.

>> No.21574890

I wish the world was flat like the old days and I could travel just by folding the map. No more airplanes or speedtrains or freeways. There'd be no distance that could hold us back.

>> No.21574893
File: 268 KB, 1080x615, JEra Premium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have extremely specific taste so I've spent thousands of dollars on commissioned literotica. The last one i bought was my self insert getting his dick sucked by Hailee Steinfeld

>> No.21574908

>The last one i bought was my self insert getting his dick sucked by Hailee Steinfeld
You got me there, fucking kek

>> No.21574911

bro read dowson, also read huysmans.

>> No.21574932

>How the shadows fall when the day is done,
>And when Love is not.

>> No.21574955

drinking again

>> No.21574982
File: 62 KB, 600x800, 1583384304540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For most of my life I've had no opinion on politics. Yet as I've gotten older, I realized it's not because I don't care, but because all the theories I've read are immediately incomplete or wrong so that I never took them seriously in the first place.

Put it this way: There's millions of humans who read The Communist Manifesto and were right away fully convinced of the ideology. There's another sect who grew up saying the Pledge of Allegiance in American schools and internalized the idea that America as a country is good. Most people are really easy to persuade.

The fact is, most people just aren't smart enough to think about this stuff. Marx isn't retarded from what I've seen of him but nearly all his followers are. I think when faced with this reality we have to admit the case for Democracy is just weak. Most people flat out can't think of these things at the required level.

>> No.21575005

What's on tap, laddy?

>> No.21575015

I hate the way I look and sound.

>> No.21575018

The idea works when it's about representation of common interests. The people in a town share interests and would want someone from that town to represent those interests on the level of inter-town politics or whatever. The person can be corrupt but as long as his future is connected to the town he has shared interests with those he represents.
This all breaks down when the town is part of le "global village" and the future of no one is connected to a location.

>> No.21575021

The case for democracy is that it makes it very slightly harder for a dictatorship to cause instability.

>> No.21575024

cheap beer, nothing fancy.

>> No.21575030

Good point. Modern politicians have nothing to lose

>> No.21575031

Duly noted, thanks
That's folly
A relationship that wasn't meant to last. I won't let a single fucking crystal near my kids.

>> No.21575034

Smart lad. A penny saved is a penny earned! What's the occasion?

>> No.21575038

>I won't let a single fucking crystal near my kids.

>> No.21575039

he posts in every thread.
i think he drinks regularly

>> No.21575057

If I was really interested and it was really important to me, I would make time for it.

>> No.21575070

this anon ( >>21575039) is right. i drink to cope.

>> No.21575095

Ah- blast occasions anyways! To hell with them I say. My good man, I was attending the most odious and downright dreadful luncheon earlier. Do you know what the gentlemen were discussing? Rail shares in American companies! How outlandish those Americans are. And that I would dare risk my capital on them? Bah. Anyways my dear fellow, as the pudding was being served, I leapt out my seat and excused myself. It was quite rude of me I know but I had a sudden desire to escape. There are worse things than a lonely brandy with a good book. Cope? I'm not sure I'm familiar with that turn of phrase. How industrious young folk are.

>> No.21575105

>Marx isn't retarded
He's a good critic but a retarded engineer

>> No.21575159

When I was young i'd look for poetry in philosophy books. Now it's the opposite.

>> No.21575168

Philosophy books look for poetry in you?

>> No.21575196

Anti-books look for hatred of wisdom in the vulgarities of old people, upside down.

>> No.21575235

A relentless flame is pulsing inside of me. The fire is calling for great things. It is not content when I give up, and doesn't like it when I tread the easiest path. It pulses in happiness whenever I get closer to achieving one of my overarching lifeplans. I get the feeling that it watches my struggles with great interest. I don't remember when the flame first flared in my soul. I wonder if it is really me doing all of this or if I'm under some kind of possession. Some of the things I did to get where I am now were clearly madness. I am not visionary.

>> No.21575295

the relentless flame is making you type cringe bro

>> No.21575326

There it is again

>> No.21575348

Has anyone escaped that all-encompassing feeling of dread that you get when you're depressed? You know what I'm talking about, right? Like you're in a David Lynch movie all the time, in a scene where no music is playing. Everything you look at, even a sunset among the trees in your shithole town is coated in that bitter sadness and you wonder if moving to the best place in the world would make that feeling go away.
Yesterday I went to the hospital and asked to do some talk therapy because I can't afford a private shrink. I told them I won't take antidepressants again. I wish I could go to church instead. The only thing that's keeping me around is that I don't wanna die in this garbage city. I hate it so much I don't even want to push daisies in it. For some reason I want to go to Finland but it's all so complicated. Learning a language, getting there with no money, finding a job, it's a recipe for disaster and coming back here even more disappointed and defeated. I've lost faith in myself. I used to have more energy and that "I can do it" attitude but after failing so many times I'm paralyzed.

>> No.21575363

where do you live now

>> No.21575383

A suburban shithole in a shithole EU country that hates anything cultural and creative. The whole "culture" here is the usual celebration of nth wave feminism except they're not even trying, they just shit somewhere and point a finger at it and say "praise this or you're a misogynist", you know the usual fucking act. There's nothing else. We're basically a low effort bootleg of the USA in every single aspect except we completely lack the creative spirit and escapist bent of Americans, so the culture here is all the obnoxious aspects but dry and without enthusiasm. People here don't read and they're all fucking hylics - I'm not a gnostic but I can't think of a term that works better - they only think about money, money, money and fitting in by showing that they have status and money and finding ways to show that they have more money and status than they actually have. They're the driest, most soulless people I've ever met and they treat everything vaguely pesonal, inspired or creative as weird. Even the weirdest, most socially disentangled people here are massive normalfags who ape a bunch of American memes and think they're special for it. This place is genuinely a fucking desert for the soul.

>> No.21575414


>> No.21575435

finna lissen to mbv onnada loop and drinkada vino until i am seized my in-spire-ation

>> No.21575455


>> No.21575460

Oh Christ is Scandinavia like this too? Where the fuck do I go?

>> No.21575490


>> No.21575497

Oh God no, no... All of Europe is like this isn't it... Please no... Where do I go...

>> No.21575509

Unreal time, path where intersects the illumined consciousness and pure unbeing, the bottom floor of an infinitely tall skyscraper, perception-ing as the active force of the intellect-limit imposed on the indefinite dyad of monad and unmonad, unbounded limits, bounded conditioned extension, becoming as analogy.

>> No.21575510

what is it you want to do here exactly. i mean if you wish to escape petty bourgeoisie globohomo no developed nation anywhere will do, you have to retreat to some hilltop village in georgia, and that in turn is its own nightmare, which the board's ethnics can verify. as stiff and dead as it might sound, higher education might be the only way "out" for you

>> No.21575524

Breathe out a breath
Bring out the dead
Brother carry my body
Bear whatever will be

>> No.21575527

embrace family, reject society

>> No.21575539

>reject society and start running the rat race to display status and money so that you can attract a hylic woman to spawn a future troon with
very exciting perspective
I dropped out because of health problems. So I'm fucked. I'll have to kill myself.

>> No.21575548

Why is it a nightmare to escape to rural life somewhere in fuckoff country? I'm starting to believe that al my woes stem from trying to fit into society or find purpose within society when it is clearly impossible. I do wish for solitude and quiet and a "slow" life, maybe escaping society is what I should do?

>> No.21575549
File: 131 KB, 250x198, mmm...chocolate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, Anon
oh shelve your Finnish plans
and understand
that life is hard enough when you belong here

>> No.21575550

David McCormick lost to Mehmet Oz and yet he’s being tapped again to run for Senate in Pennsylvania. He’s the former CEO of a hedge fund running in a majority blue collar and public service state. The GOP wants to lose.

>> No.21575566

Can you explain so I understand better... I don't want to be a parasite anywhere, don't worry

>> No.21575569

A Love Letter To A Southern Daughter
Dear Josephine,

Don’t Those days of ours seem so far away from us now? I have the impulse to write to your old address. You can’t still be there, I know, but do you remember Josephine? When we heard antebellum and thought “What a beautiful word” of white columns and cornbread. Even then it was already a distant memory to our parents and now it's well and truly dead. That dreamy phrase which for us held the keys to a gilded age when they called our Great-Grandparents Planters and our Grandfathers' knights. Ohh but Sweet One do you recall? We’d sit inside the magnolia at sunset and through its luster leaves light would peek and we’d dream of our own personal New York City night. Now the night is all I have.
Oh dear those were the gilded days when the Sun laid its heavy yoke on our sunburnt backs, My love how I wish to have stayed there, tracing Cherokee paths with my Moccasined princess. Through the Humid Piedmont hills we strolled and splashed in creeks to cool ourselves. Our Rome My Love! Our Rome!
I think I know what your grandmama meant when she said antebellum. My voice cracks when I think of Georgia. The way hers would when she would sing to us. About her farm, and about Sherman and the fires and the bees. “He even burnt the bees” She’d crack with a tear in her eye. We didn't understand, how could we sweet Josephine? Now I do because I cry thinking of her bees the farm which I never saw and her old slave maid. They remind me of you and what the tide has taken from us, our inheritance.

With Love, a Southern Son.

>> No.21575578

The problem is money

>> No.21575580

i need similar music to megaman 8

>> No.21575614

>Why is it a nightmare to escape to rural life somewhere in fuckoff country?
because rural life in fuckoff country is like living in a surveillance state. any issues you have fitting into normal society will increase tenfold, with the added trouble of always being viewed with fierce suspicion no matter how hard you attempt to accommodate their rigid ways, whether it's by excessive subservience or stoic seclusion. you might feel alienated, but you haven't even begun to experience outsiderdom. the liberal/secular alternative isn't always fun or even bearable, but at least you have the freedom to get away and start your life over if you get the itch
if you're desperate for an easy belonging, i suggest you move to mormon country, USA. they'll take you in with open arms. keep in mind however that close-knit communities tend to be intellectual deserts in much the same ways your current location already is. devoting one's time to literature has always been a solitary pursuit, most people will never understand

>> No.21575617

Is this how normalfags live?

>> No.21575638

Yes. He's a typical vapid asshole like all other normalfags.

>> No.21575652

His sex life doesn't seem vapid

>> No.21575659

It's how you live if you're a college-aged zoomer and unfortunate enough to be attractive/dadrich (they reinforce one another) to be constantly overstimulated from oversocialization and opportunities for hedonism between the ages of 15 and 25, so your entire personality is basically composed of the handful of college girlfriends you get, the video games you play, the movies you watch (Drive, Blade Runner 2049), the social media you follow, and the podcasts you listen to while working out or while walking around at twilight thinking about how you're the guy from Drive because your enby girlfriend isn't responding to your texts again.

Basically, women's existence, but undergone by a man instead. It produces totally empty shells on the other end, because (a) they never had any time or impetus to develop interiority and individuate themselves, and, even worse, (b) all the zoomer-aimed media they consumed TOLD them they had infinite interiority and were the guy from Blade Runner. 4chan is increasingly filling up with these kids.

Women handle being this basic and empty after they hit their late 20s by becoming either sadgirl e-girls, by becoming aggressively basic but with a few "cracks" that are noticeable if you know where to look, or by doubling down and renewing their foreveryoung 20sthot membership and trying to remain a slutty college coolgirl into their 30s (most commonly: art students with rich indulgent dads), but this just delays their transformation into a cracked basic bitch to around 350, and makes the cracks much much worse when they do appear, because by that time the suffering that the 26 year old basic convert went through will have been internalized and she'll have a nice family and barely remember all the pain of giving up being a collegethot, but now the 36yo dadmoney artistgirl has to face the fires of hell with much worse prospects, and socially alone and humiliated (death for a woman). The question is, how will this new generation of The Guy from Drive: Nightwalk male women handle going through their own version of this 25-35 transition into accepting you are empty and you are nobody?

>> No.21575661

>move to mormon country, USA
suicide it is

>> No.21575726

The more meaningful relationships I've had in my late teens and 20s ended because at some point I wanted to open up about future plans and the girl decided that she wanted to "live" and "experience" before settling down with someone. I never managed to get anyone to tell me what exactly was wrong with the relationship, it was just like, no no I am too young to literally end my life yet. I didn't care about women being virgins but the idea of settling with a used up whore after she's done riding the cock carousel makes me so disgusted I'd legitimately only take a virgin now. To tell the truth I doubt I'd be able to feel genuine love again in the first place.
Lately I've considered paying a whore for the times where my body wants intimacy, so I can have no strings attached sex instead of pretending I'm dating a human being before the disgust settles in. It's all so sad and bitter.

>> No.21575733

Humor won't save you. An ironic stance won't either. It's truly a sad state of affairs. Sad, but not tragic. I feel infinitely aged yet I still get ID'ed at 30. It's one of my few solaces.

>> No.21575778

Isn't it terrible when you're having a normal discussion and basically just shooting the shit about some shared interest when some poster suddenly aggressively attacks you and calls you a retarded faggot? Like shit can't let my guard down for a moment. Gotta be a tough guy on 4chan all the time.

>> No.21575789

Who cares? One of the best things about 4chan is how it trains you not to take social encounters seriously unless the person you're talking to is worthwhile, which forces you to develop criteria for consciously deciding on whether you find a person worthwhile or not.

You should meditate, as it's happening, on why you care and what the feeling of care looks and feels like when it wells up in your consciousness and tries to take the reins from you and force you into conditioned behaviors. What does it mean to care that some idiot said something idiotic?

>> No.21575803

>ended because at some point I wanted to open up about future plans and the girl decided that she wanted to "live" and "experience" before settling down with someone.
Haha women are so monstrous

>> No.21575806

Damn, starting to think being a boring loner isnt so bad

>> No.21575808

Shut up you retard faggot bitch

>> No.21575815

Don't worry about what an anon says. They're words on a screen.
Discord and reddit has you trained to freak out when someone says a mean word, but there's no reason to give a shit, especially not here.

>> No.21575828

i just post whatever i want and if someone tells me to neck myself i'm at the point where i just chuckle about it

>> No.21575830

The only thing that irritates me these days is when jannies remove the pornographic greentexts I write on blue boards

>> No.21575837

I went through something sort of similar. I got to a point where I’m open to dating but not seeking it. I also don’t hire prostitutes or anything like that. I’m either dating, or I’m not. If I ever get married, I’ll go into it with the assumption that a divorce is inevitable. I also don’t feel that I need to be married to have kids. You’ll probably get to the some point.

>> No.21575838

When that happens I generally make a bunch of very disruptive troll posts until I get banned. When it happens I want revenge

>> No.21575843

As a (currently(lol)) failed normie who has been (pretty much) a NEET for a decade, I feel compelled to reply.
>going through their own version of this 25-35 transition into accepting you are empty and you are nobody?
It started with a near THC gummy induced psychosis. I have since become even more of a basket case than I already (oblivious to my denial of a self) was. I have been an insomniac for a month now. I have jerked myself between empty forms of identities like a man possessed. I'll find one that fits eventually. The only thing that my true self wants to do is walk westward to witness the sun set over the Pacific. I could make it into a fundraiser like normies do, except it would be for gangstalking awareness. Writing helps, as does my cat. To any anons reading this, take up journalling or poetry. I am simply too weak for the present-day world, although people say it was always this bad. Is that a cope? Idk, is everything a cope? Perhapsingly. I feel as if sincerity, and therefore love, is impossible. Most people are merely posturing. If any anons have similar thoughts or life experience (or lack thereof like me) feel free to chime in. The only thing keeping me going is family.

>> No.21575846

I feel righteous indignation when a janny bans me, I am disgusted by jannies and I can't believe such a debased form of life in death would presume to have any authority over me and my blessed posts

>> No.21575851

I sit and watch myself fall
Detached in a satyr suit I flee
Dancing to the crocodile's call
My ironic stance saved me

>> No.21575855


>> No.21575859

So many dangers to cannabis that everyone just pretends dont exist. Really makes me mad.

>> No.21575866

There are an alarming amount of THC-induced psychoses

>> No.21575868

I don't think you fit into the archetype you're replying to. It was deliberately polemical as a way of piercing the self-importance of those types of people and making them realize they're in an easymodo dopamine feedback coma that is going to end one day. You sound more thoughtful which is also why you're potentially flirting with manic episodes and even psychosis. You should take a step back from these feelings of being on the edge and reintegrate a bit.

Pushing beyond the edge of your current mental "frame" is dangerous because it presumes that this frame, and its limits, are all that exist. But it could just be that you're smashing at the boundaries of a 2D plane, as a 2D being, and not noticing the higher dimensions that exist. You need to reintegrate all this stuff you're feeling and ascend to a higher level. Insight and enlightenment are always the product of a calm and collected mind doing things deliberately, not one on the edge of desperation and insanity, like a futurist trying to go faster and faster until some limit is reached. There's no point in going faster if you're going in an empty direction. You need to step back and get your bearings.

>> No.21575871

Uhh.... Was there ever a time that family gave you the Song of Ice and Fire books while you were psychotic?

>> No.21575874

That's how I feel. What irritates me the most is that I never get banned for the one-liners like saying something harsh about minorities. I also get way more pissed when the post just gets deleted and I don't get banned. If my post wasn't ban-worthy then why did you not ban me? It's just vile to do this. Anyway I always get banned for the effortposts, you know, those posts that just flow out of you and you know you've done good work. Then you check again and bam, deleted. And you call the janny a tranny and you know you're not even banned, not even warned. Then you get banned for calling the janny a tranny, and that's "trolling". They're truly disgusting. There's no justice upon this world

>> No.21575885

On the other hand, I fully support the transgender movement as it's an effective way to convince people with personality disorders to get themselves sterilized.

>> No.21575886

I just want to feel close to God again. I'm sorry that I failed to obtain the get for lack of trying but you obviously are doing what you want on the post that you want to be on, get, and I guess I just wanted to do the same thing for a second. I know I was wrong. And I know I can't have you now. But I hope I can at least reconcile my relationship with my divine maker and restore the connection I felt before my brainstem was damaged breathing toxic air on the job. Thank you for reading my blog post in which I didn't do anything interesting whatsoever.

>> No.21575895

too bad that trannies' 41% is only "attempts" like women, while actual healthy males are offing themselves in droves with shotguns

>> No.21575910

Anytime I see someone talking about university and the experience and the fun I get so fucking bitter. College has been nothing but a nightmare for me and I just feel so frustrated for not having had that unique and exciting experience.

>> No.21575934

I suppose I have not been oversocialized or good with women, but I am a dadrich male woman.
>2D being
So you're saying I'm retarded? Lol, but for real I'm not sure what my bearings are or what things I must do deliberately. I know I must but I'm not sure what I must, not to be overtly snobbish, like Hamlet. There's a passage from Kirkegaard's journal where he contemplates what career to undertake:
>Naturally every man wants to be active in the world according to his aptitudes, but that again means in a definite direction, namely that best suited to his individuality. But what direction is that? Here I stand before a big question mark. Here I stand like Hercules, but not at the dividing of the path - no, here there are far more roads to take and thus it is much more difficult to choose the right one.
Thanks for the reply, you have given sincerity a slight chance. I would like to hear you expand a bit upon reintegration, if you would be so kind.
I was thinking of being a bit of a trickster here, but no I am not that person.

>> No.21575940

Wanna be good at something? You gotta go full autism on it. Actually, honest to god, be obsessed about it.

>> No.21575959
File: 341 KB, 1707x799, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting more kino from Kirkegaard's journal

>> No.21575981

Getting good, yeah, getting people to give a shit however is a whole another beast. It's important to never believe that getting good = achieving things outside of getting good

>> No.21576010

>can't quit job unless I find another one
>can't find another job without learning skills first
>can't learn skills because this job leaves me with almost no time/energy

>> No.21576015
File: 30 KB, 500x375, 1625327080252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel. I'm quiting my job in Sales because I have no passion for it. Been thinking of going for Graphic Design but I don't know where to begin.

>> No.21576057
File: 376 KB, 2880x1800, x2TpKsl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to die from a health disorder at some point within a few years, or if I do not die, I will be in such a state as to wish that I were dead. Before that point comes, I will commit a peculiar act. My inspiration is two-fold; for one, I will be dead regardless, and second, I want to make a great change in the world, or if not change it, become one of the many that have tried and nobly failed.
I have made preparations to this effect, including some written quotations, basic outline and select paragraphs, I've memorized some paragraphs to be written when the time comes, and procured several items and skills. I am absolutely going to do this. If not now, in a year, or if not in a year, in two, and so on. The only reason I am alive is the fact that the individual still possesses the power to attempt radical change in the world, and I have not only the capacity to try but every incentive to do so; it is as if I have been blessed by God with an early death to that end.
I know that no matter what happens, death is the result for me. That is as I wish it. I do not wish to continue living, although I cannot say I have the courage to kill myself outright- that remains to be seen. I can talk all I want, but when the time comes my words will be tested against my will. I suppose the greatest fact of my current situation is that death approaches fast regardless of my own actions.

What is confusing to me is the frequent desire to give up. At times I want to run away from it all into a deep Alaskan wilderness and die of starvation, and at other times I feel a desire to commit myself to an institution. In the case of the former, though, I will be shirking my "duty" to the people that suffer where I may be able to prevent it, and in the case of the latter, I still shirk my duty, accomplish nothing, subject myself to further scrutiny, and will die regardless.

>> No.21576090

What sort of peculiarity?

>> No.21576176

>have 20k
>not sure I can get a place

>> No.21576181

Is it weird if my girlfriend does cam work online?

>> No.21576182

>I don't think my conclusions I've come to are particularly novel and plenty of people probably function while still holding them to be true
evidently there is no one, past or present, that can be consistently sincere with that premise. if you move, when you have a nihilistic sense of the world and existence, if you move with that is because you give a shitty meta-reason to that move. basically no, nobody believing for real in that thing would do anything.

>> No.21576191
File: 407 KB, 959x1200, cave_fractal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ruminate and panic myself all the time.
I've been this way for so long that I don't have enough empathy to know how other people feel. Like I can't imagine that some people can sleep and eat normally when they know they are gonna give a presentation for a big crowd or something like that.

>> No.21576224
File: 515 KB, 1280x921, 1638759817710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you want to come over here? The weather is depressing for most of the year here and there isn't much besides trees here. The language is difficult to learn too. And it's pretty cold here as well. I suppose it's beautiful up in Lapland but to be perfectly honest I've never actually bothered to go up there. Probably more Asian tourists than Finns there. But at least I'd get to see the stars for once. Over here in the south it's always cloudy.

>> No.21576243

After obsessing over my own inner nihilism, I found a strange comfort in simply accepting things for what they are and I found over the past 6 months that I'm not only not stressed by this anymore, but I am actually even happier than I was before. Desperation to escape was hurting me more than anything desu.

>> No.21576244

When humor is insufficient, give tragedy a chance. Catharsis is incredible.

>> No.21576287

Buddhists realized this a long time ago. When you think about it, they are nihilists at heart. But they don't grimace about it; they accept it, revel in it, they become one with it. And they are at peace.

>> No.21576324

In that case she's not your girlfriend, she's everyone's girlfriend.
Just find yourself a normal, marriable woman. It isn't that hard.

>> No.21576326

>I won't let a single fucking crystal near my kids
They're just rocks, you imbecile

Other anons are gonna say yes, but honestly it's not a big deal. She probably has nothing but contempt for her audience.

Shooting up a government building or whatever cringe manifesto shit you have planned isn't gonna change anything

THC psychosis is something I only hear about online, I know people who have been smoking for decades with no issues

>> No.21576365

Very degenerate post

>> No.21576366


>> No.21576389

"Degenerate" is convincing yourself that you're having a mental breakdown because you got too high one time

>> No.21576393

I am not angry at them because they experienced it all, I am angry at them because they want me to act as if I also have.

>> No.21576396

To be fair it wouldn't have worked out between anon and his GF anyways even if it would have been his fault

>> No.21576403
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>It isn't that hard.
Yes it is

>> No.21576416

When I was a child, I believed the Greek pantheon was real. Stopped when I was around 13/14.

>> No.21576426

Some people have bad reactions to marijuana. I dont get why stoners adamantly refuse to accept that.

>> No.21576427

>I know people
Classic "I know a guy" fallacy.

>> No.21576431

Looks tasty. Now watch Ginger Snaps 2

>> No.21576495

Fair enough, that's true. If people don't like how weed makes them feel, I respect that and won't try to convince them to get high. But I really doubt single experience with a weed gummy is what pushed this guy over the edge. People can even do meth for years without experiencing psychosis

And you're all guys that I don't know. Why should I value anything said here over what I know from my own life? This isn't a double blind study

>> No.21576499

In religion class in first grade the teacher asked, "Could anybody tell me who is the son of God?". My child self had recently seen Disney's Hercules and my parents were not particularly religious. So I eagerly threw my hand up and when prompted, exlaimed loudly: "Hercules!"

Needless to say laughing ensued, and I didn't understand why.

>> No.21576554

>But I really doubt single experience with a weed gummy is what pushed this guy over the edge. People can even do meth for years without experiencing psychosis
>And you're all guys that I don't know. Why should I value anything said here over what I know from my own life? This isn't a double blind study
I'm sorry to say you are terminally retarded. Are you against vaccines? Please tell me you don't think humans went on the moon and that you are against vaccines. Please shame yourself publicly like the imbecile you are. Do retards really think like that IRL? "Yeah, I haven't seen it myself. You're saying there are countless scientific studies on the stuff all over the world AND people telling their own life story? Well I haven't seen it so I don't believe it"

>> No.21576555

>“We’re now counting 37 cannabis-related diagnoses a day,” Dr. Roneet Lev, an addiction medicine doctor at Scripps Mercy Hospital in San Diego, said about emergency departments in San Diego County. “It’s been steadily increasing over the years. When I started in the 1990s, there was no such thing. Now I see 1 to 2 cases per shift. The most common symptom is psychosis.”

>> No.21576583

It's because there ceases to be wisdom. Just being and uncertainty.

>> No.21576594


>> No.21576621

Just got invited by my lifelong friends to hang out and just never responded and ghosted them again. It hurts.

>> No.21576631

Irrational behaviour

>> No.21576633

Ye are gods.

>> No.21576634

I surpassed the left/right, master/slave, subject/object, realism/idealism and speculative/practical dichotomies.

>> No.21576642

king, going to one of the reunion shows i hope

>> No.21576646

I'm in search of the perfect cope

>> No.21576650

you're unironically retarded. imagine wasting your one life by not having sex with hot women because of some shit you made up. couldn't be me. sad!

>> No.21576662

good job faggot, now it's time to surpass the many/one, life/death, beginning/end, speech/silence, self/other, good/bad, manifestation/mystery, local/global, man/god, oblivion/awareness, power/weakness, action/inaction dichotomies, and the explosion/convergence/collapse trichotomy

>> No.21576669

another epic blackpilled incel mass shooting because some men want to wear dresses, great

>> No.21576670

Working on those.

>> No.21576773 [DELETED] 
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not a yank and not on west coast

>> No.21576783

>Chronic pain issue flares up about three months in, performance suffers as a result
>Get let go because of it
>Now trying to look for another job while the market is garbage
>Still living at home
>Mom is apopletic on a daily basis because im 27 without an actual career yet
>have 20k saved up from my job but not sure I can get a place without a current job
26 and in a similar boat. Also toying with the idea of letting this chick go that I met on tinder about a month ago who I don't really fully click with. It's a frustrating place to be in. I've also never lived anywhere but with my parents.

>> No.21576787

It's finally time

>> No.21576789

You'll be alright. You will develop regardless.

>> No.21576799

This. Teenage relationship nostalgia is fucking stupid. Teenage friendships are 100x more worth mourning. And even then that's not for most friendships, only a handful at best.

>> No.21576809

>there isn't much besides trees here
I really love trees and forests and you have really nice nature.

>> No.21576815


>> No.21576820

mbv is great, do you mean the specific album or the band?

>> No.21576823

Why do you think they call it GLOBOhomo, bro?

>> No.21576827

That is not a normalfag

>> No.21576836

This. This is an incredible lesson.

>> No.21576845

me too
but it's natural! It's just flowers bro! Haha!

>> No.21576854

I was diagnosed with bolivia.

>> No.21576856

I was surprised to hear about piper perri's murdered 2 year old son today. You'd think that a story about someone that well known would have had more media coverage, but there's barely any proper news stories to be found. Apparently the kid was died out if "blunt force trauma" that was inflicted by her boyfriend at the time, who isn't his father. The dude only managed to get 5 years in jail, and with this happening in 2016, so he's probably getting out this year, if he hasn't already. It should be noted that he comes from a vaguely affluent family, which might explain the questionable verdict.
I know that the typical response here is "he's better off dead than growing up as an internationally renown whore's kid", but the silence around it all makes the already awful case reach another level of horror. How's this for American folklore:
>Girl's family moved around across the country multiple times during childhood
>Divorced parents
>Get molested
>Lose virginity to an adult at age 13
>Spiral down into sex addiction
>Start a porn career
>Build image around loli-bait
>Get pregnant
>Have the kid's father bail on you
>Give birth to him anyway
>Take the kid with you to porn shoots
>Have your kid murdered by your current boyfriend
>He only gets 5 years at best in the can
>You can't address this issue publicly
>Nobody seems to care anyway
>You continue getting fucked on camera while putting on a happy face for two more years, all the while you're silently mourning
>Very likely drug addiction
>See other girls regularly pass away all around you
>Somehow manage to quit and lay low somewhere around in the world
And it's not even that uncommon or insane of a life story (see the rae lil black yakuza story). It's just how it is these days. I suppose that a century or two ago, you'd get raped in silence on a regular basis without a sliver of hope, but the big difference is the impossibility of leaving the infamy behind, your image and reputation will continue traveling down the space time continuum for a long time to come. I have a hard time hating porn stars and low level prostitutes as people, however I can't say the same for OF chicks and such. What a world. I wonder what a Tolstoy would think of it.
Just jerk it to your imagination, lads.

>> No.21576871

Because they have barren minds when they're sober and don't understand not everyone needs psychoactive drugs to places

>> No.21576881

You must tell me how one goes beyond the left/right dichotomy. You must. Is it Marxism like I think it is?

>> No.21576886


>> No.21576887

The doctrine of signs

>> No.21576892
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>> No.21576894

aw come on that's gay bro. Not another Fascist.

>> No.21576899

try living in the real world as it is instead of mediating it through ideological copes

>> No.21576902

Latin is fucking killing me, anon. But I love understanding why perambulatory has to do with walking...

>> No.21576906

>try living in the real world as it is
I thought that's what Marxism is

>> No.21576913

The train hauls cargo. The cargo is packed tight. The warehouses unload the cargo. The cargo waits for a truck. The truck driver is a sinner. The cargo is loaded in the truck. The truck delivers the cargo to the store. The store stocks it in their inventory. By then, humankind is already dead and gone with not but bleached bones in the dust to tell of our agonies.

>> No.21576916

Worst McCarthy LARP I've ever read. Try harder.

>> No.21576926

I care not about McCarthy nor live action roleplaying. What I've said is simply true, just as you are simply an imbecile.

>> No.21576934

shut up, bitch

>> No.21576938

lol lick my balls and lick my ass you McCarthy wannabe philistine

>> No.21576943

You're both two different piles of shit, but the funny thing about shit is how it's all kind of the same.

>> No.21576948

nah thats you

>> No.21576951

I have some good wine on hand. A lot of snow has been falling, and it's a very pleasant evening. God, but life is so easy you could laugh.

>> No.21576961

what he said >>21576948
write better material fag

>> No.21576968

that's beautiful, anon. Savor the moments and let the warmth pour in and enrich your soul. Have a good night and bless you.

>> No.21576970


>> No.21576978

Are you going to visit the extraterrestrial cities?

>> No.21576979

oh hey dude you know what, can you post some pictures? Just out your window or something? You got a book on hand too?

>> No.21576982


>> No.21576983


>> No.21576986

I'm the serial killer. Post that picture, anon.

>> No.21576995

Does anybody here live in Southern California? What is it like? I've been considering moving there.

>> No.21576998

why do I only feel safe around books now

>> No.21577001

No. Do you want to live in the belly of the beast that bad? Also nice data mining attempt pal! Ha!

>> No.21577002

in spite of people hating young people for saying "lets go!" lets go is actually an early form of an emoticon where it represents the symbol of how you are feeling

>> No.21577004

Killing me would be a kindness

>> No.21577005

we live in a society that glorifies "youth" and "freedom" completely in opposition to what actually makes a human life meaningful and satisfying and women are the ones that fall for spooks the hardest. Also your relationships from ages 17-19 aren't going to be real. I know lots of girls that fully intended to or actually did marry their college sweethearts.

>> No.21577008

I live here. I have a lot of mixed feelings. So much here that I love and so much here that I hate.

>> No.21577011

>data mining
>in a blog general
Everyone here is dumping all their personal info all the time

>> No.21577013

I am frankly more concerned with the subterranean half-men with superb sensory awareness and clawlike fingers for burrowing than I am any man killer in these continental United States we are in today. The things that live beneath us have no fancies to tickle, only a hunger for the beating flesh which troubles us so much anyhow.

>> No.21577024

Indeed. The cult of youth is so obnoxious and it breeds anxious elders who hyperfocus on vanity and trying to make their face into hideous silicone masks so that their 40 year old trophy boyfriends won't be escairt to cum on them during their yearly sex rites

>> No.21577028
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Ladies and gentlemen
The N Word

thank you

>> No.21577043

I have a good friend who spends a lot of time musing about these two concepts, in an intelligent and well structured manner, and he's changed my approach to time itself. There's more nuance to these ideals than it might seem.

>> No.21577044

Cumtown fans in here? Matt and Shane's podcast?

>> No.21577050

What about it do you love and what do you hate?

>> No.21577060

I bet he hates having to fend off the living dead dope addled unhoused population and living in fear of brutal gang violence and worrying about being robbed at gunpoint. Or dealing with unhinged, narcissistic elites who are always looking for a hustle. How right am I, anon?

>> No.21577075

Humans have posted in this thread, and I will now be one of them. I am entering a realm of absolute sanity.

>> No.21577084

Feeling like a loser, like I've lost the game of life and was always going to lose no matter what. I know thinking like that will lead it to become a self-fulfilling prophecy, but at this point my future seems incredibly bleak.
Listening to my brother describe his job and his recent promotion, an ugly feeling, a mix of envy and despair, rising inside me.
For the past couple of weeks after graduating I've applied to countless jobs, and the only one's I've gotten into are low level shitjobs.
The remote job turned out to be a scam.
I am alone, I have always been alone. I've never had anyone to guide me or give practical advice. The only advice my parents gave me was to do whatever I wanted, and go to college like they did, advice that didn't prepare me for the real world. And which meant little to me as I could never even decide what I wanted to do with any certainty. I wish I had somebody to give me practical guidance when I was younger. Instead I've had to learn everything on my own or by suffering.
I don't blame my parents as I'm at a point in life were I need to take responsibility for my own mistakes, but they always sheltered me, never pushed me, and the result was I've ended up extremely stunted.
My crippling fear is that I will end up like my oldest brother, who, nearing thirty, remains completely reliant on our parents and lives in his room playing videogames 24/7
By contrast the successful son was always a people pleaser: attractive, well-spoken, charismatic. Whereas I've always been his lesser, misanthropic shadow.
Years of social isolation, of wasting my college days playing videogames and dithering have have finally paid off.
I try to envision my future and I see no pathway for me.
I've no tangible skills and no friends. I'm moderately intelligent, but have focused my intelligence learning tons about abstract, albeit interesting, subjects which will not aid me in the real world. What options are left for me? Toil away in low-end service jobs indefinitely without any career or stability ... not an option. I could go into a trade, truck driving, or some other lower-middle blue collar job, and disappoint my parents. Jobs that have zero status or respect for people of my background. If I take a job like that, I will never be taken seriously or respected by them.
I could go back to school & try something else like comp sci, but that means more time and money wasted.
What little savings I have would quickly disappear out in the real world, if I wasn't still living with my parents.
Meanwhile my youth has slipped by me, I will soon be twenty-three, with very little life experience and no romantic history.

>> No.21577090
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>> No.21577093

You are, you are. Welcome.

>> No.21577094

The region is fantastic. Absolutely beautiful landscape and climate. Theres just so much variety to this area. And so much culture too. I've met people from all around the world. And there's just so much to do, so much opportunity, so much economy.
Downside is all the Mexicans and the homeless, cost of living is expensive. Around LA everyone is such a progressive libshit. But I often just go inland to escape that. Contrary to what people think it's not all one big LA.
It can be very isolating and alienating too so if you dont have an established circle of friends it's near about impossible to break into one. Especially if you dont have a ready made ethnic community. You'll end up driving a lot. I regularly drive a half hour just to go anywhere at all. We have a total car culture so you have to vibe with that.
But theres a lot of potential for fun, regardless of what you like.

>> No.21577099
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Yeah sure if I lived in downtown Los Angeles. But if you refer to this map you'll see Southern California is much more than just LA. Even within LA theres a ton of variation.

>> No.21577102


>> No.21577101

>Meanwhile my youth has slipped by me
>I will soon be twenty-three
LOL your youth is in full bloom, my dude. I'm 26 turning 27 in March and even I recognize that's still relatively young. I know it's hard but if you want to grow up and out of it, you will. Just keep pushing and stop with the self-pity. You want to stop being sheltered, okay. So stop being a little pussy.

>> No.21577103

Hardly any one stroke of pain is intolerable; it is intolerable when it continues. You cry out perhaps that you cannot bear more. Patients feel as if they could stop the surgeon's hand, simply because he continues to pain them. Their feeling is that they have borne as much as they can bear, as if the continuance and not the intensity was what made it too much for them. What does this mean, but that the memory of the foregoing moments of pain acts upon and (as it were) edges the pain that succeeds?
If the third or fourth or twentieth moment of pain could be taken by itself, if the succession of the moments that preceded it could be forgotten, it would be no more than the first moment, as bearable as the first (taking away the shock which accompanies the first), but what makes it unbearable is that it is the twentieth; that the first, the second, the third, on to the nineteenth moment of pain, are all concentrated in the twentieth, so that every additional moment of pain has the force of all that has preceded it. Hence, it is that brute animals would seem to feel so little pain, because they have not the power of reflection or of consciousness. They do not contemplate themselves. When we suffer, it is the intellectual comprehension of pain, as a whole diffused through successive moments, which gives it its special power and keenness, and it is the soul only which is capable of that comprehension.

>> No.21577104

I'd love to hear a bit of what he thinks if you're willing to share to the best of your ability.

>> No.21577107

What are you confused about?

>> No.21577110

yeah I'll admit I've never stepped foot in California in my life, can you tell lol? I've just heard a million horror stories about the wasteland of the soul that California is and it's kind of turned me off from the idea of it. I used to be one of those East coasters who idealized it when I was a wee lad though.

>> No.21577129

California definitely isnt the fantasy land a lot of people think it is but it's also not the wasteland a lot of people think it is. Like I said, theres a lot I hate about this place, but theres a lot of positive attributes as well. It can genuinely be a good place to live. When I'm tired of the urban shit I just drive an hour away frkm the city and suddenly I'm in a small town or rural area.

>> No.21577133

I like boys

>> No.21577146

WHat are you?

>> No.21577151

Is it morally permissible to have sex with an adult alien species who on average have the same intelligence as a 12-year-old human?

>> No.21577154

Are people in SoCal as superficial and shallow as they are portrayed?

>> No.21577164

why do you not like the Mexicans too much? Do they frighten you? Is it because they talk in their native tongue at a million miles per second and it sounds weird and dumb?

>> No.21577166

>Superficial AND shallow
Ummm are you aware this is a literature board?

>> No.21577179

Not more than anywhere else really.
Yeah the non english speaking really annoys me. And mexicans have this very insular attitude where they dont like anyone who is non-mexican. Then they get all pissy when you dont know all the ins and outs of their culture.

>> No.21577187

>You want to stop being sheltered, okay. So stop being a little pussy.
Easier said then done.
You don't understand that you are talking to a freakish insect.
I haven't had a friend since middle school, and spent high school & college alone playing videogames.
I want to change for the better, but you don't come out of a decade plus of social isolation, just suddenly able to easily fit in or relate to people.
On top of social difficulties, I'm currently unemployed and the only jobs I can get are shitty ones.
All the options in front of me look like shit.

>> No.21577197

It mainly revolves around strength. The strength to build. The strength to withstand. One could argue, how can you be strong when you're such an inexperienced dumbass at that age? Well it's the ability and the opportunity of trial and error. Let's say you started building a structure at age 20, if it were to crumble in the next year, it would not be as dramatic and as impactful as the fall of a ten year old piece, regardless of the actual build quality or how much planning went into it. Your perception towards failure should be tipping in your favor, and you should utilize the lax attitude of the world towards your age in your own advantage, not for the sake of pure experience (ie. hedonism) but for the sake of potential growth. Generally, time has yet to carve its painful scars on your body, you can still revert certain things, certain habits or mentalities. As the years go by, you start losing sight of what's beyond you, you're surrendering to a program. You accumulate more things to lose. It's easy to post here about being bold in life, but how many people around in the world can truly be bold at age 35? It's not impossible or that unlikely of course, but it requires the kind of sacrifices that very few are willing to make. That's ultimately what the concepts of relative freedom and youth should entail, with their definitions being loose to fit in with your current circumstances.
There's a whole lot of data talk and scientific equations involved in his ideas in general, which is natural considering his position as an economist with a neurology edge to him, but I think that's the gist of it. It's nothing fancy, really ; just the kind of logical thinking you could figure out on your own. I'm posting about it as an alternative to the typically advertised perception of youth, more specifically the kind of perception you'd find in most young adult women.

>> No.21577201

Whats with this pop existentialism that seems to have been making waves through our culture for the past 5 years or so? I just look at the media that seems to be coming out and it seems like a good amount is just saying "nothing matters, so be happy" or something similar and I just want to know why we're circling this drain now.

>> No.21577205

If you weren't where you are right now and could do anything you wanted with your life what would it be?

>> No.21577208

You're supposed to get through the "shit phase". It's experience, and it's necessary. You know what those shitty jobs do? They put you in situation you wouldn't have thought of being in before. That's how you change for the better. It's like hormesis on a grander scale. Take one of those jobs, without doing too much thinking. And then think and analyze during your job. Don't close the door to growth by continuing to lock yourself out in your mind's bedroom. Do it anon. If I did it, so can you.

>> No.21577228

Is it morally permissible to have a consenting alien species as pets if they have an equivalent intelligence of humans?

>> No.21577230

> Take one of those jobs, without doing too much thinking. And then think and analyze during your job. Don't close the door to growth by continuing to lock yourself out in your mind's bedroom. Do it anon. If I did it, so can you.
I've have worked many shit jobs. I'm not taking another one, and I'm not closing myself to growth.
Taking one of those jobs now at this point in my life would be a major step backwards.
I've worked as a line cook, in delivery, security, and even had a job at a lab (basically just a janitor).

I'm done working those kinds of jobs, and am unwilling to take one again.
My body bears the imprint of the past 4 years of grinding labor , the last 4 years have prematurely aged me, I've lines on my forehead and permanent eye shadow from years of sleeplessness and stress.
Taking a job right now throwing chicken nuggies into baskets will not lead to growth but the opposite.

>> No.21577236

work in copywriting

>> No.21577237

What's your plan to get a non-shit job?

>> No.21577241

>line cook, in delivery, security, and even had a job at a lab
>grinding labor
You're so fucking dramatic. You're 22, not 35.

>> No.21577243

Yeah I agree with all that. Sounds like a bright guy, thanks for posting.

>> No.21577246

>You don't understand that you are talking to a freakish insect.
>freakish insect
Hoooo man this actually made me laugh haha. Well you're funny so you've definitely got that going for you, anon. I have known people like you and you're not lost causes. But you have to be willing to make mistakes and hurt yourself. And hurt others. And learn to sit with the pain and discomfort of knowing you have caused pain. It's inevitable and it's part of maturing. Normies leave trails of tears and bitterness and bad blood behind them on their mindless roads to self actualization and success all the time. It's not the end of the world. So just remember that whatever you do you are growing. Learn your lessons and adapt. You will not be retarded forever.

>> No.21577251
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>> No.21577257

>Normies leave trails of tears and bitterness and bad blood behind them on their mindless roads to self actualization and success all the time. It's not the end of the world. So just remember that whatever you do you are growing. Learn your lessons and adapt. You will not be retarded forever.
Reading this as a NEET aristocrat made me laugh, thanks anon

>> No.21577290

I'm just too smart to drive a car, too complex to have a gf, to kind to work in a toxic enviroment
I think I'm half human and half angel, I'm something else
I seek the beauty, my friends? What they do? They seek woman with big boobs
I'm something else

>> No.21577302

GREAT song, one of their very best. Krautrock's driving rhythms is refreshing. Neu is /lit/

>> No.21577354

>You're so fucking dramatic. You're 22, not 35.
I'm only being a little dramatic. I have actual permanent eye shadow and my face looks super rough from a combination of stress + sleeplessness.
I'm not claiming I've suffered immensely, but all this work has definitely taking a toll on my body.
>What's your plan to get a non-shit job?
I have no plan. I have zero connection to anyone, and so far all I've done is apply in mass to probably a thousand plus different random jobs on websites. My resume is ass though so it makes no difference.
I got a response back to a trucking job that pays decent, and they will train me, but I'd really rather not.
>If you weren't where you are right now and could do anything you wanted with your life what would it be?
Idk, I'd like to see more of the world so maybe something on a ship, or some other job involving international travel.
I've always thought being an investigative reporter would be cool, but I don't know if I have the balls or personality necessary for something like that.

>> No.21577358

Look up Mercy Ships

>> No.21577369

lol did it really? Hey man I'm glad to hear it.

>> No.21577381

The first step is to figure out how to get a job that lets you travel internationally and then work towards that. Ideally the plan is to become absorbed in the pursuit, I feel like a lot of what makes things unbearable is suffering when that suffering is for no purpose and watching the years pass by as they accumulate to nothing. With an actual goal at least your life becomes about the struggle to achieve it

>> No.21577388

most jobs have no relation to someone's inner purpose

>> No.21577394

I'm just going off what he's told me to give him something actionable that he can work towards in the short term. How do you propose he find purpose instead?

>> No.21577397

i have no other proposition. it was just a comment.

>> No.21577398

I need some sort of physical hobby. All of my siblings have something. I don’t.

>> No.21577428
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These memes feel targetted

>> No.21577437

Lots of online engagement is targeted, other than maybe more antiquated sites like this (although people still raid and shill too often than not), which is all due to the increasing corporatisation and centralisation of the internet.

>> No.21577450

I don’t know what to do for work now.

>> No.21577456

My, my, if it is none other than anon... Well, you have fingers don't you? And a brain perchance? As well as a throbbing, hot sex betwixt thy legs? Ah, sirrah, you should go sell smut on Fiverr, my good boy.

>> No.21577463

So some marketing firm has enough data on me to know that I'm a christian extremist who feels too old to use tiktok?

>> No.21577469

>marketing firm
Not quite. A lot of it is algorithm based or AI. I think Facebook in particular knows when you react to certain posts and shows you stuff you will react to, for good or ill. Lots of posts already have keywords, or an AI scans the image.

>> No.21577477

Yeah I guess, but the only job I could realistically get that involves international travel would be some grunt job in a fishing boat.
Even a job at a cargo ship nowadays requires about two years in school to get a job that only pays marginally better than working in food service.
Feels like everything these days requires 8 trillion credentials only to get a job with mediocre pay. I guess at least on a fishing boat I wouldn't have to pay out the ass for overpriced housing.
I've thought about working in international teaching , but I feel like I'm too much of a misanthrope, and like you need to have some maturity and social sensibility to instruct kids.

>> No.21577484

Well I found it on a telegram meme page. Apart from telegram and 4chan, I have no social media.

>> No.21577492

Well that's probably because you're following things you like to see. Are you being paranoid?

>> No.21577497

I just promoted a couple times as a gas station attendant and I'm making 75K a year but that's kind of particular to my circumstances

>> No.21577500

75k as a gas station attendant? Do you own the gas station?

>> No.21577516

It's like 50K for night assistants (the people we have managing the night shifts) these are like the amazon fulfillment centers of gas stations, super strict about productivity and following policy so they pay you more to put up with it. Imo it's worth it for the pay though if you can manage not to snap along the way. I'm not even a store manager yet but I do hate my job so I don't know if I'm going to stick around

>> No.21577571

If that's where you are, outline. You need a bird's eye view of it.

>> No.21577637

I was actually being ironic but decided to play along with you because it was fun

>> No.21577660

My poos are coming out better than ever. Theyre solid and leave almost no shit behind on my cheeks

>> No.21577671

Would you live in the Clover Kingdom?

>> No.21577752
File: 476 KB, 1624x2185, 1648982549759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm this guy on a spiritual level, only instead of anteaters it's military history.
I've invested so many years of my life, time that could have been spent with family and loved ones, essentially researching people from around the globe killing each other en masse at the manipulation/coercion of a sociopathic few.
I used to think you didn't have to be a genius or super knowledgeable to know war is bad, but to purely loathe war with every fiber of your being it may be necessary to spend years of your life researching it.
I have dozens if not hundreds of books pertaining to military history that I had plans to read, that I know never want to see again, let alone pick up. Hundreds if not thousands of dollars that could have gone to food or medical care, wasted on this resentable subject and field that I can no longer even think of without getting either depressed or distressed.

Word to the wise; if you are beginning to have feelings in line with mine, abandon ship sooner rather than later. Changing to a different conflict will not halt or even slow your resentment of military history, and in fact only hasten it. If you are beginning to feel hesitant or tired now, then you will only feel worse in a years time. Let me tell you right now that if you persist in spite of these feelings, you will only regret it later. At the very, very least pick a different historical subject/field.

>> No.21577762

>he doesn't know about the 4chan user specific instances that hide or shove certain threads in your face

>> No.21577785

Low key but also kinda high key I hate myself

>> No.21577807

where the new thread

>> No.21577825

Make it

>> No.21577830

Make me

>> No.21577833

i dont know how

>> No.21577853

i signed up for my companys 401k but i dont think i can run that far

>> No.21577914

401k is a money-related thing, not a race thing.

>> No.21577919

Is it moral and ethical to have a romantic relationship with an adult woman who physically looks like she's 12?

>> No.21577925


>> No.21577940

live? probably
develop? no

>> No.21577960


>> No.21578231

Can you guys not understand fiction writing?