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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 91 KB, 901x1350, Mitchell Heisman - Suicide Note_0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21571799 No.21571799 [Reply] [Original]

This book is our century's "Geschlecht und Charakter"

>> No.21572356

Most people get very intimidated at the idea of even taking a look of this because of its page count alone, but i was taking a read at the first two chapters recently and it's been a kino read so far, kek. After the preface the dude starts giving some crazy (yet surprisingly well-reasoned) takes on death and nihilism and then right in the next chapter he just changes the subject to go into great detail on a study of the biblical story of Exodus in relation to the creation of an AI god.

Granted i haven't read too much of it and haven't even finished chapter 2 yet, but i definitely recommend taking at least a quick look at this.

>> No.21572362

I could write something x10 better than this (never having read it) if I cared to, yet I don't care enough to and, if I were to manage to kms, I should be quite happy with my lifely accomplishments even without creating a work such as this.

Suicide justifies itself, friends <3

>> No.21572484

no you couldn't.

>> No.21572580

>In 1903, he published the book Geschlecht und Charakter (Sex and Character), which gained popularity after his suicide at the age of 23
oh, is this the guy who Camus was talking about?

>I have heard of an emulator of Peregrinos, a post-war writer who, after having finished his first book, committed suicide to attract attention to his work. Attention was in fact attracted, but the book was judged no good.

>> No.21572600

There are a lot of guys like this. Michelstaedter is another one.

>> No.21572602

> I'm gonna kill myself because Pinker was right.

>> No.21573088

It's a masterpiece, imo. I'm about 800 pages in and I can't stop reading it. Just at the part now where he lays out how the entirety of the modern neo-liberal order essentially grew out of the reaction of Anglo-Saxons being conquered by the Normans and being in a state of seethe ever since, kek. The opening about AI, Christianity, and Jews was absolutely gold and on point given the trajectory of where our modern world seems headed atm. Can't wait to see where this crazy fucker goes next. Would recommend.

>> No.21573090

Stop spamming the schizo ramblings of a retarded SovCit tier lolbertarian

>> No.21573093
File: 941 KB, 999x3158, Heisman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21573145

If you have it on a higher rez, could you upload it somewhere and give me a link. I read a couple of paragraphs but they are too strenuous for my eyes through my iPad.

>> No.21573160
File: 128 KB, 883x982, heisman deboonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first line debunks the entire fucking text
It wasn't enough that he himself had to kill himself. His magnum opus has to commit suicide right before our eyes, too!

On a serious note, I do find Suicide Note extremely compelling as a work of fiction. And I do think his hypothesis is at least worth looking at more carefully, as it matches work done by /lit/'s favorite cocaine addict (Nick Land), which I also think it worth looking at. But I've never been able to get past that opening line, so I'm only able to rank it as slightly better than Orgy of the Will.

>> No.21573209

>it should not be unexpected that these arguments will not be given a fair hearing
>it is not unreasonable to think that this work will not be judged on its merits
If you take the whole first paragraph into context, he is right. Most people don't really try to tackle his arguments directly, instead just going into the usual route of pseudo-psychoanalyzing the guy and claiming that him commiting suicide invalidates everything he said because "he was clearly mentally ill if he took his own life" or the like.

>> No.21573277

I always took that first phrase as being scary. As in, when his hypothesis of AI God is realized, his work will be repressed.
AI God still isn't a thing so it can't actively repress it. If it comes to existence, we will never hear from this book again.

>> No.21573380

>Jesus' mother was raped by a roman hypothesis
goodness gracious, is this supposed to be a serious work or satire?

>> No.21574657

Checked but where? Glowies need not apply. We should get &mp or someone to print it KEK

>> No.21574666

It’s almost 2,000 pages. &mp is faggot and so are you for even suggesting that

>> No.21574686

Checked, I'm a faggot: confirmed.

>> No.21574701
File: 43 KB, 595x421, 427059521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The seditious genius of the spiritual penis of Jesus
>God is technology
>Creating God and the Evolution of genetic suicide

>> No.21576002

Are you high? Orgy of the Will sucks ass compared to this

>> No.21576032

Assuming AI good is real, it should be a sort of non-causal quantum computer that is able to re-write time from the outside thus extending its presence across the entirety of universal time-space creating its own creation.
Either this isn't going to happen as it would have always have happened if it were going to, or it is actually working through Heisman.

>> No.21576080

I’ve read about 500 pages of it and I had a bit of confirmation bias because I also saw the origin of progressivism in the Bible and I suspected years ago that the ghost of Calvin haunts our steps. Author is just a bit too reliant on Nietzsche and he probably overstates the role of Jews in history, though on his own terms his analysis is fully accurate. Highest incidence of Biblical names and abolitionists in the northeastern US is not an accident btw

>> No.21576112

I didn’t take that statement about AI God very literally. It seemed more like a metaphor for his whole “Judaism as an anti-biological civilizational technology” thing which to me does seem quite real. The entire Judeo-Christian tradition is obsessed with emancipating people from their carnality and the law of the jungle. As a theology it systematically attempts to de-animalize man in order to bring out his ostensible inner soul. This process was conceived of in fairly egalitarian terms too because it involved freedom from inequality and difference imposed by that capricious and inhumane pagan Goddess Nature