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/lit/ - Literature

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21569700 No.21569700 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone else in modern literature written so many entirely perfect works? Does anyone even come close?

>My Mothers Dream
>The View From Castle Rock
>The Ottawa Valley

>> No.21569703

Not that I know.

>> No.21569708

Shill thread. Stop posting, attorney for Munro’s estate

>> No.21569711

Pfffft, one or two little Munro threads anon, big deal. Maybe she'll catch on here!

>> No.21569748

>Canadian woman writing mostly about woman shit

whole lot of red flags. youre gonna have to do a whole hell of a lot more than you are doing in this thread to sell this stuff. id be interested to see if you can explain why it has merit

>> No.21569771

Sure. Tell me the Alice Munro story you've read that you'd like to discuss
>Uh I haven't read any
Well dozens are available online in the New Yorker archives so just pick one and get back to me in 30 minutes to an hour!
I would recommend Runaway or The View From Castle Rock, the latter containing less woman shit than most of her stories.

>> No.21569784

If you can find My Mothers Dream online read that. It's very powerful all the way through.

>> No.21569785

it was the simplest request imaginable for someone making threads on a literal literature discussion forum, and you still failed. why did you even make this thread if you weren't prepared to even try?

>> No.21569788

If you haven't read a single word of the author being discussed what do you expect me to say to you? Why don't you go read one single short story and then see if you like it?

>> No.21569797

You obviously want her to be bad so just read one of the ones I listed as a 10 and tell me why you think it sucked. I'll be here to tell you how you're wrong. Or maybe you'll love it immediately. She's very very good.

>> No.21569798

do you literally not even comprehend what I asked you? lol.

>> No.21569806

She has merit for being the best short fiction writer of all time.
>b-but what does best mean... sell me on best
I can't do that anon. You're going to have to... *gulp* read.

>> No.21569807

youre joking right? I very very obviously want it to be not bad, which is why im asking you to sell me on it. im not wasting time reading something with that many red flags without more information

>> No.21569808

>I want to be spoon-fed!
Why are you even in this thread?

>> No.21569812

wow very meaningful and insightful. i will now be leaving your thread. goodnight.

>> No.21569816

why are you samefagging so hard?

>> No.21569817

See you later weird moron. I was really hoping you'd read her too so I'd have someone to discuss it with :*(

>> No.21569818

good riddance

>> No.21569822

There are no standards left.

>> No.21569825

>t. has never read her

>> No.21569826

What do you mean?

>> No.21569838

>modern literature
peddle your goyslop elsewhere

>> No.21569840
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>wins the Nobel prize
He's worth checking out too honestly.

>> No.21569845
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>Noone who has read a single story will ever reply to my thread
:*( I want lit anons to say things about her stories they have read

>> No.21569860

try reddit

>> No.21569865

I'm reading one of her stories tomorrow. Will make a thread to discuss it.
Fuck off.

>> No.21569866
File: 25 KB, 780x439, alice-munro (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. But maybe if I spam her enough here I can get Runaway to become a lit meme book like Dunces that everyone reads ^.^

What do you think?

>> No.21569871

Which one? Is it for a class of some kind?

>> No.21569884

I find the anti-Munro shitposter and the Munro Bandwagoner (Not OP) equally harmfull to the discussion of her work.

>> No.21569887

To discuss it with you, silly.

>> No.21569894

Well tell me which one I can read it too. A lot of her stuff sort of blurs around in NY memory and I don't know the titles of a lot of the stories lol

>> No.21569900

I'm thinking Runaway, what do you think?

>> No.21569911

I think it's probably your best bet. She has a lot of subgenres such as stories which deal heavily with her mother or her upbringing which are very good but sort of dour and a lot of people complain nothing happens or there's no point. The stories in Runaway contain a lot of shocking twists and events.

>> No.21570529

she won the nobel so all the pseuds have been mindwiped into thinking shes better than Papa
what a joke.
sage btw

>> No.21570559

She's good, but I found her a little boring. What I read from her showed no particular sense for the absurd, the comical, the surreal, or the metaphysical. She writes like a very emphatic and clever social worker. Full of understanding for people's problems and mishaps, but somehow very constrained by what this world of daily human affairs has conditioned us to believe is reality. But reality doesn't seem as realistic to me as her stories seem to suggest.

>> No.21570568

Also, I felt like her stories were somehow charisma-less. With great writers you get a sense of who they are. You feel in contact with their true self or personality. With her I felt like her writing is so selfless that she almost neutralized her own subjectivity.

>> No.21570578

That's always a funny way to describe something.

>> No.21570584

I find that dickriders are worse that shit flingers. The fanb9ys that are overly positive and spam threads will just make people dislike that author/book. It's pretty funny desu.

>> No.21571077

why bother if the writer is literally so bad you have nothing good to say about them? you could have simply picked some of the "10/10" stories you mentioned and talked about why the themes and characters or prose or whatever appeal to you. then maybe some people might have read them and came back to discuss them. instead all you can do is sperg out at me when I literally did nothing but ask you about the writer you are shilling out of sincere curiosity

>> No.21571093

>the best short fiction writer of all time.
slit your throat friend.