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/lit/ - Literature

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21565803 No.21565803 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever joined a bookclub? How was your experience?

>> No.21565813

Reading is meant to be a solitary experience.

>> No.21565820

I found one in my country but they unironically were reading 12 rules by Peterson and now they are reading a comic book about the holohoax. I wonder if they people in charge are jews or something.

>> No.21565824

No it isn't. That doesn't make any sense at all. What is your basis for that?

>> No.21565826

just in case anyone is confused as to why the woman in the webm is biting the book, it is because she is a whore and wants everyone to know it

>> No.21565830


>> No.21565831

Does anyone read?

>> No.21565833

And that's reason for your lack of reading?

>> No.21565835



>> No.21565861
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Says who? On what basis? Save your low-quality comments for other boards

>> No.21565868

books are for reading not eating...

>> No.21565892

it's called "food for thought" for a reason you fucking idiot

>> No.21566103

no one here reads so who cares?

>> No.21566417

>no source

>> No.21566443

i tried it on discord a couple times. i have the inability to maintain that sort of thing, it always ends in me sperging out at others' retardation

>> No.21566456

stoya was so fucking hot

>> No.21566459

dont reply to that triptranny, youre just feeding his ego

>> No.21566463

Life discussions of books are black pilling because most people are not well-read.

>> No.21566476


>> No.21566748


>> No.21566756

What about you retardedly sperging out at others' normalation?

>> No.21566765


fuck normies

>> No.21566770

why is stoya with that babyfaced actor? whats going on?

>> No.21566860

it was one of those stupid "book trailers"

>> No.21566877

I was in a Marxists one for a short while. It was decent until some Stalinists joined and fucked up the whole thing. I left shortly after they joined.

>> No.21566983

It's high time as a society we stop allowing prostitutes to think they're celebrities

>> No.21566988

>my retard club was ok until some extra retarded retards turned up

>> No.21566990
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normies gtfo of my board

>> No.21567314


>> No.21568381
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Shit. I remeber joining one in HS and nobody ever readed a shit (or at least i think, because no one ever talked about some book or something). If anything, it pulled me out from books even more back then
I guess

>> No.21568395

No, I can learn from myself. I don't need outside help.

>> No.21568397
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>the only subsection of commies to ever actually get anything done in the world
>other marxists find them annoying

This is a real tell, when you think about it.

>> No.21568402

Fuck off. Dano is classic.

>> No.21568627

Dumb maxim. You can't just go "whatever," when a duck is goring you, you have to end Him.

>> No.21568636

does your brain work at all anymore?

>> No.21568645

You're clever

>> No.21568652

paul the overacting boy wonder who's not a boy at all he's actually middle-aged

>> No.21568705

you're so uncultured

>> No.21568759

>has never actually watched a movie with Dano
You cannot deny he is a phenomenal actor and if you watch his criterion interview, he has remarkable taste in films

>> No.21568821

>if you watch his criterion interview
>one-eyed jack
haven't seen brando's directing
>jaques demy box set
into the trash where french new wave belongs
exceptionally based
>make way for tomorrow
>this sporting life
haven't seen this bong
>yi yi/edward yang
moderately based
>my own private idaho
my opinion has improved ever so slightly

>> No.21569498


Recently. I just wanted to read new stuff and chat about it with interesting people. I hate the choices. I hate the people. The people hate me and we all pretend not to hate each other. Even the snacks are shit. Their children are shit. I don't want them in my house. I'm leaving.

>> No.21569534

I founded one with my friends, and only I read. It’s less of a bookclub and more of a lecture session where I explain a classic and why it is good and important. It was kind of a waste of time, but it made me finish books a lot quicker which was the intention in the first place. Although they didn’t read, they attended the meetings regularly, which was funny. Good friends, not good readers.

>> No.21571045

/// Has a country freedom where human beings are dragooned and told that they must work in particular places? /// He acted the part with consummate skill /// On the day of the funeral, the mood in the house was glum /// The Phase II project will see the construction of a new potline - a row of cells used in the production of aluminium /// I stood up and almost fell, reeling against the deck rail /// Dissident Republicans made Kevin McCarthy scramble for votes through 15 ballots /// There was an inch-long gash just above his right eye /// /// Financial institutions are still reeling from the blow /// I was nervous, but seeing her allayed my fears /// Their family business is a rinky-dink operation /// I don't understand this form - it's all couched in legal terminology /// These countries are on the brink of cataclysmic famine /// The government has turned a minor local problem into a full-blown regional conflagration /// There's a famous statue by Rodin, which shows the soul of a young woman striving to break free of the flesh of an old crone /// He gathered up the twigs and cast them into the fire /// Educational reform was one of the main planks of their election campaign /// He looked unusually chipper this morning /// All the rest is not evidence, it is just scurrilous gossip and rumour /// Trying to read between the lines of CEO departure statements is a longstanding parlor game for investors, journalists and academics who study succession /// After the row in a pub he drove off in a huff /// One is the passive failure to disclose something a negotiation counterpart doesn't know, while paltering is the active use of truthful statements to mislead /// Today, women tennis players are not encumbered by long, heavy skirts and high-necked blouses /// Even iconic Italian runabout boatmaker Riva stopped using wood for its hulls in 1996 /// The reason is misinformation for sure, and more fundamentally a lacuna in thinking prompted by an emotional reaction /// She thought that the houses were a nice little nest egg for her sons when they came of age /// The soldiers were ready at a moment's notice /// There is widespread gloom and doom about the company's future /// The lotion alleviated the itching /// The indispensable guide for any traveller in France /// As we came into the arena, we were jostled by fans pushing their way towards the stage /// His nasty words were mere bluster, rarely converted into deeds /// Traffic congestion in large cities seems to be an insoluble problem /// In the video, she does a little twirl to show off the frock /// The Health Education Council has been reconstituted as the Health Education Authority /// The sums were showered in a plentiful rain upon the evil and the good, upon the wealthy and the penurious /// Emily should have included these pieces of information to flesh out her argument /// In an attempt to change its staid image, the newspaper has created a new section aimed at younger readers ///

>> No.21571059
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Joined a classic book club, had a classic experience.

>> No.21571062

Not really because the "Stalinist" today can mean everything from cultish LaRoucheists to blue-haired college they/thems.

>> No.21571076

/lit/ is my bookclub and I don't really see how a irl one could compare.

>> No.21571079

yes I joined /lit/ ten years ago
the experience has been hit and miss but I keep coming back

>> No.21571085

>three posts apart
interesting hivemind moment

>> No.21571144

yiyi is overhyped dogshit. pick any random taiwan movie and it's better than that crap. fucking tone deaf movie that tries to be funny and is just gross and depressing

>> No.21571219

They are reading Maus? Maus was pretty good my school library had it. Of course both volumes can be read in an afternoon so it’s not really suitable for a book club imo. The only parts that foster discussion are the bits where Speigelman talks about his relationship with his dad.

>> No.21571239

Started one at work and it's been going for 5 or 6 months now. It's forcing me to read more, socialize and host the event(s) so it's been nothing but good for myself. Sometimes a book is a bit shit but there's not been anything I've had to stop reading fully. I've honestly enjoyed it and thankfully a lot of us are into the same genre so there's been good discussions.

I'd definitely recommend it

>> No.21571254


>> No.21571292
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nothing could compare to this place
I'm very grateful for /lit/ and all the frens here

>> No.21571299

>Reading is meant to be a solitary experience.
Clearly discussing it isn’t, or you wouldn’t be on a literature image board sharing your opinion on reading with other people. Bookclubs don’t sit in a room together reading, they read by themselves and come together to discuss it

>> No.21571301

White-Pilled Chad

>> No.21571307

paul dano is so fucking cute

>> No.21571822

>yiyi is overhyped
>dogshit. pick any random taiwan movie and it's better than that crap

>> No.21571882

I joined one when I lived in Paris. 'Great Books' and 'Modern books'. Both were hosted by a madlad called Stephen who read a LOT of books and thus hosted two concurrent bookclubs. It was great because there were usually 8 of us so we could have an actual discussion. Now I live in London I'm struggling to find a book club which isn't a 30+ person socialising session with women talking briefly about some chicklit before commencing a wine chug.

>> No.21572203

Every book club should read Maus

>> No.21572338

I've never seen one in my city that wasn't either reading NYT best sellers or full of boomers
I want to try this, how'd you start? what genre?

>> No.21572954
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>> No.21573000

how do become cum genius

>> No.21573421

Looks like one nigga gotta watch Ruby Sparks.

>> No.21574012

>How to start
See staff and regular customers always reading so I'd start talking to them about the books they were reading and eventually that lead to book club being proposed. It's comfy. We just get some drinks, talk about the book(s) then someone else will suggest the next book and we meet a month from that day.

I always want to have a chat about a book I've just finished so it's nice to have people to discuss it with.

>> No.21574291

Not that anon. But I hate forewords for example, I don't need someone telling me what I should think about a book before I read it. Thus it's somewhat solitary, in that you have to form your own thoughts. If I'm done reading maybe I'd like to hear your take, but not before I've had a chance to form my own opinion. Otherwise, you'll just pollute mine. It's like playing a game of chess, you don't want your opponent to help you, it makes you feel stupid and it comes across cocky. Which I think perfectly describes bookclubs, cause it's secretly competition, over who can outsmart, outthink, or out-philosophise the other. Although no one would like to admit it. It's just a big circle jerk. Form your own opinion.

>> No.21575297
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>whore slobbers herpes all over a book

Is this the vapid worthless pseud roastie equivalent of some knuckle dragging simian touching my laptop screen?

>> No.21575315

Do any book clubs allow you to smoke during the meetings?

>> No.21575902
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Joined one at my uni, it was fun and a nice place to socialize and get to know people but most often the book selections were mediocre.