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21562507 No.21562507 [Reply] [Original]

>a second language you've learned
>a book / important resource you've used in learning that language

picrel: French for Reading by Karl C. Sandberg. As the name implies it's purely for reading but it helped me get to a highly advanced comprehension level

>> No.21562512

Arabic and English (family)
French (school)
Russian (csgo)
Hebrew (my gf)

>> No.21562514
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This for Armenian, which I bought in Yerevan two months ago. I'm also going through Hovhannes Tumanyan fables and a couple modern poetry collections

>> No.21562516

>Hebrew (my gf)

>> No.21562518

need IDF war criminal gf

>> No.21562655

Should I consider checking this out if I've been studying French for roughly 2 years and still have a bt of a hard time reading in the language?

>> No.21562678

just read more comprehensive input
t. Paul Nation

>> No.21562689

I just watch Easy German and German kid’s shows on youtube. I also started reading a graded reader called erste stufe. I read the first few chapters of Sandberg’s german for reading but I’m too lazy for it. Used to do Anki but not anymore because it’s inefficient and requires too much effort. Basically the only reason I am still learning German is because it’s easy to watch youtube videos in spare time and makes you feel somewhat productive.

>> No.21562809

learnt at school, but just like my native language still always learning (vocabulary, grammar doubts, etc., after all I guess one never stops learning a language)
currently learning with Grammaire Progressive; French for Reading; French in Action Series (though I think 52 episodes is too few); seldom listening to some random podcasts dedicated to teaching the language (what spotify shoves into my face)
plan on starting it seriously after French using mainly Grammatica in Contesto, perhaps Grammatica italiana

German, Latin and Greek are languages I will probably never dedicate myself as seriously as the ones listed, but I have a few resources which I do consult (German: Sandberg's book, Hammer's German Grammar; Latin: Napoleão Mendes de Almeida's Gramática Latina; and Greek: Mastronarde's book).

>> No.21563001

Redpill me on Paul Nation

>> No.21563438

immerse yourself in the foreign language 75% of time via reading, listening, watching and spend 25% learning the grammar just like you learned your native language

>> No.21563719

I'll take advantage of the thread to ask if anyone knows a good French dictionary (it can be all in French, or French-English). I just want a really good one worth having at hand.

>> No.21563762

>Hebrew (my gf)
How large are her udders? Are the rumors true?

>> No.21563939
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>> No.21563967

It'd be handy if you knew French as you would have access to more of their books

>> No.21564000

This. Always start with Assimil.

>> No.21564010

I'll get around to it. I wanted to learn Spanish first, so I started it first, but I intend on learning German and French once I feel 'satisfied' or comfortable with my Spanish.

>> No.21564156

>currently learning with Grammaire Progressive; French for Reading; French in Action Series
Holy based. This was my beginner's stack too when I started out. Then I branched out into just reading French novels.

>> No.21564169

Anything like that for Japanese?
Would be really helpful since for Japanese reading and writing are actually the hardest skills to develop.

>> No.21564171

Why did they do it?

>> No.21564684

Oh nice. For how long did you study with these resources before reading them? And what novels did you start with? I'm very eager to get something to start reading right off, but I want to avoid authors like Flaubert because of the style and technique, I think I'd not be aware of some subtleties of language. I'd love to start reading one of the greatest authors but whose prose was quite simple with not too much technical vocabulary.

>> No.21564695

>And what novels did you start with?
Not that anon, but all easy:
Harry Potter, L'étranger, 1984 in translation, Maupassant, Lemony Snicket, anything by Jules Verne - 80 days around the world. Arsène Lupin series (the first one is good and simple)

>> No.21564882

Anyone have any Italian reading recommendations, for speakers of other romance languages?

I know French and Spanish fairly well. Currently I have the Cortina Italian in 20 Conversations book, and a small reference grammar. I want to get to real Italian books as soon as possible, but diving in just feels like I'm playing a guessing game with the french or spanish cognate vs. actually trying to read italian

>unrelated, but I want to shill the Ayan Academy youtube channel. Their videos, PDF uploads, and audio were invaluable in helping me with french. They have a ton of languages though

>> No.21564976
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>Hebrew (my gf)
Howwwwwwwwww do I get one

>> No.21564981
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>> No.21565428


>> No.21566427

Indeed, L’Étranger seemed pretty accessible with simple vocabulary from the two first pages I read.
Amazing to know Maupassant is also not difficult! Will probably start reading him soon. Thank you for the recommendations.

>> No.21566531
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take the bd-pill for easy french reading. italians have an interesting comic book scene as well

>> No.21566606

where do you find french comics to read?

>> No.21566730
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as in, scans? libgen has a comics section (only available through some mirrors - libgen.gs specifically) that has an absolute shitton of files, but it's a bitch to search through them and the downloads are slow/unreliable. "bd fr" is a good search term to use as well as just directly searching the french titles of individual albums. there's also a french torrent tracker called yggtorrents with a very active comics category. i don't really know if there's any better places to get them these days, i downloaded like 50 gigs of the stuff years ago and only ever read a fraction.