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/lit/ - Literature

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21559841 No.21559841 [Reply] [Original]

Why did it happen bros? Some years ago books discussions were scarce but you could still find them, nowadays it's impossible to talk about a book/author because the thread gets instantly derailed by /pol/ tier responses because the humor of this board hasn't evolved a bit in the last 5 years or so. The last funny thing I rememeber was baiting people into reading The Call of the Crocodile, the greatest horror book of the XXI century. But even that isn't funny anymore because that was two fucking years ago, maybe three.

I think the last time I felt like this board had a purpose was when the spics began to make threads about hispanic literature like 4 years ago, I learned a lot of spanish there and people were discussing books non stop but the fucking jannies had to ban those threads for some reason.
Fucking spics were carrying this board...

>inb4 if you want a change make it yourself
I try, but as I said, the /pol/tards makes it difficult.

Maybe the problem is that this board is fucking dead because lately I feel like I can spot the same 4 or 5 niggas writing the same shit over and over and over, but anyways, what do you think?

>> No.21559861

It's going to sound ridiculous but it really feels like the IQ of this board has noticeably dropped since 7-10 years ago.
You can see this in the writing general.
I'm not saying everyone was great back then, but their aspirations were higher. A lot of people basically wanting to make notes from the underground, infinite jest, etc. They wanted to really make something good even if they didn't have the skill. But now in writing general its way more cynical and money oriented. A lot of people who don't even seem to have read classics from 50 years ago let alone anything by Shakespeare or further.
Most people here post like they have twitch tv in another tab or some nonsense

>> No.21559865 [DELETED] 

Discord zoomers
Invasion of /tv/ and /mu/ refugees.
Playing ground of r/bookcirclejerk and r/edscarepod

>> No.21559870

Mostly the shutdown tourists that had no knowledge of our history and culture. Stormfags, /pol/tards, incels and trad larpers all contributed but the tourists killed what we were and let the rest take over.

>> No.21559875


>> No.21559882

Discord zoomers (waldun, f garner, islam threads)
Invasion of /tv/ and /mu/ refugees.
Playing ground of r/bookcirclejerk and r/edscarepod

>> No.21559884

I never wanted to be a women, I just want to have meaningful discussion of literature. Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.21559889

Then start a literature thread, troon.

>> No.21559893

The increase in bible talk wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so fucking obvious it was all mental children who can't really read the bible and just want to larp as a crusader or a paladin from a video game because its counter cultural

>> No.21559895



>> No.21559896

I feel like all of this is connected, I knew someone IRL who frequented this board but he stopped lurking here a few years ago, he told that it was the same 3 boring jokes repeated over and over and over, now he just hang around in r/literature, I'm pretty sure this happened with a lot of people that were genuinely interested on discussing books and it's sad, it's sad that reddit of all places has better quality discussion that this fucking cesspool.

>> No.21559900

It's going to sound ridiculous but it really feels like the IQ of this board has noticeably dropped since 7-10 years ago.
I can confirm, I've been here for 2 years and have never made a single effort post

>> No.21559907

if you think pol is ruining this board you have no perspective and that's the least of your problems. Old lit wasn't particularly good, and 2023 lit seems to be a bunch of unbelievably pretentious garbage which is painful just to consider reading. Some polacks wanting to talk about their meme pretentious books is not eroding the board whatsoever anymore than the meme socialists ruined the board.

>> No.21559913

people come and go. The actual adults who had brains are too busy to use 4chan nowadays. It mostly zoomers and loser boomers.

>> No.21559919

>literature threads on a literature board need to be designated as literature threads
Even if they are it does not prevent the retards from derailing the thread.
I don't think there has been much increase in it, just that we have been over run by people who are insecure in their faith and need to virtue signal at every opportunity so they can believe their larp. We have always had a good amount of religious discussion but it used to happen more naturally and respectfully of both other beliefs and their own beliefs.

>> No.21559936

There are still good threads and good posters, it's just that as soon as a thread starts to get good its derailed by /pol/cels or bots and the catalogue gets flooded with garbage threads.

In general it seems like there's no decent online communities for literature. Goodreads doesn't really have much o a social aspect to it, Twitter doesn't allow rambling in either essays and generally has a toxic user base, so on and so on. Idk, it's kind of like McLuhan wrote about the medium being the message. There are websites and apps for all kinds of hobbies and social interaction, but what would a website dedicated to discussions of the written word look like? Would it be a image-board? Or more video/voice based like Tik-Tok? Probably none of these things. It seems like the problem of finding a online medium to facilitate literary interactions hasn't been solved yet.

>> No.21559948

>literature threads on a literature board need to be designated as literature threads
Nobody said that.

>> No.21559952 [DELETED] 

WHat? there has been a huge increase in it. Im talking about a timeframe of nearly a decade here
Man you weren't even HERE

>> No.21559966

I am the recipient of the first major GET on this board

>> No.21559971
File: 143 KB, 712x652, 59EFF8D6-C7BE-41B2-B47F-050C64E30BB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baiting people into reading Call of the Crocodile

Have you read it? It’s based as hell

>> No.21559973


>> No.21559978

I was here a decade ago.
It was helpful, people helping people find new things to read and good discussions.

Then /pol/ happened.

Now it's endless Christianity shilling, capitalism loving, pseudo intellectual horseshit brained morons that think if they show people they read philosophy and still are racist pieces of Nazi shit that they will somehow be respected.

I just lurk now for the random sci-fi and weird lit threads, otherwise it's just 14-16 year old's begging for attention.

>> No.21559983

> Im talking about a timeframe of nearly a decade here
So am I. Religion came up all the time in philosophy threads and elsewhere, they just were not low effort thread derailment and the discussions coexisted in the threads without trying to make the thread about religion. If you went by word count than religious posting has probably decreased, we had some great religion effort posters back in the day.

>> No.21559986 [DELETED] 

Can you get over yourself man? Racism is just a natural response to your surroundings. Not being racist means you just never had to deal with the problems a racist did

>> No.21559998

>In general it seems like there's no decent online communities for literature
FUCKING THIS, and it's so painful, supopsedly people right now are reading more than ever but fiction (no genre fiction) feels as obscure as ever and it fucking hurts. Obviously I can perfectely enjoy literature by my own, but I like to be in communities that talk about my hobbies because I end up discovering things that I would not have discovered on my own but well... Things are like this and that's it.

>> No.21559999

Don't believe what reddit says. This board has never been left wing

>> No.21560005

Everyone suffers a case of internet brain
Most of us spend more time on 4chan than doing any real hobby
Of course we're gonna run out of stuff to talk about

>> No.21560006

There was a time were shitting both sides was more common, now everyone shits only one side and every discussion feels like an incel teenager wet dream. At this point I feel like the only reason I lurk here from time to time is some weird sunk cost-like feeling.

>> No.21560013


dumb phoneposter

>> No.21560014

I'm not even posting from my phone

>> No.21560029
File: 21 KB, 375x571, 1624324444696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need a "This post belongs on /pol/" report option like they have on /int/. Literary discourse is at an all-time low on /lit/. If some of you can communicate with the mods, please make this suggestion.

>> No.21560034

The problem is simply that the intellectual quality of posters across the internet is low. The simple solution is to make the community exclusive, so only the people who value discussing literature enough to shell out some cash for it will be able to. It's probable that /pol/tards or some other kind of dumbass who don't even read aren't going to be willing to pay. They can get their dopamine hits somewhere more convenient for them

>> No.21560036

>In general it seems like there's no decent online communities for literature.
There are, reddit is surprisingly good but fuck not being able to samefag and troll takes all the fun out of it and I just can not get past their format. Not that there is much fun or challenge in samefagging or trolling these days, it is just too easy and most people use it/discovery of it for petty reason.

>> No.21560050

I have never seen a serious thread derailed by /pol/ but then again i'm ignore most low effort threads although i can imagine some people browsing this board only to get angry at it as a hobby.

>> No.21560056


>> No.21560059

Have you people tried using the option "hide thread" and "hide post"?

>> No.21560068

Yeah. Dudes are just dumber and angrier now
Idk why, i'm the same person I was in 2014

>> No.21560069

>Just hide, bro, nothing is happening. Let the /pol/tards go unpunished as the quality goes lower every month.

>> No.21560072

Because the mods dont delete the shity threads, like muh plato refuted or how I repair my brain.

>> No.21560080

Ah right. You don't care about discussing literature you just want to control the discourse.

>> No.21560083

Why aren't Andrew Tate troll threads an immediate ban? There's one every other day.

>> No.21560088

Why does it bother you that off topic /pol/ shit is not wanted? Do you post that shit? Suddenly these faggots are the victims.

>> No.21560091

i think there are genuinely people on 4chan who have fallen for this guy its kind of mind blowing

>> No.21560109

>control the discourse.
DAE love racism????? Wow such discourse.

>> No.21560120

Why does practical advice such as ignore posts you find uncomfortable to engage with has such a negative effect on you?
I see more threads posted by faggots seething over /pol/ threads than i see /pol/ threads.

>> No.21560126

DAE /pol/ bad. Whoah

>> No.21560128

>see more threads posted by faggots seething over /pol/ threads than i see /pol/ threads.
Anecdotally, I have observed the opposite.

>> No.21560141

This is a great idea, hope some mod see it.

>> No.21560144

Because that's only treating the symptoms, not curing the actual disease. And I'm not talking about threads specifically but also /pol/ posts. You're being dishonest if you say you have seen more anti-/pol/ posts than /pol/ posts. Try making a thread about a Jewish writer and see what replies you get.

>> No.21560145

We should kiss

>> No.21560164

Why do you want to turn the board into reddit?
You won't find /pol/ there that's for sure.

>> No.21560169

you are low IQ desu
or just young

>> No.21560181

isnt the problem not /pol/ per se but more that ppl arent reading
they engage in culture war daily however and hence the poltroon spin on a lot of discourse

>> No.21560184

Feel better now?

>> No.21560190

I simply want a literature board to be about literature. If some retarded faggot wants to whine about le heckin Jews or some other nonsense, he can go to /pol/. If it bothers you, it's because you partake in such shitposting.

>> No.21560208

Another day another faggot tourist whining about /pol/, as usual with a gay twitterspeak meme attached. Most likely the OP is just that one fag shilling his book using the /pol/whining as a pretext but still.

Forums have cultures. Nearly every single website online is overmoderated with a left-wing, liberal, normie slant. /lit/ is not only not overmoderated (it's barely moderated), it's 100% tolerant of gay leftist/liberal/normie opinions. You can post whatever you want with no fear of being censored. The worst that can happen is you get mocked or ignored. If all that somehow isn't good enough for you, then 4chan isn't for you. Go to any other major website and it will enforce most of your views via bans and shadowbans to your heart's content.

Oversocialized retards have literally never interacted with people with divergent opinions without some kind of parental framework they can tattle to if things get too much. Imagine being a grown man and not being able to appreciate total freedom of speech, because you've been conditioned to crave "structure" from parental authority figures.

>> No.21560209

>If it bothers you, it's because you partake in such shitposting.
Very logical, mate.

>> No.21560211

it's unenforceable you dumb shit
you expect the one unpaid janny on charge to delete every offtopic comment?
the only thing you can do is make more literature threads, which you wont, because youre a whiner too

>> No.21560219
File: 25 KB, 698x672, 1674252349980460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My man, 4chan is not designed to be what you think it is. Look at the actual rules of the site and board. If they were enforced correctly, you'd have something not unlike most other sites- only with the added benefit of the format of 4chan.

>> No.21560227

Prescriptivist tyrant. Cultures are emergent. Stop restricting people's free expression. I bet you're the kind of chud who doesn't want profanity graffitoed all over public spaces.

>> No.21560235

this so much this
you hit the nail on the head but unfortunately not through the OP's brittle estrogenated skull and cracking his shriveled female brain into walnut dust

>> No.21560241

you can't both posture yourself as a hyper masculine man and use phrases like 'this so much this'

>> No.21560248

>/pol/yp absolutely mindbroken by current year meme identity politics thinks others are the problem
many such cases

>> No.21560251

it's basedspeak tourist

>> No.21560253

Yeah I know that's why they contradict

>> No.21560254

This thread is full of faggots. This board is fucking amazing.

>> No.21560255

I'll be honest, I didn't even read but Reddit sucks and every other board on this website sucks. This is the only place left. I just want 2016-2018 b back.

>> No.21560257


>> No.21560258

I can do what I want, actually, as this isn't reddit, your homeland

>> No.21560259

Oh nonono

>> No.21560260
File: 70 KB, 800x600, 4d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting to think this guy is merely pretending.

>> No.21560262

>Another day another faggot tourist whining about /pol/
I've probably been here long before you, not that I'm proud of it or anything, but your attempt to discredit an argument made around the assumption of "a literature board should be used to discuss literature" by saying: OP is a newfag because... I say it and his take is retarded because... 4chan is the only place where I won't be called retard for saying nigger, jew or trannie every three words" it's kinda ridiculous anon.

>> No.21560263

Those were some of the worst years.

>> No.21560267

That's when most of reddit edgy boards got banned and those retards emigrated here. Like you, i guess

>> No.21560271

trannies, their mental issues drag everything and everyone down with them.

>> No.21560272

/pol/ has become filled with Polish faggots and other Easterners. At least here there are Americans.

>> No.21560275

every blue board especially is more and more like this, noisier and noisier with these oversocialized animals constantly on the lookout for violations of the most up to date terms and conditions of allowed speech within the American Empire while ironically whining about the supposed "invasion" from another board

>> No.21560278

Discord cocotroon spammers are also /pol/ whiners. Imagine my shock

>> No.21560280

>Polish faggots
And Nazi Poles at that. They forgot they were seen as subhuman and slaughtered during WW2. It's weird.

>> No.21560281

i have literally never seen this on any blue board this board was literally getting spammed the other day. spam is not free speech

>> No.21560284

This. 4chan by its design filters for retardation. Your mind either rots or gets taken over by the dumbassery while you stay here for long enough, or you disengage from the discussions here entirely, either fully becoming a troll of leaving the site entirely.

>> No.21560286

And trad Catholic on top. Fucking faggots I can't stand them.

>> No.21560289

To think that many teenagers here feel like they're being part of a counter culture and going against some kind of opression by saying "trannie, nigger, jew and dilate". Motherfuckers are like 8 years old kids feeling like rebels for saying "bad words" kek.

>> No.21560290

false dichotomy while also being completely nonsensical and on top of which misses the point
pretty astounding level of dumbfuck on display in this one post here. take a look everyone

>> No.21560292

to be fair, they kind of are

>> No.21560299

Only in the broadest, least impressive sense of the word

>> No.21560300

You people seem to know a lot about other boards. Haven't you considered you, crossposters, are part of the problem?

>> No.21560307

Yeah, they counter the culture of having an IQ above room temperature level.

>> No.21560308

we live in a society in which we are treated as 8 year olds.
rebelling like one seems not only acceptable but inevitable

>> No.21560309

Lmao. Self own

>> No.21560310

it's understandable, when the world outside is full of infantilised effeminated cattle of your sort some release valve works wonders

>> No.21560313

the more dismissive you are of a counter culture the more of a counter culture it is

>> No.21560316

the fact you can't spell tranny correctly or rather aren't habituated to spelling it speaks volumes. the rest of your post can be safely discarded after extracting that one nugget of key info.

>> No.21560317

>We are heckin revolutionaries!
I dislike trannies as much as the next guy but /pol/tards are becoming more and more loud in spaces that have nothing to do with their board. They're as annoying as the trannies but in this board.

>> No.21560322

That's not a fair quote, the word revolutionary is something else with totally different implications.

>> No.21560324
File: 64 KB, 1005x668, 796954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the average polack has to be reaching their 30's by now. The evola kids are about 18-21 but are still hitting above the belt. The GLR/Hidler fag is just one guy and probably 24. This is the counter culture even if it ain't dignified

>> No.21560331

I post on /lit/ 90% of the time. All the time about books I'm reading.

>> No.21560334

fuck off bitch, tons of people on the site went down the rabbit hole during the election and the culture is spreading like any good idea should. This is our site as much as yours

>> No.21560337

ITT do your best impression of a /pol/ hating tourist

i'll start

The problem is that pol spreads like a plague. Basically widdle kids who think they're tough. They think their so edgy whining about da J00000s. KEK. Lit wasn't like this when I was here in 2005. 4Chan has changed.

>> No.21560339

Based noticer

>> No.21560341

What rabbit hole, zoomie?

>> No.21560344

at least two reddit spaces between each line is the cherry on top

>> No.21560346

You don't convince me. Work on it.

>> No.21560347

Well, Call of the Crocodile is /lit/‘s crowning claim to fame. Which is hilarious since this is a board full of writers and F Gardner became the biggest one.

>> No.21560349

It's all fun and games. Stop being such a bitch.

>> No.21560356

Tankies used to justify their spam saying that literature was political. I have to give credit to /pol/tards for never using that argument to shitpost.

>> No.21560367
File: 669 KB, 960x755, dfw24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We keep having the same thread over and over again, and yet nothing changes. I wonder why that is. This thread will eventually get deleted for being 'off topic' or some asshole makes another, even worse, meta thread and the mods will decide that's the better thread and get rid of this one.

The fundamental problem goes back to Marshall Mcluhan. The medium is the message. This board, this website, this corner of the internet, it was made in a different time. It was made during an age of budding internet use. The transfer to windows XP. The emergence of DSL internet. Just look at the web design of this page. This website was meant for a smaller audience. the CHAN format was meant to be slower. The fact that /b/ was always the hallmark of 'it's so crazy, you never know what you'll get!' was because it was the one 'fast' board compared to the rest of the website.

Do you remember GETS? GETS used to define memes. They were so rare and it was such an event that the entire chan zeitgeist shifted from some idiots post ending in 0000000. It was a delight. It was interesting. Arbitrary posts with unique numbers CHANGED the collective subconscious. Now? Now everyone just replies to a GET and goes lol and moves on. So many people here, so many posts, made some of the fundamental cultural artifacts that came from the medium itself disappear. As the website grows in population, the culture is both destroyed, but it is also forgotten. The old leaves and the new stays. New board culture appears in the new apparatus of the medium. When so many people post that the posts themselves don't matter, what happens? Post quality drops. People shitpost. People save photos of frogs and continue to post photos of frogs over and over and over again. People stop putting effort into their posts. This post itself, why the fuck am I typing all this out? This thread is going to get deleted. I'm not going to get any (you)s. This post isn't going to make people go 'oh wow, great point anon, I sure am going to start putting effort in again!' because that's some delusional great man theory bullshit. There are too many people to use social pressure anymore. When was the last time someone told you to 'lurk moar'? I remember the fear of being called out, I didn't post on 4chan for months. This was back in 2005. This was the time people nostalgically remember. This was before the eternal summer. Before /pol/'s 2016 bullshit. Before all the other historical markers you think are important but are just dots along a timeline.

/lit/ sucks because /lit/ sucks. 4chan has too many users for there to be a thoughtful culture. The internet sold out and everyone got access to a smartphone.

Do you think we can go back to posting on forms? Do we go back to iirc? BBS? Are we going to hide on some alternate CHAN? 711? 420? 7? Do any of these things really exist like they used to? Do you think you can convince everyone to go back? Is it really worth it?

>> No.21560371

/pol/tard arguments are even worse.
>muh heckin freedom of speech!
>nazis banned books? so based!
they are like retarded caricatures, like gremlins.

>> No.21560378

>meta thread just after the janitor applications announcement
Geez, i wonder why.

>> No.21560384

They never said they belonged here. That's my point.

>> No.21560386

/pol/ tourists are a regularly cited reason (and for good reason), but I'll also say that the moderation quality has gone down the shitter considerably.

>> No.21560394

That's what they're saying now. "This is our board as much as it's yours." = "We will continue to post off topic /pol/ garbage"

>> No.21560400

Come on. Not even you believe that.

>> No.21560402

I seriously just don't see a point in having these threads where every autist lists out what message they think ruined the board when the fact is that the medium itself has been corrupted across all the boards. The amount of complaining about quality has always been inverse to the number of people that use this website. Thinking that it's the thing to get away from the realities that our internet is now just facebook, twitter, google, instagram, and tiktok. We see constant threads shilling alternatives that were born out of the silicon valley model. Attempts to become the next big thing instead of making a fucking forum about hermit crabs because you are autistic about hermit crabs.

It sickens me to think that all the /pol/fags, frog posters, trad-larpers, marxists, etc. think that the other group is the one at fault. Lets look at what threads are successful on /lit/? Generals. the scifi general has maintained for what seems like an eternity. Why is that? Everyone but the people who want to post about scifi ignore it. it is a /lit/ within /lit/. The writing general maintains for the same reason. Everything else, every thread you people complain about being shit gets so many posts it autosages. (When the fuck was the last time someone declared they saged a post and gave a shit? That used to be a thing.) The threads you people want die instantly with 7 replies. No one cares about other people's /lit/ threads. No one bumps the good one's and sages the bad ones. Why? Because there are too many shitposters who are on their own little crusade of what THEY think /lit/ should be to care. Everyone is looking out for their own interest, which would be fine, if this board hadn't quadrupled in speed over the past decade.

The medium is the message. No one that posts on /lit/ will think of a solution.

>> No.21560406

>but I'll also say that the moderation quality has gone down the shitter considerably.
This, I mean, does moderation even exist? Unless you post porn or some kind of ubershitpost like posting an image and a single letter your post isn't going to get deleted. The only time I've seen a certain type of shitpost deleted in the latest years was when everyone was spamming 24/7 "-Whatever shit you can think of- book for this feeling?" and those posts still thrive, kinda, nowadays.

>> No.21560407

Believe what exactly? That's quite literally what they said. Allow me to cite correctly the /pol/tard from some posts above. "This is our site as much as yours."

>> No.21560413

420chan is still pretty nice sometimes. /psy/ can be comfy and a lot of old trips are still there

>> No.21560415

It's about population. The more people here the more shit to moderate that goes by at lightning speed. Imagine working for free to moderate this shit. They don't have the time to play around or actually moderate like W.T. Snacks. Bring back snacks.

>> No.21560418

>you can post about the book you're reading bro
>only classical lit and 18c philosophy is acceptable

>> No.21560422

So, after a hundred threads like this and no solution, plus no explanation beyond "the medium is the message" should be declare this board dead? At least as a place to discuss literature? I mean... It no longer serves it purpose. At this point it could be /bookciclejerkbutwithoutupvotes/.
Guess it's time to move on and that's it.

>> No.21560423
File: 12 KB, 250x239, FiLgxdiXwAIhQs5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be creating my own website this year. /pol/tards and trannies are not invited. See you later in the year with more news.

>> No.21560430

Any literature is accepted. What shouldn't be accepted is derailing threads with your retarded /pol/ clichés about some group of people you dislike.

>> No.21560435

Have many of you actually use discord? Like, on a daily basis but that's implied if you do use it.

>> No.21560438

>some people browsing this board only to get angry at it as a hobby
sure seems like it

>> No.21560445

Name one high effort thread that got derailed by /pol/ posters.

>> No.21560449

i came here from /tv/ last year specifically to shitpost. i'm not the only one.

>> No.21560451

>I have never seen a serious thread derailed by /pol/
it's okay to be a newfag but I've been here for years and I've see it happen. Without going any further, when Harold Bloom died there was an appreciation thread, we even managed to get it pinned, and there was a retarded /pol/tard derailing the thread with some stupidities about Bloom's ethnicity.

>> No.21560462

Every Capital thread ever.
Discord is the modern day IIRC, AIM, Vent, etc. There will always be a chat function, it just depends on which one is popular. The real question is what will be used after discord? Will people start moving when the quality becomes worse? When paying for nitro gets to be too expensive? When they realize that all of their digital chatrooms being used like forums aren't recorded in the waybackmachine? There has always been a parallel with chats and forums, but discord has flown a bit too close to the sun. It's scary to see happen in real time. It's also so surreal to see these little imps gather in their own private caves, too scared of the open fields because, again, it's all owned by the same 4 websites.

>> No.21560468

i use discord to talk to one friend and to leave notes for myself. it's pretty good for that.

>> No.21560469

Discord is just whatsApp, bro.

>> No.21560471

The board isn't dead, it's just the quality is that of /v/ or /a/ and not of /tg/ or /vg/. Everyone wants the autistic specificity of generals without the constraints they impose. They want their one particular book to take a thread away from the existing 10 pages. It's the same issue of genre that bookstores have to deal with. Is genre real? Not really, but it's useful as an organizational tool. Maybe some autistic retard just needs to make general threads for all the different types of literature and maintain them.

>> No.21560473

It's better tech. WhatsApp is barely catching up with some of the features that Discord has had for years.

>> No.21560478

We'd be lucky if it was like /a/. Have you posed there? They're very strict. You can't even make recommendation threads. Rec threads are like 50% of /lit/.

>> No.21560482

>the medium is the message
>dfw pic
I wonder if you wanted people to ignore you to prove a point or you really can't help yourself.

>> No.21560487
File: 215 KB, 450x498, dfw21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And whatsapp is just texting and texting is just aim and aim was just irc and irc was just writing letters and writing letters was just walking over to your friends house and knocking on their door and slapping them for making such a useless fucking effortless post as
>Discord is just whatsApp, bro.
This is exactly the shit I'm talking about. this post itself. It's short. It's meant just to be funny. It's fundementally wrong in it's technological analysis. It's blind to the past. The only part I'm proud of is your use of a comma, bro. Like what the actual fuck were you thinking? Oh, "hehe this will be funny! I'll rustle his jimmies so good!". Good on ya m8, I thought this thread was meant as a real fucking discussion about the quality of this entire internet shitshow that is /lit/ and 4chan at large. Motherfucker I want a 5 page essay about the history of computer chat functions, and it's due tomorrow.

>> No.21560489

Haven't been in one in ages but when i did participated in them the ones derailing it where "stemchads".

>> No.21560492
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>It's fundementally wrong in it's technological analysis

>> No.21560494
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I haven't been into anime since like 2012. I haven't been on /a/ in more than a decade. Does the autism really help them over there?
It's... uhhhh *profusely sweatting* uhm, well, you see, it's uhh, b-b-b-board culture! G-get it? F-funny DFW pictures! L-like the frogs, b-but less rip-off-your-skin-I-hate-it-here kinda stuff?

>> No.21560496

>Do you think we can go back to posting on forms? Do we go back to iirc? BBS? Are we going to hide on some alternate CHAN? 711? 420? 7? Do any of these things really exist like they used to? Do you think you can convince everyone to go back? Is it really worth it?
Lets not undervalue our own autonomy as users. I see quality posts here all the time. Your posts and that Mcluhan thread that I assume you posted being such examples. So what's the issue? Obviously this board moves too fast, so by the time you read this reply your post has been buried under a dozen racist obscenities, but this is a systems problem and a structural problem and it's not one without a solution.

It's not a large expense to simply buy a domain name and hosting, then copy-past some code from git-hub to host a imageboard, or a text board, or BBS, or IRC, or any number of other possibilities.

Instead of bemoaning the structurally necessary decine of 4chan, we should be asking ourselves what a proper medium for the discussion of literature even is. Lately I've been using interpals and it's interesting how there is an almost constant barrage of people from around the world to talk with in 1-on-1 chat, but no central locus around which public affairs and grand events can happen. 4chan is the opposite, and it allows zero built in mechanisms for forming interpersonal relationships beyond the constantly moving anonymous crowd. So it begs the question, is literature best experienced as a mass phenomenon or private conversation? Who knows, maybe the future of literature is a gamefied day trading app.

In any case, I don't think it's possible to retreat into the past. Any 4chan clones will inherit the malaise that has taken root here, and they might be slower but they won't be meaningfully different.

>> No.21560509

/a/ is a terrible board
just because it's not filled with the same shitposting as /v/ doesn't make it a good board
it's split between pseudo-generals, waifu threads, and slow-ass chapter-a-day dumps which are themselves basically generals
wanna discuss something older? good fucking luck. wanna just post funny shit? thread deleted.

>> No.21560510

The fundamental problem with the internet is that the people who can recognize when to post vs when to keep their posts to themselves are also the people who least need to shut the fuck up. Quality posters will output few posts while making sure their posts are quality, without posting shit ones. Shitposters will never stop shitposting. You will see this on every form of social media, and on every single website that gets too big to effectively moderate.

>> No.21560516

>Does the autism really help them over there?
Yea, they're very organized and all their discussions are on topic. It's a far cry from a shithole like /tv/. /lit/ is becoming like /tv/ but for books.

>> No.21560521
File: 84 KB, 1062x1080, 13783455313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ is becoming like /tv/

>> No.21560527

COVID lockdowns mentally crippled people

>> No.21560530
File: 47 KB, 650x366, Blooms-Taxonomy-650x366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every thread with a political text gets derailed by the opposition's strawman arguments. It becomes difficult for them to discuss any sort of nuance.
Ya got me, bud!
You are right, we cannot retreat into the past, no matter how much I want to burry my head and do that, but I also will completely undervalue the power of the individual when the systemic issues that plague this place are so overwhelming. None of our posts will survive. We are the band on the titanic as it sinks, but its every time we post.

I think the best discussions of literature I've had are always one on one back and forths, sometimes on /lit/ where other anons occasionally come in and talk about it. When two minds have actually actually read a text thoroughly they can discuss it and build on those ideas. That's the whole point of educational texts etc. Building upon the work as an experience itself to learn about the self and others and the world. I think twitter and other social media platforms turn into narcissistic bullshit limited by characters. Discussing actual literature takes a long time to do. It's why 30 minute lectures always feel too short and why a tweet is just going to say 'good' or 'bad'. DFW said in a few interviews when asked a question that required length to reply that 'we could go get a cup of coffee and it would take hours to properly explain it' or something like that. Real genuine connection with another person and material takes time. We just live in an age that's too fast for books or actually talking about real shit.

>> No.21560534

Riffing on this, what /functions/ should a literature community actual fulfill? Should it be talking about literature? Generating popular memes? Creating a respitory for books? Focusing on established authors? Creating new authors? Nitpicking details from books written thousands of years ago?

4chan was never meant to be a literary forum. Some of the features, anonymity, easy access to posting, being entirey "surface web" and so on, have conributed to a distinct culture jere, but overall, id say that /lit/ punches below its weight when compared to various projects and impacts that other websited and even boards have had.

>> No.21560542

>the people on the board are axiomatically part of the problem
>the thread is full of people with /pol/ living rent free in their head
>therefore, the problem is anti-/pol/ NPCs

>> No.21560560

I imagine /lit/ being me and the guys going to a coffee shop that has a fireplace, all downing a dozen cups of black coffee, chain smoking cigarettes, writing in little journals, reading, and arguing with each other over the nuances of whatever it is we are reading. Like when I go to the local bar, but instead of drinking to be dumb and chasing tail. I dunno. Maybe I’m just chasing a dream.

>> No.21560564

>autistic about hermit crabs
TAFS listener detected.

Anyway. The typical mentality expressed in this thread and elsewhere on the board is as much a part of the problem as anything else. People don't seem to understand that you can't go back. You can only go forwards and accelerate. Whatever solution you come up with has to incorporate the truth of the present day internet: it's massive, highly monitored, and populated by more bots and low IQ people than ever. The **only** effective way to filter out the above issues is some kind of security through obscurity; once your userbase is above triple digits you've fucked it. Any new, online communicative framework that doesn't find a way of making a virtue of the true shape of the internet today will fail.

>> No.21560569

I guess my argument isnt so much that we can single handedly change /lit/ as it is that there have been numerous succesful offshoots from 4chan and other websites over the years, and that figuring out a specific set of mechanisms that presents a tangibly better alternative to, i dont know, reddit and goodreads, then theres no reason that a community cant branch off from here and form something better.

To me the problem isnt that /lit/ is structurally doomed to irrelevance, it is, but that nobody knows how to articulate a coherent vision for literature in the present century. Its never been easier to access and dissiminate the written word, but somehow long-form writing seems to be dying.

And maybe it is technological, but it also seems to me that there is a lack of gusto for experimentation. If the monarchy can cling to relevance through endless tmz exclusives and netflix documentaries, then why cant our generation have enjoyable literary feuds or be enthralled by whoever Rupi Kuar is fucking this week? I think that literature is a dinasour industry thats dying from its own self-imposed irrelavance. Pro-wrestling has its own coherent spectical that pulls in enthusaistic crowds of devotees, but literature is caught in a kind of dead zone of four to seven boomer moms in every town in America drinking tea and talking about whatever Operahs book of the month is.

>> No.21560581

Having the money to waste on a 4chan GOLD account doesn't correlate with being a high quality poster, in fact it probably negatively correlates. Just look at /vip/ or somethingawful...

>> No.21560582

Nah ive always felt like this is a huge unfilled niche in society. Everybody agrees that literature has a certain kind of innate aesthetic and brand appeal, i think Dark Academia is a reflection of this, but that "ideal" of what literature "is" doesnt ever condescend to enter the real world and physically exist anywhere.

>> No.21560583

>None of our posts will survive
But there's the archive. Your post will become a fossil there. Sure you won't be able to do anything with it, still it exists as a concrete object of your thought, and you can take solace that someone in the future can still chance upon your post, and an even tinier chance that your message can still be carried through time, if that's your thing.

If it's really as you said, that the medium is the message, then 4chan, being an image board, seems to be functioning as intended: a message board with images. Leaving messages is not supposed to be making conversations. Conversations are the by-product here. It seems that you take issue not really with how the board functions, but with how the internet in general fails to bring forth what everyone wished for 20 years ago, the establishing of meaningful connection. I think the other anon is spot on, it does seem to boil down to whether discussion of the sort you want is mass oriented or otherwise. I have a feeling that perhaps you're seeking someone irl to have that conversation with, and that will be the solution to your own frustration. Would you agree?

>> No.21560591

>Stormfags, /pol/tards, incels and trad larpers
Just say millennial, dude. Millennials ruin everything they touch. (Younger) millennials in particular. The so called geriatric ones are usually chill, maybe even based, but the younger ones? They're to blame. They ruin every single thing they touch, and blame it on zoomers since 2020 made scapegoating boomers double plus ungood.

>> No.21560604

>Pro-wrestling has its own coherent spectical that pulls in enthusaistic crowds of devotees
Pro wrestling has been on the decline since 2001, with the cracks showing in 2000. It's pretty much a niche thing nowadays, and if Vince sells WWE, that's pretty much curtains out. There's a reason the Attitude Era is STILL the standard.

>> No.21560606

For me it's more like a being part of a team of a totally unpopular sport. Having your teammates come and go and your time scheduled with months in advance. Reading being the everyday training and writing and discussing the presentation/performance.
Totally isolated from the outside world. Like a scientist or a monk.

>> No.21560613
File: 375 KB, 898x1052, 94394390390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait until you guys see my website. I have theoretically solved many issues in mainstream social media and I have been planning it since last year. It's going to be a real beauty.

>> No.21560622

Some idiot thought it was a good idea to give zoomers and trannies internet access I dunno

>> No.21560626

Man I'd hate to be you. Good thing I'm not...

>> No.21560627

>>None of our posts will survive

Yet F Gardner and Call of the Crocodile will go down in history. This is a very retarded timeline.

>> No.21560629


>> No.21560630

Gardner, pls.

>> No.21560636

Case in point.

>> No.21560638

Not the guy youre talking to, but ive go to disagree. The internet, and espescially phones, allow for a kind of hyper-reality public spectical that people can directly engage in. Look at the crypto scene that boomed and busted over the last five years. That explosion of creative energy, capital, and intellectual creativity could have never happened between a handful of techies tinkering in their basement and being good friends together. Meanwhile there are terminally online shut ins living in flyover country who, by proximity to websites such as 4chan, twitter, reddit, etc. Are as 'in the know' and on the cutting edge as the trendsetters of London, Paris, New York, or the techies in MIT and Stanford.

The internet is extremely powerful, insofar that it allows for the spontanious organization of thousands of interactions and users towards certain ends. It is an unmistakable failure of modern literature that it has not been able to weaponize this techno-cultutal juggernot towards the continuation and expansion of literary traditions which have existed for the last several thousand years.

>> No.21560640
File: 2.91 MB, 498x278, 4B79D46A-702D-49F9-AE8F-6290DDD9310B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>otherwise it's just 14-16 year old's begging for attention.
See, this is what I mean. Millennials trying to blame zoomers for something negative because they can't handle the idea that their generation isn't as perfectly blameless as it likes to think. I know fully how >>21559998 feels. You either get "TFW NO GF! HOW DO I RELATE TO DA WIMMINZ" bait shit or YA schlockfests. Nothing. Else. Millennials, as always, ruin everything. Every. Thing. Prove me wrong.

>> No.21560643

seethe tranny

>> No.21560646

Are you not aware of people paying for wattpad fiction?

>> No.21560648
File: 595 KB, 647x1031, 4chan in a Nutshell.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21560654

A tranny doesn't call trannies "trannies", retard. Get your head out of your ass.

>> No.21560655

kek confirmed troon

>> No.21560659

Glow harder, troon.

>> No.21560660
File: 1.42 MB, 4728x3896, pathologize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21560664

I was talking to a 17 zoomer the other day and she was sad because basically she never had a boyfriend. She missed out on teenage love and it's starting college soon totally inexperienced.
I think what you describe is going to hit zoomer harder than it hit millenials and i don't know why. She was not unattractive at all either.

>> No.21560665

cope, tranny. 42%

>> No.21560668


>> No.21560669

Was this before or after she reported you to HR?

>> No.21560670
File: 21 KB, 218x182, 3499453439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did the dream die?

>> No.21560671

>no u
Lmao, dilate, alphabetfaggot.

>> No.21560675

Way before

>> No.21560676

The only tranny here is you, faggot. And a zoomer on top of all. Fuck off back to twitter.

>> No.21560680
File: 13 KB, 259x195, download (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still at it
It's okay, xir. Calm down.

>> No.21560683
File: 147 KB, 1080x1571, 16351297814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe, millennial. You will own nothing and you will never be happy.
Nah, zoomers will be fine. It's millennials who are gonna be in for a world of pain when they hit boomer age. We're already seeing this with the millennial women gentrifying youth spaces like YA.

>> No.21560685

>still at it
You're a disgusting piece of shit LMAO

>> No.21560686

Mad af lel. My work here is done!

>> No.21560688

Its honestly incredible that they just persist here year after year whining that a place exists that doesnt conform to their boring speech codes

Anyone who spends their time complaining about /lit/ most definitely does not try to make their own threads with good conversation or they would know it's perfectly possible to do so. These people are literally looking for political threads and only engaging in them, and its beyond obvious that they dont actually care about the thread being off topic, they just care that it has le wrongthink in it.

>> No.21560690
File: 1001 KB, 336x252, 2EC94D5B-6831-4F16-9296-B3FDFA41F33E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a room, you two.

>> No.21560697

Zoomies are even worse than millennials, I don't know what you're smoking.
>speak like n*ggers
>zero attention span
>utter whores or no sex at all, no middle ground
>brain fucked by memes and social media
>dopamine receptors fucked by porn
>addicted to le heckin tiktok

>> No.21560699

t. never been on /lit/

>> No.21560701

>it's perfectly possible to do so.
It's not. Try to make a thread about a Jewish writer. Not even a political one, just a fiction writer.

>> No.21560705

>Try to make a thread about a Jewish writer
Keep this disgusting trash off /lit/ please.

>> No.21560707

Your job is being a subversive tranny zoomer, hence the ebonics.

>> No.21560710
File: 50 KB, 621x540, 1672444360179509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zoomies are even worse than millennials, I don't know what you're smoking.
Well, let's look at the facts, shall we?
>speak like n*ggers
And millennials don't? Millennials gave us shit like nu-metal and Brokencyde.
>zero attention span
This is fucking RICH coming from a millennial.
>utter whores or no sex at all, no middle ground
So you're basing zoomers based on the terminally online faggots among them AND pretending millennials don't do this sorta shit too?
>brain fucked by memes and social media
Millennials gave us Tumblr/Twitter/Reddit/4chan. Fucking shut up.
>dopamine receptors fucked by porn
You're not even trying, are you?
>addicted to le heckin tiktok
Millennials gave us Tumblr/Twitter/Reddit/4chan. Fucking shut the fuck up.

>> No.21560712

You know that's just not true.

>> No.21560714
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 1673792101226906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not reading all that

>> No.21560715

There are threads about Proust and kafka all the time and usually at most you might have a couple shitposts about Jews.

>> No.21560716
File: 332 KB, 200x200, 6C85A874-9AF8-4AC7-9FFB-A6E520A13856.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says zoomers have zero attention span
>not reading all that

>> No.21560717
File: 24 KB, 220x272, Arguing_with_Idiots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subversive of what lmao? /lit/ and 4chan at large are not inherently conservative.

>> No.21560720

See? It's impossible and /pol/tards like you are trying to tell everyone ITT how good things actually are. Things are "good" for you because you agree with the retarded nonsense being said.

>> No.21560727

>everyone is the same person

>> No.21560729

Not every shitposter is a /pol/tard. Stop it

>> No.21560734

>And millennials don't?
Millennials use slang here and there. Zoomies are full on n*ggers. Quite literally indistinguishable from a Jamal.
>This is fucking RICH coming from a millennial.
Millennials read more than zoomers.
>So you're basing zoomers based on the terminally online faggots among them AND pretending millennials don't do this sorta shit too?
Statistics don't lie.
>Millennials gave us Tumblr/Twitter/Reddit/4chan. Fucking shut up.
>Millennials gave us Tumblr/Twitter/Reddit/4chan. Fucking shut the fuck up.
Tiktok is worse. It fucks up your attention span. All least those other ones allowed text posts.

>> No.21560737
File: 2.98 MB, 250x195, 1515782945794.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe people are just tired of shitposting. Maybe people are just tired of le heckin' cute and valid ironyfags ruining every discussion. Everything is draped in irony now. Nobody can just say what they really feel about something. They have to pretend all the time. Everyone has become so afraid of being sincere and then criticized or mocked for it that they've instead draped a cloak of irony and sarcasm as armor. People are getting tired of it, though.
Holy shit, dude, the sheer cope/seethe emanating from this post. I must've hit a nerve or something.

>> No.21560739

>Subversive of what lmao?
Of the discourse. You're calling someone that called out trannies a tranny. Consider having a brain.

>> No.21560740

Have you been to b recently? It literally is unusable with the amount of porn. The LOGS guy is getting 200 replies per thread. I know people talk about pre-2016 as the best years but I was too young to use 4chan at that point.

That was me when I was 14.

The only good place on the internet is the 4chan interest boards. If it is any consolation to you guys, I started reading because I spend so much time here.

>> No.21560742

My sincere belief is that I don't like Jewish people.

>> No.21560743

>Of the discourse.
Saying "tranny" is not "discourse".
It's just rhe new filler word that replaced "cuck".

>> No.21560744

>Holy shit, dude, the sheer cope/seethe emanating from this post. I must've hit a nerve or something.
Huh? Where am I coping? It's all based on observation and/or statistics. Where is the lie?

>> No.21560746

It is discourse. Just not discourse you like because he also called out zoomers in the same sentence and you were butthurt because you are a zoomer.

>> No.21560749
File: 46 KB, 400x547, B8318F51-DF34-43B2-8C60-F6CD2E8565E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi F Gardner

>> No.21560753

No, I just think its stupid that you think that saying "tranny" is so important to the "discourse".
It's literally just a fotm meme word, in the style of...

etc etc etc

>> No.21560755

Same. I talk about jews to my sister and she listens to me and sometimes even agree. But they make good writers and i can't just drop Auster, Roth or Salinger because they were jewish.

>> No.21560756

>I'm just being le heckin' based /pol/tard IRRRRONICALLY! hehe Heil Hitler lol I'm such a naughty Nazi boy
Do people like this seriously exist?

>> No.21560762
File: 234 KB, 500x500, p13YoN0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's all based on observation and/or statistics...
Come on, dude. You can't possibly expect me to believe that. The four websites I listed alone have done immeasurably more damage to society than TikTok ever could, for example. Kids are acting like, y'know, kids, on TikTok. That's the whole point. They don't sit around whining about how hard Jews/white people make it for them to adult like millennials do on the four sites I mentioned. Notice how it's only millennials who coined the word adulting? What other generation in human history did that? See, my sincere belief (replying to >>21560742) is that this generational melodrama is total D&C bullshit, but I do enjoy poking fun at those anons who whine about zoomers. The truth is, the kids are fine. They're like any other generation. You won't even remember them by the time you hit boomer age and you're blaming whatever's after Gen Alpha for why you can't get laid or whatever grievance you have. I mean, Jamal? Damn, did a black person bully you in high school?

>> No.21560768
File: 294 KB, 483x596, FYrNewMXwAMajxH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do people like this seriously exist?
They do online. Hell, sites like Kiwi Farms exist to literally do just that. But everyone does that, though. Look at all the blue checks coming up with the most obnoxious hyperbole imaginable about white people (specifically white men) just to get noticed. Take picrel for example. This guy is EXACTLY what I'm talking about.

>> No.21560770

>the kids are fine
Zoomers are in their 20s now. Maybe your definition of fine is different from mine but they are pretty fucked up. Way more mindless than millennials supposedly are.
>I mean, Jamal? Damn, did a black person bully you in high school?
Luckily I don't live in a region with blacks. It's just a shorthand for a negro.

>> No.21560772
File: 87 KB, 1021x580, 14d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those words

>> No.21560779

>Way more mindless than millennials supposedly are.
I notice how you conveniently ignored my remark about millennials coining "adulting." Yeah, sure seems like millennials are doing just fine lmao.
>Luckily I don't live in a region with blacks.
You're trying too hard. Tone it down a notch, will ya? You're not impressing anyone with how heckin' based and redpilled you are.

>> No.21560784

That is my point, yeah. The word itself carries no meaning beyond being the current buzzword.

>> No.21560785

What i want is digital viannese cafes, where anarchists and fascists go toe to toe in rabid fire debates, where avant garde literary movements come and go with the seasons, where someone can gain a huge following through a couple of well timed essays and sell out, where literarh feuds play out in real time and people actually die becaue of memes that are born online.

I dont want to read some fanfiction jerkoff story written by a contientiously non-offensive "content creator" for their four or five dozen pay-pigs.

It pisses me off because 4chan has come so close so many times, but nothing meaningful has ever materialized from this board. I guess maybe literature has lost the zeitgiest, but is it so much to ask for a website where you can put up a short story and if its good potentially get a publishing deal or at least some cute bookish 20-something girls slipping nudes into your DMs?

The problem isnt even 4chan. Its that literature as a genre has lost the zeitgiest and resigned itself to musuems and school houses. Wheres the excitement? Wheres the sex appeal? Wheres the mass spectical? In France literary icons are treated like rockstars. But on the internet, all we get are boomers who were published in he 80s making a fool of themselvs on twitter.

>> No.21560790

Zoomers have a growing trend of a counterculture to this type of thing. Of course, being young their counter-culture (like all counter-culture and youth culture) is sort of cringe.

The best examples of that are Nick Fuentes, Andrew Tate, and The series of alt-light tiktoker, there is a pretty famous tiktoker that calls himself a national socialist.

>> No.21560794

Your problem is that you've yet to come to terms with the fact that (younger) millennials have killed literature. Unless it panders to affluent white millennial femcel wine aunts, nobody gives a fuck, and nobody ever fucking will. "Literature," as a serious field, is obsolete in an age with limitless entertainment options at one's fingertips. Nobody gives a fuck anymore except the self-insert smut peddlers. You're lucky you even get crumbs of discussions on sites like 4chan. Give it another five years or so, and you won't even have those

>> No.21560795

A meme coinage is preferable over sounding like a negro from le hood all day, every day. The damage that zoomers are doing to the English language will dwarf all millennial meme words.

>> No.21560799

>The damage that zoomers are doing to the English language will dwarf all millennial meme words.
The damage that millennials did to the world economy by simping for boomer oligarchs to "save lives" will dwarf anything all zoomers could do.

>> No.21560800

GoodReads is too SJW for me and I'm not even that sensitive to those things.
There are so many people who hardly talk about the book, just some social issue that is just tangentially related. I read Han Kang's "The Vegetarian" some time ago and in one, not very important, passage the protagonist is bitten by a "fighting dog" and instead of discussing the book, people were talking about how fighting dogs don't exist. To me this is almost surreal and when we get to more controversial books it becomes insufferable.

>> No.21560804
File: 592 KB, 689x712, 1672118059712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodreads. /lit/. Booktube. Authortube. What is the common denominator? Millennials. Still waiting for someone to prove me wrong. Why is it that as soon as millennials came of age, we went from literature being a serious field to grown ass adults reading kidlit? It's as cringe as this picture courtesy of the original millennials, the boomers.

>> No.21560808

Okay and?

>> No.21560809

What are you even talking about?

>> No.21560810

>ass constructions
wtf is that?

>> No.21560813
File: 6 KB, 274x184, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ has always been somewhat /pol/ lite. What is happening is that the typical discussions that celebrated Kant and Spinoza, Hume and Aquinas has now gradually changed to favor Carlyle and Schmitt and more anti-liberal thinkers. The quality of posts has not changed, you still have shitposters, you still have trolls and you still have the occasional good discussion.

What has changed is the topic of that discussion, now it is more reactionary/revolutionary in nature, people want to read Mein Kampf instead of The Social Contract. It is still relevant and sill on topic for the board but the old grognards are going to piss and moan because they no longer get the traffic and attention they once did.

>> No.21560814

Barely anyone bothers with this site anymore. Most have found nieche discord groups for interests they have. 4chan is like 30% AI these days anyway. Why would you spend 10 minutes arguing with someone who might be a bot.

>> No.21560818

NF is a psychotic fed who promotes celibacy and Andrew Tate is a millenial PUA guy

Incidentally the biggest change I have noticed in the online far right is that millenial guys always made a big deal about getting women. PUA was embedded in all the far right stuff in the early to mid 10s and dovetailed with patriarchy promotion in various ways. Huge emphasis on lifting weights and fucking random girls as displays of masculinity. "Right wing bodybuilding" and whatever.

The zoomer right is not like this. They're all self declared incels and view putting in effort to get girls as being fundamentally cucked or degenerate for various reasons. I dont think they care about working out either. I havent fully understood why they're like this but Its a very noticeable change

>> No.21560820

Having done a lot of research into literary movements during the last century, they were often just a handful of writers and publishers self promoting each other, and a mangful of literary magaznes giving them a spotlight. Even a slow website might have tweny thousand users. Thats more people than the entire beat generation. More than the futurists. More than the surrealists, more than the lost generation.

Snut peddlers are the only people engaging with literature in a serious way these days. Most of the literary scene otherwise seems like its naval-gazing, self serious, and locked up in the Ivory Tower.

>> No.21560822
File: 567 KB, 1366x2048, xjxhwclzi1ca1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man/women children have no emotional maturity and no sense of pathos/tone. They cannot write seriously because they cannot handle serious issues irl with the gravitas they deserve, so its no wonder they cannot write it. That and the media they themselves enjoy or consume is just as trash too. For example, Tolkien grew up and adventurous outdoorsy youth who went out and experienced shit. He also was very well read (he was the one that advocated for the literarily depth of Beowulf) and loved a lot of the classics (in addition to how religion influenced him). He experience the horror of modern war (IIRC he was like one of 3 guys from his school group that survived the war). Now compare that to a modern day sperg The oldest bit of media they prolly dealt with is from the 90s, maybe the 80s, and it was prolly some toy commercial show or maybe sailor moon or some shit. Now add onto that no personal growth, no real world experience or emotional growth, and the most deep media they ever ingested was Sailor Moon for a bit and that is it. And you wonder why media, let alone literature is in such dire straits?

>> No.21560826

>What is happening is that the typical discussions that celebrated Kant and Spinoza, Hume and Aquinas has now gradually changed to favor Carlyle and Schmitt and more anti-liberal thinkers.
Headcanon. Just because you and thee other /pol/troons circlejerk about le heckin' based Nazis doesn't mean others do the same. Mein Kampf is not even literature.

>> No.21560835

>Young kids are less into reading than past generations (which were already not very much into reading)
>The current generation 4chan gets new users from is hopelessly retarded and very close-minded, probably as a result of academia/media/political polarization
>Narcissistic society is as ubiquitous as ever, and fashion is favored over content
>/lit/'s older population now have jobs and families, a lot of them probably have out-grown 4chan
>Discord groups replacing 4chan as a go-to online community of internet racists that like to discuss literature

I think there's also a deeper point to be made about passion, and how fast the culture zoomers have grown up in has become radically different from what came before it as it relates to literature. When I went through middle school and high school every teacher taught from the canon, and the "woke" works were books like Scarlet Letter and To Kill a Mockingbird and Roll of Thunder. At least a couple of my teachers still clearly loved teaching Shakespeare or Greek mythology or Jane Eyre or 1984 or Steinbeck or Hemingway. One teacher that I TA'd for harangued her AP Lit class about The Sound and the Fury for an entire trimester. Nobody really cared about those books at the time but it was easy to see that teachers were passionate about it.

My qt gf is a teacher and from what I can get out of her, passion like that is not so common anymore; teaching has always been a liberal profession, and being the average liberal teacher today is way different than it was ten or fifteen years ago. The things they get passionate about have changed, as have the attitudes towards the canon. The days of retarded kids finding this website and endlessly shitposting about the meme trilogy or Moby Dick or Dostoevsky/Tolstoy books are long gone. Even Blood Meridian is getting less discussion.

>> No.21560842

Is it just 4 people or half the board

>> No.21560843

social engineering post

>> No.21560844

>Most of the literary scene otherwise seems like its naval-gazing, self serious, and locked up in the Ivory Tower.
As it should be

>> No.21560850

I think you're profoundly underestimating how much technology has changed the way kids are socialized.

>> No.21560854

>Young kids are less into reading than past generations (which were already not very much into reading)
According to one study, 33% of high school graduates never read another book the rest of their lives and 42% of college grads never read another book after college. 70% of US adults have not been in a bookstore in the last five years and 80% of US families did not buy or read a book last year.
Not at all. Of course it's changed quite a bit. But I don't think zoomers are as bad as some here seem to think.

>> No.21560857
File: 52 KB, 750x900, sonnerad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the reason /lit/ is shit. You have no retorts or arguments because you have not read the books. If you did the argument would be over so swiftly it would not register with the board culture.

The fact that you call the autobiography of the most central figure of the 20th century not literature proves you are utterly incapable of rational discourse. You are only mad that your views are not the prevailing ones,which funnily enough is what most Far-Right people like me were once mad about. You know what we did? We read, and debated and discussed and reasoned and formed a cohesive world-view that supported what we want, what we do and how we live. All in cohesion with each other. While you must resort to ad-hominent, lies and just insults to beat the competition down. I'm always willing to discuss and reshape my views but you must engage with me, if I can see your position is better I would gladly adjust my world-view to better fit the new information. The sad truth is you don't have any new arguments, I've read them all, I used to use them but they never did bring me any peace or security for the future. Perhaps they did forty or fifty years ago for people who did not know where we would land now.

>> No.21560858

4chan is a glowie pace. They make experiments here on what kind of discourse should they use to brainwash the population. You think all those Rockwell and Nazi posters are organic? Think again. They are glowies.

>> No.21560861
File: 15 KB, 268x354, Doctored_Stalin-Lenin_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the most central figure of the 20th century
But picrel didn't write an autobiography.

>> No.21560864

Fair point, one of the most central figures of the 20th century.

>> No.21560865

Ex BO of what was once 8ch's /lit/ board here.
My conclusion from my observations back then, and when I tried to make it something better over there is this: /lit/ never took off and was always fumbling around. It was never a good fit to an image-board format. Other non-ib format sites took it farther than we ever could.
It's just that simple.

>> No.21560874
File: 107 KB, 982x1024, 1669762560401449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glowie's can't say nigger or jews or kikes or post anything spicy or offensive. They can't store memes on their computers, especially not ones that bring attention to the jews.

You say brainwash, you mean convince that a better position exists. I'm literally the only person who posts Rockwell.

>> No.21560881

I would say Stalin was the most central figure, myself. You could make a case for Hitler, and possibly Mao, but Stalin, I think, is above all. He turned a feudal backwater into a world power, setting the stage for his successor to kickstart the space race. He owned vast swathes of Europe and Asia, whether directly or indirectly.

>> No.21560884

At least as far as this thread is concerned, I don't think I'm making very much of a leap when I say that contemporary entertainment (ie smartphones, tablets, social media, streaming services, etc), which are all often available to children from a very young age, probably has the effect of demolishing a kid's attention span (I know it demolished mine and I didn't get a smartphone until I was a senior in high school), and that attention span is absolutely vital for reading. And if that's normal for somebody, how much harder must that make fixing it?

>> No.21560888

Jordan Peterson was never going to be worthwhile. Dude's a Canadian. Canadians couldn't care less about anything except their massive inferiority complex towards the US. They will gladly play the fiddle a la Nero as their country burns as long as they win a big hockey game or some shit. Even Manchukuo had more legitimacy as a country than Canada.

>> No.21560893

It is so annoying seeing people repeat this shit about Russia being a "feudal backwater". It was a great power on par with other great european powers at least since the Napoleonic wars. It industrialized like every other European country did and expanded its empire

There was nothing magical about anything the Soviets did and half of it was blatantly retarded

>> No.21560895

>There was nothing magical about anything the Soviets did and half of it was blatantly retarded
You could just as easily say the same about the Tzars.

>> No.21560897
File: 22 KB, 839x889, 1651346116730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You said yourself Rockwell doesn't contribute much to anything. You should post interesting shit instead of low-effort bait. As someone that's probably way more sympathetic to your ideological leanings than you might think, there's plenty of good shit to post.

>> No.21560902

Mein Kampf doesn't have literary value. It's a mere historical document. It doesn't have the compelling prose of Speak, Memory by Nabokov, nor the enjoyable philosophical musings of Memories from Beyond the Grave by Chateaubriand, for example. It's a lesser product of political propaganda and nothing more. The fact that you think so highly of it comes from your adherence to Hitler's ideology. You are completely delusional in your literary taste.

>> No.21560905

>You are completely delusional in your literary taste.
Kind of hard to have any when you think most literature ever written is kiked/pozzed/degenerate. Funny how these types never do catch how similar they are to the everything is racist/misogynistic/transphobic types.

>> No.21560909

>among us spam on the log
The decline is palpable

>> No.21560911

Sure I wouldnt be opposed to saying that. It's just the notion that Russia was some weak unimportant backwater that annoys me. Europeans certainly looked down on russia but it was still very powerful and compared to the entire rest of the world very advanced. It was literally only England, France, Germsny and a handful of other little euro countries ahead of it

>> No.21560916

>It's just the notion that Russia was some weak unimportant backwater that annoys me.
Too bad all their great writers thought as much about it. Other than Pushkin, I don't know a single Russian writer who didn't have at least one book whining about Western Europe being ahead of them.

>> No.21560926

I thought it was just /k/ shills leaking

>> No.21560927

Tolstoy spends half of war and peace seething about how Napoleon wasnt actually that great and Russia btfod France

And again it is true that the aristocracy in Russia had a huge inferiority complex about western Europe, and it was indeed superior to them, but Russia was still an actual rival power to these countries.

>> No.21560929

Nah, it's just me

>> No.21560935

>Tolstoy spends half of war and peace seething about how Napoleon wasnt actually that great and Russia btfod France
And that's why I honestly can't stand Russian literature. If you ask me, it's neck and neck with British for most overrated of all time.

>> No.21560946
File: 87 KB, 712x900, william-butler-yeats-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you could say...
>The best lack all conviction, while the worst
>Are full of passionate intensity.

>> No.21560948

>I can't stand Russian literature because one book did something I don't approve of
Russia did give Napoleon's army a run for their money.

>> No.21560959

We know

>> No.21560960

>I can't stand Russian literature because one book did something I don't approve of
It's more than one book, actually, like I said prior. I just used W&P as an example. Nice try with that attempt at a gotcha though.

>> No.21560965

*farts on your face*
*leaves thread*

>> No.21560967

Name the novels that do the same thing (talk about the French defeat by Russian forces for half the book).

>> No.21560973

>The fact that you call the autobiography of the most central figure of the 20th century not literature proves you are utterly incapable of rational discourse.
The book reads like a literal, for real no meme, incel screed. It has no artistic merit.

>> No.21560974

Peepee poopoo

>> No.21560979

*re-enters thread*
*sharts on your face*
*leaves thread*

>> No.21560992
File: 93 KB, 960x627, Alexis-de-Tocqueville-democracy-in-America.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they banned tocquevillefag.

>> No.21560995
File: 14 KB, 400x245, vanguard-america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I endeavor to engage with anybody who does with me fairly and without shitposting or misrepresenting what is being said. I don't post bait, I don't post slurs and I don't post ad-hominen. Or at least I try not to for the last one. I've had dozens of well intentioned and enjoyable debates.

>Mein Kampf doesn't have literary value. It's a mere historical document.
Do you not see how these two sentences contradict each other? I don't think highly of it as a work of literary accomplishment, that is exactly what I am tired of. It is an important piece of literature, important and quality are not synonymous.

>It's a lesser product of political propaganda and nothing more.
All manifestos and political treatise are the same. You call your own position reasoned and well informed, you call the other side black propaganda and brain-washing. Which, in an ironic twist, is one of the topics covered in Mein Kampf. I'd encourage you to read it, you may see that it contains a great deal of useful information.

>> No.21561031

this. never once have I complained about bbc spam threads or whatever, ignore it and find a thread that interests you. takes a certain kind of faggot (r*dditor) to cry about muh precious board when there's still mountains of on topic discussion

>> No.21561040

>there's still mountains of on topic discussion

>> No.21561050

>I'm fine with BBC threads
we know, gayboy

>> No.21561062

One mistake you're making is confusing the guy for the audience. It doesn't matter if Andrew Tate is a zoomer or Millenial if his audience is primarily zoomers (which they are).

You are correct that there is a huge difference between the incels and the red pill guys. Red pill guys (in spirit) have probably been around forever, and incels are newer but it isn't really a generational thing. Both exist and both have millennials and gen z "members".

But those were just two examples off the top of my head. 2016/2017 youtube was full of "edgy" and "counter-culture" YouTubers that were particularly popular with the young zoomers. Leafyishere/iddubz/filthyfrank was not appealing to 20-32 year-olds, which would be the Millenials. their demographics were much much younger. While obviously not hardcore alt-right gen-z definitely has a growing movement of trying to be counter-culture against liberal culture. I mean if you look at /pol/ most of them are under 27.

>> No.21561064

They're just genetically different. The impulse to cry to the teacher to ban things is straight up just burned into some people's genes

I have literally never once in my life felt that desire. The desire to insult or fight them or whatever sure, but to run to some authority so that they can be made to not be able to speak? I genuinely dont even comprehend what emotion or state or mind they're in to want this. For one thing I don't actually hate people for saying things I dont like. I get angry but i don't think they need to literally be silenced. And for another I assume they could have good things to say about other subjects. And most importantly if you ban ideas then you open yourself up to extreme myopia; we need maximally conflicting views to keep us on our toes conceptually. I'd rather hear the thing I dont like so I can muster my arguments than not hear it, even if it annoys me.

I thought we were all on 4chan specifically because we dont have this censor impulse

>> No.21561072

I think jannies should be harsher on /pol/posters. Racial slurs should be wordfiltered into bear puns or something and off topic posts should earn the posters a 3 day ban from this board.

We also desperately need a religion board. Half the threads here and on /his/ are about religion these days.

>> No.21561077

>racial slurs should be wordfiltered into bear puns or something
kill yourself

>> No.21561086
File: 33 KB, 317x400, 1654898775416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But not the bait threads of Tate, Peterson and all the tradcath bullshit? Bait threads are bait thread regardless of what the subject is. You can immediately tell what is an earnest engagement of a topic and what is not. You, as ever, want one set of rules for your side and another for the other. Thankfully this is not reddit. Debate or fuck off.

>> No.21561087

what would you like to discuss? I just browsed the archive and there's sci fi/fan, nonfiction, writing and poetry generals, threads about specific books and authors with dozens of replies. If there's not a thread up for it, you yourself can make one instead of crying an anon posted a frog again

>> No.21561088
File: 22 KB, 500x361, 1535315017694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most disingenuous post I've seen today
/pol/ cries tranny, jew, fed, nigger etc every minute of every day.

>> No.21561090
File: 257 KB, 680x185, 6db.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think bans should be handed out based on post quality, not content. The problem is that /pol/tards derail every thread with low quality seething. Just make a thread about black literature and see how long it takes for some nerd to go on a rant about niggers if you don't believe me.

>> No.21561091


>> No.21561092

>I thought we were all on 4chan specifically because we dont have this censor impulse
most of us are but some are libtards in denial who would rather have a trans young adult fiction general everyday than be subjected to discussions about kikes and niggers (that they choose not to ignore)

>> No.21561094

Why do you think I care if /pol/ cries those things? I care that things arent censored.

>> No.21561097

false dichotomy
your /pol/ brainrot is showing

>> No.21561099

This is a blue board. Things are censored, you can't post gore or porn and racism is technically against the rules too.

>> No.21561100

it's called gatekeeping. you want moderation. two different things and if you want the latter, you have to go back

>> No.21561101

I'll try making a thread about The Count of Monte Cristo and count how many seconds it take for someone to derail the thread.

>> No.21561106

Then don't make a thread about black literature.
Make it about books independently of the race of the author.
Do you see /pol/ derailing Rupi threads? No

>> No.21561107
File: 70 KB, 1024x670, 1671105011923108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same thing that happens if you create a thread about any specific topic, those belonging to the opposite side shit it up. Doesn't matter if it it's Ted, Christianity, self-help, Peterson, Hegel, GRRM. But you make a specific point of targeting people who you associate with /pol/. I have little doubt the same people shit up all the threads. What is galling is your disliking anything vaguely reactionary or anti-liberal or critical of your side and then wanting it removed entirely. Despite it being a small amount of the larger issue, that is just general shitposting.

It is precisely this kind of behavior and these kinds of threads which makes people think it is subversive and we all know who loves to play their hook-nailed hands at that.

>> No.21561109

That probably won't attract the loud schizos. You need to pick a topic their outgroup likes for them to fling shit at each other in your thread. Make a thread about interracial romance or something.

>> No.21561112

how is it not accurate to the op? every post here in agreement with op is crying about muh /pol/tards, if you ban certain content, you're going to be flooded with the polar opposite because it will attract those types will the type of posting here now drives those exact "people" away. there is no such thing as neutrality where jannies moderate both sides and you can have your gay little discussion about niggerature

>> No.21561113

>Do you see /pol/ derailing Rupi threads? No
you joke

>> No.21561114

Yeah and I wish it weren't that way. If I could make my own board free from any law the only thing that would be banned is spamming and direct harassment of irl people.

There are rules here but literally nobody has ever followed the rules on 4chan. This site has had its reputation as being vile and obscene since like 2006. Why are people who desire propriety even here? How do they learn about 4chan the nazi pedophile gore website amd think "I should go there and try to impose standards of decency"?

>> No.21561119

You haven't been on /lit/ very long, have you? This board used to have the harshest jannies on the site.

>> No.21561122

>How do they learn about 4chan the nazi pedophile gore website amd think "I should go there and try to impose standards of decency"?
This but for christcucks. This site is like antithetical to religion yet is infested with larpers.

>> No.21561129

>when someone says something I don't agree with, and I get mad about it, but I can't explain why they're wrong
That's what all of this bitching about "/pol/" amounts to, isn't it?

>> No.21561131

Regardless of correctness, you are very annoying. Even this post I'm replying to is doing nothing but attempting to manufacture a consensus.

>> No.21561134

Shut up, faggot.

>> No.21561138

This board hasn't had harsh jannies since like 2013

>> No.21561154
File: 63 KB, 499x614, 1667930608962259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is literally the same as OP and those few, we can't ever know, who side with him. Every board is infested with shitposters, /fit/ is infested with dyel's who post coombait, /k/ is packed full of nofuns that shill guns they dont own and /ck/ is such a literal shitshow of goyslop it made me physically angry. Yet, the boards have always been like this, this is why we go there, what we expect and what we love.

The only difference here is that some bad faith actors are targeting a single group of people who they don't agree with.

>> No.21561157

Pls. Last year I kept getting banned.for posting books the janjans didn't like.

>> No.21561161

only newfags proactively correct the word filter, retards. nice self own.

>> No.21561162

>The only difference here is that some bad faith actors are targeting a single group of people who they don't agree with.
This is literally you. Acting like /pol/ doesn't engage in bad faith arguments.

>> No.21561164

Poltards in blue boards are killing this site and nobody is doing nothing to stop them

>> No.21561167

it is off topic, tho

>> No.21561168

Are these poltards in the room with you right now?

>> No.21561170


>> No.21561174

shit thread

>> No.21561175

tell your friend r/truelit is much better

>> No.21561178

go back tranny

>> No.21561180

They're in the thread. Nice twitter meme btw.

>> No.21561187

The problem with your logic is that when you get to "Mein Kampf" shouldn't be singled out or you're biased, then you are officially retarded.

Not everything is relative, practically speaking.

>> No.21561196

*enters thread*
*sharts on everyone*
*exits thread*

>> No.21561200

"Mein Kampf shouldn't be singled out or you're biased"*

>> No.21561201


>> No.21561203

Protip: you can report people for racism and jannies occasionally do enforce the rules.

>> No.21561206

You should know

>> No.21561210

They enforce the rules like half a day later if you're lucky when all the discussion has been derailed and thread ruined.

>> No.21561216

nooooo janny pls save me, oh god what will I ever do if my eyes glance over some words I disagree with

>> No.21561221

>The only difference here is that some bad faith actors are targeting a single group of people who they don't agree with.
Yes, the poor /pol/tards are the real victims here. Funny how lots of the shit that you faggots say about the Jews applies to your behavior. "The /pol/tard cries out in pain as he strikes you" is far more apt.

>> No.21561223

Why don't you get a trip if you're already on here avatarfagging all the time?

>> No.21561226

He's in love with Rockwell, that's how you can identify the retard.

>> No.21561229

As a jew i don't care for the /pol/tards you talk about.

>> No.21561234
File: 235 KB, 691x625, 1672715187804722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the hell have you spent this entire thread whining about Millennials in a disproportionate way? Did some 30 year old boomer steal your girlfriend?

>> No.21561247

this desu

>> No.21561254

Bottom line, if you're on 4chan crying about muh poltards it's not because you want to discuss books but because you're a leftoid and want to make this site as sterile and uninteresting as everywhere else on the internet. Go to any other website or anywhere IRL and you'll be comfy in your liberal democracy modernist circle jerk. This is our site and jannies will not save you. Leftist ideas cannot exist in an open forum and can only thrive via censorship.

>> No.21561261

>can only thrive via censorship.
North Korea and China are my favorite leftist regimes.

>> No.21561265
File: 90 KB, 500x500, download.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to make this site as sterile and uninteresting as everywhere else on the internet
But it is, though. it's full of people who care more about the discussion than the thing they're discussing. Nobody on /co/ watches cartoons; nobody on /v/ plays video games; nobody on /fit/ lifts weights; and it's pretty much a given that nobody on /pol/ engages in politics or reads political theory. These people's enjoyment of the site comes solely from being a part of the in-group, repeating the correct opinions, regurgitating the shibboleths, finding "subtle" ways to convey their bitterness and misanthropy to a crowd of people who are just as empty as they are. It reminds me of an Ebert quote:

>A lot of fans are basically fans of fandom itself. It's all about them. They have mastered the Star Wars or Star Trek universes or whatever, but their objects of veneration are useful mainly as a backdrop to their own devotion. Anyone who would camp out in a tent on the sidewalk for weeks in order to be first in line for a movie is more into camping on the sidewalk than movies. Extreme fandom may serve as a security blanket for the socially inept, who use its extreme structure as a substitute for social skills. If you are Luke Skywalker and she is Princess Leia, you already know what to say to each other, which is so much safer than having to ad lib it. Your fannish obsession is your beard. If you know absolutely all the trivia about your cubbyhole of pop culture, it saves you from having to know anything about anything else. That's why it's excruciatingly boring to talk to such people: They're always asking you questions they know the answer to.

I know you want to really believe that 4chan is this super sekrit club, but you're clearly behind the rest of the class here.

>> No.21561268

A Guide to the Many Boards of 4chan
by mute

>/a/: a bunch of faggots who think anime and manga is on the same level as real literature.
>/b/: a bunch of faggots who aren't old enough to be on 4chan. Some faggots say it used to be good, but it was never good.
>/c/: a bunch of faggots dumping vaguely pedophilic images. Pretty much no discussions ever.
>/d/: a bunch of faggots dumping obscure fetish images and occasionally trying to rationalize their weird fetishes like dickgirls and inflation. Also, hookup threads. Ugh.
>/e/: a bunch of faggots that don't like full-on porn, just pictures of naked anime girls. They don't even like regular hentai. It's a NSFW board, but you can get banned for posting porn. Wat.
>/f/: a bunch of faggots reposting shit like lolicatgirls.swf day in and day out. The only variety here is how people intentionally mis-tag and rename the files. And noko doesn't do anything in /f/, but most of the faggots there still haven't realized it yet.
>/g/: a bunch of faggots discussing anime, interior design, consumerism, and living with autism or Asperger's syndrome. On most days there is little to no actual technology discussion here. Often known as 4chan Tech Support.
>/gif/: a bunch of faggots that don't know how to use TinEye or Saucenao. It used to have interesting GIFs, but now it's 99% porn and "sauce plz" posts.
>/h/: a bunch of faggots that don't understand that requests go in /r/.
>/hr/: a bunch of faggots who think that higher resolution = higher quality. Because it's impossible to take a shitty photo with a high resolution camera, right? Sure.

>> No.21561269


>> No.21561271

>it's not because you want to discuss books but because you're a leftoid
I would say the same shit about trannies if trannies were ruining the board but it just so happens that it's the /pol/tards. I think trannies and /pol/tards are poison to discourse because they are extremes.
> Leftist ideas cannot exist in an open forum and can only thrive via censorship.
/pol/tards were celebrating Nazi censorship of books in the other thread with the predictable "based" replies.

>> No.21561273

>/k/: a bunch of faggots who play Call of Duty (but don't like to admit it because they know it ruins their credibility) and pretend to be experts on guns, even though a majority of the posters don't even have gun licenses.
>/m/: a bunch of faggots that like robots and anime.
>/o/: a bunch of faggots with Honda Civics and Ford Mustangs who talk poorly about Ferraris. Lots of arguing, bench-racers, and tripfags. Much like /k/, most of the people on /o/ talk about things which they have no knowledge or experience with.
>/p/: a bunch of faggots who spend upwards of $1,000 on camera equipment to take blurry pictures of trees.
>/r/: a bunch of faggots who make really specific and obscure requests. About 99% of the requests are never filled.
>/s/: a bunch of faggots that take porn too seriously. Like, to a creepy extent. They try to find the names and info of all the girls posted on /s/.
>/t/: a bunch of faggots that post asian torrents. Asian porn, asian movies, asian everything. They're more weeaboo than /a/ or /jp/.
>/u/: a bunch of faggots and hambeasts posting lesbian chinese girl's cartoons. If no one posted any text, this board would be a million times better. The discussions on any of the porn boards (not just /u/) are fucking terrible.
>/v/: a bunch of faggots that brag about how much time they waste accomplishing absolutely nothing.
>/w/: a bunch of faggots who like anime and wallpapers.
>/wg/: a bunch of faggots who like Rainmeter and Rocketdock way too much, and collect wallpapers.
>/i/: a bunch of faggots with no artistic talent who still manage to be pretentious about their shitty art.
>/ic/: a bunch of faggots who value their own shitty opinions too much.
>/cm/: a bunch of faggots. That's pretty much it.
>/y/: a bunch of faggots and some occasional fat femanons. Really, really fat femanons.
>/3/: a bunch of faggots that care more about the process of making something than the finished product.
>/adv/: a bunch of underage faggots who think they're worldly and experienced.
>/an/: a bunch of faggots who do not belong on 4chan.
>/cgl/: a bunch of faggots that think that it's perfectly normal to dress up as a goofy-looking anime character in public and have their pictures taken... and many of them are out of shape, too. Tons of white knights though.
>/ck/: a bunch of faggots who think that being able to cook a steak means they're a world-class chef.
>/co/: a bunch of faggots that think they're better than weeaboos because, although they still watch cartoons and read comics, it's apparently "okay", because they're WESTERN cartoons and comics. What they don't realize is that they're all losers anyway, regardless of the origins of the cartoons or comics they waste their time and money on.
>/fa/: a bunch of faggots that think the epitome of male style is to look as feminine and gay as possible.

>> No.21561275

>/fit/: a bunch of faggots who are either trying to lose weight or help others lose weight. However, most of the people here are unsuccessful. But they would never admit it. After all, on the internet, no one can prove that you're fat.
>/int/: a bunch of faggots that hate their own culture so much that they want to adopt another one. There's also some Stormfront faggotry here and there.
>/jp/: a bunch of faggots with pervasive developmental disorders. They are all NEETs and either live off of government pity money or their parents. They have no future. They might as well kill themselves.
>/lit/: a bunch of faggots who think that reading a couple New York Times Bestsellers makes them well-read.
>/mu/: a bunch of faggots who listen to shitty music just because it's not popular, thus making it "cool". If you disagree with their shitty taste, they'll say it's too deep for you or some shit.
>/n/: a bunch of faggots with fixies. Used to be /n/ews, before /n/ews was deleted, reinstated as /new/, and then deleted again. Now, as the transportatio/n/ board, it has such great discussions, like cyclists vs. drivers. According to /n/, if a cyclist doesn't have the right of way and is dangerously maneuvering around cars when they shouldn't be, and then somehow gets hurt, it's the driver's fault. No cyclist should ever be held responsible for their idiocy. Of course.
>/po/: a bunch of faggots who are too cheap to buy figures, so they make cheap, crushable paper versions of them instead. But apparently they consider this act to be an art form.
>/sci/: a bunch of faggots that argue about religion. There are also lots of sophomoric philosophical discussions too. Sometimes people will discuss what majors are best. Often times, high schoolers will ask for homework help, and /sci/ will tell them to do their own work, but then proceed to do it for them, because they love easy mental masturbation because they think it makes them look smart, even when it really doesn't.

>> No.21561280

>/lit/: a bunch of faggots who think that reading a couple New York Times Bestsellers makes them well-read.
Sounds more like Reddit than /lit/. Outdated stereotype or written by an outsider.

>> No.21561281
File: 763 KB, 200x200, 529987B9-6F21-4EE8-A192-F9B79F8BD9F1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/soc/: a bunch of faggots who found 4chan from Facebook and like to post pictures of their genitals. Usually referred to as the asshole of 4chan, it was created by moot to contain all the cancer.
>/sp/: a bunch of faggots who think they're "normalfags", when in fact they are still posting on 4chan.
>/tg/: a bunch of faggots who care too much about role-playing. Most of the people on /tg/ are awkward, fat, and put way too much time and effort into painting figures and/or writing detailed character bios.
>/toy: a bunch of faggots (who are pretty much all grown men) who buy children's toys and play with them in public places and take pictures of them. Need I say more?
>/trv/: a bunch of faggots who plan trips to Japan because they like anime.
>/tv/: a bunch of faggots that actually watch TV still. Who the fuck watches TV anymore?
>/vp/: a bunch of faggots that still play shitty games from a shitty franchise. Occasionally people post Pokemon porn.
>/x/: a bunch of faggots who have paranoid personality disorder and/or have brain damage.
>/rs/: a bunch of faggots that have never heard of torrents, FTP, or usenet.

This list was from 2011. It's only gotten worse since.

>> No.21561283

/x/ is one of my favorite boards on 4chan, I fucking love it.

>> No.21561284

>implying pretty much all discussion here isn't entry level/extremely famous stuff

>> No.21561285

>As a black man

>> No.21561287

>Sounds more like Reddit than /lit/. Outdated stereotype or written by an outsider.
Reddit lives rent free in your heads. I'll never understand how a site you can easily ignore rustles your jimmies so much, yet y'all sit here and whine about how people are intimidated by the "discussion" that goes on here. The gif I posted here (>>21560648) is clearly no lie lol

>> No.21561288

It isn't.

>> No.21561295

Yeah, he's forgetting all the "how do I understand teh wimminz" baitposts. Whatever would we do without some anon shitposting about muh modern wimminz?

>> No.21561296

nice self own

>> No.21561298

Nabokov, Joyce, Hitler and The Bible are not obscure.

>> No.21561299

>nice self own
So you have no argument. Nice self own.

>> No.21561302

You're not even worthing debating. All people who say "y'all" are low IQ.

>> No.21561313

>You're not even worthing debating. All people who say "y'all" are low IQ.
So you have no argument. Nice self own.

>> No.21561316

And yet here you are, above it all with the other members of "the class" that I'll never be part of seeing as I'm not in your elite club more exclusive than the secret club you implied I consider this site to be. I never said it was muh secret club as it is fairly normie and has been for a long time but there are very few sites left like this on the internet and most people come here because of that. You'd be instabanned from a lot of places for posting anything contradictory to the ever devolving narrative, to act as if it's the same as other places, just on the other side, is highly disingenuous. You can find hundreds of threads and thousands of posts from the past few days about literature on this literature board with passionate and knowledgeable posters about literature or film or cars or whatever, much more so than other places you might look. There has always been tons a lot of off topic posting and trolling, I believe that's called chan culture and you have to go back

>> No.21561322

>I believe that's called chan culture and you have to go back
Yawn. Get some new material, will ya? This impotent whining about Reddit is getting pretty old.

>> No.21561330

Imagine quoting Ebert

>> No.21561342

>two of the only countries in the world to declare themselves openly communist isn't real leftism actually

>> No.21561346

Ebert was based

>> No.21561354

It's certainly not the kumbaya leftism boogeyman that you whine about.

>> No.21561418
File: 26 KB, 600x600, thinking wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody likes being around fringe ideologues irl. they smell and screech and annoy reasonable people. that's why society has strong stigma against fringe ideologues of all sorts. form a community under the banner "discussion of literature; we don't mind fringe ideologues" and one day there'll be little discussion of literature and many fringe ideologues stammering about muh master race and le joos or whatever. they're simply not allowed anywhere else but here. this is great for the people who like the smelly freaks hollering about big black dicks, or who like to laugh at them, but it's not great for everyone else who's there to discuss literature. there are plenty of other places to discuss literature where you won't have to sit next to a schizo hounding you about skull sizes. so the reasonable ones slowly begin to leave and all that's left are the freaks. that is what's happening to /lit/. the best solution, of course, was to never permit them in the first place. but it's too late for that now. /lit/ was better in the past. in the future it will be worse.

>> No.21561428

Honestly, I feel like negativity toward "shitposting" is missing the point of 4chan all together.
When you get down to it what these people want is for everyone else to sit around and perform an impersonation of what they think "intelligent discussion" is, which basically amounts to LARP, only saying things that they find palatable, and not saying naughty words like tranny.

I'm happier in an environment where people are actually saying what they think, and trying to have fun, or just trying to get a rise out of people, because that's so much more engaging.

>> No.21561435

There's discussion of literature going on in plenty of threads right now. It's your fault you're here complaining about "/pol/", and not contributing to any of those discussions.

>> No.21561436

do you actually think that calm, measured discussion about literature is LARPing, but fascist dickriding isn't? they're larping a fantasy too anon

>> No.21561437

Fascist dickriding is funnier.

>> No.21561442

>calm, measured thoughts on state of the board
im so tired anons

>> No.21561443

Your "calm measured thoughts" are dishonest.

>> No.21561446

Case in point.

>> No.21561449

You don't have a sense of humour(and are a tranny). We know.

>> No.21561450


genuine fool who thinks that big word discussions must be a larp

>> No.21561453

Don't reply to yourself.

>> No.21561456

But I'm not that guy.

Didn't. You're talking to at least two people.

>> No.21561460

You really don't want to let the discussion die. Why?

>> No.21561725

>reddit is surprisingly good but fuck not being able to samefag and troll takes all the fun out of it
Literally everything wrong with the average /lit/ poster in a nutshell

>> No.21561989

Meta thread. Yes lit is a corpse of its former glory.

>> No.21562349

>Now it's endless Christianity shilling, capitalism loving, pseudo intellectual horseshit brained morons that think if they show people they read philosophy and still are racist pieces of Nazi shit that they will somehow be respected

Apart from capitalist-loving, this describes me. Thank you for this profound initiative of self-realization.

>> No.21562613


>> No.21562681

>different clothes in each frame
does this guy cry in every video holy shit

>> No.21562724

The good period of the internet is done. This thread is the equivalent of complaining about room service on the Titanic when half the ship is already submerged.

>> No.21562725

This is only one half of the equation, or Hegelian dialectic, more properly — I’m pretty sure tankies or lefty-/pol/ are the other side they foment. And far from every poster you or I dislike is a glowie, they’re probably authentic and sincere and just moving on their own momentum by now, even if glowies surveil, track, and occasionally infiltrate these communities.

Ramping up the hatred and egomania on both sides leads to a free-for-all chaotic atmosphere and heightening of conflict which impedes people’s ability to think and often gets seriously nuanced views and takes, and important issues, lost in the crossfire, as well as encouraging infighting amongst communities who might be dedicated to truth and some form of organization against TPTB.

Some of what /pol/ says is valid enough, but their idiocy comes out with their dregs on here and other boards — post about Roth, Kafka, Proust, Bloom? “MUH EARLY LIFE!!! MUH FUGGIN KIKES!!!”

Yes. I hate leftist-SJW-censorship-heavy communities like Reddit at its worst, but this is just as bad.

A good saying goes, “One dog fouls the entire pool of rosewater.” Also, that it’s comparatively easy to get some lighter fluids and matches and burn down a house, then it is to build that entire house. All it takes is some shitty posters, such as in a thread trying to derail it to entirely be about the JQ — even sometimes Christians railing against other cultures, religions, non-Christian forms of mysticism — other plebs — and you get a general sense that it’s hardly worth seriously trying to post here anymore, even if it’s just a loud minority making things shitty for everyone else (which ironically is the same thing /pol/ accuses minorities of IRL, while /pol/ more fits the bill of that online).