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/lit/ - Literature

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21553314 No.21553314 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21553317

Why are you asking /lit/? No one here reads.

>> No.21553547

I wanted to start writing my novel during the pandemic and I began reading to learn how the Masters wrote. I eventually hung around here because you guys are generally unpozzed unlike plebbit.

>> No.21553556

So i can feel superior among the majority that does not really read books.

>> No.21553599

The Bionicle comics that came in the Lego magazine. Went from there to Where the Red Fern grows.

>> No.21553608

Books were like toys for me when I was a kid, and they were mainly natural history, biology and history books
We read in school but I always hated the stuff he had to read, I enjoyed just a few of them. Today I read very little fiction because of that
I have no idea how I started reading philosophy, I just know that Kierkegaard was my first author

>> No.21553616
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I was walking down the street and a nice man who called himself Ulysses dragged me into a dark alley. He pushed my face up against the mildewed, redbrick walls and as he fumbled with my beltbuckle and yanked my Naked and Famous jeans down to my New Balances kept muttering about how I had an "arse full of farts" in what sounded like an almost-complimentary tone. Well, after he'd fucked the farts out of my "windy hole," Ulysses gave me a dirty and all-knowing wink and sauntered off, muttering once more in a near unintelligible dialect about the shapes and configurations of flatulence. I've been trying to pick up the pieces ever since.

>> No.21553618

Newfag huh? Don't make oldfags seethe, but then again.... everybody does!

>> No.21553621

This is true. I was there. I jerked off his jimmy like it wasn't no skinny off my nose, and then he wrote me a letter in beautiful lyrical prose.

>> No.21553646

I grew up in the 00s in a household with many books

>> No.21553653

Damn, the 00s? the ooze that you choose to get drunk in like booze, pick your poison like Boise Idaho, ride a hoe, ride a hoe, matador matador, mat at a door, the cat sat on his hat with a booty so phat, and he pull up the strap then blast that mf strat, rat-a-tat-tat, like a pokemon, poke ya mum, hope she cum

>> No.21553713

4chan. I clicked a random thread and there was a reading chart. I thought that time that I'm missing something in my life.

>> No.21553715

by cracking the cover

>> No.21553769

Crippling depression.

>> No.21554795

Useless language degrees mandate reading tons of books so I guessa lot of /lit/ users only read because they must

>> No.21554820

mom got me into it when i was a kid. i love her.

>> No.21554943

by learning how to read

>> No.21555060

I loved reading as a young kid. Middle school and high school made me hate it. Being out of school made me love it again.

>> No.21555070

A girl I liked have me bites from the underground and I spent that summer binging Dostoevsky I loved it so much. Years later another girl lent me her copy of war and peace which rekindled that love that had died out a bit with time. So for me it's women and russians

>> No.21555176

no sex

>> No.21555211

From my mother. A mentally ill alcoholic who was rarely home, but her collection of books were always there on the shelf. A large part of my childhood was just me and those books and it grew into a lifelong interest.

>> No.21555232

man i'm still kinda bitter that my mom left to do her mfa right when i started high school. it could have worked out great just me and my dad if my dad wasn't a anti-social guy who worked nights and slept days to avoid us. there were a shitload of books in the house at least. mostly art books though but back then you couldn't just go online and see that shit.

>> No.21555241
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Received this as a gift from my aunt when Iwas in elementary school. Read around half the books in the series then moved to other fantasy books. Mostly read non-fiction and "literature" now, but the memories of Redwall are probably the best I have of reading.

>> No.21555400

I discovered a political essayist and then I read all the guys he mentioned.

>> No.21555408

Harry Potter like every other kid that grew up in the 00's.

>> No.21555418

Dostoevsky is dishonest intellectualism

>> No.21555435

He is, and the older I get the less I like him, but 18 yo me loved him and I would not have read as much as I did if it wasn't for that first great reading experience

>> No.21555438

well good for you asshole. you think girls want to touch me? i read boring russian shit sold by the word count too .

>> No.21555479

that's probably somewhat true

>> No.21555547

Green Eggs and Ham.

>> No.21555955

I only watched movies on friday and saturday, and I was tired of that since I wanted a story more than just those two days, shows, manga and comics bored me so here I am

>> No.21555966

Ran out of things to watch, needed more entertainment, started reading SF

>> No.21556238

what does "into books" mean?
like sacrificing stuff to have time to read books?
depends on what kind of stuff you sacrifice anon
maybe ask that next time, so we can both enjoy it
"what did you sacrifice to have time to read them juicy fictional books?"

>> No.21556261

I always avoided reading the full books assigned in school, until this one theory course in college. I felt really dumb for not reading more.

>> No.21556270

I read "theology" instead of "theory" and am now disappointed.

>> No.21556274

A bartender recommended "The Forever War"
I've now lost count of how many i've read. That was about 8 years ago

>> No.21556299
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My dad started reading The Hobbit to me and my ADHD brother when we were kids, but my brother didn't stay still so one night my dad just stopped reading it.

It drove me nuts, so I took the book and finished it myself.

We were very poor so we spent a lot of time at the library since it was free, and I grabbed The Lord of the Rings and read the entire thing by age 10.

After that I read everything my dad would recommend, Saga of Pliocene Exile, Dragon riders of Pern, etc.

Moved on to classics later on and horror, then more. I was the first in my family to ever go to college and he bought me a Kindle Paperwhite as a graduation present, I still use it.

He passed away a couple of years ago, but I still have dreams of walking into the forest behind one of the places we rented when I was a kid, and he's there sitting on a log by a fire and we talk about the books I've read recently and other things.

Thanks, dad.

>> No.21556313

Been here 3 years now, my dude.

>> No.21556332

Is this testing whether I'm a replicant or a shitposter, Mr. Anon?

>> No.21556335

I'm a jew so there's nothing else to do on sabbath, so I've read books my entire life

>> No.21556340

I had no friends in high school so I had to pretend to be occupied with some solo activity rather than just sitting there and turned to books.

>> No.21556354

Similar situation. I have read wuite a few thing before getting to Bionicle short stories, but Bionicle "escalated" my interest.

>> No.21556366

I read a good one

>> No.21556375

what books?

>> No.21556545

i did this but with music but i didnt llike music so i just wore headphones and stareded at a wall. now i havent read half teh books /lit/ has. shameful.

>> No.21556559
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when i was 20 and in college, i saw a classmate reading the great escape outside class and i wondered if i would be interested in anything like that
so i started reading at 20, /lit/

>> No.21556573

i know you made this to shitpost but i genuinely cant fathom being the kind of person to do this. i dont really know how to do anything like that. i gave up on myself in infancy

>> No.21556577

i am 100% serious, anon

>> No.21556588

Yeah I know you did

>> No.21556615

when i was 15 or 16 i liked bts and found out they based some of their music videos on Demian by herman hesse. i found it one day in a book store and i got that, brave new world, kafka's Metamorphosis and some short stories by Oscar Wilde because i was aware that they were supposed to be good books and looked short enough
i absolutley loved Demian, i began to be much more interested in books than in kpop after that.
i wish i had started sooner but at least they were good books

>> No.21556649

I wasn't allowed to watch TV or play video games as a young child, and my parents made a point of taking me and my siblings to the local library for children's story time and let us check out whatever books we wanted.

Now if I don't read at least 4 hours a day I start getting withdrawals. Feels good man.

>> No.21556657
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>i will never have parents with this much wisdom and foresight

>> No.21556684

Try being here for more than a decade next time. 3 years means you're a tourist.

>> No.21556690

My dad loves reading, he has such an expansive book collection that the shelf that was the width and nearly height of the wall was filled to the brim with books and he had to store them in the shed in tubs as well. He defends Infinite Jest with all his heart saying that the "footnotes are the best part" and cites The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire has his favourite book (Infinite Jest being his favourite fiction book) and well, the apple didn't fall far from the tree.

>> No.21556711

In all fairness, they ran out of energy at about the time I was 11. I was an incredibly stubborn and intelligent child, and I eventually talked them into getting a playstation and letting me have a gameboy color. Then I insisted on no longer being homeschooled (this was actually necessary) and going to a school with other children (we compromised on a private school but younger siblings went public).

Now they're all smartphone addicted zombies except my dad who prefers heavy drinking, talk radio, and reading classic /lit/.

To anyone who wants to homeschool and finds out their child is smarter than them: just get them started on college courses asap. It's easier now because there's tons of online learning programs now, but when I was growing up everything was mail order (from a catalogue) so I wound up stagnating for a year and becoming a proper little shit because I was bored.

>> No.21556720 [DELETED] 

i dont think any parenting style could have survived 21st century life

>> No.21556847

your parents read at least
my parents are also smartphone addicted zombies (but they've had that exact same mental state since at least their 20s, they're in their 50s and 60s now)

they are exactly the same as spoilt children in their temperament, i have to get out of this fucking poisonous garbage atmosphere asap but hehe can't do that their generation obliterated the housing and job markets hehe! hehe!

>> No.21556901

You should definitely leave a toxic environment. Just don't be toxic yourself and stay there because you can't fathom the idea of moving out of your hometown to places where you can get a job that can afford housing. I say that because you've displayed the red flag of blaming your personal life problems on abstract general societal issues, acting as though those are 100% impediments to your goals instead of on average, something that somewhat impacts most people.

>> No.21556903

im incapable of living on my own to be honest

>> No.21556926

>t. jester

>> No.21556937
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Me Ma.

>> No.21557111

was at rock bottom (or so i thought) wagie at 19 years old straight out of high school been doing a 4am to 3pm sushi prep at costco. never read a full book in my life up to that point I did not enjoy being forced to read by teachers or others. Saw some posts on /lit/ about the top books and went out and bought 1984 couldnt read two full pages before my eyes going to sleep but holy God thank you so much for granting me the will to even buy that book because after reading the first couple of pages something clicked. Like the author actually spoke to me on a spiritual level. the missing link to my life. now im 24 read books as routine. even if a couple of pages but try to finish atleast 40 books a year. I do believe it has made me such a better person overall. I really really thank this place every single day for bringing me this joy of reading
/blog end

>> No.21557211

>when i was 15 or 16 i liked bts
Yikes, I have heard couple of their songs and few other korean pop songs (korean-english I guess targatted to international audiences), and holy fuck so much production value spent on people who cannot sing and songs that are certified retard. Fucking mylie cyrus or some other popular goyslop has more talent than those people

>> No.21557257
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Mom read the Hobbit to me as bedtime stories when I was little. One day I notice there are all these other books on the shelf by the same man, and I go berserk with excitement and make her read them too, despite her misgivings that there was scary stuff in there. Yeah! read me the scary stuff Mom!

So sure as shit, a few weeks later I'm having chronic nightmares about the Nazgul coming to carry me off and waking up crying and shrieking, and it gets so bad Dad unloads the bedside stand gun -- it was an old wartime bring-back Walther P-38 -- and puts it on *my* bedside stand. Here, bub. This'll keep the shadows from Mordor away. Which worked, because not even the Nazgul will fuck with a Walther P-38.

Anyway. Yeah. That was my introduction to grownup literature. Later on I got into Howard Pyle and Edgar Allen Poe and all the 19th century greats. Then I got into everything else. They're addictive, books are.

>> No.21557258


>> No.21557268

Cam Jensen, then Goosebumps, then Animorphs

>> No.21557274
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>I eventually hung around here because you guys are generally unpozzed unlike plebbit.

>> No.21558039

Intrest in history. I do not know why i got an intrest in history though

>> No.21558068

Been readin my whole life, first kids books, then juvenile fantasy, then read ASoIF when I was like 14 and then jumped into reading whatever I found interesting in my dad's shelves (Hemingway, McCarthy, Roth, DeLillo)... Reading is just natural to me as I have been reading all my life and grew up watching my dad read all the time, so people that start to read in their 20s is surreal to me.

>> No.21558658

first watched lolita the 1997 version and in the beginning the first paragraph is recited. Got really intrigued so i bought the book and 2 years later o havent stopped reading and honestly i dont think i will. To clarify im ESL greek and all we did in lit class was some trash modern greek writers.

>> No.21559702

>To clarify im ESL greek and all we did in lit class was some trash modern greek writers
you're greek and the literature they teach you in school isn't classical stuff but modern trash?
JFC how do you fuck up a curriculum so badly

>> No.21560158

I injured my wrist and couldn't pursue art anymore.

>> No.21560170

I read a YA novel when I was 17. Then read a lot more afterwards.

>> No.21560401

i had a kind of "student job" in high school helping out the librarians - making copies, laminating, stamping books. the library assistant recommended Siddhartha to me, which sparked an interest in Buddhism and literature in general

>> No.21561149
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>> No.21561376

I hate that this is true.

>> No.21561387

unironically started reading the god delusion when I was a teen

>> No.21561420

When I was 2 apparently I asked my mom to teach me to read. She freaked out and told my dad to take my brother out of the house so she could try and teach me to read. Apparently I picked it up quickly. I don’t remember any of it. Reading just feels like something I’ve always been able to do like talking.

>> No.21561432

in 8th grade my edgelord friend told me about this place and pitched it as /b/ but for books. that night saw a /lit/ starter kit and made my dad drive me to the library that weekend. this led to me getting into a good high school, a great college scholarship, money in the bank, and my girlfriend of five years. I am certainly a worse person because of this site but I've read a lot of good books so maybe it balances out

>> No.21561441

I seriously got into reading when I was 16 and my dad gave me money per book read during summer break. I developed a habit and have been reading 50-60 books each year since (of course for free, I have a habit and enjoy it). I have since developed an interest in philosophy, especially thomism. I still love more or less the same type of literature as I did then, Russian novels and science ficiton.

>> No.21561562

When I was in elementary school I read Polish books about a young guy traveling the world. Tomek something.

>> No.21561628

I dunno I had few friends growing up so I buried my head into novels like Call Of The Wild and 1984 and books on history and science I dunno..

>> No.21561920

I eventually learned to like some of the authors I got to read for school. Some of the authors from my country and as for the international ones,I liked Sidney Sheldon back in the day already. From then on it was a slow process but now I do consume /lit/ material everyday
quit it. Jokes aside /lit/ posters do generally read a lot more than no /lit/ posters,obviously

>> No.21561960

/lit/ was actually a large part of my reading journey. About ten years ago, I realised I didn't particularly like any of my friends or see much opportunity to develop a fulfilling social life where I was living so, as someone who naturally errs on the solitary side of things anyway, I decided to just read, read and read in all the time I would have by myself. So I spent the vast majority of my teenage ears holed up in my bedroom reading books, largely recommended and coached on by /lit/ shitposters. I'm actually incredibly grateful for it all to this day. Whilst we can talk about it being pretentious here or people not actually reading or whatever, there is something valuable about a culture that prioritises reading long, difficult or obscure literature. It forces people to go out of there comfort zone to participate in culture.

/tv/ used to be like this for films too, and I gained so much from that culture of arthouse elitism. But I think that has degenerated to a great extent there, but I'm not sure, I'm not here much anymore.

>> No.21562436

Been here 7 years and I consider myself a newfag, fish

>> No.21562444

this lol