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File: 76 KB, 450x574, Freedom-from-Want-1943-Norman-Rockwell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21556483 No.21556483 [Reply] [Original]

what are some wholesome pro-natalist, pro-life novels, pro-nuclear family?

>> No.21556486

Jane Austen

>> No.21556491

War and peace unironically

>> No.21556494
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in a roundabout way

>> No.21556495

>Natasha sleeps with the worst character in the entire book
>andrey has to forgive her on his deathbed
Unironically ruins the entire novel for me.

>> No.21556498
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>> No.21556505

It's not like Andrei marries her after that, he just forgives her. Nothing wrong with that. And yes its very painful sequence of events but its also extremely realistic given the personalities of the characters

>> No.21556511

Other than that hairlip bitch aborting her child and flirting with the soldier guy or whoever he was, sure.

>> No.21556512

Ya because he dies. Imagine that being your last dying moment. At least faggot gets his leg blown off. What happens to Natasha in the end, I forget? And does Nikolai marry Maria Bolkonski right? Was that contrived? And his sort of girlfriend becomes like their maid? Fuck everyone including Pierre. ESPECIALLY Pierre.

>> No.21556517

Nuclear family is not traditional. Extended family is. Grapes of Wrath depicts the family as it was before the postwar degeneration and alienation that created the nuclear family.

>> No.21556519
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>> No.21556520

Kek, true. I'm switching my recommendation to As I Lay Dying... and then switching that one to Harry Potter 7.

>> No.21556524

Idk Death of a Salesman or something, if you‘re posting N Rockwell I guess subtext is hard and all you need is superficial trappings

>> No.21556525
File: 77 KB, 677x1023, Cover-edition-Adolf-Hitler-Mein-Kampf-1943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nvm I'm switching again

>> No.21556526

Forgiving people feels a lot better than hating them, how would it be better to die seething about it? Natasha marries Pierre and it is all a bit too convenient...how could Pierre control her idk. It seems to be implied that she just never leaves the house lel.

>> No.21556530

Oh god how I forget that lol. Also contrived. And Natasha could have just getted she to a nunnery and not bothered the only good character

>> No.21556540

And marya or Maria or whatever deserved better but I guess Tolstoy did stress how she wasn't pretty repeatedly

>> No.21556541

The abortion was clearly portrayed in a negative light. One of the main themes is anti-abortion

>> No.21556572

It actually kind of is trad in England. There were barely any clan dynamics there even in the medieval period. Anglo autism is not a joke

>> No.21556583

Nazis were pro-natalist but obviously not pro-life... and they had no interest in bourgeois family morals. Himmler promoted extra-marital sex/

>> No.21556621

madame bovary

>> No.21556754

I think we can all agree that the ending of War and Peace is a hurried bit of contrived nonsense. Dickens does the same thing

>> No.21556756

Did he really? To who?

>> No.21556761

>and then all the alive main characters married each other. The end :)
Was this Tolstoy guy some kinda hack? He had like 1200 pages to work with

>> No.21556868


>> No.21556871


>> No.21556875

Les Misersbles is pretty good

>> No.21556882
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>> No.21557765

Under the Greenwood Tree by Hardy

>> No.21557768

Procreation is a sin. Please don't inflict this world on others.

>> No.21557774

>freedom from want
you need all that to be "free" from want?

>> No.21558348

Why the emphasis on nuclear family and not extended?

>> No.21558430

Terminally online lonely male zoomers like to larp as though the 50s were perfect, and totally didn't have its own variety of abject moral depravity. Id guess many of them lack a good father figure in their life, so.

>> No.21558664


>> No.21558672

>Natasha sleeps with the worst character in the entire book
I don't remember Natasha going lez for Helen. Or fucking Dolokhov.

>> No.21558689

The contrast is with divorced families, childless families, etc.

>> No.21558705

the nihilists hate themselves and want revenge against existence itself.

>> No.21558729
File: 325 KB, 2560x1159, ANNOBAS-hardcover-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only correct pro-life position and pro-natalist position to have is one that favors your own people. Being generic pro-life in all situation is being pro-cancer. National Socialists had no interest in bourgeois family that held themselves apart from the Volksgemeinschaft, if they integrated all were welcome and encouraged to join and break class bonds in a way that uplifted all, not dragged down.

Picrel is pro-family in every way.