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21554190 No.21554190 [Reply] [Original]

>I consider Bill Moyers' pet guru, Joseph Campbell, an unscholarly fraud, spawner of the unctuous Pollyanna school of Jungian feminism that doesn't know the first thing about how to crack a book. (Salon 12/9/1997)
>The book of Genesis is a male declaration of independence from the ancient mother-cults. Its challenge to nature, so sexist to modern ears, marks one of the crucial moments in western history. (SP 1990)

How more based can she be?

>> No.21554232

idk about joseph campbell's shit about myths n shit, but his lectures on ulysses and magic mountain are good, too bad they're a bitch to get a copy of since his estate cracked down on youtube and i don't think they're on audible.

>> No.21554239

m'lady carries a sword... holy.... i want more....

>> No.21554308

Why is that woman dressed as a man?

>> No.21554438

What are you, five years old?

>> No.21554781

>Greta Thunberg is a purveyor of apocalyptic propaganda that has been fed to her by others and that she is incapable of factually substantiating. (Le Nouveau Magazine Littéraire 2020)


>> No.21554808

>The book of Genesis is a male declaration of independence from the ancient mother-cults
Like what? Wasn't Zeus for example before Christianity?

>> No.21554818

Misogynists HATE Dr. Paglia.

>> No.21554821

>book of Genesis

Get lost, American.

>> No.21554824

>your flavor of psychoanalytic babble sucks
>mine is correct!
Shes a joke

>> No.21554894
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BAP is in love with Paglia
does that make him gae?

>> No.21554906

the pre-Hellenstic Greeks (who would themselves be contemporaries with the Israelites) were Saturn worshippers. The Olympians were introduced afterwards

>> No.21554988

>genesis broke from mother-cults
>start talking about Greeks for some unknown reason
The entire ancient world wasn't Greece, guys, and semitic peoples were steeped in a Sumerian-facing culture which influenced the Greeks in turn.

>> No.21555128 [DELETED] 

mom my told me a story about when she was attending a fancy new england liberal arts college in the 80s and the professor assigned a paglia book for some class and one of those activist chicks that are common on new england liberal arts campuses made a stink and refused to buy it.

>> No.21556044

I've seen more feminists hating her than actual misogynists

>> No.21556839


>> No.21556850

Why isn't she more quoted these days?

>> No.21556910

>Gloria Steinem said of Paglia that, "Her calling herself a feminist is sort of like a Nazi saying they're not anti-Semitic."[57] Paglia called Steinem "the Stalin of feminism".[58]
I'm thinking based.

>> No.21556913

>Gloria steinem
... something said... not good

>> No.21556946

Learn to torrent, zoomer cunt.

>> No.21557596

>Gloria Steinem told the world, “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle”—even while she was never without a man on the chic Manhattan party scene. (FWFM 2017)

>> No.21558408

>challenge to nature,
And now look where we are!
Kaczynski should slap this dimwit

Because she’s a woman of course. She would reward their hatred.
Because she’s a contrarian idiot.

>> No.21558413


>> No.21558419

greta's changed now though, she rallies against that stuff now

>> No.21558424

kaczynski was a schizoid tranny who blew people up because he couldn't handle industrialism

>> No.21558439

>He pushes the tranny angle
You’re a tranny. I don’t condone his methods, but his observations are correct. Life can’t handle “industrialization” IE poisonous decay

>> No.21558462

it's true. i'm a tranny, ted's a tranny, everyone you know is a tranny, actually. anyone who disagrees with you online and real life, any customers who gib at you at your job, anyone who opposses you is a tranny. congratulations

>> No.21558468


>> No.21559016

She thicc now