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21552177 No.21552177 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best translation of Anna Karenina?

>> No.21552612

Garnett and Maude are fine. The ones in print have stood the rest of time.

>> No.21552633

That's my favorite cover ngl

>> No.21553417

By far the best translation is the Penguin version translated by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky.

>> No.21553529

I read Garnett so Garnett
(It was free)
It’s her Dostoevsky translations that are controversial. Not her Tolstoy and Turgenev translations.

>> No.21553548

Look out Anna!
There’s a train coming!

>> No.21555073

I second this recommendation

>> No.21555092
File: 35 KB, 680x623, 1672995461630286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I read this book?
is Anna a whore?
I don't want to read books about whores

>> No.21555942

based i want to know too

>> No.21556039

Anna is trapped in a loveless marriage and she's unable to divorce her husband due to Russian Catholic-based laws prohibiting divorce. She falls for Vronsky and tries to avoid him to be faithful to her husband, but her husband Karenin finds out she's in love and basically doesn't care. Then when she acts on it he goes apeshit. It's kinda sad, Anna's story. It gives you great insight into women, but it's not modern whoring like we think of it here.

>> No.21556051

>insight into women
About what lying, cheating, mindless cunts they are? I better read this book front to back to be reminded about what brats they are. I'm glad I was born with a dick and not a pussy.

>> No.21556073

Bro, Anna's brother Oblonsky is way worse

>> No.21556423

I like the Maude, but I haven't tried any other.

>> No.21556426

Why do movies always suck so much? Is it really that hard to make a good movie?

>> No.21556429
File: 725 KB, 2048x1536, heroes-iii-hd-tablet-hot-seat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourselves p/v shills

>> No.21556432

>cover spoils the book
heh nothin personnel

>> No.21556434

so she gets run over by a train I'm guessing? Probably as a symbolic commentary on how technological progress destroyed the aristocracy and everything noble in society. I'm onto you Tolstoy, I'm onto you

>> No.21556435

She jumps in front of a train. It's a feminist text.

>> No.21556485

damn. I was really hoping Tolstoy was a reactionary christcuck chud (just like me fr)

>> No.21556488
File: 343 KB, 1632x1488, DUfmHdMVMAAabfH.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was kind of a revolutionary christcuck no cap

>> No.21556492


>> No.21556516

I read the Maude's translation alongside Rosamund Bartlett's. The prose in Maude's is good but I dislike that it anglicises Russian names and translates French words into English. And so I prefer Bartlett's.

>> No.21556877

It's not about Anna, it's about Levin (who isn't Jewish despite having an Jewish name)

>> No.21558139

lmao atheists are such disgusting ugly freaks haha

>> No.21558159

>it is that they are so dumb, they don't know how dumb they are

>> No.21558286

If that movie was today Anna would be a fat black woman.

>> No.21558305

a movie about RUSSIANS? In current year?? That's heckin not allowed kiddo

>> No.21558777

Russians are the biggest snowflakes. No one is prosecuting you retard

>> No.21558781

they kinda are though. All sorts of companies and services are refusing to do business with them. Russians flags are banned all over.
Its all Putin's fault for being a retard but still, Russians are being prosecuted atm.