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/lit/ - Literature

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21546993 No.21546993 [Reply] [Original]

I don't get the hype. It was just alright.

>> No.21547248

Don't worry. It's for old men.

>> No.21547267

It’s basically Anna Karenina without all the farming bullshit

>> No.21548124

But that was the best part. Also how is this anything like Anna Karenina?

>> No.21548126

I haven't read either book, but if you thought about it a little more you'd see I'm right.

>> No.21548144
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>> No.21548154

You just described all of japanese literature.

>> No.21548157

good job.

>> No.21548472

Felt the same but I also finished the last eighth of it while moderately drunk. I really liked Thousand Cranes, though.

>> No.21548494

The Japanese writers of that time implied a great deal regarding internal conflict to reflect the society they were in where following the forms of society take precedent over the individual. I find it quite effective and it lends it a weird stream of consciousness quality despite being in the 3rd person. I like this one, don't really remember much of it though, is on my reread list and my current read of The Gate is giving me a strong desire to revisit Kawabata and Tanizaki.

>> No.21549197

snowcunny!! ToT

>> No.21549210

I really liked Thousand Cranes so I was excited to read this. They have a lot in common, e.g. the impressionistic writing style, much of the characters' thought process being implied, but for some reason Snow Country felt pretty forgettable. I'm missing out on most of the cultural subtext and whatever is lost in translation, though.

>> No.21549290


>> No.21549992

I am enlightened.

>> No.21550047
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>> No.21550366

That's sad, I didn't like the other one I tried by Kawabata, but Snow Country really worked for me. The setting is so terrific, and it felt like it had a great balance in the main dude's perspective between brutal honesty as dismissal and brutal honesty as an invitation to tenderness

>> No.21550427

because you probably read an english translation