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/lit/ - Literature

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21547202 No.21547202 [Reply] [Original]

>almost 20 days into 2023
How many books have you read anon?

>> No.21547208

three now suck my dick :D

>> No.21547210

About zero.

>> No.21547216

One, The Great Gatsby.

>> No.21547217

I've been reading the Odyssey since before Christmas and haven't finished it yet.

>> No.21547220

I've read 1.5 books' worth of text this year.

>> No.21547226

5, all highschool required reading tier. I'm going to shift over to ancient history and hermeticism in February

>> No.21547245

I read 5 000 000 books this year. Actually 5 502 000 but those were re-reads so it doesn't count.

>> No.21547261


>> No.21547263

6. Feeling good

>> No.21547266

Four, could finish a fifth tonight but got some studying to do.

>> No.21547271

Joke is on you, I don't read books here. I only read /lit/.

>> No.21547274

Have exams to sit.

>> No.21547276
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Two so far, both Agatha Christie Novels.

>> No.21547278

Just one and half so far but both are a little long.

>> No.21547296

Ahh, Middle School. That's me, picrel is me.

>> No.21547297
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5 real books, 2 extended essays, and 1 volume of manga.

>> No.21547342

26 books out of 100 on my goodreads challenge

>> No.21547352
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2. Half way through the 3rd... And you, Op?

>> No.21547384

1. Read the Republic. Halfway through the Storm of Steel. Trying to read 22 books this year.

>> No.21547434

She's 13.

>> No.21547563
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Unironically 10 including some essays. This is going to be a /lit/ year.

>> No.21547592

legal in Japan

>> No.21547597

1 fully read, 1 half way through, and one about a third through. They're all in the 500-600 page range so I'm looking forward to something a bit fucking shorter afterwards.

>> No.21547608

Only one because I've been too busy playing Ys VIII & IX and writing. I'm currently reading C.S. Lewis' letters to children.
>inb4 /lit/ doesn't read
Last year I read 66.

>> No.21547616

fellow falcoom chad

>> No.21547716

7 and I'm on my 8th

>> No.21547724

19 of them

>> No.21547873

not her dumbass; you

>> No.21547900

One, now starting on journey ro the end of night and enjoying it.
Not a race, better to read good books than a lot of OK ones even if that means you rake longer

>> No.21547905


>> No.21547929

only one, by Kafka.

overrated is the only word I can think when describing The Process.

makes me wonder why he only got promoted after 1945.

>> No.21547935

The last half of one.

>> No.21547940


>> No.21547949

9 as of tonight. So far so good.

>> No.21548000

His short stories and the castle are better

>> No.21548111

One, a history book.

>> No.21548122

Where do you live?

>> No.21548141

east of eden
grapes of wrath
the fratricides

>> No.21548150


Snow Country
The Piazza Tales

>> No.21548152

1 1/2, but that's only because I've gotten distracted and read chapters of about 3 other books.

>> No.21548427


>> No.21548753
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2 But only because the first one was such a fucking grind

>> No.21548776

How to read a book mortimer adler
halfway through A Mind for Numbers by Barbara Oakley

Next is Lings' Muhammad

>> No.21548864

holy shit

>> No.21548890

13 Volumes of Instant Death Cheat

>> No.21548958

I'm reading through "We can remember it for you wholesale", it's gud.

>> No.21549085

Almost finished 1 but then I got distracted and read two others. I’ll try finish soon. I’d apologise but I used to apologise too much and outgrew it.

>> No.21549100


>> No.21549772

Still on the first one I started
almost finished Anna Karenina

>> No.21549776

I finished moby dick, now reading Spenser's THe Faerie Queene. It rocks. Way better than Paradise Lost come fite me.

>> No.21549777


>> No.21549925

Probably around 300 pages from 5-6 books

>> No.21549958

3, I guess.

>> No.21549969

One, The call of Cthulhu (30 pages long)
But I would say I read 850~ pages. I'm reading 3 books at the same time. I use the bible to go to sleep, then I was reading another 2000 pages long book, and decided to take a break when I was 1/4 into the book to read a 200 pages book.

>> No.21550013

Julius Caesar by Shakespeare, two books about ancient Greece, Economics in one lesson by Hazlitt and I'll start reading The Illiad for the second time.

>> No.21550022


>> No.21550027

In my defence War and Peace is very long

>> No.21550050

Apocryphal Tales by Karel Čapek, Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? by Dr. Seuss, and On a Bender by Eduardo Blanco-Amor. Started reading an Akutagawa anthology since yesterday.

>> No.21550056

ovid, some sumerian history book, now reading greek tragedy +demosphenes speeches

>> No.21550062

Still reading War and Peace, started it with the anons.
I’m at 70% on kindle, I WILL make it, I will NOT give up

>> No.21550064


>> No.21550070

>How many books have you read anon?
I have read some items, here and there, albeit somewhat peripherally. I am not much the reader, if truth is to be told as my generation has lesser the time for literary pursuits, we are busy fellows indeed. However, I read the label of a tin of baked beans yesterday afternoon in-between bouts of spousal abuse and heavy drinking of mostly fruit flavored alcohol in plastic bottles. I find myself more and more, i this counts, reading the divertisments which scroll along the bottom banner of the television as I am roaring myself hoarse at various sportsmen who play for my amusement and wagers upon the television screen itself.

I understand I am quite the unread chap, of course. So perhaps my slight forays in the world of brow-furrowing over small pieces of text could not be said to be the norm.

>> No.21550091

were very proud of you anon
you must have learned french by now too mon beau ami

>> No.21550122

It's better to read one good book than hundred bad ones.

>> No.21550163

Almost finished with the first:
Ride the Tiger by Julius Evola.

>> No.21550204
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Thanks, but I happen to be a native french speaker already
Also it would be “mon bel ami”, as beau becomes bel when followed by a word that starts with a vowel sound
a beautiful man -> un bel homme,
a beautiful boy -> un beau garçon

>> No.21550226

Three, I think? Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther. I'm now reading Isaiah, The C++ Programming Language, Basic Mathematics and Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview. However, the last three have been on hold for a while now.

>> No.21550380

Two, although I started them last month

>> No.21550451

Fook'n baste

>> No.21550472

just 2...

>> No.21550618

finished one book I started last month. havnt been in the mood to start a new one yet. I think i will do a tale of two cities or some of Melville's short fiction next

>> No.21550621

Driest shit I've ever read, reads drier than some philosophy books just to say bueraucracy bad

>> No.21550893

1.5 pulpy freddie forsyth novels. I'm wasting my downtime but I can't face anything more substantial because I was so disappointed by The Passenger just before Christmas.

>> No.21550898

5. One of them is Hitchhikers Guide and that's only 170-180 pages so it feels a bit bad to count it. I really liked the book though and will definitely read the rest of the series

>> No.21550903

One, namely ASOS which I believe counts as five books

>> No.21551026

I've read maybe 15 pages.

>> No.21551076
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Only one, in terms of actual books. I mostly read /co/ but I saw this thread on the frontpage.

>> No.21551157

4.5 fiction: Haunted, Go Ask Alice, This Thing Between Us, They All Died Screaming, and am halfway through Negative Space.
~3 nonfiction/philosophy: I finished the Nicomachean Ethics, Cicero's Republic, Cicero's Laws, and am now reading On Duties
A perfect balance between shit-tier horror and some pseudlit

>> No.21551167

I haven't finished a book since Lolita in 2019

>> No.21551306

Technically 0. But last year I read 3.
>American Psycho
>2001: A Space Odyssey
>Fire and Blood (or, the Hot D part)

>> No.21551474

im halfway through a book of collected poems/short stories by Poe

>> No.21551486


>> No.21551776

Six I think. Weeks blend together and I don't track all that religiously. I've also dropped 3 books this year after 70, 70, and 450 pages.

Mostly trashy fantasy romance since I got started on a kicka bit before new years.

>> No.21551922
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>silent spring
>the old man and the sea
>the castle
>giovanni's room
>on the genealogy of morals

I never thought I'd enjoy Hemingway since everyone talks about how "dry" his prose was, but after reading it I found it exceptional, and definitely deceptively simple. He hasn't written that much so I'll probably eventually read all of his stuff, but The Sun Also Rises is the one I have my eye on for next. I thought the old man and the sea was perfect.

>> No.21552529
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One, technically. Listened to an audiobook of an autobiography, currently starting over with this after not touching it since last May.

>> No.21552585

Don't read past the restaurant at the end of the universe unless you want to be severely dissappointed

>> No.21553104

Not even one. About 160 pages into a 200 page book

>> No.21553110

How many have you hand bound?

>> No.21553155

3 sentences and a half (going to be 5 by the end of the month)

>> No.21553197

2, currently on my 3rd one

>> No.21553237

they were mostly pretty short though

>> No.21553634

They're all Louis L'amour books. Probably Sackett series.

>> No.21553640


>> No.21553672
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They are all prett short however, between 100 - 200 pages each.

>> No.21553725

Only 2, the fellowship of the ring and Justine by Sade.
I work 80+ hours per week though, doesnt leave as much time as I'd like to read

>> No.21553739

Two and I'm halfway through three more.

>> No.21553828

the first two prince of nothing books

>> No.21554619
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Exactly one
600 pages of history of Icons.
I'm not sure if I can recommend it because it's subject is too broad for its own good. Belting starts in IVth century AD and finishes in XVI century. It was good it's just information dense. It might require multiple readings.

>> No.21554644

Because you read?

>> No.21554694

two and half. Sticking to my resolution to read minimum 100+ pages every day. Feels good

>> No.21555217

Haven’t read much.

>> No.21555259

I'm in the middle of The Magus. That's the only one.

>> No.21555316

Two. A collection T.S. Eliot's works and a treaty about angelology

>> No.21556139

Two. Getting through the third.

>> No.21556153

Which toku nonsense is this?

>> No.21556178

4 but I was almost done with one of them at the start of the year.

>> No.21556188

One, Storm of Steel.