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21541596 No.21541596 [Reply] [Original]

Nietzsche gets hit with a trad one-two

Roger Scruton:

>“There are philosophers who have repudiated the goal of truth -- Nietzsche, for example, who argued that there are no truths, only interpretations. But you need only ask yourself whether what Nietzsche says is true, to realize how paradoxical it is. (If it is true, then it is false! -- an instance of the so-called 'liar' paradox.) Likewise, the French philosopher Michel Foucault repeatedly argues as though the 'truth' of an epoch has no authority outside of the power-structure that endorses it. There is no trans-historical truth about the human condition. But again, we should ask ourselves whether that last statement is true: for if it is true, it is false. There has arisen among modernist philosophers a certain paradoxism which has served to put them out of communication with those of their contemporaries who are merely modern. A writer who says that there are no truths, or that all truth is "merely relative," is asking you not to believe him. So don't.”

Chesterton on Nietzsche

>Nietzsche had some natural talent for sarcasm: he could sneer, though he could not laugh; but there is always something bodiless and without weight in his satire, simply because it has not any mass of common morality behind it. He is himself more preposterous than anything he denounces. But, indeed, Nietzsche will stand very well as the type of the whole of this failure of abstract violence. The softening of the brain which ultimately overtook him was not a physical accident. If Nietzsche had not ended in imbecility, Nietzscheism would end in imbecility. Thinking in isolation and with pride ends in being an idiot. Every man who will not have softening of the heart must at last have softening of the brain.

More Scruton on Nietzsche

>Nietzsche himself has become a kind of idol. Despite his antagonism towards democracy and mass culture, despite his unashamedly racist attack on the Germans and all things German, despite his advocacy of ‘health’ and strength against the ‘sickness’ of compassion, despite his contempt for socialists, vegetarians, feminists and women generally – despite committing every sin condemned by the morality of ‘political correctness’, Nietzsche is now a cult figure.

Even Bertrand Russell has an insightful critique

>I dislike Nietzsche because he likes the contemplation of pain, because he erects conceit into a duty, because the men whom he most admires are conquerors, whose glory is cleverness in causing men to die. But I think the ultimate argument against his philosophy, as against any unpleasant but internally self-consistent ethic, lies not in an appeal to facts, but in an appeal to emotions. Nietzsche despises universal love; I feel it the motive power to all that I desire as regards the world. His followers have had their innings, but we may hope that it is coming rapidly to an end.

>> No.21541613

Isn't the bald goatfucker in jail for human trafficking?

>> No.21541623

First quote reminds me of when people say 90iqs can't understand recursion

>> No.21541636

He defied the Matrix

>> No.21541641

Still detained and awaiting trial.

>> No.21541649
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Both are your enemy. One is aimed at convincing educated middle-class young men that nationalism, unity, brotherhood and ethno-collectivism is toxic and can never amount to anything. He lies to you.

The other is a dumb, consumerist ape aimed at convincing the working class man that you need to buy the latest commodity in order to have self-worth. Focus entirely in money and nothing else, dont link associate by culture, creed and race. Buy shit. He also lies.

There is only one way to fix what is wrong with society and nobody wants to admit it.

>> No.21541653
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I don’t agree with what you say but I like your vibe bro

>> No.21541659

Scruton is good on aesthetics. I haven't bothered with his non-racist political philosophy.

>> No.21541666

Gayest shit I've ever seen in my life. Kill yourself zogbot.

>> No.21541691

>in jail waiting for prosecution to find alleged proofs (that does not exist) of human trafficking

get your news right

>> No.21541698

Don't care, he's a bald muslim youTuber, jail isn't enough for his kind.

>> No.21541703

I am 100% convinced that that account is satire and most of his followers probably don’t know

>> No.21541710

In clown world being based is seen as satirical

>> No.21541725
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>bald muslim youTuber
mashallah very Keyed

>> No.21541735
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Wild that he is whoring out with girls in a nation reknowned for child and woman sex trafficking. From a country that has not been great since Codreanu was shot in prison. Were he alive he would hang that utter scumfuck human from the tree and never think of him again.

There is nothing to celebrate on that account, it continues to treat symptoms not the cause. You are being replaced, you are in decline, focusing on the individual and living a 'trad-life' will not fix the problem. The world you leave for your children will be worse than the one your parents left you.

Only mass action and ethno-cultural collectivism will replace the sections of the Western Nations that have been taken by foreign peoples.

You can not have whar you want, without realizing this.

>> No.21541779

What you forget, friendo, is that individualism is a major part of western values

>> No.21541794

>get your news right
The news always tells the truth with zero spin when it's against someone I don't like or disagree with!

>> No.21541809
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No, it is not. It is a recent addition and one curiously overlooked by every Conservative or Republican thinker simply because it it not-left, which is really what Traditionalism boils down to, it is a knee-jerk reaction to what they see in the world.
It is a safe reaction, one that promises not to affect their life or change society for the better.

Brotherhood and Fraternity was the call, not individualism at the cost of all community and society. You have been lied to, you can not be utterly individualistic in this world, you will be swallowed alive by the horde of semi-concious animals who move like a horde, consuming everything.

This is why people like me think Juden Peterstein is the enemy, his utter blindness in forming tight bonds with people is the cause for the White Man's woes, while all other demographics enjoy the support of their respective ethnic groups, Whites do not. It is like growing up without a family. On the world stage we are alone, and the smallest minority by far, yet we can not express mutual support for other Whites as we decline in number? That is evil.

There is only one proven way to affect change that the left discovered decades ago. Mass, direct action and violence. But, we dont want to do that because that is what the Left does, and what the Left does the entire Right must do the opposite.

>> No.21541850

You do know Nazis are socialists…right? Maybe think about cleaning your room and fixing your own problems before resorting to drastic solutions

>> No.21541863

Oy Vey !

>> No.21541874
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>There is...another

>> No.21541884
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Yes. The clue is in the name. What is different about them than Marxists are their support of the family unit, vertical hierarchies and private industry so long as it does not prevent the citizen from obtaining what they want in life, family, home and a job. They are also inherently against internationalism, the only world-view that is, and in doing so proclaim themselves nationalists.

>> No.21541891

All socialism is fundamentally leftist

>> No.21541899
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>overlooked by every Conservative or Republican thinker simply because it it not-left, which is really what Traditionalism boils down to.

>> No.21541925
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I have a clean house, anon. Life is good and worth celebrating. I encourage others to do what i did, it is a much happier and meaningful way to live. My issues now are raising a good family and supporting their growth. It is going well.

>> No.21541938

This has to be a psyop bot or a joke lol all of those takes are purely generic anglo conservative junk and anglo conservatives committed themselves to the long defeat in the 1700s. There is no point in believing any of it because they’re just by their own implicit admission liberals driving the speed limit

>> No.21541941

There's no way that pic isn't satire.

>> No.21541954

Natsocs weren’t really socialists in a clinical sense at all because they reject historical materialism and don’t reject private enterprise. They were trying to hijack the word socialist to imply submission to the needs of a racially defined collective or superorganism. It’s socialist in the same way that a family could be called socialistic (i.e a major stretch), it just tries to extend the family unit to include millions

>> No.21541990
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>Natsocs weren’t really socialists in a clinical sense at all because they reject historical materialism and don’t reject private enterprise. They were trying to hijack the word socialist to imply submission to the needs of a racially defined collective

Yes, they were. They were anti-marxist, which is an important distinction. As great as the one between China being vagely capitalist and America being capitalist. The Socialist movement is far older than Marx, it did not begin or end with him or his sponsor Engels. Everything the National-Socialists did from providing new mothers with healthy means to give birth, to state-wide clubs for boys and girls, to the creation of the Volkswagon brand, literally People's Car, was nationalist socialism in action. And what is more, it worked alongside private industry which flourished and elevated the German standard of family living to the highest we have seen. Big, healthy families in homes they owned. Class distinctions are important, National and racial differences are important and should be at the forefront of a peoples concious

>> No.21542023

Hi fags, Nietzschean here. Let me just address your faggotries.

First quote: question-begging, I refuse your truth/lie paradigm, the only paradigm in which your accusation makes sense.

Second quote: sorry, not reading the words of a fatty. Chesterton weighed 450 pounds and talked about the sin of gluttony. I can't read him, I'd laugh too hard.

Third quote: don't care.

Fourth quote: the best of the bunch (imagine being beaten by Russell, lmao), but ultimately fails, because master morality is literally about being kind and loving to people.

GG faggotrons, not reading your replies.

>> No.21542029

God I love women who show knees and eat ice cream, such spirited and lovely creatures.

>> No.21542054

>I MUST defend some grifter's honor online
Who cares lol

>> No.21542139

>the Top G and king of trads
>mere grifter

>> No.21542282


>> No.21542436

Lol this isn’t the own you think it is

>> No.21542469

Nietzsche not only supported the jews but his most famous and studied English translations are by a jew, he cannot be trusted and is not /ourguy/

>> No.21542642

If they beat him until he said he was a human trafficker, does that make it true?

I feel like someone made a similar argument about 2+2...

>> No.21542735

So women have the choice between being a domestic slave to their husband or living a fulfilling life in charge of their own destiny? And you think a 70-year old fashion add is going to change their opinion on which is better?

>> No.21542763

I think that’s the joke.

>> No.21542884
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When will the faeshy larpers realize all they accomplish is getting themselves on a shortlist while accomplishing nothing that matters in public. Oh, and occasionally triggering a moral panic that TPTB use to crack down on civil liberties. ""Who"" do you think spread the nazification of nationalism to poison the well dingus

>> No.21543663

It is a psyop/an attempt to create controlled opposition. Everybody on here knows Tate and Peterson aren't Trad and are centrist grifters, it's literally a meme. (((They))) are afraid of an actual Traditionalism/right wing.

>> No.21543679

>domestic slave to their husband
Oh no, your role in society is to stay at home raising children and cooking while all finances are provided for you? ITS LITERALLY SLAVERY WAAHHH I WANT TO LOSE MY SOUL WORKING AT A DESK FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE WAAHH

Grow up, child.

>> No.21543714
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Or maybe you’re the shill? You best start believing in trad threads. You’re in one

>> No.21543794

Ah yes, maybe if surplus males retweet enough Rockwell paintings they can summon wives who would rather have children than instagram followers.

>> No.21543826

You don't understand, us zoomer males just need to hustle more and then women will be really impressed and give up their enormous economic, social, and legal advantage to be tradwives. After we reach the event horizon of x retweeted Rockwell paintings females will abrogate an entire legal system that works to their benefit. Just grind more.

>> No.21543853
File: 743 KB, 1125x1228, 95A526CD-CE34-427D-AE9B-A17E4AACCC1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trads are a movement no matter how much you hate it

>> No.21543863

Twitter views are not a movement and that you would even suggest this betrays your imbecility.

>> No.21543968

Chesterton, Scruton, and Russell were all fags

Hail Nietzsche

>> No.21543971

also, none of them are trads
they are cuckservatives

fuck off back to twitter

>> No.21543990

>slightly different clothing oh no!

>> No.21544009

Nothing says trad like being an online influencer & sex trafficker. You are a clown

>> No.21544026

Rockwell was a fucking tasteless faggot. I hate twitter so fucking much.

>> No.21544028

Imagine falling for what the Matrix says. The Top G even predicted the Matrix would come for him because he was setting up a school to teach men how to escape it

>> No.21544059

Yeah I don't disagree with any of that but you gotta admit that it's Marxist socialism that people are talking about when they say socialism and it's Marxist socialism that socialists are talking about when they describe themselves. Natsocs "stealing" or "purifying" the word socialism as part of their propaganda is a good move for them, but it causes an enormous headache when engaging normiecons whose entire political geography is defined by "socialism is when the government does things and socialism is red guards killing priests and promoting trannies". I do think there should just be another word entirely for anti-marxist socialists because inculcating that new understanding of socialism is 100% necessary in breaking normiecons out of the individualist / "inequality is good but only financial equality" mental trap

>> No.21544222
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Picked this up on a whim today, is it any good?

>> No.21544354

Neo-Reactionary agree!

>> No.21544371

is there a non-homosexual, non-small-dick-energy option?

>> No.21544479


>> No.21544515

>First quote: question-begging, I refuse your truth/lie paradigm, the only paradigm in which your accusation makes sense.
indeed, i can't believe Scrouton level of analisis could be this basic, that's something a highschool kid that think is smart would say

>> No.21544571
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A bowel movement. Bernini was a once-in-a-generation prodigy raised by a skilled sculptor

>> No.21544599

I don't know what translation that is but it's not part of the Western canon for no reason. I will warn you there are quite a few bad translations of it, but the vast majority in print are decent. I have Maria Boulding's and it is a very good compromise between good prose and modern sensibilities in terms of how flowery the language used is.

I don't know about you, but that sounds so amazingly dull, I can see why mental illness was so widespread among Stepford wives in the 1950s. People need aome sort of outlet to express themselves and only cooking, cleaning and taking care of children (while rewarding) isn't a good way to be an actual human being. Having actual hobbies is a good thing. Even fucking medieval peasants had hobbies like playing the lute, dancing and generally fun leisure activities and yes this includes the women too (especially the mothers and the like. How do you think all these folk songs/tales were passed down all these generations?) Also, you niggers pretend that the 1950s are traditional in anyway when it's just the second wave of modernity. If you wanedt true traditionalism, you wouldn't be posting propaganda from the height of American consumerist society.

>> No.21544602

"woahhhh look at my like cars and fat stacks of money .. BOOBS man BOOBS boobs and money You want boobs you gotta get on that grindset",
What is "traditional" about any of this?

>> No.21544693

>juden peterstein
>andrew mutt
this got to be some ironic shitposting, /lit/ isn't low iq enough to believe this

>> No.21545023
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>ITT unironic "nietzcheans"

>> No.21545252

Seethe harder, libtard, clown world is ending

>> No.21545500
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You are a liberal from fifteen years ago. You have conserved nothing, you are no more traditional than a happy meal. The entite right-wing movement has watched as the Left destroy evety last institution, clown world wont be over until the modern democratic system is ripped out, root and stem. Democracy leads to the destruction of ethnic bonds, which leads to globalism, which in turn destroys culture and replaces it with whatever is economical for those who now rule you.

There is but one way to save all you love and destroy all that wants you dead and forgotten.

>> No.21545516

This entire thread is unadulterated cringe

>> No.21545518
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He and Chesterton are right and no amount of copium can actually say otherwise.
>Chesterton is such a fat—Ack!
Pic rel is my man GKC at age 24.

>> No.21545574
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The tradlarp is literally just a reemergence of the fedora phenomenon. Socially maladjusted weirdos clinging to cringe outdated sensibilities to appear as enlightened gentlemen above the sheeple because they've been rejected from their peer group.
t. literally a father and have a housewife.
And she'd call you an impotent queer too.

>> No.21545602

Tell me how traditional your life is without posting faggotry.

>> No.21545739
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Im not traditionalist, though a few years ago i probably would of said i was. But now, havint read far more, I now i want to make new values based on blood & soil, in the full meaning of that loaded phrase. Otherwise i am a normal man whom any veteran grandfather would be happy to wed in to his family. I was in the british army, im a mechanic. I own a home and am beginning a family with a beautiful woman to whom i am devoted and her to me.

There is nothing traditional about what i have done. But now i see the West, from Italy to Canada and i hate all of what i see and what allowed it to happen. Hence my want for something new and revolutionary.

>> No.21545757

Man, Andrew Tate seems like the stupidest motherfucker of all time. Why is he even in the same picture as my main man JP?

>> No.21545813

What I appreciate about Andrew Tate, at least in theory, is that he promotes an energy in boys and young men that pushes away the stiltifying, castrating energy of the current mommy complex that has overtaken the West. It's not a well-guided energy but it's better than being consumed by the yonic forces of unrestrained "compassion". Of course there might be long term consequences that I'm unaware of.

>> No.21545829

Is his message any substantially different from gangsta rap? I dare say it is not but at least gangsta rap requires talent


>> No.21545972

>he promotes an energy in boys and young men that pushes away the stiltifying, castrating energy of the current mommy complex that has overtaken the West

He promotes literal consumerism, the only difference is you look favorably on both his style of delivery and the product he is selling, be it his hilarious discord membership or an abstraction like his 'hustler' mindset.

Give me >>21545739 over anything Tate is affiliated with.

>> No.21546129

>calls his Twitter "the Traditionalist"
>his profile pic is ancient degenerate sportsball emperor

>> No.21546145
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my brother in christ you literaly a foot-soldier at a zog army kek

>> No.21546152

>t. dishonorable NEET who's entire existence is predicated on the superiority of the western military industrial complex

>> No.21546303
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Im willing to engage you, anon.
But please explain to us why you think my support of the only system we are utterly forbidden from learning about, National-Socialism, is a serving the enemy. No other system has this taboo, despite horrors and atrocities enacted in the name of any other system and many more dead, only National-Socialism is completely excluded from the conversation.

When you begin reading about it, it suddenly dawns on you. It worked, it worked very well and it was not connected to gold, finance, banking or the international markets.

>> No.21546319
File: 351 KB, 601x353, Chesterton_standing_(very_rare).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here he is at 32.
Please do notice that he was 6'4 in height, meaning that the gut you're seeing, which is absolutely massive, is on a freakishly huge frame, putting his weight at AT LEAST 450 pounds.

>> No.21546341

Indeed. /pol/tards should stay in their containment board.

>> No.21546342

turn 360° and walk away

>> No.21546354

Neither Scruton nor Chesterton are trads, they are both morally decrepit cowards, with Chesterton also being a stupid and oafish man in addition to that. Scruton however has a subtle sensibility for art, refinement and the meaning of much of Western effort. His philosophy stuff is worth a read but his politics are the same drab, pale Thatcherite liberalism.
Didn't read, don't care, cope and seethe.
Read Evola.

>> No.21546374

So you're just an old boomer fuck having his midlife crisis? Kek

>> No.21546513

>gets outclassed and outtradded
>resorts to namecalling

>> No.21546529

Outtradded lmao

>> No.21546565

What is there to say about this? "Oh no, Nietzsche was le racist against Germans!" The OP itself contains name calling, directed at Nietzsche.

>> No.21546614

180° turn is the trad thing to do

>> No.21546620

I think you mean 360 Anon. 180 would leave you facing the same way

>> No.21546625

Its enlightening at least, but I can't like a book about someone whipping himself for no reason.

>> No.21546630
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>Read Evola.
Ive read Evola, i do not agree with much of what he said. Further he neglects the material in favor of the spiritual. Instead i say to you, read Kurt Eggers as he incorperates the spiritual in such a way that it is intrinsic to the material, specifically to blood and soil which is central to my world-view. He also does it much less verbose manner, which is a critique of Evola himself not his ideas.

There is nothing, so far, thst could convince me Traditionalism or tradlife, have anything worthwhile to offer the future. Both are dead ends that skirt around the very real fact that without a focus on ethnic/racial primacy of White people, nothing will rise to the lofty hights as it could of.

>> No.21546634

Traditionalism is not revolutionary, my dear anon.

>> No.21546693
File: 41 KB, 429x600, D98F26F4-9A16-4BDC-BE61-42E7DC7C84B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it is cyclical

>> No.21546726
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No. It is not, it is subjective and is simply whatever-the-other-side-does-we-do-the-opposite. You have no real values beyond what was normal when your grandfather or father was bayoneting gooks. It is empty of any moral direction, which is why it has failed to amount to anything.

Modern Western Conservatism can be summed up in the phrase "I don't like that but can't stop you doing it." It is the red headed step child of the Liberal tradition that just got in the way of everything.

>> No.21546738

>All socialism is fundamentally leftist
>All green people are green
>All blue people are blue
>All talkers talk
>All trees have tree-like properties
I don't exactly see what you've added to the discussion, my dear mongoloid.

>> No.21546746

I think you are probably not properly appreciating him, but yeah that's fine. Personally I don't think there's a contradiction between Evola's views on spirituality and his views on race and personality - the two are closely tied together. He wrote a book called Synthesis on the Doctrine of Race where he referred to the relationship between body, mind and spirit.

>> No.21546747

Holy shit you're retarded

>> No.21546759
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>. He wrote a book called Synthesis on the Doctrine of Race where he referred to the relationship between body, mind and spirit

Same anon, what was the relationship he referred to? Everything i have read epoused the primacy of the Spirit. I don't agree with this.

What did i say that you disagree with? Or are you incapable of reasoned debate?

>> No.21546769

Both roads leads to the same alone, dejected important state.

Enjoy your Xanax, and your tranny porn.

>> No.21546799

Nietzsche was a closet homosexual just like Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin. Nietzsche reveals what is in every gay man’s heart-TOTALITARIANISM!

>> No.21546801

Why is Ezra Pound the only one rotated?

>> No.21546814

Which is basically the essence of leftism

>> No.21546836

No traditionalist can ever answer to what Tradition they're appealing. It's just an identity crisis with vague, culturally universal concepts like the inequality of the sexes and religion.

>> No.21546903

>Same anon, what was the relationship he referred to? Everything i have read epoused the primacy of the Spirit. I don't agree with this.
But it is primary, anon. However, it's also a relationship of analogy. You seem to be interested in the topic of race anyway, so I recommend that you give the book a read. It's very fascinating.
The gist of it is that race is preserved and passed down through the blood but it is not itself only the blood - it has psychological, ethical and spiritual components that are just as important and are inextricably tied to the blood. Blood descent acts, essentially, as a vehicle or a chariot for the spirit, and the spirit is the charioteer. When the charioteer is lost, the blood might still be there but you're just left with a despicable degenerate instead of a serious man.
All the capital T Traditionalists have specifically provided their definition of Tradition, but then again most of them don't spend their time criticising Nietzsche.

>> No.21546919

Languages don’t traditionally have upper and lower case, anon

>> No.21546928

You misrepresent Peterson. He exhorts young men to take responsibility for their personal development and self-actualisation, IN ORDER THAT they may take their place as productive and well-adjusted members of society: able to compete for lifemates, secure decent careers, live fulfilling lives, and find inner peace and self-respect. He is trying to reverse the widespread alienation and isolation of young western men, not just because it is the humane and compassionate thing to do, but because alienated and isolated young men do terrible things to others as well as themselves, and Peterson cares about social order (see next para).

Peterson emphasises everywhere in his teachings, the importance of overarching social structures, strong institutions, the preservation of cultural values and traditions, and a distinctive national identity around which people may rally and unite. He approaches these things from the position of a psychologist, with a psychologist's insight into the dynamics of human groupings, rather than as an ideologue. But he is greatly alarmed at the terrible damage being wrought to the foundational underpinnings of western liberal democracy, national identity, and the fundamental human right of free speech, by postmodernism and leftist extremism.

In his writings about the crisis of modern male identity, he also explores in detail the interface between the individual and the state - to wit, how the courts, the universities and other vital institutions are now actively and unashamedly hostile towards men, and how modern feminism long ago exceeded its laudable initial aims and has become a hateful, misandrist, extremist movement.

These are not the writings of a man who espouses "individualism at the cost of all community and society", nor of a man who denies the importance of racial identity, or is dismissive of Traditionalism.

Jordan Peterson's advice to young men has always been "pick up a load - that's what you were put on earth to do." In other words - do your part to build a better society, a better world, as your forefathers did.

So you are quite wrong: Peterson argues that the individual is the building block of society, and - by logical extension - that you cannot build a robust and civilised society without robust and civilised people.

Tate by comparison offers nothing but contempt and aggression and the use of materialism as the sole measure of success in life.

I know which fork I would take in OP's pic.

>> No.21547050
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>You misrepresent Peterson. He exhorts young men to take responsibility for their personal development and self-actualisation, IN ORDER THAT they may take their place as productive and well-adjusted members of society: able to compete for lifemates, secure decent careers, live fulfilling lives, and find inner peace and self-respect.
Nothing wrong with this. This is generic good advice and worth pursuing. This can be found in any self-help book.

> He is trying to reverse the widespread alienation and isolation of young western men, not just because it is the humane and compassionate thing to do, but because alienated and isolated young men do terrible things to others as well as themselves, and Peterson cares about social order.
This is not entirely true. He is concerned with preserving the current social order which is not conductive to young, healthy white males. He also refuses, absolutely refuses to consider any sort of unit and cohesion between these lost men. Don't, under any account, use your shared suffering and pain to build a movement that can affect real, lasting change in society. Be alone, be an island, the individual is key. The gaps in his logic are clear, he is a trying to prevent the formation of any nationalist and cultural-collectivism (not economic) which is the only means to live in this world.

>Peterson emphasises everywhere in his teachings, the importance of overarching social structures, strong institutions, the preservation of cultural values and traditions, and a distinctive national identity around which people may rally and unite.
All good, but he misses on key point which ties it all together, Ethnic homogeniety. Without that what we see now is the inevitable conclusion of the Liberal Tradition. It is happening in every single White Nation, thet are all ruined by the inclusion of non-whites.

>He approaches these things from the position of a psychologist, with a psychologist's insight into the dynamics of human groupings, rather than as an ideologue.
He is an idealogue, he is a classical liberal. That is an ideology that is rapidly coming to an end. It is unsutainable in both economic and social spheres, politics is a shitshow because democracy does not work.

>But he is greatly alarmed at the terrible damage being wrought to the foundational underpinnings of western liberal democracy, national identity, and the fundamental human right of free speech, by postmodernism and leftist extremism.
Good. He should be. He has lied and caused suffering to countless people by his omission of the ethic replacement his demographic is undergoing in every nation their ancestors built.

>> No.21547072
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>Jordan Peterson's advice to young men has always been "pick up a load - that's what you were put on earth to do." In other words - do your part to build a better society, a better world, as your forefathers did.
Our forefathers were raised in a world without pakistani rape gangs, without nigger gangs that destroy entire cities. Do you know what they did to them? The hanged them from trees. They despised the jew for his low cunning and had no problem employing violence to protect what they love. The West they came of age in is gone and it his generation that destroyed everything. From out streets and towns to our future and economy. All of it, destroyed, down to the very foundations.

>So you are quite wrong: Peterson argues that the individual is the building block of society, and - by logical extension - that you cannot build a robust and civilised society without robust and civilised people
The single, unattached individual, be they male or female, is the biggest danger to the real building block of society, which is the standard family. The individual is utterly worthless without a family. But he does not share that, does he? He is adamant that you not build any lasting bonds or collective experience lest it boil over in to a unified nationalist movement that aims to rectify what damage has been done to White Nations.

>> No.21547098

My favorite thing about Peterson is that hes always talking about the evil heckin globalists while he praises Europeans for spending billions on third world countries to increase their population and standard of living. Isnt that globalism?

>> No.21547215
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Is that you Peterstein?