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File: 326 KB, 1200x1794, Aberration in the Heartland of the Real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21532622 No.21532622 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit.

>> No.21532695

shame on you for not actually saying anything about the book, OP. Tell me something about it! ANYTHING!

>> No.21532753
File: 56 KB, 750x750, 1673216145238522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has a lot of "holy shit" moments contained therein.

>> No.21532940

>It has a lot of "holy shit" moments contained therein
well that I could already infer, man. tell me about one of these holy shits. the book itself was already on my radar

>> No.21532999

McVeigh, during his first enlistment in the Army, received several inoculations for "Plagues I, II, & III" and visited the dentist more than two-down times between 1988 and 1990, on top of several doctor visits for unusual symptoms ostensibly caused by the mystery vaccinations he received.

>> No.21533702

Why does this book keep being shilled on here?

>> No.21534944

It's good and has a lot of "holy shit" moments in it.

>> No.21535063
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>> No.21535074

The author is doing a podcast series where she basically covers the whole book, it has been really good so far in the 3 unlocked (of 11) episodes that are available without a patreon: https://anchor.fm/programmedtochill

>> No.21535165
File: 72 KB, 439x433, 1672940777076673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niiiiiice. I will defo check this out. Also paywalls are incredibly Jewish.

>> No.21535271

So? You're saying that he blew up a federal building as a result?

>> No.21535274


>> No.21535332

It's more or less a big catalog that shows that everything /pol/ says about the FBI and CIA is true. While it might be misleading to say that the FBI carried out the OKC bombing themselves, they gave McVeigh (and others) the bomb, the location and the opportunity to let it happen, and then turned their backs. Depending on how far down the rabbit hole you want to go, the idea of McVeigh as a brainwashed stooge with a tooth implant that controlled has actions and who is potentially still alive is, strangely, not as far fetched as it first seems upon reading. If anything it's just a good story too. Author's a skilled writer.
Also McVeigh used both Chuck and Sneed as aliases right before the bombing.

>> No.21535823 [SPOILER] 
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were making some changes to the board

>> No.21535974
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>> No.21535981
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>> No.21535997
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Wendy is both a great investigator and a very good writer. So many of these topics would have tripped up other talented people. It's very easy to become lost or sickened by these subjects.

>> No.21536088
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>The Bulldozer Assault

>> No.21536560

I thought this chapter was gonna be about the mechanic rampage in Colorado and how it inspired McVeigh. But noooooo, I guess not?

>> No.21536571

>roughly 130 mentions of the CIA in the book
I thought it would be more, honestly.
I'm gonna go look up mentions of the FBI and report back.

>> No.21536584

Roughly 135 mentions of the FBI. Again, I thought there would be way more.

>> No.21537208

Related: are there any good books focusing on Ruby Ridge, Waco, and particularly the phenomenon of American isolated religious/white separatist/cult communities? I want deets on the Aryan Nations and fundie Mormons and shit like that.

>> No.21537270

Does the book cite credible sources or is it pure schizobabble?

>> No.21537443

Midnight in the heartland in the aberration in the good and evil

>> No.21537754

It's all cited from first-hand sources, other books, and interviews done by the author. It's pretty legit.

>> No.21538161

>Presenting startling new biographical details about Timothy McVeigh and exposing stark contradictions and errors contained in previous depictions of the "All-American Terrorist," this book traces McVeigh's life from childhood to the Army, throughout the plot to bomb the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building and the period after his 1995 arrest until his 2001 execution. McVeigh's life, as Dr. Wendy Painting describes it, offers a backdrop for her discussion of not only several intimate and previously unknown details about him, but a number of episodes and circumstances in American History as well. In Aberration in the Heartland, Painting explores Cold War popular culture, all-American apocalyptic fervor, organized racism, contentious politics, militarism, warfare, conspiracy theories, bioethical controversies, mind control, the media's construction of villains and demons, and institutional secrecy and cover-ups. All these stories are examined, compared, and tested in Aberration in the Heartland of the Real, making this book a much closer examination into the personality and life of Timothy McVeigh than has been provided by any other biographical work about him

>> No.21538168

Aberration talks about JTF6 if that's relevant to you.
Wendy's second book is said to focus more on these overarching organizations/projects/task forces and the players in these events other than McVeigh.

>> No.21538261

I don't get what's so interesting about the guy since I was born in the 90s and didn't know about him until many years later

>> No.21538357

he's like britney spears or justin bieber only he's the patsy to hundreds of people being murdered

>> No.21538391

I liked the digressions in the book; the history of "lone" gunmen, the history leading up to the Gulf War and the fucked up shit that happened there, the shady vaccines giving soldiers AIDs, the mental breakdown of double agents, the history of brain implants, the US government creating UFO conspiracies and literally driving people mad with them. Good shit.

>> No.21538510

>he participated in trials secretly paid by the CIA, that means he was a CIA asset!!
the absolute state of conspiranoia

>> No.21538619
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>> No.21538622
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>> No.21538629

>"what better way to hide or protect another agency, possibly an even more creepy agency, or perhaps more difficult and less FOIAable, a public/ private partnership, than by calling everything "CIA"?

>> No.21538652
File: 207 KB, 1059x532, FLv6-brXMAgOpN6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DOJ asks CIA for surveillance reports on McVeigh and Nichols
>Receives back pic related

>> No.21538669
File: 249 KB, 497x781, FKYi6KcWQAYbVa9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jack Oliphant
>Militia founder
>Explosives expert
>CIA contractor, trainer

>> No.21538674
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>> No.21538729

>1) the remarkable and puzzling speed with which those in power identified what I call the designated culprits (Lee Harvey Oswald and the 19 alleged hijackers),
>2) the self-incriminating trail allegedly left by the culprits themselves – such as the bundle that James Earl Ray is said to have conveniently left in a doorway on his way to his car. Oswald was said to have carried a flagrantly falsified draft card identifying himself with the name A.J. Hidell, thus consolidating a link between himself and the Mannlicher-Carcano which had been ordered under that name. [2] Even more spectacularly, Mohamed Atta was said to have left one rental car in the Boston airport, filled with boxcutters and other incriminating items; he then allegedly rented a second car and drove to Maine, where he packed bags with still more self-incriminating material. [3]
>3) the CIA’s withholding of relevant information about the designated culprits from the FBI, thus leaving the culprits free to play their allotted roles in Dallas and later on 9/11. I will say more about this.
>4) the role of drug-trafficking in both JFK and 9/11 – and indeed in virtually every major deep event since JFK, specifically including MLK, RFK, Watergate, the Letelier assassination, and Iran-Contra.

>> No.21538732

>This hypothesis of an underlying continuity and similarity between JFK, 9/11, and intervening deep events suggests that we should look for some continuing and hostile force within our society to explain them – and not, as we have been encouraged, to blame them on external forces – such as either Castro (in the case of Oswald) or angry Middle Eastern Muslims (in the case of 9/11). I want to suggest that this continuing force, though involving elements from the CIA and other intelligence agencies, should be sought primarily in the CIA’s interface with mob elements and in particular with what I have called the CIA’s global drug connection. [4]

>> No.21539419

You can just take one thing in that Programmed to Kill book and look things up about it, to test its overall seriousness. Do it yourself. I looked into the Bokassa stuff becaues I read French, and his speculations aren't credible. It's always like this with fringe conspiracy literature. Some day you get over the search for a thrill, and you start to read books that have at least a chance of being accurate.

>> No.21539720
File: 187 KB, 1127x1503, 20230117_181110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wendy Painting is maybe too fucking hot

>> No.21539825

mcgowan doesnt need to be correct for the FBI's "mindhunter" theory of serial killer origins to be discredited and of no explanatory use.
it's generally the case that looking into accounts in other languages sheds incredible light on crimes done outside of the english-speaking world. you can comb through thousands of FOIA documents here but you can also ask anyone from Korea, Vietnam, Thailand etc.
good readers do not hinge their investigation on any one scholar or researcher being spotless. either their methods give clarity or they muddy or mystify things.

>> No.21539985


>> No.21540013

Looks like the kind of girl that is excessively self-conscious and desperately craves validation and love while screwing up every relationship with unreasonable expectations, psychosis, and vulnerable narcissistic tendencies.

>> No.21540249
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>> No.21540388

That is not her

>> No.21540649

sounds pretty common. every person contains the entire psychopathology.

>> No.21540652

looking like a petco salon with all those furry profiles

>> No.21540813

What's JTF6?

>> No.21540821

When is Wendy's second book coming out anyways??

>> No.21540836

The moment I saw the author in this thread and the accompanying leddit faggotry I lost all interest in reading this book.

>> No.21540888

maybe a year, maybe sooner. sounds like research is mostly done, a fair amount being from Aberration's work. I think she's still tracking down a few people for interviews.

>> No.21540900


>> No.21541564

Hell yeah.

>> No.21541677

Your loss, newfag.

>> No.21541687

>The moment I saw the author in this thread
huh? where?

>> No.21541963

I hope she finds another publisher. Trineday seems like a shitshow.

>> No.21542176
File: 90 KB, 728x410, 88F737A9-51FB-4237-9F08-5F87C4B6324E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she cute

>> No.21542196

SJ = Subliminal Jihad? I couldn't get past episode 1 because of the host's grating
vocal fry

>> No.21542206

Sounds like the absolute drivel that would come out of an american humanities department.
Are ANY of the following names in the list of references: Lacan, Freud, McLuhan, Baudrillard, Barthes?
Commit it then to the flames.

>> No.21542677

What does any of this mean?

>> No.21542782
File: 349 KB, 600x875, 45f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alright so it was a setup and there are tons of existing literature on this topic except this one is a longform biography and some bullshit about a dentist and mind control tooth for the qtards
Not piqued

>> No.21542805

The hosts of one podcast about conspiracy theories (Subliminal Jihad) that are the children of US army intelligence officers accuses the hosts of another podcast about conspiracy theories (Trueanon) whose host fought with the Kurds in Syria of being a CIA op.

>> No.21542828


>> No.21543806

lmao at the full spectrum bullshit sent into one little history book thread

>> No.21543878
File: 40 KB, 329x500, 9780805086911-us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>75,000 iraqis killed, buried alive, then reburied
pic related would be a good companion book to Aberration

>> No.21543926
File: 512 KB, 1430x2000, silent sounds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the gulf war narratives really need to be rewritten. Aberration does a great work here.
pic related is from Military Neuroscience(2017) by Armin Krishnan

>> No.21544370


>> No.21544419

My favourite thing about conspiracy theorists is how as soon as they open their moves other conspiracy theorists accuse them of being "in-on it" which prompts counter accusations of them being an op to discredit the original person, which triggers counter-counter claims that they are...

>> No.21544502

Incredibly well-researched and well-written. The only semi-downside for many is that you have to have a relatively high IQ (~175) like myself to truly understand what's being said.

>> No.21545042

What on earth do you base this on?

>> No.21545329

Retard alert!

>> No.21546030

>he gave me a copy of the Turner Diaries

>> No.21546281

the publisher sure sounds like a retard in his foreword

>> No.21546307

The title. There is almost certainly some type of retarded media theory in it, based on the fact that "heartland of the real" is used in the title.

Yes, that's what was set off when reading the title, correct.

>> No.21546478

Khalid's grandpa was in the OSS, as was the Trineday founder.
But what's Dmitri's connection? Is it a step dad? i need to relisten to that episode.
Douglas Valentine had a relationship with a CIA director, but he did also write a revelatory book in his Phoenix Program.
This sort of CIA-sensitive analysis is going to get much tougher because theyre also kinda everywhere in every industry, but especially anything in the soft sciences, media, communication. The CIA, NSA, DOD, DOE give grants, salaries and recruit more broadly than is generally thought.

>> No.21547462
File: 504 KB, 2048x2048, 20221220_211913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP Terrance Yeakey

>> No.21547603

who's your favorite MK-ULTRA doctor?

>> No.21548181

free guns and truck inside, click here!

>> No.21548196
File: 125 KB, 852x494, Screen Shot 2023-01-19 at 7.56.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The title. There is almost certainly some type of retarded media theory in it, based on the fact that "heartland of the real" is used in the title.
It is from a Don DeLillo quote in Libra, see picrel

>> No.21548205

>By the evening of April 19, I started to get really concerned. The OKCPD was repeatedly broadcasting an All-Points-Bulletin to the five state area that there were three vehicles … a brown pickup truck, a blue Chevy Cavalier and another car, maybe an Oldsmobile or Buick. They were trying to keep state and region-wide law enforcement aware of the suspects and the vehicles. That evening, as we were working in the building or waiting outside of it to work again, they were still putting out a description of Persian males. They kept telling us they still had those vehicles under surveillance and said that one had headed south towards Dallas and the other two, in different directions. They had every law enforcement officer in the surrounding area and states looking for the three vehicles and they let us continue to believe that.… The guys with FBI raid jackets had become the kingpins on the scene. Everyone was begging them for information. The next afternoon I approached one of the “Agents In Charge” and I just happened to ask him, “Hey, what’s the deal with the cars?” And the FBI man says, “What cars?” And I said, “Uh … the pickup and the two cars” and he says “disinformation.” I said, “What?!” and he said it again “disinformation.” “What are you talking about?” I asked. He says, “We can’t tell the media everything we know about this.” I said “Okay. Well, but you’re telling law enforcement.” He said it again, “disinformation” and then just walked away. Now they deny broadcasting those descriptions but I do have a copy of the teletype that was issued. Years later, I asked various other law enforcement officers about it and they also remembered the APB’s being issued.

now this is spook kino

>> No.21548307

Looks like trash. The marketing of the book makes me suspcicious like it's very intentionally trying to tell a sensationalist, spooky story.
If you want to actually understand the CIA and contemporary espionage read real investigative reporting. Try, "Deception: the secret war between the CIA and the KGB" by Edward Jay Epstein

>> No.21548320

>about conspiracy theorists
>the CIA never does bad things despite the long well documented history of them doing freaky shit
Le muddying the water has arrived

>> No.21548441

do people around you consider you smart? were you sharper before the jabs?
itt is a book with real stakes, with evildoers very much alive and in the fogs of natsec blob-world. your recommendation arrives silly, unprepared and woefully anachronistic.

>> No.21548449

>book with real stakes, with evildoers very much alive and in the fogs of natsec blob-world.
Not interested in your kiddie ghost stories

>> No.21548465
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>> No.21548496

> discourses. These stories act as causes and solutions to physical
and psychological terror; many products of a covert sphere, knowledge of
which may help to distinguish between the signified and the signifier
(symbols of representation and that which is represented)
Yup trash, discarded.
Not denying that the CIA has and continues to do nefarious shit, but it's exactly as the other anon was suggesting some postmodern humanities drivel. Anyone who uses the word "discourses" like this is a certified tard.
Read real investigative reporting like the book I suggested.

>> No.21548516

>these cruel words are shrinking my balls
poor little pseud.

>> No.21548533

I am not fookin buying your book Tao lin, I mean, redditor female Wendy whoever you are

>> No.21548670

>woah bro like the Security State is the instantiation of the recording of the sign which inserts itself into the Petit Object A Ejaculation, which extends itself outward into the hinterland of The Real
Woah man .. so deep

>> No.21548674

This sounds like a fake Book title. Post more book titles like it.

>> No.21548695
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"discourses" seems very appropriate when much of the evidence lies in personal testimony, differing accounts, confirmations and contradictions on paper trails.
why fret over the idiom, "discourse?"
The McVeigh of popular imagination is fake, anon.
The humanities are perfectly suited to examining the bureaucratic documents, witnesses, biographical details, print and television materials.
McVeigh's sister, mother and initial defense team were all convinced he belonged to some secret domestic security world. His sister gave the FBI evidence, service records trusted to her by McVeigh for the purpose of verifying. And they were destroyed/never seen again.
What is one to make of that? These evidences are so glaring that one does not need expertise or specialization.

>> No.21548835

Explain how this language add to the understanding of the case:
>which may help to distinguish between the signified and the signifier
>(symbols of representation and that which is represented)
The relationship between the signifier and the signified--a concept she's borrowing from semiotics, doesn't really have much of any relevance here, and is clear empty posturing.
I'm not disputing the facts of the case, or the examination of potential involvement of the intelligence world. Those are all possibilities I'm willing to consider and keep an open mind about, I'm questioning the credibility of the author.

>> No.21548839

>medical documentation relevant to Gulf War syndrome experimental vaccine adjuvants were not stored in the building

>> No.21549002

Looks obnoxious.

>> No.21549310

Haven't read it in a few days and I'm feeling jealous of the anon posting pics so Imma bump this then go read..i just wanna say Tim McVeigh started out good..

>> No.21550048

I was also a little bit put off by some of the first pages with somewhat cringey jargon like "discourses" that I think is partly perhaps left in there from the time when this was a PhD thesis. Once the book starts proper (the prologue chapter) it is much more just a straight recounting of evidence from a vast range of sources and she is actually a pretty good story teller. I've only read about 10% of the book but can honestly say that beyond those off-putting "theory" lines and the idiotic publishers note at the front, it is quite good.

>> No.21550717

This thread glows ¿?

>> No.21550783
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Listening to the programmed to chill episodes rn. I'm scared to read the book because I know I'll just go insane. The fear of the logical realistic possibility that there was a guilty agent or that he was being watched and wasn't stopped is absolutely terrifying. If the government had any involvement with Oklahoma and 9/11 they are absolutely still doing psyops to this day, MLK, JFK, RFK? Fucking childs play. That was low-level street crime, McVeigh and 9/11 is the real gangster shit.

>> No.21550804

>Why does this book keep being shilled on here?
it's the new call of the crocodile

someone paid some Indian 5 dollars to spend the rest of their life shilling it

retards copy it thinking it's a meme

it isn't

>> No.21550825

>everything is a... le conspiracy

>> No.21550846

.00000001 rupees have been deposited into your account

>> No.21550921
File: 102 KB, 907x1360, Prophet of Evil by William Ramsey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this bro it will blow your lil mind. William Ramsey is just great all around, too.

>> No.21550990

Seems like shit you read after you've developed schizophrenia, I'm not quite there yet.

>> No.21551001


And this is what every shill then does. Fortunately they are all very obviously tourists.

>> No.21551002

Boo, too bad.

>> No.21551045

>someone paid some Indian 5 dollars to spend the rest of their life shilling it
top kek
doing the needful must suck

>> No.21551068

I suppose you can provide us with a list of approved literature then?

>> No.21551084

It's very tiresome. I heard about aberrations on Twitter originally because of a Twitter thread going over the evidence in the book, then I saw another unrelated person recommend the book. It's catching on for some reason. To act like a large amount of people being interested in something is because of a shill operation is so fucking retarded.

>> No.21551089

>To act like a large amount of people being interested in something is because of a shill operation is so fucking retarded.
Why? What you describe is exactly how shilling and viral marketing works.

>> No.21551097

You're only allowed to talk about certain shilled books here. And Brothers Karamazov and Blood Meridian, of course.

>> No.21551161

By this logic Sherlock Holmes was really a British government op to normalize the Scotland yard's power. By this logic the MCU is a US government operation to normalize American imperialism. The left and the right do this shit all the time and it's maddening. Having a conspiratorial explanation for everything without any grounded evidence only makes conspiracy theorists look crazy in the eyes of the public. Everyone believes Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone, that's because people have done research for decades proving there was a conspiracy.

The actual reality is everything gets shilled but most of it doesn't catch on, like that 90s show. Netflix is shilling it hardcore, but no one gives a fuck. But then something like Wednesday catches on big time and everyone talks about it for a week. Why did that show catch on? Idk I don't get normies, but to act like everything popular is an op is just deranged anti social type shit.

>> No.21551213

Aberration did change how I saw 9/11. suddenly an inside job becomes the more parsimonious explanation

>> No.21551217

So cringe

>> No.21551219

>By this logic Sherlock Holmes was really a British government op to normalize the Scotland yard's power.
Stopped reading there. Incredibly stupid and irrelevant analogue which you probably only used because Sherlock Holmes is the only literature you could think of.

Fucking tragic stuff.

>> No.21551236
File: 348 KB, 640x566, calspan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you, silly snickerdoodle.
People talk about things they like. That's why antisocial hives such as 4chan are kept buzzing. Can't have people liking eachother or certain unifying ideas.
Additionally, anything capable or fondness produces "spam." the idea theres some imageboard etiquette to be studiously observed else you become the bad user, that's manipulative pimp-talk bullshit. lmfao.
also, nice reddit spacing. who took over Ghislaine's Eglin AFB office?

>> No.21551243

>Sherlock Holmes is the only literature you could think of.
No you fucking cretin. I used Sherlock because he's the most popular literary character of all time. A global phenomenon. I used the MCU because they are also a global wide spread popular phenomenon. Yet I've seen people claim that the MCU is a CIA shill campaign. I'm just pointing out it's the same retard logic this anon is using. I could also bring up how people think that Beatles were a Jewish MI6 op. It's the same unfounded garbage conspiracy theorizing that undercut real conspiracies that actually happened. Real shilling actually does happen and it's not for some obscure from six years ago.

>> No.21551268

hey, anon. if you had some real smarty-pants contributions, and not these petty porn-fried bitchings, you'd be capable of persuading people.
ask yourself, who listens to dumb bitches?
what kind of insipid losers, seeing your post, would find there any clarity, acuity, anything of value?

>> No.21551279

any material analysis of contemporary crimes will invite the poorly informed to shout "conspiracy" because that's also what theyve done since the 1960s

>> No.21551364

didn't read lol
fucking idiots

>> No.21551394

>t. Blissfully unaware of how much DoD and CIA involvement there is in modern Hollywood
>t. Only can understand the world through Netflix analogies
This is a high IQ board, sir. 90 minimum.

>> No.21551476

>>t. Blissfully unaware of how much DoD and CIA involvement there is in modern Hollywood
>Takes real examples of the CIA and department of defense being involved in the media then applies them too broadly
Absolutely no denying there is a lot of media that has been used as American propaganda, Jack Ryan, Top Gun Maverick etc. But I don't see how Iron Man 1 being anti defense contractor is in the department of defense's best interest. Or what about call of duty showing American war crimes in black ops, I don't doubt our government has influence but to act like producers and creatives are just puppets for the government is just ridiculous.

>> No.21551942

lol youre so unprepared for what youre dealing with

>> No.21552025

limit hang out or somthing i guess, when they do polling about alot of the black ops warcrime stuff the public says they support it based on the way its presented as cool and ultimately needed

>> No.21552447

>opperman and booth both going mental in the past couple months

>> No.21552614


>> No.21552656


I watched an independent documentary about Oklahoma City a few years ago, and there sure is a hell of a lot that's fishy about it. The documentary makers went out and interviewed a lot of first responders, witnesses and law enforcement officials who have serious doubts about the official narrative. McVeigh's associates almost definitely contained FBI agents, the explosions didn't correspond at all to how a fertilizer bomb would work, and there was some very sus behavior from government officials during the attack and after. It's probably the one incident aside from 9/11 where the schizos are right about it being a gayop.


>> No.21552776

okcb people who have had public mental, crisis episodes recently. might just be old guys too chronically online but...

>> No.21552815
File: 162 KB, 1079x502, Screenshot_20230121-004735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should've just posted the screenshots dude lmao. He's losing it on the timeline rn. It's sad. He's just seething at Wendy spamming tweets every two seconds

>> No.21552832

Another twitter retard thread where twitter retards talk about themselves while pretending they're not them

>> No.21552995

can you imagine?

>> No.21552999

That would be crazy ha ha

>> No.21553476
File: 1.80 MB, 2743x2417, 20230120_013555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best thread on /lit/ rn
This is everything else I've been reading btw

>> No.21553487
File: 595 KB, 702x526, 1674181294350964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some books on how the real Paul McCartney is Dead and John Lennon is currently hanging out in Cuba with Elvis and Kurt Cobain, the Rolling Stones were behind the JFK assassination, the Grateful Dead were a CIA op. shit like that ¿?

>> No.21553537

>Grateful Dead were a CIA op
To what end? Making people smoke dope and listen to shitty music?

>> No.21553780

is security guard a /lit/ profession?

>> No.21553818

Im sorry, but thats a retarded title. Im proudly getting filtered by that.

>> No.21553829

see >>21548196

>> No.21554954

Mind control you goon
It's like Every Animal is Equal But Some Animals are More Equal Than Others. I didn't fully understand that phrase till years later.

>> No.21555129

Cant say about codblops because I don't play trash games.
Splinter cell, as a less shit example, did a lot of morally ambiguous stuff, but its always from a position of power fantasy where the US spookforce is My Team and good guys, and maybe sometimes they go over the line but The System Works and the worst actors are reigned in/disciplined from within the agency, so we don't needed civilian oversight see, and all those oopsies like Gitmo were alternatively Corrected From Within or Justified In The Moment because muh ticking nuclear bomb, and torturing bad guys looks cool anyway.

Its all a massive cultural psyop to normalize a few things
>celebrating the coolness and patriotism of spookforce
>utterly ignoring how spookforce's prior actions feed into a perpetual feedback loop of violence and terrorism
>muh gritty realism super serious grimdark worldview
>violence solves everything
>spygames and deceipt are cool and edgy and so smart
On the contrary, traditional public values of transparency, civilian oversight, nonintervention, peace, and a generally wholesome family-oriented and optimistic worldview that prizes peaceful compromise and diplomacy are what's getting replaced.
Bourne and Clancyshit and ZD30 and the like were the tip of the cultural spear.

>> No.21555146
File: 17 KB, 220x344, JFK_and_the_Unspeakable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this, watch the new, much better Olly stone doco.
I'd also say Death is just Around the Corner podcast had some great eps on this, then a bunch of schizorambling about Pynchon that are top shelf.

>> No.21555153

>replying to an obvious water muddying troll about their retard theories...

>> No.21555294

I mean Tom Clancy was in the army so it's not surprising he's pro American empire and all his work has that bend to it. Your point is still valid though.

>> No.21556218

Is this the Sneed thread

>> No.21556224
File: 658 KB, 1170x1316, pob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time someone gave me a reccomendation with vague idea about a book shilled here in omnius ways i ended up reading Call of the Crocodile. Im not falling for this shit again

>> No.21556230

you couldnt even be bothered to spell 'aberration' correctly. fuck off
not reading shit written by a woman.

>> No.21556235

no. fuck off

>> No.21556250

>canadian bestiary
is that some postmodern faggotry or actually takes itself seriously?

>> No.21556359

McGowan was generally on the right track, he just tended to exaggerate a lot of things and unfortunately that book has a lot of errors. The one about the CIA creating the counterculture movement was more accurate

>> No.21556548

DFW was a security guard at a software company, Lotus Development. It was after his stay in McLean so nbd

>> No.21556556

I‘m one and love it. Can‘t imagine going back to waging with no chance to read all shift.

>> No.21556959

Just reflexivly dialectize your bicermality toward your self immanent excluded inclusion a little bit more brah.

>> No.21557450
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>(((real investigative reporting)))

>> No.21557744

why is Jeffrey Toobin trying to connect the OKC bombing to January 6th?

>> No.21557764
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>> No.21557975 [SPOILER] 
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>alt-lit solidarity with okcb investigators

>> No.21558000
File: 76 KB, 803x530, tao lin on okcb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this redeem tao lin?

>> No.21558043

Is there a single piece of evidence suggesting the ITV article is real?

ITV is a tv station in Britain, it doesn't produce "articles" or have a news wire service. I've googled that quotation to find the source and it seems it's just something random conspiracy blogs have been referencing since 2003, without any source on ITV itself. Seems suspicious.

>> No.21558049

lol ask any iraqi you dumbass

>> No.21558081


>> No.21558088


>> No.21558105
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>> No.21558134

Doesn't mention ITV or subliminal messages etc.

The quoted page says something about an ITV "article" in 1991 which talked about high-tech weaponry which uses subliminal messages etc to affect Iraqi soldiers.

Googling this quotation in quote marks reveals no source from ITV or a mainstream history book etc, just a bunch of random conspiracy blogs and conspiracy books. Just seems made-up to me, especially since ITV is just a TV station and had no website at the time (probably), has no newswire service, etc.

>> No.21558230

It's actually very common for guys to join the military and go from zero dentist visits to 50 in a year or two to clear up a lifetime of not going to the dentist before it was paid for by the government.

>> No.21558235

An electronic warfare strategy as described isnt outside the "conventional" capabilities of the us military, leaving out the extras like subliminal psychotronics. the experience of contradictory, subversive orders, that ensuing chaos, what that would do to the psychology of those iraqis, you dont really need these extra "mind ray" solutions.
Tailored access to iraqi airwaves is nearly the same as beaming inside their heads. Maybe they played a version of the quake soundtrack, people dying. It's strange why one needs to invent this idiom of silent sound, as if the circumstances of war werent dire enough.

>> No.21558316

So.. is this book full of unsourced schizobabble?

>> No.21558370

please get some help, ed

>> No.21558603

>the MCU is a US government operation to normalize American imperialism.
The MCU is a US government operation to normalize American imperialism. If you don't know this then you should keep quiet while adults are talking.

>> No.21559020

tao lin is so fucking based fr

>> No.21559235
File: 544 KB, 1241x1946, s-jfk-ruth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superheroes were always at least inadvertently a power fantasy of a benevolent unelected violent elite maintaining order.
Whatever the original impetus from their creators, its not surprising the establishment jumped on the trend quickly and with big budgets.
Batman/Ironman being the penultimate, his sole superpower being extreme patrician money and unobtainable DARPA tech. Ties into consumerism/big tech worship nicely too.

That said, we are getting quite off topic.
Read JFK and the Unspeakable once you finish OP. The sheer weight of circumstantial evidence that connects it all to the CIA and mob is irrefutable. He doesn't go into JQ at all though, so it might upset the /pol/ set.
Then you can take a detour into The Age of Surveillance Capitalism, though it is not well written. Still a worthy read and names the CIA nonstop.

>> No.21559248

shut the hell up you bloody basterd!!!!!!

>> No.21559299

>He doesn't go into JQ at all though, so it might upset the /pol/ set.
The mob is jewish though

>> No.21559325

>By this logic Sherlock Holmes was really a British government op to normalize the Scotland yard's power.
Unironically during WW1 they paid guys like Kipling shitloads of money to use their influence to shill the war and government. You're actually pretty close to on the mark despite being a retard

>> No.21559408

It's kinda dull actually – not that much info; however there are some pretty cool illustrations. The collection by Eberhart is a thousand times better, and has way more detail.

>> No.21559420

Categorically no.

>> No.21559569

when is Wendy Painting going on Hot Ones?

>> No.21559714
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p450 of aberration

>> No.21559720

True but I don't think he harps on that much, nor Ruby's ethnicity. Its not a "the Jews did it" sort of book, and mossad never gets mentioned, nor anything to do with Israel, so I'm sure half this site will hate it for that.

>> No.21559736

What does this have to do with OKC?

>> No.21560010

Hell yeah.

>> No.21560375 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 777x887, Ff2MIrOagAAuydu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McVeigh, "lone wolf," types are said to be placid, peaceful, disassociated upon their apprehension, which is said to be a state common among those successfully remade by "Debility, Dependency and Dread," aka DDD, the shorthand for a modern military menticide technique said to be conceived by Dr. Jolyon West, an MKUltra psychologist.
Patty Hearst's confinement and torture remade her into militant "Tania." Whatever one makes of Sirhan Sirhan, Ellroy refers to him as "drooling," a far different candidate than a top-scoring special forces veteran with frontline combat experience. The VA alone makes its combat-sculpted minds available to psychosurgical experimentation.
What unites these different stories is not only the idea of psychologic techniques but excellence in however it is they do it: hypnosis, drugs, lobotomies, implants, Plague Vaccines I, II or III, all can be sophisticated implementations of long-studied solutions to behavioral problems.
Perhaps the hypnotizability of a McVeigh, like an unstable air frame, requires scheduled maintenance. Why you would install hardware might have to do with acquiring highly motivated personnel: many times you cannot pay them or motivate them to work for you if they choose no to. Guns to temples, as we did to marines in Viet Nam, work well enough when you need good, normal young people to do war crimes right now. But how do you systematize such power?
If you needed a longer operational span, more air time for McVeigh, maybe you needed him to help him dig deeper than his conscience could, see beyond his moral judgements, it becomes difficult to not fathom the DOD packaging together a PATCON pacemaker for their deep cover infiltrator.

>> No.21560417 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 777x887, Ff2MIrOagAAuydu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McVeigh, "lone wolf," types are reported placid, peaceful, disassociated upon apprehension, which is said to be a state common to those successfully remade by "Debility, Dependency and Dread," aka DDD, the shorthand for a modern military menticide technique conceived by Dr. Jolyon West, an MKUltra psychologist.
Patty Hearst's few days of confinement and torture remade her into militant "Tania." Whatever one makes of Sirhan Sirhan, Ellroy refers to him as "drooling," but he's a far different candidate than a top-scoring special forces veteran with frontline combat experience, like McVeigh. Aberration points out how the VA, by design, makes its combat-sculpted minds available to psychosurgical experimentation, medical opportunists, anyone with enough juice in town to test their gobbledygok in expendable soldiers. Many were shambling wrecks and if your quackery hurt them, who would even notice?
What unites these different stories is not only the idea of psychologic techniques but excellence these dark arts: hypnosis, drugs, lobotomies, implants, NDE, Plague Vaccines I, II or III, all can be sophisticated implementations of long-studied solutions to behavioral problems. Trauma and anxiety alone are said to increase someone's capacity to be hypnotized.
Perhaps the hypnotizability of a McVeigh, like an unstable air frame, requires scheduled maintenance. Why you would install hardware might have to do with acquiring highly motivated personnel: many times you cannot pay them or motivate them to work for you if they choose no to. There's no secret society holding McVeigh's wife or children. Plus, that has its limits too and maybe is ill-suited to clandestine security work.
Guns-to-temples is how we did marines in Viet Nam and it worked well when you needed normal young people to do war crimes right now. But how do you systematize such power? What if you need years and years of uptime?
If you needed a longer operational span, more air time for McVeigh, maybe you needed him to help him dig deeper than his conscience could, see beyond his moral judgements, it becomes difficult to not fathom the DOD packaging together a PATCON pacemaker for their deep cover infiltrator.

>> No.21560454

McVeigh, "lone wolf," types are reported placid, peaceful, disassociated upon apprehension, which is a state common to those successfully remade by "Debility, Dependency and Dread," aka DDD, the shorthand for a modern military menticide technique conceived by Dr. Jolyon West, an MKUltra psychologist.
Patty Hearst's few days of confinement and torture remade her into militant "Tania." Whatever one makes of Sirhan Sirhan, Ellroy refers to him as "drooling," but he's a far different candidate than a top-scoring special forces veteran with frontline combat experience, like McVeigh.
Aberration points out how the VA, by design, makes its combat-sculpted minds available to psychosurgical experimentation, medical opportunists, anyone with enough juice in town to test their gobbledygok in expendable soldiers. Many were shambling wrecks and if your quackery hurt them, who would even notice? That sort of exploitation generally goes back to the Manhattan Project, Slavery, etc.
What unites these stories is not only the idea of psychologic techniques but excellence in applying these dark arts: hypnosis, drugs, lobotomies, implants, NDE, "Plague Vaccines I, II or III," all can be sophisticated implementations of long-studied solutions to behavioral problems. Trauma and anxiety alone are said to increase someone's capacity to be hypnotized.
Perhaps the hypnotizability of a McVeigh, like an unstable air frame, requires scheduled maintenance. Why you would install hardware might have to do with acquiring highly motivated personnel: many times you cannot pay them or motivate them to work for you if they choose no to. There's no secret society holding McVeigh's wife or children. Plus, that has its limits too and maybe is ill-suited to clandestine security work.
Guns-to-temples is how we did Marines in Viet Nam and it worked well when you needed normal young people to do war crimes right now. But how do you systematize such power? What if you need years and years of uptime?
If you needed a longer operational span, more air time for McVeigh, maybe you needed to help him dig deeper than his conscience could, see beyond his judgement, it becomes difficult to fathom the DOD not packaging together a PATCON pacemaker for their deep cover infiltrator.
That photo shows an early version of such a system plugged into captured VC.

>> No.21561014

One of the main characters in the OKCB were the FBI –> US federal government, which we all know is defo involved in cruel dehumanizing shit like this, so it follows that they might have been involved in the OKCB (which they defo were) not just in a plain kind of way where they were monitoring these white supremacists and lost control of the situation, but rather that they were involved in a more obscure or even creepy or uncanny way. The book isn't just about the bombing or McVeigh but also tangential but related schizo-tier conspiracy theories that JUST MIGHT be true –but you never know. Dr. Painting makes sure to tell the reader how likely a scenario really is when she recalls it, by the way, so when something is spurious it's made obvious by the author herself.

>> No.21562246

meant to reply to >>21559736
As >>21561014 points out, the ease by which these institutions and agencies spend human lives is unique to them. They see death, even civilian death, as inevitable.
The grisly backgrounds of Aberration helps readers develop a sense for these programs as well as the everpresent people who develop the RFPs. You come to understand the whole story anew with each new capability. "Well if they can do this in 1945 with POWs, what can they do with their super soldiers, super spies."
There's a diabolical aspect you become wise to and you can't stop feeling persuaded, "yeah, they'd definitely at least try" when it comes to exotic, high-risk experiments involving surgical implantations, integrating man and machine.

>> No.21562271
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Hey, Anons, did anyone ever wrestle free a laptop out of your favorite author's arms and speed away in a vehicle, smashing her face in the process?

>> No.21562296


>> No.21562377

>visited the dentist more than two-down times between 1988 and 1990

>> No.21563384

>stimming yourself with a simple interpretation
It was more like 75 doctors, dental visits in one year alone. That's the basis to proceed from. These are mainly from army documents, iirc. Maybe they're a cover. But then a cover for what?
He was said to focus easily on television and readily absorb all its contents. McVeigh would recite TV pop culture readily. Why did he never mention the doctors visits? Did something make him disassociate?
Up to the end of his life, he was convinced, if you treat his words as sincere, that forces external to him, be it "The Major," or some other affiliation were going to come to his rescue.
I wonder if that misplaced faith is part of the programming package.

>> No.21563391

Where's the source for the "ITV article" I'm talking about though.

The author says that ITV "a television station in the UK" published an article about mind-control technology being used in Iraq. But ITV does not publish articles (or wouldn't have in 1991) and the only other places the author could have found that quote/source is a bunch of random conspiracy blogs. There is no evidence of any such article existing.

>> No.21563490

>S-Quad (Silent Sound Spread Spectrum)
These details are from Military Neuroscience and the Coming Age of Neurowarfare by Armin Krishnan but they are sort of tangential to some of the details of Aberration.
I haven't found more on the ITV episode in reference in the Bibliography but I'm probably missing something obvious.

>> No.21563531


Why do people focus so much on the schizo-tier brain implant idea, when there are so many verified inconsistencies in the government case. Like the dozens of witnesses who saw McVeigh during the preparation for the bombing with other, unknown, people who were never identified or charged. Or the other witness who saw McVeigh multiple times at a Christian Identity camp that was literally run by a federal informant. Or the fact that all of the security camera footage of the bombing itself was seized by the FBI and never released, even though they've admitted that the footage shows two men in the truck that day.

>> No.21563993
File: 144 KB, 907x1360, 71JpuccuUtL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How accurate is this text?

>> No.21564154

why cant i find this book on amazon

>> No.21564331

You probably live in a shithole country, I'm guessing. Try Book Depository or any other "regular" website.
This book is pure undiluted trash. Yeah the beginning has some truth in it what with the stuff about child s*x trafficking (look up the famous-yet-memoryholed Marc Dutroux case in Belgium in the 1990s) however it quickly goes off the rails, alleging stuff like serial killers are mind controlled government agents brainwashed by satanic ritual abuse-induced disassociated identity disorder – totally unsubstantiated stuff. It makes a joke out of real bits of truth (like SSA and child s*x trafficking really being real).

>> No.21564339

*SRA (satanic ritual abuse) not SSA
I didn't read very far into the book though so this is based on what I read plus what I've heard other anons say is stated later in the book.

>> No.21564361

lol what do you think whitey bulger was doing for the Boston FBI?

>> No.21564362 [DELETED] 

>Oh look at this astroturfed thread is full of twitter and discord troons who think the purest form of leftism is publicly sodomizing themselves while they clamor for state capital to pay for their castration and support thereafter, not realizing that their reactions to the spooks and constructs of the world are nothing more than reactionary bullshit no better than what right in America bitches about as well.
>Dmitri I know you're in here, stop hanging out with that rich theater kid who feels bad about coming from an Irish Catholic background where his ancestors sold out to Northeastern WASPs and now thinks he must rectify his bloodline by converting to Islam and acting like only Europeans can ever do anything bad. Fanon brainworms turning his mind to mush, choosing to ignore how Turks fucked over the Balkans and live on colonized land where they raped and pillaged Christians for centuries. Refusing to acknowledge Iberians were being fucked by the Arabs for centuries and automatically thinking anything done by Muslims/Arabs is LE HECKIN' BASED AND GOOD. Again, this is the other side of a Eurocentric viewpoint thinking only Europeans are capable of negative acts and the noble savage would've never done anything terrible to anyone ever.
>Y'all don't live in reality, and I personally can't wait until one of two things inevitably happen.
>1: Liberals use precedents and programs they made to put the looney right in check even harder on you and all we get is a population living on hormones as a subscription service while we all crumple and die due to insane microfractures from osteoporosis and come to deal with the residual effects of living with constant micro strokes.
>2: China absolutely crushes us in a war because they have an excess male population to throw at us while in the West we can't defend ourselves due to the traditional military serving class refusing to participate in colonial sodomy. Having unedcuated minority groups who come from toxic anti intellectual cultures and who only engage in academics when it's in a poorly constructed social vacuum that reinforces their idea of whitey being bad no matter what can only get you so far. The Chinese then proceed to show no mercy but allow us to all live equally in the wasteland of the country, which I guess is somewhat close to you misguided revolutionary goal of equity in outcome for all.
>I foresee seething troons coming at me for this. To this I say that you should really take a step back and review your politics. You guys clearly are on to some good shit, as showcased here with this book. However, much like the Hyperborean larpers you too miss the forest for the trees. No I will not elaborate. I'll say a prayer to God that both you and the knuckledraggers on the other side eventually come to.

>> No.21564379

meds meds meds

>> No.21564512

speaking of which, anyone have a copy of the correct non-fucked-with version of the book?

>> No.21564631

very very weird series of events with the initial misunderstanding on both sides and everything that he's been posting since(also lol that he's calling her fishy when he's been on trueanon)

>> No.21564654

there's a twitter thread wendy and jfg link to. there's a couple pages to check.

>> No.21564770


>> No.21564858

>non-fucked-with version of the book

>> No.21564873

from what I understand, the guy who runs Trineday has been releasing a version of the book that was parts either left unedited or actively changed.
The tweet thread I linked is one example where a sentence was completely altered to give a completely different meaning. Very sketchy desu, only have seen a few people with the fixed version of the book and I haven't seen any copies of it available digitally other than the fucked-with version

>> No.21564877

here's another: https://twitter.com/BirdWendy2/status/1584934462194094082

>> No.21564915
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many bad versions have this misspelling in the index, although apparently so do some good versions, per the author.
you have to check the epilogue to be sure.

>> No.21564918
File: 40 KB, 656x465, 20230123_224719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it says "cauldron of hate" in the epilogue thats the erroneous version.
i figure the bad copies will be worth more so hold onto them.

>> No.21564929

apparently the kindle version contained errors, even though they were said to have been corrected in 2016, they continued into 2021.
When Wendy was editing her book, she apparently had several different people in that role due to turnover, the last of which sent her a word document laced with computer viruses.
makes you wonder

>> No.21565029

Spelling 18's first name with -ph is cooler tho

>> No.21565597
File: 121 KB, 800x744, 1673290199503201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book is a trip.

>> No.21565995

Fake and gay

>> No.21566053

McGowan did not write his books according the standards of scientific literature, which is fine. It is a very specualtive nonfiction book.

"Aberration" on the other hand is cited like a doctor thesis, because it literally is one.

>> No.21566097

LMAO where my fellow TrueAnon heads at

I don't believe the accusation, but I DO believe that both podcasts hosts are at the very least Boogie-adjacent and have some family active in the MIC. Especially Liz and Khalid.

>> No.21566101

Jolly West for sure, though Mengele is my honorable meention

>> No.21566112

holy based. that stack is only missing Vladimir Ulyanov and Arnold McCoy to reach critical level if basedness.

>> No.21567483

>in the heartland of the real
This is trying too hard to evoke Baudrillard's philosophy. Why are academics such unoriginal fags?

>> No.21568215

Thank you my nigga.

>> No.21569148

The fucking what

>> No.21569230

>reasons emotionally
you'll always be a failed normie

>> No.21569369

the podcast host is a (((Marxist))) so that shouldn't surprise anyone at all

>> No.21569648

she also includes some information not in Aberration but likely in her follow-up book

>> No.21570747


>> No.21570968
File: 163 KB, 864x1558, Screenshot_20230125-093434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I read the dissertation or the book version?

>> No.21571110

you have to read both now lol

>> No.21572038
File: 69 KB, 564x840, 20221106_215251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice work, anons.
Wendy's sold out again on Amazon, and the Trineday website which takes some real effort and a very careless publisher.

>> No.21572553
File: 695 KB, 1284x1137, implant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes anon... it's time to blow up the pentagon
>you should read Catcher in the Rye again...
>you are angry, angry about [jews/blacks/whites/frogs]
>time to enjoy a tasty burger and a bottle of Coca-Cola from McDonald's (do do do do dooo i'm lovin it™)

>> No.21572993
File: 5 KB, 150x200, HHanjour0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hani had PROMIS chips in his noggin

>> No.21573002

What are some more "american decline" paranoia, style books?

I am thinking about one written by some anarchist. I think it was about liminal spaces of borders of american? anyone know the name?

>> No.21573203
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>> No.21573238
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>> No.21573247
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>> No.21574081

Awesome book

>> No.21574084

>book about America
yeah, no

>> No.21574086

??? Explain

>> No.21574273

Anybody finished the book yet? I'm only about 200 pages in but I'm hooked.

>> No.21574475

having fun with the subject material.
hani hanjour isn't part of Aberration, but his descending corkscrew maneuver that struck the pentagon is interesting

>> No.21574486

>Why does this book keep being shilled on here?

Whenever anything gets shilled alot on 4chan its safe to say there's a spook behind the keyboard.

>> No.21574500

So he was a patsy is what you're saying? Do go on.... Also do you think Aleister Crowley had anything to do with it??

>> No.21574513

Wendy is about to be upgraded to the F. Gardner tier with all this shilling. What do you want so bad, kek
Are you lonely?

>> No.21574541

It's unironically more than one person. At least two. I know this because I'm one of the biggest shillers but not the original one, I just heard of it on here, thought it was cool and started shilling it, and then I guess the original guy joined.
Hey other guy, where are you getting your info on Dr. Painting from, anyways? Google gives me nothing. And who is Ed Opperman? I'm starting to really think there are feds itt now.

>> No.21574786

Gimme Wendy's contact so I can hook up with her. I'm looking for an anxious, attention starved psychotic BPD schizo GF to make my life living hell and accentuate my extreme insecurity and hikikomori NEET lifestyle.

>> No.21574830

I got meme'd into buying and Evan Dara book. I bought Flee. Souldn't even finish it. What a shit book. I understood later it was being shilled by Evan dara himself.

>> No.21575014

Ed Opperman is a podcaster who has interviewed many notable authors. Lisa Pease, Wendy Painting, several other podcasters that went on to build big audiences, its a long list. His guest list includes a diverse group, many conspicuous police but that's a plus imho.
That said, police are only going on a podcast that's behind the thin blue line with them, somebody, a "straight shooter," like Ed

>> No.21575048

you were supposed to buy Aberration in the Heartland of the Real: The Many Lives of Timothy McVeigh, an astonishing literary gem that exudes from any randomly opened page all kinds of terrible, menacing truths.
You think about Cornel Aeronautics with your coffee and snooze off to sequences of Wendy in hip waders hoisting onto her kitted canoe the muddy coffin-sized box, smearing readable "FIM92G."
"Number three."

>> No.21575275

Alternatively, Occam's razor, its a marketing campaign.
>but PR firms would never touch 4chan because le edgy Nazis
Assumptions tsk
You're on a social media site that concentrates a lot of schizos and conspiracy types. Why wouldn't a publisher spend a few bucks to shill a schizoid conspiracy book on it? This is like $10 worth of advertising that will probably generate a few dozen sales and build WoM.
>it must be feds
That's why this is a great place to sell.

>> No.21575291

I will not fantasize about you Wendy, sorry. I may buy your book though.

>> No.21575299

It's just terminally online autismos. There's Occam's Razor for you.

>> No.21575794

She looks like a molerat anon

>> No.21575879

molerats might be Wendy's animorph because each is able to see in darkness

>> No.21575973
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Anons, if you were packing a field lunch and snacks for Wendy Painting, what would you include?
Assuming no major allergies, I'd cut up some fruit and cheese, definitely crudités, her favorite animal protein wrapped up burrito/schwarma style, and at least two different trail mixes. For sure a thermos of tea.
If the Dr. said there's room, we could bring some ice packs or dry ice and keep vegetable sushi crispy. Maybe smoked fish, cured meat Anythings possible with refrigeration.
This answer inevitably depends on what kind of on-the-road breakfast you consume as you vector towards idiolectic placenames, numerical ciphers, razed and longrested ruins.

>> No.21576069

Poor Wendy. She only wants to expose the truth.

>> No.21576075


>> No.21576086

>I will not fantasize about you Wendy

>> No.21576699

wendy got more astral stans guarding her than fort knox

>> No.21576711

Surprisingly good thread. Just the right amount of autism in just the right way

>> No.21576718

Timothy McVeigh was a fed. Simple.

>> No.21577064

mortadella or soppressata on brioche, hefty folds of bibb, pasta salad, blueberry cornbread, dates, candied bacon
the real cherry on top would be the googly-eyed food picks peaking up from bun crests

>> No.21577069

goat rogan josh, onion bhaji, garlic naan

>> No.21577262

try other search engines. Yandex is good.

>> No.21577284

Don't forget the vegas shooting

>> No.21577871

Yeah about that. The windows COULD be opened from the inside, right? So much disinfo surrounding that case. Hmmm maybe an idea for Wendy's 3rd book??

>> No.21578733

does wendy sell any Aberration merchandise?

>> No.21579134

For a tranny... sort of.

>> No.21579178

Not every woman is a tranny you coomer.

>> No.21579197

The US is eavesdropping on every digitalised conversation in the world and you think that they wouldn't realise something is going down?
Don't be naive bros, they always know

>> No.21579646

i like how this stays up for 11 days but a thread that was active only stays up for 1 1/2 days
ask me how i know this thread isn't organic

>> No.21579843


>> No.21579901

>visited the dentist more than two-down times between 1988 and 1990
I don't doubt any allegations but you should be going to the dentist at least once a year, but ideally twice for cleanings, and being an adult you'd likely go for root canals or cavities who became too painful a third time now and then.

>> No.21579922

these tomes are selling like Jolly West's famed hoe cakes tho

>> No.21581427

i believe DFW addressed this in his speech "this water" where he teased a similarly churlish heckler to, "be a little less gay in your speech."

>> No.21581545

It was more like 75 times actually. And he had no problems before the Army, even untreated ones – the book says his teeth were fine when he signed up and after the first round of vaccinations his gums started to bleed and after that he lost more than half his teeth in very short order. In the 3 years he was in the Army prior to the Gulf War he lost over half his teeth which had had no problems prior to the shots. The temporal relation is very telling.

>> No.21581570

McVeighs are the most commonly entubed germplasm in the US space fleet.

>> No.21581642

Can someone clue me in here. I've never looked into this in detail.
So Timmy is a fed. Timmy partakes in what, some ritual killing of feds, to what end exactly? I recall OKC being a watershed moment where the far right had been under attack from an increasingly militant pre-DHS assemblage of the fasc, Ruby Ridge Waco and all, then it felt like the feds backed off after it bit them back. Maybe my timeline is mixed up, but I certainly don't recall them getting much out of this at the very least, actual expansion of authority would have to wait for 9/11.

Also, I don't believe any feds were such believers as to martyr themselves for the cause, so how do they get a team member to go the distance to the chair for them? I don't recall any Oswaldisms about being a Patsy from Tim, seems if he was a fed he stuck to his part til the end.
Just doesn't add up for me.

>> No.21581715

There was probably a psychological operation aspect to it.
Also recommended reading in this vein: Chaos by Tom O'Neill.

>> No.21581721

>martyr themselves
Or rather they were unwitting victims.

>> No.21581729

Read this: https://theintercept.com/2019/11/24/cia-mkultra-louis-jolyon-west/

>> No.21582322


>> No.21582860

So what's the deal with her publisher? Why were copies sabotaged?

>> No.21582910

>Also, I don't believe any feds were such believers as to martyr themselves for the cause,
Most feds are just regular pencil pushing wagies and grunts. They don't know what's going on behind the scenes and they believe that they're just normal law enforcement. High level feds consider them expendable resources, to be killed if necessary, for their 4d chess games.

>> No.21582938

why did a Trineday editor send her a copy of her manuscript laced with computer viruses?

>> No.21583342

Read Aberration in the Heartland of the Real: The Many Lives of Timothy McVeigh.
the official McVeigh narratives are suspicious, unreliable. more important are the people around McVeigh who are trained professionals in the use of explosives:
>Roger Moore
>Andreas Strassmeir
Also worth noting
>Jack Oliphant
>Dave Halloway (pilot who helped Strassmeir escape US)
both had long careers with the CIA, and God knows who else

>> No.21583349

anon asked to what end.

>> No.21584543

Apparently this West guy was involved in the trial, along with those of sirhan and ruby... Hmmmmmmmm

Jolly demiurge

>> No.21585154

4chan expert in da house

>> No.21585398
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>plutonium injections
>ZnCdS fogging of urban locations
>top secret toxic military waste
>mRNA genetic mandates
>drone warfare
>economic sanctions
>grenading or doorgunning pregnant women, elderly, children in Viet Nam
>drop guns as SOP in Afghanistan, Iraq
>using the Phoenix Program on labor activists around the world
>friendly fire
Historically, the Department of Defense cannot treat civilian casualties as special. As an institution they understand civilian deaths are inevitable. For every official battle on record, there's more than a few state-sanctioned murders and disposals. Why?
Great question, but it dances around how security types in the United States embrace an ontology that embraces death as essential to their goals. Why did Americans kill so many of eachother in the invasion of Grenada, Desert Storm? Does the DoD care? Why murder civilians to pump up fake body counts? Why not just fake them in the body count computer?
Institutionally, these things barely register beyond any passing interest of civilian oversight.
Generally, people educated in the United States have trouble fully dwelling in the "Colonial" mindset present in all USG actions. NATO, Five Eyes, these are ways of pooling all the powerful colonial techniques learned from French and German and British and Spanish experience, and making them codified and ready for action for US defense professionals.
Beyond "because they can," I don't really understand the settler colonial perspective. But the USG is just a public symbol and the real enemies are the old money who leverage these institutions for their fortunes.

>> No.21585805


>> No.21586368

Kanye posted it on his insta

>> No.21587037

it's better than anything else posted here.
i cant wait to share the good news with each and every cloistered thread of eager /lit/ readers.
they deserve better, you feel me?

>> No.21587831

some spicy meatballs

>> No.21587860

whats your favorite Holy Shit moment in Aberration, OP?

>> No.21588005

how do i subscribe to the secret zine?

>> No.21589367

go hang by the corner on 14th and elm. try not to look suspicious. buy a pack of wrigley's spearmint and nothing else from the bodega nearby. when a white pickup with arizona plates slows down by the curb, lean in and offer the driver a piece

>> No.21589876

We need to read more female authors

>> No.21590202
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>> No.21590358

I'm curious what the guys behind OKC were doing previously.
Were they behind the Years of Lead and the false flag bombings in Italy too, or at least did they puck up some of that talent?
That was all P2 stuff, which in turn was heavily interwoven with Intel agencies, which in turn was part of Operation Gladio, which was a CIA and MI5/6 run thing.
I think they got their kicks in Europe while the heat was on after they did JFK and eventually Congress went after them (member when Congress had a modicum of independence), so a lot of their bs got shut down, expatriated (safari club), eventually the cold warwound down, the heat back home was off, they came home, "well what should we do now?"
Trial run in OKC, main show 9/11.

>> No.21591191

This is the first time I'm seeing it posted on /lit/.

>> No.21592105
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very cool

>> No.21592347

because OP is either a janny in control of this thread (and in control of *when* it gets deleted) or janny knows the author of the book and is taking bribes in exchange for leaving the thread up to promote said book.
Welcome to venality.

>> No.21592475

try to see the world beyond the idioms of this board, anon. many people live elsewhere.
this book is extraordinary and wonderfully written.
compare this to the ceaseless astroturfing that predominates here and traps all user experience in the same pit, so much so that you deceive yourself, avidly.

>> No.21592488

welcome to schizophrenia

>> No.21592827

>it's totally normal for a slow thread to stay up for over 2 weeks, while active threads get deleted after a day or two
you're naive if you think this thread isn't being actively promoted by a janny

>> No.21592878

My theory is its just some schizo chud bumping it off of page 10 once a day.

A two week old thread like this is fucking strange though.

>> No.21592951

i was in the middle of an active thread that had only been up for 1-2 days, got shut down as i was typing a post. It wasn't my thread OP either.

>a two week old thread is strange though
exactly. And it's a handful of posts a day, it's not that active. It's being promoted for some reason.

>> No.21593091

>No don't trust that source, that source is controlled by higher powers with great influence and reach!
>Instead trust this source, which somehow these higher powers have no control over despite supposedly having great influence and reach!

How do braindead conspiracytards reconcile how all information and narratives are controlled but somehow only they have come across the TRUTH using such mainstream methods that are easily monitored and controlled?

>> No.21593116
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>> No.21593132

i'm not going to defend your strawman.

>> No.21593162

That was my best faith interpretation of how you selectively view information
Do you have an even more charitable version that makes sense or?

>> No.21593173


>> No.21593178

noooo you don't get it dude
they purposely reveal the truth out in the open because there's nothing you do about it/to taunt you/part of a ritual
there's always a good reason

>> No.21593181


>> No.21593187

who alleges TPTB have near complete control of all sources of information? i don't know anybody like that man, i don't really post on /x/ or smoke meth

>> No.21593201


>> No.21593202

read guy debord, anon

>> No.21593222

youre describing any institutional power. doesnt have to be the manhattan project. radio and tv production are controlled by similar structures, generally a few select universites that get authority on these subjects

>> No.21593238

I guess the point I'm getting at is the actual answer to the question "how is the "truth" so readily available to public via mainstream means if it's so damning and incriminating?"
Always get the response of "well there's nothing you can do about it so they don't care" and by following that logic to it's natural conclusion you get to "if there's nothing you can do about it, why aren't they going MORE extreme?"

This conspiracy stuff is all valid, but it's not sound.

>> No.21593254

> I'm scared to read the book because I know I'll just go insane. The fear of the logical realistic possibility that there was a guilty agent or that he was being watched and wasn't stopped is absolutely terrifying. If the government had any involvement with Oklahoma and 9/11 they are absolutely still doing psyops to this day, MLK, JFK, RFK? Fucking childs play. That was low-level street crime, McVeigh and 9/11 is the real gangster shit.

The human brain seems hard-put to imagine a systematically deceiving and gaslighting, malevolent cryptocracy (shadow government, a form of government where the real leaders are hidden, or their doings and intelligence agency plots covered up). Most people prefer docility and act like docile livestock when it comes to stuff like this, or willfully ignorant (“see no evil hear no evil say no evil”) because to look into it is to look into a Nietzschean abyss which looks back into you.

Also if you keep in mind the social determinants and defining of mental illness, to appear insane to society is, functionally, for most intents and purposes, the same as “to be insane” for most people. Hence, looking into stuff like this can indeed make you “insane” unless/until you learn to properly veil your true beliefs and your knowledge of this from others who don’t want to hear it.

>> No.21593256

why are you so keen on getting threads deleted

>> No.21593281

why try to bury anything? ever heard of the streisand effect? if you have important people working at major journalistic outlets then what facts you decide should be reported will define nearly all of its discussion for any happening. the rest of the discussion had will only occur on the fringes of the internet like here, where nothing will ever come from the knowledge.

>> No.21593286


>> No.21593305

more the opposite. I'm more keen on getting active threads kept up.
while at the same time extremely curious how this gets to stay up (if there's a common sense reason, i'd love to hear it so i can implement in future threads)

>> No.21593308

>the rest of the discussion had will only occur on the fringes of the internet like here, where nothing will ever come from the knowledge.
There it is, the default answer
>There's nothing you can do about it anyway
Their power isn't just information, it's money, firepower, institutions etc.
If you're going to say there's nothing you can do anyway, then you need to apply it fully to all aspects of their power.
Why aren't we all in actual cages? Why aren't military going door to door getting rid of bad people? Why are we being forced to do things by actual straightforward violent means?

Apply your logic fully, you can't fucking pick and choose when you're main point is how powerful the government

>> No.21593310

Why are conspiracy books so much more expensive than regular books?

>> No.21593313

After seeing these mentally ill posts I'm starting to believe the government themselves are pushing these theories to make you schizos susceptible to misinfo and priming you to live your life exactly the way they want.

>> No.21593321

conspiracy theory industry only exists to make money off of retards

>> No.21593343

To be fair all book sellers are trying to make money.

>> No.21593370

you just completely rewrote my argument, thanks anon, again I'm not interested in defending your strawman. spooks don't control information, they have mastered discussion and exposure.
>Why aren't we all in actual cages? Why aren't military going door to door getting rid of bad people? Why are we being forced to do things by actual straightforward violent means?
what a crock anon, why would they? how could they? how did you get any of this shit from me saying intelligence agencies are actively involved in american media? it's a complete non sequitur.

>> No.21593401

> Maybe my timeline is mixed up, but I certainly don't recall them getting much out of this at the very least, actual expansion of authority would have to wait for 9/11.

They did something of a precursor to the post-9/11 Patriot Act after the OKC bombing, called the

> the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act (AEDPA), a 1996 federal law that enhanced penalties for terror-related crimes and sought to streamline the federal appellate process for claims arising out of state criminal cases.

Fun fact: this actually started as the

> The Omnibus Counterterrorism Act of 1995, or US Senate bills S.390 and S.761.[1] were two bills introduced by Senator Joe Biden and Senator Tom Daschle on behalf of the Clinton Administration on February 10, 1995.

Immediately after and in response to the OKC bombings, didn’t get passed by Congress in that exact form but reincarnated as this substantially similar AEDPA a year later. Since we already have our thinking/tinfoil caps on in this thread, if you can conceive of a cryptocratic elite, shadow government, deep state or what you will running very long-term gradual plans of subversion and infiltration of all aspects of American life (if not European, and globally in general) to establish their control and eliminate/target all dissenters, this is a very plausible puzzle-piece of that plot.

>Cooper, William Milton in the index
Holy based. He also thought the OKC bombing was a false flag or FBI setup for a similar ultimate end-goal and wrote and spoke about it before being unceremoniously killed by the U.S. government shortly after 9/11 (which he also predicted and called out as a false flag terror attack).

> and mossad never gets mentioned, nor anything to do with Israel, so I'm sure half this site will hate it for that.
/pol/ does just as much to discredit themselves, the truth, and conspiracy theories in general as they do to help spread info on it. Israeli intelligence and military, the Mossad, and the ADL running cover-up for it is a fascinating and significance piece of it all, but the real “redpill” is bigger than just that and doesn’t have to be exclusively centered around that.

>> No.21593419

Not often backed up by big printing presses, literary agents and the reviewers in the mainstream media giving laudatory praise of them, for the obvious reason that they go against the Narrative. Hence, they probably have to raise prices to make it worth it for themselves and make sure to recoup money for all the effort and time poured in and the printing, designing and marketing of the books themselves.

>> No.21594218

>Don't forget the vegas shooting
I've been thinking about that case alot since starting Abberation. A connection between arms dealing and Vegas has been speculated about a lot. With Wendy finding Roger Moore in the McVeigh narratives it occurred to me there was probably a similar figure behind Paddock. A government connected suspect who can't actually be perused because he's too powerful.

>> No.21594248

>a stinger behind every bush

>> No.21594430
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>this Wednesday, anons
please check out the Programmed 2 Chill podcast. there's going to be new revelations about the case.

>> No.21594464

good thread. cheers mira. take care "out there"
beware of darkness

>> No.21594520

I'm like five pages in and a bunch of fan favourites like ft. Bragg and Jolly West have already shown up, this is gonna be a fucking ride, isn't it?

>> No.21594729

youve a great book ahead of you. i hope we dont have to wait too long for her next book

>> No.21594745

Boompa hey