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File: 744 KB, 702x691, Andrew-Tate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21534994 No.21534994 [Reply] [Original]

Would Julius Evola consider Andrew Tate to be an aristocrat of the soul?

>> No.21535006


>> No.21535018


>> No.21535072

Why not?

>> No.21535087
File: 53 KB, 828x804, 1661893401262061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minorities dont have souls. This is shown by their crass need for expensive goods they percieve as status symbols.

>> No.21535088
File: 11 KB, 486x544, 7AB59BF6-DADF-4B44-8158-4D7BFC7754E5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21535101


>> No.21535114

What about the roman aristocrats and nobility who used the highly expensive imperial purple color to dye their clothes for the exclusive intent of showcasing their social/political status? There are hundreds of examples like this going back to ancient times, its just human nature wanting to display your status in the hierarchy.

>> No.21535133

They werent doing to soliciate attention, donations and subscriptions. They wielded power, authority and law. This man is the personification of the slave mindset, he says what he thinks people want to hear and hopes to be rewarded for it.

>> No.21535146

He is an overcompensating insecure faggot. An aristocrat of the soul is at peace with himself and the world, and yet knows how to navigate through life efficiently and effortlessly to achieve his goals. Not chimpout like a nigger at the slightest stimulation.

>> No.21535150

aristocrat of the soul who doesn't read, doesn't cook, and talks about his money non-stop.

>> No.21535160

i fucking hate this board

>> No.21535171

tell me zoomzooms, why do you obsess about this zero value gypsy grifter?
you just know this retard doesnt understand how to wipe his own ass or tie shoe laces
you just know that without daddy money, he would be one of those homeless junkies struggling to calculate 2 and 2
just dont see the appeal

he either inherited his money which takes 0 merit, or stole it from mentally ill zoomzooms which also requires 0 merit
you just know he is losing 93% of his income on day ONE (1) because he has to finance his toy car rentals, and you listen to such subhuman for your financial advice?

i dont know a single example of a smart man blowing cash on toy cars

>> No.21535186

You have not met the asshole rich white guy.

>> No.21535197

What is the color of your Bugatti

>> No.21535206

Andrew Tate died 2 years ago from overdosing on coke and his soulless corpse had been animated by pure hedonism and capitalistic propaganda ever since. He is a lich fueled by stealing other people’s money and his own ego.

>> No.21535208
File: 35 KB, 300x296, 833e7428a0eab750153e042a5f474b59--the-sopranos-mobsters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A toast, to TOP G!

>> No.21535214

Whoever loves pleasure will be a poor man; he who loves wine and oil will not be rich.

>> No.21535217

Purple and it’s a hot wheels.
Imagine working yourself to near death to buy a shitty luxury car that youll crash in two years.

How are you gonna read more books then?

>> No.21535220

I have a 2000 toyota that will outlast anything an Italian hand has touched.

>> No.21535225

This world is ruled by signs and symbols, not words or laws.

>> No.21535226

Sometimes I drink olive oil out of the bottle in hopes it will activate my Roman blood.

>> No.21535232

Tate’s a pimp. He never could have outfought Santino. But it wasn’t until today that I realized it was Brazini all along.

>> No.21535254
File: 139 KB, 800x1095, 800px-Thomas_Carlyle_lm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He does not know how to smoke cigars, everytime i see him with one he relights the end to get a big draw of smoke. He ruins it every time. He is a crude chimp aping the behavior of greater men, yet understands none of it.

>> No.21535260
File: 354 KB, 2048x1344, 44CC6DF9-B8DF-476B-8292-E166865794AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people on 4chan have been cut off from regular social interactions outside of obligatory ones like school or work (if even that) and thus have a distorted sense of normalcy or inherent value in people. They jump to insane generalizations of women and other men because they themselves are not included in those peoples' endeavors or social circles. To rationalize this discrepancy, they trick themselves into thinking they are not allowed into these "normie" (their word, not mine) social circles because they CHOSE to not be a part of them, on some sort of philosophical or political ground. They get attached to guys like Andrew Tate because they are so distorted in their view of reality by being excluded, they think Tate is a sort of outlier, when in fact he is just as materialistic and shallow as the "normies" these men claim to have voluntarily distanced themselves from.

If they didn't choose to be such weird incel outcasts, they'd soon realize how you can be a weird fucking nut job psycho special snowflake and still congregate with normal people so long as you know how to navigate the social realm and when to speak and when to shut the fuck up and let the normal people trip themselves up.

Oh, and incels are secretly gay (they don't even know this themselves) and Tate is their subconscious daddy.

>> No.21535275

Why would I want a Bugatti?

>> No.21535281

it depends. his criteria is so flimsy and contradictory that it just boils down to
>do I like this guy?

>> No.21535441
File: 90 KB, 824x983, 1673386853441143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4channers like Tate
>incel incel incel
>picture of le failed coup man
What kind of bait is this?

>> No.21535447

He would hate him. He eventually lost faith in fascism, for being too materialistic.

>> No.21535457

>just don't have autism, bro

>> No.21535604


>> No.21535617

They are seizing his assets. He doesn't have a bugatti either.

>> No.21535636

Having trouble even understanding what you're trying to say.

>4channers are loners
>this leaves them with cartoonish idea of normie culture
>they see tate as an example of counter culture who hates normies
>they don't realise most normies are like tate (materialistic and slightly sexist)

I think this is what you're saying, but as the classic twitter post goes, you are making up a kind of guy to get mad at.

>> No.21535644


>> No.21535675

>showcasing their social/political status
who has more status in a classroom, the rich kid or middle class chad bully, the highest form of status is when you don't need to show it at all, naturally this gets co opted by losers, like for example the sigma male meme