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21530917 No.21530917 [Reply] [Original]

Good book for debate? so I can win some random arguement

>> No.21530935

You makum thread? Good request book want? You win lots argument, big brain zoom zoom

>> No.21530943

mein kampf

>> No.21530953

Just ask questions instead of trying to make points. Most of the time the other person will hang themselves and when they don't you will end up learning something and chances are you will learn something either way.

>> No.21530957
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>> No.21530961

The Organon

>> No.21530978

Why shouldn’t I make points? Isn’t introducing good counterpoints a sound way to get to a crux?

>> No.21530990

If your concern is winning random arguments you probably are not very bright, asking questions will help remedy that.

>> No.21531021

Alright I have a lot to learn it seems. I’m not usually interested in shit flinging but it seems that’s where most arguments end up for me

>> No.21531044
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Unironically spend a while on the more argumentative boards. This whole site is a bootcamp for arguing as long as you don't spend all your time on the few legitimately friendly boards like /c/ or /wsr/. My arguing skills have improved immeasurably from daily browsing of boards like /his/ where every fucking thread turns into an argument at some point or another

>> No.21531056

The big problem with making points is that you have no ability to control how the other person will take your intention, you may intend it as a way to reach consensus but it may very well just put the other person on the defensive and derail everything in shitflinging. If all that is at stake is ego than the argument is not worth having, have a conversation instead, ask questions, answer questions asked.

>> No.21531187

Aristotle, Rhetoric
Also this >>21530957

>> No.21532845

How to Win Every Argument: The Use and Abuse of Logic
Book by Madsen Pirie
Sophists don't get yous

>> No.21533206
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This is all you need.

>> No.21533209

Many good book. so you can win arguement. Read good book for debate. so you can win arguement

>> No.21533275
File: 1.30 MB, 3553x1275, pysdnga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

praise jesus

>> No.21533305


>> No.21533340

this, very much this

>> No.21533409


>> No.21533410


>> No.21533416

>Unironically spend a while on the more argumentative boards
Unironically don't do that. Learning to argue on 4chan is like learning to pick up women from incels... with significant overlap.

>> No.21533502

only if you're dumb
this is unironically the best place on the internet for pretty much everything except normal socialization, if you have high enough iq to pick out relevant patterns among the ocean of shit
and also the moment you learn something you see it applied(and/or refuted) everywhere around you, be it a new fact or a new behaviour in a debate

>> No.21533509

This guy is right. This isn't exactly getting at it, but think about how you have to mine for gold, or learning by watching what others do in their failing and extrapolating better options and methods and then experimenting with them. Believe it or not anon, there is good shit in bad books if you know how to strip off the paintjob.

>> No.21533567

know wtf you're talking about or don't 'debate'

>> No.21533618
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If you just want to win in an argument, it's pretty much this. >>21530957 Just a good book in general, also.

>> No.21533656


>> No.21533665
